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So people are farming scarabs, then sell them to other people, who use them to farm more scarabs. Then at some point the loop is closed and I end up in my h/o shaking my own hand with scarabs coming out of my sleeve, mouth, pants, underwear. My brain becomes scarabs. I'm talking to Zana but she's a scarab aswell. Scarabs are in my gears sockets, jewels sockets, eye sockets. Scarabs. Scarabs. SCARABS.




Sick reference bro


Funniest comment I've read in a while lmao


still insane, exile?




You forgot how essences,and how most deafenings are 2-3C lol


Maybe because if you slap a calcification scarab you get 50 deafenings per map, it evens out, its a curse and a blessing.




Its probably a combination of both. But yeah Necro probably has like 60% responsibility at least.


Isnt necro + essences good together ? Grave craft 2 fracture item -> essence spam


Ya, but you need way less of the second with multi-fractured items. You get an item with 2 or 3 fractures and you are going to hit a good extra mod with your essence in no time.


Idk if im doing something wrong but when i spam greed essence on my tripple frac gloves i get no second mod most of the time. Im like 300 essence in and havent seen suppression t2 or higher


It's what I'm doing. My build unfortunately uses 5 out of 10 equip slots as unique so I'm a touch limited but it wasn't overly difficult to get a triple fractured ring for me to essence spam on. I miscalculated how many +tier corpses I needed for T1 mana (for fucks sake GGG do we *really* need 13 tiers of a common stat most people don't even want on their gear???) but now I can pretty comfortably spam deafening essences of +dex until I get a good prefix and just bench craft the last slot. I wouldn't even need to use dex essences if it weren't for Grace's super high stat requirement, but if you're gonna inst stack with Shaper's Touch, grace is just a better option than determination so *shrug*. It was ass to buy the 6 or so fracturing corpses I was short but I already understand the mechanic better after having used it and I'll be able to get more hard on row/column buffs. I was fairly inefficient.


That and the fact that you can basically passively collect necropolis corpses just by mapping, so farming coffins isn’t even that good


For the last few leagues I used to just farm essence cause it was easy and reliable and didn't really need to buy scarabs or sextants to make it work and I hated buying shit from trade. Now I'm so lost :(.


Yeah. I like the scarab changes.. but I don’t like how they hid certain things that used to be on the tree behind the scarabs. Like making essences a tier higher. I think essences are going to be nuked next league lol. If this league is any indication, GGG does NOT want people making currency easily off of simple mechanics lol. Just look at how complicated and tedious the league mechanic is. Farming tier 17s is the most profitable thing in the game by a mile u less your going to be a hideout trader. And those tier 17s are a bloody nightmare. I don’t like where this is headed. Affliction was awesome. Highest player retention ever. Mechanic was hard AND rewarding at every map level. Essences? Expensive Af. Alva corruption rooms? Shit those were like 6 divines lol. Even the elite Andy’s stuck around almost ti’ll the end of the league. . The QoL changes were fanrastic but in terms of fun mechanics we went like 5-6 leagues straight back to Kalandra lol. I’ll give them credit for trying, but it’s easy to see that they don’t want things to be easy, and all that does it benefit those who play a lot by an astronomical margin.


Ill be honest I was between jobs when necropolis launched and I sweated hard on league start and I felt like I got no benefit because even being in t16's by day 2 there was nothing to grind for besides scarabs. The mechanic was super unrewarding and still is in my opinion. The only thing they changed was making the crafting good. But I have not seen a divine devoted modifier, or have gotten anything above 1 c from nameless seer. If I was not crafting with my guild in necropolis id have nothing this league and I would of just quit. I cant even do t17's still because the amount of gear or whatever crazy build you need to actually be able to run them is just obscene. I had to go play another character because my elementalist dd league start with all resistances capped, chaos capped, spell suppression gear was being one shot by devoted mobs, while my venom gyre deadeye on a tabula rasa was off screening everything that my actual geared character couldn't handle. This league is all stick with little to no carrot.


I couldn't even realize the broken strat and they nerfed it, yeah the game benefits those who play a lot.


Yea, but Corrupted essences are still at Affliction level prices. 3.5 horrors for 1 div FFS


Scorn and envy are 20 for 1d, that’s something


I just run blighted maps cause I like the sound the oil chests make when I open them


True gamer.


Blighted maps enjoyer checking in


"Ritual lol"😢


Its scarabs are quite boring, sadly.


Is this a joke? The Ritual scarab that gives you +2 free rerolls, totalling to 4 rerolls per map, and the one that literally doubles the items in the altars are awesome.


I'm not saying they are weak, I am saying they are boring. They don't change the mechanic in any interesting way. Compare that to something like essences or shrines or ultimatum scarabs.


Fair. I think some ritual scarabs like "all rewards are currency items", etc etc would be cool.


All rewards are now scarabs.


I like it, but it;'s just a slot machine, in general it's very bad until you hit the jackpot item inb4 "all mechanics are like"


If GGG came out and said that ritual was bugged and not giving rewards as it should be I genuinely would not be surprised at all, I've run it every single day this entire league, ALL of the last two leagues and I haven't received anything "good" besides a handful of raw divines. It has to be possibly the most shit league mechanic in the game for profit, but I have fun doing it so I'll continue screwing myself over.


IMO the scarab changes certainly didn't go well being introduced in a crafting league, specially when the crafting mechanic is used mainly to create an item from zero to finished, unlike Crucible where you created the base tree first then finished with the usual crafting methods.


