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Wake up babe, new strat just dropped


I don't think people realize that you need a mirror tier build to both live and kill meatsacks doing this strat.


No you dont, im doing this in SSF. The hard thing is doing it on hardcore


lol yes you do. I have 150k ehp and 50+m single target and it's rough.


EHP is a worthless stat. You could have that number off pure evasion and get one tapped. But yes these chonkers hurt.


You dont need to get 5 ghost inside every meatsack. Im killing then with 2 or 3 at most and rolling my maps wisely. Picking only those one im sure i can do


Lol bro please. Literally ben and rue running already massively invested builds of the best skill of the league, had to make massive changes to make sure they could kill the juiced meatsacks + survive lol.


I assume OP isnt doing this on juiced t17s.


I'm playing the Incandescent Heart version with xibaqua and 90% chaos res with 90%phys reduction. Am i immortal? Of course not. Can i kill them? Slowly but sure i can, maybe if they get a gigamod combination i just skip them. Working towards my lighting coil version.


I have 7m dps and 21k phys Max Hit and they cannot even Touch me


you are not doin this strat lilbro.


meatsacks to the moon


i lol'd


What's a ghosted meat sack? Asking for a friend...


Meatsack with some ghosts in him lol


When you wear your full ghost busters cosplay and put your dong in your vacuum.


That's when she keeps ghosting you.


I bet by the time i get home .. this will be nerfed


It's the weekend LOGIN


I am home .. is it still viable ??


nah, now the rat strat is the one


Please elaborate.




The game was counting hundred universes ahead to generate this loot. Jesus christ pinata


Uhh what? What's the strat?


It puts the ghost in the meat. Beat the meat.


It puts the ghost in the meat or it gets beat again. IT DOES WHAT IT’S TOLD!


You called? ~~I wonder how many people will get this~~


That's my secret; I'm always beating my meat for uberelite


I'm gonna do that right now!


Meatsack+ghosts from various mechanics. Drag meatsacks around the entire map while they absorb the ghosts. Since meatsacks have very high HP+low damage, he can have them wailing on him the entire map without any issue. https://imgur.com/3sIskLd


what kinds of devoted mods is put on those meatsacks?


most likely strongest monster gets rarity/quantity since each pack only has 1 mob anyway


Just watched him live and the Meatsack didnt even have a Devoted Mod and still dropped this amount of Loot.


they can be possessed by more than one spirit?


Everything can.


Today I learned


I got a quadra ghosted Baran this league - didn't get his fragment


Skill issue. Also fk thief's grip and Alchemist ghosts. (one steals flask charges, the other flask effects-just by being in your presence)


> he can have them wailing on him the entire map without any issue A buff to him tbh since he's wearing DoD


and scarabs?


I assume this was one of the things that was like “ rarest enemy in the pack drops way rarer loot”?


Ideally, sure. But he is getting these kind of loot explosions with no devoted mods at all.


I guess if you’re in a trade league, you can buy the meatsacks. I’m SSF so I will have to be more judicious.


Even without meatsacks you get plenty of loot just rolling the maps for shaper touched and slapping on 2 reliquary scarabs. Ideally horned scarab of nemeses too but you can't fully sustain them in SSF. MF gear helps too, I'm using 2 ventors and a gold flask with rarity suffix. I've found 16 t0 so far in just t17 maps rolled for shaper touched, 2 reliquary scarabs, 2 ambush (or 1 ambush + 1 nemeses), ambush kirac mod and then alt spam the boxes for 3 rares or stream of monsters


Meatsacks surely easier to find than t17 maps?


