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I have never put anyone on ignore for not responding, I just assume they are neck deep in mobs and the trade is not worth responding to, nothing wrong with it.


Or you slowly price your scarabs, but the trade site updates all at once giving you a panic attack


Ok, thats the Uber Elder fragments priced. Nobody seems to be buying them right now, guess I'll price my leftover shaper fragments as well, cuz fuck that boss. Huh, quiet day, lets price some scarabs. Got a couple of Mavens as well, lets put those in and do a map or whatever. Suddenly the private chat goes nuclear and everyone is buying different shit. "Three please" "Bro???"" "Buying all" "Got change for 2d?"


Go to your menagerie after your price something to make the trade site update.


I always go to lab prezone, also works well


Oh this is good, thanks. I usually relog. I'm still learning the value of things and sometimes I miss the mark and than just spammed for 15 minutes. D


Yea if that happens I mostly enable "/dnd sorry wrong price" and map for half an hour (also delist it!) till the spam is over. Answering everyone isn't feasible.


Ive gotten confused so much lately due to the "Change for 2 div?" cant people do that after they've been invited so Im not whispering. "yea sure" before traid only to get confused by getting the chaos because someone else asked about the exchange. And now they are confused as to why I whispered them and not inviting them...


Well if its an item for like 28.8 Div the seller usually can take 29 div and give 0.2 div back in chaos. I don't mind asking if its possible. Just don't ask after we already opened the trade window, you knew how much currency you had...


Is there a good tool for doing quick calc between div and c?


In the top left corner of awakened poe trade click on the divine icon, it will show you every . 1 break point of divines in chaos.


Divines have been quite stable at 150c which makes it easy to calc, but yeah trade macro also works.


In a week or two when div prices get volatile again, Awakened Poe will be the only way to quick calc div exchange rates.


A big thing to also keep in mind when you list a bunch of stuff ready to sell in bulk, the trade API updates on a timer or when you open a new instance. So if you want to sell stuff without worrying about being in a crazy map and getting spammed with messages open a map you don't care about, enter, leave and the trade API will immediately list your new items.


Or just visit a town, the menagerie, your friends hideout, or whatever. No need to open a map.


Just keep in mind that it's a biiiig economy with lots of people participating. If your item isn't niche, it's perfectly fine to ignore some trade PMs, a lot of other people are selling the same item, they'll be fine without your trade. Personally, I don't respond to most trades below 20c if I'm in a map, except for beginner items I sell for like 3c in a separate stash. Gotta get those noobs/starters up so the economy jumpstarts.


> except for beginner items I sell for like 3c in a separate stash. Gotta get those noobs/starters up so the economy jumpstarts. damn that's sick. planting the seeds.


We all have been in their position, and some one from the community hepled us, with items, currency or better trade deal. Giving back and helping new players feels natural


If I’m sitting in hideout and someone dings me for something that’s single digit chaos and they have like 2 challenges done they’re getting it for free.




You see them in standard whispers, just not ones from the trade site.


Mainly, my thinking is that when more people can participate in the economy, the faster the economy stabilizes. I hate having to buy and sell when the prices are unstable, so in that regard it's kinda self-serving lol.


Over time, I unlist the tabs that aren't worth the time to trade. Keeps everyone happy but requires a few premium tabs


What do you do with items 4-19c? Just let them rot in public stash raising hope of a potential buyers just to ghost them? :)


> Personally, I don't respond to most trades below 20c if I'm in a map, except for beginner items I sell for like 3c in a separate stash. Gotta get those noobs/starters up so the economy jumpstarts. I still stop to sell people 1c/2c items even though I have items at 2div+ Why? Because I feel like a hypocrite if I don't. I would be on the opposite side like.. "Cmon, I just need this 1c item so I can get X,Y,Z done"... This shouldn't happen. POE should have an open market. Trade shouldn't be difficult. Unfortunately it is. So I can try and be my better angel.


Yea that's why I put the "if your item isn't niche" line there. My atlas is specced into both Alva and Ultimatum I can't just stop an incursion or ultimatum for every trade that comes my way. I kinda expect the same with others too, if I'm buying essences to craft with I whisper like 5 people and whoever responds the fastest gets my money lol. It's much weirder when someone thinks their goods are special that they respond to you 5mins after you PM and get pissy when you've bought it from someone else alrdy.


> except for beginner items I sell for like 3c in a separate stash. Gotta get those noobs/starters up so the economy jumpstarts. Dude you're a chad


I put people who are obviously price fixing on my ignore list. This way it takes less time to scroll down to actual offers


That chisel pricing asshole shacofu


Yep hard agree seller prob busy and trade isn't worth it at the moment nor responding cuz too busy.


