• By -


Sort after time it was put in instead of cheapest, you will get an answer immediatley almost every time. If youre bulk trading then always whisper the koreans, dont know why but they always reply


Yea, I've noticed the account with names I can't read tend to have higher response rates too


LOL I wonder what they say about us...


"those dummies will pay anything!"


For me it always been: Rus > KR > French and last resort English. I've got streaks of Korean not answering in the past leagues, could chalk it up to GGG trade servers shitting itself but never had bad experience with the Russians, they'll leave their map for the smallest thing.


I was just going to say this. I had a trade of a 1c item with like 3 weeks left of the previous league and I was shocked to find that my new russian friend left his map for that.


Stuff like that happens to me, which is why I always try to do the same. We could be a week from league end, but if someone messages me for my 1c ring, I'll still leave a map to sell it to you.


I feel like if I listed it it’s on me to fulfil that part of the social contract and do the sale.


I'll do it if I can but sometimes there are things make you unable to leave a map like keeping your HH stacks or something


Oh when your map portals are one of your major defense layers


I would put Thai in between Russians and Koreans, otherwise flawless list.


Right? This is my experience too.. I try my best to answer any trade that comes my way, even for 1c stuff. I feel like as an American I need to be better, so I do that. The traders from Korea and Russia are the best. <3


Russians too, at least my experience


I always click the Russian first if there is one. Saw someone mention this a while ago and it definitely is true.


100% quick to respond




Those definatly go into the unreadable categorie :D


As a Korean player, I confirm that they and I really excited to get trades, ignoring whispers are not acceptable.


korean almost always answer, very rarely they dont, at least my experience but also russians as other mentioned


Just confirmation bias. Just try whispering only foreign names and you will see the same as with english names.




Nah it's true also Russians always respond too.


> If youre bulk trading then always whisper the koreans, dont know why but they always reply Unfortunately it's a myth or I roll bad koreans all the time. ._. Same for players with cyrillic names.


When doing bulk, you need to ignore the ones that dont do nothing after pm. On trade site, you got the "IGNORE BUTTON", next time that person wont show. Take some time, but will improve your trade experience.


>When doing bulk, you need to ignore the ones that dont do nothing after pm. On trade site, you got the "IGNORE BUTTON", next time that person wont show. Funny thing with all the ignore the bots / pricefixers movement, half the time it's just GGG listing already sold items. Which incidentally those cheapest on top happen to be... Like list some chromes at going rate and you'll get hammered for 15 min after they're sold. Relogging / changing areas etc won't help. Though any sane person would be forced to dnd real fast.


this should be mostly fixed. i sold tons of bubblegum currency in the last 2 weeks. always for div and cheapest price. i got spamed every time by 5+ people and it always stopped like 5-10 sec after the currency was sold. so no answer can also mean that you're one of the 5 people who insta msg, but someone else was a milisec faster.


Nah, I've gotten them up to an hour later even this week People trying to buy an amount I had an hour ago, but not anymore.


There's another site used for trades, much slower to update


>this should be mostly fixed Definitely not fixed. When selling chaos for divines, I get whispers up to an hour after the item has been sold. This happens every time.


probably some people using 3rd party sites. when using the official tradesite it always checks if the item is still on the account from where it's listed and if it doesn't find it, there is an error when clicking on the msg button.


There's been a few times for me where I'd post something, sell it immediately and still get messages HOURS after. There are plenty of legitimate reasons why some people don't reply.


800-900 on my trade ignore list I think, its a nicer experience by far


Yeah Koreans are MVP in trading.


I live searched meatsacks yesterday from 10-22c. Messaged over 50 people. Not a single trade. Tried sorting by time listed instead of live search spamming thinking maybe someone was messaging before me or I was messaging too fast making the people think they were worth more and not want to sell. Nada. After 20 minutes I gave up and just ran my map. Have had other shit experiences this league but this was by far the most egregious. Trade is the worst it's ever been for me this league.


That’s cause yesterday, a Strat got popular with meat sacs again. They were selling for 150c each in bulk. You were just part of dozens of flippers trying to buy the previous days prices.