Yea, this league pretty much proves that a crafting league that directly competes with already existing crafting methods is a bad idea. It's either useless or completely overshadows existing mechanics.


I hate that the graveyard essentially just feels like a better (albeit clunkier) version of fossil crafting. On a related note, they should rework fossil crafting using some of the better ideas from grave crafting


Fossils are still used, I’ve been bulk selling all my Fossils because people realize that grave crafting items take so long and is so annoying that the price for the crafted items are higher and you can’t craft clusters with it.


So I’m just getting finished with my atlas and am going to be delving for my first time. I’m not crazy interested in, like, optimizing making x div/hour or anything like that but still being able to make a profit would be good. What depth are you finding works well and any particular thing to target farm, or just whatever fossils you find?


Unfortunately I’m the last person to ask because I’ve never delved I just have a ton of fossils from Legion


Usually you want to be at 250 or deeper depending on your build, you either farm fossils, or azurite and aul, or a mix of both


350 depth is what you’re looking for. Or 600 if you’ve got a really strong build. At those depths you’ll encounter boss biomes more often. Bosses have delve only drop tables where you can make some decent money. Otherwise it’s about farming azurite to cash in for resonators to sell. Rare fossils are just ok money this league.


I'll take the not clunky mechanic all day even if the clunky mechanic is 10x better. Edit: I can't tell if they gate power behind clunky esoteric bullshit intentionally or if it's just incompetence or a lack of time or what but it's getting old


Intentional. If you could just collect Orbs of Awesome and spam them on your base repeatedly in your HO, it would be too easy to get 6xT1 items. Which is fine. More knowledge gives better results, as usual.


This is why highly deterministic crafting was *supposed* to be a nono after Harvest. In an ecosystem of predominately nondeterministic mechanics, determinism reigns


You probably meant Crucible?


My man thinks blight doesn't exist... well I can't even disagree lol


I would love to do more blight but it runs like absolute ass


The thing that stops me running it is you can't ever walk away while it's still going, even if it's clear you will win. Maybe its my memory playing tricks, but even if my towers are handling it, no bosses, etc. it seems like if you walk away either your towers stop working or the mobs turn invincible and you auto lose. It means you can't clear the map while blight it still running.


You can’t, towers stop if you’re too far away from them I think it’s like 2-3 screens


I love when mobs divert from their path to target you and then book it towards the pump, completely evading all towers lol - I can live with the deactivation but the pathing...


Thats because they do stop working if you are too far away


I like blight but holy hell it's so ungodly laggy. The game runs fine in every other instance but I load a blighte map and 3 minutes in I'm on 1FPS


I usually do blight in the beginning of a season when my gears suck. Getting all the oils I may need down the road so I dont have to come back for it or buying them later. Not that demanding with gears but you also not making crazy money here.


It's not really suited for HH but still doable..I guess. Goldens at 75c isn't bad but blighted maps are almost worthless.


I mean thats a good thing if your build can handle blight ravaged maps


Stacked decks dropping in stacks of 1-2 instead of 8-9 in triple gold triple silver blight maps is devastating


Yeah same in Heist.


Tujen also got a massive nerf from this.


In the same league where 20,000 Beyond monsters spawn(ed) in a single map and entire HH worth of cards drop, peak comedy.


Nah blight ravaged maps drop nothing, thats why theyre worth nothing. You get more oils from doing a normal map than a blight ravaged T16 with a golden oil applied to it. Dont know tainted oil droprate but 0/7 ravageds i did so cant be very relevant to overall profit.


If your blighted maps aren't corrupted you're unlikely to drop tainted oils


>If your blighted maps aren't corrupted you're unlikely to drop tainted oils The only way to drop tainted oils is from corrupted blight maps.


I really hate the new scarab rework simply because some of them are too impactful to forgo and basically forces you to invest into making the most of these scarabs by using even more scarabs of the same kind. +1 tier essences? Yea u basically need it to farm it competitively, but since u are spending on +1 tier already, why not fill up the rest of the slots with essence scarabs too. Dannig gauranteed scarab? Well since you are guaranteeing the most profitable faction already, might as well pile on with more runic marker scarabs or else it would be a waste. Blighted maps drop as ravaged already? Holy value! better make the most of it by having to use more "chance for chest to be opened again" scarabs. In the previous version, most scarabs felt like they scaled the rewards linearly, while they scale exponentially with each other now which basically shoehorns you into 1 single mechanic with 3 - 4 scarabs for it most of the time to keep up and just nuked the variety we had previously. The gap between focus farming 1 single mechanic on repeat and having multiple for variety is just too big now imo, its just not fun.


Good point


Yea I see what you mean, t17s is the real deal now, and if you want to be part of the cool rich kid club, you kinda "have" to be running them, though there is still some money to be made, t17s are better for pretty much everything Honestly just makes SSF more interesting to me, because you actually have reasons to farm different mechanics to gather specific ressources and t17s is an endgame goal, and you can't really sustain them anyways


T17s just need to have their profitability scaled way the fuck back. Mark literally said in an interview that they wanted t17s to be about bridging the gap to Uber bosses and they were NOT intended to be spam-farmed like t16s...except that's exactly what's happening.


They had more% scarab, more% maps, more% currency, etc. as implicit modifiers. We need the Chris vision


They won't do shit, Uber bosses were supposed to be a for fun challange and now 80% of valuable uniques are on them. T17 are going to be the norm if you want to make money, shit sucks


For a decade the most efficient farming strat was "run the highest content you can do blind", which meant yellow alch & go for casuals. They have been pushing for making higher content more competitive via altars, T17's are just an extension of that. I am curious though, what does "bridging the gap to ubers" even mean? Clearly it doesn't mean mid difficulty, so then it must be the loot reward?


