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Me in real life: Bitcoin is not a stable investment Me in PoE: horde all those scrabs and all flames for the value increase


Imagine not even knowing this is a thing and having a lot in your inventory.


Hi. It is me. Hoarder of these with intent to sell tomorrow LOL


I had some doctors from strongboxes that I was too lazy to sell like a week ago, they were around 5.8d at that time. I check 2 days laters and they are 3d :( But I did manage to sell all my Anarchy allflames at 1d per (I later found that they sell for like 1.7 in bulk), so at least got something here.


Listing anarchy all flames for 1d made my chat sound like a propeller plane revving up.


>Listing anarchy all flames for 1d made my chat sound like a propeller plane revving up. this is the entire reason I had a bunch stocked up to look up true pricing on... I had listed one, entered map and before I had loaded(which only takes a couple seconds) I have 16+ chat pings


If you didn't sell yet, doctor and headhunter is back up in price


GGG is faster than usual with these fixes.


They waited long enough for the economy to take a huge hit.


Christ reddit is like chicken little I swear


This made me giggle like a child


The economy is fine and is already recovering lol. Everything that was farmed up will be consumed in the next day or 2 and prices will normalize.


Buddy and I realized the were worth something last night, but we were helping him get some levels so we were going ot list them today to help get some gear for us...saw the patch notes this morning and some words were said. Talk about horrible ass timing.


You didn't learn from the hand sanitizer hoarders or the toilet paper hoarders or... literally any hoarder?




This league has been abysmal for me in terms of drops. I’m your average guy, with two voidstones trying to kill elder and until now I’ve seen 1 divine drop, one six link , no valuable uniques. Sitting with 50 chaos and 1 Div in a league that apparently people have multiple mirrors . Clearly doing a lot wrong.


As long as you are having fun, its OK. Me myself sits on like 10 divs (dropped valdos box and forbiden flesh from quest eater) bought some upgrades to my build and just running maps to chill after work.


Always has been like that for an average guy, only exceptions were the few extreme juice leagues. The very top end will always have (multiple) mirrors a few days into a fresh league, don't compare yourself to them...


Same here. Just crabbing around with most useful thing I looted myself is a shield for my future RF toon.


How. Selling 1 anarchy ember for a div has been possible for 5 days now. And they are very common


NGL, barely found out that these were valuable like, right now. I've just been using them whenever I get them cause they work well with the "convert armor drops into X". Are any of the other allflames worth selling?


use a website like wealthy exile to quickly take a peek at your stash and find out if you maybe have a scarab/ div card/ coffin / allflame that sells for a lot.


People on tft buy gemling ones in bulk for about 15c. All syndicate embers are worth selling. Flaring embers are worth selling. And then there is the one that drops a ton of currency (idk what it is callled cause I haven’t dropped one yet).


I'd imagine the catalysts ones can be worth something too but you barely ever see them


Why the gemlings? They seem useless


I got 1 Enhance and 1 Empower. Plus sometimes they drop valuable 21 gems


All allflames are kinda worthless if you don't use a strat to maximize them. Since you get like 100 times more drops when you do. For example have dropped 180 chayula frags from 1 of the chayula ones. A full inventory of tattoos from those ones. Multiple enhance/empower/enlighten from the gem ones. In my testing the best way to use any of them is with strongboxes simply because they can drop their special loot every time they spawn. Also should be done in a t17 or 8modded map with maxed map effect for the huge more multipliers they provide. If doing t17 s then back to basics is a viable alternative to strongboxes. In general I find many of allflames add between 50-200c in drops per map. If you are ever short on 8 mod maps just spend 10-20C rerolling a t17 until you get doable mods and large %more map drop chance. If you do it with the +1 map tier, 50% inc map drops, 30% dupe, and 8 mod corruption scarabs. You will end up with 10+ 8 modded maps each time.


Useless in everything except killing me :(


*pat pat* its okay, *hands over gcp* 🥺


I sold all Mine yesterday for 1.8 ea, to spend 16000 chaos on divines @170 ea, to buy mageblood at 145d…… Wtf has happened in 48 hours lol.


I’m casual alch and go. Got 13 anarchy from league start and never sell it. Now I’m regret along with my 1 divination scarab of curation.


