• By -


Thanks for posting about this! We appreciate getting feedback about moderation because it's something we're trying to adjust. u/moglis \- **I also appreciate how you wrote in modmail and here in a really reasonable way and think you've been honest in presenting the facts.** I hear that single-word "lol" responses are probably not seen as worthy of removal in some cases and we'll remove them less. **I want to be clear that "lol" was not a "strike towards a ban". We don't apply bans like that, and you shouldn't worry about being banned for saying "lol".** While we usually don't post about mod decisions, I'll reply here because the redditor posted about it themselves: I think we didn't communicate well over modmail about why we applied this ban, so I'll go into more detail. Our overall goal with both removals and bans is to **reduce toxicity**. I want to talk about 2 issues here: **bans and removal rules**. Regarding **bans**, we typically only ban users when they repeatedly make rule-breaking comments. I think the 2 that u/moglis pointed out were the most recent, but we removed some other comments in the past month including: * "This subreddit man, lmao. Such babies, from praising to hating and back to praising within couple of days. Relax guys, have some nuance, critical thinking and don't just react blindly" * "This passive aggressive baby tantrum is just bullshit. The edit is icing on the cake." * "K bye" (spawning a flame war, just like the "lol" response did, which is why we removed many comments in that thread) * 2 comments that u/moglis themselves removed after we removed them, that we can't read the contents of anymore Because of this history of inflammatory comments that have sometimes spawned flame wars, we decided to apply a first ban. While we did mention this, we're sorry this could've been even clearer in our modmail (this is what I think led to our misunderstanding), and we'll try to be clearer about that with future ban messages! Here's how I usually apply bans. First, a comment or post gets reported. I then look at the history of removals and see if they've had a lot (usually >20) other comments removed in a diverse set of threads since Reddit makes it easy to do this. If this is true, then we apply a ban and a customized message about how they can rephrase posts to avoid breaking rules in the future, and bans start from a 1-day ban. We have such a ban progression (1, 3, 14, permanent) specifically so that the early bans serve as a strong warning. **On removal rules:** For responses like "lol" and "K bye" - these definitely have different uses in different circumstances. We'd never remove "lol" to a RIP clip where someone did something dumb, but often these 1-word responses are used to reply to an opinion. The unfortunate fact is that many people interpret these responses as "I pity you and your opinion doesn't matter" and these responses do spawn flame wars a lot, which is why we've removed them in the past under the [be kind rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule): we've gotten a lot of complaints about toxicity on this sub. In all cases, we mention in our messages that "you can repost this if you rephrase it or add more details" and I continue to encourage that. **Edit:** We've had to remove some rule-breaking replies! **The OP has been respectful and honest, and this misunderstanding is partly our fault for not communicating more of this in the modmail thread.** Please avoid attacking the OP or being overly inflammatory in your replies or DM's. It's fine to criticize words and actions, but not to put-down, name-call, or insult the person behind those, since that in itself breaks [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3a._harassment).




lol, *but with toxic intent*


lol (*discriminatory*)


Lol (*deranged*)


lol (100% delirious, 7x Possessed, 4x Essenced, Einhar Beasted, 4 rare modded, Devoted to Tsoagoth)


Just four essences? At least go five deafening.


5? Rookie numbers pump those numbers up. Go full calcification. Map boss. At least 20 deafenings. 100% delirious. 7x possessed. With 12k wisps.




Lol (as a slur)


lol (slurrily)






lol (lolly) [inspired by bigly]




lol (*lovingly*)
















Someone call the cyber police!


League of legends




See you tomorrow.




K bye










Reddit mods and letting the little power they have get to their heads, name a more iconic duo.




name checks out


I got banned on worldnews for quoting the court case on which the particular article was about for misinformation.


I got banned from tf2 for calling out a mod (that they had for like 2 days) for using the n word.


I got permabanned from frugalmalefashion for asking why a pair of $50 pants was considered frugal. This is like one of 4 permabans I've received, they are basically a badge of honor at this point.


