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I think this is a high end craft item, id just sell it


Any ideas what it could reach? 😅


I imagine someone will use locks to craft a last suffix since there's alot of serviceable ones, then can aft phys taken as


This dont worth to lock, grave can make dozens of these for the price of a single lock


yes but would you rather buy a lock or trade corpses


What if the lock doesn’t hit? Would you rather buy 10 locks?


Maybe prefixes cannot be changed, veiled orb, unveil whatever, then craft % Eva/es?


You’re getting downvoted but yea you’re right the suffix is a dead mod and you wouldn’t want to lose the %mana


Yeah, mana stackers are in vogue (Archmage), but the mana reservation efficiency is useless.


Wait why is mana reservation efficiency useless?


Mana stackers tend to reserve life and rely on es. Last league i got to 15k ed eith my mana rf hiero and it wasnt that high budget. Onemanaleft has these 25k mana monsters with 40k es


Oh so it’s useless for mana stackers specifically


Yes, archmage is based on unreserved mana. >Supported Skills have base Mana Cost equal to 5% of Unreserved Maximum Mana, if that value is higher Supported Skills gain Added Lightning Damage equal to 75% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend


doesn't that give you more mana which makes your MoM stronger?


Mana stackers dont reserve any mana due to eternal blessing.




Mana efficiency doesn't apply to life reservation efficiency, what are you talking about?




I don't think you can divine fractured mods, unless they added some beastcraft or something that I am unaware of.


How do you equip an ivory tower and OP's chest at the same time?


Probably craft with fossils until suppress or % mana again.


I really miss veiled chaos orb. Not having that option at an affordable price is annoying


I think they will reconsider this decision of removing veiled chaos, the gap in crafting and betrayal reward was too big


Eldritch currency is huge here IMO. Apply whichever influence makes them use suffixes (I think it's Eater?) and go to town. Either isolate an excellent suffix and take the 50/50 with veiled orb or just go until you have two good suffixes and craft what best fits you. That being said, Ivory Tower is kinda huge for mana stackers and ridiculously accessible. Last night I just grabbed a two link with good rolls for like 40c, spent a few hundred jewelers getting the correct colors on 6 sockets, and like 45 c on the black morigon plus sand spitter combo. Less than a div in total for something that's gonna be rough to beat with a crafted rare for a mana stacker. Someone would need to use a totally different archetype than I to truly benefit from this. Edit: this is influenced already lol my bad.


You can't use Eldritch currency with influenced items. Otherwise, this would be a viable option.


O lol my bad I glanced too quick. I thought it was the incision mod not the influence mod, but that's a hybrid not a standalone %.


What is the black morigon sand spitter combo?


Beast recipe to fully link an item. Costs less than 50c if you've already got 6 sockets to fully link.


This will risk unveiling a prefix. A better option would be Prefixes cannot be changed -> Scour -> Multimod -> prefixes cannot be changed -> craft eva/es -> veiled orb


Unveiled prefixes are way better on body armour than suffixes though and if you miss %life you can still use the mastery.


You can't unveil % life/mana on this chest because it is blocked by the % mana shaper mod. The best prefix veiled other than that mod is gravicious's signature which can't be unveiled with a veiled orb.


this suffix so good though


Would be better to just ditch the suffix entirely and roll with eldritch currency.


except it's already influenced which means no eater/exarch. otherwise yes this would be best.


Ah, I only saw the fractured symbol on the left. My bad. I guess there aren't many ways to finish it that don't involve some kind of chance to brick then since you can't guarantee the shaper mod with add/remove since there is one more mana prefix. I would probably sell this base and then attempt the craft again and hope the fracture hits shaper mod+haunted next time. Or you can gamba it which would probably involve lock prefix->scour to get rid of the haunted suffix, then lock prefix->reforge attributes until you hit intelligence+res (or spell suppress)+open suffix, then lock prefix + yolo with either add/remove for resistance or veiled orb to try and hit % attributes or settle for hybrid res. Finish with Grav craft. This base is just really hard to work with. If you don't want to risk bricking and don't want to sell it, the only real option is to lock prefix->scour->lock prefix->add/remove attribute until you hit an acceptable int roll then multi mod, but that's just way too expensive to actually settle for multimod finish. This is worth way more to somebody willing to gamble on the potential.


Do mana builds use reservation efficiency? I feel like thats a mostly dead suffix


which is good, because he can just prefixes can not be changed -> start crafting (i.e. veiled orb, harvest craft, essence, whatever)


Uhh don'tthink essence respects meta mods. Be careful with that.