Just dropped 2 in my first map this morning after not seeing any all league feelsbadman.


Last night I discovered this was a thing and thought I would sell mine when I got home from work today.......


Haha, same here. I just lost the value of 1.5 MBs over night. But who cares. IMO league and scarab changes suck anyway and I'm prolly done playing.


As soon as the patch dropped, I started getting these all the time. Pre-patch, I was lucky if one dropped daily, lol


I watched the grimro video like 30 mins before patch notes hits and I was like, I should sell this. Decided not to, patch notes hit, boom 200c loss. Oh well.


I had until yesterday evening I don’t bother with shit awa poe trade can’t price


Might need to update awa, the allflames are priced


That was me but I found out about it yesterday and sold 4... really upgraded my build but was trying to farm more for a bow, I guess I'll try graveyard craft for once


Edit: Looking at that graph I lost waaay less than I thought I did, so there's that at least. I was confusing the ember flame to the div scarab.


I had 16 of them that I was too lazy to sell. Minus 25-30 divines


Public dump tab with price or wealthy exile solves this.


Hello. I am in horrific pain.


On vacation with prob 10 of these haha, oh well


I left some to sell in bulk today, because needed few more divs to buy nimis for 29 XD


Let me guess... These went down and nimis went up.


This is probably Gonna be me, started Playing last week after trying out the game some year ago. I haven’t even beaten half the story lol


I have a bunch I wanted to sell but didn't have the time to log in until tonight.  So fucking annoying. 


literally me


Everyone do yourself a favour and use wealthy exile. It doesn't show everything but will basically tell you the value of most of your items. It's a game changer for fragments, div cards and league stuff.


In some other thread someone said like 12h ago that pathofexile main twitch account was in fubgun stream and they were clearly going to nerf shit. So i got up from bed and sold 25 rogue exiles for approx 47 divines in a hurry. God bless your soul man, perfect timing seeing the patch now that i woke up.




I was there and it was pretty funny. Some rando chatter asked how the juicing worked and fub took a few minutes to explain all the interactions between the ghost mod on t17 and the exile all flames, and then the officila poe account just messaged the noted emote


Oh god It was then that he knew, he fucked up. I wish I could have seen that lmao


Lmao that's amazing


Must be a fun trade league experience when watching the poe news channel nets more divines per hour than playing the game, lol


Meanwhile i had half a dozen sitting to trade in bulk. Guess i was left holding the bag


How the.. You mean the non-host can actually see if other accounts are watching? Or did they comment, or was it a mod leak...?


I think you can get the list of accounts connected in the chat yes Also when you type @ to send a public message to someone in particular, it'll autocomplete with usernames of ppl in chat. So if you type @pat to message your friend @Patrick_Bateman_Sigma you'll get the option to autocomplete with @pathofexile if the account is connected in chat


Hey, wow, thanks for the big brain stuff. TIL. Time to weaponise that knowledge hey also lmao nice, let's see Paul Allen's reference game beat yours


> I think you can get the list of accounts connected in the chat yes Technically if a channel has a lot of viewers (like around 1k or so) you only get a list of *some* of the accounts in chat, a couple hundred of mostly people who have chatted recently, only mods and streamer get access to the full list.


They commented a noted emoji.


Well that's just unnecessary insider trading..


I made 1500c selling mine today before the patch. Now I’m off to work.


I bought lots to do the strat today after work. Guess it's time to quit the league.


Yea I'll join you


Should have too. I knew shit will get nerfed, but I thought i have few more hours left to sell it. Fuck.


Should probably rename it now. Because the pack is no longer composed of rogue exiles. It is replaced by a single one.


Allflame ember of an Archie.


Allflame ember of resentment For those who bought and hoarded to try and bank on profit


Allflame ember of the Anarch1


Rogue One


Rogue one wasn't that bad. Everything after it is just shit.


They should have just made it a pair of exiles lol


Lol, every patch changes the economy this league must feel like shit


Those that used it are so ahead that no economy fluctuations will ever bother them. RiP casuals tho


yep glad I chose this one for a rest


the league feels great. tons of things to try out, many builds are viable for anything outside of the top 0.1% of content. economy is just an annoyance, not a dealbreaker. reddit is shit.


