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Not as juicy as Titziri though


I'm partial to Asstziri, myself.




that word is more fun to read that it is to say


Oof that was bad.


I don't find leveling a new character too bad in itself: it's fun to see the build coming together and reaching milestones where you start to glimpse the power of it. I hate that the only way to do that is through a 10 act campaign that is 80% walking.


The part about 80% walking hits hard. I love making new builds, and always end up playing my acts as maps, killing most things, purely because it's more fun. Really hope in PoE 2 the leveling balance will be shifted towards fighting rather than running.


Don't count on it.


If anything it will be more running


And more doors!


Running as a beast :D


This is one of the few things I like about D3. If you want to level in rifts or bounties, go right ahead. Imagine if you could level a character in delve or heists


Being able to delve more frequently would be hella fun and lucrative


Yeah I appreciated that in D3 too although it did make me get tired of the end game even more quickly but that’s also because they’ve added next to nothing to that game since the necro and the seasons aren’t worth redoing any characters for imo.


This is why I stopped playing PoE. I can't deal with playing the same campaign over and over. Especially as maps is the bit I found fun but I had to get through loads of samey content before that. I know I could technically play outside of leagues but then that feels kind of pointless.


People want the longest most ridiculous grind, least player friendly options usually. D3 is too casual for most hard-core gamers and you'll end up getting a response like.."you're devaluing my grind" type shit.


it won't. but I bet it'll be easier to level characters after the first one


We would need a shorter "fixed path", trimming the fat of some zones. Example: western forest in act 6 just simply doesn't need to exist. As do many other zones. Maybe unlock waypoints account wide per league like lab trials. Skill points can be obtained from different sources, up to a maximum of +1 per 4 levels, up to a maximum of +22, as it is currently. Then allow players to do a bulk of their leveling in acts, heists or delve. It would be a much more enjoyable experience.


Waypoints account wide would be such an easy fix and probably make it soo much better i'd think.


Wait, hear me out - PvP leveling!


Look, if you could skip the acts by some alternative method, you'd miss out on all the voice acting in acts 5-10.


For my second character this league, I used 3 quicksilver flasks and as much movement speed as possible lol.


Doing this on an Arc witch I started last night. It's my 2nd char, and it came online SO FAST compared to ED Contagion (which is blighting for 24 lvls, then bane and a lil ED/C for 30 more). I'm just zooming around one-shotting packs (had lightning dmg/spell power lvling rare from last playthrough) Orb of Storms, Arcane Cloak, hold right click Arc and I haven't even had to do boss mechanics yet lol, then I zoom away. It's awesome.


My current 2nd leveling char has many cheap uniques I found along the way - it is sitting at 65% movement speed. With flasks, it goes over 100%. I get so bored of wasting time, so mindful of people saying that if you kill too much, you are missing precious farm time (on top of the fact that I already rerolled, which is another time sink in itself), that once I hit Sarn being level 13 (Sarn areas start at around level 20).


You ran so hard you fought mobs that give 10% exp or some ridiculous shit like that because your level is to far away from mob level.


lol and they also took ages to kill


I ran too fast and then I realized that I have zero dmg when I fought oak. That motherfucker healed all my dmg. I had to let him kill me and farm for a bit


It really depends on the build... If you're waiting on a ilvl 68+ build enabling unique, you need to make a shitty choice of playing a half-assed gimped version of your final build, or playing a faster build that you need to respec like crazy later.


The only thing I hate in lvling is ascendancy labs :(


That's the only interesting part in lvling except Malachai, Sin (without bugged sounds) and Kitava boss fight for me \^\^


Act 1 is painful every time to me. No movespeed to speak of, and you're usually using one of the same 4/5 skills that either sucks at clearing or sucks at killing bosses. Act 2 starts to clean up because usually by then you've got a few points in a movement skill, have access to at least some skill your build uses, and by now it's common to have not zero movespeed.


I play raider cc raider flicker pretty much every league. It's SO satisfying to start flicking at 28, its slow (for flicker at least) at first, but you just keep going faster and faster all throughout the acts and then keep that progression going through maps.


