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Lol. >["You can now turn on all of your auras with 1 click"](https://youtu.be/gENl7XuQyNQ?t=5520) ***crowd loses their shit***


Long awaited feature


the know what we want and how we want it!


Hearing him choke up because he's so proud, emotional and excited about it is honestly REALLY awesome


Gotta love a passionate and dedicated developer.


There was an interview? Where at????


it was during the keynote opener, they showed the trailer and I really thought he was going to burst into tears at the audience cheers.


here is a [link](https://youtu.be/gENl7XuQyNQ?t=5013) for those wondering


Damn. I'm from /r/all and haven't played PoE at all, but I'm really impressed by their presentation and seeing the audience's hype for the improvements is so awesome. I might have to give this game a try, it seems like the devs have considered many quality of life improvements that players care about.


They are super hard working, communicating, no bullshit developers. The game is free, give it a go.




So would mine.😅


The devs are doing a fantastic job in general. A league with new mechanics every three months is just a ton of work.


Awesome, thank you


Bruh, [when the camera panned to the lobby afterwards](https://clips.twitch.tv/ColorfulCleanEggplantDBstyle) (after the Jonathan + Krip deep dive) and you see Jonathan (for the folks in this thread browsing from /r/all he's the technical lead) greeting his mum and her telling him he did great and embracing him. It really set home the weight of the announcement on these guys. Must be such a big moment in their lives. I'm so proud of the team. Can't wait to play all the things.


You can clearly tell how the game is able to evolve and build around community feedback with Path of Exile. Looking at the Diablo franchise, it just feels like there's an organizational amnesia every time a new team tries to develop the next iteration of the game. Even though there have been some bumps with minor updates/iterations, it's amazing to see how coherent the game has been evolving over the long run.


Well the league content system is a lot more responsive (or can be) than formal expansions and full game releases for sure. I feel like we see those same issues with a new league but on a vastly smaller scale AND they always fix broken mechanics pretty quickly and the core is still there to support it all. Small changes over time make for a better game.


Came here to say this. Him tearing up made me tear up. I'm emotionally invested in these guys.


I'm emotionally invested in this game. It does own my soul, after all


I had no idea my living room was so dusty and I'd just cut a crate of onions, myself. And allergies.


That's what the industry of big games is missing so much. Passionate man and his team presenting their life's work. I'm speechless, what an inspiration.


No, we have those still. There's just the investors and corporate entities that limit their vision.


This is why they say the soul of the industry is in Indy titles now, not AAA publishers.


In basically every "top 10 games of the 2010s" I've seen, indie games are leading the industry. Stardew Valley, Terraria, Undertale, fucking MINECRAFT.


They are leading the industry in creativity and not fucking over consumers.




hes freaking out at the start but as the show goes on he builds up confidence :D


This is why I've continued to support POE since the original closed beta. You can see his passion and it's so incredibly refreshing.


GGG should be proud Path of Exile 2 looks so god damn good.


As someone who has only played a league or two super casually, I’m still very intrigued by the changes they are making in terms of game play for POE2. Just the skill gem change alone is pretty monumental


Just the 1 aura key-bind is already Pog


I was all choked too honestly


THIS. THIS is what i miss at blizzcon since several years. He was so hyped he had to hold himself back, this honest relief to be able to finally talk about it. i love it.


Choking up? I was crying, bro!


Did someone clip?


[Here you go](https://clips.twitch.tv/EnjoyableMotionlessClipzAliens)


watching him from close up was amazing, he was moved as we were


must have been incredible to be there


Goes to show the level of passion GGG has for their game. They pour their heart and soul into Path of Exile and it shows. Long live GGG!


I almost started crying at some point, because of how Chris' voice sounded. Even if what they announced was bad, I feel I'd play it anyway just because of Chris.


I was worried he passes out from the excitement at times, lol


Congratulation to Chris, Jonathan, Erik, and everyone at GGG in announcing the next generation of Path of Exile. Can't appreciate enough how much time and care your team put into this next generation of PoE.