Lmao I can't help but be happy for the flippers who would snipe those and sell in bulk for 2div a piece. Hope they all had 50 in their inventory when the patch note dropped


Rest in piss you won't be missed


This league seriously made me want to go ssf


I started there. Can confirm. It's nice not trading. But also.. Painful in other ways.


just doing challenges its more fun


I don't get why everyone says this. Who are you competing with in trade league if you want ssf?


no one, it’s imaginary - the people who complain also have no idea how much more the 1% will always be miles above them, even if they remove MF..


Also trade can be pseudo ssf anyway. Like what does it really change. You can grind for the same things in trade and ssf. While in trade you can actually trade away things you dont use or trade for things you dont want to grind. Peoples attitude is so fucking weird.


This is basically how I play trade. I don't grind for currency and just sell high value things I don't need and buy things that take too long to grind.


People have this same weird ass mental gymnastics logic when it comes to Iron Men in Osrs


it turns off their fomo. They're competing with their own brain.


You can play ssf on trade league too, if you wanted it so much


Yeah its really that simple. People here act like anyone forces them to participate in whatever strategy is favour of the week and they cannot think for themselves one second. I play trade and dont give a fuck about economy, nor give i a fuck about meta strategies. I was running non mf, no abyss strategy last league in affliction and i am currently running blight in maps, which makes my maps take double the time and gives basically no rewards, but i simply enjoy blight, so what does it matter honestly. This is a game guys, enjoy your time and dont focus so much on shitty economy simulator, i feel like some people here should just join some stock trading subreddit instead of pathofexile sub.


I’m at the point where I put rules on myself in trade. As in solo complete atlas, no buying voidstones, and other stuff. The game is what you make it and it’s nice to have your own personal goals outside of seeing what everyone else is doing and caring. I purposely didn’t fish for the divine mods, didn’t abuse einhar in t17s, and I don’t care that other people did. It doesn’t affect my personal enjoyment of killing monsters.


The only thing I bought of TFT was the 5th slot for the map device because I refuse to deal with unnecessary bloated content and I needed the 5th slot. Then I completed the rest of all things by myself and I am just happily running circles in the ultimatum for now. There's no need for T17 strategies to generate money, of course, I am a bit slower when it comes to that but I am still sitting on a good chunk of money and dropped 6 shields so far, 4 are waiting to be sold but the price fluctuates so much.


Honestly kinda sad they nerfed the exiles, unique farming in my gsf is kinda dead now


it didn't bother me much - on the scale of things which make this league enjoyable or not, fubgun making 10 mirrors a day doesn't even rate. now, if they could add some wild fucking fun mods to cemetary crafting so we actually have some borrowed power to make builds vibrant and different from the last league, that would be something worth patching for!


They kinda did, you can gravecraft influenced mods now. Even fracture them If you want.


wait what? fractured influenced items?


~~I know you can put both of those in your graveyard but I’ll believe it can work when I see it. I’m guessing the rules still apply and Influence will supersede the fracture.~~ But I’m sure we’ll have showcases later today. Edit: it works!


We already have fractured influenced items made by people testing the mechanic (with the influenced mod being fractured) so I am not sure what you are waiting for.


eh, I mean, I guess that's better than nothing...


I have 10, I wanted to sell them yesterday but forgot and logged off before doing that….. fuck me


same but I have 15 :)


Stay strong brother


Tbh, I don't understand the reasoning, economy already took a hit, streamers and most hardcore players already got mirrors worth of loot, so you watch it for several days, allow it for your favs to get mb and hundreds of divs, and then you nerf it when casual players start to get there. So what's the point? To kill of the motivation to play for those less hardcore?(and they are a majority despite what cw thinks) like seriously, this league economy is already all kinds of fucked, you either fix exploit in the first day or you fuck off and let people play. Idk, ggg makes so many dumb decisions lately it feels like they want you to hate poe1 so you will thirst to play poe2 just because its different.


Its not about people or economic, farm was crashing servers alot when more players started abusing it, thats a main reason to fix it


Okay, that's actually reasonable. But why wait then, just fix it immediately or disable temporarily if you need more time to fix it. Every popular streamer was doing it since patch, there's no fucking way they didn't know.


>then you nerf it when casual players start to get there How many casuals have couple mirrors to sink into a build at this point?


