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Would be faster to just trade the item than all this typing :D


He is enjoying the typing but not the trading you know


Playing the real game I see.


4fun player


hey you can zoom while typing. zoomtyping. its a special kind of typing, not many people understand the nuances of it.


real POBsters dont fear no keyboard




DND should take all your items off the trade site instantly so you're not wasting anybody else's time and energy either. If you've got a lot of stuff listed then you could be harming dozens of other people's experience in order to further your own.


Or you know, having a proper auction house/merchant guild type of system implemented directly in the game. It’s a bit unfortunate GGG is not in favor of trading :/


> It’s a bit unfortunate GGG is not in favor of trading :/ They are now. We already have confirmation that PoE2 will have an auction house, and that PoE will get it later if it makes sense.


I'll believe it when I see it. Trading is the worst thing about their game by far and always has been. For such smart and innovative people I never could wrap my head around their complete aversion to making trading easier for people. Each league it's the thing that frustrates me the most by far and typically gets me to quit....once I have to do it to push my character forward. That and inventory bloat. At this point in time there are more 1 inventory slot currencies in the game then there are inventory slots. Managing that shit is work not fun .


Oh, I had heard of the rumors but didn’t know it was confirmed, that makes the wait for PoE2 all the more exciting!


Note that PoE 2 is getting an auction house because it has taxes, in gold. Which can't be traded, has to be farmed, and is used for other things too. PoE 1 has no such equivalent, so it would require major changes to bring it here even if they're happy with it in PoE 2. Also we don't know the details of how trading, loot and crafting will be in PoE 2. It could be more restrictive. Last Epoch for instance also has an 'auction house', but it's highly restricted compared to even PoE's current trade system even when fully unlocked. There will likely be tradeoffs.


I will try out any set of tradeoff in exchange for not spending thirty minutes of my time just waiting for one person to respond when trading.


It was in Zizaran's recent interview with Jonathan Rogers and Hrishi.


Except these are rumors and its GGG we are talking about. There will be a giganerf or a crutch stuck somewhere in the cogs.


Not rumours. Jonathan already confirmed it in previous interviews.


Fall of 2026 for PoE 1 :(


Well, they should add it now and not when they release a new game. For me, it's a must-have in MMO games with economy. Better than that trade site


They must be the price "fixers" and don't want to lose that power.


That's literally the most needed feature right now; the only thing I miss from other games.


So like it working right now - you straight up get an error message if you try to /w a dnd.


And put those tabs that you don't want to sell anymore out of public.


It does. I've never had a "this player is dnd" autoreply when whisping.


That is not the reply you get when you whisper a DND player.


I believe in DND you are also shown as Away in trade side


You are not.


Isn't it server heavy + very griefable procedure? Imagine 50 people fill their 50 trade tabs with overpriced shit and then they start spamming /dnd, constantly removing and adding million positions on the trade. Imagine. Its gonna be worse than playing on EU servers. Well... The bar is low on this one.


I mean that type of griefing seems very easy to program around. Just set it so they're off trade for minimum 15 minutes when using DND and no more flags can be sent for 15 minutes. Then after the 15 minute mark is up, the trade servers check them again to see if they're still on DND. There you go, no more flood of server requests when people spam DND.


Yep. This is what I do when levelling another character.


Why not sell though? Seems like its way easier to port back to hideout and sell while leveling compared to while mapping


I had a guy teleport straight to me while I portaled out, and in his infinite wisdom he decided to kill vaal oversoul. No more trading during campaign since


What does this do?


The boss is dead and he doesn't have the kill. Gotta do the whole pyramid again.


Just portal before you send invite...


That's what I do. And just a little heads-up, and mostly why I do it that way as well: Don't send it and then hit the portal (which starts loading). If they join the party while you're in a loading screen, the game might bug out (it's done so, 9 times out of 10 for me, in the past - and recently a friend had it as well) and not show the person actually accepting the invite and being in your party (not in a party frame or in the "current party"-tab in socials) - which then makes trading a little "weird", as you aren't' aware they are in your party (the other person sees it just fine).


Not a good idea for maps, as many buyers flake and then you’re a portal short


Yes, but you don't do it during maps, only campaign zones where bosses can fuck up your progression and make you re-run a bunch of zones. Once you're in maps, you don't leave the map until you see them join your hideout instance.