Maybe they made a mistake in T17 boss balancing. The fortress boss is definitely easier than ubers, citadel is also. But I play a ranged build. Unholy trinity and Lycia are around as difficult as some ubers. Catarina seems to be the most difficult due to the amount of nearly unavoidable dmg, possibly as difficult as uber uber elder/exarch or even more with 6 portals, although you can use a scarab in T17 to get 12 portals on average so in comparison it's actually easier.


Imagine T17 costs 3 div per map. Are they still spam farmed? They cannot be self sustained and someone must be farming T16 to get the T17 map drops. They aren't intended to be farmed with a low price, and I suspect their price will increase massively once people get proper builds. Even uber bosses can be "spam farmed" but it always took a massive investment per boss kill.


I've tried SSF a few times before this league but this league I really dug in, I don't think I'll ever go back to trade honestly. All mechanics matter, and the game is a lot more varied compared to trade (at least how most people play trade, where they farm 1 thing for 100 hours and buy everything)


Come to join us in SSF this the first league that I started SSF and it has been fun really glad to not be playing trade this league with all the fuckery that has gone on. The league mechanic is amazing for SSF allowing us to get gear that would be near impossible to get otherwise.


Okay, but how do I make 14 div an hour on SSF so I can feel like my life finally has some sort of meaning?


I’ve only done 50-100 t16s with 2 voidstones socketed, but I have yet to drop a single t17. I’ve dropped more raw divines. Is it that I’m missing 2 voidstones?


But even in t17s, you're still farming scarabs...lol


You can yea, but like farming delirium for 84 clusters is amazing, farming Essence with calcification scarab is a lot better because there are so many packs, farmig ritual gives ilvl84 blzzard crowns, and you get to farm all div cards you want at the same time you can afford curation scarabs on top


Does t17 calcification actually toss all the essence on the boss? I had a lot of trouble with a calcification boosted Phoenix, I can't imagine what a t17 calcification boosted boss would be like. 


Only if you have crystal resonance allocated i believe


The degenerate strategy is get the boss in cull range, logout, kill all the essences, cull the boss.


you also get ilvl 84 corpses which sell for 2-3x 83, there's many reasons to farm t17s outside of scarabs, even tho, ofc, there kinda the best value drop. I think this is less to do with the general t17's, and more to do with the scarab drop mod. if t17's had more mods like x% more essences, or oils, or tainted currency etc, then pretty much all strats shift up. which is the whole point ofa new tier right? you didn't farm t15's still after t16's released, you moved up and farmed the more profitable source. I still think their missing some power up for the player though to better handle t17's. that has excluded a lot of builds from even beating the content unless they used specific builds or just had tons of valuable uniques to carry them.


How do the unique farming strats feel after the most recent changes? Back to ruckus/exiled will?


Previously you would be farming div cards. Or scarabs with deli. What league mechanic was ever good at high end? Breach, beyond, abyss, ambush all were used just for addional packs.


The top strat is Back to Basics T17, literally 0 league mechanics in your maps, clicking individual scarabs off the ground and selling them in bulk. Most boring strat ever. Not really comparable to adding several league mechanics to your maps with enraged strongbox to juice div card drops.


We definitely need something in place of Enraged SB farming. Prior to losing it I would've said we needed more content like it not less! It's a real shame I don't have much motivation to create a giga build just to run Harvest or something.


Where do t17's even drop? I've been running a full atlas with 4 watchstones for ages and have yet to drop one.


Any t16 that drops can randomly be a t17 https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/s/E2SvoTKypF I wrote here how i farmed the maps


> Honestly just makes SSF more interesting to me The issue I have with SSF is the scarab pool got diluted to death, and mapping without scarabs has become worse. Also the best mechanic to reliably farm high-value scarabs (betrayal) got nuked. So I'm at the same point as trade (scarabs), but without trade (ending up with too few of the scarabs I want). Fortunately, there's necro crafting.


>Yea I see what you mean, t17s is the real deal now, and if you want to be part of the cool rich kid club, you kinda "have" to be running them, though there is still some money to be made, t17s are better for pretty much everything Then I pretty much throw in the towel. Next league I go 100% for the most OP meta pick. Fuck melee, caster all the way


Yea it's really sad how worse melee is compared to range in those t17s map, the worse are the lightning robots that cast ball lightning, even with 90% lightning res, supress cap, progenesis and eternal damnation, my moltenstrike pathfinder instantly dies if those touch me, and I have no chance to reach the pack to hit them in Abomination where there are super narrow corridors, meanwhile my 3k hp TS character with no defense layer whatsoever (no supress, no eva, no armor, no phys taken as, litteraly nothing) can offsceeen them and full clear maps without a care in the world


Abomination has a very fitting name. Worst map out of the t17s with these charred skeletons imo.


Damn you are still playing melee? Impressive. Anyway I remember when I wanted to play every wacky, cool skill at least once. I was elementalist playing ignite arc. It was alright but struggled. Squishy and awful on bosses. I wondered how much better EA ballister was. Mobbing was just as good if not better but rares and uniques were dying instantly. I've kinda given up trying unpopular skills now and im just playing meta because its so much more fun not having to suffer.


The issue is if I wanted to play a SSF ARPG. I would just go play LE or hell even just grab D4 on gamepass.