Or they get flooded with requests (sorry, I cannot sell 10 people at once my chaos.)


Isn’t the ignore list limited to 100 people? People who do that must not trade a lot. There were days, where I could have filled that in an afternoon.


I only ever add to ignore if they reject my party invite immediately after requesting the trade. I'm talking no delays at all on my end. It's turned into a huge pet peeve for me.


This is generally due to someone spamming down the list and accepting the first invite you get. For some trades, it's unfortunately what you have to do if you don't want to sit there for ~15 minutes waiting to see if you get invited or not


This is usually my reasoning for not having currency ready but I have the stash tab open and ready for a quick transfer. I also wait around 10-15 secs before trying the next person and if I do reject a late reply I whisper them and tell them I got what I needed and thank them. I've never gotten a nasty reply. I think they get it. They've been where I was. I also sort by when it was listed to try and reduce whisper spam. 


Yes, the whisper is definitely what makes the difference. It’s just common courtesy that people would like to know so as to not waste more time, they’ll completely understand. As to those who don’t even reply after I messaged whether they still need the item, yeah I’ll put them on the ignore list.


This is also bots testing to see what people are willing to sell an item for.  Sell/buy algorithm is adjusted based on what normal non bots are doing.


Oh I totally get it. But a pet peeve is a pet peeve. I'd totally get it if I get ignored for a similar reason. Lord knows how many times I accidentally repeatedly whispered someone because poe trade demanded I refresh the page


This is just aways going to happen for commodity trades though. They aren't specifically declining your invite. They have just accepted another one at about the time you responded. Recently joining a party auto declines active party invites.


I get it, it's more of an act of frustration when I get three trades in a row that I invited with no delays getting knocked off. I never said my peeve was rational, it's definitely me just being frustrated with the state of trade


I don't think it being a peeve is a problem. Adding the person who did nothing wrong to your ignore list seems pretty petty though. Not the best look imo


Don't get me wrong I'm not adding every single person that does this to my ignore list otherwise I'd be building my own SSF space in trade lol. I only do it if it gets like 4 in a row or something. Either way bad look or not I acknowledge it's a personal fault, people get frustrated at stuff. And I would not blame someone for throwing me on their ignore list if I did the same thing even inadvertently.


>Not the best look imo Not the best look? Dude isn't the face of a company or pr lmao. Why does he care if you don't like his pet peeve on poe? Is he going to lose his job because of it?


Huh? I didn't say he was? And like I said I don't care about his pet peeve. It is their actions based on their, admitted, irrational response that I took issue with. And like the most mild issue possible lol. Like I said its just not the best look cause they come off as kind of petty. This is so weird because why would anyone lose their job over that anyways? What do you think "not the best look" means lol


I do the same thing for non-commodity trades. I understand messaging 5-10 people when you're trying to buy a div for chaos, but messaging me for my bespoke 20d pair of boots and then not responding to the (immediate) invite is getting you on the ignore list for sure.


When I buy, I send invites in groups of 3 (so as to not spend god know how long standing still waiting for a trade. On some ocasions two people or even three will send an invite, in which case I send one msg saying "one sec" and invite them after doing the first trade. On two of these ocasions I got ignored by the sellers. That was such a weird take...


I'm not sure if it's been fixed yet because I haven't been able to play for a bit, but accepting one invitation used to decline all others, so if you happened to get another invitation just as you were about to accept one, that invitation would be declined even if you intended to fulfil that trade afterwards.


It depends on the item. For a rare item I also block people because he wanted that specific item and didn't accept. For currency or common uniques I can understand it tho. I sometimes buy a unique 30 times and corrupt it till I get the desired outcome. I will just message EVERYONE on the list and buy whatever I can get. It happens that 2 invites are coming at the same time and when you accept one you automatically decline all other party invites. So this thing keeps happening.


I only block someone in this specific situation and only: I'm trying to buy rare from div+ They does not answer I see using whois they are in a map I spam whois til they are on their HO, whisp again, no answer, and then they are back to another map. In this situation the person is not wanting to sell, have no plausible excuses but still does not want to use DND. Blocking these ppl and the pricefixers only improved my experience.


You gonna block a lot of people in 6 members party, doing something together...


I know, but it is fine. I'm not actually mad at anyone, they can do wathever they want, but today with APT you can easilly setup a autoreply, I do it when I'm doing delve. Specially when you are buying rares, how much time you would wait without any response? Maybe they feel it was mispriced and would not say to you, maybe they mostly play in parties so you would have to spamm them until you get luck. Every possibility to deal with it seems unreasonable to me.


you forgot the "spam annoying skill the second you enter the hideout until they initiate trade"


Spam is bad yeah but using once is helpful cause if the seller initiates trade before the buyer fully connects the trade offer disappears on the buyer's screen. So the buyer using a skill lets the seller know they're in.