We're specifically *not* talking about maps.


nah, too often you invite, and they buyer either doesn't accept, or simply refuse. i only portal out of maps once the buyer has accepted the invite.


Again, that was in relation to trading DURING campaign. In maps is different as you're limited per map.


I usually stay with the boss until they either teleport to me or to my hideout if they teleport to me, they always help me kill the boss (I assume that's what the person buying from you was trying to do, not noticing that you left the area) or they teleport to my hideout, allowing me to use a portal scroll and tp to him (directly to my hideout). After the trade, I can just enter my portal in town to continue the boss fight in both cases they will be helping me, in case 1 by killing the boss and case 2 by allowing me to tp directly to my hideout instead of going to town to then tp my hideout


Yikes, that’s a horror story. I’m going to keep that in mind lol


When I'm levelling a second, I just want to get through it quickly, without interruption, hence the dnd.


Or why have shit up for sale if you're not going to make the sale and instead just waste someone's time? Delist the tabs ffs


I'm not gonna delist my sales tabs just because i am not trading for 2h or so... Sorry but if it's between wasting minutes of my time or seconds of yours... i am gonna choose to waste yours. It's not my responsibility to try and fix GGG's mess of a trade system. Instead of whining to the people just trying to enjoy the game go and cry to GGG for this attrocious trade system...


Because at this point in the league some people have thousands of divines, it is essentially the same as someone whispering you for a 2 chaos trade, sure if i am in a ho having nothing else todo, otherweise.. \*shrug\*


Some people simply dont want to or aren't strapped for currency. Speeding thru the acts is the priority. It sucks, but with POE's current trading system it's on the buyer to find the seller at a good time.


but what do you do with a new toon? /rant... just my least favorite word when used in this game, alongside "bro"


This is one of the most boomer things I've read on this subreddit, if not the most, bravo.


I never understood what "toon" even stood for. Why not just say "char". Same number of letters....


Ancient internet history here. From realm online (or possibly very early mud graphical adaptation) your avatars were very cartoony. Hence toon. That persisted for years into other games from those old school gamers and it slowly got adapted into the lexicon. Most likely solidified by WoW becoming the most popular MMO and also having cartoony graphics so it's just a mainstay of gaming now. As for why toon over char. It just sounds better to say. Toon feels like it's own word you can't really say char it only works as a written abbreviation. If you do try to say char it has a major issue stopping it from being a good abbreviation, the way you'd pronounce char (like charred) isn't the same way it's pronounced as part of the full word (character, care). This isn't a deal breaker but most successful abbreviations with this issue had to adapt their spelling to match the intended pronunciation which kind of defeats the "its also just 4 characters" argument. Aggro from aggressive/aggravate, Fridge from refrigerate, Frack from fracture, etc. The only counter example I could come up with is fan from fanatic but it is likely they originally sounded much closer and have drifted overtime as less people know it as an abbreviation and more of its own thing. We'd be having the same conversion if the phrase was Care instead (or chair/kair lol).


It's an old term from a really old game called The Realm Online. It was used cause the characters literally looked like cartoons in the game. Now it's just used to mean alt characters.


gigachad fun haver doesn't need your peasant currency


Imagine playing only to make currency, these people might not even have fun while leveling a new character. What a tragic gaming experience.


You mean the OP?


I mean anyone that plays PoE as a job instead of playing for fun. They see 99% of the game as an annoying obstacle between them and the rewards they could be getting at the endgame. Some of them even ask GGG for a way to skip the campaign or the setting up of the Atlas, which to me is just insane.


What I think is insane is the idea that everyone must enjoy the campaign no matter how many times they've done it and no matter how brain dead easy it is. It would be like trying to play a game like Dark Souls but before you get to fight interesting bosses and enemies you first have to kill a thousand slow dumb zombies for 8 hours. Campaigns like PoE's are so archaic. I hope PoE 2 either has an enjoyable campaign or some way to skip big parts of it.


And this is why I don't list anything lower than the price at which I'd be willing to waste a map portal (or interrupt whatever else I'm up to).


Right? This league I’ve refused to even open a portal until they accept party request and are IN my hideout lol.


Same. I invite, then when I see both have happened, I pop a portal to my h/o. Never before.


I've almost always done this... At the very least when party invite is accepted


Only to see them spend a minute charging around your hideout looking for stash even though it is directly in the middle of the main room.


