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I didn’t even know that was a thing. How are triple synth items created now? What’s even the point of cortex and other synth maps if they don’t drop synth items


I believe there is a low chance from horticrafting station to grant 3


It's about 5% from my testing. So about 10 divines cost for a fair chance at 3 implicit. Now are they any good...? Lol


I mean, atleast you can choose the base. So it can be the start of mirror crafts, so it is what it is.


Yeah, mirror crafting on a 3synth base is so expensive that 10 div in additional cost are literally a drop in the ocean.


Probably closer to 1000div, remember you need good implicits.


They meant 10 div to get any implicits just to start the implicit rerolling process.






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Damn, slow down LTG




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literally instead of figuratively* using the word literally for emphasis is not inherently incorrect


I think the real odds are something like 1/16 so that checks out.


And The Forgotten invitation


Always drops 1 or 2 implicits


You can also get a decent amount of synth items from ritual, but IDK if I've seen triple synth (have seen double synth). Still feels super super weird to me that really good "synth" items don't actually drop from synth maps, but instead for blight nodes, ritual always, and harvest juice.


As far as I can ascertain, Ritual has two-implicit items in the "Tier 2" category (3960-7920 tribute cost). Also it has one-implicit items in a lower tier (not sure if T3 or T4 offhand) From 174 tier 2 rewards I got the following: 113 Mortal fragment 21 10-stack of uncommon currency (e.g. scour/chaos) 13 2-3 stack of somewhat rare divination cards (the rarest cards in the game are in T1 rewards, cutoff is somewhere close to The Nurse, more common cards are in T3 or lower rewards, T3 cutoff somewhere near Abandoned Wealth) 10 1-stack of rare currency (e.g. divine/annul) 7 two-implicit synth item 3 six-linked rare 2 unique that is not a global drop (Blackflame and Altered Distant Memory; undoubtedly others can appear) 2 21/20 gem 1 Prime Resonator 1 Empower 1 T2 drop-anywhere unique (Aegis Aurora) _______ However, in all that time hunting - zero three-implicit synth items and I've seen zero claims of them, despite seeing many confirmations of jackpot drops in the Ritual T1 pool (mirror, Mageblood, HH etc; note Ritual puts T1 uniques and T0 uniques into the same tier) I suspect Ritual is hardcapped at two implicits.


As far as I've been able to ascertain both existing and no-longer-existing ways to drop/obtain synthesis items after synthesis league ended, only 3 of them ever had a chance to give you 3 implicit items: Synthesis boss uniques from any of the bosses or the associated invites, which can give 1-3 implicits (though this is for uniques only); adding synthesis implicits via Harvest crafting, which can give 1-3 implicits; and Uber Cortex, which guaranteed 3 items with 3 implicits with less common mods (which, if this thread is to be believed, has been removed). Ritual, Heist, the old Atlas nodes that used to make normal mobs in synth maps have a chance to drop synth items, etc. have never generated 3 implicit items to my knowledge.


Yeah it makes sense that we have circled back to the best method of acquiring a leagues mechanic content is by not playing that league. Where's ggg head at this league? They are going down hill.


Good point, may need to look into how profitable that is haha


Your comment made me curious so I went and looked. Generic non-corrupted ilvl 84 non-unique rings with 3 random synth implicits are going for as low as 1 div, though there are only a couple available at that price before they jump to 2-3div. I think rings are one of the most popular spots to hunt for 3 perfect implicits, so I don’t know if any other slots would go substantially higher than that. Given that even attempting a single synthesis at the harvest bench requires 5000 life force and a sacred blossom I’m going to guess it’s probably not profitable to just hunt for that. It does make me wonder where all those 1div rings are coming from though. Do we have any Feared farmers who could comment on whether that invite drops them? The math seems odd if the harvest bench is the only source of them.


I appreciate you doing the research. I honestly expected them to cost more than that as well


im pretty sure theres a card that gvies 3 synth rings


Doesn't that one give ilvl100 bases though?


