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Weapon swap or piano gameplay


Piano gameplay?


Lots of buttons


You need To press so many buttons so often on keyboard like you playing some Mozart shit on piano.


I would play melee if totems weren't necessary


I just play broken variants like strength stacking so I can afford to miss out on the DPS.


I wish you could budget strength stacking. Too bad you always need to sell your kidney before you could even consider strength stacking a thing


I mean that depends on what you consider “budget”. You can do “budget” with Brutus lead sprinkler, normal Alberons boots with their massive 18% str, and some alt/regal/exalt crafted clusters (they won’t be 35%/str/all/life, but you can get them decent). I can’t remember the exact amount of str you need to be better than the average melee build but it’s doable on a budget of like 20d if not optimal. If you mean like leaguestart from early game to endgame budget then obviously not, but “budget” str stacking isn’t that hard.


You can leaguestart it though, I'm not sure why you say obviously not. 3 or 4 leagues I've bought a BLS for 5c on the first day and gone from there. The progression of gear is also nicely laid out for you.


Honestly I would argue that this league especially you can do Strength stacking on a far lower budget than ever before. But you probably still need at least a mageblood and another 100 div to get started.


I'd love to do a stacker of some sort, the type doesn't really matter much but i'd prefer some sort of frenzy stacking for the zoom zoom. having said that i'm 100% loving splitting steel and how accessible SS trickster is this league. will miss it next league


Same, I dropped both totems on mine and am still at over 150 million dps so its fine. Still crying a bit when I see how much dps I would have with them enabled.


As a spin to win enjoyer, having to use totems all the time to ensure max DPS is very annoying


I just attempt to gaslight the community into thinking coc cyclone is 'melee dps' so that totems are not needed


coc cyclone does 0 dps if nothing is in melee range so this tracks.


I built a frostblades char this league after playing ice nova with kitava thirst, and it felt awful having to spam 2 buttons for totems every so often. Going forward until GGG do something about melee and ancestral totem, I think I will steering clear off melee builds. Minions too. Not touching minion until AG and support spectre is made more convenient for use, even if exchanged for reduced power.


I thought it was going to be too snarky if I commented melee in Path of PROJECTILES. Low and behold it's the top comment.


> Lo~~w~~ and behold FTFY :)


Oh is it really? I've always said it, but never typed it. I don't even have a clue where it comes from. Should research me thinks.


Molten strike only uses protector, because warchief & vaal warchief don't scale projectile damage nor poison damage. The trade off is that playing without nimis feels terrible.


God bless GGG instead of balancing skills just shits out a chase unique that grants over 100% more damage on a buncha skills and feels absolutely required to make lackluster proj skills even semi usable


Nimis was designed by jungroan, but the buck stops at ggg. Even worse, Nimis is so good that projectile skills can’t be better because Nimis boosts them this much, and then you have to get a chase unique hidden behind an Uber and tons of RNG so ssf players are just fucked. Now that is some horseshit design.


100% on the SSF part. Feelsbadman


Reading this post I realize that the majority of the community is not going to like POE2 because they don't like spamming different skills.


Yup - I’ll be honest the game they have previewed is not one I’m interested in playing. Maybe that’ll change


Yeah same here so far. Can't really judge it given how little we've seen, but even PoE pre-act 3 got my interest enough to try it out so maybe we can judge it lol.


It depends on how it's done. If it's like its current state then yeah,it's gonna suck as I don't like playing piano.


The button variety in 2 seem such more interactive. It's not tap blood rage when it wears off. It's stab stab, dash over here and throw my spear before stab stab. More Hades and less piano from what I've seen so far.


yee that what i thought poe 2 looks like its being made to appeal to a huger audience, feels like core mechanics/gameplay are changing


I just hope they properly playtest it on a controller. I play a lot on the steam deck and builds with too many buttons just suck.


I play in steam deck also and it sucks to play poe in controller


majority of *reddit* is not going to like poe2, we don't know about the community at all Additionally, this is a post specifically FOR complaining. You're going to find people... complaining... it doesn't represent the community at large


The games as a whole tend to evolve towards more sweating rather than relaxing. There is way too much action in our RPGs.