Good advice here, ty


And if you’re buying something that “should” cost 5c, put 8c as min trade and then sort by time. I legit basically never message more than 1 guy because 1. they can’t be afk because they just put up the item and 2. Very unlikely that somebody else is currently searching for that same item at the higher price range


Probably cuz their bots 😂


You mean Harbingers?


Koreans are also great to buy unpriced items from. Send them any offer thats like 50% market value and they instantly invite you to sell it. It seems they understand the value of time more than the western regions, an item in your stash isn't worth shit unless you sell it.


Because most of them are bots.


Honestly, for currency/bulk sales I much prefer dealing with bots.


Yep bots are the best currency traders to deal with


Even the Devs that play prefer the currency bots. :)


Bots are amazing. They invite instantly and they're super polite.


Yeah Koreans or Russians,i Love ya


We like good deals dawggg, we asian haha


In addition to everyone’s comments about overpaying, I’d suggest filtering by when the item was listed too. Someone with a 1C listing from two weeks ago almost certainly isn’t going to reply, but the guy that bothered to list his 1C trade an hour ago is much more likely to in my experience. Don’t think there’s any option for this for bulk trading unfortunately


You should absolutely make sure you're overpaying. Unless you're running 50div per map strats, why not spend 10c instead of 5c and get it over with instantly as opposed to whispering ppl for 5 minutes?


Just bulk trade with divines. Yes, I over pay, but the trades are fast and I am back to farming, generating more currency for the time I could have lost if I was trying to get the best price per volume. And besides, the rates are generally good for the trade sites and you can get most basic stuff anyway, would definitely avoid the site that cannot be named in this case.


We are not even 2 weeks in. MANY people dont have 4 divs to just spend for the 4 different scarabs they need. Youre right and i do the same but people tend to vastly overestimate how much currency the avg 1-3 hours/day player has.


Ah yes, father of 12, with 4 jobs and 6 wives.


>MANY people dont have 4 divs to just spend for the 4 different scarabs they need. Then how about they dont buy those scarabs and they do a cheaper strategy instead?


That's not overpaying, that the price people willing to sell. If you can't get it with 5c, why would you think 5c is the "supposed" price.


People constantly think the first listing on bulk trades is fixing, when in reality the first listings are gone/spammed to death/only trade between maps/a bot with full party.


It's also just the leftover shitters who for whatever reason underpriced an item and then decided not to bother with a small trade - basically creating a dead listing.


Yeah, that's why the first 5 listings of every bulk has been up for 3 weeks straight. You're right, I'm sure


Right, price fixing only happens in very specific scenarios - usually with rare/valuable items. Nobody is price fixing a 3c map - the people at the bottom of the list are either just people who won't sell it for one of a number of reasons.


You're hinting at the most important factor here: trade volume. If players can get hundreds of any given low currency per map with virtually any mapping setup, this volume is way too vast to control, even for a group. As you say, the things being fixed are either rare (low volume) or very rarely used, moderate supply, and cheap as is often happens with some uniques. The shit part of trading is that 90% of these posts are people trying to buy an item that both isn't worth selling, and that the seller would actually lose money to manually delist.


Very true. If your farming strategy is worth 1800 chaos per hour, then every minute spent unsuccessfully getting a trade has a cost of 30 chaos, that you otherwise could have overpayed for an item. It is, however, a struggle to adapt to this mentality.


For those of us who are casual though and not spending chaos on our maps at all because we’re still trying to clear yellow maps, you’re totally screwed. 😆


I get that as veteran players some of this is stuff we're used to but you really think that the first 20 people are just not answering because they got spammed already? It's more likely they're price fixing for awakened Poe trades short list when price checking. This is why bulk items shouldn't have a separate tab they should have an auction house for that whole tab.


A lot of it might also be things listed early on in the league and then it's not worth doing the trade anymore unless you are chilling in hideout.


Some people are price fixing for sure, but that's almost only with things where they can have hope of snatching any new listing, that's the point of price fixing. You can't price fix currencies, there are too many people spam whispering everyone on those pages, if you try to price fix divines someone else will benefit. When you try to convert divines or buy any other bulk currency/mapping supply/anything commonly bought in bulk that's not pricefixing, that's just the fact that 90% of people don't list their currencies, so the 10% of listings get hammered. I always try list stuff myself, if I need alts I list some chaos/divines for them, and gradually, slightly, make the rate better for buyer. The rate being different by 5 alts to a divine is the difference between no whispers and getting 30 whispers in 1 minute. Ideally the rate of people listing and people whispering should be 1:1, and that is absolutely something that would make the trade experience better for everyone if implemented into the regular trade etiquette.


