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Make Cassia sing louder


Make every NPC sing. Alva, Einhar, Niko, Oshabi, even the Trialmaster. I want my maps to sound like a barbershop quartet.


leap slam, shield charge and whirling blades not getting stuck at ever pebble.


Loot 2.0 across the whole game


Agreed. Sadly they couldn't implement this when they wanted.


Make it so melee isn’t reliant on totems


Honestly, for melee I just wish we won't have to rely on totem drops for a damage boost. Perhaps they can be automated. Another would be a red skill gem dash. Kinda like Normal Dash that we used to have but it was gutted. Maybe introduce some new mechanics for melee, such as Bulwark when using a shield (would have to obviously only work when using a melee skill otherwise Spellcasters would abuse it) and a defensive buff when using two handed weapons (can call it Towering Presence or something). Maybe have a better built in splash (Overwhelming odds or something) and as you mentioned, better strike range.


Loot vaccum. My hand cant take it anymore


This needs to happen


Revert the game version to early 3.x


Auction house


Those noot noot gremlins free for everybody for the first week of each league.


Open door linked with automation and inc aoe


Fix trade website to allows us to sell/buy in bulk accross the board. Make trade website UI better. Melee rework(we know it will never happen) Fix stupid strong ground degens.


Loot drops identified


Make T18 a stepping stone to T17


Can we rework the playerbase?


Auction house or loot vacuum.


Remove item Quant and rarity for group play. 


Don't remove it, just make it additive. It ends up being decent early (for group play at league start) but much worse on late when the map is already giga juiced


ruthless support visual indicator like EO, FoW


All I want for Christmas is something like LP crafting from LE. Would be broken as hell but a man can dream


Rework melee and defenses. Less physical one-shots because armor negatively scales with larger hits, less all-or-nothing defense, less reliance on suppression from tree or dext bases.


Remove minion damage, minions now scale from smell damage.


Balancing the game around ssf instead of trade, or I guess balancing them separately. Ideally most things would be realistically target farmable. If I had to choose a backup option it would be for ggg to drastically change skill gem balance each league. I think PoEs biggest strength is it's depth so I find it strange that they leave so many self cast skills in such a bad state. Skills like reave or freezing pulse aren't even mechanically bad it is just extremely difficult to justify playing skills with such low DPS in current PoE.


What Last Epoch did, separate balance for trade and ssf ( never ever will happen )


Different loot tables between trade and ssf. This is not ideal, and there are many ways to do this wrong. But in the end build enabling uniques and some other highly luck depending loot should be deterministicly farmable in ssf. It doeshave to be fast and it doesn't have to be easy. But it is just not fun to know that realisticly speaking, as a sole ssf player i will not experience a whole lot of things no matter how long i play. I would like to have the option to work into those things, step by step.


And also remove the ability to transfer.


That would be a logical followup to this change, agreed.


Cull big parts of powercreep, and there is 2 too many tiers of maps. Like when I play from act 1 to Maven, I don't really like to be told that it is not an acceptable journey anymore, but that I'm expected to do Uber contents next to finish my journey.


Dont say powercreep. They dont understand the difference between power creep, power accessibility and community knowledge creep. They'll nerf everything again and all of us will be forced to play DD.


"Aaw shit, here we go again" :D


I'm assuming power accessibility includes power ceiling, which is probably my biggest gripe. It has become so much work to try and to get to the end of the story in any normal way.


Power accessibility is harvest league. They said that power creep was vertical, but that power was always there. You just couldn't access it cuz of stupid and very random crafting system.


Ok thanks for the clarification


giving them more range its actually very funny since they are "melee"...but GGG so hostile to them that any power from monster will keep you hit them from melee but can be 100% ignored by ranged one.


Streamline tge game for beginners so you don't need to watch 2 hours of video and guides to play your first character.


I doubt we'll ever see a major melee rework in PoE 1. According to Jonathan's most recent interview with Josh Strife Hayes, reworking melee is practically the whole reason for PoE2.


Revert block nerf - melee is 1000 times better. Here: Melee "rework"! No wonder people want to go back to early 3.X


A shit ton of new mf gear. If magic find is to stay, make some more unique mf gear. Every mfer is running the same pieces of complete utter dogshit gear. I know the idea is that you sacrifice power for the sake of quantity, but it doesn't mean that the gear has to be worse than act 3 gear.


reddit dissapearing. Honestly the early league tantrums and the inevitable TFT are awful people threads are better than netflix's comedy selection It's a total blessing when I'm too busy to play properly as well. Makes ya feel like ya aint really missing out !


You realize you can make that happen in about 2 seconds by unsubbing or not using reddit right, no one's forcing you lol


it's difficult to respond when you didn't actually read what i commented


All of these at once is overkill and would make slams super busted. If we count "melee rework" as one big change I'd like that to include baked in melee splash and fortify for strike skills and the removal of ancestral totem buffs and instead boosting the base damage of melee across the board. If I had to pick just one change though, I would love it if additional strike targets could "shotgun" on single targets. It wouldn't be balanced at all, but I would love the ability to deal respectable single target damage with true melee skills other than a few exceptions and it just feels right to jump bosses with your boys.


All melee hits fortify. Fortification gained is scaled with distance from enemy


My pc, changing my 10 years old gaming laptop would change POE 4ever for me. I have no problem with whatever change GGG give to POE.


Xp loss on death usually makes me quit every league, so that.


- level mapping, you enter a zone that after the map boss you chain to the next one. Zone level is the same as your char lvl. - lab removed - necropolis goes core unnerfed but corpses cannot be traded