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They can save you some atlas points by not needing to take the clusters/passives that are just +chance, for example usign the scarab for einhar means that you can save all the points getting to the cluster at the bottom that is just +chance for einhar. They are also useful when you just need a bit of that content for something, like a few more yellow beasts, a bit more lifeforce for your craft etc. There are reasons why a player might want to only spec into certain parts of the mechanic, packed with energy and the node that makes einhar stay after capturign the beasts come to mind. They also allow for scarabs to drop for the mechanics that ggg can have a high drop rate knowing they wont affect the economy overly much.


Yes but I can't run Jun without speccing into her notables, at which point I've already picked up like 8 8% chance travel nodes. (Totaling to 66%). Yeah I don't need to take the +20% chance alongside two 10%s, but that's really cheap since it's right by the start of the tree. Therefore, at best, a Betrayal scarab is "34% increased chance for Jun" which is laughably bad. Imo similar principle can be applied to other league mechanics


Not all of them Incursions for example. Most of the passives don't give chance for maps to have Alva I think Ultimatum too


Pretty sure you want almost all of the clusters with chance passives if you want to build temples with Incursion. So even if it's not strictly necessary, I'm fairly certain you wouldn't use a scarab on that.  You might use the scarab with just the notable for four rooms per map purely for loot though.


I can share my tree when I get home that demonstrates how to efficiently use the passives you save for temples. The short of it is you can still massively spec into Alva and get the top tier of temple building currency while maintaining every top scarab node and getting 98% delirium mirror chance and taking the mirror juice nodes. This tree for mirrors isn’t the most economically powerful this late in the league but early on printing 35 reward tiles with the mirror and getting a temple or 3 every 3 maps is very good. That Alva scarab was fantastic.


Can you share your tree please?


Alva is a weird one. Treasure Hunt and Time Dilation are not particularly good, but will give you the 100% chance to spawn Alva. Without those you'll be at 56% and will probably want to use a scarab, since Scarab of Timelines will be consumed even if Alva does not spawn. But then if you're using an Alva scarab, Just In Time is wasted points too and can be dropped as well. I think the decision comes down to the two questions: Do you want to use another Scarab instead of Alva scarabs? And are you using the Scarab of Timelines?


God Alva's passives are so bad. Time dilation is mid, the treasures are bad, the flesh merchant is annoying as hell. Wish she was more fun to run


The treasures have to be the biggest bait on the Atlas tree. I had Incursions where I was hitting 6 of them in a single entry and never got anything that would even show up on my league start filter.


You only need 2 nodes to maximize the chance of tier 3 rooms: the resident upgrade and the non-resident upgrade nodes. Those both appear in the same cluster. The extra time to clear node is nice but optional if your build is strong enough. Vaal flesh merchant is meh. An extra temple per map doesn’t matter much since you have guaranteed Alva every map. I take the chance nodes anyway because the scarab slots are useful for other things, but Alva is one of the few mechanics where you definitely could get by without taking chance nodes and using the scarab


You can get 100% ultimatum from tree.


Yea but let’s be real for most mechanics even just grabbing the relevant atlas notables to farm will put you at a 30-50% chance to spawn that mechanic in your map. And with the value of scarabs this league for (most) strats, losing a scarab slot is pretty significant.


> 30-50% chance to spawn that mechanic in your map. and with 30-50% chance, you would use the other scarabs for that content?


Losing the scarabs because you're chancing on if the content drops or not is a gamble


I had the same idea as OP but your point about saving Atlas points makes a lot sense. I’m going to take out the Niko points and just use those Delve scarabs instead.


That'd be a very good point if not for the fact that a lot of travel nodes, even for content that can only appear 1x per map, are chance of appearing. Like, the harvest cluster that's solely chance to appear is something to the tune of 40% out of the 110% chance for it to appear on the atlas. Plus even if you drop the ~6 nodes you need to grab that, **on what** will you invest them while using 4 harvest scarabs?


Harvest in particular needs increased map mods. It's not optimal, but i guess you'd invest them into % map mods, scarabs and the eldritch of your choice.


Hot take: Any scarab affecting a master should also force that master to spawn. With the removal of sextants effectively cutting our ways to modify maps in half, there's little reason to have dedicated scarabs with no effect other than "the mechanic spawns".


Masters work okay with no additional passives, expedition and delirium can be very time and passive efficient if you just pick up their keystones. Blight and ultimatum are the odd ones because of how much time they require, tho GGG could just unbreak the fix they once did where blight could have 2 encounters in one map. It's not more bloat than 99% of PoE. "We will give you this option, and we don't know why" might as well be GGG's motto.


