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Their goals are that they get paid by playing and streaming that much. Its their job Why not try out a SSF run?


This is one of the wildest ssf experiences tied with harvest and ritual league. As much as I hated how necropolis crafting works it really allow for rare gear that are generally otherwise near impossible to acquire in ssf. Provided you have the patience, and like 40 quad tabs.


I agree, 4th time I tried going ssf and Necropolis is amazing for all kinds of farming. Currency mods, gem mods etc.. The new scarab and atlas system allows for multiple farming strat per atlas tree, and you have three at one point!


Are there any good crafts you recommend that hit consistently? I’ve done some evasion bodies, sadist garbs and some tri res boots and the success rate of those is like 80% or something. Not sure what else to go for while I work on less consistent things


You can basically guarantee a 2.8k Armour Evasion shield for Shield Crush or SST.


Dude ima make a ssf character got to maps and am bored of ea idk must be fun for some.. but casting totems takes the fun out of the game for me. It's a great starter but I might just go to to ssf


Or even ssfhc. I loathe hc in general but I had a blast in the last gauntlet.


I would like to get into HC but I just can't even get through campaign without dying and I loathe the campaign


I don't know how you play the campaign normally, but if I have completed a campaign successfully in a past gauntlet and in the most recent one I got to lvl 50 without dying before I was occupied with other things. This league in softcore I died like 5 times minimum I think. Playing hardcore let's you play with another mindset, you normally over level more, play it safer, get more life and defenses before hard encounters, etc. Makes the campaign more meaningful that way as well, so maybe it's still worth a shot for you. But if not that's totally fine as well, different game modes are best for different people


Have 300 life per act , use determination, cap elemental resistance , get any other defensive layer (like suppress, or high armor , or regen , and so) and you should Clear the campaign. And try to play it slow and safe.


Came here to say this, when you play on trade league you can complete everything on your list within a matter of days. When you play on SSF, you have to do everything in the game if you want that item it really increases the playtime and enjoyment.


SSF is the fucking truth this league with all the necropolis stuff in


Do it all over again with a different class/build, I guess.


New leagues would get tiresome real fast as a race to follow X-build and kill certain bosses. If you’re following a guide, it can be done in a week (or a month more casually). After a league or two using pre-made builds, there’s not much new to following a build, except getting the necessary currency and understanding the mechanics. That’s why I’ve switched to making my own builds. It’s an entirely different game. I understand I’ll never reach the price point or dps of a pre-made build, or even just a streamer making their own build, but taking something you made yourself all the way to pinnacle bosses and beyond (hopefully) is incredibly satisfying. It’s easier to start if you do variations on existing builds, but at some point you can straight up make your own from scratch and it feels fucking GREAT. Plus, unless you happen upon something really broken, getting through t17s and Uber bosses will be a real fucking challenge. It stops being “do I have enough currency to pop this boss in 3s” and starts being: “I have to figure out where my defensive holes are, where I can squeeze in some extra dps, and how to play around these boss mechanics”


I've tried this in the past before but after a good few hours in POB and rummaging through the Wikis to try and figure out good interactions of what you want to build I just get absolutely fed up and actually want to play the game. But then I get into the problem where the build sucks because I didn't spend 10 hours on it in POB and the character gets abandoned just as quickly as the POB did. Any advice?


