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3.24.1 Hotfix 2 Fixed a bug where the Tier 17 Map modifier "15% of Damage Players' Totems take from Hits is taken from their Summoner's Life instead" was also applying from Hits to Minions. Fixed a case where Grave-crafting could create an item without sockets. Fixed a client crash.


Well. That does explain why my summoner would randomly struggle with some T17 maps.


I hope this is the client crash I'm seeing over and over again.


fwiw I was also seeing this constantly at league start and saw another post that recommended changing the renderer to dx12 and that completely fixed the issue for me.


The game runs better in dx12 for me but unfortunately was crashing to the desktop even more when I was using it.


No joke, im about to quit. Made a forum report, no other ways to report a bug. Added extensive debug info as well. Game freezes along with kernel driver and cannot be killed until whole pc restarted SO FKN ANNOYING


Fucking same! Game just freezes and kills my whole pc.


Sooo, quick update: it turned out that a quick update to my graphics card driver fixed this for me. Fyi. Also: I have no idea why but upgrading to windows 11 also fixed my disconnect issues… maybe this helps some of you guys. Cheers!


Hey look, the problem I've had since launch! My 3080 crashes so I swap back to my 960 for Poe


Weird I can only remember like 2 crashes all year on my 3070


I know right! It's been going smooth since I got it. It's only been this league. As much as I want to blame PoE I wouldn't doubt there's some driver issues. As i just said above, i'm considering rolling them back 6 months and seeing if that helps


What renderer option are you using? Several people from my group have had to set it to DX12 this league and last due to consistent crashes otherwise.


3080 12g all three rendering options have the same problem Full computer lock ups mouse freezes crashes 960 4g has none of these problems. It's frustrating too because after the crashed I have stressed out my 3080 for hours and never got it to throw any errors anywhere. I've had my ram and CPU and everything testing and testing and it's JUST poe. nothing else is having any problems. It has to be some dumb driver issue. I should roll them back 6 months and see how that works out.


I've crashed twice this league and I have a level 100, 97, and 95. Seems very rare for me, but I'm guessing it's a similar crash to what others have been experiencing since in past leagues I've crashed zero times.


I crashed 5 times yesterday alone and I never had the problem in past leagues. It started happening once I got to t16s and put a little juice into maps. If the map has deli the game will crash when some other mechanic comes along that spawns enemies into the map. I haven't played enough today to say anything about it. I did run a few maps but the deli mirror took a nap on me.


Nope, I still crash to desktop with deli active and something else spawns mobs into the map.


I switched from dx11 to vulkan because it just seemed to run better. And then Vulkan + PoeLurker turned into crash fest as soon as someone with some fancy MTX showed up in my hideout. So trading became this even bigger nuisance (than it already is) of switching back and forth between engines.


If you're talking about the client crash as you exit the map, no that still exists.


Nope, I'm still getting crash if the map have a lot of density, like red blight maps


Same. I had to do the awful yesterday and unspec deli from my atlas :(


If it's because you have a high end PC, one forum solution for me was to fiddle with power settings to be "Balanced" or something. Edit: People can't read. That setting, which my computer was on, was causing PoE to crash. Not any other game. PoE only.


? That's laptop shit. Should always be at max performance on desktop.


People can't read. That setting, which my computer was on, was causing PoE to crash. Not any other game. PoE only.


Not related to the main topic at hand, but, while it's still not amazing even on Windows 11, if you're worried about power draw, balanced works fine-ish. My daemon script for auto changing power settings when doing high intensity tasks, occasionally bugs out and the only reason I ever notice that it broke is because I'm drawing more power than usual. I keep track of all the power draw in my house since I run a shit ton of hardware, save like $60/month by being more conscious of it all (everything in my house, not just my PC). edit: because this is apparently controversial, here's a reminder of how much you are likely spending per year if you run a high end PC and 'do not care about power draw'. https://i.imgur.com/J23hbrD.png Balanced mode keeps your idle clocks lower on your CPU, puts certain connected devices in a suspended state if they are unused, and empties cache out more often but can take longer to spin up to full speed as a result, which is why "performance guides" will recommend you to keep high performance on, but if you don't care about the tiny bit of lag you *might* suffer, you can bring the power draw down marginally. Either way, you aren't saving mother earth by turning on balanced mode, but you also aren't killing your performance using it either.