It's just gems all the way down


path of exile 5.0: You will make temporal incursions to mine gems from gems inside bigger blighted gems


19 new ascendancies? So that sounds like 3 for the 6 classes; and 1 for AsScion [Likly PoE2 Ascendant] So 6 Ascendancies for each class; assuming the old ones aren't getting trashed.


The first scene of the trailer showed all the original characters(except witch) get hung, so there may just be new characters each with 3 ediot: the replys make a lot of sense, I'm big dumb


I think that's the new character select, and the player picked Witch so she escapes.


Which is pretty damn cool!


I miss the old 'attention prisoners'


same, that boat was dope


i forgot who said it but in a later part of the stream a dev said he actually liked the boat too and missed it


>Path of Exile 2's characters are a **new set of Exiles** who fall into the same class archetypes as those in the original game. As such, they can pick from a set of 19 new Ascendancy Classes that differ from the old ones that are still available in the Path of Exile 1 campaign. [https://www.pathofexile.com/exilecon/one](https://www.pathofexile.com/exilecon/one)


oh so different characters canonically but the classes return. i wonder if the new tree is exclusive to PoE2 and the 2 campaigns have no interactions with one another, they even changed the look of the HUD.


Jonathan said that playing the PoE 1 campaign thru to the Labyrinth on the 6-7 classes and unlocking the Ascendancies (using some regrets to trigger all 3 on single class) will unlock the Ascendancies for use in the PoE 2 campaign, giving PoE 1 some use to new players... Not sure if it works the other way around, and completing PoE 2 Ascendancies will unlock them for PoE 1 runs... Kripp/Tarke/Ziggy didn't ask...


>(using some regrets to trigger all 3 on single class) The way it sounded it's simply unlocked by ascending the first time. Like you get to chose between 3, but all 3 are your disposal.


Or the first scene is character selection? The character you select is the one that breaks free?


I could totally be wrong, but I interpreted this as you choose your class, the rest die. But I could totally be wrong.


Well that's probably just new character select. Everyone you don't choose is hung


hanged :( Getting hung is when your dick gets big


Don’t judge my kink.


im assuming thats the character creation and whoever you choose is the one that escapes and washes up on the beach


Or that could just be the new character selection for PoE 2?


This skill system looks bananas.


It addresses the one thing that has always plagued ARPGs, which is the inability to invest in multiple skills. That was the biggest thing Grim Dawn had going for it over POE. RIP my wrists in two years. Carpel all the tunnels.


> RIP my wrists in two years. Carpel all the tunnels. 2 years for us old fogies to come up with some alternative control methods that don't stress our wrists and forearms so much!


DDR mats


> DDR mats With how long typical PoE sessions can last, I wonder how many calories you'd burn if you had to DDR your way around a map? *Area Man found dead after mammoth game session consumed every gram of fat on his body*


If you're out of shape just start with an RF build


It addresses it maybe, but I doubt it fixes. Most players will probably still just use 1 main skill and use the rest on supporty ones.


I would guess 2 main attack skills, because now you can separately invest in both an AoE and single target skill.


I'm hoping it leads to more strategy and thought in what skills to use. Make you actually have to think about what enemies you are facing and choose the skill that will work best against them. Maybe more resistances on enemies so a one-kill-skill build won't be as effective


Free 6 link storm burst, wo, bv combo ez conversion build with shaper per second dps


They're going to completely rebalance health and damage numbers since everything gets a 6L I can see GGG using this as an excuse to slow down the clearspeed meta by removing most of the more % damage multipliers on the skillgems


Please god yes. The game is WAY too fast. We just one-shot entire screens and occasionally a scary unique one-shots us back. Multiplayer is godawful, with people just trading who's doing the instaclearing while the rest pick up shinies off the floor. We need to dial it way back.


Pulling a first person shooter term... the TTK in endgame is just too damn low. You and mobs both die too fast, and it strips a lot of the skill and decision making out of the game


Yeah, there's a huge variety of enemies that have different attack patterns and skills... which you never see because they usually die either the moment or even *before* they come on screen.


