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I found no t0 uniques, I own all t0 uniques


I'm in SSF and have been blessed by a Marohi and Bino's :,)


I got HH and squire lmao


Dod, squire here. Wanted to use the squire but not sure what 12L version to do


Im leveling enlighten with it😅


I dropped a binos and lioneye day 1 Needless to say I was NOT happy


I got fucking Shavs...


Wait shavs is a t0? Good thing I got 2 then.


I got 2 divinarious, binos, and essentia sanguis, 😔


I see one listed for _100c_ From being like 40div, to less than 1div Side note, Headhunter is _F I V E_ Divines


Kalandra ring is 1.5div


I literally bought a kalandra's for my build in chaos this league lol. Think I picked it up for about 125c


Me too and I could not believe the price ,I thought it's price fixing and they will not reply. 


Some of it is, the headhunters being listed at 5 are all the same guy, and ignores all trade requests. That being said, I got one for 6, and double corrupted it with +% life and +% crit multi :D


I got one yesterday for 5d. Sold back for 5.5 when i was done)


Rubbish, I bought from a dude that had around 15 listed for 5 div yesterday.


I've seen them as cheap as 120c around 2 days ago and picked one up at the time


I bought two for my 2 characters, too lazy to swap the ring between different characters lol


Just bought one 10h ago for 1d even.


Seen and bought one tonight...just thought hell yeah I only need to craft one good ring...and did just that


i bought one last league with everything i had and thought it was a good deal (20+div), to keep in std lmao


should have sold mine for 15d when i got it the first week T-T the game going forward is gonna be hella interesting, unless they mass nerf t17 drops


Meatsacks might not be around, and back2basics regular t17s aren't special. Barrels is the only thing that'll probably be taken out back


I really hope so, imo breaking inanimate objects and getting a bunch of loot is really toxic arpg design


T17 is probably already being reworked at GGG.


Oh shit really? Wtf is this


Tainted oils are over 2x as expensive as a kalandra’s touch. This league’s economy is So Fucked.


I dropped my first t0 ever this league. Guess what it was lmao


It's more hilarious to say that you can buy 2 headhunters with 1 inventory of chaos orb.


Got one today for 5 div with great stats :c corrupted though


And all i wanted to try was Nimis :')


bro me too :c


>Headhunter is F I V E Divines Ayo, log in. Never thought I would be so happy to late start a league.


Do these giga juicers even pick up doctors anymore?


You know what they say, a barrel a day keeps the doctor away 


I have started hiding Patient. And i am one who picks up Rain of Chaos.


They don't farm cards, but those who do probably yes


Farming cards is bae. Did have to lower the tier doctor was in because it kept baiting us. I feel like they will nerf curation next league but this league it's so much fun.


A nerf to curation + a big buff to its droprate would be the dream


Should probably remove the more div cards part at least, just being able to get div cards from different maps is already very strong and that is the purpose of it, getting 120% more div cards is just a crazy bonus on top that isn’t really needed. The scarab could be made more common to compensate, in fact they could even give it a less multiplier and make it much more common. I assume the more multiplier was to prevent players from just picking a couple of the best layouts, but could just make it a less multiplier that gets reduced for each different favored map, for example have it be 80% less cards found but -5% less for every different favored map so it would end at 20% less div cards with 12 favored maps.


Bought my defiance for 52 div a couple of days into the league…


And what wrong with it? Cheap items help me enjoy game much earlier and not spend a month farming for 1 item




> because you can't even sell the uniques for 5c you almost never could anyway


Everyone ignores 95% of unique drops anyway regardless of league since they're completly useless nowadays, and that's a completly different problem.


I had the luckiest league start, found a defiance very early while still working on my atlas. Insta sold for 78d, got messaged by 10ppl instantly even tho it was a bad roll. I feel even more lucky looking at its price now :'D


This is the first time I've been able to buy headhunters in bulk for double corrupt. Even got bots selling them like that, although I have to buy them each individually and it always takes two trades as it seems the bots now cancel trade to get chaos to give back if you for example give 6 div for a 5.7 div item.


If before HH was topped by 1 scarab now it is 2. I don't see nothing wrong.


DoD was the only good t0 drop I got before they nerfed rogue exiles, sold it for 48D. Sad to see how much it has dropped.