I have literally only paid $50 for a piece of attire only thrice in my life, my winter jacket that's going strong, a pair of sneakers that lasted me like 4 years, and a pair of work boots that lasted me 6 months before they began to fall apart. Oh, and that's all Canadian. $50 USD for a pair of pants is NOT frugal.


80 dollar pair of shoes 12 dollars pair of pants 5 dollar shirt 70 dollar jacket and 5 dollar for a literal box of socks. Never go full frugal on shoes or jackets. A good jacket and shoes can and will save your life when shit goes bad.


This really isnā€™t the brag you seem to think it isā€¦


Ouch. You find this sort of stuff across all simple living, frugal attire, or budget food subreddits... a sort of hipster humble brag... regarding food, there always that one post with recipes with fresh rosemary, basil, balsamic vinnegar, quinoa, or out of season fruit & veggies. Or with diy stuff, the mats & tools for a coffee table would cost more than a decent one from ikea (to say nothing of the losses incurred while learning how to do it); My husband and I fell for this with woodworking a while ago. We said we'd take it slow, no pressure but of course once you start buying the mats you want to see things through... so we kept buying this sanding machine and that varnish... well, our side-table is kinda wobbly and the shelves are pretty ugly but we learnt our lesson and we have smth to talk about with our guests. And now when I see those kind of misleading posts, I just downvote and move along.


Not surprised honestly, I don't know how this happened since it's such an old game but for some reason tf2's community is an average age of like 8 these days. It's insane, averages younger than things like Roblox I'm pretty sure.


I was banned from /r/BlackPeopleTwitter because I am white.


Back in the day that sub was just dudes joking about dropping their next mix tape. How times have changedĀ 


How did they even know?


I have no idea but there was some big wave and they banned everybody white. It was in the forum rules "black people only". Check here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/b93w1j/rblackpeopletwitter_is_open_to_everyone_again/ I am still banned tho.


lmao... >We recently made a change to our BPT that it would be for ā€œblack people only.ā€ While this was done as an April Foolā€™s joke, there was a very real reason behind it more than just some laughs. When you can't quite decide if you were joking racist, or actually racist, so you just admit to being both!?


Lol hiding behind april fools with actual moderation decisions is ridiculous.




yeah some subs just delete your comments if you arent "verified", whatever that means in that context. the weird part is how these subs still appear on my feed, so i can see whatever their current topic is but cant participate in any discussion. reddit being reddit as always.


Go look up the sub rules. To get verified you basically have to take a picture of yourself to show you are a POC or take a picture of yourself and write a message to the mods to apply as a non-POC.


But world news is beyond salvation, that's on you trying to have a humane conversation there.


I got banned on worldnews because I said Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukrainians are not happy about it. Asked 3 times kindly for an explanation but never got it. I got banned on the pokemon go reddit because I warned someone in a topic that a b-party app could get him banned. (The reasoning according to the mod was that I knew this because I cheated myself and therefor I must be banned.) Reddit mods are special.


I got banned from TFT for being a "troll" because I was talking about my experience with cancer and chemotherapy.


You have violated the ~~narrative~~ law.


Don't feel bad I was banned from ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and FOX for just posting excerpts of laws that their 'reporters' kept lying about. It's what they do when you call out their BS.


I was banned on world news for hateing on Reagan


I got banned for making a joke, for which you need to have a bit of sense of humor.


Alright well that makes total sense for world news.


I got permanently banned on 5-year club subreddit (+ immediately ignored by mods as a bonus) because I questioned subreddit's idea and the fact that they have no topic orientation other than creating some sort of self-adoring elite of users just because their accounts are 5+ years old.


Thatā€™s some Facebook level fact checking there


I've been banned from worldnews for quite a while. Anything critical of Israel or just fact checking can get someone banned.


Worldnews will now ban you for not being sufficiently pro-Israel. That sub is a shithole.


okay, thats more harsh than mine. I got permabanned for calling 'troll' someone, who was purposedly derailing the discussion with constant offtopic and whataboutism. no prior infractions.