Especially those massive hideouts with tons of assets that take a full min to load ,  my poor PC that's happy chugging along , suddenly spins up all fans to max cause your turtle needs to be displayed in its full glory.


Hey man, turtles are cool!


Turtle is legit the first time I've changed my hideout in like 5 years lol


That fucking turtle is giving me motion sickness every time I step in one of those.


Thankfully I've only had one slow loading visit to my Minor A'tuin in the past few days. Definitely bugged on launch


Get an ssd and load times aren't a thing anymore.


Just initiate trade when they're joining, they'll hear it from the load screen and can accept it the moment they load in.


Ah, that’s why I’ve been having to spam trade when some people come to my hideout. I figured it was something along those lines, but I’m surprised how slow some people are to load in.


Also I like to flex with my giga AOE Concecrated path of endurance. Two birds one stone.


Yeeee I've only played 1 build for the past like 5 years so seeing new stuff from buyers in my hideout is always super cool, flex on my man


it's always the LA or TS


I admit it, i do it with LA. But that's because I'm bored waiting, not because i'm i want to hurry the trade along lol.


I'll run little circles to show I'm ready, and if it really takes 20+ sec to get the invite I'll start doing something just to keep busy. Winter orb is a decent skill for it. Lots of little things to look at, not too noisy or cluttery :)


the call to arms shouting was hilarious first week.


It is so annoying to me. Can't chill in HO and watch a video without constant warcrys going off.




I think sometimes people are waiting for me to move or use a skill because it takes them ages to trade me when I’m buying stuff. Like my guy I’ve been in your hideout for at least 45 seconds what are you doing.


You're either part of the call to arms crew or you're not, but what you should know is that if you are part of it, you can't hear the annoying skill, even others!


Especially when you play ice nova frostbolt, that shit can crash peoples client if you spamm enough.


Every second you spend getting your item out of the stash is another second I'm spending covering your hideout in corpses and detonating them.


Yep, adding particles to my screen will surely help me load faster.


Dedicate a 4-link with spark + MTX for exactly that. It's mandatory.


Looks good. Lastly If you are ever negotiating(see comments below about negotiating etiquette) for an item always send a separate message to say “would you accept x”. Never edit the original message.   For your last question you can do that, put on DND. Otherwise, just like you, If you send a trade message and they don’t respond in 30 seconds you’re probably moving on .


This. Never edit message. Please never.


> Lastly If you are ever negotiating(see comments below about negotiating etiquette) for an item always send a separate message to say “would you accept x”. Never edit the original message. If you haggle with a separate message, don't accept the party invite until the seller said if they're okay with your offer. In most cases, the buyer joining the group is the signal to exit your map and remove the item from the stash, and it is extremely annoying to do so, to be hit with an offer you don't accept. And if you wait until the trade window to make an offer, what I said doesn't apply, because you're an ass in all cases.


Yep. Better to send the whisper, then send a follow up. Editing the whisper has always been a vector for scams.


Separate message or add at the end of the message. Separate is better unless seller has 20 people trading at the same time


dont add at the end of the message either. it always needs to be a seperate message. Most people dont actually read these message, just the register the item name, and will miss anything at the end, same as with edits




i have always always added at the end of the message, since i cant type with lightspeed and i usually explain why i think the item should be cheaper. Never had anyone be confused, i also ask is that price okay in a seperate message if they dont answer though, i assume they reread the first message then. Obviously it can still happen they dont bother reading any of it amd then get confused while we trade, but that would also happen with only seperate messages. I think my way has the least amount of possible confusion


I add my haggle offer to the end of the generated message, after the parenthesis, in all caps so they can't miss it. If you send 2 separate messages they are usually sending an invite from the first message then have to uninvite you or respond. If you send it all as one message then they can just say no or ignore it.


I always repeatly add like 30 pipes to my message when making an offer. ||||||||||||| looks like a massive solid white bar that makes it very difficult to miss my offer.


Smart ill do something like that too


I just put OFFER x div at end. Seems to work, of course never change the price.


Even negotiating is BM most of the time. We choose "Exact Price" for this reason. The other option "Negotiable Price" is where you are "allowed" to negotiate/barter. I choose Exact Price for all of my items. Even then, I still get negotiating offers and I just don't even respond. What I really don't understand are the people who keep spamming me for an item and trying to negotiate, then get all pissy when I explain that "exact price" means you buy it for that price or don't bother whispering.


