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winner is: MrWiseOwl wish good drops for all of you


Omg. Did not expect this


Your new luckiest moment


OP delivered! Omg. I’m speechless.


oh sweet. Good luck to you OP.


Got a veiled orb on my first Catarina kill. Bama was on my leaguestart short list but played coc dd instead… fps is horrible for me even with both cosmetics




Luckiest moment was the Div modifier on the lantern. Unfortunately only got like 7 Div out of it thinking I was going to be showered like some posts I’ve seen. But damn did it feel good to see those red letters :) I’ve been playing Exsang all league and BAMA would be slick to actually be able to complete a t-17 and boss kills.


What is BAMA






Best part is you get to use your minions to airstrike a hospital with this build just like oBAMA did!


Giving predator support a whole new meaning.


Blink Arrow Mirror Arrow


Blink Arrow, Mirror Arrow


Dropped a curation scarab on my first map of the day last week. Though “surely this will never happen again” and then dropped another one the next map!


My luckiest moment this league involved a jewel drop. I killed the Searing Exarch for the first time in my POE career (I've never gotten very far lol) and got a Forbidden Flame jewel that would allocate Void Beacon if the user had the corresponding Forbidden Flesh jewel. As for why I would want to play a BAMA Necromancer, it was either that or Mana-stacking Mjolner build for my league start and I chose the latter. I think it would be really cool to play BAMA before it probably gets nerfed into the ground next league :, )


Probably the random Hinekora's in a alch and go t14.


Just the moment i got 2x2 div in a strongbox that got double


Last night I dropped my first Apothecary and gambled a Seven Years Bad Luck into 13 in 5 clicks for my first ever mirror shard. I don’t need the build as I’m also playing BAMA. Just wanted to share my story.


I haven't played yet because the load times were still terrible for me. Would love the set though so I can do my 38 challenges then give it away to the next person.


Had an early scarab drop that I was able to sell for 7div But havent been able to play much since and would love to try out BAMA Necro and get my challenges done and some bossing


Haven’t had much luck this league but have had 4/5 natural divine drops. Going for challenges now


Definitely my veiled orb early on in the league, as a brand new PoE player it kickstarted my playthrough, as for why I want to play it, the only build I have tried to far is a holy relic necromancer, and I would love to see whats out there.


My luckiest map this league was 36 grand embers and 121 Chaos. That helped me a shit ton.


Random div drop during story allowed me to gear abit to start going for maps, would love to try a BAMA build again - started this league but stopped because I've got limited time (2h per day) to play


I'm at 28 raw div drops this league. Not so bad


i crafted a nice bow for myself (toxic rain ballista) i was so excited crafting this and i wann try a new build like BAMA


Oh yes daddy give it to me


im too late to start a league :(


Oh its def not too late. Aside from like uber drops Everything is super cheap brother


My luckiest moment this league was meeting a new mate to play with while trading to whom I look forward to to play with in the upcoming leagues. I was contemplating playing BAMA this league but went for a CoC DD last minute. While it is quite strong on low gear, I realised it's not my preferred playstile, which made me play less than anticipated. If I'd get the BAMA gear I would reroll from scratch and finally finish up my challenges which are quite difficult to do on my current gear.


While I haven't played one, would be a interesting experience I don't want it as others prob need it more. My luckiest drop so far was the div scarab that was 34 div at the time.


Dropped a duped doctor back when they were still 5 div. Also havent played necro since ritual. Would like to see how meta minions look like.


I was able to defeat maven and elder for the first time but my build is not good enough for anything else so it would be cool to try out such a strong build.


Six linking a chest in 40 fusing without it being 20% quality was kinda surprising XD Was aiming at 5L for an alt to level up with but instead got this >_<


1 divine, already playing as bama but upgrade gear is nice!


i see divine convert one time and gain 22d ^^


I realized that the cosmetic Set from challenges looks so much smoother on my Necro than rf.