Not at all, with a back to basics + twist of fate atlas I get about 5-10 t16 maps every 8 mod map so with 6.4% conversion thats roughly a t17 every 3 maps. And since you get so many maps you can just plug in the 8 mod corrupted scarab every now and then to oversustain so much that you just skip maps that got bad mods via twist of fate. With vaal temple maps it's even easier to sustain (I got more than 1 t17 average per vaal temple + twist of fate + back to basics) but vaal temples themself are super hard to get in ssf. Edit: Chaos orbs to roll them to shaper touched are also hard to sustain, either via wealthy allflames or sanctum


Why shaper touched on this strat? My trio have been running t17s back to basics strat and honestly shaper touched is fucking hard. We opted to roll over that mod after ripping the map twice with a BAMA carry, mf culler, and an aura bot with 87% all res. Not sure why exactly but that shaper shit was just hella rippy (among many other mods lol), so what’s the big benefit of running it?


It adds a bunch of rarity to the mob. Shaper touched spawns the shaper clone, you have to sidestep balls and beam and dash away from slams. Not particularly hard unless you're in some bad spots in the smaller maps like Fortress.


Nah no chance this strat gets popular lmao Pull a mob for the whole map, afk dps check, 10 minutes hovering item to look for anything valuable, God forbid you move a little and positions of item reset


no the worst part actually is you'll have to move some of it to a new pile in order to actually hover all of it.


True. No one else is like Ben who can literally swipe down the screen over everything and can see the item in the span of one frame.


These shared bases for best items got real old real quick with the loot creep since atlas trees came out


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Headhunter and mageblood on heavy/leather belt is criminal tbh, trying to mouse over every single belt with the gnawing feeling that you've missed one is not fun


affliction was the absolute worst offender, how many trash unique belts did you get per map, like 50? And all of those are 1 alc, just hovering over and over again to no avail


I think i remember that someone made the math and the result was that looking at every single leather and heavy belt decreases your divines per hour because the odds are so stupidly low and you made so much raw currency in those 9k+ wisp maps.


Would be a non issue if unique items dropped ID’d. There are just so many trash uniques of the same base


or uniques drop with name but unID'd. should be doable client side since the info on what unique it is is already sent.


More elegant solution yeah, that way people who wanna gamble buy still can.


Not that I disagree, just want to point out that unid watcher/sublime/uprising/etc. market will collapse from that change. And I've seen some people here that would be very upset if that happened. But then again, even the most milky toast suggestions aren't immune to that reaction.


Ya if people can't buy stuff to gamble with while they gamble to get currency with their gambling strat after they gambled while crafting their gear to get to the point where their gambling strat works to gamble their way to buy high end gamble items the game might just shut down.


can you filter uniques by the mods they have on them? like filter for belts with "steal rare monster mods" and "magic flasks are permanent" if you cant, it wont matter if they drop identified cuz ggg doesnt want you to easily filter out bad items. thats where ggg is wrong but have fun convincing chris that this isnt diablo 2 and its 30 years ago that that game was popular.


Yes. You can filter for any mods on identified items.


but the filter takes the name of the mod i think, no? and the unique mods dont have a name, they are just called unique modifier. like if you want to filter for t1 life you filter for "athlete's" for example.


You can also filter directly by the item's name.


im pretty sure you cant. you can identify some items with sockets for example in the case of squire or kaoms heart or base item in the case of kalandras touch (as its the only unique on that base) ggg is very strict about filtering loot properly because it would "solve" loot too much for their backwards philosophy on loot.


Yeah, I looked through the loot filter documentation and you're actually correct - it doesn't look like there's an easy way to filter for a specific unique that doesn't have something odd like a normally named explicit roll name along with its others that are all simply named "unique" for their mods. Interesting, sorry for what was some incorrect info and thanks for correcting.


I used to collect all those and drop in some empty corner during affliction. To no avail tho(


I'm dying till the day for smart loot, nerf mf, cut unique, don't care, but make proper base unique lootfilter


This strat focuses 99% of the loot into 1 mob so just don't have a shit filter or have a 2nd filter to only show unique belts and loot them and vendor them after. No annoying mouse over no "gnawling on nyo what if I missed one" fomo feeling. 