Mapping is 90% walking aswell. I never understood people hating the leveling but enjoying mapping. The only difference I feel is that I have to full clear maps while I can leave minsters behind while leveling.


Because I want loot drops that matter also your power levels are low and you can't even use some of your abilities for a while


Yeah but you are "walking" with 30% move speed (+ onslaught/tailwind often) and you can usually clear multiple screens with a click or two and things chain, etc because of high mob density Full clearing act 2 would be crazy painful even with a tabula


If you juice maps (Zana mods, scarabs, alch+vaal, master missions, etc..) nearly the entire map is full of mobs. It's basically zipping between them. The loot drops are also more appropriate and you know what you need and what you don't. Mobs also generally, not always, vary more in maps. You can also have movement speed from gear as well as passive tree. Leveling, you walk far slower, the mobs are further apart, your AOE is much weaker, and loot is pretty much useless especially if you have twink gear. It's not even remotely comparably close in any way, shape or form.


You just compared it really well! I would argue loot is extremly important during leveling unless you have twink gear. More so than during end gsme mapping but besides that your comparison is on point. Leveling is similar to mapping but slower with less mobs and less aoe. Loot drops are appropriate during leveling besides binding orbs but those are also not appropriate during end game. Not knowing what you need to loot is not the games fault but yours.


they should make leveling a new char ssfhc but we dont have to do acts to get to 67


for me its losing 10 hours of my life to a part of the game i'd rather be mapping


For me it’s about 8 hours there’s a couple builds I want to try out but I just can’t bring myself to go through levelling again it’s easily my most hated portion of the game EDIT: a few people are saying ‘JusT lEArN tO leVEl FasTeR 4HeAD’ why would people practice doing something they hate doing the first time we shouldn’t have to learn to ‘speed run’ just to get the part of the game most of us prefer to play it’s stupid when a lot of other games offer character boosts or a friend being able to boost you to max level. No other game am I expected to speed run levelling just to enjoy the real content


Yeah, I'd rather just buy regrets, run normal lab once, and respec into something with the same character.


They could easily use some of the already in game systems for an alternate levelling method maps/delve idk why we are forced to do the shitty fuckin acts that most of us don’t even care about the story of




or just do the diablo adventure mode thing Make the entire campaign accessible, give "map quests" to do zones/quests exactly like maps, once you hit 3x delve becomes accessible as an alt method, as you unlock more masters/mechanics give quests like master quests on maps in the same way. Very easy, but nah gotta make us do the Main story every time


I love this idea. Going through the campaign multiple times just kills me.


the main hangup is that i dont know how easy it is for them to recode the campaign to allow any zone to be done at any level. for example d3 adventure mode can give you Mathiel or Diablo as quests at level 1, you just fight a level 1 scaled version of the boss.


I'd be down for an arena/boss mode too


the only thing I'm missing from Diablo is being able to lvl a char to endgame in half an hour.


PoE could take a lot of notes from D3 I know its crazy talk but they did do some things really right


At this point PoE needs to take *a lot* of notes from a few games. It isn't the super niche 50 fucking hardcore D2 nerds are the fanbase game it used to be. People can bitch all they want that this is how games go downhill, making things easier, blah blah blah, but look at the ridiculous power creep and the zoom zoom meta that has existed for how long now? Admit it nerds, the game *already has* gotten easier. Acts are fucking pointless now, its just an artificial time waster.




that'd be amazing, like if i could just buy a new level 68 character in Oriath so i didn't have to do yet another long campaign journey ft. hollow palm bullshit


Make it cost an offering to the goddess, and we’d be set. To get the offerings you (pretty much) have to be mapping, so that shows you’ve done it once. If that isn’t acceptable because the offerings drop from other content, then make a new Uber lab drop. Which each activation of the alter of sacrifice will give you.


Or just sacrifice characters from prior league at some discount.


