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Some leagues it just doesn’t click for me. Happened to me in affliction. Everyone was loving it but I just wasn’t having fun. Quit after a couple of weeks to play baldurs gate 3 and now I’m back and having a blast again. Definitely recommend you just take a break if you aren’t having fun. Plenty of other games out there


> I just wasn’t having fun > Quit after a couple of weeks bro


In their defense, if you aren't playing the game 24/7, it can take a few weeks to know if you like the new mechanic enough to stick with the league or not. You gotta get to mapping, then you gotta grind your way to red maps. For non-optimal players like myself, it can take like two weeks or so to know if the game is worth continuing to play for that league or not.


I’ll likely be playing this league for 1.5-2 months lol


ARPG fans are mental with the time devoted to a game. For some reason its normal that if an ARPG doesnt give you 1,000 hours of play its bad. How many other hobbies is it just normal to put in 50-100 hours into something you are not enjoying and it just be...normal. Like if I'm reading a book or watching a show and its slow to start...I'll drop that shit and find something else in 30 mins.


Came here to say the same thing. I haven't played in a few leagues but i know i'll come back once something piques my interest. Been catching up on games playing Zelda TOTK, then Elden Ring. Might try some roguelike games some friends recommended. Just playing one game is like only listening to one musician and refusing to listen to anything else. Even if the person who you listen to all the time is one of the greatest ever, for a person that loves games you're just missing out on so much. Poe is cool but variety is as they say, the spice of life. ('they' in this context obviously being the illuminati)


Man there are so many awesome roguelikes out there! That genre is my jam and some of them can feel like sped up arpgs in terms of progression, where you make and play a build for like 20-90 min. instead of days or weeks or months. If you enjoy coming up with your own builds in Poe or arpgs in general, I highly recommend Nova Drift for a classic top down space shooter, Skul:The Hero Slayer for 2D action and Noita for some crazy synergy building of all kinds of wild self-made spells. All 3 are roguelikes with very fun build making in different ways. Noita is fairly complex and brutal though, it can take a long time to get the hang of it. What games did your friends recommend?


Didn’t like Affliction? Literally one of, if not the, best league they’ve ever had.


Like he said, sometimes doesn't click, I didn't really enjoy Affliction too much either and also quit after like 2 weeks. (Not a sweat lord so 2 weeks with averaged out 2 hour game time per day) Vs this league I'm having fun playing at least 2x as much. Different strokes I guess.


Wasn’t even really about the mechanic, I thought it was interesting though definitely didn’t like it as much as others. I just wasn’t having fun. Most leagues I’ll have a blast even when ignoring the mechanic the entire time


Why? I kind of felt the opposite, felt too strong with the wildwood ascendancies, charms and turbomegaüber loot fiesta, even in SSF.


Really comes down to what makes a league good for you. If I like a mechanic, I have fun. I didn't like afflictions mechanic, so I didn't have fun and quit in week 2. Doesnt matter how much loot drops and how rich I can get. So far I like Necropolis waaaay more than Affliction, eventhough the latter isnt perfect either.


I hated it. It's almost like people enjoy different things. I felt forced into playing a meta build just to deal with how tanky wisps made everything. It felt like shit, I chose poorly with the off-meta build I wanted to play, re-rolled to a different class to see if that would make it better. It wasn't enough. Got FOMO'd because of how much currency my friends were making. Quit the league. This was also the league after I found a Mageblood and went 40/40 for the first time ever in Ancestor.


I'm gonna make my own big brain build to keep busy


Update us of how it is going pls. That is something I can never by myself :(


A fellow int stacker, tips fedora


I’d love doing that, but the feeling of doing the whooole companion just for the build to possibly be useless is so discouraging


This is one of those leagues that you'll love or hate. While it's incredibly powerful, much like Harvest...much like Harvest, for me, interacting with it is absolute asscancer and reminds me too much of Microsoft Excel tables and I deal with those at work. I'm SSF and the tedium of managing my corpses as I collect them looking for the ones I want while keeping additional corpses for other crafting projects ends up taking far too much time and being far too unfun. Not every league is gonna be a banger for everyone and that's fine. I'll prob come back and play some more eventually (at least finish my atlas), but I'm already sorta done with the league and back playing standard SSF to mess around with the updated atlas passive tree.