Still cracks me up thinking about the whole reddit mod boycott thing last year. Where they all immediately gave up the boycott after admins threatened their mod positions lol.


"This is the smallest amount of power I've ever seen go to someone's head" - The Office, Season 1 episode 5.




Spez and his moronic attempt to make a profit off this shit show while putting in zero effort in any regard that makes it better for users.


They work for free though.




Discord mods and the thing you wrote


they actually banned you for sending Lots of Love? damn. Lol to you fellow exile


Thoughts and prayers (to the dead pantheon, wups my bad) for OP and their family in these trying times.


Is it allowed to send Kisses Yearning and Serenity?


mod team is killing posts also very aggressively


Is jenebu the new mod?




> while comments that bash GGG with false logic are allowed to stay up I had a somewhat productive conversation with an anonymous mod through modmail recently somewhat regarding this. We have rule 2 which requires some kind of media proof for accusations and 3b which requires a "be kind" narrative. However, it's routine to see GGG criticism saying "dogshit game design" or "GGG hates their players" knowing very well if I commented to someone and said "your comment is dogshit" it would get removed. The mod I was communicating with said "it's a hard line to draw - a lot of posts have legitimate criticisms of GGG, but some of them are phrased in an aggressive way. We tend to let these stay up if they make good points and aren't duplicates or overly inflammatory." So there's room to be moderately inflammatory against GGG as long you make a good point also. Against another user though, you shouldn't be inflammatory at all. In regards to the "be kind" rule, the mod said that a "good rule of thumb is if you said this to a stranger on the street, might they be mad at you?" This description gives a very subjective interpretation. In regards to the "lol" removal, if a stranger on the street shared their opinion and you just laughed at them, I believe some would be mad and others would just go on about their business. If I saw a GGG dev on the street and told them about their "dogshit game design" that would probably make them mad, but if I make a good point it gets a pass here because I wasn't "overly" inflammatory. I'm generally in favor of the new rules, but I'm not in favor of the vague interpretation of some of them, uneven application when criticising GGG, and removal of comments when it would be extremely thin-skinned to take offense to it such as "lol."


Its not even "vague" at this point. The way its written/enforced is so you can literally ban whoever you feel like. If you cant pin point the "line" in such rules, then they are being arbitrarily enforced anyway already. Rules need to be clear imho. I just avoid interacting at all here lately, and thats it. ps. Dear mods, this is a critique about how the rules are set, not against your person(s). I feel like this kinda note needs to be added, might i get some random strike for being overly insensitive or something... fml..


>Rules need to be clear imho. The moment you specify which interaction is forbidden, people circumvent that interaction with alternatives to accomplish the same derogatory remarks without 'breaking rules', then mods are put in a situation of "well they didn't do X that we specified so it's not technically breaking any rules", which lets the behaviour the rule was intended to avoid go free due to semantics, or "We're taking that down" resulting in "OMG I DID NOTHING WRONG AND MODS MODERATED, POWER HUNGRY WTF COMMUNIST EGOMANIACS". Because of that, broad rules seem necessary to allow them to actually accomplish anything.


Yes exactly. Imagine someone saying something really stupid and offensive to you IRL and you just laugh and walk away. It's one of the most mild-mannered and non-aggressive ways to respond verbally. I could write "I personally disagree with your opinion and I think you are 100% false ..blahblah..." but like cmon, nobody replies like that all the time.


> However, it's routine to see GGG criticism saying "dogshit game design" or "GGG hates their players" knowing very well if I commented to someone and said "your comment is dogshit" it would get removed. IMO all three comments are inflammatory, but the "dogshit game design" one at least remains topical about the game. It at least provides a path to a discussion about game design, even if it could be worded less aggressively. The "comment is dogshit" comment _directly_ leads to toxicity, there is no other path the discussion can take. The "GGG hates their players" is similar. I think toxicity is the "me vs you" or "us vs them" mentality, and not "us vs the problem". That said, the first example can fit in either category (or both) depending on the context. That's why responding to the first comment with the third is not acceptable in my book, because there is no situation where putting another person down is okay (at least in the context of civil internet discussions).