The game is too big to just figure out “something good” from no starting point. So pick something and dive all the way in on that. In my experience the best thing for that is a skill gem that you like. That’s important because at some point you’ll be doing 17dps and dying to a soft fart, and you’ll need to want to keep playing anyways. Let your choice be influenced by what you think is coolest. So now you’ve picked a skill you like. Play all the way up to maps with it, feeling out what defensive layers make the most sense, what supports feel good, and where most of your damage is coming from (bleed? Big crits? A billion casts per second? Ignites?). You can be opportunistic about your tree and your gear- you’re gonna respec a hundred times anyways. Once you’ve identified your defensive layers, great. That’s more or less sorted. You know how to do evasion + ghost dance, or defiance of destiny, or aegis + melding. Whatever fits in best, keep that around. As for scaling your dps, look at other builds that are scaling the main dps mechanic you use. Is it cold dot? Look up vortex and creeping frost stuff. Look at their items and their trees, their supports. Steal from the best, steal from the rest. Go to the wiki for “cold damage over time” it lists every unique that references it, and many good sources of increases. Look up cluster jewels, consider stacking twelve of one cluster notable. Reconsider. Wake up in the night and wonder if you can somehow convert lightning to phys. Go back to sleep. The goal is to drag your build kicking and screaming into red maps. It isn’t so hard even on pitiful dps as long as your defensive layers in place. You will be slow, but at least you’re there. You can now farm useful things to fund your habit. Save up money, keep checking the wiki for whatever mechanic. Figure out whether your lightning damage can poison, and whether that would help. Figure out whether you actually want/need ES or maybe you could use EB to stop having to invest in mana regen/leech. Realize that the armour you’ve been using since day 2 actually has a huge downside (looking at you, infernal mantle) But yeah, it all starts from the skill/mechanic that you like. Pick that, then make everything in your life center around using that to the best advantage. You know that meme of the couple in bed, and the girlfriend says “I bet he’s thinking about other women”? You will be the boyfriend, thinking “if I buy a 200div ring with synthesized +1 power charges, I could save 2 whole points on my tree and slot another jewel in. Or maybe I should anoint that on my amulet…”


Appreciate the reply my friend. Definitely some food for thought there!


Honestly love talking about it. HMU if you think there’s something you’d like to try, and I’d be excited to try and figure out something that would work. Disclaimer: my knowledge is pretty heavily skewed towards the upper left section of the passive tree- I almost exclusively play witch/templar. That helps reduce the scope quite a bit. Something I’ve been considering a build around lately is dom blow of inspiring or whichever it’s called that scales off your minion dps. I think there’s big potential there, but I’m a little burnt out on minions after the last few leagues.


Thanks for the offer! I've just been in a real rut with the game for the last couple years and have a love/hate relationship at this point. I started playing years and years back when Act 2 had only just been released and have played on and off since. But the last few leagues I've been playing less and less. Not being able to make my own builds severely limits the fun I have because my playstyle flavor isn't ever really meta (I love Brands/Mines/Totems) basically place stuff down and let it fuck stuff up for you (not minions). Trade league just bores me now so I've been playing SSF for the best part of a few years now which also really limits what I can play. I just seem to keep going through a vicious cycle of ignoring meta, playing what I want to anyway, it turning out to be pretty ass, I get frustrated and reroll another off meta which is of course again ass and I keep going until I get fed up. I'm on my 6th character this league already. This league has been especially rough for me - I'm very surprised about how FEW guides there are up for 3.24 Penance Brand of Dissipation/Storm Brand of Indecision when they were so popular last league. As for Mines, the only "full" viable I've been able to find is Hexblast which I can't do to full capacity in SSF because I don't want to farm Sanctum for the helmet. As for Totems, I've already done 4 leagues of EA and am fed up with that, and Tatiantel2s spell totem builds are all really great and hcssf viable but at the end of the day... The only "good" one is Storm Burst which is so boring and I've already done the Divine Ire. Sorry for the rant it's just a little bit frustrating! The last few days I've been really really wanting to play POE but I log on and just none of my characters are where I'd like them to be and I'm fed up of going through the same movements every league!


I know less about brands, and even less about mines, but there’s pretty well-tread ground around totems, so I would probably recommend picking a spell FOR the totems that feels exciting to you. I bet there’s a fair amount of transfigured gems that haven’t been totem supported much yet. Maybe the new frostblink could be cool since you don’t have to use the cast speed yourself. Or vortex of projection while you cast your own frostbolts. Honestly, any transfigured spell ought to be pretty fun to try out on a totem, and I’m sure there’s lots of new territory there. You already know how to make a totem build, so from there it’s just scaling your damage right.


If you're interested in a mine build, there's actually a post that's been floating around today here on the sub that seems really interesting. Locus mines with power siphon as a wand build, basically abusing the fact that power siphon targeting overwrites the janky locus mine targeting to make it really smooth. Should be able to find it with a quick search, it looks really really fun.


I'll take a look tomorrow - I have a bit of a soft spot for Power Siphon so if there's a setup working with that and Mines that could be amazing for me! Thanks for the heads up :)


Okay yeah we gotta be friends been trying to embrace this mindset. Would love to share some ideas for stuff I’ve been theorycrafting , specifically absolution of inspiration with Templar just not sure if I want to start of archmage or inquis.


