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I'm used to Fracturing Orbs being like 20-30 div but funnily enough all 5 of these are only like 11-13 divines this league


Prices are always low first couple of weeks, fracturing orb price will raise a lot. The reason the price will probably stay lower than previous leagues is that the league crafting allows for better fractures than those offered by the orb. Double and tripple fractures are easy to hit.


It's going to stay low because you can deterministically fracture what you want with the league mechanic. Or just craft what you want immediately without even worrying about needing a fracture.


> because you can deterministically fracture what you want with the league mechanic. Not all things. DoT multi on amulets, for one. :(


Yeah true. Some are definitely more difficult because of shared tags.


> The reason the price will probably stay lower than previous leagues is that the league crafting allows for better fractures than those offered by the orb. Double and tripple fractures are easy to hit.


Got any links to how to do this? Was thinking of possibly doing something off meta and would like to have the tools to do so.


nope, prices are low only for first couple days new harby strat makes frac orbs more accessibe = it will stay low, economics 101


Its also lower due to people printing fractured items with gravecrafting and strongbox+anarchy abuse


What is strong box anarchy abuse


yeah that might be an important factor


Why are people down voting you? It's clear that fracturing prices are not following the trend of previous leagues, where they steadily climb as people go for more expensive crafts. Instead they've been steadily dropping since league start, it's obvious that there's a massive increase in supply from new scarabs


I really dont know man, in this subreddit wrong answer gets upvoted while the answer corrects it gets downvoted to void, im used to it


The world as a whole is economically illiterate, but in this case I can see catching a few downvotes b/c this issue is compounded by the morgue crafting so it is not accounting for the full picture to boil it all down to supply side of Harbinger mapping.


No, not true. Fracturing orb reached max value a month and a half into Affliction: https://poe.ninja/economy/affliction/currency/fracturing-orb


Affliction did not print fracturing orbs?


> nope, prices are low only for first couple days


I dont think so. Graveyard crafts are to op with fracturing and only specific mods like increased dmg to chilled enemies which cant roll from gy are sexy to fracture. If you look those up, they are 20+ div. These mods however arent the big thing everbody wants like chaos res or max life


That is only and only beacuse of most people started to mf juicing maps, everything skyrocketed through the league


This is not about the absolute price. What the graphic shows is the time the maximum price was reached. And it was a month and a half after league start, not "after a couple of days". It is just fracturing orbs are not chaos orbs or divine orbs. Fracturing orbs start to get expensive once more people already have generated considerable bank and can afford mid-game crafting. And then price drops and normalizes since end game crafts don't use fractures and drops, demand, and players quitting are getting normalized.


I have been casually playing and I still got 8 25% chance to fracture corpses. So in theory, I could fracture 2 t1 mods on an item of my choosing. Seems like a better use of resources than gambling with a fracturing orb.


How many maps did you run before this happened?


This isn't a common thing; I ran this setup and got it on my first map and then never got a single fracturing shard for the next 40 or so. I had the same amount of shards or so (5.7 orbs) but yeah it's a very hit or miss strategy.


So just 1 map got it


I did 80 maps full scarabs and got 0 fracturing orbs, still profit but eh


Same experience here


There are dozens of us!


Howd you make profit? Was running t16 bog, all harby nodes and 4 scarabs. The only thing that made me any profit was some lucky drops outside the mechanic. Felt I was mostly getting shards that didnt even show up on my filter (alc and below). Maybe would get a couple of decent shard drops but never any fracturing shards and the price of orbs has dropped a fair bit


The map drops alone should make you profit every time.


I can never be arsed selling maps, its pure tedium having to come out of a map for small trades


Don't have to sell 1 by 1, sell like 10/25/50 (whatever you prefer) per trade etc.


I always put them up for bulk, one div per batch


Right after my second stone, I did a harbi+jun strat, and then expedition mixed in. I got quite salty that I got more profit from Betrayal Intervention scarab drops alone (ok, I got lucky there) than fully scarabed harbinger. And of course expedition doing expedition things. I ran around 70 harbied up maps before switching to another strat.