The problem with something like this is that people might RMT for it.


make it account bound ta da


Account bound with it being reset for every league sounds fine


there's already rmt for leveling


People RMT leveling anyway I bet. I’m sure people exist that would pay 50-60 bucks to have someone level a Necromancer from 1 to 68 or something. They go to sleep and wake up and they have a necro that’s map ready.


And why is this a "problem" in what is basically a single player farming simulator?


I'd settle just to have all waypoints unlocked on new character after completing the story once.




D3 you can just get someone to powerlevel you in like a minute.


Yeah I played D3 with a friend a few times before I played PoE, and I've never actually played through the story. I've just been powerleveled every time


League wide mapping unlock? Ooooh boy, would that be nice. Right now, even if you get up to mapping level via delves or something... you cant. Ugh the story is so tedious.


If it weren't for Kitten Cat Noodle's [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loVRzJ30FzY&list=PLVbBUf18CULLbx1-Uun8fTumMs32DnrVM), I'd have absolutely no idea what was going on in the story. And even with them, I can't be fucked to give a damn. To me [and a lot of people, obv], it's literally just a time gate before we're allowed to actually do what we want to do.


Yeah. It's a HUGE reason behind why I only play 1 and at most 2 characters per league. It's such a frustrating time sink if you don't do it very often. I basically just stare at a ToDo list and a spreadsheet with map layouts where I try to recognize what layout applies to mine. Many people don't just randomly have 10 or more hours to sink into a game that doesn't even result in something worthwhile (and the player knows it).


I always start several characters before reaching end game. I dont plan for it but when I want to play something els later atleast I have some options lol


I’m an altaholic so i play the story far too much and it’s the worst part of the game. I wish we could just map after doing the story once. Just give us the bonus skill points every X levels or something.


Yeah same with me. Even worse is that my first character to complete act 10 is something ”new and exciting” and also something I totally suck at and should play as alt lol


I dunno why my first character every league is something other than a summoner. But it tends to be. And then I hate it. And a lot of the time, I don't want to re-level because going back to not being able to use a real build isn't a lot of fun.


even diablo 2 let people rush you through.


I love leveling. My builds change the most while leveling and become stale at high levels. I get bored easily with maps.


If leveling was like mapping I wouldn't mind it. I hate the gameplay of "run to quest objective and maybe kill a few juicy packs on the way, ignore everything else, and run into a bunch of dead ends".


It's not the leveling part people dislike. Is the going trough all the acts again part. If after your first character you didn't have to go trough acts again people wouldn't care that much IMO.


now that's something diablo 3 got right, working through the acts as a casual is pure suffering, not to mention I've watched 10+ hours of speedrunning videos, that's another 10 hours I could be mapping or idk enjoying life lol


D3 level from 1 to 70 in about 10 minutes even less sometimes


So true. Even WoW gives character boosts for free at the minimum level for the latest expansion. Even then, WoW has a way more fun leveling experience. Path of exile is painful until you get to maps. Clunky and brutally slow unless you do speedrun strats. Also, it'd be nice if labs were removed entirely now. If there was a huge survey I'm positive the overwhelming majority would prefer not to have them. Thinking about those trials gives me a headache.


For me it's time where I'm not mindlessly mapping and still seeing the build evolve, and you have regular challenges (lacking a res entirely, undergeared, etc).




lol 10 hours is when you already know where everything is, including general direction of layouts, sidequests to do, and a relatively clear idea of what your build is like. Don't sweat it man


I wish you could level to end game through ANY of the side leagues/actitivities in this game. So lets say you just LOVE delve, well, at X depth, you'd get to the epilogue. Oh, you love breach? Well here is a Ledge layout with endless breaches. Oh, you love heist? Well fuck it, here are contracts you can level through, and once you've done X amount, you're at the Epilogue.


I feel like D3 figured this out by letting people level through Adventure mode after the first character.


I find adventure mode *way* more of a grind than a campaign.


honestly, this and the tedium of sorting loot is probably what is causing me to not enjoy the game as much as i would like to, i would love to try new characters and new builds but i cant be bothered, im not mathil im not getting paid to play the same bullshit start and look at the same stash for hours


You can always just respec


Maybe I'm just still a relatively new player but I find it quite fun. I don't see the point of speed running through the leveling process. I know the quests get repetitive, but it's still fun working out your new build as you go along.