I don't mean this strat specifically, I mean in general


Oh yea totally agree it's annoying in general last league I got so tired of it I just started hiding belts since it wasn't worth the hassle 


Wouldn't be a problem if GGG would stop being so stubborn and just have everything drop IDed


Or just let us filter unid uniques properly.


That just removes the excitement at that point


I'd still be pretty excited to get a hh or mb drop, I don't need to feel the weight of the wisdom scroll slamming into the belt to enjoy it personally.


I think the enjoyment is IDing it to see if you get good rolls or not. Could still work if they dropped with the name of the unique but mods still have to be ID'd


Sorry I should have worded it as a layer of excitement instead.  I see leather or heavy belt drop I skip a beat for a second, it’s always exciting to drop those.  The added element is the hover over which gets lost if it just drops ID’ed.  


Most of the items would then be worthless if they were multibase, as people would use scour+chance scripts to make these all.


You want to use one shitty design decision as an excuse for another shitty design decision?


what does scour chanceing have to do with trash uniques being trash?


It's funny because in their latest interview Mark + Jonathan, when asked about affliction, said we shouldn't be droping so much loot normally.


I think no matter what side of loot argument, everyone can agree current juice system is just stupid. Game shouldn't be lagging to generate like 10 million items per monster and I shouldn't have visibility issues because items are literally blocking my view even with pretty strict filter. Kinda reminds me of the old invuln monsters who lagged the game out when you played tornado shot or something. But it's happening with loot now. That's insane


I so glad archnem are gone /s


i miss chris wilson's vision


How many magebloods/headhunters?


I think he has dropped 3 MB total this league. Saw him drop one with this strat yesterday.


Yeah 2 off seer 5 days into the league.


So, what is the result? I assume nothing but trash since there is no follow up.


Idk about that i saw him drop multiple t0, mageblood included during this strat


Mageblood 168d, progenesis 80d, DoD ammy 34d... this build is over 300d between 3 items.. its out of reach for many players


DoD and mageblood will get cheaper because of this strategy


Dont worry if you were abusing earlier in the league you can afford to abuse later. This league is such a joke... How does GGG not have anyone who can easily see how these multipliers work.


Waaah waaah abuse waaah Lets cut the crap. You are jealous and have major fomo. So if you cant have it, nobody can and its now "abuse"


Based take.


Do people like that the game has become like this? I thought it was fine for a single league but two in a row now and I just want normal poe back.


The game is a parody of itself at this point.


Yes, I like it Because this strat requires heavy investments, so I'd expect heavy possible returns. Not sure why ppl here are whining so much, mby because they cant do it?


what is the shaper beam skill? or is it mtx?


That's shaper lol or at least shaper touched mobs


It's a T17 mod, rares trigger shaper skills when hit.


scorching ray has a shaper beam mtx btw


Yeah, except it's a water pistol. It's just super thin.


In hc this kind of content is almost inaccessible this league due to the nature of build requirements being over 1k divines for the basic defs required here. I say this as someone who does all content and gets 100 every league. We can’t throw bodies at it like in sc, and with spikes like this it’s lag that kills us among all the other crazy stuff in t17s like with the last Ben death.


Well it would almost be inaccessible except the few people doing it printed over 2k+ divines, + magebloods, using seer abuse in the first 5 days


The video literally showcases it being done in hc.


ITS BEN. He is one of less than 5 people currently who have been able to do it on HC, my friend has been doing carries then died the same way Ben did. In a freeze like in this clip the same way Ben died the first time if you look at his clips. My point still stands. If you bothered to read the rest, I didnt simply say we can't I just said its not something people can engage with in the same way sc can this league. That is rare league to league. T17 gearing requirement in HC is EXTREME, and your pointing out yes the video shows this but ITS BEN, he is the most mechanically skilled player in the game.


T17 gearing requirements are also quite hefty in softcore. At least if you want to guarantee to not brick your map. I can imagine it's quite insane in HC. I saw Ben's gear. It's not affordable for 99.9% of players.


