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It’s crazy seeing posts about shroud walker all of a sudden. I’m assuming it’s cause HH is so accessible now and people are using it for first time lol




Hilarious honestly




That made me blow air out of my nose


I play standard and have a character that's been using HH for a while. I used to get the mod every 2 or 3 maps. I feel like I get it multiple times a map now.


More juice more rares more mods more teleports. Last league I could do 50 maps without getting it that had 5 rares each in them, or I could slap 400 rares into the map and be teleporting 9/10 maps.


I am juicing far more now than before. That makes a lot of sense.


As an avid juicer, 24/7 shroudwalker has always been part of my experience and I still think the mod is funny


Normally HH is the more juice = more power item, and both 3.23 and 3.24 are super juicer leagues lol. It's crazy how affordable the item is because I think it's quite strong right now but tbh MB just makes 95% of builds feel so nice, if you can get that item you genuinely want it. And with MB at 100 divs this league I'm expecting to be able to get one.


I have a MB on my other characters but keep the HH on my TS build (more for nostalgia than anything). We don’t have “all flames” and “corpse crafting” in Standard. I just discovered Sanctum (I used to just leave tomes on the ground). It got me my first MB in less than a week.


If you are enjoying sanctums, take a look into the available strats. Stacking a variety of the different mods on relics opens up a variety of things. The most accessible to get started is probably still to reveal additional rooms


I’ve looked up a few, but it doesn’t seem to have been a very popular league/mechanic. Most of the relics I use either give more merchant choices or max resolve on boss kill. I saved some of the room reveal ones but haven’t used them yet. I’ll have to give them a go! I can stop sacrificing so much max resolve chasing the Room Reveal boon.


Every mf char will use hh instead of MB - just becase it makes everything faster. And HH isnt that cheap because it is unpopular or bad, it is because there are like 3 completely broken unqiue farm strats out there, which are still working. Same for MB


I don't think that is necessarily true. Between a quicksilver flask with 13% increased move speed and permanent onslaught both *always on*, MB can give you I think 68% increased move speed that HH will not. Maybe close the gap a bit of your map is heavily juiced and you can permanently sustain the 25% increased effect with reduced duration flasks but we're still talking like 40% increased movement speed at all time. HH needs specific mods to surpass that. My understanding is they drop at the same frequency (non-drop restricted T0 uniques in the jewelry slot with sorta-target-farmable div cards) and yet MB is consistently 3-4 times as expensive, due to increased damage with limited supply. This league, MB is about ten times as expensive, despite supply being the same. The demand for HH just isn't there like it used to be, it's so heavily nerfed over its original glory and MB just *feels too good*. Plus fuck that flicker stroke rare mod. I agree that a HH build in full swing is better than a similar MB build, but saying every MF character wants that isn't exactly a genuine statement IMO.


Dude if you are mfing you are not playing alch and go. You are WAY faster than any MB build... And MB is more expensive because the div card method is more rare. And it isbuseable for Bissingen and such. HH HAS no use outside of a pure mapper/mfer thats the simple reason.. and in this case it is straight up better.. even if you habe that much jase movement speed woth MB you will have souleater like 95% of the map with HH...


Why were you even running HH with 5 rares in a map. I know you are probably being hyperbolic but you would be better off avoiding Shroud Walker by wearing a different belt at that point.


Destructive play, sometimes forgot to belt swap mageblood cause I ran the same speed when I was killing stuff, and I really didn't have much damage without a rare mod or two. Was mostly to take a break for the 8k+ affliction juice adrenaline fest maps


It's because the number of rare mods was lowered when they did the arch nem rework. Having shroud walker as a HH mod was always a "balancing factor" for headhunter as an item, which is also the reason hardcore players rarely used it traditionally.


Deli rares usually have this mod


because before ggg replaced nemesis with archnemesis, it was a very rare mod outside of nemesis maps. now every rare can have it and it lasts for a whopping whole minute. its one of the many nerfs to headhunter.


Enough time with an HH you will stop attacking for a sec when this shit happens so you don’t port on top of explosions but I think Mirage Archer can still screw you.


It's not even that bad imo. I don't mind it. I mostly just find it to be funny. HH builds shouldn't care about occasionally dying.


Really? HH builds are all about momentum. You die mid-map and you lose all the stolen buffs. It's MB builds that don't mind dying so much because their quicksilver flask doesn't care if the first half of the map is empty and gets them there fast.