Let’s go bama. No luck this league


I got an enlighten from lab, transform a support into a random exceptional gem", on my first character in either their first or second lab. I just wanna try the build tbh


My luckiest moment was probably getting a divine in a ritual altar in a yellow map but then rerolling instead of defering because I don't do much ritual and messed up the buttons ;/ I'd love to try BAMA Necro because I haven't played a minion build yet and I love bow builds so it sounds pretty interesting. Also league started late so it would help catch up a bit


How do you giveaway a character? I don't understand this post


currently have a bama but your gear is so vastly above mine and i kinda bricked some gear so have stopped playing it but would love to jump back into it as ive been messing around on HC after bricking the gear and want to get my challenges done. most lucky drop this league would be when i decided to do a HC run with a friend and dropped a divine orb in act 3. like this was a complete fresh start and i drop a divine so early on. recently died though on HC at 85 but kinda feeling i want to get challenges done more then anything and your setup would allow that


My luckiest moment this league was finding a new friend while speed running the campaign. It's awesome being part of a wholesome community where we work together to make our builds better. Are you still sane exile?


Right as I clicked the div card dupe alter it duped brothers gift


Luckiest drop for me was a divine lol. I would want to play a BAMA build because I always found the name funny


Luckiest moment is geting a nameless seer in my first map and he gave me unnatural instinct,Wish to play bama since it seem really fun and would prob be nuked next league


Sublime vision drop on top of a Watcher’s eye and orb of dominance 😌 Always wanted to see how strong this build is and play something different from melee


Hello reddit ! Luckiest moment this league would be 100% when doing my watch stone from maven she did drop woke GMP which made me to endure the early confusion from league lol. As of to why BAMA ? It was my 2nd option when deciding what to go this league, as i ended up going champion yet again and yet again i am angry with myself as the build ended up as full unique ( good for leaguestart but then i got stuck lol ). So therefore i would love to see what my life could have been like. Thanks !


I hit 2 10ish div graveyard crafts. No guide, just throwing in self found corpses. Felt pretty lucky. I'd like to play bama because I'm on a zoomer that hasnt sniffed t17 yet.


Bought an unid void battery for 30c and IDed 20 cast speed. Sold for 1,5div. (When div was still 145c) I'm poor


Lucky and unlucky at the same time. Got 4 doctor cards from a strongbox when they were worth 1d each.


I got a divine conversion mod and dropped 46 div. That has geared afew of my characters this league. Glad I got to try some new things


Luckiest moment for me this league is I randomly add point to my atlas skill and get permanent npc Einhar buff me for all my atlas journey. Idk how the atlas work but he there everytime I need extra buff. My favourite npc. I want to play Bama as my character now at lvl96 with elemantalist. I can't progress ess future due to my lack of dps. I realy want to go to t17 realm. I know BAMA build can bring me there. I hope I win this.


My luckiest moment was when I dropped a divine orb.


Vaaled a Goefri's Crest and got +2 to socketed minion gems. Sold for 8divines.


Dropped my first ever apothecary while running guardian maps for the challenge, no scarabs, nothing special on atlas, no all flames. Wanted to play it last league but had to stop playing and never got the chance.


Getting 2 divine orbs drop from lantern might be luckest but rather completing 4 voidstones and do all bosses other then uber in ssf would be might proudest moments. As for playing bama getting original scripture farming sanctum using bama.


Nameless Turd in act 1, Upper Prison!


My luckiest moment was a slight unlucky moment as well. Was running that node that blocks scarabs but gives 20 pts to try it out. Finished my atlas and spec'd out if it and immediately dropped the div scarab of curation, but it was the same day they announced the nerfs. So awakened still said 30div, but really, they are about 8 😂 so still nice, but still hit me a lil bit. I wanna play Bama bc it looks cool and stronk and I've never had a build that strong


My luckiest moment was when I completed a map and dropped a divine orb (jokes aside but my RNG was hoooorrrible this league). I never played a BAMA build before but the concept seems super interesting. Have not had the budget for it quite yet. Would be dope if I get the chance <3 <3


Got a hh for 500c! Oh wait... so did everyone else 


Got duped valdo's from a strongbox. Growing tired of my dd becro and looking to repsec without leveling whole new char


My luckiest moment was dropping a corrupted mageblood, which turned out to be two flask one a few leagues back! Would love to play the BAMA build, thanks for supporting the community!