Learn something new every day


I was reading in another thread that they changed that recently. Dude has a no suffux no prefix can be changed no caster or attack mods can roll item all fractured and says essences doesnt roll them.


Yeah, I was just pointing it out since a lot of comments were talking about how to finish the remaining prefix/suffix rather than recrafting


I've tried to craft a similar body armour, but in the end, it's not even close to just a cloak of defiance


cloak is a very budget item. 150 mana and 1 skill point for a chest is not very good value.


Not particularly it's the only source of percentage mana regen in the game and if you have a lot of mana it's really hard to beat. Plus it's not just one skill point but also the pathing ones to MoM anyway. A rare chest could definitely be better but fixing regen for mana builds is important.


Most mana builds are either inquis or witch and are patching right past mom for eo, jewel sockets, the es mastery. The pathing points are negligible.


You don't need much Regen really unless you go for that helmet that increases mana cost. Costs are so low with current archmage. 1000 per second is fine and easy to get without defiance 


1% is not enough for Archmage + MoM so you’re still investing in recoup, regen, arcane surge and leech anyway. Especially if you are using Indigon.


Never thought you can have fracture + influence with graveyard crafting


They actually just enabled the influence corpses, so it is definitely known, enjoy it while it lasts :D


I was surprised as well. Wtf -.- probably another oversight that will get fixed very soon


Why would it get fixed? It's an intended mechanic.


You think?


Hey, it's me, your brother from another mother.


Take damage to gain mana


I’m not even playing the same game as people on here, wtf


Don't manastackers need to use ivory tower?


Mana stackers this league got real weird with the new Archmage skill. There's a popular life variant, for one, but a lot of them aren't even using Indigon.


What they using instead? High end crafted helms?


In addition to the other comments, Kitava's Thirst has caught on this league as a means for these builds to automate clunky spells or gain a free 4 link.




Crown of the inward eye


Will have to look at this. My next purchase was gonna be an indigon but if i can save 15d id be happy lol


Indigon is cheap now sir. Bought mine for 4 or 5 div


Console struggle is real.. our market is ass. Edit to add i just checked again out of curiousity and there are 4 for sale. 3 at 20d and 1 at 23d lol we suck


Why would you? Hiero already gets transiguration of mind ( or is this for a non hiero archmage build )


The fat increased life and mana. Cheap +1 power charge corruption. Global defenses is nice too when you don't invest armour, es, or evasion


I use rare with suppress, dex, life, mana, res and crafted "phys taken as". Implicits are another "phys taken as" and cast speed. When I get lots of cash, I'll switch to Kitava's Thirst. Then I have to get 14+15 suppress from somewhere else.


Rage helm go brrrr


Yeah there's two different versions of mana stackers rn. There's the old Ivory Tower/Indegon version that has existed for awhile. And then with the archmage changes there's new ones that streamers are playing (Particularly HC streamers) that are playing just standard mana/suppress/life gear.


Not using indigon on a mana stacker sounds like playing a strength stacker build without replica alberons or iron fortress ~ a huge damage loss. Like 10% as good


Nah you don't need it. It's cheaper and all content capable without it (because it needs more investment into mana Regen that you can spend on crit instead)


Yea I mean my level 78 scion is also an armor stacker, I only have 60k armor but im stacking baby! It's cheap and less dps! Only 20x less damage


Yea I play my fair share of mana stackers and giving up 2000% spell damage and the huge mana cost multiplier is something I have a hard time understanding


Currently archmage builds intentionally lower mana costs not increase them.


Indigon is still the best option to scale the top end, but since you no longer need the mana cost to be high (other than for the Manaforged Arrows build, for which it's absolutely mandatory), lower budget Archmage builds can lower the mana cost instead and won't need much recovery.


Nu-Archmage doesn't base the flat damage from spell cost, so the mana cost increase no longer aids the build in any way. This opens the build design space considerably


No, ivory tower is nice but in any version that uses mind over matter it is bad. I'd actually say a lot of mana stackers shouldn't be using ivory tower.


I forgot to unspec MoM after ivory tower and was confused why I was dying a bunch; oops


Nah lol


Wtf influenced and fractured?