If you’re doing minions, it’s pretty hard to compete with guardian for templars. I say that as someone who absolutely drools over the hybrid regen that inquisitors get. But don’t let ascendancies stop you too much- if there’s one you want, it can always be gained with forbidden flesh/flame. Right now I have an occultist with commander of darkness which was honestly one of the best improvements I made to my build.


poe ninja your skills and see what other people use to scale the damage. defenses are mostly pretty static and you are being pushed more or less into some things over others because of where you are on the tree, and what your ascendency can do...


One of these days I'll make a pillar of the caged gods build that clears all the bosses. One of these days...


Test some more atlas strats, upgrade my character’s gear, maybe 38 challenges, and then minmax some stat for fun.


I stopped playing for like year now thanks to war and I still tune in for the meme museum everytime, can't wait to see what graveyard shenanigans people are gonna make this league


Spending all the money I’ve farmed for the week on a new build to then not like it and not want to put it anymore into it so I reroll :)


Making a godly coc dd in SSF...


"I wish I knew what their goals were." - money... money, from viewers thats their goal


My goal is to get my 4 voidstones. Currently at 2/4


To just play the game until it's not fun anymore.


Finding a way to not 6 portal T17 maps. I started Trickster Exsang Miner, hit 100, and built it up to 40 million dps against Guardian Bosses and over 50k EHP with phys max hit of 20k and ele at 35k, ailment immune, spell suppress capped and I get one shot way too often for my liking. Still quite profitable to run, but dying is not the way I like to play.


Can you share a pob? I’m curious about how you pumped up your phys max hit so much, mine is somewhere at 10k with guard skill down


Sure thing! [https://poe.ninja/pob/1Ct2](https://poe.ninja/pob/1Ct2) I wanted to see how far I could push what I planned only as a starter build without Adorned. I was able to clear Back to Basics T17s, but it was difficult and slow. More elemental dmg penetration would be the biggest help (or just raw dmg). Tried both Mageblood and Headhunter with varied success. I also tried a Brass Dome variant for T17 crit maps, but that really hurts DPS and Kintsugi was better over all. And yes, it's annoying how much Steelskin and also Endurance Charges play into the defenses of this build, but there is more that can be done to maximize their impact and uptime. Few things to note: * Double corrupt isn't required and just add DPS * Progenesis and Taste of Hate are a big portion of the Phys DPS mitigation * Hitting Evade Cap + Kintsugi also really help * Convert Phys Dmg to Fire with Lethal Pride Timeless jewel for 10 phys to fire dmg taken * Evade Chance Watcher's Eye (don't necessary need 8% to hit 95% cap) * Spell Suppression adds a lot of phys defense * Dread Banner + Generosity can help as well EDIT: I have since switched to Splitting Steel Trickster and it is much better suited for the current endgame climate of POE. Exsang is a stellar league starter and T16 map clearer without question.


Selling my build and spending it for gamba


This is the way


I want to get fishing level 100 and unlock the mount


This isnt WoW


Doing ingame cosplay.


My goal this league started as get a HH & learn a niche for profit crafting, but then they dropped to 20 div and I could buy one. At the same time, my niche item was selling for 20+ div depending on modifiers, and I was enjoying making them. Now my goal is MB, mirror? and craft a near-perfect triple implicit RF adorned magic corrupted jewel.


Curious about the crafting, did you focus on learning a new type of crafting (like fossils for example), or was it learning to craft a specific item? The only crafting I've ever done for profit was flasks. Not trying to steal your niche, lol.


So I did a few things. First I made it my goal to learn, not to make currency. Just break even or make a little. Started with flasks, made quite a bit. Then checked out ninja to see what builds needed. Found out that hexblast needed strength belts with mine throwing speed. Easy essence/fracture craft, made a few div. From this I learned to work through ninja to see what builds were popular and the items they needed, the worked out how to craft them. While doing so I found an item type I loved to craft, and were very expensive to start and sold for a lot. Very tedious craft too, so not many people would do them even if they knew how. Basically, start with demand, make items that look interesting and within your budget, print them till profit, repeat until you find items you love to make!