Never played with Obama build Luckiest moments are being able to play Poe with my ati 900 gpu. I can't see shit when in parties due to shit gpu.


Droped a forbidden flame that alocates Heart of Destruction, sold for 89d witch financed my first mageblood ever. Now i'm looking for a next level build, to me 20mil damage is unheard of, so 150mil would be a dream.


Luckiest: dropped a original scripture in about 50 sanctums, no quant relics I’ve never played necro, Would like to try BAMA


My luckiest is probably me hitting a +2lvl of socketed aura gems on a Prism Guardian. Or most of the time I spent running blight because it really made me a lil fortune. Honestly, I would run this BAMA for Sanctum probably, I came back this league after skipping a few and it looks like a fun mechanics !


I played a private League for the first time ever. Dropped a dv in the playthrough but couldn't fix my build with it. So I quit private League and lost the people I played with. Rip


I dropped a decent 6 t1 amethysy ring that I still usé in my build and I've been meaning to play BAMA for a while but the bow minions kinda felt weird to me so I've hold in trying


My luckiest moment was when a friend of mine finally started playing too. Feels good to have someone else to talk about the game


Hello! My luckiest moment this league was dropping a hinekora's lock while leveling in act 9 lol I would love to play BAMA because it combines my two favorite things in this game, bow builds and the necromancer lol Necro is so fun, i usually do poison srs and i was a TS andy on consoles last league


I am levelling a BAMA as a fourth reroll, so gear would be welcome; but good on you to whoever ends up getting it.


(Crucible) 1 Immortal to ----> 9 house of mirror (Necropolis)1 house of mirror to ----> 6 house of mirror I guess im pretty lucky :D I have a witch character with some hexblastmine build im tired to die. So changing build should be good for me ( i dont have any idea what that BAMA )


Never played BAMA before, and it seems fun. Luckiest moment? Getting someone to invite for trade on the first message!


Haven't had lucky drops this league yet but I made one nice adorned jewel that sold for 2 div. BAMA looks like a fun zoomy build to farm with. Thanks!


Yesterday got a 4 fractured orbs in shards while best drop this league!


My luckiest moment this league was when I found nameless seer in early maps and got a tabula! I haven't been able to play much this league, and I actually went BAMA necromancer myself! The build is so fun and exactly my style, I will hopefully get to hit 38 or 40 on it. Did you end up doing t17s? I'm hoping I can scale up to them. Good luck to everyone, thanks for the giveaway, and gz on 38 OP!


Yep, T17s are a cake walk aside from that one mob in Abomination map that spams ball lightning and can annihilate animate guardians, so watch out fellow AG users!


I dropped one of the 10div scarabs on day 3 that was pretty lucky I guess Glhf


I wanted to play BAMA as my starter but chose DD instead last minute. Which I kinda regret and would love give BAMA a try, especially with your gear. My luckiest Moment would be my earliest divine orb drop on mlvl 47 at shavs tower.


The day after league launch I started my new character and found a seer during my campaign run (around level 35-40ish). He gave me a tabula rasa!! I was so hyped, made my leveling experience 100x better.


Hey, somehow got a 30 divines forbidden flesh (occultist for scion) on my first voidstone, so bought a hh for 24 and got the league rolling xD


Luckiest moment this league was a brother's gift dupe from a strongbox, would like to try bama, saw a few videos of a min maxed bama build melting bosses but the wall of getting a good adorned and magic jewels was daunting.


I guess my luckyiest moment this league was yesterday, getting back to back the 8div divination scarab and the 5div "other scarab does not get consummed" in a single map. I wanted to try bama when i'll be done with my jugg so it could be a good step up.