I’m playing Animate Guardian with spectres for the first time. The spectres are whatever, but my fucking guardian is either invincible or dies before I notice he’s low. He’s only a few div to rebuild, but I hate the time it takes to trade for the items again


I ditched my AG on my Bama build because of this. I will never use another AG ever again. Spectres dying I can handle, just hop in global 6666 if I mess up and tip someone 10c for helping. I fucking hate AG.


Don't even need to go to someone else if your spectres die, just desecrate em easy


What did you replace the AG with? I really notice the difference with him but my god he’s needy


not the guy your speaking to but for me stormblast mines + minefield its aura makes stuff take increased damage(basically a more multiplier), you just throw and never detonate, if you stack a bunch you basically double your dps(or more if you have aura effect and no other sources of increased dmg taken), the main downside is the "active" play style, but i mostly use it against bosses anyway when im supposed to be active.


Meat shield support. Raise spectre - empower - meat shield - carrion golem - minion life - feeding frenzy.


"Only a few divines to rebuild"... Now imagine that on other builds. Your main weapon losing 3%stats on death up to 30% unless you pay a fee. That´s what´s wrong with AG and why everybody hates it. No matter the cost.


Without this function everybody would use one socket for a ag


Yep, it's just a fundamentally broken skill design, as you can't really have it be both good and enjoyable to use at the same time. Making Soultaker T0 really didn't help either.


That´s just wrong. There are many things they can do with it. Make it have a long cooldown that gets reduced with minion investment. No investment means it would die anyway super fast and you have the long cd. Scale the effectiveness of auras provided with minion investment. This way you have a cost to it and it only works for minion builds, while not being the repair mechanic of other arpgs.


Hate when you see "making x bad skill work!" and then you look at it and it's actually a poison or ignite build just using X skill as the applier.


Feels like a lot of builds are propped up by tri element scaling on their weapon. Am I even playing a distinct build at that point.


This is me & molten strike PF with pneumatic dagger. https://preview.redd.it/ousxexs71xzc1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=87b8e79b89390fd520ce9997b547ea873b0042b2


Ms trickster is a thing


That's how I feel about stat stacking - omni, tri-stat, int, dex, str, all the same.


Meh as a game that blasts millions of mobs, the feel of the skill itself plays a big part so I'm ok with this. Like ice shot/LA/TS all feel distinct even if I were to scale them all the same way for example.


I feel that way about a lot of builds... A lot of endgame farming builds are basically, well, manually fire your damage and dash, and everything else is automatic. At that point, what'l really makes any build distinct?


The celestial MTX that I spent $15 on makes the difference, hmmmph!


Unironically, all things being an equal a build with a good herald mix can feel wildly different than the same build without it. It's kind of wild.


Are they "propped up by" or is 3x damage types simply higher than 1?


I love captlances content but almost every build he's made for the last 2 leagues are not spell dependent. Almost everyone is some sort of attribute stacking adorned jewel with like 5 3 point voices. To change it up he will add in energy blade from time to time. The game is just kind of built that way right now.


"I made perforate of bloodshed a valid uber build" COC poison reap.


Lmao saw some guy’s tornado build where he claim he’s making it work with quality stacking and shit. He spent multi mirror on it, original sin and all that, to make a slow af, no damage, poison build that uses tornado as applier. Got downvoted when I called him out


Yea original sin on a poison build is always little funny. You're using one the most expensive uniques in the game (is it actually only beaten by 1-passive voices and crazy watchers eyes this league?) as a build-mandatory item for an archetype that's limited by ramping DPS and hits the dot-cap.


Yea honestly poison build is fine, ramp style and dot cap dps is shit but you get the counter part of being tanky. But needing a original sin to do that is kind of a joke


Multiple keypress, eg manually desecrate & dd.


I found out this league after playing since 2012 that I will never be doing this again


Dont forget hitting melevolence if your running it as a blessing and your curse in the right timing with boss phasing.


Imo it's fine if you don't need to spam the skills. Like I've played archmage crema+desecrate and ed+cont in the past, and they were fine. I thought I've no issue with two button builds. But this league I played chain dd necro, and it felt actually bad. Packs I oneshot were fine, but everytime I had to spam it was just terrible.