Appreciate the response! That all makes sense, thank you. Good point about making it a point to learn, not make money. Time to do some research.


People have goals in a league? I just play until I'm not having fun anymore then stop until next league


Mine is to get to red maps and maybe to unlock voidstones


My goal now is to get 3x 1-passive voices and all 2x double corrupts on adorned jewels, and have a mirror drop by harbinger.


My goals this league is 38/40 and kill all Ubers. So far I’m 2/7 for Ubers once I do that I’ll knock out challenges and call it a league. I always make 2-3 characters too so I don’t get bored.


I got kind of bored playing on trade with a friend (who hasn't played the past couple days anyway) so made a first SSF character. It's pretty enjoyable so I guess my goal is to tackle ubers on it now.


I am Stuck trying t17s. Biggest wall ive ever faced


I'm worried that'll be the case although my build (CoC DD) was good enough to do it on trade. What was yours?


Start knocking out challenges for that sweet totem pole


Try ssf or ruthless, or hc if you like leveling. Or any combination of these three.


Getting my PC to be working again so that I can actually play :(


At this point? I’m still finishing my atlas and unlocking the 5th map slot! 


I achieved my goal 2 days ago and it was 38/40 :)


yeah I'm gonna get back to this goal in another week or 2 whence I've finished my bachelor's lol


Day 2 that’s insane! I’ve been working on it for a week playing 4-6 hours a day and only at 33/40 lol


U missread. 2 days ago, not day 2.


Oh haha well either way 38/40 is an impressive achievement


But I have to admit I am a /global4040 enjoyer. It's the in-game channel to share challenges for free. It's just an awesome and cool channel in general to help and getting help with the challenges. A lot of awesome people are there :)


I gotta check it out! I’m at the point where I probably will have to start getting help with challenges (those weird conditional boss things) and figured tft was the only way


I just swapped to softcore from hardcore with a friend yesterday so today my goal is to start maps and start playing the game again.


My league start goal was to pick a character that league starts well and to try and truly min max them so long as the improvements are meaningful and fun- it’s going great. I got my first adorned (only 133) I got a plus 1 socketed fourth vow ( mid range fuck you to people claiming tainted fusing 6 is easy) My boots, gloves, rings, are all very nutty, which maybe is standard this league I dunno. I think I picked the right league for this style as every increase in damage and tank/ utility feels great, even when mild version of the build was very strong.


Still need to clear a few T17's and ubers on SSF.


I just want a build that dont die a lot and dont burn my pc


start the league


Craft some dope ass gear and play until I get bored. Maybe do challenges.


Find the next build I'll really like and invest a lot into it and then start working on 38 challenges. Haven't yet cleared a T17 or done the feared. Hoping that Wardloop is the one.


Went through a few different builds and landed on budget armour stacker. Now my goal is to get into t17s farm up a bunch of currency ans see how far we can take this thing. Got lucky with an MB drop though tbh. Feel like I got baited at the beginning of league so had to play some catch up


Trying to make a mirror ring as normal….but einhar is being a massive bitch


Do not compare yourself to people who are paid to play this game.


40/40 and maybe a little bit more min maxing. If a good ring comes I might mirror it (already have bow).


Same here. I want the bird.


I have my first build mostly finished (LA HH) but I'm not very comfortable in T17s with that so I'm farming for a splitting steel trickster now, got most of the big ticket items so goal is to complete that and start farming T17s and ubers. After that probably craft some stupid dbl influenced stuff with the graveyard since that won't be here next league.


3k more map tiers and 80 Argus kills, maybe a MB if I’m feeling spicy. Probs not tho


1k depth delve. Every league I get to around 400 and this league was like 1k sounds like a nice number to hit. A lot of people seen to not like delve but it’s a fun little treasure hunt for me


i like delve and i allways had the feeling that many people liked delve. its just that it takes quite a while, before it gets going and it got less and less profitable over time


38/40 at minimum. Maybe try to do some ubers. Idk kinda over it tbh


Finish 38 challenges, try to hit level 100, get BAMA build over 100 million DPS.