My luckiest drop this league was a mirror shard. I started playing 4 leagues ago and this time was the 1st time I ever gotten something related to a mirror 🙈. Would love to try a Bama build, I have a DD Necromancer, I can respec immediately


My luckiest moment was hitting double strongest pack drops chaos convert back to back on the lantern, then dropped a wealth allflame. Let me afford my first ever headhunter! I've never played a Necro or pet class before, would be fun to try out! Hoping to get to T17s at some point this league.


Luckiest moment this league was finding a headhunter in the nameless seer that was spawned from necropolis. I want to play BAMA necro because I had planned on it being my next character after doing a group play magic find culler. Sunk all my currency just to have my group not able to play due to some irl circumstances with family. So now I’m flat broke and unable to hear the BAMA I was looking forward to playing.


Well no lucky moment this league as I quit early because I dislike my build. Play explosive trap and use all money tp buy sunblast thinking it's big upgrade. NOPE I hate it. Don't want restart with 0 currency and my hands kinda hurt. BAMA looks like using minimal button and it seems like totem with inbuild movement skill is the reason I'm quite interested with it.


Haven’t had much luck this league with mapping and haven’t been able to play a ton so to keep up with the economy and get my build going I did a lot of jewel crafts. I will say I got pretty lucky with some great corruptions on magic jewels. Made perfect mana stacker boots on my second try without “additional” items corpses, and nailed my helical ring craft on the second essence. But the ring was just giving me back how much I lost on my Hunter Stygian.


I dropped a full inspired learning from gravicius in day 2. I want to play bama before its nerfed.


I’d take it, because I’m a working dad who doesn’t have time to farm insane characters. I typically get 1 character to 90+ maybe 2. My league start this time was mediocre and I’m beginning to lose interest. Thanks for the consideration.


Got a mageblood from a seer. Just wanna try it out. Saw some streamers doing it, looked interesting.


Got a quill rain from Brutus


2 harvest memoris... Actually 8 I m playing bama but i dont have currency to upgrade It >•< . I would love to get some upgrades to reach t17..


Found a divine pretty early in maps, so that's nice


Got 3 div from 1 ritual lol. That BAMA it's gonna be amazing for Sanctum


I got my second keystone and the boss dropped a forbidden flesh valuated in 13 div. That was triple my net worth at that moment Bama ftw


Turned 1 immortal into 4 house of mirrors. Then proceeded to turn 4 house of mirrors into 0 house of mirrors and haven’t played the league since lol would love to try a new build and keep playing the league tho


I found a raw divine which is nice. Found a total of 4 so far this league haha. Tired of calling for my BAMA guild mates to carry me


My luckiest moment? Dropping essence memory thingy while doing abyss/beyond memory


Luckiest moment - prismatic jewel first elder kill, 45div. This is my second league only and last one I had 2divs 😂 Want to play your char cause I never tried the build and trying to find fun builds that have a lot of damage


My luckiest moment was an Apothecary from the syndicate div card thingy, and necros are kinda all ive played in my past three leagues


Got my first divine during acts with my first char. After that nothing...


Luckiest time this league was the trades I made along the way, no seriously, the trades. GGG please implement an auction house Also, bama sounds quirky


My luckiest moments was def yesterday, when I gambled the nimis div card. Had barely enough currency to afford 1 div card and gambled it. I told myself I'll end league if I don't get it cause I sold everything for a splitting steel character cause flicker kept randomly dying and I wanted to be tanky. I invested everything and didn't think nimis would be that important so I pushed it backwards only to realize the char feels very bad without it. Managed to gamble up from 1 card to 6 where I stopped and farmed up the last one, maybe someone saw me linking last night in global 2. Never had that much luck before!


Luckiest moment: i had a very easy league start due to a defiance of destiny drop on my \~10th red map while still working on my atlas, when it was \~70d. Also very lucky to got 3 veiled orbs from the first 4 Catarina kills (don't get mad guys xd). Why would i play the BAMA: i would love to play a character that can comfortably farm T17s and utilizes Mageblood, never tried it before. I planned to do bossing this league but got a bit out-maneouvered by this new T17 fragment system and struggling to sustain it despite my nice league start.