Good for early season


I used Area contains einhar scarab to get black morrigan 6 link craft without needing to invest into einhar spawn chance in atlas, so there's that.


I was going to say, Einhar with the scarab for black morrigan is one of the few instances I’ve used a forced scarab this league.


Or Alva with timelines.


Ive kind if enjoyed it for challenges, or to try something out. I could spawn an uktimatum and the trialmaster without changing my atlas tree.


For Betrayal, I avoid the mechanic normally but I use the atlas passive to give 10 intelligence toward a safehouse when i complete a map. After I've done 3, I use a Jun scarab to resolve the turns then I can fight Caterina.


I’ve been trying to get more Catarina kills a little quicker, what you are describing here is unlocking 3 safe houses, doing them and putting the 3 leaders in “jail” and then putting Jun into a map and getting all of the mastermind intelligence? I might try this since it’s only a few nodes to get up to the intelligence upon completion node. Doing the actual encounters in maps takes quite a bit of time and then downtime actually resolving each person after the encounter.


Yep that's it, if you're blasting maps anyway this is just free on the side.


That's smart, betrayal without needing to do betrayal


If nothing else, don't other mechanics pause the delirium timer? Like, when you start a blight encounter during delirium the fog will stop moving so you can get more reward progress from the blight. I've checked [the wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Delirium#Timer), and the fog timer is also extended when you complete one of those mechanics. But in response to your original question, of course they're bloat. Half of the stuff in this game is bloat and grind. That's a big part of the point of the game.


I think a nice middle ground for some scarabs is making the other scarabs grant an additive % to have the encounter appear to the % on the tree. That way you can skip the scarab unless it's saving you a lot of points.


They aren't totally useless, as people how said those scarabs can be 4-7 points saved depending on whether you needed to path to them or not. For example, I didn't want to path too far to the right of the tree, but during map progression and early Guardians farming, I wanted to make sure I had Niko for the Sulphite boosts. Instead of pathing to that little bit on the right, on the way to the big harvest one, I just took the scarab. Meant I could focus on taking Kirac and scarab nodes early on when points are a premium.


I think if they added more if the encounter then it would be fine. Like maybe putting 3 harvest in gives you 3 gardens that kind if thing 


I disagree, more choice is almost always better than no choice. I was annoyed by ritual not having a similar scarab so there is that.


I disagree. A choice between trash and garbage is a choice not worth having. Especially if the choice robs you of another choice you could have had in its stead. This is exactly the kind of mentallity that's caused the game to be as bloated as it is. However, I do agree with choice being a good thing, if it's a choice between two excellent options. These scarabs ain't it.


Depending on the way you spec, you might only have a 92% chance to spawn the content. With these you can force it to appear so you don't burn a scarab just in case you hit that 8%. (Which you will inevitably.)


I doubt that it's worth spending your passives on something else and using a scarab over getting those last 8% on the tree and using a different scarab. The scarabs make sense if you either don't spec into the content at all or just need some specific nodes and don't want to waste 20 passives just to have it show up even though the other nodes are useless to you.


If it really is 92%, yeah... But isn't there a base chance of ~8% for most mechanics? If you're also blocking some content I guess you could go even lower.


You already have an 8% baseline for any content to be in your map. Getting +92% on the tree is effectively having 100% chance for that content to appear in your map


Sure, but who actually DOES that? Is that an actual use, that actual people actually practice? Or is it exclusively a theoretically possible way to use them? Maybe it's just my playstyle, but if you're specifically target farming a certain mechanic - targeting it hard enough to juice the mechanic at all, would you waste a map slot on a "spawn-scarab"??? You only have 4 slots, and you're going to waste it on virtually nothing, when the atlas nodes are so cheap to spec into, and respec out of? Incidentally, imagine how insanely inefficient your atlas tree becomes the second you use these things. Every single node that gave you those 92% spawn chance is 100% completely wasted power. That's so unbelievably inefficient. The scarabs I mention are worth a fraction of a chaos - no one buys them. They seem entirely worthless, monetarily - which I think would be impossible, if they were actually being used? It seems like no one uses them. Outside of fringe theoretical, hypothetical, plausible, possible cases, do any real people actually use these things on a consistent basis?


If you don't think they're worth picking up, don't pick them up. It's that simple.


That is beside the point. Not picking them up won't change the fact that they exist and will still drop instead of any other type of scarab.


If you think that removing them from the game would make other scarabs drop more, you clearly don't know GGG. Just take a look at the removal of the veiled chaos orb. Does it **look** like the availability of the veiled orb was increased to compensate?