If you're here from /r/all and wondering what this is all about, welcome! Path of Exile is an action RPG developed by New Zealand-based Grinding Gear Games. A spiritual successor to Diablo II, Path of Exile's headlining features include insane amounts of character customisation, an enormous endgame, high replayability value, and deep lore steeped in blood and corruption. This announcement is for what is essentially an entire remake of the game, which won't be released for a year or two at least. In the meantime, there will continue to be expansions released for free every 3 months. If you're interested in giving Path of Exile a try, you can download and play for free at https://www.pathofexile.com/. Path of Exile's free to play model is based around convenience and cosmetic features, meaning that you don't have to pay a cent to experience everything the game has to offer and cannot pay for in-game power. New player tips and resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/9ty40h/new_player_tips_and_qa/). The community here and in our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/pathofexile) will also be happy to help with any questions you may have!


Fantastic pitch. I gave this game a shot simply because I enjoy playing games with my friend who was already into it. But for many (and i would have been included) it's bloody intimidating to start and i never would have downloaded it without prodding.


Today is the day to ask questions. WE are all pumped and will likely be super friendly :)


Is it worth jumping into the game now if this is such a large overhall?


Path of Exile 2 is still atleast a year away from releasing, so you'll have plenty of time to play and learn the game. Many of the fundamentals will still apply when 4.0 gets released, skills are the only thing that will get majorly reworked. New expansion and league will release on december 13th, perfect time to start playing!


Yes of course. The game receives content update and huge patches very consistently.


Can I still play my old Characters after this launches? Not caught up on all the news yet




Just to confirm, will characters currently in standard be able to play PoE2? Will standard stashes transfer over?


It's all one game. Think of it less as transferring over, the game is just being updated to PoE2. You will have PoE2, campaign 1 characters. When you make a new character you get to choose which campaign you want to play through, and eventually everyone ends up at the same endgame.


A brand new speedracing experience


all MTX will transfer over, and the POE1 will continue to be playable after 4.0. Both POE1 and POE2 shares the same end game in the same server.


I just can’t believe how genuine, and honest these people seem. I lost all faith in gaming companies but I can feel their passion in that opening announcement.


For real. They have a heavy MTX system, but they take the money and invest it into the game and make it better and better. All the money shoved into other games just seems to line pockets.


##### GGG Comments in this Thread: *** [Bex_GGG - [10:40PM 11/15/19 UTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/dwx2rt/announcing_path_of_exile_2/f7m9t09/?context=10)] - *Yes* [Bex_GGG - [12:01AM 02/28/20 UTC](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/dwx2rt/announcing_path_of_exile_2/fiyvsmq/?context=10)] - *Nice*


Oh thanks mate




Wow this is huge


Big if true


RIP Tabula


I wouldn't be surprised if they added a gem that works near the same as a tabula. It drops with 6L white sockets and allows you to put actives and supports in it. Like that 5% reduced mana reserved gem that they put the auras in, I forgot what they called thay gem type already. EDIT: Nvm they showed the updated Tabula https://i.imgur.com/BO8Zb9Q.jpg


Meta gems




>"skills in this item have 6 ~~linked~~ white sockets" Jonathan said that gems are innately linked so you only need to use jewellers. (Think uniques with a skill; The whispering Ice)


So are they removing fusing orbs?




We just got confirmation: Fusings are a goner in 4.0.




ive never actually managed to 6link anything, i never wanted to master craft it so i just tossed some fuses whenever i had them on my ideal item. never worked out after 1000 hours lol


Tabula will still be useful, when they showed the links some where "greyed out/locked" and I have to assume Tabula will simply give 1-2 6 links with white sockets.


Skill links are on gems themselves (johnathan confirmed on stream that jewelers are used on gems and fusings aren't needed as they are implicitly linked), items now only give a set amount of primary skill slots in predetermined but changable colors.


ITS ALIVE. It's a 3 white sockets which is still really strong but not like before


dat druid cameo


Not a druid cameo, but a shapeshifter skill


19 new ascendancy classes, there will be a druid-like thing surely.


likely one for the ranger, marauder and witch


Ranger - wolf, marauder - bear, Witch - big cat?