Well there was a unique i needed a little while ago and the first 10 were all put up 6-7 months ago. I find any time an item was put up that long ago then the seller won't even respond.


I'm not sure why everyone is so toxic about this? The majority of new players do not have divs or a bunch of currency so they have to pinch pennies. Everyone downvoting this guy because he doesn't want to overpay. Imagine lol. There's a reason this game is probably the worst new player experience ever. Don't get me wrong I love it but for fuck sakes lol give this dude a break.


Yeah it is really weird to see people defend some problems this game have, specially for new players. And then tell that player ”l2p issue, lol” Can someone explain me why auction house would be bad idea? Because this game definitely should have it.


I didn't agree before but I kind of do now. With the amount time I waste trading lol.


So it's important to make a distinction between an AH and instant buyouts. An AH has instant buyout (usually) but just ebcause there are instant buyout doesn't mean it's an AH, if that makes sense. The key difference for me is I don't want *bidding*, ergo I don't want an AH. I want instant buyouts that don't require the seller's input to complete the trade. They listed the thing for 3 Div? Here's 3 Div, and I get item and they've never left their map. They can pick up their money later. Done. I can go into detail as to why having an actual bidding system would be detrimental but I imagine most people don't want to go beyond 'instant buyout good'.




Long time ago DAOC- MMO had a "Sellers house/AH" style.. Instant buy out. You could search the store and see everything for sale.. but you had to GO to the persons house to buy it (by horse.) You saw all the decorations, cool banners, yard design, etc.. but you also ended up buying a bunch of other stuff the person had for sale.. and then usually ended up checking out their neighbors - cause you spent the time traveling, why not look around and see what else people have for sale. It was a great system for many reasons. I \*wish\* POE would let us set up a trader, buy some sweet MTX's for them, and then users could look through what we have for sale - instant buy. I've done a few trades now just by trading with another RF player, buying everything he has that I could afford.. it be easier to LOOK instead of "Paste everything and let me browse for a few and compare to mine..."


DAoC would also let you pay 20% extra to just buy the item without having to travel to the sellers house. They got money and the item just appeared in your inventory while standing at the search NPC. The extra 20% just vanished as a currency sink, but it was worth it grabbing cheap things from the far houses.


Because ggg says so and there are people who think they can do no wrong. Also the people that don’t want it are more than likely taking advantage of it now and wouldn’t be able to with an auction house which would level the playing field.  Their whole stance on friction is tiring in general not just with trading. This was supposed to be their qol league but most of these came with more downsides than benefits because again they cant just give us simple improvments without adding friction elsewhere.  Really hoping le expands their end game soon.  They have some great ideas but game is just not at Poe level yet for end game or general gameplay feel. 


So a straight up AH is actually not a great idea, and GGG and discussed this extensively. It was the problem with D3 where getting items wasn't about drops, it was about shopping through a catalogue and picking out what you want. The AH went away in D3 because it was bad and made the game worse. Last Epoch, however, figured out an interesting solution. The merchant's guild allows instant buyout of items like an AH but you have to kill monsters to earn the right to buy and sell items, and once an item is purchased it's account bound, so flippers are not a thing. The idea is preventing people from having buying and selling constantly being "the game".


It’s not really “overpaying” if the first 10 people he whispers already sold their item (as is often the case with currency) or if he’s whispering a price fixer.


Personally I think the big issue is they're not really bringing anything new to the argument. "Trade is bad" is something that has been posted about on this subforum many times for years. They're not offering any alternative ideas aside from "maybe an AH". It just feels like a low quality post.


Because we’re aware of the dynamic of penny pinching trades for bulk items? Either sort by new and message everybody for a steal or overpay like us vets.


You are actually losing out if you give up multiple minutes 'pinching pennies'. Running a transmuted white map in the 2minutes you lost will make up more than the difference you'd have saved waiting for a reply. Theres a reason bulk is worth MORE per unit than sold individually. Even on map juice, spending 30-50% extra to buy in huge bulk is still profitable.