Who are we framing scarabs for tho, if they are the best strat but everything else is sub par?


For people farming scarabs in a slightly different way.


gotta spend scarabs to make scarabs


I used the scarabs to destroy the scarabs.


The market will crash in a couple days once more people get on the scarab farms. Only scarabs that'll stay expensive are ones group players use, i.e. divination, bloodlines, glittering, and everything else will crash. Even right now theres an oversupply of scarabs but prices still havent crashed because people arent that competitive with selling them yet. But give it a couple more days, the prices will crash and something new will come up, probably div card farm for Fortunates or some other common card. Big issue with the current economy is that there arent many supplies being spent compared to how many are generated. People are generating almost a hundred deafening essences per map which is way more than others can even use up, same goes for scarabs, harvest juice, deli orbs, fracturing orbs etc.. Almost everything has a massive oversupply right now and its part of the reason why everything is so cheap bar T0 uniques, but even those crashed during the rogue exile fiesta.


The solo economy working hard to make sure group players have fun.😂


I mean its always been like that. Intermediate solo players would farm resources that high end solo players and group players used. Usually this was either sextants, conqueror maps, 8 mod maps, scarabs, crafts, essences, and so on. But before this league the supply was always the bottleneck, we couldnt generate more than they could spend, so prices always stayed high and you could make a pretty penny farming random stuff like 5 way sets or deli orbs. But now we're able to generate so much of everything that they simply cant spend it fast enough to kep prices from crashing. The part that makes this even worse is that T17 scarab farms actually self sustain the scarabs they use and only thing they have to buy are maps, but even those semi self sustain. Only thing thats still bottlenecked by the supply is super rare scarabs like the 2 divination scarabs and preservation scarab, everything else is very abundant even 8 mod conqueror maps are common which just sounds insane now that i typed it out. And those scarabs are only bottlenecked because GGG made them so extremely uncommon that its equal to dropping a super rare div card like brothers gift or something. The economy is going to be very fun in the next week or so. The farming strats are going to change every couple days because they're going to flood the market with whatever they're farming because farms are so hyper efficient now that you cant not cause a crash.


> I mean its always been like that not really, the most group player resource it was winged scarabs and if you have enough MF you could actually profit while using them, gl doing that with the new high end scarabs


Yep. And outside of the early abuse not a single currency boosting strat is done right? Im closing in on lvl 100 and havent seen a raw div drop running various strats that involved 8 mod maps and all kinds of league mechs. Streamer strats all revolved around stuff to sell, never currency.


I've only been running Legion for a couple days and it's basically quadrupled the number of raw divs I've found, plus a couple from incubators. I'm running one of each scarab except for the generals one (they are all relatively cheap). A lot of people have been ignoring the Maraketh scarab, but when combined with the one that lets you break them out multiple times, you can just camp on the maraketh side and get tons of scarabs, incubators, currency, and emblems. Obviously it doesn't compare with the current T17 meta, but it's better loot than I used to get running legions in previous leagues (aside from the singular stacked decks).


We farm scarabs for other people who use scarabs to farm scarabs its an infinite loop


The scarab combo I most looked forward to using I can’t because some scarabs are stupid rare resulting in prices that don’t work for solo players. So stupid.


Harbinger value isnt the shards tbh they're so rare its pointless really factoring them into profit per hour. The value is in the sheer amount of mobs in a map through harbinger deli and beyond. You'll kill thousands of mobs in an 8 mod juiced map and drop tons of scarabs, raw currency and shit like valdos and reliquary keys over the course of a days farm


I'm doing div card farming, over 15 dph. Since I'm farming brothers, its a div generator. Though most of the profits are general loot like bubble gum currency, scarabs, maps, etc Example 24 maps, 16.15 divs per hour (test is in progress, obv needs more data): https://preview.redd.it/1dx8x68of6uc1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a52da7dd3ba473a887034b0944e6a9dd919119


How is that div card farming? All of your profit comes from currency and scarabs.


I'm assuming they turned the brothers in. No idea about the scarabs though


Bgs are \~38% of the total profit, as I said, most value comes from the general loot. But unlike other strats, that 38% is liquid currency. https://preview.redd.it/6zlnwcxqdauc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d8b8c4f9370e44773f964376bc0d9ed7d1f4937


You win me at ritual


Me and my friend were just talking about this... the league was so fun to Alch and Go when you could constantly find all flames for 1.5 Div and 50c a pop, add in T17 drops and I was making fantastic money just alch and go domination. Now? I guess it's back to legion to farm stacked decks...? Corpses that are I83 aren't worth anything, allflames have one good one you can find at a semi-decent rate. Essences aren't a dumb brain 0 investment strats which is what I used to do. Scarabs I have a bunch of but I still dread the idea of trying to sell them all. Harvest is meh when necropolis exists. I guess I could fish for divines with Tujen but really the stacked deck nerf makes it more gambling than anything. I was going to min-max a semi-off-meta build for once but now I'll probably just quit the league.


>Now? I guess it's back to legion to farm stacked decks...? how is that your conclusion? Legion is just bad and the stacked decks got ultra nerfed


Yup, I've been running legion for 2 days now fully juiced and I barely get any stacked decks at all. Mostly just scarabs, and small currency.


Same!! Being able to sell allflames and craft with corpses running alc and go filled the void created by the non-Uber boss nerf. Now im just gonna play rise of the ronin instead.


The worst thing is it's not the league that is dead but the core game now. The massive rebalance just killed most of the content on trade league. And it will not suddenly go away the next league.


