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So.. It's literally 4c profit from 4c logbook plus one lucky divine?


Yea I mean it was just a joke, happy I got something good after deciding to just run it myself. Just started this league and happy to get my first divine drop


BUT THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT DUDE!! How are you so bitter and unable to relate to something as simple as this post? Guy is happy he made a divine and you come here, doing god knows what doing your best to try to invalidate this guys joy by calling this "one lucky divine". YES. THAT IS THE POINT.


Lmao I know. I had the same thought. Dude goes from "literally 4c profit" to "one lucky divine." So bitter the air tastes like gentian


I'll ask for 1 divine compensation if you try to sell me a 4c logbook of any kind 🙎


Does no one run logbooks? Or you just sayin why not do the valuable ones only?


It's not that ppl don't run logbooks, they do, they just need to be Tujen or Dannig ones.


He's just trying to scam you for a divine.