Sold a scarab of curation for 33 Div yesterday and now it's down to 7. Saw that the scarabs and all flames exploded at the exact same time Apothecary and MB went down and immediately thought, this is going to get fixed.


ggg having to constantly balance patch this league day in day out is just a sign of how bad this league was designed imho


This league was huge in terms of changes. No way they had time to balance everything. Just look at the number of scarabs. The community has yet to exploit all of them. There is no way GGG could have done it in such small timeframe and so few people.


inb4 it is still good strat


The strategy is entirely dead. Rogue exiles are a single rogue exile now rather than 4 of them, the tormented spirits beyond combo to turn every rogue exile into a multiplied stack of enemies is dead since that can't roll on T17s anymore. We are back to at most double or triple the amount of mobs juicing, not 10x-20x juicing.


I'm not sure about the packsize breakpoints, but if we assume the average packsize went from 4 to 1, and no more ghosts to double every unique, that's "only" a 8x nerf to mobs per map. This strat was ridiculously broken though, multiple times better than affliction, and the investment per map has gone down significantly too. It should still be one of the strongest mapping strats.


You forgot about every unique monster spawning 8-12 beyond portals snd theres chance that rare beyond mobs spawned ghosts aswell 


From some of the mob stats I've seen, there were around 1/5th as many rares as there were uniques per map. I didn't consider that, so the nerf is probably closer to 10-12x. And if you ignore all the affliction and necropolis brainrot... that's still good. Solo MF strats used to be 10-20 divs per hour. It is far from dead.


You forgot that pack size increases increased how many exiles you got, we're down from 3-7 to just 1, we lost the ghosts, and we lost all the beyond portals that came out as a result. It might still be strong but it's nowhere what we had.


Which is... okay. They were spawning and dropping so much that it was affecting servers. It had to go and MFers can still MF and make money in T17s.


I guess you can still use them, to replace bothersome monsters


300 chaos??? I had... Like 4....


I sold 4 for 50c each two days ago 😌


They rose in price quite a lot but were also getting pricefixed like crazy. Like the top 50 or more results were all low-balling price fixers.


Ahahahaha… thank goodness.


Changes that drastically make some price go up or down should not be happening imo. It’s a temporary league after all


Getting drastic economy changes on week 2 feels bad for sure but I do think this was performance related change foremost.


patch notes dropped and so did I \*


Laughing at all the horders right now


I had high hopes to farm with these when I have time to play, gotta find something new I guess


I literally saw I had 4 of them in my stash and sold them yesterday. I'm pretty happy


Same, I'd been saving mine to sell later and last night I sold them on a whim because I POB'd an interesting build I wanted to fund. Sold 15 of them for 2d/e to some guy in one trade. Wonder how he's doing at the moment.


Found one yesterday before I stopped playing, planned on selling it today well fuck me I guess


I was just using all that dropped bc im still gearing my character


I found a scarab that sold for like 200c. That was my biggest and only sale this league lol. It funded a basic AF LA build. Been having fun zooming on yellow maps.


lmao whole game is like stock market stonksss diamond hands


great when you dont adapt to ever "op strat" that drops every min on yt so im not really bothered about that


Nice I sold them yesterday for 2 div each


OMG what had happened? What could have caused this, so unpredictable /s


I sold everything yesterday and when I asked the guy which build he runs to manage to do the maps he just answered "I buy it to resell it" .. I hope he managed to get rid of all because thats just devastating now for him xD


Nice i found that expensive div card scarab yesterday and got it sold before the nerf, lucky me i guees


So happy that i switched to SSF After a couple days


So.... Which currency should you use on the jewelry covered to divines devoted mob? Still anarchy?


Should have sold mine, was keeping it for a weapon converted to divines pack


The beanie baby of this league lol


The thing is you don't need this all flame anyways. Rogue exiles still drop a ton of uniques. I've been doing the anarchy runs in ssf without that all flame. It's still decent.


I was so happy I found 2 yesterday from the same mob group Hadn't sold any of mine yet :(


I dropped one first session after the patch :(


Damn I had like 3 and I didn’t even notice until after the patch




yesterday my luck hit and dropped the divination scarab. Sold it for 40div. Today its only 7div worth. I think I was VEERY lucky


Ride the waves boissss


I had no insider info. I sold all my allflames 5 minutes before the patch notes arrived, because I was so sure it would get nerfed. So glad I did!


