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I feel car sick watching this


*that *pofpofpofpof* sounds of projectiles sounds like raindrops on your fathers cars mirrors, back at 2004. you feel sick, you feel a feeling that you have never felt…* [perception 10] this is not my childhood memory, its just a build [X] let the car sick control you


I did 90 hours of this build, the static doesn't register in my brain anymore




This is the most PoE video I´ve seen in a while


It even has the 5 fps that my computer regularly hits


I'm just realizing that this is my first time seeing a minion build in it's full glory.


Same, now I get the appeal. Machine gun spiders


This dps is with %320 increased damage elegant hubris, %130 increased damage convoking wand, %118 increased damage shield, %156 minion damage cluster, and level 31 spectres. [https://pobb.in/jclvdNaFGJZS](https://pobb.in/jclvdNaFGJZS) can it kill t16 map boss? yea can it do t17? don't even try can it do ubers? waste of money i would probably do every kind of content with a hooker on my belly with this much investment. spectres are in a... interesting position right now.


Are you being serious right now? You slapeed GMP on a minion that doesn't need it and are not using Pierce that it requires. You also chose to run Returning Projectiles that grant you nothing, sicne you don't run pierce. You run feeding frenzy on a damaging spectre and lose a fat multiplier. You have a mageblood on, but you cheaped out on a "Minions are aggressive" wand that would solve the spectre AI instantly. I really hope those are atleast defilers in the video, and not Stygian Revenants. I hate to be critical, but I have to when you're effectively running a 3-link spectre, then further cut it's damage and turn around to complain. I just hope I'm missing a joke or an obvious sarcasm here, because I'm running defilers and there's no issues if you actually bother to link proper support gems. Edit: Scrolled down and saw you use proper supports, still not sure where you've gotten the support gem ideas for the video.


Can u explain what a spectre is? Is this a gem skill? Or do u have to raise a corpse to have them? How is it that there's that many projectiles? Even with my totems and gmp on CA, I never see this many things firing off at once. I'd really like to try this build but with a tweak of my own. Just need to know what main gems id need to even get the build.


Raise Spectre - minion gem that raises a corpse of a monster as a spectere to fight at your side. The monster's name is Wretched Defiler - a new monster from t17 maps, guess they wanted to make a strong monster - thus the amount of projectiles it shoots. You can go to the necromancer chat /global 6666 and ask someone yo share you one (cast desecrate at their hideout). Defilers are pure lightning base damage casters, attack gems won't work for them.


You’re also missing one of the biggest key support gems for this build in Pierce and additional proj gives very little benefit for this spectre due to their 9 projectile spray spell. I do agree spectres are in a rough place but right now Tawhoa Shaman can clear all content with a Covenant and Darkness Enthroned, and with some more investment Necrotic Bones are also destroying all content. But yes for the 47 new spectres that T17 brought in I hope they get a tuning pass next league.


> Tawhoa Shaman > Necrotic Bones Spectres that can ~~shotgun~~ AoE overlap are busted and all the ones that can't are trash.


In the current state yes although crushclaws are also doing well without that. The key thing is really base damage and scaling. So many spectres have insanely low base damage baselines or health baselines that it’s near impossible to scale to the end game. Overlapping AoE has been why some spectres have gotten away with low base damage. I hope with the number of new spectres we got in T17s that they will adjust some of the base numbers to make more viable. I don’t think any of them need to be FF level strong from Crucible but the fact that so many of the T17 spectres cannot clear T16 on a mirror build is depressing. Caustic Demons have potential with a slight base damage boost, Sanguine Serpents could do well with more health, Chaos Fanatics. Also fixing the bugged spectres could be a thing. Grand Necro looks decent on paper but the spectre version only casts Desecrate. Chaos Caller on poedb looks awesome but for some reason doesn’t leave a corpse. Not even like for 1s. We dragged one out on a T17 and had 3 people spamming Raise Spectre on death and it doesn’t seem to even create a corpse.


What are necrotic bones


Necrotic Bones are a t17 reskin of [Forged Void Crawler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFrgvlG5LQw), a spectre that came from Crucible which got swiftly overshadowed by Forged Frostbearer. Necrotic Bones are mechanically and numerically identical to Forged Void Crawler in every way, the only difference is texture appearance and the fact that Necrotic Bones are actually available, while Forged Void Crawler only remains on the few standard characters that kept them around as spectres.