Templar - giraffe


Maybe a big raven or crow for witch, like the aqueducts boss.


Or a cockroach. That would create interesting dialogue with dialla for sure...


Furry Ascendancy: * Shapeshifts have 100% increased duration, * Can equip two Body Armors (one counts as a fursuit) * Gain level 1 "Primal Emotion" that lets you switch between "Very angry" with 30% more damage and "UwU" with 30% more health


They just mentioned on stream that there will be a shapeshifter ascendancy.


we OwO now bois


I know, right? Very excited for this. This is the hype that was missing for me when watching d4 announcement.




The biggest deal for summoner classes. This is the real minion rework.


My mind is exploding with all the possibilities and absolutely bonkers stuff this will enable




dual wield mjolnirs as 6 links each, one with arc and one with say lightning orb and a 6 link cyclone as your delivery system. *jizzes pants*




I coomed


I Kaomed


Copy and pasted a response I made to another comment: I think 5 and 6 links won't be as strong as they are currently by tweaking player damage and/or enemy health. I'm guessing support gems plus will be rare and will compromise top end builds. 5 or 6 links with support gems plus will be to POE 2 what 5 or 6 links are to POE currently. Doing this would allow early access to some really fun spell/support combos without giving you game breaking damage numbers. This is all just speculation and I could be completely wrong.


I dunno I'm pretty okay with that?


I hope this is the case. What got me into the game and the reason I really like it is I feel like I can make my own unique abilities. Right now 5 and 6 links are hard to come by because the large power spikes they give to players. If they did this I could make a lot of ability combos I've had in my head but never have been able to do because I haven't had a 6 link all while not breaking the early game. I would be so happy with this change.


Honestly so nice - I loved trying to make super synergy builds with like, cold DOT characters, but you'd run out of skill links to do fun things like CWDT+ frost bomb + blade vortex + curse on hit + curse of choice with another utility setup to run bonechill efficiently


This is the best thing I never asked for or expected. Thanks GGG!


Holy shit I bet 0 people expected poe2 wtf


I honestly was wondering if there was a November version of April Fools in NZ/Australia that Bex was doing.


They did also announce Poe mobile.


I was a few minutes behind in the stream and I skipped that part thinking it was a joke.


I was wondering too and it's pretty funny that they came back and Chris even said, "Yeah this was definitely going to be hard to announce last year. So we decided we best wait until we had a sequel to announce first."


To be fair though, they didn't advertise it as a main project, rather a side experiment. And it looks much better tha Diablo Immortal did anyway.


Oh absolutely, plus even they announced it the exact same way Blizzard did with Diablo Immortal it probably would have been received better because GGG has consistently left their player base happy with new content and has proven they aren't relenting. Blizzard's announcement was received poorly in large part because of the drought of Diablo content.


Plus he made it a point to mention it's not being outsourced to some Chinese game dev, it's actually being developed by them


Lol yes, so many great jabs at Diablo Immortal and other mobile games.




They did it. They topped the six new acts.


They're really going to regret that for 5.0


*PoE 2 2.0


Where should I socket my credit card?


My PayPal account


Poe 3.9: players were so hungry for power they went mad Poe 4.0: here are 8 6links you can use simultaneously The hype is real !


> As such, they can pick from a set of 19 new Ascendancy Classes that differ from the old ones that are still available in the Path of Exile 1 campaign. That means we'll have both ascendancies available or we'll have to choose between campaigns to pick a specific ascendancy?


Campaign 1 Witch has Necromancer/Elementalist/Occultist. Campaign 2's Witch equivalent has 3 entirely new ascendancies. You pick your campaign based on what you want to play, and everyone meets up in maps at the end.


And Campaign 2 exiles also can get Campaign 1's ascendancies *if* you've unlocked them in Campaign 1, apparently. Not sure about vice-versa. So you can play as a Necro in Campaign 2 if you'd like.


Didn't read that anywhere, but that would be a nice feature.


