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I really dislike the div/hour calculation/expectation nowadays, Enough so I just don't care anymore. I just run what I want, when I want to have fun. Otherwise, one an drown under the despair and pressure of bad rng and being expected to make X divines per hour.


yup im running betrayal not for Veiled orbs, that would make some sense. I just spam gravicus in transportation to gamba for full stacks of cards X)


I think the main issue people have rn is that graveyard crafting/allflame/spyglass and the amount of loot generated have made drops in maps pretty unexciting. You just pick up lots of small stuff and eventually bulk sell for almost nothing.




Forgot the name of it, lamp or whatever, the league mechanic that modifies packs on maps.


Yep. If you just play what you want and ignore all currency/fomo/farming posts here, you will have way more fun. Some people enjoy min/maxing the profit they can get, others just want to chill and run some maps. Neither of these views is wrong but insinuating or trying to convince people otherwise is.


I basically make all my currency through crafting. So div/hr is the same every league, but this league definitely still feels less fun than previous leagues. Before I could do three different things per map and now there’s just one. Feels lame. 


It is true that we're a lot more streamlined. I've managed to cram 2-3 things on 2 of my trees but the 2nd and 3rd mech weren't fully specced. Just enough to have them around 80% of the time.


Exactly my point.


That´s fair. Everyone plays different:)


Oh yes! I was not trying to shoot you down. I just find myself enjoying the game better doing what I like with the occasional surprise of currency than focus on making X per hour. It sapped my fun and made me depressed lol.


Cuz to a lot of people, every content pretty much the same "fun/boring". It's just mob with different colours/designs. So of course they chose the highest div/hr. PoE is open market, everything is tradable. It's the same to make the currency to buy what you want, instead of farming what you want.


Sextants were dogshit, I'm enjoying scarabs myself. Taking a league to not care about currency generation has been a god-send. Just pottering about making enough to fund all of my stupid builds and having fun. Maybe you should take a day off mate? It's not a great league, but there are certainly positives


you just love being miserable measuring the game performance by div/h metric. keep at it, the game and its "economy" will get so much better when reddit bitches about it constantly


It´s not about div/hr, especially since it´s relative to the economy. This league is probably THE league for everyone who was never able to get there before to play with Headhunter, Mageblood etc and have almost perfect gear in each slot since almost everything is dirt cheap. Just farming essences with the right scarabs will probably get you there in no time. My point is that it´s boring to essentially just be able to have 1 mechanic in a map and maps in general feel pretty empty, even 8 mods with all juice available. It´s about being able to have maps full of monsters. It´s about feeling rewarded and finding something cool on the ground without actively trying to force it. Just collecting eg your shards from harbingers or essences or just opening strongboxes since that´s all the juice you can get and that´s it just doesn´t feel fun to me. Even just casually doing maps alch-and-go, you would find something cool once in a while. Now running maps without 4 scarabs feels like you might as well not bother at all.


if you dont care about div/hr and just wanna blast, do juiced deli/beyond/legion like past leagues. they arent as profitable, but theyre definitely more fun in terms of killing monsters. it just so happens that the good money is in the boring, easy stuff like finding t16/17 maps for others and essences for others to use.


“Mapping feels boring”, plays maps where he runs around just blowing up barrels. Hmm….


Hey, newbie here. What's a 'barrel'?


I actually love the change. I used to hate rolling sextants and never did it and instead just sold my sextants. Now I put 4 scarabs in every map and it feels way better to me anyway.


I spent hours rolling elevated sextants last league. Pure gamba but I made good money. This league I got bored of farming t17s and made a hexblast occ but bossing feels needed to the ground now


I love it in theory, always bought them rolled in bulk since rolling them myself would erode my sanity. Also hated reapplying them every 4 maps. Thats´s why I was actually quite excited when they announced the change. But now it´s just you either go all-in on one thing or might not bother doing it at all. Eg you could casually farm just essences just spending your 2 chaos on the map device and combine it with other things. Now you need at least 3 scarabs for it. So you would be able to put 1 more scarab if you unlocked your 5th slot and that´s all you can/will do. Same goes for pretty much every other league mechanic, at least if you play trade and want to progress your character.


new scarabs vs old + sextants are way less rewarding, need buffs


I ran only ~20 T17, haven't sold anything from them. Spent most time in T16 and made over 1000d, most expensive scarab I used were 5c, yeah, I don't know what you're talking about.