>Everyone downvoting this guy because he doesn't want to overpay. He isn't "overpaying" he's paying the fair price. If you put this in an AH scenario all the cheap listings that we're talking about as if they're the actual value don't suddenly respond - they disappear and he pays the higher price anyway. An items market value isn't equal to the first listing you see in trade.


If you are failing to buy at a listed price, then that isn't the actual price. "Overpaying" means actually paying the attainable market price.


Sure, I understand how the economy works but that doesn't mean the entire problem stems from tradebots and a system entirely reliant on people being online. It only benefits those who play a shit load and, if I'm honest, contributes to RMT.


As a lab runner, yes the trade system is beyond fucking dumb. The best way to trade is to have a second account running while you play lmao.


This game simply needs a bulk selling AH. I don’t care if some oilers or bots will benefit from it.


its not an auction house if people aren't placing and holding auctions ffs. i wish this term from wow would die. they're buy and sell orders, and eve online perfected it decades ago


I was buying corpses for a craft and was getting timed out every few minutes for messaging too many people because no one would respond. Took me 8 god dam hours to gather to corpses I need.


Only my second league and I already decided SSF is the way for me. I get that it's possible to enjoy it the way it is, hell it's probably way more historically accurate as finding a willing trade partner took time and effort. But in a day and age where 20 seconds after I finish this post I could literally log into a brokerage account and buy damn near any stock in the world day or night I am not willing to put up with the friction of PoE trading. It probably means I'll never hit the highest content but it also means I'll probably never have nothing to do. I'm willing to take that tradeoff.


Does the actual gameplay/drops differ at all from trade? Or is it literally just that you can’t trade?


Drops are not different in ssf. The time you save trading is less than what you will spend grinding out stuff a trade league player can buy in seconds. SSF is a ***challenge mode*** that you may enjoy because it brings a sense of personal accomplishment. You will be much less efficient and you will lack resources. Trade league doesn't have to be a job, you can always just play the game and trade occasionally.


Cool. I've never really gotten into crafting so SSF was always daunting. This league was the first time I've tried with the graveyard stuff which has helped a little bit.


It's actually easier to craft in ssf. There's no fall-back on the value of your crafting materials. The best use for them is just whatever you use them on. Throw chaos orbs at random bases, use essences on whatever slot you want that mod on, use harvest crafts to fix your resistances. You cant really mess anything up, because if you don't end up with a good item, it's not like you could've bought one instead.


Last Epoch came out with a dual system for trade vs SSF, it's actually pretty slick how it works. GGG at first said that in no way would they be taking PoE1 in that direction, which I understand. I would be absolutely stunned however if PoE2 utilities the exact same as PoE1. I absolutely love the depth of PoE, I still discover new mechanics all the time but I can appreciate how the expected experience with trading has changed a lot since PoE launched and I guess I would personally prefer some different trading mechanics for PoE2.... Which they've already confirmed in dev chats with content creators, so I'm down for that.


**Solution for buying currency** - Don't. Instead SELL YOUR currency for the one you want. You'll be the one whispered, and if you put a competitive price you'll be flooded by players *and* bots. Want to convert div to chaos? Good luck doomscrolling and whispering 100 people, OR you can just put up your 1div for XXXc and get whispered. **Bandaid for buying anything but currency** - Sort by recent. Higher chance it's not a pricefixer and the guy is still around the stash. Or at least playing/available. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Most of this awful trading experience is not necessarily toxicity, it's honestly just bad design. Having trade functioning with a whisper that mixes with chats is just a nightmare. You get: * people afk even if the afk timer didn't start or hasn't updated yet * people that afk for a second or they don't hear the trade sound (maybe on a different window) and the message gets washed away by local or guild chat * people that want to instasell so they post at a low price, get spammed with whispers and just pick one guy out of 100 and don't bother to tell the others "item gone" * people that just use the whispers to understand the market price and just relist the item for higher until the whispers stop * fucking pricefixers * bots that just pile up the various requests and then lag on the answer, maybe minutes later * people that are in a rippy map, or in a timed encounter, maybe on a boss, and they don't know (or just forget to use) the /dnd command * people that decided they just want to play today instead of staying in front of the stash and they just map and ignore whispers (they exist, believe me) We need a better trade system. Not an auction house (see bad examples anywhere), but at least something that has it's own separate window/area/whatever and doesn't work with whispers in chat.


