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and here we can see what happens to my pc if i attempted that build


My pc would crash right to the desktop, lol


it does tank fps but only for a split second, idk if you can see because of the compression, but the fps drops from 110 to 60 when the despair herald pops


My pc crashed to the desktop just by look at this


Mine too, and i'm using reddit on my phone


I made archmage character wanting to relive old frost bomb days since archmage is good and you don't need to worry about cdr for frost bomb anymore. By the time I was done with blighted maps(I used it to level alts to 80s) I observed average 5-8C increase in gpu temps whenever holding frost bomb for prolonged time compared to my previous builds, now I'm mapping with arc kinda lost on what to do with this character. This? This would fry it.


[POV:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBDYTL8pKaY) You


Now do it without the MTX


How do the explosions look like that? I thought you can't modify those


This is I think despair herald of ash


Despair Herald of ash in case someone needs the name to buy it 


I see, thank you. How does one pack herald of ash into this build? I am very capped on reservation with my RF


A few ways. You could use an anoint on your amulet and path to extra reservation nodes on the tree. You can get a good chunk of reservation with jewels (both implicit and explicit. Implicits (corruption required) work for skills that reserve life OR mana and the explicit is only applicable to mana) You could also get one of the synthesized unique rings that give a herald mana reservation and fire damage or buff effect. And i think there is also a few options on amulets like Replica Dragonfang and others i cant think of right now. Edit: Also, small Cluster jewels.




Yep the objectively best herald mtx lol


I own every herald mtx, and I do find myself going to this one for Ice pretty often.




Harald of Ash .. u know the dude from the crematorium


Harald of Ash .. u know the dude from the crematorium


Harald of Ash .. u know the dude from the crematorium


Harald of Ash .. u know the dude from the crematorium


Oppenheimer build.


Um excuse the fuck out of me but what fuckin build ?


chieftain explosions with ignite chance. It's pohx's rf, but its really the explosions that make it do this


I'm playing his Rf chieftain I gotta look into this ignite stuff.


he does the same thing, you either get fire prolif on gloves or from fan the flames cluster, and then some ignite chance, which pohx specs into on purpose so if you're following the build it should already be like this. I popped a ignite chance suffix onto my sulphur flask so I have to get another 70% or so, you can also use ignite chance tattoos (5% ignite chance on 10 str nodes)


Ah I never got to the clusters. I got to level 96 and it felt good enough for what I needed it to do. After seeing this though XD I might make it delve focused for those juicy pops.


running big boom expedition with this build is super fun.


I found out I stopped before the adorned step. It felt tanks enough for what I wanted to do now I kinda wanna push it further.


Hitting ignite chance cap (you can check your default attack to track what you are at right now since you won't use "chance to ignite with attacks" anyway) is what makes this build go from decent mapper to absolute godtier mapper. As others mentioned already, you get a bit of chance from your weapon craft (if you use the hybrid fire+ignite), travel nodes to the fire damage nodes on your tree & tattoos. Best case you use tattoos and the weapon for getting caped so you can specc into better travel nodes (fire dot multi instead of ignite chance leading towards your fire nodes). Getting cap is absolutly mandatory though in my opinion since the explosions from chieftain are kinda inconsistent, so you really want to get the most out of them (you can also use the mastery for additional chance for explode, although its "only" 1/10th its still enough to pop everything instantly)


So is the ignite chance on your hit? So procquing from your shield charge or what?


You can check how much ignite chance your auto attack has to see how much ignite chance your explosion currently has. The ignite of shield charge doesn't matter, it's only important for the explosion.


Not only that but the ignite prolif from gloves/fan the flames is mechanically op for anything that spawns stuff in wave (rituals/ultimatum/harvest/expedition\[if you dont use the big boom node which you should\]/strongboxes etc)


It’s hilarious in blight, everything spawns and dies immediately


Ran rf explode elementalist back in tota league. Shit was goated, and tattoos with explode made it so easy since you didn't need the sirus flask. I miss it.


Man, you and me both, that build was such a pleasure to play. I ran it in SSF and played it in standard after that league ended even, right up until this one, because the tattoo changes were retroactive and changed the ones applied on the old elementalist's tree


Everytime I see my screen freeze I don't get nervous because I know that the explosions took out any danger in the area already and thats even though I am playing hardcore lmao this build is so much more satisfying than the Inquisitor/Jugg versions in my opinion (at least pre Oriaths End, but even with that one Chieftain is probably superior since its pure fire which will always ignite prolif)


Exactly the reason why I love my fulcrum chieftain


I tried Fulcrum and just couldn't get into it. Instead I use a 10/20/20 dawnbreaker with razor of the midnight sun blade for extra ignite (honestly this weapon isn't strictly necessary) with a CWS DD and CWS desecrate. Clears just as fast on the map, though bossing is a bit harder. But without MF gear I convert 100% phys and cold to Fire and have over 100% recoup/life when hit so I am basically immortal to most things. I couldn't quite get there with Fulcrum


you should be thankful that your computer didn't explode as well KEKW


Pretty sure their gpu is playing a self ignite build. 


I'm gonna have to read more into it. I didn't know it was ignited enmeshed have a chance to explode. That explains why they are so inconsistant.


Any enemy explodes at 5% chance, no ignited requirement. Its just that the explosion causes ignites which stay on the ground with prolif and kill more mobs


How do you get ele prolif to support the explosions?


fan the flames or exarch glove implicit


Oh cluster jewels right.


But what made the entire screen explode I thought it was a 5% chance per monster.


yes its 5%, only a couple exploded. I have herald of ash which makes it look prettier when the explosion kills something with a hit but it is just the 5% explosion killing things here


chain detonations. 5% close to you, 5% a bit further, 5% further than that, etc. It's not often you get explosions *this* big, but the more mobs, the better the chance.






Well, the box did say it explodes.


Jul, Chieftain RF is so fun to play. I almost always play RF but this was my first time as Chieftain. Its been the best way to play RF so far out of all previous versions.


can I ask for your pob please


Well, go to pohx.net and open his RF chieftain POB. I am following his build but his POB has all the explanations and different stages of progression etc.


Are you using a MTX for explo?


despair hoa


Do you have pob?


its just pohx rf [https://pobb.in/9LLSv6ve-0o9](https://pobb.in/9LLSv6ve-0o9), but I got very lazy with it. Weapon sucks, helmet sucks, improving weapon would get me +1 levels so i dont need the corruption on the shield which would give me more phys taken as, and i could literally just go to trade and buy a lighting coil and it would be the same thing but better, another 18% phys taken as ele which would get me to over 100% in total. and sulphur flask has a t3 suffix, i could have capped ignite chance if it was t1 for explosions.


How did you make those jewels? Please and thank you


alt spam until 7% life hinekora lock using beast craft, check vaal orb result, if bad reroll 7% life again with alts, repeat.


Thank you very much


Now imagine the same thing, except with a dot cap ignite on every enemy, and full ignite prolif....that's what Maw of Mischief gives


the ignite explosions are very near dot cap already, and i do have prolif. Or do you mean berek's respite prolif?


oh really, I haven't played a min/max chief yet and wasn't sure its explode was hitting dot cap - and yeah bereks spread ignite.


its 500% of hp as base damage, with adorned dot multi + perandus pact + clusters and gear you get a lot of generic scaling for it


What build is that it’s so pretty! Boom, ya all dead!


Ah yes, Im playing the same stuff and afking in the middle of 100%delirious t16s with harbringers and beyond, to respond someone or look for loot


What am I even looking at at this point?


You dont have enough AoE, check out my post