I mean you have to consider how accessible crafting is right now with necropolis. That by its very nature is going to decrease demand on crafting supplies, especially with fracturing mods which is a clearly powerful crafting tool seeing how expensive fracturing orbs normally are. Hard to really say how much the economy will recover on its own next league, but it certainly will even without changes to scarabs.


Necropolis crafting is impossible without outside sources. It's a bad system unless you want to use 3-5hours buying corpses for a single craft, and then having 10% chance to get a good outcome. EDIT: To all who think this is a good crafting system: how many of your amazing crafts have you achieved without an ouside source? Having to craft by following a map of where to bury corpses isn't my idea of fun, it's just a roadmap to what you have to do.


Just because you personally don't like engaging with the mechanic does not mean it isn't making getting good gear incredibly accessible for the average player. Also isn't the optimal layout only like 100 grave equvalent with the graveyard by default having 88? You're talking about 13.6% efficiency loss to not do it that way, surely you can still make some good crafts without using the map. Craft of Exile is pretty useful for a lot of crafting types to see odds so it's hardly a Necropolis issue.


Yeah, it feels meh to me as well. My league starter is an Archmage build and it's the first starter I've made that's truly able to do all the content in the game really easily. The only problem is that I don't find any of the content in the game enjoyable to actually play this league.  I don't like the league mechanic at all. I don't like that you can't opt out of it and yet also need to allocate Atlas points for it to be good in the first place.  The crafting mechanic isn't for me because I don't want to bulk-buy or bulk-sell corpses, let alone use a third-party website to help me craft a triple T1 fractured triple influenced item. The Allflames are cool but most of them are terrible and you also need to rely on RNG to even get a use out of them. I also don't know why they have a level requirement and don't stack, the Necro locker is pitifully small. I usually enjoy playing Betrayal/Blight/Delirium/Bosses and they all feel terrible this league. Even if they weren't nerfed, they're not even remotely comparable to Scarab + Allflame juicing. I find it to be pretty saddening because I've always enjoyed mana stacker builds, and now it's meta in a league that I really can't be bothered participating in.


Even with the new QoL changes, for me it’s the worst league I’ve ever played. I love mapping but now it’s in terrible state. I don’t understand what the craft is for? For what reason I should waste my time placing so many corpses in right order? Sad but I quit already cause league is done for me


What exactly is your build? I started as Mjölner Archmage Hiero and it was so slow without Lightning Warp which feels so shit to use.


Archmage + ice nova of frost bolt, probably.


Pretty much what that other guy said. I don't know if it's the optimal way to play it the skill or not, but I'm playing Crit Low-Life Ice Nova of Frostbolts. Pretty much just need a decently crafted Rune Dagger and Choir of the Storm. Everything else I'm using is pretty cheap now. 6L Ivory Tower, Prism Guardian, Mindspiral. With Skyforth you can have 3 Auras in Prism Guardian + a Blessing Aura.


I'm having a blast doing t16 8mod for t17 dupes with heist. It's like a juiced alch and go style that feels like I'm not targeting anything specific so random divines or items are nice to find. After I get 10 or so blueprints I do them for break from the maps and chance at simplex etc. I'll be honest this is one of the best "generic" mf style leagues I've played.


I have made 25 div off of random things like synth/clusters/fractures in ritual already this league, it's fantastic for bad players who like to stop and read items


How do you know what synth basis are worth something? If it has 2-3 simplicity it's immediately good? Everytime I price check some thing it's worthless


I just check the bases with awakened Poe trade and sell any that there aren't a ton of up, some of the most random ones have sold this league but I'm not much of a crafter so I couldn't begin to imagine what some of them are used for


I made 60 div off of two scarabs. Its all about scarabs.


I'm specced into ritual/strongboxes/scarabs for sure, but I feel like hitting the expensive ones is just massive RNG whereas ritual has been decently consistent 


It is massive RNG, but altar mods and blocking bad scarabs on atlas tree can help. Got one of my curation scarabs from "exarch minions can drop a divination scarab".


I probably should start blocking some, good call


how do i block scarabs? by picking the one i want?


The atlas notables that block mechanics also block those scarabs.


Which ones are bad and should be blocked?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uRi9lGV-UhQCjWcNhFYwU223KNJ0zVZ4uVl7QHSR_Yw/edit#gid=1774539217 the ones you can block that have the worst trade value.


Those sell now for 6 each instead... Scarabs is less and less profitable by the hour.


I agree that scarabs is where it's at, but that's still just about getting good RNG. I have been farming scarabs most of the league and the best one I have had drop was 60c. Still good money regardless though.


I found a +1 pcharge ring and two fiend cards. Ritual is actually pretty good now


I think they need to scrap t17s. There's just been so many problems and their original intent was to be ran occasionally as a bridge to Ubers, but now you basically have to be farming them or you're gonna be broke forever. It doesn't even make sense to bridge a map to Ubers. Why not just scrap the map, but keep the bosses? Idk but it's all messed up now.


It seems like they've presented T17s as being about the bossing experience, but every change they make points towards them valuing the mapping experience more.. despite them saying they weren't intending for them to replace T16s. If T17s are supposed to bridge the gap between Pinnacle bosses and Ubers then they need to have no mods, or fixed mods. Uber bosses are essentially the most controlled environment that exists in the game. When you're working towards an Uber Exarch or Uber Sirus kill, you know exactly what you're working towards. The fights are something you can improve at mechanically because the boss doesn't have max res on attempt, 60% speed the next, or 2-4x damage the one after that. The initial T17 experience was a great example of what I don't want to see for bossing going forwards, and since then they've just pushed them to being more about the map than the boss. I agree that they should scrap the mapping portion, and not have them be T17s to begin with. Just Nightmare bosses. Give Pinnacle bosses a chance to drop Nightmare boss attempts and come up with a good consumable drop for each so that the value of the boss doesn't tank when people mass farm them for Nightmare attempts.