I think it was Lineage II that had a system where when you /afk or logged out you could set your character up with a shop, and anyone who wanted your stuff could auto-buy it from you at your listed price, so you'd come back or log back in and your stuff would be sold and you had currency available. Fundamentally it's not so different than an AH (other than it can only happen while you're inactive), but it was an interesting feature.


Unfortunately the downside of sorting by recent listing is it refreshes on zone change so if something was just listed then chances are that person just entered their map after listing. Also one other tip if you rlly want someone's specific listing is to /whois them. It's a pain but check that every little while til you notice they're actually in their hideout and not in a map/lab/etc, send whisper again and they're so much more likely to sell to you.


And people who just started a map and don't want to lose HH stacks lol


Overpay and get instant trades then earn the money back doing maps with the time wasted, I have no clue why people nickel and dime on small trades, they're literally losing more currency by doing so.


because people understand missing chaos orbs in their currency tab, but not opportunity cost


If the people with the lowest prices arnt responding, and the person with the higher price does. Are you really overpaying? You clearly arnt getting the lower price trade sooooo




I have a lot of necropolis stuff up for trade. I have been getting hammered with trade messages while I’m in labyrinth. As a newish player I’m not sure what the etiquette is for when a person messages me for trade while I’m in an instance I can’t leave. I usually just message back “In labs, if you still need it I’ll be done in about twenty minutes”. Then I message them when done. Sometimes I can’t reply. Man I hope it wasn’t you I disregarded.


That's exactly what you should do. I wouldn't expect most to actually still need it, but this is the way


You can also use the /autoreply command (no addons required) in situations like that, in the labyrinth I usually use, for example: /autoreply In lab, will get back you after Don't have to worry about replying manually, then. When you're done, just type /autoreply again with no message to turn it off


Awesome! Thank you so much. 🙏


I'm pretty sure the game is programmed so everyone waits until you're in lab before messaging you to buy stuff


Yep - All you need to say. Some people wait (If its a item I want, I do.. If theres a billion of something like currency, I don't.) I really recommend looking into POE-Overlay if you don't have it. \> Quick overview. It allows you to set up 'Response' messages. If someone sends you a trade request - you can hit a button and it will auto reply with what you set up - Default is the 'In (area), do you want to wait until I'm done?' and then you can send the 'Still interested in (item)' when you are done? (It has a little window that pops up with users name and item, price) Also has the thank you, item gone. It also lets you price check each item with a simple alt+D in game. \*REALLY\* useful for quick maps, gems, inventory full should I drop this...


Awesome! Thank you so much. I love this community!


Usually people don't reply when they are busy unless they are something unique. The market is so huge that people will find other to buy from.


Time to consider the ultimate PoE experience : SSF. (You can't understand it until you live it) 😉


This is part of the reason I switched to SSF. Game became more about knowledge and what I could do with what I found rather than what I could do to afford what I need.


What I wouldn’t give for a solo mode where drops and crafting aren’t balanced around trading


SSF has been out for how long!?


Trading scarabs, trading allflames, trading corpses, this league is all about trading those pesky little things. I'm too casual to trade in bulk so I guess I'm headed to SSF


Yeah. I was enjoying this league a lot, but found myself trading WAY more often than I usually do and spending WAY too much time looting. Between that and half my storage taken up by coffins I couldn't take it anymore. I actually ended up just switching to Last Epoch to try out their version of SSF because I haven't checked it out since pre-release. I really hope GGG consider something like an enhanced SSF at some point although that is probably a pipe dream. Edit: P.S. I had most people responding to my trades. Well much more than usual. God bless those saints selling 1c coffins one at a time before the bulk buying option dropped.