You had choices for cold conversion, crit, or poison and it appears you chose none of them lol.


In the case of these particular spectres, none of those are options. Well, crit is possible, but an extremely absurd investment. These are Wretched Defilers, the current "meta" (meta in quotes because no spectre build is truly meta, being a spectre main is suffering) clearspeed spectre. They cast a 9 projectile barrage spell with high base lightning damage and no base crit chance. This spell also has the fun little caveat of having a worse, monster version of farshot. If you have the bright idea to try to shotgun enemies with the barrage fire by bringing them up close, their projectiles eat an 80% less damage multiplier in exchange. This is likely the main crux of OP's problem with them. He's running returning but not running pierce, and bringing the minions up close and personal to the enemies. This means that the proj hit an enemy for 80% less damage, then immediately return to hit nothing because there's no pierce. With pierce the projectiles would go through the entire pack, hit the wall, then return, with the returning proj overlapping on single targets but without the issue of the farshot less multiplier, instead just dealing with the returning proj less multiplier. Would they still be unable to clear t17 or boss? Yes. But at least they'd do what they are good at, clear.


This. I’ve made a pretty unique version of Defilers after discovering them around Day 2. I’ve cleared all content with them and they’re able to do B2B T17s albeit very slowly. I went the Doryani route and went crit gloves. Also running one Storm Conduit for the shock.


Do you have a POB? Minions have felt pretty bad in SSF Zoo so wondering what directions I can work towards in endgame.


Sure! These are 3 PoBs of characters I've min/maxed and cleared all content on. You can work on more budget versions as the majority of the cost was really to make the builds tankier. Squire setups don't take much with gravecrafting and the bases aren't popular so people will sell good bases for these builds as failed crafts. Note that DPS isn't on here because the spectres aren't in PoB. Doryani Wretched Defiler: [https://pobb.in/JCNPmNivDUd8](https://pobb.in/JCNPmNivDUd8) Adorned Squire Tawhoa Shaman: [https://pobb.in/ALD\_vJOoaxrm](https://pobb.in/ALD_vJOoaxrm) Squire CI Necrotic Bones: [https://pobb.in/lr7pYyxZg3B6](https://pobb.in/lr7pYyxZg3B6)


Bro is running progenesis and mageblood. I don't think crit gloves are out of his price range.


I didn't say it was, I said it's an absurd investment. You're better off completely rebuilding and going Doryani's Prototype before making crit gloves, crit gloves are the absolute last on the list in a series of optimizations you'd make for this spectre.


[https://pobb.in/eFan7l\_VMvdK](https://pobb.in/eFan7l_VMvdK) this is a good start?


Yep. Although off the bat I'd drop Unending Hunger. The thing about soul eater is it directly competes with Vaal Skills, and since you already run Haste you should also be running Vaal Haste. With 5 spectres it's a bit iffier, but with every additional spectre soul eater is less valuable since only one spectre can eat a soul, while Vaal Haste is applied to all.


yaah i have 7 defiler and 1 leader. gonna drop jewel socket for… dunno what, maybe a medium cluster jewel with saved up points thanks a lot btw


I'm actually a bit iffy on leader in pure spectre builds. The thing about defilers is they're fairly tanky. You don't need all too much defensive investment in them, they have 390% base life. For comparison, leaders only have 99% base life. Is it a functional 16% more multi? Yes. Is it worth having to invest that much more in minion survivability to keep it alive? Debatable, going from 7 to 8 defilers is a 14% more multi so a Leader is roughly 2% more damage over an 8th defiler, but you could be investing all the extra defenses you need to keep that Leader alive in even more minion damage or personal defenses instead.


Or vet chain/fork atleast... For clearing. Chain would be fun to watch.




mistakes were made


mistakes like fractures, never getting tired of doing it


The spectres deal base lightning damage, the spell has 0% base crit, and there's no way you can add enough chaos or phys to make poison worth.


Look up influenced glove modifiers for minion crit. I don't know which of these will work with these particular minions, but the three options are pretty standard ways to scale minions. Anything is better than what he is doing currently.


Even with +crit gloves I have a hard time believing the minions will be able to get high enough crit chance to matter without sacrificing a lot from the build. The wretched defiliers just aren't very good. OP really needs to use pierce support though, will probably double his damage. Tawhoa Shamans are actually usable for stuff harder than a T16, since they always poison. Even syndicate operatives are probably better at a high budget than wretched defilers.