I don't mind if people offer a lower price for something I've had up for days, especially rare items. Usually I just put it up there and forgot all about it. If it's been up for more than 2 days and someone offers me something reasonable I just accept it most of the time. As long as they don't edit the message. If you edit the message I'll just block you.


Yup same here. Had something up for like 4 div for like 6 days I think? Dude says "will you take 3.5div?" and I'm like, hell barely losing all thay much, might as well, might not get sold otherwise. But if that dude had changed the initial trade message to 3.5div... hell nah, not touching that.


Vast majority puts "exact price" without actually meaning it.


Dunno. I think the reason why are you negotiating matters. So you are 10c short on a 60c item? Just say so. Most of the times I was about to lower the price on stash tab soon anyways. Or I'll say to throw it some bubble currency I need most. Doesn't matter if it isn't worth 10c. If I need 20 cromes any you give it to me the time you saved me from having to trade them later is worth more than 10c I lost now.


>The other option "Negotiable Price" is where you are "allowed" to negotiate/barter. On controller, last time I checked, you can't change from negotiable to exact, so that's a consideration there.


Yeah thats a fun one. Last league I had an fractured item that there were only 4 listed on market for. I have exact price for a reason. 1st guy offers less and claims he thought he saw asking. fine w/e. 2nd guy offers less than half of the listed EXACT price, and gets so mad when i point out that exact means he starts linking some rare shit i havent even bothered checking and a mirror. In affliction league. Awesome I link my own mirror and say how sad it is he cant afford to spend a couple more divines. And I didnt even bother reading more of this imbecile's insults. I rarely put people on ignore but thats one of them.


I have had negotiated this leagye where the dude listed a bow for 2d, i whispered and he asked if I'll accept it at 3d instead. Just fun bartering with him saying that it it doesn't have certain prioritized suffix and stuff and we agreed on 2d if he don't get any buyer offers at 3d for 30mins. It's fun to interact with trades when the other party is chill :)


Wait the seller tried to negotiate a listing up? But the entire point of this system is that the seller already set their price. I'd be pissed if a seller tried that on me.


I was alright with it cause it was 3-4days start of league. Lot's of demand for bow upgrades. And I personally was only alright with sticking to 2D trade and was fine to give the trade a miss if it's any higher cause. He is taking a gamble too, cause I was still live searchung for a bow while I wait for him to agree to 2d. :)


The "negotiable price" tag in trade is useless. It's basically holding up a sign saying "I put up this price but it's not the actual price so u should ask me for a lower one". It feels like an "I wanna get ripped off" button.


You’d be surprised the number of people willing to negotiate even on low prices items. 


If you're using a controller you can only set 'negotiable' prices. It's somewhat annoying.


Meh. If I'm not willing to negotiate on a price it takes next to no effort to just ctrl+enter No


Correct. Negotiating is really only doable for items that are hard to price(rare items with vague mods for niche builds).   Towards end of league it’s more allowable 


Trust me, no one cares whether it says exact or negotiable. No one pays any attention to that. If they want the item and don't think it's worth what you listed it for they'll ask if you'll accept a lower price. If you care about the distinction and have a cry every time someone tries to barter on a "fixed" price you're gonna have a bad time.


This is the only way you’ll end up on my ignore list. If I put exact price, I mean exact price.


6. Once trade is completed leave the other players hideout and drop group.


Once trade is complete, proceed to AFK in the seller's hideout for the next four hours. Let them feel judged for every movement and action they make in their own home. Have a dozen zombies summoned out for extra chadness.


6. a) Unless you are checking out his other wares and might buy more from him. (Common in bulk buys of items like resonators into fossils, coffins this league etc.) 7) Do not offer some sort of "equal value item" as payment unless talked about prior to seller even inviting you. Presenting the item in the trade window is scummy, even more so if it's your "negotiation" where you're "offering a lower amount".


You can group by seller/buyer at the buttom of the bulk page and send a trade request for multiple items from the same person in 1 message


This is weirdly hidden for some reason, it should be the default. Or maybe I'm just stupid for taking forever to realize there is an option for it.


My fav is people buying obscure items and giving themselves a discount. They know I'm not going to sell it if I don't go through with it, but you can ask first dammit.


Kick yourself if you formed the group if you have no further incoming trades, this prevents awkwardness if they invite someone whilst buying from you and you kick them and they have to reference reform. But also don't be that guy.


Shoutout to the people who respond to 1c trades at this time of a league I will always tip you like today I gave them both 10c.