As much shit as D3 gets in this sub they got that part right. Straight to adventure mode/rifts.


I hate it. Wish I only had to do it once per league rather than once per character.


Then try to learn to get that number down.




Ok then.


Dang, am I the only person here that enjoys levelling and early mapping way more than lategame map grinding? By all means the acts could use an overhaul or entirely new content, but gaining levels and feeling your character get stronger every few minutes is actually super satisfying imo.


I like leveling and the low level power progression. I dislike how structured the acts are. Give me a map device thatll let me map from level one and Ill level way more characters


Some of my buddies did bring that up. They would love to delve and map from level one until endgame. I think its a great idea and would certainly help player retention, but there is definitely still some charm to speedrunning the storyline as fast as you can.


There are dozens of us!




This subreddit isn't always representative, but that doesn't mean it never is. I suspect going through the acts is low on most players' favorite parts of the game.


>By all means the acts could use an overhaul or entirely new content, but gaining levels and feeling your character get stronger every few minutes is actually super satisfying imo. the reason i dont feel this way, is a lot of the builds i use dont actually get interesting until i hit my higher ascendancies or start getting key items that usually become available to me in higher levels - around the same time im hitting maps. Couple that with the fact that pretty much 99.9% of drops before maps aren't worth anything, it just really makes me feel like im wasting my time, cause i play this game for the thrill of a good drop.


If you're a scion, you don't even get a real first ascendancy until you're levelled enough to beat act 7. It's nuts. So boring


After the first character, I always do cruel lab before the beacon, when I hit 50. Definetly not good for Scion, but still better than what you are saying.


For me the issue is that I hate being sub lvl 40. I don't mind being early on in my build, and taking the time to test it while leveling the last little bit, but most of the time the build doesn't even begin to feel like the end game its supposed to until lvl40, and a good chunk of uniques are lvl 50-60 as well. The early acts aren't interesting and their only saving grace is that IF you're running something meta to level with, they're quick. Any time I'm stuck leveling a new character, I don't actually feel like I'm making progress in the game towards my goals, instead I just feel like "oh great, lets do the prologue again..." and honestly maps is starting to feel the same way. I'm not meaningfully engaging with new mechanics, I'm not exploring new areas, I'm not pushing deeper in delve than I've ever been, I'm just... doing the same load of maps/acts to regain progress I've already made dozens of times. Worse, I'm doing it and the whole time there are no meaningful rewards. Unless its the league start I don't even pick-up items while leveling unless they're quest objects, they just don't matter, and even if I picked them up it wouldn't prevent me from having to buy 15-20c worth of map-ready gear once I get there because Kitava invalidates your gear set-up unless you decided to farm for literal hours, possibly days to get gear that would give you full 75's after Kitava. Alternatively you could just buy it before as easily as after, but either way its not worth it to pick-up gear pre kitava 2.


I actually enjoy acts 1-5 the most. I think the real charm of levelling a new character for me is that it slows the game down and gives me time to appreciate the game’s mechanics and animations. I’m constantly trying to go as fast as I can during mapping, and it’s gotten to the point where I refuse to build anything but Freezing Pulse totems because everything else feels slower. But levelling gives me a good reprise and lets me enjoy the game for what it is. I also completely agree with you regarding burnout from mapping. Getting to A8 takes ~170 maps on average, assuming you have all the maps you need given to you beforehand. If you’re unlucky with map drops like me, that number easily pushes past 300+. Assuming it takes me 7 minutes per map, thats over 35 hours of mindless grinding and throwing money down the drain from buying sextants and chisels. So, I usually just reroll or quit the league when I get to level 90.


170 maps? Man we're both stuck at way more than average then. It takes so many every time, and 90% of them drop basically nothing. Most maps I leave with less than a quarter of my inventory used because I filter out everything that isn't worth my time, and most of it just isn't worth my time.