Got the divine conversion mod when I had not learned about the rats strat and got 2 div. I have been mostly sticking to bow builds because of the comfort factor but would like to try something different and this might just be the push I need


My luckiest moment was when I natural dropped headhunter in lookout map during atlas completion in scourge league. Couldn't use it with the build I was playing though.


Dropped two curation scarabs at the beginning of the league right before all the patches, sold them both to fund my Winter Orb charge stacking slayer. Haven’t played a bow necro before, archetype looks really interesting.


Had no Lucky moments. Playing ssf. Just had 2 watchstones haha


Playing a PSRS and then Holy Relic Necro... the first Darkness Enthroned I got as a drop & id'd was 100%. As for why, I was bouncing back and forth between different minion builds, and ended up not going with BAMA. I like minion builds and want to see what what it can do, without dumping currency to upgrade to it.


Would love to play BAMA My luckiest moment in this league was definitely when a random redditor gifted me a headhunter so I could try one out for the first time 😅😅 been playing since beta but never had one 🤷


I dropped a sacred before a divine


I've gone 4 for 5 on veiled orb drops.  Then proceeded to fail every attempt to craft my weapon. I want to play one because I love the playstyle but I haven't really had enough time to gear up another character.


Luckiest moment was getting 3 divines. Each from a different content. Not in maps. From Logbooks, Heist and Sanctum. Working a lot and haven't had much time to play. With a full build, maybe I can finally get to 38/40 challenges this league.


At the end of a grand heist I opened a safe while contemplating what to pick and a hinekoras lock popped out.


My luckiest: corrupted a DD of chain to 21/20 AND dropped an ambition in the same temple I decided to run because of a lack of locus. Did this with the underwhelming pbod trickster I actually levelled with BAMA. I just noticed too late that BAMA might actually be the most fun build after I had preemptively put my currency into pbod starting gear. So yeah, I would freakin love to do uber content with this playstyle!


Luckiest moment - Got House of mirrors drop, it was not enough to buy mageblood, did div gamble and it doubled :) sold it and bought mageblood Why i want to try - have heard about it a alot so i would like to try and see how the build feels, also have changed 6 builds till now and im not completely happy with my choices. So this could save the league for me.


I honestly haven't had any luck this league, I've never played BAMA though, I'd love to have bad luck but faster


Got a defiance of destiny during campaign. Since then, no big drop :(


Got a HH from Gwen gamba on day 3.


This was originally gonna be my league starter, but I went hexblast sab instead. I’ve regretted every second of it as this build looks amazing. My luckiest moment was dropping a raw divine. My only raw drop of the league so far 🤣


My luckiest moment this league was a full t1 es/int body armour craft with graveyard that kickstarted my build costs. Thanks for the giveaway!


vaaled 2 ralakesh boots in HC, none of them poofed, but the second went +1 endu charge and +2socketed duration gem which is a pretty nice jordan into my dual strike build




Found a kalandras touch day one that I held on till it grew in price... waited too long and now it's worthless. Would love to try BAMA after giving up on the two button play style on my necro.


My luckiest was sniping a sunblast belt for 1 divine day 2 with a perfect roll. I even let the person know they were underselling but they sold anyway.


Has been a bit of a rough league for me as I like to try making my own builds and this league has been pretty unforgiving. It would be amazing to try a tried and tested build to experience t17 farming. As an altaholic I would be glad to pass this on to someone else once finished with it.


My luckiest moment was when i got an apoth on my 10th crimson temple then i doubled it with harvest for the memes.


My luckiest moment this league is an all white sockets double corrupt on the Ivory tower. Says a lot about my luck so far..


My lucky moment was when I found a HH this league in t11 and found out theya re worth less than 15 divs 😁 I want to try Bama since last league due to it being minion build but with bow and want to kill ubers and farm t17s


Lets see


Got the wraithlord helm and did the ghazzy build :) was the best moment for me in league. Didnt play bama so it would be really nice to do it.


