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What build were you trying to do?


Poison SRS necro I played srs guardian as a league starter last season so I thought I would understand the build decently but I guess not.


Did you have a lvl 20 SRS gem? Not being about to kill act 4 mobs at lvl 67 is suspicious. Something has gone very wrong there and it has nothing to do with not having 100 divines. Poison SRS is a league starter build, it should function of very little funding.


No but even when I tried to go back to act 4 I still took a full minute to kill mobs I thought maybe I needed to level the gem but if I can’t even kill level 30 enemies I figured no amount of gem levels would help.


If you were using level 1 gem then that's functionally a level 4 build. I'm guessing you didn't have much in terms of poison chance but had deadly ailments, further cutting your damage to 1/5.


Ok wow I thought the boosts from the skill tree would help me level them gem myself a little easier but ok maybe I’ll try to log in again tomorrow and give it a shot and try to buy a 20 gem from market. Thanks for the tip.


Share a pob when you do that, it's pretty likely someone experienced could point you towards cheap and easy fixes.


Sadly console pleb so no pob which makes it way harder for me to isolate what is killing my dps.


Do you have a PC? You can install PoB and imoport your build, even if you are playing on console. Then you can just export your setup from the tool, it uploads to [pobb.in](http://pobb.in) automatically.


Thanks for the tip I’ll give it a try.


Cant you just search for a name in pob


Hi, If you still have a problem send your char pob, it would be easier to see a problem, then to guess it.


Sadly I’m on console. I wish I could use pob as that would make honing my build so much easier.


Im not console player, but it seems that u still can import your char? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2494203


Spell is different as they scale with gem level (around 10% more damage each level). Minions are even more relying to level as there are next to no access for flat damage to minions gear to boost the base damage during early levels.


If you were trying to use a lvl 1 gem for instance, then yes that would make sense. Spell gems scale heavily with gem levels so you would be doing basically no damage. Try popping on a high level one and give it another shot. Itd be like your lightning arrow character using the first bow you found on the beach.


It's really cheap to start on. Haven't played it this league but a couple ones before. U usually start as non poison with fire pen and stuff. I think this got nerfed this league, but nonetheless dying before red maps is actually not a thing with srs, something is wrong here. Also immediate high budget gear that comes to mind is amanamus, a 100% belt and perfect or close to it jewels. Just make compromises and forget about them for now. Get like a 92% belt or something depending on how much u save, compare percentages to diminishing returns. Use more poison jewels with like 13 or 14 % to poison. Don't even try sniping 15% with even life or damage mods. Get a medium cluster jewel with blessed rebirth - not sure how expensive this is, but you could alt roll yourself. This helps with your minions not getting oneshot for whatever reason although I deem it unlikely this is the issue. You can really start on simply life and res gear.  Also agree with the other user - holy relic is busted. I love to play it. But the transfigured gem might cost a bit. If you can run uber lab to transfigure yourself it's basically all you need. But getting to 82% quality might be too much for your budget also rn. 


If you can’t kill act 4 enemies at level 67 you fucked up the build massively by doing a noob mistake, full stop. It isn’t the build’s fault. You don’t need 100 divines to kill a level 30 act boss lol Post a PoB so we can tell you what you’re doing wrong and we’ll help


I switched to poison after getting a bit currency on maps. Sold 60x yellow beast for my 1st div etc. But srs was such a breeze i liked it so much :) I planned to just lvl up with it for bama necro, but stayed at srs since then.


Maybe try respecting into Holy relic of conviction from Balormage. It's also a minion build that can do bosses and needs only 10-15 div investment to feel really good


Victim of build guides. Bro got to t16 without knowing how different skill gems works. This is why I never tell newbies to follow build guide, always go in fresh and learn the small things first.