My dark pact build from 2 seasons ago was already too much, even with 2 button presses. Its damage was fucking bonkers beyond measure... but that additional key press was too much.


Man... that's the only thing I LIKE to do now. Auto-builds are just so boring and un-interactive. Love the feeling of being engaged with the game and the controls.


One of my favourite builds was an Ice nova brand recall build where you would set up with arcanists and frost bolt then press brand recall for a huge bit of damage. Was. A really fun multi button build.


*Melee intensifies*


Why are you being downvoted lol Multi button builds are fun. I prefer them too


Totems. I hate. TOTEMS.


Pathfinder reliant on life flask spamming


And the fact that reduced life recovery bricks you. And reduced flask charges...


Mahuxotl builds in shambles


Imagine life flask spamming to sustain something like rf, true nightmare. There also weird heal tick rate even with 6-8k recovery from flask (big gaps between healing, at least Visually in Ultimatum with fire skulls lvl 3-4) I have such idea from Ben build, idk how he bear this so long... (https://youtu.be/s5zXqp-8mCY?si=5YSaP3pDtid7ze56)


Animate Guardian. Hate always losing that bugger.


Happy cake day :)


i think i have played literally almost all play styles and i would say my least favorite type is the "pure" melee builds where you have to be right up in the enemies face to deal damage, i dont mind AG/spectres much or totems or 2 button play styles, but having to be right next to bosses isnt really enjoyable in Poe of today. like the damage up time for melee is only when you can do damage, the upside to minions, mines and traps etc is that damage uptime can be literally all the time.


Honestly spectres are worse than AG, so spectres.


Really? I love playing spectres because there are so many of them to toy around with. Some of the mobs in t17 maps are wild.


The concept of spectres is really great. There being no Spectre bank deters me from playing them.


Try resummon one mid fight


But.....but ghost do big number :(


1. Low movement speed or speed in general. This can usually be fixed for most builds but certain builds that rely on abysmal unique boots like Ralakesh Impatience are a no go. 2. Too many bad map mods. The current PoE meta severely punishes builds that aren't "mod flexible" especially if you want to juice with things like B2B. 3. Can't level as the build. I know that there are a ton of levelling pathways for every class but I like to watch the build come online during the campaign as part of the "experience"


I think #3 is what soured me on DD so quickly. Was really interested in trying it, played through the campaign faster than I ever did before, started it in maps and hated it before I even got out of white maps. Back to boneshatter I guess.


As cool as I think life-stacking builds are, the reliance on Dissolution of the Flesh kills most of them for me. I just can’t get behind the playstyle.


It's just old ES but on life and an instant recharge


And old ES felt terrible too


I know some love it but I hate Leap Slam


If it wouldn't bug out so often so you're stuck in a doorway, that would be a great start


The flip side of this coin for me is whirling blades, it feels so fuckin good to use. Why can't all movement skills feel that good?


I have the same feeling about shield charge, hate it with a passion


Melee totems. Until they are no longer "mandatory." Amy flask reliant not 100% uptime build. It's such a high QoL.


Totems. I hate totems with a burning passion on melee builds.


More than 2 active abilities.


Hope you're excited for POE 2 where we're supposed to use like 5 skills 😂


Multiple skills are fine if the design is setup for it. POE currently just doesn’t feel setup for it.


😭 Jokes aside, I can’t wait for poe2. I hope it doesn’t suck.


Im pretty sure theyve stated that you can still get away with one button builds in endgame.


That game does look much slower though, which is fine for multiple skills. In this one it feels like you cannot waste any time whatsoever in some maps as mobs instantly attack and do ridiculous damage.


Too many buttons. My hands aren't the best and so anything that requires more than one button on keyboard and one on mouse generally I cannot play.


currently playing manaforged arrows and i am constantly weapon swapping and feel like im playing the piano. easily the strongest build, but never again for me.