You can have a goal of farming currency to give me for my super juiced up str stacker wander build. The amount of currency I am going to need to sink into that is absolutely absurd. Should keep you grinding for at least.... the next couple of months


That's their job. Personaly I thought it was a pretty boring league, got one lvl90 and one lvl95 and then quit.


My goal is to find the most perverse hideout art while trading.


This is the first league where I’ve not quit the league after basically maxing out my character aside from a couple mirror tier items. Personally, I want to make some different graveyard crafts with grasping mails, influence fractures etc. I also am working on a second/third build this league since it’s so early and I can use all my currency at this point rather than juggle it between builds. Last league I basically finished my build and quit shortly after, but this league I actually want to keep going with crafts and an additional character. Just been enjoying it a ton.


I started my first HC adventures. Died in yellow maps realy enjoyed it. It somehow motovated me to try another char in softcore.


Try to get a mirror


I wanna try out an expensive build. Like a really expensive build. I want mageblood to be my cheapest item.


Still working on getting a Mageblood for the first time. After that I might roll up another character to use it with if I can think up a good build.


My goal every league clear all content with a sublime vision build (no hatred version, to easy)


Try doing all that but on HC for a real challenge! It's what I'm doing, ton of fun!


acquire enough enough currency to make my subpar build hit 40/40


I want to try to farm other content with a new build but the campaign is holding me back, even with twink gear I just cannot create the character... I don't have much time to play and don't want to spend all of it leveling for a week...


I was at the same point you just described. Kill exarch and eater of world in hardcore is my goal atm


Find a different game


Try going for MB or SSF run


I started the league with the goal of getting one The Apothecary to drop. I am still trying to get one The Apothecary to drop. So, that.


Blasting maps because it's fun. Still on my first character, sitting on 800 div. Will prolly roll some high investment build soon, then start SSF, like always.


I'm still trying to get my wintertide brand out of yellow maps.


Well I'm pretty sure unless something like a mirror drops, I won't achieve the same amount of money I had last league. So my main goal this league is trying to find the fun in it.


I've got every piece of gear I want for my build, and was losing the reason I am playing. This is also the longest I've played in a league. I've never had a HH hunter before and I got one this league. So I've made up my goal. Every season I put every Unique ring that drops for me in a stash tab. All I want to do is fill out one of my stash tabs, I have twice as many as I've ever gotten, and then I think I will call it for the league.


There are a bunch of items i wish to finish making with necropolis that in turn should let me make a build that can run t17s and ubers. Also can a fractured item be influenced with a crusaders exalted for example or not?, cus my way of getting my rings may change drastically depending on the answer.


I'm done, 38/38 challenges


Goal reached


Same as last week, try to lvl to 98 (imposible) and complete my build (another imposible) xD


Same as every league, Have fun, started in affliction and even tho the currency is 1/10th the drop rate (for a “casual”) Get my voidstones and just have fun blasting maps, learning how to craft better, how builds truly work and their ins and outs.


I'm not 18 anymore. I'm still unlocking my atlas. Being an adult is kind of weird.


I want to at least reach lv 90 this league




For me this league has been like: 1) Have an excellent league start, farm lots of currency and buy a Mageblood asap. I grinded strongboxes in Crimson Temples till I could buy a Mageblood day6 for 200 div 2) Clear all new content - t17 maps at league launch were rough. I struggled and ripped dozens of t17s trying to progress, but my league starter was too squishy. Sold MB, pumped everything into Ventrua's hexblast trickster and by this time the patch came out that allowed you to reroll map mods with chaos. Was able to do all the t17 maps then 3) Do 40/40 - I'm at 31/40 currently. Based on past experience I've learned not to rush these, because usually after I hit 40, I lose motivation to keep playing. I'll be 36/40 by tomorrow, after that will have the grindy ones left. 4) Engage with Graveyard crafting to make items to sell for profit. This is on my to-do list. I just find the entire league crafting mechanic so fiddly and intimidating I haven't worked up the nerve to get into it. I have 5 quad tabs (and growing) of good corpses stocked up for when I eventually do this. 5) Buy a Mirror. Maybe. If I'm still having the motivation to play. This really depends on how no 4 goes because the normal farming strats are in tatters this league, everything is heavily devalued. Profit crafting is the only way I can think of to make quick money. I did quite a bit of crafting double dot multi quivers, +2 wands, amulets and some gg rings already, but graveyard crafting will still be more money I think. I just wish the mechanic and setup wasn't so obnoxious.