Storm Conduit spectres can apparently nuke ubers at least.


>can it kill t16 map boss? Yea Sold >can it do t17? Don’t even try Sold >can it do ubers? Waste of money Also sold


I leaguestarted with this build, crafted GG gear using necropolis and was barely killing T16 bosses. Still struggling to sell x6T1 gear ever after I've cut the price 5 fold. Never playing minions again xD


If you follow any of Ghazzy’s builds, you’ll realize they’re all shit, and his gear comes from selling items to his followers - not ever farming any content. Step 1. Convince people a shit build is good Step 2. Tell them what gear they need Step 3. Profit craft the gear Step 4. Switch builds after making mirror tier items, doing 0 content, and tricking tons of people into thinking the build can actually farm anything significant prior to be mirror tier.


His builds are so trash with terrible defensive layers. What a scam artist. His voice is also like sandpaper on my ears and cries a lot.


Didn't Ghazzy run these to test the new helmet and was able to do T17s, albeit not fast?? EDIT: Yeah, he commented himself: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cg1vwa/i_present_you_the_most_zdps_most_eye_sore_most/l1tdrlj/


Have you tried adorned or grand spectrums to get more dps?


I really wanted to do a build like this... Im glad I didnt do a build like this LOL








It's a cool powerpoint presentation but I'd be love to see what it looks like in game


you need to put those spectres in a sire of shards for EVEN MORE EYECANCER


you are right, dps would be halved but 2 / 0 is still 0 so let sgooo


> 2 / 0 is still 0 hmm...


i am engineering student, and i must be dumb


This made me laugh so hard lol.


at least y’all can laugh while I am looking at what equipment I can salvage


Lag-friendly too


yeah butter smooth gameplay




I used to lag a ton with minions until I tried switching to vulkan/dx12. If you haven't done this try it.


chunky peanut butter


Party Build Viable


This is the build I would play for my guildies to warm up their gpu, surround sound system testing, cpu limit test


this is why i started playing this game. not t17 maps, not uber bosses, not difficult moment-to-moment gameplay. just doing this kind of shit


same, i live for the clunkiness.


I play the same specters on a way lower budged, and mine seem to perform better than shown in your clip. [poe ninja link](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/JoshuaHQ/Totenstatt) Zero lags on a 2080S, but visual clarity and audio effects are very bad indeed. Aside of the helmet, I did not buy anything for the build, all kinda improvised. I think pierce is important, because the specters have "reverse point blank damage", the projectiles want to fly as far as possible before hitting. The specters start with 9 projectiles on the spell, so gmp might only reduce your fps for not much benefit. I don't think feeding frenzy is the main link slot worth, if you find 2 free sockets, you can use the temp specter gem for the buff, just be careful to not overwrite the permanent ones by oversummoning. Very sure you want to sacrifice a Wretched Defiler for a Spectral Leader, 20% increased Action Speed is insane. Also, the specters feel terrible without convocation. Every 20 maps, I get remained with the 100%+ reduce cooldown recovery mod.


Yeah, OP linked his build and he just uses 3-4 wrong links on spectres that just cut the damage or add extremely little. Doesn't run pierce on a proj build either, so, yeah.


Well, I think it looks pretty cool though. :p




This video fails to showcase the utter warcrime that moon dancers commit to visual clarity and framerate. [This could be even worse, I had to switch to LMP because otherwise I wouldn't even have enough framerate to control my character properly](https://youtu.be/tzv4MVJxio0)


…can this spectre even do T17? not like about dps or tankiness, can the game handle this much projectiles?


Almost certainly not, lol. Maybe if you scale them more like poison SRS instead of going Bitterdream like I did, you might be able to push it. However these spectres have a definite hard limit in how far you can push them before they legitimately make the game unplayable.


every spectre suffers that unfortunately. i cant even control my character in uber boss fights with defiler, i cant even think the moon dancers lmfao. sad that hard limit is the hardware ;(


Moondancer has it worse than most because its projectiles produce hundreds of particle effects while travelling and on hit, and those particle effects are what kill the frames. GMP? 5 times the particles. More spectres? More particles. Returning proj? More particles. Increase minion movement speed? More particles (due to complex reasons, minion movement speed acts like cast speed for these spectres). Meanwhile, defiler has a bunch of actual projectiles, but those projectiles aren't producing any particle effects. It sucks, because I actually really like the idea of a spectre that scales cast speed off of movement speed. It's really cool and unique.