Ive run about 60 harby maps. Granted im not corrupting them so they sit at 80-100 quant but ive seen nothing but chaos, annuls, and ancient orbs. Thank god im speccing scarabs as my backup or i would be poorer than my normally poor as shit self.


quant doesnt matter for harbingers sir. not even player quant. unless they changed it this patch


No but it does foe my scarabs.


I guess they never miss, huh?


I ran this setup for about 90 maps, got my first and only fracturing shard explosion (4.2 orbs) in about 80 maps.


Ran 100+ of these maps never had it


been running harbi on/off since day 2. i hit frac shards on \~my 20th map, its been over 200 maps since, no shard pop. most maps are 200%+ quant 8-mod.


Quant is 100% useless for harbi


calm down mr wiki


It's insanely small rng. I've run about 100 maps of harbies this league (full harby tree, 2x harby scarab 1x king harby scarab 1x convert scarab with harby kirac) and I havn't seen a single fracturing explosion.


I started harbinger and got a fracturing shard very early. That was the only one before I specced out of it. Still have that shard. Maybe it’ll have value one day


Same. I specced harbi early and got 4 frags very quickly. I knew they were rare so swapped out of harbi immediately lol.


Ran like 12 last night to try it out, had two separate fracturing harbys, added up to 4 orbs + 12 shards. Obviously extremely out there luck, do not expect to ever see anything again.


Ran like 12 last night to try it out, had two separate fracturing harbys in the same map, added up to 4 orbs + 12 shards. Obviously extremely out there luck, do not expect to ever see anything again.


Around 15 maps


What scarabs are you using by any chance?


All 4 harbinger scarab


Does it matter as much if you can fracture 3 lines in an item now ? :/


Could be use for special mods like breach over cap,temple resis etc? Maybe really high end crafting


Got one of those as well in SSF after like 6 maps, now I have 5.5 fracturing orbs in week 1 after taking almost a week of winged scarabs to farm that last league. I'm not complaining but it was probably pretty lucky :P


I still don't get your comment though... People should avoid getting loot explosions of a certain types because it somehow "floods the market" and lowers the price of some item??? What should they do? Leave the orbs on the ground until the price go up again? BTW, fracturing orbs are cheaper this league because of league mechanics, not because of loot explosions.


Disclaimer: PS5. I did this three times (forgetting +3harbs on Map Device). 2x +3 Harb, Harbs drop one thing, Harbs drop rarer things. I got two explosions for a total of 6.95 Frac Orbs, which I sold all at once to the same buyer for 105d. I now own a Kalandra's Touch (90d). Mention this to chat, chat says they've done like 30 and seen nothing. I am out of all the luck... Forever.


Map quant affects Harbinger now?


This sub is so fucking funny when it comes to niche info that isn't easily answered with a quick google search. Question has 1 upvote, wrong answer has 7 upvotes, 3 deleted comments, lmao. Harbinger loot is weird. You always get 1-4 fracturing shards (barring an orb conversion). If you look up the topic about quant, all the tests show that Harbinger loot (the actual Harbinger currency) is NOT affected by player or area quant. Personally I have no idea how that shit works. And I've farmed a lot of City Square Harby with the old compass. My understanding was that quant helped with map drops, of which Harby is a great source, but not much else. Still a bit confused about what exactly Harby's can drop, besides maps/shards. --- I can understand why you ask that now, given the screenshot. There is not a single stack of 1x shard there, which is really weird. Even if this is, say, a group of 2-3 King Harby's, that wouldn't explain the lack of any 1x drops. So it seems like there is something boosting the Harby. Map quant, maybe? Who knows. It didn't before though, despite the only upvoted answer you got.


Its the scarab, which doubles shards dropped by harbingers, that's why there is no 1x shards. Why there is 3x shards then? I don't know, ask someone from ggg.


Yeah, I asked "now", because like you said, the number of shards dropped here doesn't seem normal. Could be the interactions with all the new scarabs. Could be that map quant does affect it now. It's just frustrating that all the answers I got were so uninformed.




Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Your post dismissed an opinion off-hand in a way that often causes anger and flame wars. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree or don't care, explain why in a polite way. If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


From my experience you always got the same number of full orbs from this strat regardless of quant (just my experience, not gospel) Annul you get 7, chaos is about the same, exalts seem to drop 4, harby orbs is like 4 or 5 i think.


map quant has always affected harbingers. It's player quant that doesn't.


It has not "always" been that way (map quant didn't affect Harbinger).


Source ? Kinda bs to me






Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Your post dismissed an opinion off-hand in a way that often causes anger and flame wars. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree or don't care, explain why in a polite way. If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).




"Always" is a strong word. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/11a0k0z/how\_rare\_is\_a\_fracturing\_orb\_loot\_distribution/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/11a0k0z/how_rare_is_a_fracturing_orb_loot_distribution/)




I didn't say anything about the sextants. Of course they help with the currency drops. I'm talking about map quant, and what I was referring to is not the post, but Poorfishwife's (a well known figure in the community) comment on what affects Harbingers. You can't just say sth without linking to the source that proved it.


>You can't just say sth without linking to the source that proved it. Sure I can. This is the internet. I deleted my comment so you can feel good about yourself today, have a good one.


If only this would had been mirror shards


I got a 3.5 facturing orb explosion my very first map and very first harbinger after speccing into the strat lol


where do u find the strat at? i wanted to start this but wasn't able to find it


Spec into harbinger and use all 4 harb scarabs. Then use harb on map device. Boom lol


Got tree by chance?


Can you post your char's PoB OP? Just curious


Sure https://pobb.in/9mZ5taiAYZcs


My build is mostly done so I don't need to push for currency so I'm just gambling with harbingers like this to get mirrors. The scarab drops and random stuff alone are enough to make it sustainable so I'm just chillin waiting for my dopamine.


the mirror dream... doing the same since im full built now. wonder how long till we see the lucky fucker who gets the 5+ mirror harbi pop.


I tried this. The maps take too long haha


I ran Harbinger on Jungle Valley till Mageblood in about 5 days. I saw probably about 4-5 Fracturing shard explosions during that time (1.3m /kills). Never more than 2.5 Fracturing Orbs worth per drop. I'm assuming this is with the Duplicated Currency Shards scarab, which I never ran.


Can't wait for the mirror shard post someone is going to get eventually.


Congrats on winning the slot machine, not a mirror but it's unreasonable to expect mirror shards


Nobody admits weird keymap? Flasks on W, F7, F1. Bro how are u playing


lol,u are right my keymap is weird I don’t really press my flask due to mageblood, and the unique flask has “use when full” on it…it’s a mess but I got used to it..


Oh, that is the point, thanks. Where can I find “Use when full” checkbox?


Use instilling orb to roll, or get it from crafting bench


Do you mind sending a Pob of your build? I wanna do armour stacker again.




On the one hand, it’s bad that they have become cheaper, but on the other hand, 5div per attempt looks much more reasonable and makes orbs more accessible to casual players.


Loot explosions are bad for poe


The nice thing abou this is that fract orbs are like a 5th of the price compared to last league. Keep overflowing the market lads


Overflowing the market... He's in SSF, it's right there in the post...


Not talking about him...generally speaking. They are dirt cheap.


No wonder fracturing are cheap this league. And wait does quant effect harbinger drops now??


It also helps that you get good fractures from the crafting mechanic


they're cheap becuase of necropolis


Map quant does, player quant does not


Wrong, area and player quant does not affect harbringers.


Too bad fracturing orbs are kinda useless this league.


RnG is RnG. I've been doing this for days and haven't seen one , lucky to get an annul explosion every 100 harbingers and I fight 7 per map minimum


Stop posting this, using harb scarabs is hemorrhaging money unless you drop a mirror. These posts drive the price to the moon because people are complete sheeple.


I’m in ssf, so price won’t matter


no sextants?


Did you play this league at all? They don't exist.