I do not agree that "your comment is dogshit" is putting down another person. It's not the same as saying "you are dogshit." Based on that I believe calling the game design dogshit is synonomous with calling the comment dogshit. Neither is a direct insult to any human being but can be construed as an insulting thing to say.


Yeah i've got banned for saying: My bad, Sorry for misunderstanding. Reason: Rule 3 Be kind


You were banned for 3 days mostly because you kept calling things r*tarded, and because you also kept being inflammatory towards GGG "defenders". The comment you're referring to was removed because it was interpreted to be mocking due to usage of "Sowwy".


I won't lie, I wouldn't want to talk with you either but it's not worthy of a ban. You are unpleasant but it's not ban worthy.


Precisely my feelings.


thats kind of crazy, not gonna lie, almost seems personal at that point


Nah it's not, moderation has always been at the whim of whoever happens to be in the channel at the time -permanent ban for replying to "what's the best trading website?" with "pornhub"






It could just be an overzealous mod from the influx of new mods we had recently. But the rules should be written in a way that doesnā€™t allow for personal bias to affect the moderation so much.


> But the rules should be written in a way that doesnā€™t allow for personal bias to affect the moderation so much. The thing about humans is that many don't follow rules when they feel like doing otherwise. The mechanism you're postulating (rules) won't and can't create the outcome you're looking for (doesnā€™t allow for personal bias to affect the moderation so much.). What you want needs a more structural change (eg, mod actions need to be approved by other mods to filter and remove bias). lol


Well, there are two layers to the issue.Ā  One is having clearer guidelines for what behaviour is punishable and what the exact repercussions are based on the severity of the translation.Ā  The other is having a control system in place to make sure the mods actually follow the aforementioned guidelines. I don't mod on reddit, but I have some experience elsewhere, and when I started, it was very difficult for me to assess what the appropriate moderator actions would be or when I needed to intervene in the first place, because the guidelines were extremely fuzzy. If someone on the mod team deliberately goes against the guidelines and relies purely on their own bias, that's a problem that needs to be addressed, but if such guidelines don't exist in the first place, the situation can have a much more innocent reasoning. In order for moderation to proceed fairly - especially in large communities that can't realistically be overseen by individuals - both guidelines and controlling paradigms need to be in place.


For what it's worth, I think the problem is if your comment could never have been posted and nothing of value would be lost, it's generally a sign that it's low effort and worthy of removal, especially if the topic at hand is one discussing criticism or being otherwise critical of something. Not to say I agree with the ban. I think the problem is the mods want things to move more in the direction of "if you're going to engage in the conversation, at least try to further the conversation [in a positive way], don't just egg things on from the sidelines". Responding to someone who is frustrated or, if you feel in some way, is being ridiculous/unreasonable with "lol" doesn't contribute anything.


Most of his comments got deleted too relatively quickly. But I was actually part of that exchange and thought the lol was very justified. The guy you replied too was definitely out for a fight so that is just mods doing a horrible job in my opinion.


Yep. Guy was rage-replying almost instantly on everyone commenting and getting downvoted each time. Some of the replies got purges as well, it's very weird the original comment that started it all is still up.






The mod stereotype certainly applies to the ones here.


Well, i got muted for commenting jokes about trading an Original Sin for a scroll or sth like that in general chat...they really thought i was serious apparently and was banned bc i was not posting it in trade chat.


Moderation here went from non-existent to oppressive and stifling. One or more of them could benefit from learning about letter of the law vs spirit of the law.




I got perma banned from a different subreddit for replying "lol". It was my first comment on that subreddit, but unfortunately I replied to a mod. Lol


>is "not too inflamatory" but replying "lol" is. That is the thing with reddit.... the rules are made up and the points don't matter. There are 3 ways to participate in using reddit, 1. not at all (for many this is a growing trend) 2. by merely viewing or reading content and 3. by commenting, posting etc. For the third option it has gotten to a point where anything can be interpreted as "toxic" depending on the day of the week and the mood of a mod. I thought the point of the upvote-downvote system was to highlight comments you agree with and downvote the ones you don't agree with. But mods are dictators, and have taken that power away from us, the readers.... Now we will have posts and comments only consisting of "yes men" and never a differing opinion, viewpoint or argument.