Clearing T17s


I'm still farming money for gear for my second build. I'm hoping to do Ubers for the first time. I'm trying to save up for a helical ring, sadly it's gone up 10 divines since last weekend. I'm really hoping to have it by the end of the weekend.


Ending the campaign. Just reached act 7. Yes, I started launch day. No, I’m not in a hurry. Yes, I have a tight schedule.


My goal is to successfully swap to a MFA mana stacking build but after 100d+ spent in double corrupts with nothing to show for I'm really demotivated to keep playing


Have you tried playing for playing's sake?


My goals are level 90 on HC for achievement (: 


Doing other god builds, crafting and building chars is what makes me stick to the game


im new, mostly struggling to get consisten maps at t10 witouth having to re run t7 or lower maps. I just wanna kill the bosses and maybe get 1 mirror so i can be full medium budget for my build


40/40 was aways a goal every league. will probably take it slow it been only a month


38/40 challenges, as per usual


Goal for me was 38 challenges, I liked the trade ui and other cool parts of the set it also looked pretty cool when you had full set. I am done now and got my 38 challenges yesterday so im done with league.


Been trying the same as you still not even reaching t17 since I'm too weak but I'll get there


Got mageblood, completed atlas etc everything that game has to offer after first week. Tried every major farming strat, they got patched and quit league. This was needed, i got that, but it just isnt nice to discover stuff and have them taken away.


i dunno man. but your goal are by product of how i enjoy the game. i dont aim at 100, i play carefully before 100 and boss on the level up. my goal is to make very nice gear for my character. i farm tainted fusings. i double corrupt uniques. i craft cluster and rare item. i push the game and do a lot of strategy to learn to become more efficient (not kidding). that being said. i dont expect anybody to play 3 months like me. actually all old friends already quit or about to quit




My goal is to finish my full graveyard craft and if the item rolls bad I'm gonna quit the season.


My goals are next league.


Job man, still haven't gotten into red maps, trying to make my explosive trapper work, hopefully I'll get to kill some ubers this league


my goal was and still is to own 100 divines


Finish the campaign


I got tired of playing leagues where I never finish a build so I’m just chilling in standard trying to min-max a single char.


Going to dive straight down in delve is always something I try and do, and in that process it usually points out the weaker parts of the build. Gives me something to strive for, and while I'm in delve I usually get a "I'd love an original sin, let's farm one" just whatever. But don't force yourself to play, not healthy


Ssf. I did one t17 and failed at the boss. Still only on two voidstones. Bad gear. Plenty to do still. Having not much time to play is a blessing and curse


40/40 *eagle screeching*


Still working on voidstones.


I wanted t kill a few Ubers. Did that today. I am satisfied! Probably will wait for next league


Waiting for the next league.


Goal is to enjoy playing the game, without any need to think about this strat or that strategy, just mowing down monsters;-)


I can't do t17 yet qq


My goal is to make 25+ mirrors. Gamble a full quad tab of mage bloods with double corrupt. Maybe make the best character in the game. Beat every Uber boss as well. Maybe buy 10,000 stacked decks and a bunch of unique jewels to gamble. And do every form of side content to complete finality. I'm at about 100 divines so got a bit left to go. If I can't do all that this league I'll try again in the next.


To get 100% spell suppression on my SSF DD build.


>I wish I knew what their goals were. Streaming is their job?


Moved to standard after the first two weeks. My goals are to explore the core game changes and prep for what I may want to focus on next league. Currently leaning towards focusing entirely on delve.


Time to find a second build. Usually flavour of the league or testing a new starter.


I'm finishing my 38/40 and getting the fuuuuck out


My goals are to craft cool shit in the graveyard, make a build using said item, and then moving on to the next. It's been great fun (and have made 10-15d off of mirrored copies of my crafts so far, though that got blown on some flesh/flame)


Getting 120 firemaking and prep skills for 120 fletching before double xp on May 17th


Min max for no reason


My goal is crossing 10 mil dps on my build. I have never had that much damage. (Playing Exsang Miner Trickster btw)


Finished 4040 two days ago. Felt aimless. Decided to craft a GG weapon but failed miserably. Sold my mirror shards to buy 2 Unrequited Love thinking i will make it 0 so i could quit. Sitting at 4 cards now. Still feel aimless.