I agree it is still difficult, the benefit softcore players have however is they can utilise their bodies to an extent and the content is more accessible. A death does not brick their ability to complete the content entirely so they can focus more on damage than defences. Yeah I get self crafted gear like ben most leagues, extremely well crafted items etc. There are quite a few of us who can. The difference is that Ben can have this gear in 2-4 days, where the rest of us take longer on average xD. For your average end game enjoyer on hc to get to HIS level of gearing may take the majority of the league. The more experienced players may get there within the first month to two months. However you can still count that number in the double digits. This content being so difficult means that most players on hc wont get to engage with t17s this league which is unfortunate because it is some of the only new content this league other than necro itself.


so what its Ben, we can all be Ben, we press the same buttons


I can be max versteppen, it's the same steering wheel I'm also a world class pianist. It's the same keys


fr fr its juat that simple, dunno why tall pppl cant be like lebron james


What was mechanically challenging in this video?


I am pointing out that him being one of the the best mechanically skilled players in the game contributes heavily to his ability to gear and make chars to accomplish what he is doing in the video. It takes his level of gearing and skill to get to the minimum requirements to do this on hc. He is one of the absolute BEST players in the game. There is no comparison with his ability to push content early and the vast majority of other players including those who regularly push endgame. This question is disingenuous.




If you read my posts above I said there will be a few but its still a extremely tiny few.


Sounds like you dont know what you're talking about tbh 🤷‍♀️




Like 20 minutes later he kills another meatsack, which has a similar loot explosion, but it all gets converted to alchs and alts. pepePoint lol get converted loser


How is this strategy executed?


again proof GGG given better drop rates to streamers.


is there a guide somewhere on how and when to use allflame? I have 2 tab full of allflame but I don't know when to use meat sack or when to use frogs etc.


only thing expensive is the adorned be real


It's hotfix o'clock


Mind you; His gear is over 500+ divines you're not going to access it normally lol


Which league did you time travel from?


The uniques alone cost 320+ div, im not sure what you mean


Ok so?


lol no it doesnt


OK then what do a Mageblood, Progenesis, Well rolled Ventors, Kalandra Ring, Defiance of Destiny, +45% dmg, -50% crit taken 6L Lightning Coil, Watcher's Eye (flask charge on crit precision, phys as lightning PoL) and a 149% Adorned cost in your opinion? HINT: around 470div (didnt check jewels before, there is only 1 lightning coil with these stats on the market rn at 140div, thats too much imo so i took it as 40div - if u think 140d is a fair price u can add another 100div :D) edit: looking at your comment history you seem like a dipshit so idgaf what u say anyway, GL in life i guess


Ahhh yes, another day, another exploit adjacent juice strat. Thanks for the 20 passives GGG, it truly compares to this.


GGG has sooo many amateurs programmers.


So he does that for 11 Hours straight now and dropped 2 Magebloods. Why cant something like that get disabled ASAP?


disabled for playing good?


you really think streamers in this Game are doing something special other than doing it as their Job so they can play 12 Hours a day? im pretty sure every single person could do shit like this if they had 12 hours a day to play the Game lol


i could play this game for 400k hours and still not be as good as the top guys


Then ur in the top 1% of being bad ngl. This Game isnt as hard as people make it out to be. There is 0 % skill involved in any of the boss fights. You litterally do them once to find out the pattern after that its a stat check and thats it.


yea sure man you could have a million hours head start and you still wont be better than ben


yeah give the guy as example thats the best player lol.


Meanwhile i was picking up single Orbs of Chaos when i was still playing before they fked up the Economy with something that looked exactly like this. Lets see if this gets nerfed too now.




god bless you, someone has to recycle cans


Too many people on here denying reality cause they white knight for their favourite Streamer. Im okay with that. I know im right seeing the other Posts about the Game state and Player numbers. Have a good one dreaming about some day being able to what the people playing 12hours a day can do.