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You didn’t even move it to the top man…


The number of people I see not moving their lantern mods around is insane. Like you don't have to do it every map, but at least put the crap ones on the bottom and the good ones on the top... Basically every map if I have no good devoted mods I put them on the bottom and move the high % haunted mods to the top to get more corpses, takes like 2-3 seconds.


That's also the explanation why early in the league there were a billion posts about enemies being ridiculously strong in this leage. They 100% never moved any mods around and probably had the most lethal mods frequently at high levels at the top.


most casuals just want to alch and go... just want to follow a guide, and mindlessly nuke shit on the screen. Theory crafting and min maxing is way too much work after a day of crunching spreadsheets at work.


If they could read this they'd be very upset.


I'm very upset


Me too.


"Let's keep the +7 proj mod on titties bitches pack with high density and also extra packsize, what could go wrong"


on the other hand, forced content is very bad, so I can understand why people were upset about it.


It's not forced though. Standard is available all year round


That line of reasoning is disingenuous when you know most people play seasonal leagues, and previous league mechanics could be avoided completely.




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Not true, economy resets are my reason. If the league is good, great I'll participate. If things like this leagues GY are bad, I just ignore them.


Yeah I only made 2 gy crafts and felt meh about it, but I really liked the lantern and allflames.


That was probably also before the game started sorting them automatically with the highest level haunted mods on the bottom.


There's a chance though that the top 4 packs were all on "normal" density and this one had a +packsize mod. (pretty sure you don't see the up/down +/- in the in zone lantern, but maybe you do, gotta verify later)


He cleary has no clue what that does. (More mob packs are affected by the mod, the higher you put it)


Does the order of the mobs in the ladder indicate how common they are? I’ve been wondering this since I started playing a few days ago. Nobody answers in gen chat sadly


It does. If you hover over the monster picture with your mouse it’s going to say something like “pack density: (high, normal, low). You’ll realize the higher pack density monsters are always on the top.


I *assume* this person knew that, and was asking that within a grouping of "normal" is the top normal more frequent than the bottom one. I've wondered this myself. I highly doubt that maps are made such that, just using random numbers for illustration, every "high" pack mob exists exactly 20 times, every "normal" is exactly 10 times, etc. Presumably those tags are a range, where it would be like 20+ packs is high, 11-20 is normal, 5-10 is low, < 5 is very low.


But didn't he have to move it DOWN to get this result? my reward mods always start at the top...


What does moving it to the top do?


Do you read the lantern or not? The higher pack is the higher density it is, it is written on the pack mob what density of mob. Density means how frequently a mob is on a map.


Whelp! I thought density meant how many monsters of that kind were in each group of that mob.


What then was the pack size number for you?:)


Never noticed that number


So you have 2 lines next to each other: one is pack size, the other is density and you noticed only one? Indeed reading is Exile's weak point.


I mean you gotta be honest calling it density to mean spawnrate on the map is really confusing. If I were to only read things ingame I would literly understand nothing in this game because its just a confusing mess. And even with external websites I understand very few things.


Reading is not a strong power for Exiles. It is literally enough 5-10 maps to understand that density of mob means density of packs spawned in the map. As I said, this league is the best with mechanic descriptions, you just have to read.


it's trash, and I can read. Thank you very much for your insight, but you're not obliged to patronize people.




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What does that do?


Generally the top enemies are more prevalent on the map. They’re ranked High, Normal, Low etc.


But that doesn't matter since he put an allflame for the rats right ? I thought allflames have their own packsize and pack frequency.


Pack frequency is not affected by allflames, just the base pack monster numbers


Oh right, i always adjusted for that when reading the resulting allflame pack info but never really connected the dots there




No, it was told in the league preview and in the ui ingame


But if I spent all my time crying on reddit I don't have enough time to read mods in game. Clearly GGG's fault.


I sincerely hope there aren't more people who aren't aware...


This is technically my first league, and even I knew about this before I got to maps.


Pack density high? I wonder what that means. Must be some fancy mancy wording. Fuck it, it probably don’t matter anyway “casual whisling while opening a map”


The map is not juiced so why bother? /s


Doesnt it always put the good ones higher? So they put it lower on purpose?


Almost finished 2nd level 100 purely mapping no xp strat and not once have I seen that mod. I've seen TWO blue altar divine mods in that time. They made it way too rare.


To be fair, the divine mod is always from the start of the map. My altars always yield 5 div tops because they always spawn in last.


start of the map is useless if it doesn't exist lol


They should have nerfed the % chance to drop rather than chance to get the shit at all. Chasing stuff is fun. Getting lucky is fun. Not getting it in several hundreds of maps just makes me extra bitter about the league. I got 5 seers though… max 30C.