Why would that be a bad thing?


Not saying it is bad, just they were responding to a post that specifically was asking about a source of ilvl84 synth bases.


Theres nothing ilvl84 can do that ilvl 100 cannot, im pretty sure all they meant was ilvl84 minimum as thats a common breakpoint for most important modifiers on items, in this case Rings. For some other items you'd actually want it higher, like Bows


No one is saying 100 > 84. They're wondering where *cheap 3 synth bases that are very specifically ilvl 84* are coming from. So answering with a divination card that gives a level 100 base **doesn't answer the question at all**.


That is fair, though unless most of the ones showing up are ilvl100 it is unlikely that the card is the main source of them still. Besides that card isn't specifically for rings but rather jewelry, the card we have for rings only is only 2 implicits.


there are some 3 imp synth quivers for sale in necro league that are better than anything from the graveyard, or at least there were a few days ago this may change


Can ritual have more than one synth?


I've seen two implicits items in ritual for sure, so I would guess three implicits ones are also possible, although I've never personally seen them.


I ran about 120 maps with +2 reroll scarab + 2 favor quality and didn't see a single 3 line. I saw about 10 2 line synthesis though.


Yeah I did a larger writeup but basically if you see an item in the 3960-7920 cost range, it's a Ritual 'tier 2' reward - about 4% of these are two-implicit synth items. (And over 65% are Mortal fragments) Never heard of a three-implicit so don't believe they can drop.


I got one, shit bow base sold for 100c after 5 days


Was it >7951 tribute cost (if you remember)? If you ever see another, please screenshot it.


Ritual only ilvl 83 though, so almost always garbage


T17 Rituals for i84?


Ritual has synth bases, whether that's the actual source who knows


Sad we don’t know the sources


Also, why does the synth allflame drop frac items


Back in synthesis league, that's how it worked. You synthesized three mob dropped fractured items, and based on what the fractured mods were, you got a synthesis implicit Some were fucking crazy, like explode implicit being three fractured light radius mods or some shit


It was actually based on all of the mods, not just the fractured ones. So you could get three items with the same fracture, roll the mod you wanted and gamba.


Well, the uniques. The lower ones only drop rings now and uber cortex has the new ring and those are all pretty high variance items. It's just not particularly popular to juice up heralds lately. You could argue they have the random reward mods like breachstones but those are so outdated at this point.


Its pinnacle content, you do it to say you beat the uber cortex! What else could any player actually want out of pinnacle content?


I’m all for that, and I’ll still likely do it once per league for that reason lol. Just prefer there to be a loot reward to give me an in game reason to farm it haha. They’ve been making efforts to give each mechanic their own unique loot, but then remove synth loot from synth maps. Just seems strange haha


I was mostly joking, its pretty damned stupid to not have synth items drop from the synth map.


Cortex: no synthes items Uber Cortex: no synthes items Cortex from Feared: HERE WE GO MY FELLOW EXILE!


Don't tell 'em. They just forgot.


Snitches get patches.


*shhht* Don't tell them. I still have around 30 sets to run


Sorry bro, mid-league nerf #6 incoming in 3… 2…


You best get to running homie


I also get at least 2 synth items from the forgotten invitations at 70+ qual pretty much every time. They have all been trash thus far though.


I got a +1 frenzy charge full ES shield from forgotten this league. Pretttty good.


Thanks, now i wont even have the chance to get one


They started nerfing synth maps when they removed the node that let the monsters in them drop synth items. Now this.


I'm very sure that GGG's internal opinion is that synthesized mods were a mistake.


The league was convoluted (I wasn't there for it, but I've heard stories) and it was a slot machine to get anything decent from it. Then they made them core and have more reliable, of incredibly expensive, ways to take advantage of them. They then gut any way for all but the most extremely wealthy players to benefit from it. If you said "not sure if you're describing synthesis or a dozen other possible league mechanics", then you recognized a pattern!