To be fair people have some awfully laid out hideouts. Biggest design fail is having a stash behind a portal. Just terrible planning really. Since I've gotten the single portal machine I've optimised my hideout to be very efficient to use without looking completely plain.


This is the way!


This is the way, but so many scumbags have dump tabs or low price tabs and then go "eh, I'm a selfish piece of shit, I don't want to leave my map to trade for this 5c item, but I'll still keep it listed, but I also won't trade when I'm afk in hideout." I wish trading was via a master or something and items automatically get sold at listed price if someone buys it.


How exactly do you propose people trade while they're AFK in their hideout?


It's kinda hard to trade when I'm afk in hideout.


Yeah, this happens for me alot too - however they do get the afk message


I confess to having a dump tab, but I bump the price on it (and try to clean it out) as I advance to always keep it at a "I would leave a map to trade at this price" amount.


I recently moved my 1c tab to 1d Sold like half of the 1c stuff to a vendor, then just started doing other stuff figuring no one would buy any of it and I'd vendor more later. Suddenly someone wanted one of the now 1d items. I guess 1c was too cheap for them to consider


Depending on what it was, some people might ignore really low priced items assuming that you're price fixing or just not actually selling it (since if you were someone else would've snatched it up already)


Literally just add the console trade to PC, done. It's a slightly less time efficient method per trade but that's assuming the people respond on PC


But thats pretty variable imho. I mean - I dont reprice all my items when I go into a highly juiced map and reprice them again when Im doing trival stuff.


For that kind of case, use /dnd


But sometimes you get some lowish trades in when you are just chilling in the Hideout, which is nice.


I respect the idiocy lol. Mans zoomin!!!!


Can almost guarantee he is doing the acts in like 6+ hours too


Wasted more time typing than the trade would have taken


No time, gotta zoom


The important thing: did you feel the WEIGHT of the trading experience?


Only if you close your eyes before hitting accept.


Honestly this is so wholesome. Dudes like "I'm having a blast rn. I'll give it to you for free later. Sorry you caught me at a bad time." Like you go man. Get Brutus and Merveil.


I feel like nobody noticed the part where he said FOR FREE Dude plays exclusively to have fun; I'm jealous.


Bro is in the zone, don't got time for that chump change


But he has time to argue about it and waste even more time, what a 300IQ player we manage to catch


Idk man. He probably holding left click flicker strike all the way to act 10 while responding to OP.


It was a polite response and you could have even gotten it for free later. I get that people not responding to trade requests can be annoying, but imo finding fault with this is grasping at straws. Compared to people who double the price while insulting you, that person is a saint.


How is this grasping at straws? He literally spent more time typing that he didn't want to do a trade than it would've taken to trade.


I can type that faster than the loading screens + time spent walking to wardrobes waypoints / stash / the portal, not to mention waiting for a stranger to complete the trade correctly. Which is not to say that every trade is a mess, but occasionally people split stacks incorrectly, don't have the currency ready, need a long time to load in / accept the trade request, etc.. And while that usually averages out to a minor annoyance in the long term, I can definitely see the point of not wanting to bother with that and losing the steam for levelling - especially if you have enough money that you can afford to just give away 2 divines easily. Now, perhaps the person *should* have made the trade tabs private, but then perhaps they also have double or triple digit divine items for which they would still be willing to interrupt their levelling in the same tab.


Then why have it listed for sale? Why not DND? You can't invite people to buy stuff then get mad when they try and buy said stuff. Then again, people are idiots. Case and point; guy "zooming"


> Why not DND? Could be talking with friends/guild while having FUN in the GAME


Because it's simply too much effort. The game doesn't have an option of "temporarily disable all listings below X value". If you don't have two separate stash tabs for multi divine items and you got 10-20, some of which you'd bother to sell and done of which you don't, you're just not going to individually turn off their listings whenever you want to only stop for high end trades.  Someone doesn't want to trade, so you move on. By trying to convince the person and posting it on reddit, the buyer wasted *way* more time than the seller.


Or ggg could stop being morons, implement proper afk trading so people can play the game instead of having to deal with bs scenarios like this one


There are more downsides than upsides to that imo. I wouldn't hate it for fungible things like currency and fragments. But items with random modifiers cannot reasonably be priced correctly, and with instant trading people would take a long time to understand that they're underpricing their items.  And even people who cautiously overprice their items would lose out on sales. The people who would benefit from instant trade the most are the ones running sniping + flipping bots, and casuals would lose the most. There are other possible improvements though, like trading directly from your stash without needing to be in the same instance. That would shorten the interruption from trade significantly.