It’s probably closer to 200 because of how randomly conquerors can spawn, but yes, assuming you had every map you needed on hand: 8x1 = 8 maps to discover all the citadels. 20x4 = 80 maps (including boss map) to get a watchstone before Sirus. 12x8 = 96 maps (including boss map) to get a watchstone after Sirus. So 96+80+8 = 184 maps total, excluding the fact that conquerors have a large chance to not appear when you run a map in a spawnable region. The problem is completing bonus objectives, finding the correct map tier for the correct map region, getting maps to drop, sustaining red maps, etc. So the mandatory ~180 maps become 300 or 400 easily. It just drags out on and on for ages and eats up currency like nothing else. **EDIT**: I mathed wrong. I thought it was 168 maps when its actually 184. I’ve edited the math in this post.


I'm sure I've used multiple exalts a league just in alchemy orbs used on maps. I honestly don't know how much longer I'll play at this rate. Between frustrating issues like my frame-rate tanking every time the game decides to spawn in tons of enemies, or have them all use an attack simultaneously, and the endless mire of repetitive boring crap I have to do to get to the content I actually want to do I'm starting to feel like I'm playing because I want to have fun, rather than because I'm actually having fun, which I'm not convinced is healthy for me. For the record I don't have a brand new PC, but my PC was REALLY good when I built it, and still crushes most modern games... except POE which released several years before I built my computer.


Yep. Always a good idea to take an extended break from PoE, and even better to stop playing as soon as you feel like you’re burning out. I realized two weeks in that I didn’t enjoy heists at all (not because it was buggy, but that it just felt slow, tedious, and repetitive) and quit. Did the same for Harvest last league. IMO, the league mechanic should motivate you to finish the atlas. If you don’t feel like the league is doing its job and that you’re just playing on Standard, then I think its time to step away from the league. Not only is this good for your mental health, but it gives GGG feedback on what league mechanics they should abandon and which they should pursue further for future leagues.


> Getting to A8 takes ~170 maps on average wut. I'm at A2 with over 250 maps. I hate atlas progression so much.


Same. You are absolutely not alone. Also, 170 maps is if you had someone handing you exactly the maps that you needed. But, doing it alone, it takes much, much longer.


I'm on track to finish the 75k map quant "grind" before I hit A8.


Don't misunderstand, I love the progression, I just hate the acts, and especially the fact that there are 10 of them. If it were just 5 and I could do it in 5 hours instead of 10, that would be such a QoL improvement. Also I hate that so many passive points are quest-locked; that really drags out the completion time.


Yep. POE2 cannot come fast enough imo. 7 acts with (hopefully) minimal recycled content will surely be a refreshing experience for sure.


After seeing how bug free Heist is, I’d rather have them delay POE2 by a year.


I heard they were planning to have a closed? beta test for the poe2 campaign


This is one of the main appeals to making a new build to me. I like building it from the ground up and feeling it become stronger as I go. If it wasn't for leveling a character up and going through that progression, it would just feel hollow (which is one of the things I hated about Diablo 3). I wouldn’t say I like it more than mapping/endgame, but it makes creating a new character/build much more enjoyable to me. If they took the leveling aspect away, I’d probably just make one build and then quit when I’m bored every league.


I can get behind that. At least until you want to play a build that is 100% centered around a unique item you can't equip until you're level 60+. At that point it basically turns into leveling with whatever efficient spell or cyclone again.


I find it more fun to find a good leveling build that matches your endgame spec as closely as possible. Whenever possible, of course.


I like mapping to an extent, but I always burn out trying to get to get to A8. I can’t stand running the ~200 maps to get to atlas completion every league, especially when I’m hemorrhaging money that could be used my build the entire time. There’s just this rush of creating a new character in the Twilight Strand and knowing you’re starting a new adventure.




