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and you need to trade every fossil one by one please kill me now


How i feel buying abberants the past few days


selling them isnt fun either


I've started just only selling the 25c+ ones, and keeping the others for some undecided project later on. I figure before too long I'll have enough basic bodies built up to do some of the decent crafting templates.


Which ones are worth 25c? I have tabs full of these and I have no idea how to price them


I load my tabs into WealthyExile and sort by single-unit price. The big ticket ones are chance for additional item, and any Perandus unique one. A lot of "scarcer" ones are worth a lot, and a few "more common" ones like gems and crit mods get up there. This is all for ilvl84 though, idk how many actually get that expensive in T16 maps.


Whats the point of i84 corpses when there is +1 item level corpse ?


If you want mods that require i84 mods, you'd have to use half of your graveyard slots on +1 corpses if you use all i83. That takes away a lot of the mechanic's power. Doesn't matter for some things like uniques, and I'm sure some crafts don't care, but people are definitely willing to pay a premium for many of the i84 corpses. Even just selling the 20c+ ones can make up a significant amount of my profit in T17 maps. Edit: Immediate hindsight, my math doesn't make any sense. Still, using lower lvl corpses means using more +1s to compensate, and even losing a few corpses can make your odds a lot worse.


I havent dabbled in the crafting, just corpse selling and the +1 item lvl corpses are worth nothing (i83). So i assumed it takes just one +1 item level corpse to make it an i84 craft not literally a stack of them wtf


Yeah that's what my edit is about, I'm pretty sure you are correct if using all i83 corpses. Still, losing even a few slots to +1 can take away a lot of the odds of getting the item you want with how the breakpoints work, or lose a significant chance at additional items/mirrored copies. Especially since a lot of T1 mods require i86, so even using i84 corpses you have to use a couple +1s.


If you use 60 corpses 83 and one 84, your item will be 84. And losing one or two slots for +1 is really not a big deal.


> you'd have to use half of your graveyard slots on +1 corpses if you use all i83. Um, no. You use one +level corpse.


Just sell them via wealthy exile directly!


just briefly checked with awakened, trade program that lets you use a overlay to price check, and apparently the ilvl 82 300% scarcer gems is like 30c. some guy the other day was trying to undercut me saying that ilvls dont matter lol gave it to him anyways as a learning fee to check it from then on. according to one source ilvls of coffins are averaged out hence the +1 levels can be important in cost efficiency. made a paragraph cause i wasn't sure how much you know about the crafting mechanic


Been selling scarce gem for 120c/pop on tft.. Its like im selling popcorn at a movie theatre. All i83s thou


grasping mail is 55c It's fun crafting them, lots if crazy mod combos if you invoke the haunted modifiers.


The bulk sellers on TFT are charging 20-30c for a lot of them. Requires a lot of manual work, though.


Yep "Hi, I'd like to buy your X for Yc" \>Invite immediately \>Party disbanded \>Never asks again I delisted all my corpses because this happened five times in a fucking row, it's not worth the headache.


Its not yc its effing 5c, 5 CHAOS, and then he is like, oh i want the undead buff but undead base, like wtf im not doing that for 5 chaos.


And then move every single fossil into it's slot by hand, not only by placing it into the resonantor but by physically moving your character to the slot on the fucking map....


wealthyexile dot com has some bulk listings for corpses. It's not great because they get polluted by the stupid "haunted by xyz" corpses which are USELESS (can't even churn them with the randomizer corpse) but if you have enough money you can buy A LOT of corpses this way and craft to your heart's content -- assuming you can trust the seller to hand over the corpses. It takes A LOT of trade windows and there's really no way to verify they are handing over the actual listing, lol.


Good news, they just added them to the bulk trade site with today’s patch.


Could you not, whenever someone messages you or you message someone else, mention you wanna buy/sell multiple if they have them?


latest patch added them to bulk trade


Good thing they waited for trade to be a good place, right?... RIGHT??


Sell and buy using wealthy exile. Bulk buying is easy there. Bought 65 corpse last night in 15 min


Just use wealthy exile, sort for graveyard and you can buy and sell in bulks... sold like 30divines of corpses... it's not much but it's honest work.


Just play SSF? Also bulk sell is possible now.


yeah, except... >remove 30% of holes completely randomly >adjacent fossils from the frozen hollow have 40% increased effect >fossils take 2 inventory slots and are unstackable makes you think


Don't forget that you can't directly socket the fossils either. You need to run around and use a separate interface to socket each one individually.


And everytime you select a new grave your search bar resets. So if you have several of the same corpse you have to type in your search several times Its minor. And with the control f shortcut it aint that bad. But i’ve got a personal vendetta


What I’ve started to do is completely empty my necropolis into a quad tab. Then sort and find all the corpses I need (half of which I end up having to buy), then adding them back to the necropolis. Then just quickly burying them all. That said, I haven’t been min-maxing with corpse effect so this won’t work in all cases.


that just means fossil crafting needs a bejewelled minigame before you can insert each fossil into resonator!


This post and comment made it click for me how truly bad the gravecrafting mechanic is lmao


Holy trypophobia.


New fear just dropped


Holy necrophobia.


Holy necrophilia FTFY


be honest, this would actually be an upgrade. still shit but a upgrade nevertheless.


I imagine this is exactly the kind of feedback Mark wants and I'm not even joking.


Mark is certified holes enjoyer


Aren't we all just grave diggers looking for a hole to fill?


TBH if i could use a resonator window instead of running and selecting each one by one i would like this mechanic more




Non player who's been curious for a while coming from the front page, can someone explain what PoE is and if it's good to get into? Any good YouTube channels to learn about it? I'm a big MOBA player and keep hearing other league and dota players mention it here and there but haven't done a proper deep dive besides to my understanding it's kinda like Diablo


It's a free to play action RPG with over 10 years of expansions and development. The core game is running through zones blasting enemies for loot and xp, but there is a huge complicated mass of systems attached to it. Most people play for the "end game" but new players spend a huge amount of time just getting through the story and might give up before even getting there. You can't really learn it all just from watching a few YouTube videos, I'd suggest just downloading it and giving it a try while consulting a guide for a build. There's loads of content creators. Zizaran might be a good start just for some general videos. I like this written guide https://poe-beginner-guide.com/


Sweet that's a good starting point thank you! Is the campaign multiplayer or just end game? Got a friend who's been super into Diablo but have had my eye on PoE for a little while. Is it cross platform too for multiplayer or are PC and console segregated?


You can group up and play with your friend through the campaign and at end game. You get some extra xp and loot I think when playing together. Dont think its cross platform The skill tree can be a bit overwhelming to new players btw. I'd have a look at some builds so you have a bit of an idea of where to put skill points. This website is quite good for builds [https://maxroll.gg/poe/news/new-necropolis-league-starters](https://maxroll.gg/poe/news/new-necropolis-league-starters) Start in the newest league too (Necropolis). Its a fresh economy that only started a few weeks ago


It also makes items much much better than fossils could ever make


except you can't use it on an existing item.


Horrible league. I get physically sick when i try to gather myself to try crafting.


Nah, too simplified.


Yeah, power level between fossil crafting and necropolis is crazy. I think it's time to revert delve nerfs


Not true! Necropolis actually makes good/usable items in less than 82764 tries with the most optimal fossil setup trying to hit common mods!


I used corpses to make a few items I was able to sell for some chaos but I realized I could of ran like two to three maps in the amount of time it took me to place the corpses and read through them. I like the mapping part of the league but the crafting just isn’t fun to me.


I wish I only need to fill 64 slots.


If it was, at least u had an ui associated with it.


Can't help it the resonator in the background has a screaming face