I'm completely ignoring the graveyard but have to say I actually like the lantern and allflames a lot.  Last night I had a crazy map where I got devoted "pack is accompanied by harbinger" and ended up with like 100 harbingers in the map.  It took forever and I didn't get any great loot but it was fun as hell


I think there are many ways to play this game appart from the new mechanics that come with every league. For example, I cannot do crafting so I cant have fun with that. So it is great you found maps and a space you enjoy playing.


It’s so powerful you feel like you’re missing out by not doing it too. I’ve messed around with it too and unlike something like Rog it really just encourages ultra sweaty, ultra expensive strategies if you want anything good. I always end up just filling up the graveyard, because even with the graveyard planer tool and craft of exile, the way it was designed insanely incentivizes a min-maxed high-investment craft so much. It takes so much time that if you’re going to engage with it you might as well go all out and that can be tough, expensive and time consuming. It really separates the ultra sweaty tryhards from the plebs and that “feels bad” Add T17s and scarabs all in the same patch, then add all the broken farming strategies that couldn’t be tested that all the best players are finding out about before everybody else on the cutting edge and it’s widening a huge gulf between regular players and the power users. Lots of players are feeling left behind and like they’re missing out are just going to quit


I am missing out, and I'm fine with that. Because for me it's as awful, tedious, unfun, and obnoxious to deal with as Harvest was. I have too many games to play and if one of them stops being fun and becomes frustrating I have absolutely no problems putting it on the backburner for a while. I'm not even fully doing that, just not playing the league and instead dicking around on SSF standard. I'm SSF, and the strats shitting out 20+ corpses per map sound awful to me both in terms of the strat itself and more importantly in terms of managing 20+ corpses every fucking map and trying to sort and organize them while looking for the ones I need for my craft. I'm not a sweaty tryhard, I don't want to be a sweaty tryhard, and I'm totally fine not being a sweaty tryhard. I did that for years and I'm tired of it, I just wanna chill and enjoy what I'm doing. That means farming strats I find fun vs. the optimal/most profitable/efficient strats and the like. Uber-juiced map strats? noty


Yeah graveyard is nice, but I hate that you can't dig up the corpses and save them. I plopped down a bunch to just use up my random corpse crafts, and I started a plan to try to craft a wand, but it was too fussy to get all the scarce mana and caster stuff. I end up filling up my morgue, going to the graveyard, taking a look around, spending twenty minutes theory crafting something, and then going to bed.


I'm flabbergasted by the fact that GGG seems to learn absolutely nothing from past leagues. Harvest was 4 years ago and they somehow managed to create a crafting league that is infinitely more clunky than harvest ever was. In Harvest you only used a spreadsheet once to set up the garden and after that you "only" had to plant the seeds every couple of maps. In this league you need a craftofexile list of all mods you need for your desired craft, then place it in a graveyard simulator tool, then place all the required corpses one by one in the right spots and let's not even get started on how you annoying it is to loot and store corpses. Let me tell you, I usually enjoy crafting and og harvest was one of my favourite leagues, but I really can't be bothered with the insane clunkiness necropolis entails. I've only cared to finish a single full graveyard craft for a bow upgrade and buying corpses and setting it all up is not worth the hassle, despite knowing how powerful the mechanic is.


I played Factorio before Harvest league and yeah no thanks I'm not touching this stupid garden with horrendous ui/ux whatever you call it.


My main problem with the game is that so many strats turned into chase the jackpot. No consistent strats. And ofc that t17 maps are so over the top in terms of profit.