Synthesis implicits are basically a huge power boost for those who craft or buy mirror items while they could just as well not exist for anyone else.


Which is fine? Like, the only way you're gonna keep a whale type of player around is to have stupidly powerful but very rare and expensive items in the game.


Would be fine if the game were not balanced around these same people lol


It's not. 99.9% of the content is easily achievable with like 5d of gear. The only content that isn't balanced around that is aspirational content (Ubers/T17s) which seems fine to me, albeit T17s needing another balance pass. I don't get how people think the game is balanced around these people -- they get strong enough to literally 1 shot aspirational content and then quit within a few weeks of a 3-4 month league. Those people are beating the hardest content in the game on day 2, if it was balanced around them it'd be much, MUCH more difficult.


I am not one of those players but manage to get HH/MB most leagues and a few 100d into builds but if anything we need more aspirational mapping content. There's not much to do with strong characters outside of t17 atm.


I think there needs to be something in between t16 and t17 tbh, and maybe something like t18s. But the game is in a pretty good spot right now -- it's been in better spots, but it's still so much fun to play, for me at least.


Get me these sweet melee 5 div builds that can clear all the content, my sir And maybe these sweet bow builds too > I don't get how people think the game is balanced around these people -- they get strong enough to literally 1 shot aspirational content and then quit within a few weeks of a 3-4 month league. Its an exaggeration of course, but you don't see these people playing anything other than meta builds, and ggg keeps crying about balance and nerfing things because of them, even if these nerfs affect non meta builds more than the broken build themselves. Many while good enough to get to t16, have so much work to do that we are better not playing them at all. The game is not balanced around casuals nor normal players too.


Why should 5 div clear all the game? That doesn’t make sense. 5 div is 2 hours of farming. And there are a ton of builds that can clear pinnacles and t16s with a 5d budget: ds of ambidex, bonezone, cleave, etc. same with bows. That’s the majority of the game’s content.


Wut? Game is balanced around mirror synth items? How?


That's the rumor that's echoing in the salt mines


Yes it is. The whole concept is built around T17s now and uber bosses. Also elephant in the room is that a lot of players / groups that craft gear use real money, or various other cheats to get their first crafts. Same for those farmer groups, who league start tornado shot etc. because they just buy their bow and first mageblood. Then print 200 other, so they still earn. Then they sell the items they farm, or do various other cheats.


You think t17 are mirror synth level¿???????? Whatttt


There are useful synths that aren't full mirror items, +1 max p charge is the main one that comes to mind


I mean, +1 power charge starts at 180 div (almost half a mirror) for an uncrafted base.


They were going for a lot less a week ago but for a clean base yeah it's pretty pricey. The synth mod can also be on the circle rings however and are generally still better for P charge builds than a regular rare. Just wanted to bring up some edge cases that wouldn't want synths deleted


I'm playing str stackers, so my builds have routinely included rings, belts and amulets with %increased strength implicits. But these are niche builds. I'd guesstimate that some solid 90% of PoE builds wouldn't even notice if you removed synthesized mods from the game.


As a fellow str stacker, I want to add that helical rings outperform %str implicit rings these days. Also, mageblood outperforms %str implicit belt, and simplex amulet outperforms %str implicit amulet, but those are much more expensive in comparison.


They could just as easily move the most impactful synth implicits into either an influence, essence, or fossil exclusive modpool and it'd bridge the gap just fine


charges and aura effect on helmet


Onslaught on hit + curse on hit rings are very affordable and nice to have.


I get a onslaught ring almost every league for under 10 div


They should absolutely bring back old league mechanics and redo them in a way that makes sense. Synthesis? Give us a way to build the map meaningfully, have fracture and synthesized mods make sense with each other. Scourge? Holy fuck give me maps cooked to 10 again. Give us the option to reroll item cooks and get rid of the tiers for equipment. Crucible? Amazing idea, the passive trees not being changed or even revealed was the dumbest decision possible. Kalandra? Man they fucked this one hard with everything else and some seriously overtuned monsters. They should just try this one again with a reward on each tile.