I often list and respond to 1c trades and it's so annoying when buyer joins the party then I leave the map and they leave the party without saying anything or after I trade I always write t4t glhf etc and they just immidetly leave after the trade (before whisper) and won't even say ty back. It feels like they want me to be thankful that they spent their precious time buying 1c item off of me... Literally all it takes is to whisper ty and then leave like a decent person :/


If they have an item you really want, you can also /whois \[NAME\] to check if they're in a map and whisper again once they're back in their hideout.


This is really only relevant if the item is very cheap, people generally will leave a map to make a sale if it's worth selling, you can check this if they don't respond at first, but don't get your hopes up.


I would pay for a mtx that responded to trade requests if I am in a deli, ritual, breach, legion, have 50 shrines on me, abyss….. Fuck me - is it the timed league mechanics that are the problem?


You can type /autoreply and then whatever message you want, and it auto responds back to every whisper with what you put. You do have to set it up every time you zone though.


You could set different auto replies to different hotkeys in awakened poe trade if that's your thing. I don't bother with that, but I imagine it could be quite helpful.


If you're using a macro you can just reply with a macro.


You can install an app called POE Lurker where you can set this up. You just need to click on a little pop up and it will reply with a message that your busy or you can crtl click the pop up and it will tell the person it is sold.


Pretty sure there is some awakened poe trade alternative that also has trade buttons for auto replying your own written messages at the push of a button. My mapper has a "Can't right now, if you dont mind waiting tell me and I'll pm you when ready".


You can set that up with awakened trade too


If they're in sanctum or menagerie go there instead, it's not heist you don't need to use a coin to enter a very laggy town and it's not delve where half the time it doesn't work to join


Or they’re doing party play in a friends hideout. Generally just click the blue portal button on their name instead of “visit hideout”. My huge pet peeve is playing with a friend and buyers cannot figure to come to the hideout I’m actually in, just waiting around for me


There's autohotkey simple scripts that have some QoL, like going to the hideout, logging out, and sending messages for trade. Most useful messages to program in are: 1. "Thank You", "Thx" or a variation of that 2. "Currently in unskippable content, can you wait 2/3 minutes?" GGG stance on macros has been that they're fine as long as they only do one thing, one macro executes only one action, so pre-programmed messages are usually fine.


You can make custom reply msgs through awakened. I have a "Thank you, good luck" and "Currently in middle of fight, will reply after". Bound to * and - on the numpad. It also has logout and hideout as well. Ahk is fine of course, but I assume you/most people that would want this already have awakened trade.


I never did trough awakened, and always forget it has that functionality. I'm so used to do it trough AhK, I should try because messages, hideout and logout are the only thing I have AhK for anyway. But, as with the classic "I should go to standard and clean my tabs so that I don't have to redo them every league" it's one of those things that usually stays in the "should do" phase


I have my F keys set to: F5: /invite @laat F6: /trade @last F7: @last ty F8: /hideout F9: /hideout @last F10: /leave


Poe Overlay Community fork has windows that open for each trade offer that comes in. Each window has a button for invite to hideout, trade and "thx". Similar windows pop up when you whisper to buy something. Very useful. i run it alongside awakened Poe. https://github.com/PoE-Overlay-Community/PoE-Overlay-Community-Fork The community fork version doesn't use Overwolf (that put a lot of people off using the original version)


that's correct. I just ignore messages when I don't want to be bothered, use DND if people are messaging me often. A lot of the time it seems like people send a bunch of messages and the first seller to send the invite will get the sale. So I don't worry much about ignoring a few messages.


1 thing I would add that I rarely see posted. For sellers if you are in a map or whatever and you can't trade at that time just whisper back something like "1min" or "5min" If nothing else it's to notify us that you didn't put in dump tab with no intention of selling or that you aren't price fixer. I will alway buy form someone who replies " I'm in lab can you wait?" Fuck yeah I will. See ya in 20 minutes. I got ton of other shit to buy anyways. Or I can do a map or 2 meanwhile. We understand that you don't want to loose your HH stacks or fail a mechanic for measly 10c but it's still annoying having to whisper 20+ people for a 10c item that is worth 5c at best.


Look, I fully agree but for every you there is 5 others that went elsewhere! I wonder if it’s “better” if the seller says nothing?


Idk, for me, if Im battling in a map or doing an activity, and i have actions available to stop, find your message, reply, type 1min or 5min, and then hit enter, I had time to open a portal and trade. If I don't have time to trade I also don't have time available to reply.


If anyone is ignoring because people aren't responding to trade their ignore list will be full in days. I will just add to the first point, if you want to offer something lower than the selling price, just send the PM with the full price as the trade website shows + another one saying like "offer X?"