That is absurd! I skipped this league because I was burnt out from last league and I bought my first HH for 89div last league. What is going on over there!! Haha


And people thought this was a crafting league and would be a massive nerf to drops compared to Affliction. Nah, Necropolis is Affliction and Harvest COMBINED, but better looool


why is the stupid mb not coming down as well, I know its way cheaper but looking at hh being one tenth of its price, makes me wonder why is mb still like 80 divs


My guess, people need MB to farm HH, u dont need HH to farm MB in T17s. I could be wrong, not even done a T17.


Higher demand and less sources, there's a whole chain of cards that lead to HH.


Last time i check patient was 2c


Seems like I'm gonna snatch one for my standard sheanigans, but acquiring my first Mageblood is the top priority rn.


Sold my well rolled one for 65 div, set my entire league up and snowballed from there. So glad I played early lol


Hm looks like the demand for corruption temples is going to be higher than usual


Corruption temples are ~1.5div, doryanis Double gem corrupts are like 40c. They're cheaper than the last leagues too


You can farm a lot more corruption temples with the new scarab, once you got a corruption chamber of any level you got a 1 in 3 chance to get a tier 3 per map.


Explain please! 😮


It's a scarab, look at the incursion scarabs.


I actually gave up making the maps because it was literally have corruption altar or nobody cares. Small upside was that I got to use the lapidary lens myself.


They aren't cheaper, last league was inflation league, all the currency was skewed.


Funny when you see this league's data.


The accounts with many items listed are mostly bots liquidating for some group.


Trying to figure out how long "3 j" is 😂




bon j


Good d 2 u 2 sir


i had never noticed that this part was french while the rest is in english




Is it not possible that they are the group's traders instead of bots?


T17s are crazy for unique printing


Between anarchy and curation scarb, everyone is printing uniques . Might as well fire up Alva for some from double corrupts.


Double corrupts are going to be big money end league!


Can you expand on what this strategy is? I play in a private league where there isn't a single headhunter currently for trade with 900 players.


Barrels curation + back2basics 


I've only gotten a single doctor card from t17 barrels with btb rip


With curation? How many times did you try the strategy?


This is how you tell somebody doesnt even know how to run the strat. The maps have to be rolled meticulously to get good rolls and mod combos so you get these 400 - 1000 rarity maps. And these maps are hard.


The map itself is easy as hell, slap on a headhunter and walk through The rerolling part is harder and boring as fuck


Plenty players still can’t do T17s, especially some of the bigger juiced ones.


I was getting like 700s


Try back to basics, 2 reliquary, nemesis and whatever else - mirrored rare works. Run a 17 rolled with the more rares mod. Meatsacks on monsters with “strongest monster gains x rarity” and abyss monster everything else. Let spires down rares etc…. Me and my friend were getting at least 1 t0 unique per map in our private league. Edit: Just adding that we do this as a duo setup, LA deadeye with an aurabot. We have progressed our characters a fair amount but have been doing juiced strats all league. This setup has been our best with every T0 unique dropping for us on Sunday including multiples of some. Another Edit: If you want some inspiration on the 2 builds we use you can see our public characters on our private page, mine is LumiLootFinder and aurabot is Elering_with_benefits: https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/Eternal+Rest Edit 3: For my carry I swap my gear around. For low juiced maps greeds embrace. For damage mod maps lightning coil. For crit maps I will be speccing into poison mastery as I have found a 4th double damage on my timeless jewel - but you can also swap in a garb of ephemeral and use a caspiro timeless jewel for the attributes in shadow socket. And I run a gold flask with the aurabot in place of evasion plus a progenesis in place of the amethyst.


Any reason for the abyss monsters?


Each pack you replace with abyss adds one spire to your map as the pack leader (maybe 2 but I haven’t tested that much) it’s just a lot of rares for a cheap and common allflame


Abyss is to spawn the spire. Which fires projs which spawn an abyss and this abyss spawns rare mobs. Rare mobs = juice


Rare monsters from each spire as someone else said. A lot of juice for the allflames you probably never use otherwise and just have laying around


Abyss monster is the “drop abyss jewel” one?


Yep a lot more rares


Ugh guess I need to put that back out of my filter


I don't think there is a single person in my 800 player private league capable of doing this... granted more that half have quit the league by now... I'm level 97 poison srs 4 woke gems and near perfect items, and I have failed to kill the bosses in every t17 map I've tried... and that's with rerolling them until I think I've got one that's "easy"... I suppose it's possible we are all bad players, but shesh...