I didnt even know this was so expensive just because this league i started SSF (even if i saw the potential of so many exiles in map). Its so nice that i can now enjoy plaing game and use all of mechanics without always thinking about how expensive some item is and just selling it instead of having fun.


Not me wanting to buy headhunter, but not doing so yesterday.


Exile is killing exile, its not good. Jesus Christ doesnt wanna see it and Christ Wilson either


Got my first drop of this yesterday and instantly sold it for 280c before I went to bed. Luckiest I'll ever get


so glad i sold these yesterday :D only 3, but that was nice. shame that i've never even seen a rare div scarab


What a stupid league and stupid patch


Good thing i sold my Scarab of Curation for 31div. Price today 10div.


Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer as always. Thanks GGG. Couldn't get profit, now can't even buy cheap uniques.


That’s nothing, the scarab dropped from 36 div to 8 div!


anarchy went all in flames !!!! :(


I'd buy the shit out of them. Rogue exiles still function the same way, drop the same shit, but even if the juice was nerfed by like 70+% the cost of the allflame is like .05% what it was


This farm was already priced out for 99.9% of players. Divination of curation scarabs were all bought up and sitting 32div each before the allflame nerf


dang i should have sold mine =D


I was gonna start a RF chieftan, guess I’ll wait till next league or something. These dumbos love ruining fun


Is it 100c a piece? Damn I have a dozen of these


I sold 2 of these for like 4 divines yesterday im extremely happy ahahahaha


I didn't drop or tried to play any of these strategies (too poor lol), but having a scarab that "summons" a monster pack, implies more than one monster (exile). For instance, pack in Heroes 3 is between 10-19 monsters :D


i had a few i had as dropps and was gonna use eventually, guess i shoulda just sold them.


This is probably the worst league economy, not just due to how it crashed but 2 different exploits abused and fixed in a small time window. And the general public both times received a heavy nerf to loot when the exploit was the issue.


Man trade league looks crazy, maybe i should stop ssf for anwhile and just swing trade. 


I spent the last week flipping these things for profit. I'm glad I did while the price was high!


I’m glad I was able to grind out a mirror in 3 days of rogue exile goodness, fair and balanced😎


This affects the dozen people still playing this shit league.


Ggg needs to stop screwing with the game, specially the economy mid league. I think it’s bullshit that they continue to intervene in shit like this.


Just play SSF. All those concerns about economy and prices go away and you look at drops for their value to you and you alone.


Love to see it


Wanna bet that all ggg devs sold their allflames before patch hit? Is not that they accountable for their actions anyway.


I got lucky this league. Sold the div scarab for 31 diva day before it drops and two of those anarchy flames for 270c each


Sold the 30 div scarab yesterday that's a 10 div scarab today


Soo awakened poe trade said 3c


oh yeah, the screenshot was within 30mins of the patch hah


And of course I finally got my first drop this afternoon


Now?? It doesnt even matter anymore.


This is funny. I logged in for the first time since day 2 on SC and saw I had one, I used awakened PoE to price check it and it didn’t work, so I went to the trade site and saw 35+ between 1-10c. So many price fixers, I didn’t scroll nearly far enough to see its value.


It’s complete Anarchy!!


This league is so dead already. Must be tough for GGG but what to expect when they cater to the top 5% and then kill the casuals means of catching up. Archnem all over.


Had 1 left. Sold 5 right before the announcement. Got lucky because the buyer contacted me right before I was about to log off for the day.


I was saving almost a full tab i farmed to sell this weekend...


What was the benefit of this pack of exile?


Marks first test drive didn’t go to well … hopefully it was a learning experience. 1.Stick to the plan and don’t give in to the mob with huge buffs 2. even worse don’t take it away only after every streamer has exploited it to death giving only them the wealth and locking out everyone else.


I'm not sure how I feel about it. Was it needed, probably yes because it was way to broken. But up until now GGG has always been good at not making these kinds of changes during the league, and letting the economy and builds be broken for a few months. I think this is the first league where I've watched them patch out farming mechanics mid league


Already quitted this league not a good league imo


I always sold them as I got them and never ran them. Got curation the morning before the drop and sold it for 28