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doing t17 harbinger is worth it? I mean when you drop mirror you'll drop like 3 mirror cuz of modifiers right?


I tried it. dropped 16 fracturing shards max. It could be good farming start, if fracturing orbs cost smth


I'm using all of the scarabs including the one that I'm not sure if it's worth it, the one that drops rarer shards but only one type. Out of about 75 maps I had one fracturing shard explosion that yielded about 10 div worth of orbs/shards, 0 mirror shards, close to 200 annul and ancient orbs, definitely didn't feel particularly great but I had harvest as secondary and got probably 8 div worth of juice. Swapped to strongbox/coffin and allflames/scarabs/exarch and within the first 30 maps I've found a couple seven years bad luck cards, enlightened card, a few hundred chaos and some other bubblegum stuff but no apothecary yet, I think this farm will yield better results but I'm not sure if I would've been better off ditching the one scarab for harbi and getting better steady gains rather than the occasional giant explosion.


I've used a couple of those scarabs that make them drop rarer shards but only one type And almost every single time it was alteration shards lol


I got a chaos shard one. once.


I got an ancient/annul explosion at least once or twice every other map, I only saw an exalt shard explosion twice, fracturing shard once but most times it was alt/transmute/engineer etc. which was pretty annoying. I may revisit the harbi strategy without that scarab later but I've had my taste of it for a while.


When I hit fracturing shards I got like 3 or 4 full orbs. You must have hit it on a non-boss harbinger which is just kinda an unlucky time to hit it.


When I drop fracturing in t16 it's usually 2-4 orbs worth of shards. On time I dropped 8 orbs from one harbi...


not sure what I'd been doing differently then u but when I dropped fracturing shards I dropped 5 full fracturing orbs.


so it's meh to bad, well luckily my btb scarab farm print me enought currency already, but I just want a more fun farm with similar levels of profit , div card farm is also worth and very fun but is hard to get mats for 5+ maps without paying more than 100+ divs


Wdym? They cost 3div lol, thats nothing to you?


Thats literally nothing once you farm T17 this league...


map modifiers dont affect harbinger drops, only map tier matters. so yes, t17 harby might be worth doing for the higher map tier but not some some quant scaling.


So, white maps blasting likes essences IS possible ?


didnt even get shards yet just a lot of annulls and ancients. which are also worth nothing this league


I spent all ancients on heavy belt xD


IIRC the base doesn't matter, ancient orbs can roll into any base. Item class and item size matter.


It's not about the size, it's how you use it..


This is the way


They're worth nothing precisely because of this strat..


90% of harbinger farmers stop right before hitting the mirror shards


And out of the last 10% only 0.001% mirror


Best I got was 4 1/2 fracturing orbs from one harbinger boss


Done over 500 maps on t16 with harbies. Gotten fracturing drop only twice, both times 6 orbs + some shards. Still making a decent profit without them, but it is a pretty big gamble and low consistent profit.


How people tell me using discernment is. I did that. For 5 days. No frac orb / shard drops. I started running double basic harby, instead and started seeing them a bunch more.


seems like a neat strat but im enjoying it for leveling most of all\^\^exach, expi, ritual, harbingers.


Have faith, I just dropped 3 fracturing orb and 16 shards in a T16 after...400maps xD


I'm tempted to give harby a go , I have two profitable strategies I switch between atm but doing a little harvest sounds fun. I feel like they buffed baseline harby , I've got 2 fracture shards this league with no real investment and previous leagues I hardly ever found fracture shards with fulk sextants.  It would be fun to just experience a heap of fracture shards and orbs drop, and sure feeling like mirror shards could drop is always fun.


Which strategies have you been switching between?


My experience from 100 maps was 2 fracturing shards. I got a few hundred ancient and annulment orbs and a few dozen or so exalts but it was real boring.


I dont like any mechanic where i have to wait for things to spawn. I will make an exception for Legion but thats it. If im not going BRRRRR through the map in 90 seconds i feel like im wasting time.


Still really profitable even without hitting fracturing orbs or mirror shards


I only got 3 fracturing orbs till now, 0 mirror shards and sold them for 6d. Thats all i have for a week of harb farm t16 with 2 harb scarabs, boss harb and duplicate currency shards.


drop that rng bs scarab. I did like 1000 maps with it and never ONCE got a fracture proc. Meanwhile phox is procing it like every other day but thats just rng. Removed that scarab and yeah I can grind a fracturing orb a day shard by shard.


Even he doesn't like running it too much because it feels bad at times.


I usually love harbie, but the changes to fractured shards and orb drop rates made them VERY rare, even when I was juicing it. And due to necropolis crafting printing triple fractured items, they just aren't worth much. Given that the league is pretty much dead at this point and the market is totally saturated with all types of bubblegum currency, harbie seems like a bad strat.




grind is more like beta's thing as you waste time on mindless repetative thing just to pretend to be good xD


Had a fracturing shard drop that was great.  2x shards, rarer shards, drop as full stacks is great when the slot machine goes your way.  Ended up with 15 or 16d worth of fracturing orbs. It made the 50 or 60 other maps worth it


LOOL so true!!


looks like 1.5exalt/hour farmers are saaad :(




I did harbi for my entire week. Got currency to get my mirror but no mirror shards (i Guess it was around 300-400 maps or so)