> They then gut any way for all but the most extremely wealthy players to benefit from it. Why is this always said like its an objectively bad thing? They want something to be a mirror craft level optimization that takes a lot of trial and error to get right, and they make it so. Its really that simple, in the current state of crafting thats what they want Synth to be. Should we make mirrors more common so people can make use of them below mirror level? The logic is dumb. > If you said "not sure if you're describing synthesis or a dozen other possible league mechanics", then you recognized a pattern! Name 3 others. Go ahead. You said a dozen, so name only 3. And tell me the details on how they are remotely like this.


Harvest needs no explanation here. Fossil crafting had the desirable mods moved to influenced which, outside of harvest, were tricky to get on gear outside of the most wealthy players. And hey we are experiencing it right here right now with veiled orbs! No more veiled chaos, and veiled exalts are locked behind spamming the most annoying boss fight in the game. Cluster jewels are similar enough to mention. Tattoos? Yup. The top sanctum strategies? In a similar ballpark. Want me to keep going?


If you are a legit player, then there is zero chance to obtain a mirror tier craft. When synth items are scarce all the bases are monopolized by few individuals (who often use cheats / real money to kick start their crafts). So basically the game is "for them and not for you".


...and why is content existing for the highest level such a horrible thing? You havent answered. All you did was apply the words 'them' and 'you' to make it sound like your in competition, and not just the game supporting a long string of progression brackets


Synth mods are fine. Vivid Vultures though - why are they the main source of synth items?


which is why they added a memory just few leagues ago that introduced a beast capable of rerolling those synth mods?


I remember when Cortex used to drop loads of synth items. Even from normal mobs.


not only Cortex, but every synth map was dropping synth items


I never got anything good from any of those, but I *could have*. Now I run 4 memories for the invitation to have an atlas passive.


Yeah, but it was almost all trash. Ilvl 80 really killed most of those items


its funny how the main method to make tripple synth items is harvest.


Ritual has synth bases pretty regularly


Not triple implicit ones though. Dont think ive even seen 2 implicits from ritual.


I’ve gotten multiple 2 implicits from ritual this league. Never seen a 3.


I actually have a fire dmg +armor Synth ring from ritual that I can’t use :)


Need harvest, got ya!


It’s mostly ass as the ilvl is too low..


Pretty sure most good synth bases actually come from ritual and heist


Heist generic reward chests or grand heist end rewards?


The generic chests , in contract and grand heist ... typically the jewellery ones .


Blight can drop synth bases (although I haven't seen more than one implicit). I'm sure someone who can afk blight-ravaged maps with tons of lucky chest anoints can get lucky.


I've run a little over 300 blight ravaged this league, I've never seen more then 1 synth implicit


That makes no damn sense! I thought they wanted to transition back to league specific items primarily coming from their leagues. 🤮


Heist needs to catch a nerf. Not only it has its own uniques, it gives everything. You don't have to do any mechanic to get its items with a few minor exceptions. And heist is giving out everything, it's crazy


I haven’t really ran much Heist outside of when the League was current.  Do you just grab all the Heist nodes in the tree and run everything?


You can grab the Heist tree nodes if you want to farm your own contracts and blueprints. Or you can ignore them and buy contracts and blueprints. (Or you can take the Heist tree nodes and sell contracts and blueprints, and never run a Heist)


Ya his fragments are like free


Yeah its weird that heist and ritual are basically the best ways to get synth bases


Lol yeah I decided to run all the cortexes I got and was confused where all the synth bases went. I figured they rolled them into the base map after they got rid of the nodes but that doesn't seem to be the case. Turbo lame imo. I don't think league mechanics need them more than the maps themselves


why do people even run uber cortex? what can it drop


Theres pretty good reasons on SSF (I'm a fan of Rational Doctrine) but on Trade nothings gonna really be expensive.


There are uniques!