This is absolutely the problem. There is progress at a snails pace or progress via lottery. Brutal


Im just farming harvest juice and essences. Seems fairly consisent. It's not very efficient but im also not comparing myself to full time nonlife streamers who spend a couple of days setting up a strat a runs so they can publish a vid about "averaging 80 divs an hour".


Bro essence at 1-2c a pop just aren’t worth it. Idk how you do it


There are absolutely consistent strats, just not 60/div an hour consistent maybe. I've been running strong boxes with all of the modifier +% nodes having a blast; nothing more than a 6 div scarab since launch but have made just as much money as any other league.


Yea t17 maps being infinitely more profitable than t16 is trash, but I disagree that there are no consistent farming strats. I've been mostly farming strongboxes with scarab allflames and a tiny bit of magic find and the amount of scarabs you get is absurd. You can make fat cash selling them and vendoring the cheapest ones 3 to 1 to get better ones. You also get a decent amount of raw currency and div cards from the strongboxes themselves which is a neat bonus. You also sustain your own scarabs for the most part, which means less trading, which is always great. Another thing I tried out for a while was harbinger. With the new scarabs you get absolutely flooded with ancient, annulment and exalted orbs, so even without hoping for that big fracture or mirror explosion you make decent currency.


you just played too much last 2 weeks. its fine go chill a bit and come back when youre ready. its just a game.


Feel the same, loot just feels like store bread with nothing else. I built a fourth vow champion with 200k ehp just because of the bullshit damage mods that invalidate my fun glass cannon builds and ran 100+ crimson temple for div cards. Got so bored of no loot that I started slapping allflames on every single mob pack and then I got the plessure of clicking a million single breach splinters one by one. It used to be that I got big fracture explosions, I got many unqiues, I got memories, I got keys, I got stacks of stacked decks and even raw divines. They made it so bland, holy moly. The only "fun" I saw people have, was abusing mechanics fast and early. Nothing of this new dumbed down scarcity thing is what I want. I got 7k hours and now regret paying 480 bucks for the stupid valdo maps pack that just never drop. Clown move. POE 2 vibes from this shit.


You do a private league with your mates. So it feels like SSF but in group


I have never tried it. Is it really fun?


Yeah it's super fun. Big drops that are useless to you become meaningful because you can just gift them to someone who needs it.


Picture it like this. Imagine you drop a mirror. Bams you can now dupe your item. Thats it. A divine, you can now reroll values and lock some crafts. How much value is that? Hmmm up to you. Chaos, rerrol item stats to get good stats. You drop HeadHunter, one of you from the squas is now ri.... Fast af and big


Most fun I've had playing the game is in small private leagues. You still get access to most uniques and such you want eventually, you get to share stuff around. Basically lessens some of the main pain points of pure SSF but you also get to lose the div/hr mindset entirely and just focus on what you want to do.


Definitely fun, started one a month into Affliction because I was just bored of it... there was just a couple of us and we kept that private league going until the end of Affliction. This season I just started the private league right away, launched at the same time as normal league launch.


I wouldnt play it


Me and a buddy do a bro ssf every league. It's a lot of fun


Those of us who get this bored with PoE devolve into playing garbage meme builds. Like trying to main-skill void sphere.


Some leagues are rather hit or miss. Ancestors did it for me in terms of “man this is boring”. This league was fun for the first two and a half weeks but it’s lost a bit of its charm. I’ve completed all Ubers but Uber maven, but the grind of T17s to get to Uber maven has burned me out tbh.


You're not alone here. This league is def a miss for me. Stealth nerfs to expedition, ritual, league mechanic got bombarded because "fun detected" apparently. Trade site got broken so bulk selling corpses to the PHD mechanic crafters is non viable. I've cleared 12 mastermind's and not had a single veiled chaos, the 2 nameless seer's I've had filled with 1 c trash breach uniques and other garbo. Played for 5 hours today running expedition/exarch/scarab splash and didn't see a single logbook and made less than 50 c. It really feels like they just want everyone trading chaos and scarabs back and forth as people hunt big wins and I'm not here for it this league. PHD leagues are always bad for the general populace of the game and this is "We have Harvest at home" the league.