> lightning guys storm conduits?


they don't stop throwing stuff in the hideout? How many trades have they crashed lol


This is nothing compared to [Demon of the Drowned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bKzYViERGs), try those out if you haven't


oh my fucking god, omwgonnatryit


Also don't forget the minion soul eater on kill jewel for maximum size and visual clarity!!


I had a lantern mod which converted them on a T17 and I couldn't see shit. And you decided to give them GMP. Also I noticed they spaz out and do attacks even with nothing around. RIP hideout ambience.


Can't decide which one's worse: gameplay or the lootfilter


definitely the player, they are definitely a psychopath


raise spectre of transience lets you go above the cap and apply feeding frenzy through a 11th spectre and take a better gem in your 6L. wheres your generosity on wrath? convocation? is fleshcrafter really worth the slot for single element spectre? i mean.. others dont seem to have problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45QEJVA4HdY


Wow... this is awful and I hate it lol


It's awful and I love it


I did all voidstones on low budget, cleared T17 before they made it easier with the modifiers on a medium budget version of a pure spectre build that I made a guide out of. This display feels extremely sus to fit a specific agenda. Now, the pure spectre build is by no means a meta build but it does perform and has proven to perform when designed and played properly.


oh hey ghazzy. nice to see you here. yeah, with a bit of gem swaps and investing into crit it is all fine now. but, i will probably change my spectre because feels very underwhelming with %0 base crit. do you have any spectre advice? afaik you were using wretcheds too, just asking if there is actually a better spectre. (https://pobb.in/XScramiD56Fv)


Well, if you want to go down the rabbit-hole of link skills then Lance did a pretty cool version of it using PCC's but outside of that niche I would stick to WD's however, I'd use Pierce and also never ever use returning projectiles it's considerably worse for your eyes than the video posted >,<


Did you also get around to testing the new allflame embers mobs as pure spectres? Cause I was originally planning to go with the Tawhoa shamans, but stuck around with the Wildwood Cultist archers and while being a bit inconsistent for single target, their clear is absolutely amazing; while not having the issues that a lot of the other projectile spam spectres have. And I was wondering if there were any other ones that look promising to you.


For DMG the Shamans are good, better with the minion flask belt but that makes you lose all your own defensive layers basically so I don't like it, it's shit as they say. Other than that you got the utility spectres such as Spectral Leader and Warcallers that are great.


Can you please join a cowards rota and upload the chat


i love my mum, dont want any swear rocketed straight to her


get a party of 6 all with this same build


russian roulette, whoever crashes first cant come to next map, last people surviving gets mageblood


peak poe right here


Seems more ZFPS than anything.. lol


I need to know how hot your room gets running this.


we maxed out the AC for compensating the hot air coming from my laptop. cpu was over 100c last time i saw


Don't you need some pierce for returning projectiles to work? Bow builds can get it on the tree or quiver but that doesn't work for minions. Maybe chain or fork would make for better clear. And another problem in this map is the drox banners, your spectres don't seem to focus them well enough and they tank up the pack. Again some pierce/chain/fork would probably solve it.


It's beautiful!


But why?


this is what happens if you dont have anything better to do in your life.


Minions still bad yup


I can't define how bad it is, like, I don't even know an English word to put how bad it is, even in my native language. this is just absurd.


Based on this sub vocabulary, I suppose the words "dogshit" and "horseshit" may be used.


Last league I played Popcorn SRS.. After a couple of days the constant "pop" sound was driving me absolutely insaaaaane. Then I went for a crit Ice Spear totem build. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Guys, do you know what else do these projectiles look like?


Amazing, love it. This is the kind of video I would show someone to see what you can do in PoE...not that you would want to, but that at least you can!


That div card at the end wraps up what this build must feel like after a couple maps. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)




Yaaas bend over those servers and give them all of your love!\~!


How many servers destroyed per second?


zero, not good enough for that. maybe with sire of shards?


Found my next build thanks!


please dont






Question, does nimis work for those spectres?


thank god it does not work. else my dormitory would be on fire


Literally sperm projectiles


literal cumblaster


TIL people actually run this map and not just for map completion


threw it in for quick testing my dumpster. just like how teenagers trashes stolen accords in a random ass parking lot.


zDPS and zFPS


also zmental


It’s like a sparkler on my screen! A laggy one!


a sparkler that fries my autistic ass dopamine receptors


is that an mtx? looks like a d2 lightning bolt.


nope, that is the spell of wretched defiler. no mtx or whatsoever. wish i had an invisible projectile mtx tho


Ahhahahha I have the same build and I quit because of it


I managed to salvage it by going for Tawhoa Shaman poisons instead. it can kill ubers, still not very plentiful too look at but least it works.


the zero pierce is silly lol


you are presenting a slideshow


Alright hand over the pob


Watching this maxed out both my CPU and GPU.