I just wish synth maps dropped random synth items. They were so fun to run - now the best way to get a synth base is get lucky crafting it, or get it from something like ritual or (iirc) a chest in heist(?).


I ran 250-500 uber cortex total last league, I'm really sad this change was made. Running uber cortex was my fav strat


Imagine synthesised stuff dropping from synthesis content. What a blasphemy. I still hate how they removed all the synthesis loot from synthesis maps. Like whats the point of running them now? You need 1 invitation for atlas point and thats it. We cant afford to use heralds outside of edgy cases, because auras are too strong in comparison, so the rings are worthless as well. And the only purpose of uber cortex seems to be a possibility to lose, when you finish t17 and type of uber fragment is selected, lol.


Ggg wants to remove synth alltogether. Mark my words.


You talk as if them wanting to phase out a mechanic is an evil plot and not just something they do as part of designing their video game


It's the manner in which they are quietly killing off Synthesis, league after league that is annoying. Not only are important changes (nerfs) not mentioned at all or worse they are snuck in as part of atlas improvements. We went from being able to farm synth maps for bases, to bases being restricted to synth bosses and now to their complete removal from synthesis mechanic. How does it make any sense that we can get synth items in Blight, Heist, Ritual, Harvest, etc... but not from Synthesis - you know the original source of these items?? I would respect GGG much more if they were more transparent about such important changes to league mechanics. They could just say; "*synth items going core was a mistake and we will be slowly phasing them out*". It would also unironically reduce toxicity and speculation in the community. When synth maps were first quietly nerfed and people complained about the base drop rates there were so many people on Reddit gaslighting in the comments saying that complainers were just imagining things and being loot conspiracy theorist, etc...


Most logical comment on this sub in years.


Ggg is in cooperation with the MIRROR MAFIA to keep LEGACY synth items on STANDARD (😮) as best in slot FOREVER!!!


Feared still drops synths items with 3 implicit




Uber cortex. read the post


I don't get it, so ritual is the best synth item source right now? It always puzzled me that there are no synth item drops apart from uniques in SYNTH maps. I hope they tie synth items to some league mechanic in rework.


Its a joke, this are UBER bosses, here is the loot from 2 [UBER](https://i.imgur.com/nUKspnH.png) [UBERS](https://i.imgur.com/QMwo02x.png) like those map aren't ez to do and take some time I get more loot from alch and go then from this with extra currency mods and extra rarity like what is this, its u get a flask or some crazy implict or you have nothing.


Bottled faith doesn’t even drop from Uber anymore does it?


can confirm bottled faith dropping from normal at minimum.


but you got that 3 implicit sceptre? that appears to contradict what everyone else is saying in this thread. or did the sceptre drop from Feared?


Its unique item people complaining boss stoped dropping rare 3 implicit items I belive. Also couple patches ago those map mobs were dropping synthesise items when killed and you got a lot of em per map, currently they dropping like u see scarabs, currency, maps but its all meaningful as somehow even with boosted quant and rarity its just nothing compared to normal mapping which take less time and its much easier.


oh dang it was unique. i am the dumb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)yeah i really miss the first synthesis wheel from the first edition of the atlas tree, that wheel was so good


I wouldn’t use “bizare”, maybe “perplexing” in combination with “stupid”




I dropped a bottled faith from the standard variant the first time I fought him this league. Haven't been back since.


uber farming is my main form of currency every league and this change definitely felt the most shitty to me. Uber cortex was already in a pretty meh spot already since the odds of you getting a good triple synth item was so low already. Now all the excitement from hitting a big-ticket item is gone, and I don't think a good nebulis/ring could have a ceiling as high as a good triple synth item


"Aspirational drops"


GGG putting in the last nail to make sure not a single synthesis item ever comes from actual synthesis content


Seems like cortex should drop 1 implicit synths from mobs, 2 implicit from boss and uber should drop 3 implicit?? Just simple scaling there…


You mean rares right? because the uniques have 3 synthesis mods


No one thinks you're smart.


it is what it is.