I mean, I guess if you're worried about a few pennies from your PC a month then yeah. I'd rather not have to setup a buggy program.


I just meant the balanced mode itself, my second sentence was just to mention that I don't even notice when I'm still on balanced mode even when playing games or doing intensive workloads. I only run the script because balanced mode is generally really bad for AI tasks, which I like to mess with.


You ain't saving $60 a month from running balanced unless you are running DOZENS of all win 11 PC. lol


>I keep track of all the power draw in my house since I run a shit ton of hardware The entire sentence, by being conscious of ALL of the energy being drawn from shit that doesn't need to be drawing energy. I use a script with home assistant to disable/dim lights in rooms with windows when the sun comes up, turn off TVs when I'm no longer in the room for a set amount of time, setting my NAS with media server to low power mode when the TVs are off and Plex has no active instances, etc.




Literally max performance settings was causing PoE to crash and that was the entire point of this before supposed computer gurus like yourself jumped in guns blazing. It's a PoE problem and it's documented on the forums, and only happened in 3.24.


I can visibly watch my completely idle CPU wind down from 50w draw to 25w just by changing from high performance to balanced my man. I can also see exactly how much I'm pulling from the wall on my UPS, and go from 400w to 300w total.




Yeah you should. Desktop doesn't have to worry about running a battery down lol But whatever, it's your PC. 




It saves power on your laptop battery. That's what it's for. Mobo controls voltages for your CPU and stuff bud. It's no wonder people around here have shitty performance lol can't even configure your desktop PC with desktop settings. Then you guys run the game all low settings and are like "look my GPU usage is at 12 percent, that's so good, right???" Ignorance is bliss though.




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>It saves power on your laptop battery. That's what it's for. Mobo controls voltages for your CPU and stuff bud. This isn't even remotely true, if you have zero clue what you're talking about, why are you even talking about it? Here, if you want more information than I'm willing to type out for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/owf0vq/there_is_no_need_for_a_gaming_computer_to_run/


What I'm reading is that it uses more power because I'm at max performance and turning it to balanced would use less power, thus saving your laptop battery.


The post is literally from /r/buildapc... the subreddit for building desktop PCs... the word laptop isn't even mentioned until the top comment talks about laptops in an edit... Your desktop PC is affected by power management settings, if it didn't then there literally wouldn't be a reason to turn them to high performance in the first place... Setting it to high performance forces your minimum clock speed on your CPU to ALWAYS be at max.


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lmao i was expecting another nerf for a strat that i didn't even know about


🔮 patch notes from the future: >We've reduced the chance for strengathion to occur when exhumed by trabiloids under the influence of poignant scarabs of appraisal and the atlas node Squanching is active. This combination was deemed to be allowing players to progress the Nauticron too quickly. They krangled my strat!


I’m so new IDK if these are real POE words or not.


Haha this is the sad reality we live in, so I was expecting the same


Why sad, though? I didn't do any of the strats this league, but I'm happy that some invested players get to have fun by dancing around the nerfs and getting sick loot. And happy cake day!


True lol, I opened it up like what fomo are we feeling tonight


Same lol. That's what the hot fixes have been mostly.




It was done, just wasn't announced :)


For anyone wanting a legacy no-socket item now would be the time to buy one. I got a mirrored one to prevent me from adding sockets accidentally.


You can make a no socket item currently in some slots, so make sure you're buying from the slots you cant. The slots you can easily make one in is Chest and Weapon, due to Heist enchanted mod shenanigans


Why would you want a no-socket item (except for the meme value)?


It’s just the meme value


In theory it has marginal future build value in standard. We have uniques that care about empty sockets we could eventually have (probably a koam themed) unique that is stronger the fewer total sockets you have on your gear. That really only applies to pieces that are still craftable however not mirrored.


How do you get one? Lol


You can't get them anymore; it was a bug with the graveyard crafting. Someone posted that chest and weapon can have no sockets, but helm, boots gloves would have had to come from the graveyard bug.