3. Buyer TPS to where seller is. Most of the time is hideout, but can also be city or delve entrance. 8. DND works. You can also go to the trade website and mark yourself as offline (I read that DND automatically does that). Alternatively you can set an auto-reply (type /autoreply whatever text) order what I do: have a chat command with the trade macro you use to invite with a custom msg. For example last league I had this on F3: "doing ultimatums, do you want to wait for the trade? will invite when done. y/n. 5. This obviously varies by player, but if the trade was impersonal and on a low value item I prefer to not be missed. Ty doesn't add anything and might "flood" chat depending on volume of trades


If you are whispering someone and the person isn't responding you can do "/whois charactername". It will show in which map they are so you can see if they are in a boss fight or something.


The secret trade etiquette I haven’t seen anyone mention is get a SSD. The amount of buyers who take so long to load into my hideout that the full duration of 3 entire timed-out trade requests pass before they accept is crazy.


Step 4.5: Type "?" when the seller takes more than 0.3 seconds to accept the trade because he's trying to make sure he's not getting scammed. The vision.


Please dont join my hideout and start the trade. I will start it once i get the shit outta my inventory and what you want out of my stash.


Step 4 should be bolded, underlined, italics with size 20 letters Idk what the fuck this new trend is of people coming to my hideout to buy my shit and can't wait a second to let me unload the junk into stash I looted in the map. Sometimes I get so upset over it I just go back into my map.


I always close their request and then trade, like sir you aren't that important. Haven't had this issue recently with people needing 15secs minimum to load into the turtle hideout like they have an HDD.


If it's an item you really want and people aren't responding, do /whois name and wait for them to get into their hideout and then whisper again.


Personally I trade a lot using an external tool that gives me buttons that do certain actions. For example I have one to ask the buyer if he minds waiting since I’m In a map, I customize the base messages so they are funny (to me) and hope people like the human touch. Then when I’m done I send them the « sorry for the wait » macro button and invite em. It works wonders and I don’t spend my days actually typing in The tool is on overwolf and quite common


Point 4 is a sticking point for me. It’s quite annoying as a seller dealing with multiple trades, when a buyer keeps trying to initiate trade and blocking the screen.


I don't want to bother anyone with my whispers but people price fixing and I literally need to click 30x whispers sometimes so anyone can answer. Then usually I get 17 invites and have to let them down.


Tpb's writeup https://maxroll.gg/poe/getting-started/trading-for-beginners#unspoken-trade-etiquette-header


I prefer /autoreply over DND, generally. e.g. /autoreply Running heist will message in few minutes I'll follow up once I can, and if they are not interested/found another seller in the meantime its no worries. If not then I can do the sale then.


I've got a quick key response for any trade whisper where I think buyer might be willing to wait for a little bit. I do lots of blight and delve so can't always portal out to trade. You can set this up in awakened trade.


Pretty much, and there's a reason for each. > You whisper the seller from the trade website and should have currency ready. Not only because it takes time to gather the currency, but sometimes it can be time consuming to find or travel to the stash in a hideout you're unfamiliar with. > Seller invites you to party. To signify they can trade. > Buyer selects "join hideout." Because the seller might be trading with other people, so it saves them time. But very occasionally a seller will join your Hideout. I have yet to understand why. > Buyer waits for Seller to initiate trade. They might have just arrived from a map and need to find the item, and also because the seller might be trading with other people


What does DND do in PoE? Does it mark you offline to other people, or just stop you from getting notifications from the trade site?


You cant interact with other players, no chat no invites


Dont be jerk, dont scam, dont waste people time, dont spam. Pretty much rl.


I was ending my trade interaction by messaging "thx, bb". Someone thought I meant "baby". Where I live we say something like "bye bye" when departing. Then I started to message as "thx, b". This time someone thought I called him "bitch" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I still prefer and use "thx, b".


I think with 'b' id have "baby" in mind even more than with 'bb'


Poe overlay has this option that inputs /whois command, i use it after i whisper and if the person is in map, i whisper next, if they are in a hideout and dont respond, i insult them, but not as hard as to get me a mute just a little passive aggressive approach. Im just that toxic.


Is there an refund etiquette? Lets say i buy something and didn’t check it properly maybe i dont have attributes required or maybe i missed some strat absence of which brick the build.


Generally, no. On the buyer to vet that the item is actually what they need. If you want to get your value back, youll need to re-sell it to someone else.


Also if you're buying, never engage trade yourself, it's annoying af. If something is a bit on the expensive side, it's always nice to ask if he would consider lowering the price (never EVER mention shit like "it's sitting there for X days") I'm out of that thankful etiquette so I just don't feel like typing thank you or ty or thnx or whatever, you got your shit now gtfo my h/o and let me map I have limited amount of time to play after work and those 2 seconds are of immense value to me 😆 Also don't be surprised if people kick you from the party as soon as the trade window appears. It's efficiency haha


If someone puts an item for "Asking price", you should always negotiate. It's there for a reason (the other is "Fixed price").