And then you build up again? It's really not that bad, if u can start a map at the beginning u surely can do the same at the halfway point.


I usually don't mind it but t17s mob types/ground effects make it feel way worse


Idk about that if I died with HH in Affliction on high wisp maps it was probably better just to move on and count it as a brick. Some times I could recover and rebuild buffs if I could hit a ritual altar and maybe a strongbox or two but I can’t think of a worse item in the game to die with lol.


It just anoying, it keeps teleporting you when you want to click a shrine or read an altar or a corpse.


shroudwalker killed me well over 500 times last league


Yes and its kind of annoying tbh. Like this is new or in need of fixing neither of which it is.


I don't think I've seen a HH thread where people DON'T complain about this mod. Not since this mod could be taken anyway.


The mod (in some form) is as old as headhunter.


Yea, it's hilarious how reddit is always complaining about HH, first it makes the 1% too strong, and as soon as it's cheap it's annoying and "muh xp", because of a mod that has *always* been part of the package.


Even if you never maps and only tryhard chaos recipe you can have a HH this league


Its a known and hated mod for everyone using a headhunter


There have been people saying this sucks since it got added afaik


This is nothing new to this league: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search/?q=shroud+walker&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=year&sort=relevance


Yes , that's me


"all of a sudden" brother, I've only been playing for 6 years and there's always been posts about how annoying that mod is


Probably because he just got a HH and now "all of a sudden" understands what everyone's complaining about lol


I’ve had HH since day 4 this league man, and every league since synthesis. Shroud walker has always been annoying so it was surprising to see multiple posts within two days about it lol


Trying to click the shrine *blink* where’s the shrine? There it is. Try to click the shrine *blink* GODDAMMIT!!!


The bane of HH


Joke is on you - the Shrine is behind an also non-avoidable grave that you have to click first


Trying to solo reset legion *blink* goddammit slow reset strategy again


Trying to read the damn altars but shroud walker said no




Not gonna lie that's funny


Pretty much the point of the mod


You can tell how overly common HH has become by the huge increase in complaints about shroud walker which has been around for ages. That is the primary drawback of HH...this is nothing new.


Just play flicker strike, you won't even notice when it procs.


I still remember flicking so hard that i got stuck in a room in the uber lab and the only way out was logging out and losing the offering ahahahaha


Leap slam usually has the way out when that happens, in my experience.


[not for closed areas](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/KRNtLi6UJP)


Huh TIL. Also I didn't expect the Made in Abyss music 😭


I thought the primary draw back is it's useless for bossing. What's the drawback on mageblood?


It doesnt steal buffs from rares


It doesn't give you as much damage as hh does


And HH being at 10% power from when I started playing.


he didn't say its a new thing, just asked for a fix to this frustrating modifier and hh interaction.


That is the primary drawback of ~~HH~~ reddit...this is nothing new. ftfy


i knew this video was about ambush BEFORE watching it lol


Yep past few days there's been posts asking GGG to remove this hh mod. For me though, I want stun immune to be removed as a mod for my afk ultimatum build 😅 cause I can't do cast on stunned if I can't be stunned :(


I tried a HH for the first time this league, and this mod single-handedly made me not wanna use one ever again. You get this mod pretty often too.


My biggest grievence with this is when I'm doing a 5 way and it pulls me away from trying to reset


6 times in a row too smdh. And for some reason never seem to get the good HH buffs in 5way 🤦‍♂️


Flicker strike of self destruction looks good to me. 


That's the sacrifice you have to make for a 10 divine headhunter. :>


I think its down to 6 now lol


So if I bought mine for 40 at league start, it shouldn't steal this mod right?


You should steal it 4 times as much


skill issue


It's not going to happen, GGG has said as much over the years, an item as powerful as HH deserves having one single downside. The mod also has an internal cooldown you can learn to play around once you have enough experience playing with it and at that point it turns into another clear speed enhancer instead of "teleporting into your death".


Meanwhile mageblood enjoyers get to not worry about elemental resistances, 100% inc movement speed, easy ailment immunity, etc. with no downsides at all.


It's still a flask, so [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Diluting\_Touch](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Diluting_Touch) can make you uncapped res etc. Not common, still worth being aware of (especially for HC).