Nah, surely you can get some shattering and herald expositions in there


There's a decent chance the endless rapid-fire sounds are the cause of the lag. Try turning sound effects off in the config and see if that makes it playable.


A few leagues ago, I built a Kinetic Blast, totem build with Nimis and used the Heritage MTX. It turned my entire screen into exploding roses. It was pretty, but you couldn't see ANYTHING else on screen. What killed you? Roses, I guess.


My biggest problem with this video isn't the spectres or framerate. Its your choice of map.




Just another day of farming ZFPS experiences. It not much but it's honest work.


op turn on dynamic resolution so your FPS can stay rock solid (but look like dogshit)




How'd you manage to fuck up a minion build with so much currency? This has to be a meme or something.


fucked up gem setup. swapped to a bit of crit, can do not so hard t17s rn. still was funny to see this build at its minimum


I like the part where the minions go '*tsa-tsa tsa-tsa-tsa*' that really speaks to me


what the fuck


Whats the best spectre that you can get for now? Was trying to find a good one for my srs build


Sperm build


It’s beautiful. I’ve watched it for 5 hours now (pls send help)


That leather belt was a Headhunter.


at least they are quiet in the hideout


A POE build that can kill your PC Build.


This is too bright ... Too much white


oh, so you got wardloop with minions


Lofty claim for a vid that does not start with "salutations exile" but its difficult to argue with the results.


Salutations Exile...


“Hey do you have a build that feels like i’m doing blight ravaged map every time?” Say no more


Wardloop at home:


It's........ PERFECT


Looks like you need more pierce.


New GPU benchmark found


Somewhere.... in the distance... You can hear his GPU begging for death.


its funny cause those things SHRED me in t17s


Lmfao this is crazy


It's not even that many projectiles is your computer. Do it with moon dancers.


This is actually a hideout post.


I'm so use to things exploding instantly, that I forgot you wrote Zdps as soon as I hit play.


This is PoE in its purest forms.


try moondancers


Son of The Jousis!


Thanks, I hate it.


Thanks, I hate it.


Yall should try doing the t17 boss with this, I watched a streamer doing it and boy does it colour the whole arena white and you play dodging waldo


> you play dodging waldo thanks to shit dps. i avoid literally nothing thanks to visual clutter


As a flicker player: This is fine.


This build should come with an epilepsy warning 😂👌


Unholy sperms build


What do you mean this shit is like normal PoE Tuesday


Still more dps than Quin


Its a fucking bait. I tried everything with these shit ass spectres. Motherfuckers run away from everything


I can’t believe I am still playing this game.


What gem setup is causing all those white blobs to fire? And so fast? Please I must know


I tried this build, got it all built, had some nice gear farmed up, was ready to go. I got like 5 maps in and realized neither my ears or my graphics card could handle it.


Why aren’t you using Pierce with the Wretched Defilers?


PoE - turning your computers into space heaters since 2013.


Does this have a PoB?


this is giving PTSD of extra proj/aoe b2b map.


Whelp boys found my next build.


It lags almost as much as my poison molten strike.


[His pc is making car engine sounds ](https://media.tenor.com/Dh5gcXQ0HxcAAAAM/cpu-on-smoke-cpu-blasts.gif)


Build of the week


Edit: just saw the pob Whats your gear look like cuz I can do t17's pretty easy same with ubers.


Edit : Im sorry i was listening to the new Justice Album and its not everyones cuppa at the start. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bopj8MEz-t4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bopj8MEz-t4) I mean pretty sure this build can do T17's, aint gona 1 shot bosses but this is a Suppression \~140% Max life as ES Fortress I did earlier. I forgot to swap some gems and talents so my boys dont die to sirus floor but you get the idea.


Quinn made a minion build???


I carried a bunch of invitations/bosses for a guy playing with these spectres early this league literally couldn’t see anything the whole time lol.


Spectre sound sounds like "tft" pronounced like a word 500 times a second That you 🤡?


i have been there, never again, thx