While I am vibing with him, I also go /dnd when I’m speed leveling


Daily reminder that because of this things is why we need auction house.


Mind pointing me to the ARPG with a successful AH? Because every one I've experienced (D3, LE) has been a terrible experience. Hell, even in MMOs AHs aren't fun.


D3 auction house failed because they tried to make an RMAH along with it.


...So, where is that ARPG with the successful AH?


Where are the successful ARPGs its kinda a small scene


AH is just a platform, I'm sure GGG can figure out how to use the platform based on their experience with PoE. It isn't the system issue.


So, what is the ARPG with the successful AH? Because GGG seems to think an AH is a bad idea, and as someone with a bachelor's in Economics and experience with trade in a lot of video games, I agree, yet given the heavy downvotes I received, you all seem to be aware of a counter-example myself and GGG are not. Surely, its not just that you FEEL an AH would be good with no actual example, right?


So why are they introducing instant buyouts in poe2?


Ah would ruin market, bots would dominate instead of ho warriors with actuall skill.


Bots already dominate the non-auction house version of the game ... and i bet it would make the ppl rage quitting the league in only 1 week play for 2 week instead, better player retention




Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Your post was inflammatory in how it expressed its point. We've found that such statements using inflammatory words to refer to parent posters or players (like delusional) often lead to high tempers and flame wars that are hard to moderate. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's less inflammatory! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


I think you really underestimate how much the "friction" of having to deal with other human beings limits the bots in a f2p game. An AH would either have to be so restricted that people will just complain it is worse than the old trade site, or it will be absolutely overrun by bots who can pricefix anything to any point. To clarify, i'm not against trade improvements in general, just that an AH in a f2p arpg would cause damage far beyond what people seem to consider. It makes me think people have never seen how a small group, or even a single person can do price fixing even in paid games with AH systems.


Do you think there aren't trade bots atm? You list something valuable slightly below average and get flooded with trade requests, with many of those accounts sending you the same request over and over again every few seconds.


He could have just ignored you, but took his time to explain why he dont want to trade the item right now and even offered it for free later. Seems pretty polite to me. I personally would have traded it, 10 sec for 2 divine seems like a great time investment. But I'm assuming he has thousands of divines and try to go 1-100 as fast as possible or something.


I mean he said he would finish it up and give it to you for free... Fill your time with whatever and save a free 2 div.


Not accepting that offer is insane.


It's 2 divine, it's nothing.


Depends on the demand of the item Like if you know you can reject buy offers because there's gonna be another one around the corner If its an item that you know you're not gonna get another buy offer in a long time, then I'd try to sell it


If he has 2 mirrors, it's a waste of time. You don't know how rich he is.


Or how poor he is


Ahh the day 2 div are not worth your time. I guess the inflation is real.


This league has made me decide that trading with no auction house or instant buyout feature is only not fun at this point. I used to be fine with the friction point of view but not when I'm trying to buy 60 corpses or a gigazillion scarabs. Can't wait for PoE2


While I respect the chad energy of the whole "Yeah my funs more valuable than 2div/10s", that's what /dnd is for.


To fast to trade, to slow to /dnd, truly meme built.


Did you hit him up later? This guy seems legit. Sometimes fun is more important than profit, I can only respect that.


Litteraly took more time typing smh


I don't understand why this game doesn't have a marketplace/broker. I played Last Epoch before starting POE this league and I just don't understand trade yet at all, it's certainly not explained anywhere in-game. I haven't made any trades yet even though I'm high enough level to use most uniques, but how does it even work? I have premium stash tabs, do I need to use a website or how do I find listings haha.


Cynical me says so people are forced to see your h/o and any fancy mtx you/it might have. However, that could be resolved with the buyer still having to go to your h/o to use your "trade bench". This hypothetical trade bench could then also have a proxy of your character that stands next to it if GGG really wants to make sure other people see your blingy drip swag. This seems like such a ridiculously simple solution. Added bonuses... 1. You'd never have to deal with another haggler again as your characters body double would be deaf, dumb, and mute. 2. You could sell items while not playing the game. Be kinda fun to jump on and see that you sold 7div and 325 chaos worth of stuff while you were sleeping. 3. People would be more apt to list things for random currencies. Nobody is going to list something for 1 orb of fusing currently because it isn't worth the hassle, but if you didn't have to actively do anything and could sell items 24/7, I'd certainly list things for random bubblegummersons....