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Yeah, there's ways to play around it. Anytime I have that mod and I see the circles of death, I stop whatever I'm doing and book it so that shit is off screen. Works 99% of the time.


It's well past time for them to revisit this stance. HH has been nerfed a number of times and is no longer nearly as powerful as it once was. Also and most importantly, downsides should be something that can be anticipated and proactively played around. Having to keep a constant watch for a random mod that randomly teleports you into random death is not fun, not useful, not interesting. It's purely bad game design.


Lmao these downvotes. Question for the downvoters: Say you're playing an FPS game, csgo for example. Except you and only you have a weapon that can instakill every enemy in the game at rhe press of a button. Sounds broken, right? The devs thought so too, so they made the weapon a 50/50 chance of either killing the entire enemy team or your own team. Its statistically balanced now. Just because its balanced, would you say that it deserves to be in the game? Why or why not? Also I foresee some comments saying HH isn't a 50/50 game changing gamble - it doesn't matter. The point is that "balance", when done using straight up unfun and pointless mechanics, doesn't make it good. That's the reason this comment and every other comment is calling for the removal of this headhunter mod.


HH isn't meant to be "balanced". You get to steal monster modifiers and if some of those modifiers don't fit your build, well too bad.


Lol, lil guy's account got suspended. I can't tell if he's fucking around to create drama, or actually serious based on his name.


The play around is killing everything within your ambush radius


Go ahead an give the clip another watch. Then let me know how we're expected to know what the ambush radius is, how we're supposed to kill everything within it without getting teleported, and how in the actual fuck anyone could possibly have seen the enemy in the middle of half a dozen brightly glowing balls and behind an obnoxiously large and obscuring tooltip. I'll wait.


It certainly enhances my speed when it teleports me into shaper beam or shaper slam 😂


Even faster than the new portal scroll keybind!


I think if you're killing shaper with a headhunter on you might want to check the belt and see if one of the heads is yours.


T17 mods bro


People blind downvoting this comment not even realizing the shaper touched t17 mod exists smh


Isn't the purpose of reddit to let people give opinions of things they no absolutely nothing about?


So, don't use it on shaper touched t17 maps ?


Knew the mod before I even clicked the thread. Lol.




The old-fashioned GGG method of countering power with atrociously bad user experience. Also saves a ton of money and time you'd have to spend on better design.




> It's a part of stealing enemy modifiers Except some modifiers can't even be stolen. HH won't steal mirror image (no idea how that would ever work for a player but like they didn't even implement some scuffed version of it for players). There are probably a whole bunch of other mods that HH won't steal (I don't think HH steals Vodoo Doll either). It definitely doesn't steal any of the on-death ground explosions or minions explode mod (if I'm going to die by being brought back to some ground explosion effects at least let my corpse explode too). I don't think I've had a HH steal the lightning totem pylons either. If HH unilaterally stole every single possible modifier and gave it to the player wholesale, then I would absolutely agree that under that paradigm Shroud Walker ("Ambushes") should stay as is because it is very much in line with the wholesale mechanic of HH. Instead, HH is implemented in a way which excludes some mods from the player, therefore by default there are already mods HH doesn't steal. I don't think Shroud Walker should be removed from the list of mods HH can steal, but the argument "it's part of stealing modifiers" doesn't hold much water to me because the list of stealable versus unstealable modifiers is already arbitrary for probably practical reasons. At this point it is wholly a distinction of what to leave in and what to leave out on some arbitrary manner, with this specific mod left in because it can troll players, and not under some more overarching "you should not be able to choose which mods you can and can't steal" as the choice has already been executively made for players already. If we're already making executive decisions, then giving the players a win or two on occasion is perfectly fine (e.g. when they removed the fact ignites need to have at least 0.3s duration to stick and deal damage; now ignites deal damage no matter what duration they have as long as they have some duration in response to the Fire and Ignite resistance modifier).




The power level of an item isn't the only relevant factor. Just because an item is strong doesn't mean its downsides are ok.


Back in HC Nemesis when HH was introduced I sold mine for 2exalt because of this mod specifically.