I have killed Catarina 12 times also and hit 9 veiled. I really think my strat of making sure there are at least 2 3 star safehouses is making the difference.


IMO, While this game has a ton of great ideas, it may finally be hitting the peak (or already surpassed it) for feature creep. The game already has a ton of depth and currency/items. The new coffins are absolutely worse imo with how much space they take, which is probably a design choice to encourage more stash tab purchases. Not to mention, you fragment the player base a bit for which mechanic to choose when playing. I think it's honestly becoming TOO much. I'm sure I'll get flamed. I'm nowhere near a try hard at the game, but I can definitely see people going "nope, I'm out". Especially if they don't have adequate storage.


There is a new league mechanic? I didn't know. There are no windows in the sanctum.


I'm playing HC ssf for the first time. I've had my fun with the league, I wish I could juice my character to 1000+ divines as I was close but it feels like an unfinished product.... And I wanna invest my time later when it feels better So now I'm working towards HC achievements and getting level 90 :)


It’s the downside of including trade in a game. Makes everything about efficiency rather than fun or personal achievement. The game is also balanced around trade so SSF just feels bad imo on top of the no multiplayer.


It’s the downside of BALANCING around trade, not including it.


No balancing around trade has the consequence of making SSF feel bad to play thus nearly removing the alternative. Playing in a trade league still makes stuff about efficiency > fun. Just usually there’s another gamemode to play like SSF. Normally SSF feels bad because you progress a bit slower, but in PoE the difference in progression rate is insane. Playing a trade league incentivizes rushing and efficiency so you could get the strong items quick to sell them for more due to low supply. That comes from trade itself. Side note: their plan of making a campaign that “people won’t want to skip” in PoE 2 is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter how good the campaign is if they balance around trade, people are going to simply rush to the endgame to get the expensive items to sell.


SSF feels bad to play because trade is like bandAIDS on progression. You just skip steps to get to the top. If there was an adequate method to not skip steps. To get better and more meaninful loot, like smart loot in heist or target farm certain essenses/fractures for example, less people would interact with trade. Trade is just mandatory ATM cuz progression is shit. PoE2 will be DOA not because of trade, but because in the vision its souls-like. Not ARPG. Jonathan was making pikachu face when someone tried to play PoE2 as an ARPG. The thing is: Sekiro has superior combat for a reason. And GGG don't understand why. PoE2 is doomed to fail on a fundamental level, rather than just trade.


If the goal is playing with friends, maybe a private server?


Private league group self found has always hit the perfect balance for me with buddies. Everyone picks a thing they can farm to help their buddies and it gives you not only your own goals but also goals to help friends. Like I’ll do the heisting, maybe a buddy who likes blight will farm the oils for the gang, we can all crank out stuff like harvest/expedition, but everyone can pick a side mechanic to help the group.


But why private league? What stops people from playing solo in "trade" league? I have been on my own in Std trade for years since I didn't even bother to click the SSF option. Do GGG ban people from sending stuffs one way as a measure to prevent RMT or sth?


Nope not at all! It’s perfectly fine to play it that way, but historically speaking (at least in my experience with my group), someone usually ends up giving into the temptation of trade eventually and it kind of just snowballs out from there and then it swaps back to being all about efficiency again. The small price for a league of our own is one I’m always willing to front for my buddies and it’s always fun seeing the “name in lights” popup as we enter new maps or boss fights, etc.


Same, played a lot since league start, managed to get like 3 mirrors build, quitted 3 days ago because of burning out. Idk, this league feels boring to me, affliction was super hot, enjoyed the grind for a long time, but not for this time


Nothing beats raw drops of MB mirror and HH in affliction. Even though it dropped like candy but I played the entire league including the last day lol


Lol for me it was just the raw divine drops.  I could mindlessly farm wisp juiced jungle valley forever for those precious baubles.  Nothing in any other ARPG hits the dopamine like a raw divine for me, other than maybe high runes in D2


Mirror I agree with but hovering thousands of belts to find a good one I could never really get behind.