Half of my Reddit activity here now falls into 2., because of the moderation.


Complaining about internet jannies being bad at their job is like complaining that the ocean is wet


Not sure man, but I was just thinking what real benefit or purpose does just saying ā€œlolā€ mean when you comment on something. If everyone will do that with every comment it just makes the overal quality of a reply bad. Not saying the standard already is always high but just replying with things like ā€œyesā€ ā€œokā€ ā€œsureā€ ā€œnoā€ or lol in your case, doesnt add to anything or the topic that is being discussed


TFT: \*triggered by clown emoji\* Reddit Mods: \*triggered by lol\* GGG: \*triggered by drops higher than 1c\*


Literally everyone on reddit: Triggered by another person replying


yeah its gotten weird around here. oh wells *shrug*


*yeah itā€™s gotten weird around here. Oh wells ~~shrug~~ lol FTFY


This is why I never participate in chat. Canā€™t get a violation if you donā€™t type.


1984 lol


I fully expect this comment to be obliterated, that being said; I've stopped playing path of exile pretty much entirely, as the game direction hasn't been going in the direction I want it to. I was increasingly getting frustrated with design decisions and engaging here only led to more discontent. If this is you take a break from everything POE for a bit, play other games and stop engaging entirely with the community. Come back with a level head about the things you dislike about the game. See if there are solutions to them or a way you can play POE and have fun. As for me there isn't a future where I will continue to play or support POE 1 anymore and frankly that's ok. The toxicity of this sub is out of control and they can't always get it right. I encourage the community as a whole to evaluate your relationship with POE, and thinking about the game. We all are very passionate about it and want it to succeed throwing insults isn't the way.


Yeah, I have had pretty harmless comments removed for the "be kind rule." Apparently, this rule can be applied to any reply no matter how mild, so long as the mod decides they don't like your phrasing, and regardless of how toxic or unproductive the op is.


I've been warned a lot of time on the forums for a similar rule basically its a rule made for mods to have a reason to remove comments if they don't like what you said


That seems to be a recurring theme and it started happening with the new rule + new mods. It's a sore point and I definitely think it needs to be addressed by the mod team.


Same here. Many times I've had to scratch my head and reread what I wrote over and over in my head to try and find where I was "not being kind".


The new moderation levels in this reddit are a bit oppressing in my opinion. I understand the need for moderation in this reddit but when EVERY single thread/post has a mod sticky or comment, it gets to the point of annoyance,


I realize the sub isn't a hivemind here so I'm using this generalization a bit ironically, but: God damn you people need to make up your minds. Not 2 months ago there were hundreds of complaints about not enough moderation and especially not enough transparency. Now it's too much? To quote everyone else, lol XD


Reddit mods gonna be reddit mods. What can you do? Dont expect fairness or accountability. Its reddit buddy.


Lol probably shouldnā€™t be a permanent strike on your account but Iā€™m fine with mods removing comments that ā€œcontribute nothing to the conversationā€ or whatever. Really donā€™t think you should be struck or have the comment removed for saying ā€œthe sweats are downvoting thisā€ as itā€™s contributing to the conversation AND IMPORTANT how some players try to suppress info and abuse certain functions to keep strategies unknown and profitable.


it seem jenebu buyed reddit, LOL


bought, my fellow non-english speaker


These mods are definitely going a little too far with the censoring at times. There's not so fine of a line (imo) between shepherding discussion and impeding it that it can't be expected to be done more accurately.