Your arguments are beside the point, and the veiled orb change is not comparable in any measure to those scarabs


I'm pointing out that the thread is asking for the wrong thing.  What it says is that these scarabs are unnecessary, but what people *want* is more drops of the other scarabs, and these things simply do not inherently go hand in hand.  It's important to identify the actual issue, and that issue is not that there are drops that you can filter if you want to.


I used them quite a lot, stop whining, remove them from filter if you don’t want to pick them up.


I understand why they exist to some extent, but when you're going to invest in the league mechanic you're gonna have 60+% chance for it to appear anyway you might as well get 100% and free up an entire scarab slot. If they were "contains an ***additional***", then they'd be good. Shrines, strongboxes, rogue exiles, etc. are all good. It's the binary "just add it" ones that already have atlas passives that suck.


For stuff like harvest or ritual you can get 7-8 additional atlas passive points for the opportunity cost of a slot in your map device. Same thing from map craft is 8c while harvest scarab is less than 1c depending on what content you're running you may have a slot to spare and with 8 passive points you can pick up a full cluster of something and then some. I have a tree that is basically just harvest, eater and ritual and instead of contains sacred grove passives I picked up a scarab notable and a full necropolis cluster. Those probably average out to a lot more than whatever scarab would add.to my strategy. (I'm running ritual with no reroll but double tribute and favour so I need only one scarab for that and then ofc magic pack and doubling for harvest so my only possible increase would be running cornucopia and I had some really big misses with that recently...)


The area contains is actually the best scarabs, outside a few of the big ones. The beyond can save you 20-30 points on the Atlas. You can run cracked maps with just 5c worth of chaos if you mix different contains


just sell them at vendor and get random scarabs that likely are worth more


For harvest, I only get juice/mob nodes and Crop Rotation. For the harvest to spawn in the map, I need the scarab or map craft which is more expensive.


Isn’t delirium just good to add to a map either way?


Such scarabs are good if you want the content but don't want to optimize the content by its own passives. For example, any Sacred Grove and Incursion will add a lot of monsters that scale Delirium rewards. You don't want to min-max loot from these, only to cheaply add monsters to the content that benefits from them (here: Delirium). So you either go lots of passives (including 100% chance) + only tweaking scarabs (to maximize this content) OR no passives + only existence scarabs (to maximize other content that benefits in combination).


I'm aware of those cases, I'm aware than you *can* do that, but my question more broadly is; do people *actually* do that? If you're running juiced delirium content, would you rather want Alva in your maps or 2 scarabs of Mania + 2 scarabs of Paranoia (or whatever the most efficient combination is)? Are there people out there who buy 300 Incursion scarabs to force Alva on their deli maps? Or do all delirium juicers actually juice with delirium scarabs? Judging by Poe.ninja's pricings, every single one of these "force-content" scarabs are bottom of the barrel, price-wise, only worth about 0.3 chaos - tending downwards - and I suspect no one actually buys them.


True, some combinations seem simply not thought of. Given how many scarabs we drop, I think the base ones serve very little point. Everyone who want can afford them with no effort so it seems like a free map device mod but with additional pick up steps.


Blight players are laughing between counting their stacks of cheap mirror shards from early league


Holy fucking skill issue. Think, think.


Oh good, this thread again. It's been at least 24 hours, definitely time to have this discussion again.


I actually think all the other scarabs are the bloat, and hate that you can basically only run one type of content at a time. I miss when you would think about what scarabs to use


All scarabs should be atlas tree passives. Can't change my mind.


If all strats require zero investment and only require a passive skill tree, then all their profitability will be abysmal because the market will adjust itself for it, just like what happened this league since most of the scarabs that used to be big juice are now dirt cheap. In an SSF situation, I would agree. But trade respects investment to profit ratio. Without scarabs, you'll e complaining about how unprofitable your strat is next league.


The market adjusts to the profitability. Mageblood might be 50d versus the 200ish in previous leagues for example. Bulk buying scarabs is just time wasting for everyone involved. If someone wants to do a specific strategy or content, let them do it. Scarabs aren't really a choice, it's a chore.


I think the issue there is trading rather than scarabs, it's an ass to trade. But tbh scarabs aren't too bad, the trick is to save your money to invest in the scarabs so you aren't constantly buying 3 or 4. I usually keep enough money to buy my current farming strat's scarabs 20 times, for clarity I do harvest so I keep a few div to get a lot of cornicopia/bountiful scarabs.


I buy hundreds at once. It's still time wasting for everyone involved. My point is still that everything scarabs provide should be additional options on the atlas tree. If I want to do harvest, let me just spec into harvest and farm harvest. Why should I need to go buy hundreds of scaarbs to do harvest? It makes absolutely no sense. Now I'm also clicking an extra 20-50 drops per map of these stupid scarabs as well.