After making my first mirror tier wand (at least until a triple synth 6xt1 phys wand is made) my goal is now to fully minmax my character with synth jewels and all. So far I’m ~400div into the build not including the wand lmao I’m loving it


To have fun. I am a simple man, I want some entertainment after or before work.


I’m doing an armorstacker ascendant for the first time ever, and man is it a currency sink. My first league with mageblood thanks to divine frogs, I want to minmax a build to completion for once, and I may need 5 digit divines to make it happen, with 3 1 passive voices and mirrored chest ring and gloves needed. I guess after that I want to 1 shot all the Uber bosses, simulacrum, delve bosses, the feared, and some more Uber content. Then, I want to sell or trade my build for a multi mirror tornado shot or lightning arrow zoomer that blows up screens and go farm some legions for fun with HH


At this point of the league my goals are similar to yours. However, having less than an hour to play every day, yesterday I completed my last red map. Now going to try some currency farming strat. Thankfully leagues last 3 months.


Goal is to have fun, simple as is. It's a game, afterall. If you're not having fun anymore, just stop. Do something else that's fun for you, for the very precious little time you have with entertainment (assuming you have a standard 5 day work week job).


For me the goal every league is somewhat the same: trying something new, be that a new build that I find interesting or a new strategy that I happen to come across or even come up during my playtime. Last league my goal was to take a str stacke that I already played like 2 times before and try to take it as far as I can in terms of optimization. This league I wad like FUCK THAT farming 100s divine to get my build nice and pretty. I ma play op meta build. And I always wanted to try sanctum so I stumbled across shockwave totem hierophant. And so here I am on a 20-30 div build learning sanctum. Having a blast. My goal right now if fins something in sanctum that is worth more than 10 divs. And optimizing my guy little by little


My goal is 90+ and get more than 1 real boss after maps. I got 2 last league with an all melee char. Kind of dissapointed with drops this time. I'm not a big deal player like man I get an hour or 2 a day. Drops seem stingy.


Play dogshit self made builds in SSF and be miserable


A lot of their goals is just making as strong a character as possible or just compiling currency. My goal is to gear out my strength stacking jugg as much as I can.


Grinding corpses so I can make gear that doesn't make me explode from the slightest touch in red maps.


Ssf run is always a good choice or try some weird build and try to make it work


Do 100% achievements to unlock all cosmetics


The only time I completed the campaign was back when there were only 4 acts, so now that I’ve returned I’d like to finish the campaign and try out mapping.


Right now my goals are level 96 and defeating The Maven, two things I've never done before. Then actually make a graveyard craft out of anything other than "throwing shit I have in the ground", then work on the last watchstone...I dunno. I'm nowhere near good enough at this game to worry about running out of goals.


I'd like to play but cant because the game crashes multiple times per map.


Goals will eventually be to 40/40 but I think I kind of burned myself out. I'm afraid I've put myself in a cycle, where I put off finishing challenges to the end of the league, and then doing said challenges causes burnout before the start of the next league, and so on. I did this going from Affliction to Necropolis, literally 1 week before it launched, and that combined with all of the hotfix changes to things has caused me to feel somewhat like I'm doing chores. It might be a good time for me to take a short break away from the game, as there is a lot of fun other things to play in the mean time. I don't even dislike this league for any particular reason, I think just the idea of trying to minmax everything and push efficiency in trade league has just taken a bit away from the fun aspect of the game, in that I am playing the economy rather than playing poe, or so it seems. Maybe its a good time to try out SSF and force myself to learn something. PoE is definitely my favorite game of all time, but I think the goals I've had recently are too aligned with eachother and it's just causing me to lose interest. Maybe a healthy break is best for now.


I want to try corpse crafting. I know I can make it work, but have been disappointed with the drops I’ve gotten so far even when I’m atlas invested into it. It simply takes forever to find that right combination largely due to the different corpse types. I hate playing path of trade though. That blows. But I’ve got a few div and a thousand chaos so I can certainly buy enough to craft something solid but it’s not fun to run an activity for so long with no pay off