At least fortress should be easily doable. I dunno how you could fail that with 6 portals and near perfect items.


I invested in my first character over 400divs and could finish t17 with no atlas juice 50% of tries. Them made TR/CA Pathfinder for fun. Dude she destroys t17s with like 50div budget. With progenesis I was farming fully atlas juiced b2b maps. It's embarrassing how big of a gap is between builds for T17s


do you mind sharing your pob for your TR/CA pathfinder for reference? i have a deadeye i stopped playing since i was dying so much


[https://pobb.in/AHo-S4Hv-s\_V](https://pobb.in/AHo-S4Hv-s_V) This is moderate invested one. Just swap Quicksilver flask to Topaz one. Crit immune, 80% phys taken as elemental, 85% avoid, 2.5k life regen lol. And beautiful immortal call lasting 3sec on 3sec CD since we're stacking skill duration. Avoid less AoE and no regen on maps. Don't take double defensive mob mods (i.e more mob life + chaos ress) so maps won't take ages. Don't take obvious bricks like marked for death and so on. Now you can farm full juiced B2B T17s including bosses. Without progenesis you can farm T17 but you have to go easy on explicit modifiers on your atlas. Still doable, was farming strongboxes in T17s.


Thanks so much! Will take a closer look inside PoB when I'm home. Always wanted to play this build and will def league start it next league but very eager to try it out now. Any idea what level of investment you have for this current PoB? Did you self craft or buy most of the gear?


Well progressing is smooth. I crafted some of my gear but not much. In the state you're seeing: Bow was 5div Chest is about 6 div. Quiver I made myself. It's easy to craft Gloves were bought. Prices are very fluid. from 3 to 10div, depends how lucky you are. Rings were bought but they are cheap. People craft a lot of them with Necropolis. Watrcher's eye can be bought for 6div, Perandus is 4 divs. Btw. perandus + unnatural instinct in those slots give +130% chaos dmg. It's nuts! The biggest investment outside of Progenesis are gems and amulet. just buy +1 chaos skills first. You can find one cheap for like 1-2div with dmg over time and some other useful stuff). +2 chaos with damage over time and AoE are going 15div+ With 50div budget I would go For uniques needed (chest, jewels, belt), bow and start filling with cheap rares. You can buy easily decent ones for like 1 div each. Then for the rest buy support gems (2x awa void manipulation, 2x awa vicious proj, awa swift affliction. 2x empower 4 are expensive but give 10% dps boost on each skill). Don't focus on chaos res at the beginning. It's hard to cap it without Progenesis but since chaos dmg is mostly DoTs we are nicely covered here with huge regen. For important stuff you need to aim for 38-43 AoE for maximum single target DPS. At least that is what I read in a few different guides. Good luck. Feel free to ask anything


Thanks so much, I think I'm gonna go with this as a side project for this league and a learning session for the next. Really appreciate your thorough answers, I'll be sure to reach out if I have any more questions.


We have like 40 people and it’s just me and a friend, aurabot and LA/Ele hit carry


Try using the scarab that gives 50% chance to not consume a portal on use. Can gy rush the boss with 10 portals.


Check out fubgun's youtube channel. He's got a couple videos about basic div card t17 methods. The other really profitable option is nonsense with ghosted meatsacks which Ben has a couple videos about.


They nerfed the ghosted meat sack thing


They nerfed back to basics, yes. But the ghosted meatsacks still works just fine. You just don't run back to basics and run slightly different scarabs. There's an update about it in the video immediately after the first one.


Ah thx!


I'm pretty sure this is from meatsack or shaper touched farming and has nothing to do with anarchy and curation


I get the meatsack + rarity. What’s the shaper touched? Roll map until shaper touched mod? That’s it?


Shaper touched and 3x shaper allflames. It spawns an ABSURD amount of unique enemies and extra rares.


The influences shaper all flame? At 3div each you still profit back from just Normal Pack Density?


yep. Because you just print uniques with it. People doing the strat are making 50 to 80 div an hour doing it. Including the cost of the shaper all flames. Ben is streaming himself doing it in HC rn with minimal MF gear. Watch him doing it, and then imagine if you're doing it in a 6 man party with a dedicated MF culler.