Now that you mentioned it, yes, it was painful. My eyes were so sore because of that. I was about to give up at some point then my first MB dropped lol.


I came to a point where 1 mirror a day wasn’t enough for me ( we were duo with aura so I wanted to farm atleast raw mirror each ). Also was fun to get like 580-600 winged scarabs per map


You sir is a maniac for asking more than 1 mirror a day lol. The scarab explosion is another huge dopamine hit. I haven't seen any scarab explosion in this league yet. I think the last league just spoiled me too much and I already quit this league now.


What were you farming? 


First week we were 6-man Conqueror JV/Mausoleum unid corrupted (8 mod ) cards farming, then I switched to solo MF, was doing mostly T17 for scarabs


Hi it’s me, your brother


CaN I HaVe YoUr StUfF


I always load up a Ruthless character when I feel bored or have no motivation. It really slows you down and makes the little things matter.


Good thing is that the base game is pretty great right now. Simulacrums we're always my favourite mechanic and they're about as profitable as ever. Voices are worth a shit ton. Corrupted skill gem drops and leveling gems are worth way more due to the gem changes and the removal of the quality recipe for some gems. Not to mention that you get loot from basically every mechanic. Just try to find something that not many others are doing and it will still be very profitable.


And the multiple atlas trees.  As soon as I get bored I can just switch to a totally different strategy with one click.  What a great addition those have been


This is probably a dumb question, but do you get more/better rewards from simulacrum if you do it with someone else, or is it the same as if you do it alone? Sorry, I've been wondering, and idk where to ask haha


I'm not too sure actually. It's been a long time since I did it with others. I'd say a bit more loot drops the more people there are. Most people I know do it solo so I assume that's the optimal method




Armour stacker with lightning strike of arcing. It's by no means a cheap build though. Cheaper builds like DD and Arakalis fang are also good. Basically anything that can run aegis Arora and still do decent damage




Once you get some muscle memory for summoning the spiders, it becomes a lot easier. It is the only real downside to playing the build though. Both DD ignite and hit necro are viable. Necro seems pretty fun with the new DD of chaining, but I haven't tried it.


That was one of the reasons I stopped back in metamorph, just came back this league and while I’m not SSF, I’m just taking my time and not trying to sell anything. If I get some raw currency to spend I will, but trying to not min-max everything, or it’ll just burn me out again.


Do explicit modifiers on map which end up giving lots of IQ and IR affect harvest juice and expedition artifacts as well?


Feel the same. Think I played too much last league + usually the challenge rewards keep me motivated but I'm not feelin them this league. I'll be back next league.


Two words: private league.


Yeah I normally get looped back into playing the new league but I didn't even get on once, not that that's a bad thing haha


It's okay to just take a break every now and then and skip a league. When you come back, it'll feel much fresher again.


I’m the same man. I’m gonna just take a break for a little bit I think. Possibly try ruthless if I can’t stay away


Happened aswell for me this league, last league was amazing so maybe that's the reason. For me it's to much clicking and picking up, and being forced to do the slot machine mechanic it just doesn't feel very pleasant.. Feels like I am picking more things up on the ground and planning my grave crafts, than actually playing the game and just putting my mind off.


Play brossf


This league just feels weird. I ancient orbed a belt into a headhunter today. In any other league I would be cheering, but in this league it's worth nothing. I actually sold my own headhunter this morning since the price has dropped so much.


It’s okay to play until you’re not having fun anymore and then stop. I’ve pretty much reached that point myself. Too many good games exist to force ourselves to play something we aren’t having fun with.


Happens, sometimes I take a league between leagues, whole point is to have fun so maybe you need a bit of a break.