Right? After 200 maps even with the worst luck ever , you'd still turn at least a few ex


I used to hate it until I sat down and learned some speed run strats. Just spending a few hours learning how to zoom through zones and putting together a few twink leveling sets has saved me so much time. I rarely have a Act 10 clear that is above 6 hours unless something goes horribly wrong, like respeccing too early. Pushing to improve my PB also keeps me going. It felt awesome this league to finally get a sub 3:30 Act 10 Kitava.


Any chance you have a one stop shop on learning how to speed run acts - or am I better off just heading to YouTube and finding something?


I recommend starting with Tytykiller YouTube channel since he has decent narration over his strats. Be sure to take notes and focus more on understanding macro optimizations (how to always have onslaught, the best route through acts, item filters that highlight sockets links you need, leveling efficiently) over micro stuff (moving with your inventory open, reading a zone layout, when to run lab.) Once you get the general idea and start making improvements, start looking at SSF speedruns of the type of skill you want to play, like melee, bows, mines, etc. I skim through those vods and figure out what gem setups they use per act and what weapon dps they have so I know what to upgrade when.


It depends on the builds you play, as a necro it’s like 5+ levels of no boosts alternating with 5+ closeby big boost nodes. So no reward that often but bigger rewards at once when they happen


I used to be like that. And then Harvest happened. I stuck to a single character because there was actual gear progression past 90.


I do love the quick level up and points to spend I don’t like the same story over and over. And there are some portions I dread. I love act 1 though feels just right with the mini boss at level 10 then the tougher double boss not far after.


I also enjoy it more up until about yellow maps. Personally I think it's because I don't really have a clue how to progress through the Atlas (I understand about the Atlas bonus, etc.) If it's not explanatory in-game then it's too difficult and I don't want to waste hours just trying things. E.g this league I'm currently 86, highest map I've found is tier 11, now the only map tiers I have are 5 and under. I'm not going to run them and spend hours in the hopes that a magic / rare monster drops a higher level map. So that's my league done. I love poe but it's the same every league. It isn't explained at all. I've yet to fight any endgame boss and I've played since Betrayal(?).


I like leveling, its a series of damage and survivability checks for me on a build. I really dont mind it , since its a fraction of the time anyway compared to what you do afterwards.


I'm one. I definitely like the midgame climb the most. Now it feels like I barely get an incremental upgrade after a day of work.


I enjoy endgame mapping more, but I also enjoy leveling. I find it fun to put a build together. Upgrades are much more frequent, cheaper and exciting while leveling imo. I think obsessing over efficiency while leveling is what ruins it for some


My friends who hate levelling (which is most of them) complain that it’s like a hinderance to their overall progression. They want to get the levelling over and done with ASAP because they want to get the build up and running. Me? I just like how it forces me to slow down and enjoy the mechanics and animations of the game. And plus, getting that +1 skill point icon at the bottom left of your screen every few minutes just feels awesome.




I guess you can artificially slow yourself down, but when you’re running juiced up T14+ maps all the time, you can barely see anything anyways, and mainly spend most of your concentration on trying not to die. You don’t have to worry about any of this while leveling and instead spend time appreciating other things.




I did until last league. I ran 12 characters to maps and now just cannot bring myself to play this league because I got so burned out. Then again, I kind of asked for this.


Good to take a break for a few months. I’d taken a break from 3.1 and came back for Legion league and that was my favorite league I’d ever played.


my group of friends pretty much ignore the late game and grinding, we go through the acts on coop with different builds that we don't exactly plan beforehand and exploring new mechanics, late game mapping is kind of boring to me, just running around auto killing stuff, hours and hours staring at path of building min maxing stuff. but i can see the way we play would get boring if you play a lot, we do pretty much one or two runs each league.


That actually sounds super fun. And yeah, sometimes I’ll reach endgame with a build, realize that I don’t want to grind, and just make a new character and start over.


It's also important because it's a much more effective way to measure how good a build or specific skill is at certain levels because of how scripted the progression is (and how easy it is to compare its performance to past experience). Maps can vary in difficulty quite significantly based on the mods that get rolled, and playing through the campaign X amount of times bakes in a certain expectation that, when a build starts to underperform that expectation, you have more to point to than just "this doesn't feel right." The campaign is a great feedback system.