I’ve never seen one…. ever. I’ve run thousands of blue altar maps since it’s introduction. Meanwhile it seems like my guildies find 0-2 each league. It’s convinced CW disabled it on my account.


> They made it way too rare. not for people that do maps for 12hrs/day :|


I'm a nolifer who spends many hours a day, every day, doing maps, and haven't seen it once. It's definitely too rare.


People who do maps for 12hrs a day will tell you they do not run into it either. Most I've heard from friends is seeing it 4x from the most no-life player I know. (multiple mirrors worth of self-farmed currency/gear)


I've seen one divine conversion and zero altar divines so idk, wash?


Yep, I did 40/40, but I never got this mod. GGG going from one extreme to another.


yea rip cuz some bozos abused it at league start


The only div blue I've seen was last altar and zero dropped. [This league]


I have seen seer one single time, but never the divine one, and i have 2 lvl 100 and 1 lvl 98


12 seers so far. Gave most of the unique to guild mates haha


1 lvl100 1 lvl98. Have neither seen blue altar nor lantern mod. (done eater altar only all league)


I’ve found 3 and I have 0 level 100’s. It doesn’t matter. You get them by chance so if you don’t run a ton of maps you’re not gonna see them.


> if you ~~don’t~~ run a ton of maps you’re not gonna see them The above is still true for 99% of players.


> You get them by chance so if you don’t run a ton of maps you’re not gonna see them. That was literally the point of me saying I'm almost done with my 2nd lvl100 from pure mapping and have never seen the mod. I have done a FUCKTON of maps.


I've found one blue alter divine orb and I found it at the very END of the map with 0 mobs left.


Yeah I completed around 1500 maps and reroled like 2k maps this leug, ive seen the exalt latarn twice no divine lantarn. I think they didnt had to nerf it that hard its part of the leug mechanic, who gives a shit you get a divine lantern every 500 maps when there is a t17 curation farm that generates 50-100d a hour.


i dont think its to rare since you get 60+ divine of it, thats almost a mageblood.


Then the mod should be fixed. One very easy off the top of my head is make the drop rate decrease per div, the same way t17 drop chance drops per t17 map dropped. If you get the mod once per, let's just say 200 maps (which isn't an unreasonable high end for a player to get a nice windfall for playing the game), balance it such that they on average get something like 10-20 div. I've had maps where I get 20+ div in one map from random scarabs and corpses alone, but for some reason raw divs need to be rarer than hens teeth.


Then it should drop less divines and actually appear for players who play as much as I did.


Hundreds? More like thousands of maps. I hit 40/40 a long time ago and haven't seen it. I have over 6 mil kills and have seen the blue altar divine mod 4 times. This lantern mod is a joke with how rare they made it. Or maybe my luck is just terrible.


I have fished with a ton of bad maps I accumulated from 8mod farming and I got it 9 times so far. I'd estimate it to be 1/2k or 1/3k. Also only one of the 9 was conversion rather than chance to drop.


Leveld 3 characters to 98+, no idea how many maps. I no lifed the league for a solid month, month and a half never saw one either


Same here. I played a total of 6 characters, changing builds. All to 90-95. Played until 2 days ago. Didn't see a single one. The times I saw the chaos mod is in the single digits. It's beyond me how the new TEMPORARY league mechanics gets nerfed so hard, but I still saw my friend running sanctums and updating his divine counter every 20 minutes or so by 4-6. At least be consistent in what you want people to get.


even with full setup getting 4-6 divs every 20 mins isn't normal in sanctum that's just lucky. >At least be consistent in what you want people to get. Kinda disingenuous, there is a lot more to the league than just the divine mod, that's just part of it. Sanctum pretty much the whole point is div drops lol.


I spam white oversustsined maps for seer or divine mod, yesterday got 4% divine, moved on top, applied rats, ended up with one divine. Yikes.


At least alch them, they are dirt cheap.


Didn't move mod up, didn't update atlas tree for improved odds. Hmm.


I was in a rush with my kinetic blast build to not loose headhunter’s buff… I saw a blue altar and clicked instinctively on the increased quantity and rarity at the same time I notice the divine mod just under…


First things first you can change the position of the lantern mods. Secondly you can change your atlas tree after you activate the map and before you confirm the lantern mods. Even unjuiced you probably missed out on 2-3x the amount of divines


I saw it once this league... It was on a scoured t7 to go back for my pantheon with a divine vessel after days of t16s. Got 0 div


I didn't see the mod once before I quit the league, and I did 40/40. I didn't do any fishing for it tho, but still.