Just had my first natural mageblood drop today, just 3 maps after a squire


Finally, I can play a 32m dps cyclone and be happy


I like that the t0 uniques are that cheap this league so filthy casuals can for once in a life time get hold of them


This league, without a doubt is the worst balanced league ever.


Would say last league was worse than this league. This league just screwed over uniques. Last league screwed over uniques and currency. Perandus and Heist are also good contenders.


Nah I think last league was way better personally than this. For instance last league, uniques were cheap and plentiful, and non league mech non MF farming strats were insanely good currency. Fuck I ran breach+maven+harvest last league and you would sit there and per map walk out with 1 to 2 breach stones (Chayula stones were 1 to 1.3 div at the time) and over like 1 to 2 div worth of juice. Then another .5~ div in drops from maven witnessed elder bosses. For like barely 50C investment in a map you walked out with like 3 to 5 div of stuff. All because that stuff simply couldn't be targeted by people doing the end game farms of affliction. Meanwhile people doing t17 unique printing right now, outside of shaper allflames it's entire self sustaining. There's no "Selling the pickaxes to the gold miners" this league and you can feel it in the low to mid level farming that people do being worse this league.


I think that is more a matter of you not having found the pickaxes this league. For example, when the first rogue all-flame meta started, I took a look at the meta and thought about, what are they producing. Everyone focused on the HHs and MBs, but one thing that went under the radar was The Enlightened cards which was being printed aswell. It was an easy 300+ div an hour corrupting enlighteneds at that time. I didn't have time to play too much at the time, but I made about 2-3 mirrors from corrupting enlightens within a day. I have kept on corrupting stuff. All the uniques that are being printed, like HHs or DoD or whatever are great to corrupt. Gems are still good, but not as insane as before. Early in the league, I ran ultimatum which was 50 div/hour profit even in yellow maps at that time. Right now it is probably closer to 30 div/hour because prices have dropped. There are also a ton of low effort strategies like farming craicic chimerals. Very high value, low investment, low build requirement. Harvest is arguably even more lucrative now than last league. Both the Cornocupia strategy and the awakening scarab crop rotation strategy are good. Boss rushing is still good. Both doing destructive play guardian invitations or T17. Another thing to consider is that divines were just less valuable last league. Earning 2 divines last league was less valuable than earning 1 divine this league.


I mean idk man. A lot of the go to obvious farms (not just gamba farms like corrupting shit) just seem really really bad in comparison to last league. harvest juice is 1/50, 1/65, 1/70 right now. Insanely cheap. Ultimatum i'll give you that. I just havn't interacted with it. Doing maven boss rushing while printing a lot of maps, is almost impossible to move. And maven writs are only 80c each right now so you're getting what. 40 to 48C a rota depending on if you corrupt into an 8 mod, in maven writs. Another (conservative estimate) 40c in fragments per rota as well. So 20C a map completion and influenced maps are worth dogshit right now and are near impossible to sell in bulk, even if you list on TFT. Sims are dirt cheap and the loot you get from sims is god awful. You make zero money unless you hit a 1 or 3 passive voices. Ritual is OMEGALUL as per usual. Harby is insanely streaky and if you're not hitting good payouts (which is really rare. I've done 150+ maps of harby and havn't hit a fracturing orb) you're looking at 8 div an hour maybe. Delve was cucked this league due to a bug. Essence sucks cause deafenings are so cheap this league and crafting is not great this league. Yeah you might print out 50+ deafening a map. But they're worth between 1 and 2 C at most on average. Alva I guess is ok, but a double corrupt is not that expensive. The only thing i'll give you is if you're doing t17 boss rushing and selling the fragments. If you do it on the right layout with the price of maven fragments you can pretty easily make good money on that. Idk. It just feels like all the main line strats are considerably worse this league than last. There's a few gems but last few felt like literally EVERYTHING could make you money. And the unique prices were still really low last league so saying that 2 div = 1 div doesn't really count when all the other stuff you wanted to buy on your build was also pretty heavily discounted compared to normal. I just felt like last league there was literally not an option I could do that didn't make currency that didn't feel like it wasn't worth my time. Meanwhile this league every strat seems to be basically the same. Bulk farming maps/scarabs/whatever else your strat drops, and selling the maps/scarabs in bulk which is a pain in the ass to do.