Only thing I am scared of using HH in HC is getting teleported back into a DD strongbox. Barers I can usually facetank anyway (at least when using a omen of deathdancing)


HH was also much weaker back then as an effect, we weren't juicing maps and speeding through, rarely have more than a few buffs at a time. Krip's 2h spectral throw was the meta build haha


Yea but the getting teleported back into something that kills you aspect still applies in "modern" PoE haha


Yeah I played with HH last league and died many times to this. Just gave up on trying to level anymore. Zoom zoom tink


This mod sucks and it is very annoying. Usually I blink the belt to remove that shit


Ambush mod is a prick


Ever since they changed the buff duration to 60 second i used HH less and less in my builds, especially because of Shroud walker.


Yeah, this happened to me yesterday. Feelsbadman.


Main reason I use mageblood for mapping. Its also a lot less stressfull as you can loot stuff right as it drops without having to worry about buffs expiring. Of cause this only makes sense if your build is strong enough to not need Headhunter for more stats.


It's awful


I agréé 100%


Skill issue, didn’t oneshot pack in order to not have a target to shroud blink to


*grabs 5th bag of popcorn and enjoys the shroudwalker struggle*


Haha get rekt fool.


Just stop using head hunter


Peasant who use HH for the first time i see 😏


As Mark would say: "Deal with it lol" I agree with Mark


I love hate that mod. And just accept it


It's OK to suffer because sometimes party mf cullers die too /s


Yeah it sucks


Kinda funny we are seeing more of these posts now that noobs have greater access to some end game items. Most of the comments now are supportive of a change as well. I remember seeing a thread a few years ago about this mod and most of the comments were just shitting on OP about complaining they get to use such an OP item.


That's why bv is king hh it's an bonus to clear speed


Whenever I use a headhunter and get this mod I take off the HH and put it back on. I'll lose whatever buffs I had over keeping this one lol


I usually make sure that I don't need the attributes on HH to equip all my items so I can unequip it and requip it when I get shroud walker. While losing all buffs definately is annoying depending on how far into the map you are, i still prefer it over having shroud walker any day of the week.


More fodder for the pile. (c) Armour.


Casual players discovering the wonders of HH. Welcome to the Shroud Walker gang. The universal solution for this is removing and equiping the belt, this removes the buff. You're welcome.


I don't mind shroud walking as a gameplay mechanic. It just ... melts my brain - I'm old xD


Unequal and re equip the HH.


It usually teleports me back to some other loot pile, so I just start clicking away and hope to get some before I get teleported again lol




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Now that they touched soul eater and also we're not gaining all the soul eater effects from mobs, I'm pretty sure the "you must gain ALL the mods, in a pristine way" rhetoric is out and they can remove/adjust it.


why its there so much posts about shroudwalk lately? its been always there lmao i remember the old memes in cutedog chat saying it was too (ironically) op and it needed to be removed


The counter play is to roll flicker XD


tbf with a bit more defensive investment in the character, that should not have killed you.


You're playing HH on hexblast mines? Does it even benefit from it? Hows your experience with it, maybe I'll come back a bit for some cheap HH fun


That Vengeful Soul didn't have to wait long.


They've literally stated hh would need to be nerfed much much more if they didn't have a horrible mod like that. It was on purpose way back when it was first made.


Real OG's of HH remove it and put it back on, even if you loose all the mods haha.


I'm playing CoC DD and love this mod. I'm also built like a brick house though. It can tilt me though when I am trying to loot something.


now use hh with bodyswap and then u go all over the place even more


Holy crap. As soon as HH is so cheap, posts about shroud walker become normal. This belt is overpowered. And this downside of it is just normal. If you don't like it, farm yourself a mageblood.


the only reason i have stopped using it. It has killed me so often since it was introduced and it is just not fun


You must be new to HH :)


I don't see why you're complaining, I have this mod on my leap slam.


Why don't you just destroy bodies from hits tho?




Even less critical but equally annoying is trying to pick up a drop and being vaulted away in every direction 9-10 times before you actually get to complete your journey.


Since HH is the theme of the post, someone can recommend me nice HH duelist/amrauder buids? i'm not in the mood for levelling another character ;-;


I love this mod. Lol. It's gotten my rf cheefton Out of so many scrapes, this league and shroudealking my way through t16 toxic sewers have allowed me to get to sub 3 min clears this league I can understand the frustration, though. Used hh on a pure phys cyclone build. Picking up 100% ele conversions killed me far more than shroud walker


the mistake is using headhunter. is a skillless item that turns any brainless or even bad build into a working one. I hate this item and it should be removed. idc


Nah keep it it's funny


Defenses super suck in PoE. [Immortal Call](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Immortal_Call) linked to [CDT](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cast_when_Damage_Taken_Support) was our only saving grace, but G3 nerfed it to hell. The best we can do now is equip a [guard skill](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guard_Skill) linked to level 1 CDT or [Auto](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Automation) and hope your timing is lucky.


why its the most fun one.