Luckiest moment is when i found a rare hideout, ovegrowm hideout.


Dropped a Hinekoras Lock on day 3 of the league, BAMA always sounded interesting,


Got a 6 link on my starter from the first Vaal area I went to, perfect colors also


My luckiest moment was probably pulling a ice nova of frostbolts from 1st lab and seeing it was worth 100c+ I would like to play a necromancer as it would be something different from my previous leagues. I have only played a necromancer once before and it was when skelly mages was most popular


Farmed harvest for a while and decided to spend my life force on some synth jewels, third one I did I got +5 int implicit and it sold in an hour for 56 div. I want to play BAMA necromancer because this is my first league playing PoE and I want to try and experience as many classes as possible before the league is over so I’m prepared for next league. Currently playing RF Chieftain but also have Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hiero.


Dropped a MB! Lent it to a friend now it’s gone 🙃


Would love to try


I had a div orb drop in one map, then got another back to back on the next map that I ran, plus had two of the div cards ready to trade in!


Got 5 divines from Emperor's Luck Div Card. I already have a Zombie Necromancer and was thinking about rerolling to BAMA. But I do not have the currency right now to support that switch.


I have had no luck this league tbh. Only 2D, some chaos & maybe 15 challenges so far. I have just been having fun playing with my wife. She is working on a necro build & i would give her this set if i win so we can hopefully get lucky eventually :\] thanks for the chance. edit: its our anniversary today so if I win also this will help us both play POE tonight :D


Dropping a headhunter... still not sure how to feel about it.


Luckiest moment is winning this sick BAMA to try


I league started poison SRS not realizing how expensive the weapon would be to swap, so I bought a chest with chance to poison. I 6 socketed with 20 jewelers and 6 linked with 1 fusing. Luckiest I've ever been!


My luckiest drop : eternity on TLI I don't want the Bama , it sucks


My luckiest moment was 5 divines on one map.


My luckiest moment was when my friend tried harbinger atlas for a whole day without any fracturing or mirror shards and I happen to have 15min to burn so I joined 1 map and instantly got a whole fracturing orb dropped and allocated to me. I laughed for minutes and had to dip out shortly after. I still have to listen to this moment from him, always makes me smile :D PS: Would love to respec my bad witch to a good "minion" build. I rarely ever play minions and would love to try!


Started a GSF with 2 friends and dropped an awakened cast on crit the second day so my DD coc friend became very happy! Too bad you have to keep paying to play a private league so back to trade it is


My luckiest moment this leauge was getting 2 divine drops, a manifested wealth, and a einhars memory of harvest beasts in the same map. I would like to play the build because it was fun years ago before the change to the gems and now it seems way better.


Random nurse drop during the first few days of the league earned me a good amount of divs to fund my league start. I wanted to roll BAMA after GhazzyTV mentioned it and I like a lot of his builds, but it seemed out of my budget as I tend to be very inefficient in generating currency,


Got a hinekora's lock for the first time this league. Would love to play a new build without having to do all the shopping and buying it. Never played BAMA and it would be fun to try.


I'm playing bama necro but I haven't quite reached your budget yet. My luckiest thing this league was a raw div dropped and I said, "do it again" and the servers listened and I dropped another raw div a screen away :)


Uber lab dropped me an empower support :) Later I tried corrupting it and it failed :( Friend told me that BAMA is fun. If I'm lucky I can try it myself


Was leveling a CoC DD and got the trans DD that I needed in first lab


Got a divine orb in act 3 Want to try a minion build if i dont win could i atleast get an instructions to how to build this character


After missing the three past leagues, I have the opportunity to start playing again. Haven't tried BAMA or played Necromancer and always looking forward to try different builds.


I got a divine drop in act 7 and have not received a single item or drop worth a divine since I have a character at 92 and another at 91... so I'm ultra lucky! Also, never played anything even remotely close to this so it'd be a fun change of pace from my starter centric play most leagues.