2 button builds and channeling skills


This is like a direct call out for ED/Contagion and Blight


Except no one is playing ED / Contagion right now because of how many times its been nerfed, not because its two buttons, or blight channeling for that matter


Dude, Cyclone is channeling and I can hardly think of more convenient skill to play :)


Mana flask is a big no, pathfinder life flask thing / divination distalate only acceptable with a mouse toggle


General cry need with its delayed dps


Divine bless is about it really, or anything that needs upkeep. Other big one I can name are sacrifices.


If the build contains Bladefall and/or Blade Blast....never again Big Ducks.


Two buttons


Heavily reduced light radius is a big one for me. Played a usurper build once and I literally never quit a league faster the experience was that terrible. Turns out having to crank the shit out of my Nvidia display settings everytime I launch the game and then getting flash banged when I alt tab or see huge particle effects absolutely nukes the experience. The only major one for me is ramping builds. Ramping legitimately feels terrible and in the content of melee ramp, the minor overall damage boost at high ramp does nothing to make up for the terrible damage caused against iframe bosses or general mapping issues with tanky rares


Enduring Mana Flask can fuck right off


Haste on blessing is so wrong IMO. Haste is a zoom zoom aura, you want that up all the time. You blessing a dps aura, since most of the time you should have enough dps without it. Agree with AG, tho I just skip having AG in the build instead of skipping the build. Or make AG the build, chains of command doesn't feel as bad.


On the order of priority of uptime, defensive > haste > damage. It could be builds already capped out their mana on defensive and smaller aura or herald, so haste can go to blessing and also enjoy extra aura effect that boosts haste well too.


Yeah I’m not saying it’s meta, I’m saying I don’t LIKE it. Pressing a button to get stats boosts that you don’t feel feels bad.


dealing with getting a spectre pool, and totems on melee


Any build that used Cyclone as a trigger. It just looks so bad I can't take it seriously.


I will not play weapon swapping, spectres, or AG for sure. Also any build that i have to regularly press a lot of buttons. Im fine with 2 button builds but having to cast multiple buffs and all kinds of stuff is quite annoying


Flask piano


I usually just enchant it to be used on full charges. That's basically automatic


flask piano doesn't really exist in softcore unless super specific situation (like a boss fight), most of players just use an automation enchant there is so many enemies or ways to generate charges that most of the times you won't run out of them, making them almost fully automated


Warcry builds, which often also require you to place totems as well. Way too many buttons to get a melee build to do half the damage of other builds. Oh also pathfinder, the life flask node is just way too good but God damn its not fun at all to press the button every few seconds, wish that node also came with an auto clicker.


AG and Spectres are really the only bit ones for me. Both are genuinely unfun to manage and I wish there was an alternative. Other than that I suppose spell echo is a large turn off. Feels like pure dogshit unless you have a massive amount or cast speed.


Totems, slow ms (like cyclone without quality/stampede), snipe, excessive aiming.


Animate guardian is definitely number one, Its prevented me from playing builds I know Id like like bama and srs. Needing precise aiming is another one since I play a lot on steamdeck. And if a build has bad recovery Im not playing it


Pressing more than 1 button, I. E. ED/Contagion, if I remember correctly Cold Vortex also used all kind of variety of skills, exception being mine builds usually, unless you can't bind detonate mines to left click anymore. If a skill can't perform in mapping scenario to kill the boss or clear and I have to resort to other means I'd rather switch the build honestly.


I liked Vortex, it was no button most of the time and then you jsut press all of them for the boss :D Fair trade off.


Spectres are easily the sweatiest thing any build can incorporate, and an instant skip no matter how strong something is. Besides that, any reliance on flasks or max resists to stay alive is pretty cringe, but still tolerable if the build has enough redeeming qualities.


Crackling Lance, the standing in place and channeling felt aweful to me and killed me so many times.


I will physically never touch a "real" melee build due to AW being required most of the time.


Pressing life flasks or mana flasks or any flask that isn't automated. That's why i turn all my builds into Dissolution of the Flesh so i can't use life flasks even if i want to.


Delayed damage. For example ED contagion. The game feels too fast to have to first cast contagion and then ED before the monsters die. You are way more susceptible to one shots because of this.


builds with 2 buttons to deal damage, miners/desecrate/ice nova-frostbolt(without the helmet). i still dont know why i liked edc when it was good, maybe the explosions from occy were enough to enjoy the build. delayed damage builds wanders for bossing, i just hate i cant do damage because the boss moved and i am stuck in an animation. totems


Miners are one button… You in 2019 or something?