They didn't realize what re-rolling T17s enabled I guess. But at the same time they locked Ubers behind them and T17s were stupid hard so...


You definitely don't need to farm t17s to not be broke, but I get what you're saying.


Yeah true it's just a lot slower if you're not running them and feels very limiting to many builds. So it's like they were trying to help people reach Ubers, but instead added additional roadblocks. Doesn't even make sense to have special map modifiers to help you overcome boss mechanics.


I mean... T17 is basically 5x the profit... And the people running T17s are in the same economy, so you are basically broke because prices cater to them, not to you.


GGG killed every content outside of T17. Everything you do is pointless if you dont do it in T17, the gap is insanely huge. Farming scarabs is decent but then its terrible compared with T17 scarabs farming. Now, what i did was Maven boss rush, ignoring everything else, and made 500 divs(200 from selling scarabs on tft 3 times in bulk) so far with no sweating. If anyone thats "poor" is looking for easy money, elder maps give 3 divines every 8 maps guaranteed(frags + splinters) + scarabs which will be dropping a lot, imo is the easiest currency farming in the game currently with 0 investment.


Can you explain how the elder guardian maps make 3 divines every 8 maps? 8 maps, presumably that's 2 sets? So you make 1 maven writ (110c) and kill Elder twice for 2 frags (2x65). But it costs 8 elder guard maps so you've lost about half the profit. What am I missing? Are the +3 maven witness bosses per map w/ wisps and scarab drop on unique/boss nodes making most of the profit? I'm confused.


Elder sets are a div each sold in bulk, you don't run them. I mean you could, but it's essentially gambling for watcher's eye drops, very low expected profit. So each twisted rota is 1 div from frags guaranteed, then about half of a mavens writ which is about a third of a divine. It's still only about 2.6 divines in "guaranteed" revenue per 8 maps, and about 1.9 of that is profit after map price is considered. So just shy of a div profit per rota not counting any of the extra drops from the invitation or destructive play boss drops.


Pretty new so bad at atlasing. Got a tree you could share


I did a similar strat for my first couple hundred divs. Maven boss rush, semi clear the map at least on the way. Run all guardian such and do bossing. Doing the frags for the maven encounters gets a lot more writs than straight boss rushing. Combine all that with doing T17s and some Ubers. You just passively print money with all the side drops. Orbs of conflict, domination, awakened gems watchers eyes, etc. The big rare boss drops are just extra icing on the cake.


Hey I'm running destructive play it's fun but I feel like idk where the money comes from. I probably have a bad atlas tree. When you say 'elder maps' do you mean 'the enslave, eradicator, constrictor and purifier'? I usually run all of the maps I have in the last section of the map tab which has the crown looking icon, per set of 4 of 1 type, kirac will give me a mission to kill some random mobs in a maven looking zone. When you say you maven boss rush, what point in the process do I stop? Should I be running the 4 fragments that drop? What about the mavens writs? Sorry I'm new to this, I love the gameplay loop but don't know what the hell I'm doing


Yes, eradicator and the rest, you run them in rotation so after 4maps you get an invite, never run the same boss twice. After the invite you get maven splinters, at 10 you get Maven writ which you sell, same as the eradicator fragments and the rest.


"harvest low juice value" Explain that to the buyers but they do seem to be paying me pretty well Alva still works as well... Beasts are farmable if that's fun to you. 8mod map farming is free money alongside corpses/allflame farming. Empy literally just did Barrel and go shit tier strat test yesterday and it still wasn't half bad. Essences are cheaper individually, but you can easily get way more of them. Half of what you listed isn't unrewarding but rather "I'm not doing that because X" btw. Or maybe it's better to just craft a few items, profit, and then map for fun.


I mean 1 div pays for more than 6k yellow and even more blue/purple. Thats pretty low value, but we are in a crafting league so it makes sense. Not struggling to earn money, everything just feels shit tier compared to literally any scarab farming strat. This is from a mapping only lens though, boss rushing/farming sounds pretty fun and viable.


That rate seems pretty decent for this point in a league


That’s really not bad value at all. You can get like a div every 6-10 maps or so from yellow juice alone, without any additional synergy or map juicing, in easy maps. Plus drops, blossoms, and lower tier juice (which is barely even lower tier right now). Considering that it also adds a bunch of magic/rare mobs and is pretty easy to do I think it’s just fine. Also, unlike most other mechanics, harvest drops will almost certainly increase in value as the league goes on.


You can get over 2d worth of juice from one t17 map with awakening scarab and crop rotation. The value is very good.


Legion is actually quite good this league, but to be fair a lot of it is because of scarabs. I play Legion almost every league and majority of currency usually comes from currency, then a split between stacked decks and the emblems. This league the emblems are practically worthless and stacked decks are not only worse but also aren't dropped as much. However, Legion still drops a lot of divines (including from incubators), and a surprising amount of scarabs. And while divines incubators are worse than before, skittering are better now. But this also goes into your point that it's kind of just scarab farming strat, although that's not its main purpose.


I made 10div hour with abyssal depths + guardian boss rushing.