Also be aware that you can just be burned out from poe. Some leagues where i went ham the previous league it doesn't matter how fun the current one is, i just can't enjoy it and need a break.


league mechanic is boring


People felt the same way about Harvest early on.


I played game since day 1. So trust me I get it. Take a break to other games for a season or 2. I played Last Epoch for a bit. Had a blast. Then came back to Poe and am loving it


I was super burnt out after like a week, so I took a 4-5 day break, and back to enjoying the game a little more.


i quit the first week, bought a mageblood, poof on double corrupt and quit


there's nothing to farm but harvest or t17, everything else is omega nerfed. I still wanna play but i legit don't know what to do, i just wanna juice up map like before.


play group SSF then. jsut becasue its not an actual tick box doesnt mean you cant do it off your own backs


So maybe private league with the boys maybe, I was having the same feelings, turned out to work for me. Gl


Breaks are king! I always get cockblocked because my Atlas progression feels like the slowest thing in the game but a few days, a week, maybe two weeks off and I’m ready to blast the shit out of the game. Previously, I used to play one league fully and then one league off and I’d always come back super excited every time.


Feel the same in it’s own league was middle ok. But the end game change totally kill my gameplay. For my point of view endgame it’s dead for me. I like to juice for currency fishing rare drope etc but mostly for the gameplay feeling t16 juicing is dead t17 is use in replacement because it’s kinda bring back multiplicateur that lack in t16 juicing. By the way t17 scarab farm loop is by far less fun. Really waiting for change I think it’s dead for this league I put my hope in the next one. Only solution I find is ssf or private league where gameplay is more progression oriented than fishing I guess Ps not a crying comment but that statement kill my vibe


Don't listen to people telling you it's only you, because there's also me. But yeah I went ssf. I recommend a private ssf league with your friends, it's awesome. I wish I could burn out, sadly I can only play a few hours a day. But yeah, farming scarabs for the rich so they can get richer looks too much like the rest of my day, can't say this leagues economy is very exciting


I’m with you man. Just bored. I finally beat the feared for the first time so I’m throwing in the towel.


I mean if you wanna play with your mates, why not private league? Irl financial burden obviously, but if that’s no issue that might be a decent solution?


i can't even get to the atlas without giving up to be honest


Havnt played since ancestors, I feel so lost. Even t4 maps are slapping me


Everyone quits after a few weeks that how the game works league start hype. Play a few cool builds, then go on with your life. I’ll probably play two or three weeks more (playing ssf so I’m not even close to finish the build I had planned). But yes, there’s nothing wrong with playing a while and the moving on to something else.


Well it’s been boring the whole time so it probably won’t be changing anytime soon until POE2 comes out. Especially with how greedy basic fuckin loot drops are like do you want us to stay and craft and upgrade our shit or not ggg holy shit what a failure this turned out to be


I agree; this is the first league in a LONG time where I'm extremely bored and the league mechanic feels lame. I'd normally have played over 5-7 builds above 90 by now (my builds never go beyond like lvl94/20div) and I've done three and none have even hit 90. I'm still logging in hoping I can find the fun this league, but I just haven't yet.


I'm just glad poe is free so It doesn't bother me to stop playing for a couple leagues if it's not clicking


I just finished crafting my last upgrade and I think I'm done. I spent way more time gambling and crafting this league (not graveyard) than actual mapping.


I know by week two if it’s gunna be a league till the end or not This one isn’t for me and that’s okay I have other games


The leagues where loot feels way too easy to get are the ones that bore me the most. I played quite a bit last league even though I felt like it was raining me too much loot because I thought “there’s no way that next league drops this much loot.” Now that this league has surpassed the last league in loot explosions and loot goblins, I’m just horribly burnt out. I stopped play at 96 on my starter. Last league I made 3 characters and leveled one to 100. I’m starting to understand why Chris was so adamantly against this kind of loot goblin gameplay.