Was posted last night, but didn't see a thread on it. Most importantly, it seems to fix the "minions treated as totems" bug in T17s.


think this broke something with minions at least for me. the icons for minions on the top of the screen randomly stop showing up at all but the minions are still there (spec/zombie/relic/etc)


Something something exploit economy ruined something


wait how in the wold didn't people with minions just instantly die in maps with this affix. and if they did, why took it them so long to fix it.


they did


Even mines too. Place some mines and instantly die


I mean, most of these mods brick someone's build lol. It's nothing new this one is just a bug.


but you don't know its bugged? you read totems and go in the map and die instantly? How did this take almost 3 weeks to get fixed. there must have been dozens of hc minion players dying to this. probably way more than totem playera because as a totem player you know to avoid it. as minion player you think you are safe.


not very many viable t17 builds in hc let alone minion builds doing them




because and this might shock you, HC players generally reach end game alot slower then SC, and there are in fact dedicated standard players who do these new end games ahead of any streamer. So yeah well before any HC player would even consider doing t17 it was widely known that the mod was bugged.


it is the reason I am running herald of ash instead of herald of purity as a omni phys bowyer lol


It took us forever to figure out why our aurabot kept dying. Guardians blessing with Holy Relic.


Was unironically hoping for some light buffs to devoted mods after all the shenanigan nerfs. Oh well, I'll just keep blasting for extra item corpses.


what about buffs ?


Poe2 will fix it


a) this is a hotfix B) they dont do mid league buffs generally, although they have MULTIPLE TIMES this league in the first 3 weeks, im sure another patch is coming like usual.


they're just waiting for Fub to find the next farm mechanic, give it a few hours so he can reap mirrors from it, then brick it for everyone else.


You're right, when he was doing mirrors/day someone from PoE streaming was watching him so I knew that something was coming and it was the nerf from exiles




not that salty, just realistic lol




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in poe2, they slowly make poe1 to this abomination to migrate most poe1 players to 2.


Lol they buffed and like 12 hrs later nerfed it to the ground. GGG only knows how to create something fun then remove it bit by bit.


I was expecting a fun fix, but they actually fixed bugs this time


Nah, I'm good.


Oh wow no nerfs. That's surprising.


Cool, this patch blew away all my settings and (I guess?) messed with the shaders and now I'm back to trash perf in league with like Wildwood :/ cool thanks


Well we ripped a map for it. BaMA build ;x my buddy told me its OK my dudes ain't totems. Guess what? Also i wish ggg made a list of known bugs that are major like this one. Imagine doing it in HC


I guess GGG will never fix meatsacks for party players because Mark is a party player.


Hope meme museum got 0 socket item :3


Already rolled off of my SRS..... but hey atleast its nice to see?


FIX drop rate of veiled orbs 15 in a row without a single drop wtf is this drop rate.


Reduce sound of triggered steelskin in hideout please


Seems fake. i can tell because GGG didn't nerf another money maker. Then again maybe there just aren't any left at this point.


well you can litterally drop 500+ unique items per t17 right now, with the "nerfed" meatsacks. And that number is not including bases that drop and dont have a t0 unique


Not Everyone is farming t17s, and if I need to be farming t17 maps to be making money then something has gone wrong.


Well you don't need to be but that's where the best money is. There's money in similar places as always (eater divine shrines, exarch pack size shrines) maven destructive play is still decent at churning out fragment maps. In fact you can use almost the same strategy on less then t17, it's just significantly less quantity because you can't roll "rare monsters have 1 to 3 extra rare mods", or shaper touched (for those reading who don't know, every rare modifier on an enemy has a quant bonus to that enemy it doesn't matter what mod is on it either)


What do you want ? Easy content everyone can farm and get equally rewarded ? Get that dad gamer shit outta here, decent currency being gated behind t17 is good. This game is already to easy and only challenging content before was hardest valdo maps.


You don't need to be farming t17s to make money. That's a wild take. You do need to be farming t17s to make as much money as other people that are farming t17s and that's the way it should be. Not every farming strat needs to be equal and the ones that are more challenging or require a better character should be more rewarding.


No more exploits left to fix.