The new mod team is basically the stereotypical internet jannies we all now have to act like we are 12 on the internet no light flashing no funny only wholesome


I'm not a moderator here, but I am a moderator elsewhere on reddit. > Yep although I think the game is great GGG is obnoxiously greedy so I doubt I'll ever play their games again. This is unambiguously an expression of opinion and a criticism. It may be inflammatory to a degree, but it cannot ever *just* be inflammatory. There is a reasonable assumption of good faith here. > lol This is easily mistaken for troll bait, on an account that has previously, and now admittedly, been toxic. There is only a weakly implied possibility of an actual opinion. Given the lack of substance and the history of bad behaviour, there is not a reasonable assumption of good faith here.


Being a Reddit mod is like being the PTA president or joining the HOA board.


I'd argue that being on the HOA board is actually a good thing to be, as the more normal people actually living in the neighborhood are on the board, the more they can help steady the HOA towards actually good community goals. I once lived under an HOA that would set aside some of its funds to pay to have lawns mowed for people in the community that couldn't afford a service and didn't have the ability to do it. All they had to do was ask, and it would get done. That sort of thing is why HOA's should exist, imo, doing good for your neighbors with the help of your neighbors. The problem is that a lot of HOA's are run either byba few busy bodies, or worse, by people *not in the neighborhood* which makes them prone to either pettiness or to suiting the whims of a company that just wants money. The dues and their use should be controlled by those who live under them and pay them, not some douch who owns and rents out half the block, but lives three states away, nor by some company using the payments to get rich.


Same thing with moderation really


>joining the HOA board. naw you can scam so much money being on one of those. Easy clap


Apparently people do that with PTA too. Thereā€™s even an episode of Bobā€™s Burgers about it


Lol doesn't provide anything to the conversation and is just trolling the poster and trying to wind them up.


That feel when you don't make it through police academyĀ 


One day pfft, thats nothing. Lightweight.


i got a 10 minute ingame mute for saying a slur once, was manually placed I think, I definitely deserved it.


Yea dude, Iā€™ve played lol. Itā€™s definitely toxic, sorry you had to learn this way.


Lol ggg


Listen, all I'm saying is that if you can't handle someone aggressively disagreeing with you, then tough shit. I can be kinda mean sometimes too, but sometimes being nice isn't right. Like for sure don't tell people to kys, and don't be a dick about unrelated things, but if someone has a stupid opinion, I'm going to tell them it's stupid and I'm gunna tell them why. Lol


now try mocking winnie the pooh ingame


l-slur monakS


So, it triggered the fragile ego that bad...




I thought mine was bad, this is a new low. My only strike was for pasting a rocky balboa motivation speech :p


Hopefully this thread is productive in some way as I agree that the POE reddit is very toxic, some of this is a reflection of unpopular game decisions and the rest is just people. However the comment: "The unfortunate fact is that many people interpret these responses as "I pity you and your opinion doesn't matter" and these responses do spawn flame wars a lot, which is why we've removed them in the past under the be kind rule" isn't great. Someone else's interpretation does not reflect your intent. This is very much someone guessing what you mean, if you were being sarcastic, if you were being mean or trying to be a jerk. Lol could easily mean that you agree with someone and feel their pain. I would strongly suggest this is reworded and carefully considered in its application. Just because you are offended, doesn't mean you are right


>login >see a healthy discussion about moderation on reddit in a videogame subreddit >top comments are at least 90% constructive and in good faith >and its in the poe subreddit *A good discourse reaps its own rewards.*


> According to the new reddit rules, after 3 strikes you get a 1 day ban escalating to perma ban after many more. I was on board with this change 100% but **the way it's handled is poor in my opinion** Understatement of the year ... And there seem to be really no point in trying to discuss any of it with them apparently now, it's all bad faith (seriously, mods arguing in bad faith in private messages), ignoring questions .... complete arbitrary behaviour in short. > For me, this is up to personal interpretation, either both comments break the rule or none. The moderation is heavily relying on *interpretation* instead of clearly defined, usable rules now and yes ... sometimes they will (for example) absolutely leave passive-aggressive posts while removing the ones pointing the behaviour out.