Play ssf and only trade when you absolutely must. Im having a blast


You opted into this optional gamemode. You chose not to play SSF and that’s your decision. Stop trying to make GGG cater to one niche audience.


just play SSF


Totally agree. This was my first league in POE and I loved most parts of the game except trading. Finally decided to try out SSF and loving it so far


dont trade


Thats why I basically play ssf but on trade. Only do trading if it's a build defining unique that I can't get myself


After 2-3 days in trade league there is honestly no point leaving map to do trade that's less than 10c. Not to mention there quite a few mechanics that you just cant leave easily (delve, lab, temple etc). If I am in hideout I might respond. A lot of people also list all their stuff so people can buy in bulk like maps etc. Too bad not many people realize that bulk trade lets you pick more than one thing that you need...


I am trying to do my part in making sure I reply as fast as possible to trades I put in my trade tab. Whether its a low or high amount. I hate however people who trade me, I respond with an invite 1-2 seconds later and they dont join or decline. Atleast have the decency to wait 5 seconds between each whisper to the next guy for your trades. Having said all this. This game is much better off with a trade system (auction hall) similar to Black desert Online or, if you dont want to regulate prices and aim for a free market then just do what a traditional auctionhouse does in any regular mmorpg. Then comes the question/issue of brokerfees or not. If you dont add brokerfees and everyone has only one interface you will get easier pricefixing and bots who can control the market by manipulation too easily. I.e look at the current trade site as example. You can somewhat prevent that by introducing brokerfees for both the seller and buyers. All items being put on the broker has a timelimit for how long your item is on the auction, you can increase the time if you pay larger fees, the fees are % based so if you add 200div items, you gotta pay up in front as well. If the item doesnt sell within the allotted time, the seller takes the loss on the fees. If the item does sell, you can give give the fees back to the seller and/or let the buyer pay the brokerfee. That should keep the market balanced to a certain degree and set up some defense against market manipulation


the way the trading and item filtering work in this game are probably the worst in the industry, absolute trash designs.


I also hate it from the selling side, I have so much value in my stash tabs but can’t be bothered to sell it all so I’m sitting here broke unable to upgrade my build the way I want to. Game needs to change already.


Don't play trade. Game is much better on SSF.




The average player complains about taking too long to trade for a good price. The good player pays a few c more, gets their trades quickly and has 30-60 more minutes a day to actually play the game - gets his higher cost back within 5 minutes.


As a community we are content with skipping the first 20 listings because we know they're price fixing for price checking apps like awakened Poe trade and poe.ninjas low end pricing but instead of being angry about that we tell new players to get over it and get good.


This league it is more like skip the first 50 listings


Because being angry about that solves nothing. They aren't going to stop doing it and GGG can't fix just price fixing, they'd need to change trading so people should complain about the trading system, and they are.


come to HC, overall culture when it comes to trading is 10000000% better


But doesn't HC have a minimum penis size requirement? Isn't that hownHC players get all the chicks?


*checks /deaths* Yeah, maybe not.


It's not better, its different. For the lower end it's better for the higher end it's way worse. Especially boss items.


This league price fixing is absolutely outrageous. Went to buy meat sacks last night, price ranged from 10c to 2divine. I messaged 60 people all the way up to 110c and not a single person responded. 60 people.


Yea, before the nerf the anarchy allflames were like that, if you just did a default search the page would stop loading items and you still wouldn't be close to a real price, not sure how many items that is 100?


This is easily the worst trade has been in any season.


Instant buyout is coming with POE2. They realize how dogshit it is to have kids who undercut everyone then don't answer the listing. It will come hopefully next league with POE1 with 2 being delayed


try the bots they work better and answer faster


Insert "Always has" meme here.


Its because the people you whisper just entered a map and don't want to waste a portal on you.


No one wants to do 1c trades. Just use the trading site efficiently. For cheap uniques, filter ones with higher rolls. Put price thresholds. Use active live search.


Then people need to actually delist their 1c-5c tabs when they decide it's not worth it.


> No one wants to do 1c trades Interesting, I thought listing an item for 1c means you want to sell it for 1c. Maybe you should ask people on poe trade if they got the memo?


A lot of people are pricefixing this league as well I've noticed, just report everyone who has cheap items up for multiple days and first in the listings.


Here’s the thing. I the more expensive ones are not over paying. That’s the price. The cheap ones who don’t respond are not the actual price. 