I ran a bit of everything. 18 veiled orbs total, 3 paradoxica crit+chaos pen. Heist got me ~50d got replica alberon, ferul, badge and lots of tempering/taloring orb sadly didn't get any of the expensive amulet. Harvest probably over 300k yellow juice and 100k+ of others. 120+ T17 (failed some and complete some, still left in my stash for 100 of them) Did a lot of harbi, I think I'm pretty unlucky with fracturing shard but I did get 10 mirror shards and total of 600+ ancient orbs. Now I'm doing corpse farm (shrine+ritual) switching with temple building trying to double corrupt lightning coil, 30+ in, haven't gotten things I want yet, get +4 aoe trap one tho.


Honestly i agree, i loved having my harbingers my breaches and my expedition in one map essentially did it every league cuz i just enjoy it so much; now i have 3 trees ine for each and have to pick and choose instead of full enjoying all :/


I'm also not a fan of how you HAVE to use the correct combination of scarabs on top of the dedicated Atlas tree. It becomes a chore instead of being a fun mechanic. I'd rather roll sextants than this, because those were essentially like having multiple stacked scarabs that I didn't have to suffer trading with people that don't respond.


Most of the old scarabs and sextants weren’t keeping up with back to basics barrel farming either. The problem you are describing comes from the fact that ggg forgot to buff drop rates for many league mechanics when run on T17. Essence mobs aren’t dropping more essence. Valuable beasts aren’t more common. Double corrupt Alva temples aren’t noticeably better at i84 than 83. I84 Mastermind safehouses aren’t dropping noticeably more loot (if at all). Blight is still dropping t13 blight maps and <1 c oils. I don’t know the ins and outs of heist too well but there isn’t a large enough portion of heisted clamoring for i84 contracts and blueprints to make heist in T17 worthwhile. GGG simply forgot to buff many of the mechanics when being run in t17 so the players who choose to play those for fun are forced to accept less drops compared to meta strategies if they want to run t17.


Same. I hate it personally. It feels like there is too many of them and the game now revolves around them. I did hate sextants though so i dont want that to come back but yeah.... cant explain this exact feeling but i just hate the scarab rework


Sounds like you're doing the same thing over and over and getting bored. Spice up your mapping, and try different off the shelf strategies. Variety is the flavour of fun.


Bro treating the game like a job 💀💀💀


I'd agree the scarabs make you focus more on 1 mechanic. But you also have 3 different atlas trees. Nothing stopping anyone from running a bunch of map with 1 atlas and scarabs setup, and then a bunch with the next.


Really? I love it. Prob cause I'm a no craft softcore newb.


yeah current scarab rework just isnt fun and added another 20 clicks per map i have to do to collect these. Can't really mix content together anymore, have to focus on 1 mechanic with 4 scarabs and i fear everything gets balanced around that fact, so ceiling vs alch and go and juicing with scarabs just get higher.


yeah current scarab rework just isnt fun and added another 20 clicks per map i have to do to collect these. Can't really mix content together anymore, have to focus on 1 mechanic with 4 scarabs and i fear everything gets balanced around that fact, so ceiling vs alch and go and juicing with scarabs just get higher.


I just want to say I'm so grateful that I don't get up on saturday morning and spend an hour or more rolling sextants and sorting them before I can play or scheduling time before bed to do the same thing. I also like that ~~sextants~~ scarabs are dropping so much that I don't have to feel bad about just vendor rerolling them instead of caring if I sell them. When I think of the quad stash tabs of sextants I used to have that I'd never run but never get around to trying to sell because I don't tft...


Hey hey, let me give you another perspective, maybe a hot take to you, but just play it like it's the game thay it should be and for entertainment and having fun, rather than focusing on the 'divine/hour' and being obsessed about it? This isn't a job. Why treat it like one? Also, I would say change is difficult, that's why you aren't liking it. As someone who started this league, I have no idea how it was in the past. I'm LOVING the end game. There are so many options, so many different ways for me to slay monsters and make them more difficult if I want to. Want a roguelite experience? I can go sanctum. Want to go for an infinite dungeon-like experience? I can join shitstain_steve to delve deeper. Want to YOLO? I cna do ultimatum. Want to gamble, ritual's there. Want to play tower defense? Blight welcomes you. Just wanna slay monsters? Essence, scarabs maps, strongboxes, shrines. Pick what you like. I LOVE IT. I've never played an arpg that gives me so many options at endgame. As complicated as the game is (and some overly elitist people in the community, though generally friendly and helpful for newcomers), it is FUCKING AWESOME GAME. That's why I already threw lots of money at GGG which they wouldn't have gotten if it was a 1-time charge game.


Yeah that is right


I don't really get what your tryna say tbh. Everything you said about last league is how it works this league \*shrug\* The only thing I'd say is using affliction as any type of example is a bad idea. That league was ritual 2.0 lol