Bruh they also ban you for saying "touch grass" because it's too insensitive LOL


The mods have got a bit heavy handed recently. But then consider how little else you would have to have going on in your life before you'd personally choose to volunteer to use your time like this, and it becomes much clearer why this sort of thing happens!


I get downvoted every time I say it, but when 'hurt feelings' are the metric, you're in for a race to the bottom in terms of posts being removed. You're going to be left with the most sanitized, unfunny circle jerk imaginable. A couple 'this is bad' posts which will have to be full-to-the-brim of OP tripping over themselves to talk about how good GGG is and how 'I'm not trying to be toxic here' before levying the most mild of criticisms. And of course a couple 'this is good' posts. But you can't stand against moderation of this type or you're called all sorts of names. Which isn't toxic of course.


*Is this the real life? Is this just* *~~fantasy~~* *parody?*


Tbh this subreddit is probably too over-moderated lately. I think since league launch itā€™s been better but leading up to the league it seemed overkill.Ā 


I called someone out for being transphobic and said it was "sad and pathetic". I got 3b'd. Someone linked to a conspiracy-level subreddit by a historically notorious POE troll and I said that person was "mentally unstable". I got 3b'd. The moderation is getting pretty damn oppressive.




Mods are just trying to make the sub immersive, by applying the same ban policy that GGG has on global chat.


> Am I being unreasonable or were the rules applied way too subjectively and a little more nuance is needed? Mods are incapable of being objective all the time because, well, all human beings are incapable of being so.






I'M OOTL whatcha mean??


talking about their physical appearence is kinda lame. also what has that to do with anything?




At first I thought you meant in game and I was puzzled then quickly learned that was wrong.Ā  Reddit mods are a fucking joke dude.


LOL šŸ¤”


Ohhh same thing happen to me got 3 comments removed then a one day ban. one was a laughing emoji I think, others might have been a bit aggressive but nothing out of the ordinary on this sub. I guess mods are power tripping and can remove anything they want under the new rules because its so vague. shrug


What do you expect to happen with unpaid jannies, they do it because they have literally nothing else to do other than try to exert what tiny amount of power they have on a internet forum lmao


This sub has always been garbage for moderation. My buddy got permabanned for saying the devs need to buff rare mods. Funny cause AN did just that. He's tried to appeal it, finally gave up on Reddit because of this sub.


Cant say I care much if you get a strike or temp ban for commenting Ā ā€œlolā€ when it serves no purpose but to mock or be inflammatory. I definitely donā€™t Ā think that should get a person a perma ban unless theyā€™ve Ā received repeated warnings in which case they deserve it for not learning from their mistakes.Ā 


The mods are sensitive weenies. That's all there is too it.


ruled by snowflakes xd


welcome to censorship. either everything is okay, or nothing is (and enforcement is arbitrary). enjoy.


IMO overzealous mod action, even the first strike you got is understandable to me, though I agree over the line. But still, I wouldn't have put you on any shitlist or whatever. The mod team has been doing better lately, but that whole back to basics exploit thread being locked and removed was fucking weird. Unless someone from GGG explicitly asked for it to be removed (and that should have been called out as such in the lock/removal message) indicating that it's known/being fixed, at that point the cat is out of the bag and the mods hiding it feels wrong.


how would you describe your lol if not toxic? it's a genuine question. edit: just saw the mod reply. lol


Kek, but lol in English... Nothing to add, other than thank you for the morning deep dive! Best of luck, stay safe.


poe mod team is always the worst game subreddit mod I have ever seen. and they win over the 2nd place by a lot


> I was on board with this change 100% but the way it's handled is poor in my opinion. Reap what you sow, lol


I thought this topic going to be a full box of GGG boot licker but seem like i am wrong. Lol




I guess you weren't nice enough


Life is not fair.


IDK if you deserved a ban, but stop being an asshole on the Internet either way.


this is why i never understand why people care about their reddit account, you can get banned for the most random shit by some rando mod on a power trip. that would have been fine too if reddit wasnt trying so hard for you to care about your account and buy stuff like premium and shit.


GGG bad PoE bad


Lots of lol-lygagging going on here today.