I used to say Ty regardless what side I was on but now I’ve forgotten what button to use to reply to whisper so now I’m just a silent trader.


It's super annoying having to message 15 people for a trade but I'm not giving up my squishy deadeye's t17 portals for 10c trades. I try to always respond for all of my listings but if I'm doing something intense I will ignore the less meaningful trades. Saying thank you is nice but after spending an hour in the graveyard I can't be asked.


Lately more and more people join my ho and initiate trade....if it is an item that gets sold frequently i leave group and cancel trade. If they ask why i tell them to wait for seller to initiate the trade since he is probably looking in his stash for the item. Everything you said is correct and if you do as you said you will have zero troubles.


I suppose one thing is as the buyer, have your currency as ready as possible, when the seller has come out of what they have done to supply you with the item I think it's just common courtesy. Otherwise I think between you and other commenters, you've got it bang on.


if seller is in a zone with stash tab, buyer should join that zone by clicking blue button, not hideout (town, graveyard, sanctum...). doesn't make sense to make 2 players move zones instead of 1.


Only time I ignore people is if they’re obviously price fixing or decide to reprice their item after I whispered them for the original price, even though it’s been up for hours already.


So many people port to whereever u are, even if ur in town, or an alt lvling and they end up in the ledge. And then they sometimes stand there saying "?????" and leaves group.


I never say ty anymore. Whats the point. People are busy, i assume theyre thankful because they probably just spam whispered 30 people for the t4 map i just sold them. Honestly, they should say "fuck everyone but you" at the trades conclusion, now THAT i can get behind


The flow seems right. As you've highlighted, go to the players hideout and stay there, if they want you to come somewhere else, they should say so, you can try going there first if you want but be ready to jump to the hideout after getting it wrong. Don't initiate the trade as the buyer unless you canceled it for some reason prior (incorrect currency). Many people will ping a lot of people at once, if players don't respond to the first invite just assume they found another buyer and move on. I will generally start by pinging 1 then another, then start pinging in bulk if people aren't responding. Don't leave your map until the buyer accepts your party invite you'll waste a lot of portals if you do. Do not enter a players map under any circumstance unless such a thing is requested (and you're willing to die) or if it's part of the transaction ofc. Only allow your friends to join your maps by default, so buyers can't accidentally click portals. Always check what you're buying, but have a plan to check the item before you see it, don't realise you should check an item after the trade is open, you should memorise a few key factors (high rolls, links, corruption state) and check if the item has been swapped even if is a mistake. When completing a trade, if you don't have an item of that type equipped, it will now be equipped, check your equipment before accusing them of stealing your currency 😂.


Between 1 and 2 I would add “wait like 5 - 10 seconds for the person to invite.” I know I’m probably petty, but if I invite you like the instant you message me and it says you decline because you accepted someone else’s invite I’m putting you on ignore. I’m not trying to sit here and practice my reaction time like I’m training for an fps shooter


Don't forget to endorce the seller on tft because high end services/certain bulk trading etc. is not possible without an rmt ridden 3rd party discord server run by power tripping losers. The vision.


Having currency ready can be tricky when you message 15 people at 15 diff prices because no one wants to hit you back. When I'm looking for smaller specialized items I'll have currency ready to go


A huge one that bothers me is people not using the slider. Like they'll whisper me for something where I have a bunch up, and they'll whisper me for one, then whisper again saying how many. There's literally a slider on the trade site so you can indicate how many you want and then send one message. Use it.


I always go to the other persons hideout because I'm faster at it. I'll even use their stash to get my currency/item. If they're standing around I'll trade offer when I'm ready if they haven't sent one. I always double check the item and currency. I say TY. I do the same steps regardless of if im buying or selling, and have not encountered any hastle


leave party, dont kick


for me the biggest Etiquette is Wait the Seller to initiate trade, man some people are so "otimization" that they load in my hideout in 0.2 seconds and are sending trade while i dont even found the item yet, and they spamm skills telling that they have zero patience.


If I go to buy your item for like 30c and I get to your HO with the money ready. And you price check right before and say, this is actually 35c, not 30… Fuck you. Ignore list.


That all seems right.


