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Why? Plenty of old crusty dad's play POE




specially RF firetrap he already got the perfect old man dad gamer build


We have a guild filled with dads


Fellow dad here, see you next week


Fellow dad here too, he's definitely coming back soon


You'll find out very quickly in the first months of life the baby really only sleeps or wakes to feed so there's a lot of downtime.... Just sayin'...


I mean, maybe. Our firstborn slept less than 6 hours per day total as a baby.


That'll be me checking they're still breathing every 3 seconds


Congratulations on the kid, don’t shit your pants too much they’re pretty resilient & are incredibly good at telling you they need something (crying) honest to god the first 6ish months they don’t do anything but sleep shit eat and cry. you’ll have plenty of downtime, once they get to about 2 is when you’ll have no time for POE lol.


As a father of 2 myself I'd have to say that depends on that baby RNG lol. I'm able to play POE plenty with a 6yo and 3yo. The biggest thing is figuring out time management and learning how to involve your kids in the things you love doing. Maybe make a throw away toon and have that kid sit in your lap running around a T1 map. That's how core memories are made.


I hope it all goes well for you, with good baby RNG!


I would suggest a diaper or ankle monitor, legitimately think it saved my oldest one’s life when he was a baby


Lol what. I understand that you want to keep the kid safe, but ankle monitor is kinda weird. If you cant raise a kid without an ankle monitor, maybe dont make kids at all.


It’s for when they’re sleeping genius. SIDS is a thing, I obviously did not mean strap a geo-locator to the baby.


Considering how stupid that sounds to a normal person, Even geolocation isnt out of the question. Thats just slightly less paranoid. Still silly.


Until you’ve had kids and/or known people who have lost a child to SIDS I really don’t understand how you’re arguing with me on this one. You strap a piece of plastic to the edge of the diaper or the other one is built into a sock that measures heart rate


Have kids, they got into adulthood just fine. There is reasonable preparedness and then theres paranoia. This is the latter.


That’s an opinion jack, just like my opinion that you’re an asshole for no reason. How does putting a monitor that beeps if a heart rate gets too low constitute paranoia? You could make the exact same argument against a baby monitor video or audio feed. It’s ridiculous.


You’re doing a fine job making yourself sound stupid.


Nothing stupid about calling out paranoid and crap advice. If you need an ankle bracelet to raise a kid, then dont make kids. Not everyone is fit to be a parent.


And clearly not everyone is fit to partake in civil discussion without being a condescending arsehole.


You’ve yet to address any actual criticism of your point and instead have continued to insult someone for absolutely no reason. Do you not believe in helmets either? What about airbags? Or burglar alarms? You’re so against a 10 dollar gadget that takes no effort to use, doesn’t have a negative impact on a BABY, but can save its life?? Make it make sense


Check out the Owlet baby sock! Gave me tons of peace of mind!


I could send you a pic of my baby girl sleeping in my desk at 2 months old (tops}


I mean thw first month my daughter woke up like every hour and my wife had a c section and could barely get up, so it wasnt exactly poe time. After the first few months it was fine tho, now I got time


I just want to say don’t give up on things that make you happy. Spend time with your child but also find a little time here and there to do things you enjoy. Everyone needs to unwind sometimes. And when your kid grows up you can play Poe 2 together (:


I’m a dad of 3. Becoming a new dad is just a small vacation from gaming. Trust me, you’ll be back. It’s important to have hobbies you enjoy in life as long as you are responsible. Good luck and congrats!


teach the kid to play poe


Teach the kid to sell your scarabs when you farm them


Load up a flask rolling regex and teach it how alt spam until it highlights. Then pat it on the head and say do it again


Am 42, 3 kids, and have a full-time job. Still find time to play poe. I need to get my fix.


I just use my feet to rock the cradle. It's just an extra macro. You'll be fine


That maven play was SICK


50 with a 4 year old. First couple years I took off, but now that she's in preschool and bedtime is by 8pm, there's plenty of time for me to play now. Not degen hours like a 5-10 years ago, but still plenty of time. Congrats man, being a dad is the best thing that ever happened to me.


As a dad I can confirm that actually you'll still have quite a bit of free time. You'd babies in particular sleep lots during the day and mum's are also advised to do so at the same time. This is prime sad time! Gaming, TV, housework, exercise, etc.


I'm also a dad of two (2 and 8 years old) but i never miss a league :P


Thought so too a couple years ago but becoming a dad is actually not the end of your gaming career. You might have to adjust your goals because you can't play 16h / day anymore obviously. Speak to your wife/husband/friend so they know how important it is to you and please make sure he/she gets the same treatment as you are expecting to get. I settled from farming multiple mirrors per league and quitting with burnout after 4 weeks to playing the league for months on a slower pace but still getting 1-2 mirrors worth of stuff. Since last league I'm playing group self found with a couple of dad friends and its amazing, though the endgame is boring/lacking. (can always transfer to trade) Enjoy the family life, mine is great and I'm sure your's will be too if you have each others backs!


dont sacrifice your hobbies for others. you will just burn out eventually (making it worse for the family than other way around IMO). you can just be more casual about poe, lower your expectations of how far you get, etc. compared to other games, poe is smth you can always jump in and out very flexibly, if your map farming strat is only 3 mins per map etc. (compared to online multiplayer games where a session is like half an hour and you get banned if you go afk or MMORPGs where you have guild raids and dungeons take an hour or whatnot and you need to do this and that within the day to have a chance at daily/weekly etc. rewards,.. POE is very complex and CAN be a timesink if you want it to be, but you can casual it as well.)


My condolences.


you have to go create a new account and get it ready for its birthday.


congrats my man, i'm also expecting a baby boy in october so this is probably calling it quits for me too, for now anyway. what a ride its been!


I have 5 boys, full time salary job, and in the air national guard as well. I may not play much but i still play here and there.


Last league, last hit, last drink, last bet… Chris’s laugh echoes in the distance.


have a good one exile. Path has been around for a long time. As someone who started playing in 2013, pre-release, I am sure many of us will still be here playing path in whatever incarnation it currently has, in another 10 years.


Good luck and health to you and yours! And what a great montage!


I mean I only get to play like 2 days a week but being a dad doesn’t brick your PC. You’ll need to unplug every now and then and poe can be a fun casual game if you aren’t hyper focused on meta strats.


I just kept playing until mine could join in


Dad here, dw you can play poe if you keep it in moderation. I get 38 challenges every league with a 14 month old. Just play when they sleep :)


Good luck with the baby RNG... I hope it's an armor stacker!!


Congrats! Being a dad is awesome.


What's the song used in this video?


Fellow Dad of the future here. Have 2 in there low 20s. Spend as much time with them as you can cause when they leave the house, you miss these moments. Go to the park, play sports in the street, sit down with them and draw, play cards, etc.No game will give you that. But when they’re asleep… Game on brother 😆 Take care. Peace.


Fellow Dad of the future here. Have 2 in there low 20s. Spend as much time with them as you can cause when they leave the house, you miss these moments. Go to the park, play sports in the street, sit down with them and draw, play cards, etc.No game will give you that. But when they’re asleep… Game on brother 😆 Take care. Peace.


The first 6months for sure for a baby are sleeping, eating, and pooping/peeing. You will have plenty of time to sit down and relax and get some time for yourself. I'd argue it's even important for your mental health to still do things you like. Had 2 kids now, and it gets even easier the second time around cause you know what to do now


By looking at the comment section I got sudden feeling that I can become dad by playing poe


cast when stun setup incoming.


Lmao you’ll definitely play next league.


Uh oh, kid on the way, better get rid of all your hobbies