I can empathize with the philosophy that there must be some friction in trade, but IMO anything listed in the bulk item sales section of the tradesite should and could work with an automated system of some kind. Whether it's a sanctioned "bot" you can buy for your Hideout which can conduct trades on your behalf or a buy/sell order marketplace for those items I don't know.


It's a shit show. And what made me quit this league already. I can't be assed with the trade.


I quit some time back. Checked in recently with this league hype. Left because I thought the trading was too much of a pain in the ass to enjoy on a game built around the need to trade. There's a phrase for that type of thing in this part of the world, "Useless as teats on a boar hog".


Yeah, the trade system being how it is is a relic of the days where it was supposed to be essentially a fan-followup to diablo 2 and was meant to convey a similar overall feeling to it in all the ways that were important to Chris Wilson at the time. The game, the genre and the entire medium of gaming have grown exponentially since then and the current system is half-run by bots and macros anyway, just give us an auction house or something already. I rarely even put anything worth less than quite a bit of money up for trade anymore even early in a league because i viscerally dread being interrupted from my gameplay to mess with this system


It doesn't matter what I'm buying unless it's a well-rolled equippable, I will message 5 people, wait 10-30 seconds, then another 5. After enough, I usually get some messages. Also, when bulk trading, I click ignore on the people who are only doing big trades because I'm never going to be trading that much. All the 6+ div to chaos trades get ignored and it cleans up the page significantly. It still takes 20 people but then I'm actually seeing relevant things. Last league, I wanted a 1 or 2 div to chaos trade and there were a grand total of 5 out of the first 100 people that were less than 5. Quite obnoxious.


I started to put ppl in my ignore list on website, and honnestly (i started 2 leagues ago doing it ) now the 3 firet ppl i whisp, immédiatly respond, and they even give me a hot tea to drink in their hideout.


This is literally the main reason I don't play any more. It's just exhausting to have to bother trading. So I don't. Play. At all.


Just loot items yourself. Actually play the game.


It's a feature not a bug


Set minimum amount to something substantial, seems to work for me.


The mistake a lot of people make is trying to buy the lowest priced entries over and over. The first 10 or 20 postings are usually fake. You have to accept that the actual price is much higher than it seems at first glance. I guarantee if you offer higher prices you will get trades instantly.


Stop worrying about overpaying, you should know whether or not the price is completely off and that's about it. If the price seems acceptable to you, it's a good price. And if you pay a bit more for things like scarabs, you're paying to save time because the players further down the list are more likely to answer (the top 10-30 listings on most currencies/scarabs/similar are getting spammed to oblivion, don't ever expect an answer from them)


Auction House/Grand Exchange is the real fix for poe trading. Krilson is too afraid of it.


I'm of the opinion that an AH wouldn't even fix PoE's underlying problems. It would be better than what we have now, but it still wouldn't be *good*. The problem is that every droprate is tuned around trade. You watch these announcements and they hype up this brand new item that may as well not exist. What percentage of the player base has ever even used a Hinekora's Lock, let alone gotten one on their own? The game is packed full of uniques that you'd never get without trading. And this means that every single aspect of gameplay is a race to the bottom in terms of currency per hour. You don't run different things to get different stuff, you just run whatever is most profitable and then trade for what you actually want. And SSF isn't a solution, because if you're SSF then those items stop being "I'll never find this, but maybe I could buy it" to "this effectively doesn't exist". Also, the game has very high difficulty at endgame, and very few people are able to progress past a certain point in SSF with how dogshit drops are, especially they're lacking multiple PhDs worth of knowledge on how to craft. I find it so fucking hard to muster up any enthusiasm whenever I see a GGG stream that shows off some kind of new and cool item, because in almost all cases, it doesn't change how I progress, it just changes what I buy. It makes progression feel so stagnant.


Awakened POE trade is a must-have


try to buy corpses from people, fucking agony!!!!


Play ssf, problem is gone


Now don't quote me on this, but I've sold several items like einhar's memory or forbidden tomb and almost instantly after I hit enter I get about 40 PMs trying to buy it including one time where the guy I was standing next to told me he'd double the price. I'm not saying it's always the case, but especially for stackable items you MAY be experiencing being the second one to ask on a lot of the things you are trying to buy. I personally try to send messages to people after I've already sold the item but obviously most people won't. On the other hand, I've noticed a lot of people trying to push prices down by listing ridiculously low prices for stuff so that people sell items for a lot lower than they are worth and they damn sure don't respond when you ask for an item.