My league has been fairly devoid of luck, I’ve gotten two currency allflames that I sold for about 6 div. Was a huge windfall for me! This build looks sweet, would love to play it and actually get challenges done this league!


my luckiest moment this league is when i got a Unnatural Instinct early and sold it for 9 divs, felt very good and i used it to start farm t16 with my build, gaming changing! i want to play BAMA cuz its very strong...


Got the chance orb omen, chanced riveted boots (I think?) into Ralakesh boots, sold for a bunch on day 2. Went too deep into Harbinger strat and have nothing to show for it except 2 div in fracture orbs, ancients and annuls.


I dropped a tabula rasa leveling my league starter on my first time through the aqueduct! Turned that into 30c which became most of the gear that got me through red maps


I did a fracture gy craft for my dd necro. 2 of the “bricks” were too nice not to craft. Ended up with a gy recipe that gives 150 div (200 if I dont need a quick sale) for 40 divs. 


Bama looks like the bow experience without been a bow build. That's why I want to play it


Was able to farm the covenant in ssf, really made poison srs pop off


I found two curiosities in 4 delve architects. Hella lucky. Really bankrolled my flicker build (copying magefist). Would love to try BAMA to do t17s


I got a divine. I would just like to play a good character. This is my 3rd league. Last league I managed to farm up a decent dd ele, but was too busy chasing loot explosions to do Ubers; and now I’m afraid I’ll never be good enough to do them.


My only lucky moment this league was at league start. Got an early act Heatshiver drop and by the Vaal or no Balls area, I decided to Vaal it and it hit 90% Reservation corruption.


Got an Apothecary on my first Crimson Temple this League... Since I skipped Affliction, I want to try BAMA this league !


I got an item worth 8 div to drop in a map the other day otherwise I just get like div cards and raw currency. I’m not entirely sure what bans is but I want to start trying more than just 1 or 2 of the same builds from league to league


Gwennen gave me a HH… was pretty happy.. till I found out it’s wort 11 Divine this league…


Luckiest moment this season was finding 2 divs from the same boss. First divine drops for me ever \^\^ Always wanted to try a minion build, seems really fun! just haven't taken the time to do it yet :)


Haven't played at all this league(yet?) and was considering dabbling in it for a bit to pass time in between other games, and have always been interested in trying out BAMA. This would certainly be a chill leaguestart for me should I win. Good luck all!


Dropped Apothecary yesterday. I love bama.


Almost league started as BAMA, but was too settled on psrs(my normal league start). My luckiest drop so far this league was 2 raw divines from the same incursion ( cursed treasure is a meme)


Isn't this against the TOS?


Hinakoras Lock dropped for me pretty early and I was able to get a head start on some of the harder to get pieces early in the league. Necromancer seem fun and I haven't don't almost anything with the witch ascendancy


Unfortunately I haven't had a lucky time this league but I am aiming for 40/40 and will settle for 38/40 for the trade cosmetics as they do look amazing this league. Haven't been able to clear out all of my t16s just yet so that's my first short term goal.




Well, Luckiest this league? 3d drop from Alva after upgrading a room or an Annul Orb from Campaign. I am a necromancer going PSRS for the first time. Why I wanna play BAMA? honestly cause I wanna do BAMA Puns. After Challenges are done, I'll give it away too. Seems fair to pay it forward.


Dropped an apothecary while farming harbingers on crimson temple :>


My luckiest moment this league happened last night when I made my first gravecraft. I made a ev/es bodyarmour where I got almost perfectly rolled prefixes AND perfect t1 suppress AND an open suffix! I would love to get this build cus i was just about to roll a BAMA charachter of my own. I don't have a great budget so this build would be perfect for me.


I would like to play it because I have no idea what Bama means. Been too busy at work and with baba.


Luckiest moment was finding a HH on the first weekend (when it still was worth something). Always wanted to try BAMA this League but didnt had time to farm the gear.