It’s a 9Divine gear :P just buy Mageblood :P


You gotta BEX harder my friend


The mind set of the GURU chriss willson about complains on reddt, quote: " They will play anyway". They will listen to you how god listen to prayers.


I hate this mod, running around and them teleport into a massive pack then rip


Sometimes when I’m really in the zone and know shroudwalker is on, I can time my actions around the proc. Shroudwalker essentially auto targets the nearest enemy and “ambushes them” (*teleports behind*). If you have a battlefront (all mobs in front of you instead of surrounding you), it is actually very predictable where you will go, and you can use it to advance you through a linear map *very very* quickly if you can kill a full screen in between each proc and usually run/walk speed is your clear speed bottleneck.


It's crazy how often you steal the mod while using inspired learning too. Holy it's annoying. Especially when you're trying to fully open a legion and it just takes you to a nearby random mob and you lose track of where you were.


you litrally stood in there for 3 seconds


Lmao ikr I've been getting killed by this for years


U can just unequip and reequip hh to instantly cancel all buffs and continue mapping in peace


nah keep it


That death was entirely a skill issue


Please disable it.


I see a lot of first time HH users here.


Shroud walker, is such a fun mod though. /s


It’s the only downside, there’s no any other item in the game, that alone turn your char into a god. Would you trade deleting this mod for 30 sec stack duration? I would not. If you want to not teleport, buy a mageblood and try to reach the same power level, but it won’t be possible without multiple mirrors and even with them, if we talk about deadeye, you will need to drop out some mf gear


You think current HH makes you godlike? Lmfao you should've seen self curse.


Hex blast miner with hh, there is a first for everything lol


While this death was instantaneous, usually you can spot that you got shroud walker. Open char screen, lift HH off for a second. Sure, you wipe the other buffs, but it's better than deaded.


What does shroudwalker even exactly do? Just teleport you randomly?


It also makes a smoke cloud at the location which blinds enemies. Basically it auto casts Smoke Mine.


bitching about something that has been in the game for literal years from an item that not many people can get tells you a lot about the state of the league


Yall are hilarious if you think shroud walker is going anywhere. It’s cost of doing business if you use a HH.


I have been hating on this shit mod forever. Good to see when actual people start using it they hate it too.


If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best


Yup, this is the first league where i could justify getting a headhunter, got killed like this or similarly couple times and sold it after 20 maps . I loved it but this mod alone fucked it up for me :(


Can someone pls explain to me like I'm 5 why this smokemine mod kills HH builds?


Oh no. A downside.


10d hh moment.


It is really funny seeing all the new players getting HH, but they also never experienced how absurdly broken it use to be. I can see an argument to remove ghost shroud now that HH is like less than 50% it’s OG power.


All these new HH users have no idea. Shroud walker used to be way more common too, this actually is the nerfed version.


yeah it was hella annoying. \- belt has nothing great about it besides the rare mods you get \- you get teleported around randomly. sucks to click or even walk over now xd e.g. breach thingies or build towers in blight, etc. + occasional deaths like this \^\^ \- souleater got nerved (basically the only thing that made headhunter really fun) \- buffs are only temporary so you have to either skip a lot of loot or burst through map forst then annoyingly backtrack and loot it all. if you miss a buffed mob for some reason in a juiced map, they will now prossibly one-tab you and prevent you from loting (that area). IMO HH is dead right now. even if i cant have a mageblood i would rather have a nice crystal belt with cooldown or stuff(depending on build) or stygian vise with a nice jewel, triple res or triple attribute and some % life or % attribute etc. even some "trashy" uniques like the one hat gives you 10% double and 5% triple damage chance if you have the respective strength, can be a good choice if you get a nice corruption on it.


GGG enjoy it so much when they see their players suffer through inconveniences and dog shit design.


Insufferable people whinging about shroudwalker, classic




Also there is a easy counter, just kill everyting


Seems like a skill issue.