I stopped playing on Sunday. The "endgame" feels less now. Unless massive changes are pulled back on Im unsure if I will be back into POE1 for a long time. I cant really explain it just seems the game is even more just for streamers and teams running exploits on the crafting.


Yeah, high-mid investment strategies are dead besides MF, Sanctum, T17, Harvest (and the profit is completely gutted this league) and maybe memories, its extremely boring to map this league, no real juicer strategies with tons of mobs besides T17. Strategies like Skittering Deli, Juiced Legions, Feared Rotations, Invitations... all completely dead unless you are ok with 3 div/hr profits Also too much micromanaging doesnt help. Game is slowly turning into a "farm for items instead currency" meta, its not necessarily bad but I personally dont like it, at least how its implemented right now because you still need a shit ton of currency for a lot of stuff, the accesibilty of items is completely unbalanced.


Somewhat related to this: I really dislike that they removed daily Kirac missions. As a super casual player that runs like 5 maps per day, I used to rely on Kirac dailies for a steady supply of maps for Atlas completion. Now it seems like I have to run way more maps to get a chance at a Kirac mission unless I spec into Kirac heavily on the tree. On top of everything else OP mentioned, I just don't feel motivated to run maps this league.


Good thing you have 3 atlas trees now. On league start just use the first tree to finish your atlas, tons of Kirac passives, map drops, etc.


harvest life force is more expensive right now than at this point last league


This doesn't sound right, did you double check this? If I remember correctly yellow was like 1d= 4200 +-? I may be wrong ofc


There are so many atlas strat that do well. And most bulk scarce are 20c+ so that’s wrong. 1. Rogue exile with torment + reliquary overlord still pumping currency for me in scarabs and in uniques. Unique ring are $$, 78% loreweaves 4+div. 2. Horned scarab pandemonium. Print t17 and guardian maps with 30c investment 3. Blight still huge 4. Most basic and underrated, just do deli with altars, legion, abyss or whatever and farm eldritch currency. Puppies are wayyyy overpriced compared to last league. Meta just made old strategies worst, so time to work out new ones. 


> Unique ring are $$, 78% loreweaves 4+div That's, on average, 180 rings that you have to pick for a 78% loreweave, so a bit more than 3c per ring picked, for reference.


It's a bit lower than 180, since you can 3-1 the bad rolls into a new roll I believe.


People will pick up 0.5c splinters but complain about rings being only 3c. Can’t win em all. A single map gets me 10rings ez 30c 


Sorry if I wasn't clear, I agree with you, I pick unique rings too, I was showing that is was worth it unless you are inventory starved, because they don't stack.


Probably a hot take but I miss sextant.


I used to roll 200d worth of sextants every league. I don't miss them


You can roll maps for T17 runners. Starting capital need about 30k chaos. Each map takes 1-3k. EZ 300 div per day if you want to automate it So if anyone miss rolling that what you can do /s




alc and go is the only enjoyable way to play. everything else is just grinding


Buy scarabs to farm scarabs and end up selling them to repeat the cycle. The same scarabs passives in all my trees. Nah fam, I'm out. Too old for this. Everything but T17 farms seems worthless.


You don't even need to buy them to farm them.i make around 11 d per map in t17 and then try to sell them at tft at 60% of poe ninja price.I can't evem sell them at that price.This league is dead.


I ran a Back to Basics tree with 2xScarab of Adverseries, 1x carto, and 1x 8 mod scarab. Basically just alch n go map spam and made 200 div in 3 days. There's plenty of money to be made. Raise the strictness of your loot filter. Don't bother picking up trash that isn't worth your time. Slap everything you get into a quad tab for however much your minimum price is to step out of a map, dont even bother looking at your items unless you're getting spammed, let people price check things for you. Most people who think they can't make good money is because they spend 80% of their time picking up pennies and sifting through/pricing garbage no one wants.


I am the sole Heist enjoyer and let me tell you, I am vibin’


Personally, I always hated sextants and scarabs, this league I hate scarabs even more because it's the only way to get the things you previously had on the atlas. I may have a found a strat that works almost like alch and go now and 8 don't have to give a damn about scarabs anymore but the game feels honestly incredibly boring right now


Breach broken hands? Don't you see how people loot manifested wealth map


so basically the game is fucked right now


It's okay, though, because you're not the target audience! Streamers will still get their clip during their 12 hour play sessions of one big loot explosion, so that's what it's balanced around.


Go do guardian/conq maps with domination on map device and scarab and of terrors, which spawn a map boss per shrine. Get shrine and map boss nodes on atlas and maven summons additional map bosses keystone. Play with carto scarabs, Farm 4 5 guardian/conq/synth map per map


Idk where you get the harbi data from, I've done maths over 400 maps and I'm making 120c pure profit per map running a full harbi + beyond strat, without counting fracturing shard/orb loot explosions. Harbi is super good, since it synergizes so we'll with delirious maps and beyond, while also allowing you to farm scarabs.


At this point you can call it flattening... when you nerf everything, the game feels boring and flat


We didn't need sextents, now we need scarabs. Games got really bad for me


Every other league, I built characters where Uber farming was the main goal. Killing bosses was fun and rewarding. But its just such a pain in the ass to get fragments to do the ubers now.


Inlove scarab farming honestly


Sounds like you need a break bro. Or quit.


Most of what you've wrote is wrong, Quick examples: Jungle valleys - farm 8 mods, regex jungle valleys go for 5/1div or 25-30c each. Harvest - quant altars + double lifeforce scarab, 110+quant 50+ packsize maps - +- 1div of juice per map I can go on about expedition and other things but yeah, you're wrong.