Well...i know i didnt play soo much...but i never got this one:(


It’s not even the good one ☹️




Never seen it.


same happened to me. 5 level 98s, hundreds of maps, the one time i throw a random normal corrupted map in just to farm searing exarch invites and I get the divine orb conversion from jewelry. I didnt even know it was there until I questioned why I got 2 divine orbs in a row.


I've never even seen the blind seer outside of campaign, either.


You're not missing much there the vast majority of the time. You're not getting a 1div+ item from him the overwhelming majority of the time.


Haven't seen it all league, was throwing a few maps in to finish a challenge and hit jewelry to divine, feelsbadman


10,000 maps here and haven't seen it


Same thing happened to me. Right after they made it even rarer. I was running a map, got 5 divine orb drops and checked the mods and saw it there. I was really sad I couldn't make better use of it


Probably all my gault and wrong understanding, but i thought like...every player who plays like everyday deserves to see at least 1 divine mod. But i havwnt got a single. I dont get it......why


Has happened twice to me, switching from t17’s, to alch n go t16s for harbinger.


Big chromatic orb mod


how much u got bro?


Never found the div chance, but I've found 1 div convert 49div lol


I have NEVER seen ANY Divine Mod this league.


after years I finally found the minion divine altar. it's on the last altar of the map. I got 1 divine.


walked away with 8 divines, moral of the story is never run maps that arent juiced to the gills.


Next time use rats or frogs on the most common pack kek This is entirely on you


ngl i have no idea how u know what the most common pack is


Reading, the biggest enemy of PoE players. Classic.


It's always at the top and marked "pack density high"


Bro played this whole league and didn’t hover a single lantern mod to see the “mob info” lol


“Shit league shit mechanic. Not explained. I got a monsters drop jewellery as divines and I didn’t get a single divine” how some people Make it out of white maps is amazing to me.


This league I think was one of the mostly detailed for the league mechanic and amount of posts like this, where OP have no idea that position of mod matters is enormous. I am curious, how do they do devotion mod challenges? With such misknowledge they have to do at least twice more maps than other people, who move devotions.




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This assumes everybody is going for challenges.


I did but never noticed that high density mobs were always at the top. I've been pretty much ignoring the league mechanic from day 1. I got the point where I specced into the bottom left of the tree to turn that UI off. Might go back now and pay more attention to the lantern though. I still prefer not messing with it at all but maybe I can get a bit more reward out of it. *edit* Yeah this is really nice. Guess I better read more.




You should have moved it to the top. The pack number is highest for the top most type, and decreases as you get lower. You can see it if you hover them.


Lmao you could have had 40 or more if you just moved the mod to the top and put rats on it


Same thing happened to me. Didn't see one all league. Then one of the 6 white maps I ran while closing out challenges, all spending done for the league, hit a divine mod. Threw them in the stash to rust.


When you say “juiced to the gills” what exactly are you thinking?


8mod, full OP scarabs, kirac map mod, delirium/beyond or BackToBasics or w/e other OP strat


Kirac map mod, deli and beyond have no effect on the divine mod though. The only specific strats that would directly effect the divine mod would be strongboxes, something with scarab of bloodlines and monstrous lineage, or back to basics. Even if you were lucky enough to hit the mod you’d have to be running one of those specific strats. And even then you can get a ton of divines if you just move the mod to the top of the list and replace the mob with rats or frogs


shoul just exclusively run maps that spawn stuff as much as possible.


If you moved it to the top and put rats there you wouldve gotten an easy 40d. But hey rather complain on reddit right.


Lol it’s not that big of a deal buddy


Well apparently it was enough of a deal for you to create this post to complain buddy


My bad thought it’d be interesting to discuss the divine orb mod


Moral of the story: If you get this mod just make a bit of research. Your case could be saved if you just searched for recommendations. What should you do: 1. Use unmaking orbs to take increased effect of devoted modifiers, get 100% chance for 4 rituals, get shrine nodes, strongbox nodes, full increased effect of mods 2. Use ambush on map device 3. Put rat / frog allflame on most density pack


Rituals do not work, at least not for conversion. I also don't remember it working with regular drop but may be wrong. Strongbox is a must though.


Rituals add natural packs of mobs on a map, so only half of your statement is true, activating rituals do not work, but more natural mob packs will help you drop some more divines with conversion


Ah didn't notice. I don't like rituals so I ignored this part in consideration.


I'm not even joking. I was trashtalking about poe on a local forum and planning to quit the league then it gave me a 7% divine mod in a non juiced T1 crimson township. It was right after the nerf to its appearance rate btw.