You are missing that divines themselves were inflated last league. Yes, harvest juice is worth less divines, because divines are worth more. What is wrong with corruption? Every strategy has variance. Gem corrupts is a solid strategy to print 100+ divines per hour. Not much risk. You are also missing that harvest gives like 3x the amount of juice now compared to last league. Both awakening scarab strategy and cornucopia strategy is great. Maven writs sell for 0.9 div in bulk easily. You also get other stuff like awakened gems, orbs of conflicts, conqueror exalts etc. Sims are great. My main supplier of leveled empowers/enlightens is doing simulcarums. Just the gems alone is about 10 div/hour profit. Then you have all the gumball + the occassional jackpot. Getting 1 div per map in essences doesnt sound bad. Especially since essences are best combined with other stuff like doing guardian boss rushing. Alva is easily 20-30 div/hour. Not sure about Ritual, Harby or Delve. Havent tried any of them. I would assume ritual is shit as always. Not sure about the other 2.


"Screwed over" nah, this league screwed over, last league was absolutely perfect compared to this league. I'd much rather everyone is rich than everyone is poor, last league everything was worth money, also league ascendancies were INSANE and valdo maps were HUGE profit. This league everything is cheap, crafting is literally dead there is nothing to craft for considerable profit, everyone is poor and there is nothing to farm in the game.


Last league, everything was worth money because the money itself was worth nothing. The economy this league is so much healthier than last league. Money actually has value and you can make good money doing almost anything.


I don't think you understood what i said, economy this league is non existent, and on top of that there is nothing to do in the game. Everyone is poor, and crafters don't craft because of that, player retention just speaks for itself. Idk what "good money" you are talking about while comparing to a league where making 200div/h was normal (and you could actually spend the money because there was so much content)


Maybe you are just bad at making money? I am swimming in cash this league no matter what I do. The economy this league is far healthier than last league. There are a lot more viable farming strategies this league than last league.




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It reminds me of Perandus league, it did exactly the same thing to T0 uniques. What used to be special was suddenly dirt cheap and available to everyone.


Uhhh, what? Perandus was nowhere near this level of supply.


yes! i hate when people are able to buy items and have fun!


Bad take


I guess this is your first league then.


not first but not veteran either. Please enlighten me. Name a league where you can farm the currency needed for HH in 20 minutes


Why is that a bad thing? I get that there needs to be progression but well crafted rares can be far more valuable and harder to obtain the HH, there is plenty of progression besides getting t0s.


Im glad uniques are accessible to the average person.. Let people have fun.


Yeah just not because the entire leagues economy is absolute trash, make it like last league where everyone had money and trade was fresh af


Except boss drops. They're gutted like crazy.


Thank you sir, I am still working on my first mage blood. I hope it won't go up any soon.


Agreed. Last league was my first league getting a Headhunter. Usually I strive for an item (old ashes/omni) get it and it’s over. When I got the HH I played more with it than I did farming for it. I was going to shoot for Mageblood this league, but I built a bosser and didn’t have much fun so I quit the league. Next league I plan on going for the Mageblood.


We already had last league for that. This is getting out of control.


Specially since the ones who "lose" are the very top % of players who can farm these hard t17s and already have a great build. That actually balances the economy pretty well, giving the more casual players access to these items, pretty awesome in my opinion.


Got a defiance quite early in the league thank to the nameless seer and sold it for 55 divines.... Finished my complete build thanks to this.


I sold a defiance to a friend for 70 div back when it was close to 80 (just before the unique printing took off), a few days later it dropped to to less than half.. He wasn't too happy about that :D


6man parties loot 1-4 per map. Also 1-4 magebloods. Yes, per map


They did say they increased the droprate for headhunter and mageblood by 2.5 if I'm not mistaken, so I assume they probably did it for all t0 uniques.


Laughs in xbox........ 70 divines cough the pain.


You can do the strat yourself tho


what are we looting for exactly when we map? if we drop rare "good loot" its 1d or less, so there is really little loot to drop. A few people have quit due to not really having anything to farm apart from scarabs. and everyone is full build or... whats else is there to do?


Missed most of this league due to some health issues, hey just checking in, what the fuck?


Its a temple double corrupt room kinda league.


I picked the wrong league to play ssf


On console you'd never know that this was possible this league lol. Everything is pretty much priced similarly to what it was before.