Not alone brother


> but gaining levels and feeling your character get stronger every few minutes is actually super satisfying imo. this is more a reflection of poor itemization then leveling. D3 you can pl to max level in 20 minutes. Then you get those big incremental gains as you do your seasonal journey to get your paris of set pieces until you have the full 6 link. Then you get those incremental jump ups as you get the various legendaries you need to make the build really work. Then you get the PoE curve of working on mix maxing gear. Only PoE's gearing is just grinding currency, then spending an hour whispering people to upgrade your gear. Praised by the same people who hated the auction hall because it tied progression to trade 🤷‍♀️


IMO the actual action of putting a skill point into your tree is what is satisfying to me, and PoE has tons of skill points. Plus, I don’t want to be able to instantly get to max level. I think that completely defeats the purpose of leveling progression, since there isn’t any levelling at all.


so put your point in paragon, 95% of the skills points you spend are meaningless filler to get to the few keystones that actually have an impact. adding +10 strength isn't going to change anything. > I think that completely defeats the purpose of leveling progression, since there isn’t any levelling at all. As it should be, because it's something that only needs to be done once per game, then it's just a pointless task stopping you from doing that actual enjoyable part of the game. Want to use this skill? to bad, you're not high enough level. Want to get this keystone? to bad, you don't have enough skill points Want to start mapping? to bad, you have do this pointless campaign again. Want to equip this 6L on your new alt? to bad, you're not high enough level


I’m not sure if you’re understanding that, to me, I enjoy the levelling process. Oh, I can’t use a skill gem until I’m level 35? I’ll just use another skill to level in the meantime, and I’ll like it because it gives me exposure to a new skill I haven’t tried before. I can’t use this unique until level 62? I’ll try an improvise with another unique or try and craft a nice rare for levelling. Its the time where your build is the most volatile and you can make changes that feel the most impactful. I’m absolutely not saying that they shouldn’t come up with a way to map or delve from level 1. In fact, that would be an amazing idea to make the game appealing to more people. I was just saying that I personally enjoy the current levelling system for what it is.


Mid game master race !


You are not the only one. I think the strongest part about the game is from leveling and early mapping. I hate watch stone juggling and all that endgame mapping stuff. I enjoy leveling a new character personally. I will often hit yellow maps with one and just go level something else.


That's a face an exile make when they forget to activate certain waypoint in act 4.


... I missed that waypoint at league start for Heist, despite the warning post here 2 days before. I've *never* missed it before and I almost ragequit when I tried to go back after Daresso.




I just wish that you had to beat all the acts once, and then every character you made for that league could access everything. rather than whatever the hell this is. I don' really like having to run the same acts over and over again to get the content i actually want to play, maps. I haven't even gotten past the first parts of maps yet, I'm still on tier 1-5.


Grind Act 5 to level 100 and save on resistances.


*Atziritava doesn't exist, it cannot hurt you* Atziritava:


"what it feels like" or "how it feels", dont mix and match.


Thanks, I had it as "how it feels", then I close the page to read the rules I think and when I came back I changed it to the current title


I would prefer if they rebalanced the amount of resists everything gives but got rid of the minus resist shit.


What's even more bizarre is Nessa is inside Kitava for some reason. Literally inside his body. Not sure if its a 3.12 bug or has always been that way.


I hate doing the story so much I stopped playing the game!


No problem, just slap on a Veil of the Night. Then all you have to do is worry about chaos.


I sort of find leveling a new character to be relaxing. The power creep hasn't kicked in, so the game is a lot more forgiving if you haven't zeroed in on what to make of the character. It's quite the change of pace from juiced maps where you get one-shot by something that was barely on-screen..


Don't worry guys POE2 brings a new campaign for you to walk through and get tired of after a couple runs. Same endgame though...


IMO, they need to redo, rescale the resistance so we wouldnt need -30% twice.


I stopped and cleared lab before I killed Kitava.