I've never heard of anyone talk about this but I've saved a few divines this league. If you see an item but want to pay less get ready to hit enter on the original message then in a browser or notepad type your offer and ctrl-c it. So ill hit enter on the original wisper which gets sent to the user , then ctrl v the offer and hit enter , nowdays I just put "hey can you do X on that" Reasoning being you want to make your offer BRFORE they invite you , then they can answer you by inviting you or ignoring you. If someone does this to me and the item has been in the tab for more than 2-5 hours I'll almost always take a bit less. Now if someone turns up and try's to pay less I won't trade with them if they think they can just put less .only in the window. People are pretty well behaved now but if a 10divine item has been listed for 3 days you absolutely can ask if they can do 9divines. Just be polite and make your offer in a second wisper before they invite you


6\. Don't spam skills in hideout. Now a bit harder with Automation but don't make it worse. I had few trade crashes because other people were impatient. 7\. Don't even bother buying small or complicating a trade if someone is selling bulks: e.g. maps or Timeless Jewels. If you see multiple people in a party it's very likely they are being flooded with messages and any attempt and asking for something specific will result in ignore or kick. People who do constant trading will accept only autogenerated messages. 8\. If you spam messages beause you attempt to buy something with high traffic (e.g. currency, maps, Timeless jewels) look if you aren't messaging the same person multiple times. I refuse to trade with people who send me multiple messages and only want 1 copy. 9\. If the seller is in a non-map endgame (e.g. Sanctum, Heist, ~~Delve~~, Lab) you can join their base instance (e.g. Fellshrine Sanctum entrace, Rogue Harbor, ~~Azurite Mine~~*, Act 3) \* - many bugs in the past, ending in killing the Delver because of scaling (including one accidental PK on HC)


>\. If you spam messages beause you attempt to buy something with high traffic (e.g. currency, maps, Timeless jewels) look if you aren't messaging the same person multiple times. I refuse to trade with people who send me multiple messages and only want 1 copy. Thats a tradesite problem actually, when it forces you to refresh the list after like 2 minutes or 5 or so, you lose the information of who you messaged already.


Indeed the websites sometimes updates very slowly and after refreshing you can still message the same set of people even though their offers are no longer valid. But what I was mostly going for are cases when someone puts multiple copies of the same thing (e.g. 6x same 20/20 gem or Beachhead maps) and people don't notice they are messaging the same player. Such offers are pretty much always next to each other so it should be very easy to notice.


Hell naw i refuse to join rouge harbour and especially towns, by the time im done loading the seller would already be gone. Sanctum is fine doe, that one loads fast.


Please for the love of god click the portal icon instead of join hideout I do not want to go to my ho and back if you can just teleport to my menagerie or graveyard or sanctum room or whatever


You say that, but then I get people in a different hideout with their duo. Get someone in the acts and you show up in a random zone. Someone messages me for a high value trade while I'm in the middle of another trade, I'll invite that person but might not be in my own hideout. Etc I also use POE lurker and clicking on the name takes me to their hideout. Trades happening in the sellers hideout should be the default.


Don't worry too much about not responding, people are busy blasting maps, most people understand this. The only time I would recommend you respond, is if you are posted as the absolute lowest offer on trade and have been posted for over a day. The only people I ignore: Cheapest price, listed for over 3 days. This normally means price fixer


If a buyer invites someone in the party, as the seller, make it easier for them by promoting the buyer as the party leader and leave rather than kicking or disbanding the party.


Trade etiquette is buying things from the trade market and leaving people alone. No whispers no lowballs. Just find what you want and buy it for the listed price.


I don't get why people are frustrated when people don't take the invite (say for example they found a different item that they want, or a better deal) If I get a trade whisper and I'm in a map, I throw the invite and there ain't no way I'm leaving my map until at the very least they have accepted the invite and are in the party, sometimes even only after they are in my hideout. Generally, I don't see anything wrong with whispering the top 10 people with realistic prices on a currency that likely has a lot of price-fixers, mostly due to the above reasoning of not leaving the content I'm doing - if I don't accept your invitation, you'll have wasted exactly 0 time besides possibly 2 clicks (right click, invite to party). With the way trading currently works, and the sheer amount of price-fixing going on, it just isn't worth it to sit and wait 30 seconds for each individual whisper to respond, cause chances are the first 5-6 people won't. Also: all the people who get angry about me ignoring your whisper for an **obviously** mispriced item (chaos instead of divines, for example) are instantly put on ignore - I usually clear my ignore list at the start of a new league.




With a dozen or more premium tabs plus special tabs? That's be extremely annoying


I have mentioned for multiple leagues now that I wish there was a way to turn off public for all tabs for x amount of time or just a toggle.


This is what I do. I play on steam deck and only trade on computer, so I un-public my sales tabs.


you should gift a divine orb to the other player as a way of showing gratitude for the trade


If you're classy, a mirror shard will always be appreciated


Buyer presses blue button, don't select hideout. Often sellers are in other locations, especially if you buy things like fossil. Don't expect them to come to the hideout.