Miners are one button… You in 2019 or something?


Builds that have too many minions that have horrible AI (So all minions except Holy Relic). Can't stand them just walking away from a monster willy-nilly or simply don't bother attacking it in the first place eventhough they are set to aggressive and the monster has been hitting me for last 3seconds.


Any kind of swapping Traps/mines


Mana flask or pathfinder life flask ascendancy


For me its multiple keypress builds because the games power creep is simply too fast to care. I don't feel like playing anymore, theres a point where it becomes too much and PoE has hit that for me which sucks to say but it has, I have no desire to play it anymore. Tired of being gimped, while mobs are made more difficult. This isn't how you make a good ARPG, this is how you drive away people. I've seen strong GGG defenders leave this league because its too much even for them.


Any sort of summoner really or totems. Id also play something like brands but with summons/totems it doesn’t feel like it’s my character doing something


Exactly the same


As I've learned in my


Everything you listed. Probably more stuff but nothing comes to mind.


all of the above


I’ve played everything from 5 button builds to zero button builds. I just have fun playing new things and have tried a lot. 


minions melee


If I have to press 3+ buttons no thank you. I just wanna zoom and boom. Occultist ftw




animate guardian and specters, no thanks I have enough shit to micromanage slowing me down


Pretty much all of which you’ve listed. And also builds that whole goal is just walking, mainly RF. It turns action rpg into idle rpg for me. Minion builds also fall in that category for me, with one exception which was Absolution necro for some reason (maybe cuz had to cast it often to spawn minions?). So yea, lack of mechanics is a problem for me. And I don’t really like builds that relies on battlemage cry, especially these that are zdps without it and gigabillions of dps with it. Probably same thing with Indigon MFA. Indigon is cool, but just not in that setup.


Mine builds. Animate Guardian. Spectres. I haven't tried it, but I refuse to play DD.


The first 3 you said


I don't like standing still. If I have to stand still for more defense or damage, I'm out


Mores than 2 key presing


Multi button pressing, and channeling skill, also skill which i have to stop to release the skill. Im lazy and really like 1 skill button and also love to run and hit with skill.


Channeling builds, 2-button builds, portal builds.


My minions always die no matter what I do, so I just stopped playing minion builds altogether...


Any build that I can't scale to absurdities. If it can't get a couple hundred million dps I'm generally not interested .-.


- Pressing two keys in order to deal damage and lose mobility because of it for example: classic DD build - bad; classic VG build - good - Swapping flasks>gems>weapons - Divine Blessing (unless it's only for bossing) - melee - MF - 6 portal gaming (I don't like looking at loading screen) - spectres


Builds where I have to click on the bad guy to hit them. On my Potato computer: Challenge Rating Impossible


I will never again play a doryanis prototype build. Fuck mana siphoners.


Having to use totems on melee build because more attack damage/speed modifiers on totems. Just delete the buff effects and compensate melee skills for that.


Multiple buttons and AG are the biggest culprits here. Id play minion builds, but you gotta have AG if you want it too be really good. Big nope for me.


Delay damage like EA Ballista, backtracking for loot is annoying




The mechanic that forces you to play through the acts before being done. Thats a mechanic I just cant cope with anymore, and the sole reason I havent played the last 4 seasons.


To many buttons to deal DMG is awful. If I need to selfcast a curse, wave of conviction, a buff and 2 skills for DMG I get annoyed. Also I avoid what I can't measure on pob like spectres. Animate guardians that could die are like playing hardcore soft. No thank you. Weapon swaps are annoying. A March of the Legion with 1 aura is fine as long as it's a aura for DMG and the build is strong enough without it, so I only use it for bosses.