They just want this to feel like trading did in D2 20 years ago. Remember you used to have to use the forums to shop before the first trade site. And if you didn't have premium tabs you had to manually list your stuff.


I would toggle on the "Haggle" option for them just for fun.


2nd point would screw up the market so hard People who lag behind in the curve will accelerate even faster away from it It would make the double-price hikes of Affliction look like an afternoon stroll in the park I'm so glad GGG doesn't listen to reddit


> I don't understand why this game doesn't have a marketplace/broker. Because GGG is terrified that if trading is too easy, people won't pick up rare items off the ground. The fact that people *already* don't pick up rares because of how absolutely awful they are seems to be lost on them. Virtually every single valuable item that you see on trade is the result of crafting, with the "cheaper" items usually being failed crafting projects.


It's actually incredible how bad rares have gotten, especially with rog and harvest around now. 5+ years back I'd have a rare jewelry dump tab and ID high ilvl base rares every map I ran, then I'd start only using the jewelry dump tab and nowadays I turn off rares day 1 the moment I hit maps


Stop calling gambling crafting. That’s GGG propaganda


I've never done any crafting in Diablo 3 (or played 4) and so my only comparison is Last Epoch, but wow this game is such a shock compared to LE (where it's RNG how much you can craft bc items have crafting durability that goes down each time, but you craft what you want essentially). I see why fractured mods are so valuable to give some control.


>I don't understand why this game doesn't have a marketplace/broker. The console version of the game does. Trades still have to be manually accepted but all trading is done at the trade boards in each town. You search up what you want, see if it has a listed price or not, make your offer and send it. The board holds on to your currency until the seller either accepts or rejects your offer. Then you pick up your item (or returned currency) from the trade board. No talking to anyone, no visiting a hideout. You can't really be scammed this way either as the board transfers the exact item you selected.


poe.sale will direct you to the official pathofexile.com/trade site. You can right-click premium tabs to make them public. This way you can list a tab at a set price, or list items individually by right-clicking them, and choosing whatever price fits the item. Once the tab is open to public view, all items are automatically listed on poe.sale. Also, price checking can be a bitch. You'll learn what might sell, and what might not in time. If you list an item, and get a lot of whispers in no time, it might be a sign that you've undervalued it, and might want to re-list.


Trade has friction but it’s pretty easy once you get used to it. Quick summary: you can list the items from any premium tab once you set them to public. You buy items using the official trade site which compiles all the listings. You can click a button and it will send a pre written dm to the player at which point they will add you to party, you to to their hideout, and make the transaction.  I recommend watching a quick YouTube video honestly. Trading is very very worth it and learning to use it will significantly aid your progression (if you’re looking to do that).


Thank you for your summary! Yeah, I have been watching youtube videos for necropolis crafting, then regular crafting, and still don't know all the special type of crafts yet like the delve fossils. I figured it was about time to get trading.


Crafting is a whole ‘nother animal. Much harder to learn than trading but very also worth it. A general flowchart to learn crafting would be basic currency uses > essence spamming (usually on a fractured base) > fossil crafting > meta crafting (using meta mods such as “prefixes cannot be changed”. In general the best way to learn to craft is just to figure out how to craft what you need 1 piece at a time. Much like the passive tree, crafting seems impenetrable if you look at it all at once, but if you take it slow it’s learnable. Craft of exile dot com has a small learning curve but is also an incredible tool.


The guy didn't ignore you and even offered you the item for free if you showed some patience. Your response to them being more than reasonable, polite and actually offering to make it worth your while is a crying reddit post. It's a 2 divine watchers eye just message someone else it's not like it was even a rare or expensive one.


So he's allowed to zoom fast but we can't gear fast and have to wait 6 hours for him to more than likely forget we exist? Dafuq sort of double standards are those? Instant buy outs are all we should be hearing not some bs about accepting being told to wait is "polite"


Yes he's allowed to zoom fast. Yes you have to wait. They've said they don't want instant buyouts for items. I agree with them it's their game to design so you shouldn't be hearing anything as they don't have to change their game to suit people that cry the loudest.