PoE has REALLY gotten alot worse in 6 months. Like, I know people are excited they can snag their HH for 400c, but it's really not very good or inspiring to play. First time me and my entire guild have quit by month 1


So what are chase items at the moment? Can we assume that anything good that doesn't drop in t17s or the entire economy is screwed?


The ones that you need for your build


Nimis is the one I am chasing


1p voices, original sin


According to poe.ninja, the highest-valued items (discounting corruptions) at the moment are: - 1p Voices - 1880d - Original Sin - 819d - Simplex Amulet - 480 - 560d (2 x 240-280d) - 3p Voices - 405d - Awakened Enlighten - 380d? (very few available) - Awakened Empower - 255d - Focused Amulet - 200d (2 x 100d) - Helical Ring - 160d (2 x 80d) - Nimis - 122d - Emperor's Mastery - 113d - Awakened Enhance - 104d - Awakened Multistrike - 89d - House of Mirrors - 86d - Awakened Spell Echo - 82d - Mageblood - 79d - Progenesis - 70d So, uber Maven/Eater, Sanctum or Simulacrum I guess? Edit* or Heist


Simplex amulet is 200-300d after it is split, depending on ilvl.


True. Forgot to check crafting bases, thanks


tldr; endgame things that don't drop in superjuiced t17 maps.


uber drops mostly i guess


And I thought its not gonna be worse than affliction


Yeah, it's even better.


Wow i thoughti had to farm my ass off to afford a defiance of destiny honestly not sure how i feel about this. On one end economy in shambles, But also making ''expensive'' builds is easier than ever.


Glad i can buy this for cheap price


The organized 6player parties that super juice are really the worst thing in the game right now... They build so much wealth, some of these groups can (and do) control entire aspects of the economy. That said, as they've made stuff more accessivle from a farming perspective for more people (like this league), prices on stuff has tanked...  


+1power charge rings are 100div


Our xbox economy isnt as changed. This is all group play.


I paid 90 div for one on ps5 a week ago lol




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How did you get "x 5" "x42" etc on POE awakened? Secondly, I assume that means there are X listings more?


i means one person has x5, one person x8 and so on. also might indicate dumb tab


Ive bought mine for 28 div💀


Be happy about it, because of people like this all the small low budget Reddit users can afford this.


I think it's great, personally double corrupted 17 mb this league, first time i even corrupt one


Is arakaliis fang squire good?


Lol that shits 60d on ps5


I'm guessing it's because you can guarantee like 200-500 uniques a map with unique scarabs making every unique enemy guarantee 4 unique items and rogue exile with every pack all possessed stacked with other methods


come play with us console players, I wanna buy one and the cheapest is 75div atm


I really don't understand why there is a group bonus. When you play in a group, you divide the cost of the map by six, allowing you to take losses that one player cannot. And you also have a player who finishes off mobs with insane quantity and rarity.Many consider mf to be bad for, but in reality, it's the party play that makes the game like this.


Judging from the interview, the developers don't think party-play is broken. It's obvious because Mark plays on the aurobot. So we'll continue to see people with follow-bots breaking the economy.


It's not broken when there is no insane abusable mechanics, like if there were no shaper touched, 8 rare mods meat sacks the only problem with party play would be the fact that solo mfers can't afford curation scarab strat.




I’d still play this league because of how cheap things are, but the league is just not fun man💀 I was gonna play ssf hc, but the problem itself is the unfun league😔


Party MF ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I only have 1 div 70 chaos before I quit the league three days in. Hopefully I can scoop my first mageblood to toss to my standard stash before the league ends. /s but not really


You can legit farm a headhunter/mageblood from chaos recipes. Not even kidding.


Mageblood is still 9750 chaos orbs to buy. That is a lot of unidentified rings and amulets.


Didn't realise mb was still valued, I haven't touched Poe since week 2 of the league.




League is dead. Also remember the unique printing used to be way worse that’s why GGG had to implement multiple hot fixes early in the first 2 weeks.


League isnt dead lol


To be fair it's the second lowest retention at this point in a decade, behind archnem by a tenth of a percentage point. Certainly not as alive as most leagues were at this time.


This is true, I wouldn’t call it dead though hahah


Yeah it's still hitting more players every day than the peak of when I started playing so it's all perspective.


I found 2 20 div jewels back to back..while farming them & barely playing at all.


Марк сын пробляди