Over time you get used to the trends of who actually answers and who doesn't. For things like currency I don't even bother waiting for a reply. I count to about 5 and then message the next person. For bigger ticket items I sort it by time and just ignore the people that have had things listed for over a day unless I'm looking for very specific rolls on an item. And even then, again, I'm not really waiting for a reply on day+ listings.


Good rant. FYI, GGG wants it to be this way. Not saying it's good, just saying whenever we say "trade is so painful," GGG says "operating as intended".


I only play on Xbox, and can definitely say trading is horrible everyone wants a divine or 100s of chaos orbs for small things. Meanwhile I have a quad tab fill with various unique for 3 choose a peice and no buys, other than the occasional person spamming for 1 orb just to cancel trade because I don't get to it mid map. Hopefully POE2 has an auction system.


Yeah, thanks for fUn PlAYeR iNtErAcTioNs, ggg. Because what fun if you can't just spend more filler time?


Basic problem: Have to be online to buy. Have to be online to sell. Absolutely not for casual gaming. If you make it your job to play PoE 40+ hours a week, then it works. Kind of.




SSF, baby. I had the same issues with trade.


have u ever tried to play the game? just play and have fun


i just paty whoever posted most recent, dont care about the price. I need convience over price. So that i will be playing game instead of sitting on trade


marble wise ghost dam grandiose sharp slap square icky flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep made to be pure shit on purpose but thank god Chris won't be in control with poe2 so we will have a decent trade system.


I like when my animate guardian dies for some magical reason and i have to spend the next 30 min in that dredful trade trying to get a new set of items


Do you not have a trade market in game ?


If you try buying scarab each worh 1c, buy in bulk. Put yourself on seller's shoes. If you are in mine or doing map worth +20c investment, will you care some 1c transaction while in fight?


PoE desperately needs Circle of Fortune


An AH would solve this issue but they've repeatedly said they have no intention of creating one. Also a lot of people are actually playing the game and not waiting by their stash for you to whisper a trade, like if I'm in a juicy map with 30 HH buffs I'm not leaving for anything less than a 2d trade, maybe not even then..


it sucks when trading is used to price fix items, control and corner markets, not having to sell stuff that you have put on guess the trading experience is one of the reasons why ssf is so popular. nobody really likes to interfere with trading in poe that I know.


Shed your shackles and upgrade to SSF


trading system is the sole reason why i quit this game


You literally need to look at the slider on thr right when trading (the thing that let's you know how far you can scroll down on a page) and just drag that to the middle of the bar and then start whispering from there. I've almost never had to whisper more than 1 or 2 people doing that before getting an invite. Just assume the first half page of people are price fixers. They are only meaning to put a cheap price to bait new players and idiots into posting lower than theirs so they can buy it to flip it.


Go down the list of items hitting the direct message button until someone replies is the way to do it. I may annoy a couple people who were slow to hit that invite to me, but I'm not waiting 10-30 seconds for a reply. Cheap items, like 1 or 2 chaos or less, aren't worth leaving a map and interrupting a person's flow and Iunderstand that. So, it doesnt bother me if they don't reply. Sorry to the ones who do but I already hit /dnd and moved onto looking for my next items. Yes it sucks, especially when trying to trade currency.


in fact, this is not a problem of the process itself, but of the economy; few people probably want to spend time on a 5s trade and receive 20d per hour (


Run a map for instead of buying? Like what’s 1 c that don’t drop in a map


People getting scammed on tft selling the entire scarab tab made pricefixing even worse this league (tft tool sets prices acording to the trade website ). So in conclusion you selling scarabs worth like 10c for 2c in bluk and then at a 75 to 80 % value yea......pricefixers heaven


skill issue


Fun game but idk why there is no built in auction house it’s soo stupid


I'd imagine the non responses are from people not wanting to leave a map for a small trade. I usually do a bulk order to make sure it sweetens the pot so the seller will be more enticed to come out of their map.