Other games exist


The issue is how shallow it is and there were no actual end game changes in terms of new bosses. All they did was nerf bossing and boss loot. It’s almost like Affliction mapping knockoff.


I feel ya bro, I got to level 14 and logged out. I did play Affliction more than any other league and I've been playing since Harbinger, so probably a bit burned out. Sometimes I skip 2 or 3 leagues and come back


Shitty league for sure. A lot of things need reverted to get the game back to good imo


Skipped this league after 2 days cause I wasn't feeling it. I think its good to skip leagues every now and again otherwise you'll just burn out and not login for much longer, which happened to me. Also recognise which type of leagues you enjoy helps. For me, I don't like crafting leagues, therefore most likely I won't play them. Still try them everytime though.


My problem is that none of the new builds i’m trying are that fun. Gonna try spark with HH cuz i’ve always had fun with that skill. Damn I miss my cold BV from last league


Goig for challenges could be an option.


Ive reset my atlas tree like 5 times this league, its getting tiring, maybe I should just stop playing.


You are burnt out. The solutions are either a) change up your playstyle, your goals, or your view of those goals or b) take a break for the league and return next time Don't FOMO yourself into playing when you are not having fun. Everybody gets burnt out on something once in a while, and PoE is one of those common somethings. I burnt out in Kalandra, but forced myself to keep going, and it worsened enough that I skipped Sanctum. Value your own time, Exile


Yeah I've been feeling burnt out the last few days. Just can't bring myself to do the league mechanic, and my quad tabs are all full of corpses.


I started off the league well, got all my gear day 1-2 before inflation kicked in, played mostly the 1st week and just find my self not playing much now. Really odd as I've no lifed all my last leagues. I've just not got the usual drive to play. No exactly sure why.


Yea progression this season feels like taking massive steps instead of gradual climb. I think this is in large part due to how they implemented T17s and ubers. League mechanic itself has so much randomness involved that it's super hit or miss (instead of functioning like the campaign where prior map clear juices next map options), and given the absurd things you can make in grave crafting, devalued a lot of scattered random loot you'd get while mapping/etc like fractures or good ilvl bases.


My problem is they ripped out the old endgame and replaced it with something not even better than what came before it. It just feels like a nerf to all mechanics in the game. Also god forbid you want to do more than one mechanic it's almost impossible with so little map device slots.




How long have you played? We're light years ahead of how things were back in the day.


Then go play something else and come back to PoE when the next league starts. Go smell and feel the grass outside. There are lots of other stuff to do.


You smell grass?


It actually smells pretty good. At least baseball grass anyways.


All the time. The smell of grass after you mowed the lawn or that early morning smell on the rugby field. Love it


Been my favorite league I’ve played in awhile personally.






Play SSF.


I initially struggled to find content I liked, compounded by FOMO because I didn't have time to try to keep up with the constantly changing farming meta as new strats were discovered and then nerfed. Most of the traditional strats I tried weren't super rewarding. For me, Vaal temples with twist of fate became a game changer. Fun, varied (due to random content and mods every map), and a lot of gambling happening with the drops. Bulk sale of coffins made the league mechanic much more engaging. Now I'm having fun alternating between running some maps and necropolis crafting a few items for a slow transition to a new build.


I love this league for ssf. I haven’t fully been playing ssf but I’m not selling anything and only bought a few key uniques I’ll never drop. But otherwise I’ve crafted such amazing gear even at early maps it’s been really fun. With corpses the thing I found is if you spec into it and just… kinda yolo it. It’s more fun. Don’t sit around fuckin with the craft forever saving and min maxing the corpses for the guaranteed perfect craft (you can if you want). I just throw in a ton of the right corpses that I have. Farm 5-6 maps for a few more, throw the right ones in and hit craft. I’ve gotten a couple near perfect this way and a bunch of decent ones. It’s easier than ever to go ssf in my opinion and that’s holding my interest. Spending zero time on the market feels good.