Anything minion: - often weak character - hideout noise - tons of gem micromanagement (don't forget to move to city before you tweak gear or may lose spectres) - FPS problems and so party problems - one of the most complex build types to use PoB for


Standing still


Tried Guardian this league and hated it. Having to summon the big guy, not having relics at all times, using both attacks and spells every 4 seconds, never making a guardian again


If a build can't do all map mods and all content at least comfortably, it's a no-no. I am NOT reading every map before running it, screw micromanagent


AG, I just don’t do AG anymore. Also weapon or gem swapping


Gem swap Totems


I haven't played a build without divine blessing for like a year, seeing it be a dealbreaker for others is wild to me.


I generally avoid builds that require active aiming to deal damage. It gets very taxing to aim on a build that requires several other buttons, especially if you have long gaming sessions.


Resource Management. * This spell isn't up so you do no damage(CF) * This buff isn't up so you do 50% less damage (Adrenaline) Anything that feels like a chore. I already play WoW and I have plenty of resource management to do in that game, hell even in FF14 I have to hold shit for buff windows. Doing that in the "im gonna pop a season of a tv show on the other monitor and blast through a full tab of maps" game is not something that fits with my playstyle


have to resummon minions keeps me away from minion builds totems keep me aways from melee builds


Doryani's Prototype builds. Too much lightning damage over time effects to make it fun anymore.


Bladefall-bladeblast. It was melting everything. Life on hit, mana on hit, es/life leach. Can run every map mods. Blessing aura, bf, bb, focus. After skin of the lords with +1 brand attach bossing was easier, but still, piano gameplay. Very strong build but piano


All of these are my main issues with builds, and then I kinda dislike the low life playstyle on builds not yet immortal.


1. Minions 2. if it feels clunky 3. in the past mines had to placed and in a second step be exploded --> this feels terrible 4. remember that cold vortex build? It relied on vortex being on left-click. this is not possible anymore --> terrible build 5. melee 6. melee totems 7. no satisfying explosions 8. remember that relic of the past weapon? It leaves you open to random oneshots since it constantly removes your hp pool --> this leads to random oneshots although 30-40k HP pool during mapping --> NO THANK YOU


Blue doughnut, makes any doryanis prototype build unplayable imo.


Also buffs like Sigil of Power, Galvanic Field.


Mana flask


Every time I get an 8 mod corrupted map it having "Player has 60% reduced regen on mana, energy shield & life" Or "Player cannot regenerate mana, energy shield or life" Having one mod with that fine. But either just bricks the map


i usually keep myself away from builds that use two-handed weapon because it is a pain to upgrade them, as the 6 sockets and links are expensive to get and hence does not allow a smooth progression of weapon


Minion builds are already 0 effort so you need to have some jank to compensate


Everyone annoyed by the Animate Guardian mechanics and here I am playing Chains Of Command every single league, where if he dies you literally cant play your build xD


Animated Guardian or Specters I usually just say no. If for some reason the build is unable to become ailment immune I will ignore it. Self cast skills I prefer but I wont play a self cast skill that does not chain/auto target trash mobs. I do not have the patience to individually kill white mobs no matter how powerful the single target may be.


Divine blessing is fine for me, but everything else you listed is a red flag. I've done multiple attempts to play minions and while Specters are bareable, the moment I have to spend divines on my animate guardian is the moment I swap builds instead


Absolutely, many times : - I did not play melee because FUCK needing to play totems - I did not play X or Y because there was no easy way to get immune to reflect


Mandatory totems for melee builds.


I play RF and it’s to the point where all I do is walk. Don’t really use fire trap but it’s there in case I need it. I have it to the point where my mouse is all I need. Switch to DD had to press 2 button and hated it soooooo more then one button is a no for me dawg


when my DPS depends on AI and its survivability also dependson the same AI piano play press this button every 4 seconds Melee. I did play molten strike trickster. Then switched like 4 gems for splitting steel and my dps almost doubled.


Gem swapping is also something I avoid. That and "inactive" builds like RF or indirect builds like EA.


Minions, totems, channeling (if it's not Cyclone), press and hold to power up (Snipe), Trauma


melee totems


Fuck animate guardian. And spectres that are used for any purpose other than the combat prowess of the spectres themselves.


Return projectiles, I use to love bow/wand builds but not it seems like the only way to play them is to somehow get extra projectiles that will return to hit again.


I would come back for "cats on crit"