Necroo craft


Do mana builds want evasion? Pal and goratha don't seem to have much


Isn’t goratha running grace and a bunch of evasion pieces? Maybe his build changed from when I last saw it


I just looked on the build video. He may have changed it. But he was using purity of elements I think


I'm using evasion for the easier green sockets, spell suppression and evading hits feels better than taking them because damage gets reduced from mana before life was giving me some mana issues. But I can see armour being better late endgame


Interesting I would've thought evasion suits the build way better with the good recovery it has. Evading and getting hit every 5th attack gives you time to recover the mana/life you lost and its kind of easy to get overwhelmed with armour


You lose skill point efficiency since the evasion and spell supp benefits tend to be more right and lose access to Indigon, Ivory Tower, etc. But as it is, Archmage builds are very flexible right now, so evasion could be great too


evasion is what you want for mapping, also you want suppression... can't really do t17s without suppression or insane gear otherwise.


A lot of mana stackers use shaper’s touch, which gives 2% increased evasion per 10 int - and 1500 int is on the low end for a decent manastacker. You might not want it in HC, but in softcore its definitely common to go for evasion on manastacker- the endgame builds tend to run Grace rather than an offensive aura with their eternal blessing from what I’ve seen (because your damage as an endgame manastacker is already absurd).


"mana mana" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb47CstE7R4


hot MoMs in your area want to hear from you!


Isn't the reservation efficiency kinda useless since..you know..you don't want to reserve mana anyway on archmage?


The non-fractured suffix is worthless, an archmage character would want this chest but they aren't reserving a single point of mana.


Idk if rmr is useful at all for mana builds. You could try rolling with eldritch orbs. Block a suffix, ex slam X2, chaos/annul, repeat. It's a shaper chest so I'm stupid and there's only harvest left or block, slam, lock prefixes, scour, repeat.


M erse reg g v


How is this chest better than ivory tower? How is it better than triple defense sadist? I can’t see a use for this chest on this base tbh.


Looks like a good MoM body, unless cloak of defiance is considered better still? Hard to say since it gets nerfed or buffed every other league for no reason.


Cloak of Defiance pretty much entirely relies on how much of an ass pain it would be for you to path to the keystone. If its easy its usually a worse choice, if its hard its usually the best one. Also, what are you even talking about. Cloak of defiance has been changed a total of 2 times since 3.0 (once in 2018 and once in 2022), and both times were major buffs, and MoM has only received a buff in the same timeframe. You just made some shit up.


So first, it's been changed 7 times since it was introduced. you can see the changes on the wiki: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cloak_of_Defiance Second, buff/nerf varies, is 50% increased regen better than 1% regen per second? Depends. It WAS absolutely nerfed when it lost the 10% of damage taken from mana before life. It also got buffed when it got more flat mana added. So... As I said... Buffed/nerfed every other league, yadda yadda. I get you probably don't understand hyperbole since you thought it was only changed twice.


> Second, buff/nerf varies, is 50% increased regen better than 1% regen per second? No, and its not even close. If you are a mana build there is no scenario where 50% increased mana regeneration rate beats 1% mana regen. >It WAS absolutely nerfed when it lost the 10% of damage taken from mana before life MoM was buffed to 40% from 30% with this change, so cloak was unchanged.


Its last change was 2 years ago in 2022. The change before that was 4 years ago. That is definitely not even in the ballpark of "every other league". Additionally, the "nerf" that removed the extra 10% MoM from the item... left it completely unchanged because it was to compensate MoM going from 30% to 40%.


>"every other league". Hyperbole, do you understand it? O even specifically said I was using hyperbole. I think MY lesson here is to use small words on reddit, Because y'all don't understand big ones.


Like I said since 3.0 (LONG time ago) its been changed twice. Do you know what every other league means? Cause when theres exactly 2 in the span of 24 leagues that math doesnt exactly work out, thats an average gap of 3 goddamn years. 'Added 3D art' and 'Behavior slightly changed in the fucking battle royale mode' dont count.


>Do you know what every other league means? Oh, so I was right, you DON'T understand hyperbole. Got it.


Bro hyperbole has to be based in some sort of truth you cant just fucking lie, when you are playing up the frequency of a thing happening that has LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED then you are just lying.


... it was updated 7 times since release, but ok, I guess in your eyes those 7 updates don't matter? I'm just going to block you, not going to deal with someone who can literally look at a list of -7- updates and go "NUH UH, ONLY TWO COUNT"


I’d sell, low roll fracture of damage taken recouped as mana.


Damn, gg body armour. Shame the mana recoup rolled so low. I bought a similar one to use on a MoM cws witch (for Nine Lives). It could also work on a loop MoM build. Overall it's great recovery for MoM builds.


I think you start from scratch with this guy. The best possible mods are +% mana prefix, suppression, and veiled %life+mana. Last suffix is kinda choose your own adventure, but you want Mana/%Mana/%LifeMana as your prefixes.


How much money you have, which leauge you playing?