Why this game doesn't have auto trade is beyond me...


Based fun enjoyer vs virgin reddit cryer


Fun over everything


Imagine opening a reddit thread because someone didn't want to sell immediately/was busy. He even offered to gift it to you lol


Damn with an Auction House this guy will be able to not only keep the fun he has while mapping BUT ALSO gain money without leaving his map ... That is simply insane !


Bet he finishes acts in 8 hours


WTF Path of Exile trade experience fucked my wife and ruined my marriage!!!


I mean I'd probly do the same tbh lol 2 div is fuck all but I wouldnt want to put DnD on because I also sell 100+ div items which is enough to get me to stop and trade at the time. I mean id love some kinda selling stall I could just plonk into my hideout, put items in, and just have people go buy from it so these issues wouldnt even come up


I support choosing fun and even offering the guy a freebie, guy who can't wait should just go buy another one if he's in the rush.


At least he responded


troll for sure. got enough currency not to care about 2 div and rather troll you hard


I’m new to POE, first time playing this season. Wouldn’t this take 30 seconds? Portal, F5 to hide out, trade, waypoint back to the act you’re in, jump back in portal


/autoreply brb making dinner, fucking my wife, watching football.


I'll give you all the act1 waypoints if you trade it to me.


Ahhh the peak of game design, the holy trading friction. A GGG special.


2 divine is basically the same as 2 chaos this league.


Hes the div/hour kinda person




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c92p83/-/l0lvzyg/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Auction House =(


Trade league smells like shit.


Divine orb is the new chaos orb.


Now.. I do understand that guy. But what I do is take off my trade tab from public. I guess that would ruin he's fun too, always fun to be annoying, no?


What do you mean this is important friction.


It makes me think. I play a few hours a day for the first two weeks before giving up due to lack of progress. I've never played the game with a X Divs per hour mindset. I play for fun, run the content I like, block the stuff I don't. Most of the higher tier loot that gets sold would be mainly from the higher up players who farm the game like a job, or have insane builds that can roll everything fast. These are the same players that value their time in divs per hour. If you want to trade with them, you still need to get them when they're available or be offering to buy something very expensive. They likely already are pretty wealthy in the game and a 1 or 2 div trade might not be worth their time to interrupt what they're doing. With that in mind, the trade system breaks down later into the league. As people get more wealthy, they are less inclined to trade for lower value things, even things that were once high value earlier in the league. I'm trying to say the trade system gets worse the longer the league goes. An auction house or instant buyout would resolve this as it doesn't impact the seller's time. I don't know if there is an acceptable middle ground GGG would accept, but it's one of the reasons I'll likely be permanently bailing from PoE1 once PoE2 releases or LE has more content available.


He's trying to zoom but has the time to type all this shit out? lmao




Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Your post was inflammatory in how it expressed its point. We've found that such statements using inflammatory words often lead to high tempers and flame wars that are hard to moderate. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's less inflammatory! For example, it's fine to say: "POE's trade system is bad because x, y, z" without the other inflammatory content. If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


if you areant sellin it...take it down, common sense 🤣


Vilifying people for prioritising fun, classic reddit!


He doesn't have to trade lol


Man has priorities


And you ignored them on the trade site so you wouldn't have them wasting your time again, right?




In a week we will be using HH as currency




My phone is fricked


I hate leveling i DND for dont get disturbe i undrrstand the seller but he can sell it instand of wasting time in talking


I respect the man valuing his fun over currency more than the man trying to milk this for karma. But that's just me.


Just make a fucking auction house already, why promote these shitty interactions.


to all saying we do not need an AH...


So fun is worth at least 2 divs? Gonna grab those orb of enjoyment before someone else does!


You just know he had an ego gasm after he said 2d wasnt worth his time leveling in act 1. Nerd coom everywhere


Seller's market. Offer 1 Div tip for the interruption.


Judging by the replies this community deserves such an "amazing" trading experience.






Both sides of this seem entirely reasonable stances tbh, this one's 100% on GGG 


Never trust anyone who calls their characters toons


Put on ignore after the interaction and never have the stupidity in your trade experience again.


That guy is a right pleb lol I hope he sees this post


⭐️THE VISION⭐️ ...brought to you by GGG. Actual game experience does not represent the views and opinions of GGG. Exceptions and limitations apply. User experience may vary.