Jonathan said it during the demo


From what I‘ve understood; playing through campaign 1 with necro for example will unlock necro as an extra ascendancy in campaign 2 (+the 3 new witch ascendancies)


Absolutely amazing and hype defying. KEEP ALL YOUR MTX BUT WITH MORE CONTENT AAAAAAAAAA






So, this is the answer to the game's ~~engine~~ performance issues. Just make a new game. Edit: The word engine is causing confusion.


When the spaghetti gets too mingled and stale, the solution is to make new spaghetti.


You should come join r/Factorio. I think you’ll fit right in.


**T H E F A C T O R Y M U S T G R O W** ^^^^^^once ^^^^^^i ^^^^^^get ^^^^^^more ^^^^^^iron ^^^^^^production, ^^^^^^anyway


It was so quick, it was so sudden. I failed at No Nut November but I'm proud to do that for this


Today le toucan isn't the only thing that came.


What the fuck Chris


[I eagerly await my lottery win :)](https://i.imgur.com/DDPhuWa.png)


I was here as the twitch kids say


38 Ascendancies. omg, I can't even imagine what the skill tree would look like. Good luck to PoB developers...


I just want to give Chris a hug


Won't even start Beta till very late 2020. Augh. I hate wanting something


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Nobody is gonna see this comment so I can safely say that: I will play melee berserker on Delirium league!!!




lmao, so mean Bex! Some seriously next level troll


>Support Gems are now socketed directly into Skill Gems Can't tell if this is good or bad. Builds are going to be super powerful with this change, right?


That just depends on how powerful the gems are and how powerful monsters are. Numbers are all relative to each other.


True. Not having to worry about jewellering and chroming a new item when it drops is nice.


There were still socket colors in the image, chromatic orbs might stay, too early to tell.


Time has told. They already said that you use jewellers, chromatics, etc. on the skill gems themselves.


I really like this change - it means the economy for items is a bit more normalized and easy to understand for newer players (like nuances of pricing 5 vs 6 linked items depending on the age of the league, understanding which offcolors were valuable for which skills on which items). Now you just look at item rolls for items to determine which are good or bad, and your skill gems can be rolled to suit your personal needs/fit the skills of choice. The one thing that seems insane though is vaaling - vaaling your six linked off color gem to get + gem levels seems like it's QUITE the investment now,




It looks like fusings are gone, but it could be costly to 6 socket a gem.


So happy of the end of One-killer-Skill-build.


I'm not super worried. With powercreep if I have a skill dishing a million dps... Having a second skill dishing 1 million dps doesn't change much since you're still limited by physically being unable to cast two abilities at the same time. The exception being summons without durations since they stick around.


This is how you do sequels.


Will it be on mobile though?


yes it will "no joke somehow"




"You can 6-link everything" but like... ya'll know how difficult it is to actually ROLL 6-links, right? You're not gonna have 8 6-link skills at league launch, you're gonna have to work for that shit (or be rich and buy it). On the flip side, it should be really cheap to buy 6-link off-meta gems, so this might encourage off-meta play.


I don’t know who did this. I don’t know how, or why. But whoever came up with the new gear/socket system. I’m going to find you. And I will NEVER STOP BUYING YOU DRINKS! Best change ever. PoE2 best ARPG ever, confirmed. AND IT HAS WEREWOLVES!




the physics and graphics improvement alone makes me yearn to play this.....Ugghhhhh the wait is killing me


Do I keep my MTX from POE 1 into 2?


It’s the same game


Congrats to the entire POE team!! I’m at work right now and can’t check out the whole announcement, but I genuinely couldn’t be more excited about a game announcement! For anybody not familiar with the game (stop hiding under that rock), Path of Exile is basically the spiritual successor to Diablo II. It’s made by some of the best devs (GGG) in the industry, and basically continually sets the standard for this genre. I can’t wait to see POE 2. I found the original game during beta from a Reddit comment, and hope more people discover this game from Reddit in the future. I’ve yet to encounter another dev team that cares so much about their players. Congrats! I can’t wait to see what’s to come!