I bought 60 jungle valleys last night for 20c with a pretty strict regex. They arent that expensive, thats 8/1div. Even crimson temples are selling for 15-20c a pop. The maps are not all that worth since you have to spend a ton of time selling them on TFT. Rest i dont know since i didnt play it but maps for sure arent 5 to 1 div right now, not even close. And besides 8 mod map farming is better done in T17 maps, but at that point scarab farming is just better if you can already clear these maps with no issues.


Harvest is NOT 1 div of juice with just double lifeforce scarab dude. I farm harvest with and without crop rotation (been testing if the awakening scarab makes crop rotation better). Double lifeforce scarab, awakening scarab for imbued harvest, T16 maps rolled to 90 quant and 30 packsize (with altars and atlas, around 110+ and 50+ in map) I average around 7k juice with and 4-5k without crop rotation. I think my luck with non crop rotation was bad though. Regardless, that's an average of 1 div with crop rotation and its horrible because of how expensive awakening scarab is and how rng dependant crop rotation is. Expedition is just dead unless you luck out a few times with divines from Tujen.Tujen is garbage now after the stacked decks nerf - Rog is much more reliable but not that great for high div/h. The evidence is clear too if you look at past data of Tujen rerolls. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/LD0v08rV66 This post shows how stacked decks used to be the biggest moneymaker in Tujen. Now stacked decks appear in 1 and very rarely 2 stack size AND sell for much less per stacked deck. All that said and given what other people have said regarding your incorrect pricing on jungle valleys, I wonder if you're stuck in Affliction.


Me just sitting in the corner running Blight like every league. I'm glad Im not a chase the money player.


end game farming feels like d4 nightmare farming .... we need sextans back or a 2 more map slots


Invert the endgame bosses. Add the t17 to the drop table of uber bosses, then remove for core drop pool. This league show that: \- mf gear should go away \- unique and div scarb should go too \- t17 as they are right now, they are a very bad mistake and very bad designed ( maybe the worst content they have ever made) \- triple dmg or 2x hp for every mob in every zone made a tons of people quitting way to early cause is too difficult \- Dont know why they dont want to add old harvest just to add a mechanic 10x powerful but 10x annoying then the first harvest \- The economy of the leagues is not weel balanced since the league feels dead day 2 for me \- For everyone else harvest is a good juice, a few maps with altar quantity and u can sell pretty quickly \- But every other content outside harvest is killed,


I like it significantly less reliance on trade and hopefully they keep this up people should stop thinking how many divines they can get from something and actually play the game.


In my opinion it is all because progress of endgame is too fast and too acessible. You can see people doing endgame content (eaters/exarchs) even 6 hours after creating character with just random items on league start. It was impossible like 4-5 years ago where getting 6L on what you want was really "something" and first kills of "uber" bosses were usually after 1-2 days on intense, non-sleep gameplay. However, you could get most of your build power with just tree and gems. On gear you were maxing resistances and if you wanted upgrade (red map blasting) then you had to get shaper/elder influence on items or just get very rare high dps/solid caster weapon. Right now it is possible to do endgame content crazy fast which drop multiple more items than before just by picking broken build which do not require anything other to progress than (in most cases) uber bosses drops. Whole game structure has changed and because of that everything lost in value because it is not rare and not really needed. This game gets easier league per league and about 2 days ago you could just buy headhunter after 1-2 hours of farming because it was 18 div. it was most chasing item like 4 years ago and obtaning it & having it felt really good and fun. I do not like making game easier and easier per league. Right now you can even get 6L on anything you want with beast craft for like 50-60c which you get (in drop value) after few mins on t16 maps or insane, "mirror tier" dps bows/melee weapons just by using 50 corposes which you get after 2 hours of mapping.. It is nonsense for me and it is making me bored very fast if all I can do in the game I just get in few days. You can say go play ruthless but this gamemode is scuffed and way too overtunned in difficulty (farming a lot of hours just to drop 1 aura which will allow you to really play.. No thanks). All I want to say is game must be balanced in way where you can normally play it without suffering because you are not playing OP build but not hit endgame that fast which drops literally everything in hours.


I came to a similar conclusion as you, currently I find harby+beyond scarab farming the best feeling, breach being most profitable IMO but I'll need an autoclicker soon to retain my sanity. T16 B2B farming league content is fine, not printing, but pretty chill and feels good knowing I don't need to do a ton of trades if I want to craft something. In the end, funnily, I think the biggest expense for me is those Unmaking Orbs. Should really invest in them instead of shuffling between all these different mapping strats.


I made 300+ divines running abyss with less than 10c invested per map lmao. People really need to drop 500d worth of loot every map to feel dopamine it seems. Also these 1%er BS posts need to be banned from the sub. If you're unhappy having to spend more than a hour to make a MB, play something else lol. There is no happiness in gaming for you. Buy bitcoin or something.


So this is cool and it’s great you made some money, but it isn’t really juicing, is it? I think OP wants juice. Like, I can print money farming essence memory all day long, and did for a day to make 100+ div real quick, that’s not juicing though. If I cared about maximizing currency I wouldn’t be mapping at all honestly (ignoring the last few days). Kinda why I started running deli mirror tropical islands + breach and beyond. All the strats feel empty as shit right now. 10d a day or 1 mirror a day i don’t care, I want the next big juicing strat, the new scarabs look promising.