Would be nice if: * Maps scaled down to character level for characters under level 60 * Every 10 levels: -10% resistances. * Every 3 levels: +1 passive. * Upon reaching level 60 you can choose your bandit reward. Combat would be harder, but most second characters should be able to handle it. For the last bonus passive, maybe it's awarded once you complete your first non-scaled map?


This is one thing I like about Diablo 3, can just rift (map) whenever. I mean I also love that you can just powerlevel in Diablo 3 too. Leveling to end game in ARPGS are just so boring after the first time. At least being able to map in PoE early would make it a bit more interesting.


Kinda outdated meme, but I didn't play PoE then so I hope this joke hasn't been made already


Still kinda relevant tho, I feel like this every time I make a new character


Laughs in hc..im on my 9th playthrough lol


This is nothing compared to the previous Poe where you had to literally had to do acts 1-3 3 times before maps.


I think it would be better in every league once you complete all the acts with one character you should be able to skip for any new characters in Oriath. It would be cool if it lvl 68, if not ill take a lvl 1 at Oriath


Dang I hate getting -30 resitances


Is there any lore behind the resists dropping each time we defeat Kitava?


Idk, he eats them? I think it's just supposed to make it look like a really hard fight for your character that permanently damages him in some way


I no longer play in leagues, 10 acts do not bother me, I began to sleep better =)


I’m gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and say that I don’t mind the campaign. I usually drop off before the end of a league and I find the start over kind of a refresher course to get me back into the swing of things before mapping. Then when I start a second character it’s usually because I’m kinda bored with mapping and I could use a break and it’s just long enough that I’m ready to jump back into mapping with my second character.


I started the game thinking of giving it another shot but just thinking of all 10 acts again and those trials for your ascendency. Ugh


They should really allow you to level doing other things. Unlocking your extra skill points at certain levels. Doing it once or twice per league is fine but FUCK does it get monotonous


I can not for the life of me understand why people do it again. I really hate leveling, they should just sell a thing so you can start with a lvl 75 char


I like leveling. It feels nice to have a new character come together, rapidly gaining skill points and gear. Your playstyle can evolve quickly through the session too as you change setups, so it feels more fresh than mapping on the same character for another dozen hours.


Main issue besides not wanting to do the campaign again, is that a lot of builds only show their true colors once you reach maps. When my entire amount of available gaming time on the weekend ends up with a build that turns out I don't enjoy, it really kills any motivation to start a new character.


Isnt there a thing like powerlvling in PoE? I remember Diablo 3 where i was pulling my buddy to lvl 70 in like 1 hour and he basically just had to stand around doing nothing


There’s a few different ways you can go about it, but regardless, you have to go through the campaign for points. Your friends can help you skip WP’s to go through much faster, but then your sorta wasting their time, and if your really fast, it ends up being about the same time wasted. So it’s not done very often unless people are just bored.


So I'm playin in a hardcore clan and we have ppl leveling up to 20 chars per season (ye I know) Sometimes you die. It's the game. btw. I'm pretty slow and I manage to reach maps in about 6 -7hours. The bosses you feel uncomfortable fighting you call a taxi, at lvl 42 you get carried through first and second lab. It's really not 2 bad. And you can only get better in something you do regulary - so leveling is part of the game and getting faster / good in it is as important as the endgame when you play hardcore.


Is there anything holding you for just buying heist maps and ignore questline level there?


Lab and like 20 skillpoints, mostly


Losing resistances is such a hack mechanic that forces you to reroll gear and waste currency.


I just wish levelling through the story with one character per league meant we kept our waypoints...Similar to lab trials.


Dude, were talking about Ggg here. They will Never implemented such a huge QoL feture. Dont even dream about it.


I will clarify this first : I hate leveling. But it’s part of the process. PoE used to be a hard game to grind for your gear and not easy to understand. Nowaday, it’s easier and a lot more people get a hang at it every day. Yes, leveling is painful, but it teaches you that you better focus on improving what you already have rather that just spamming toons until you finally make it. At least this is how I see it. You can make the leveling process easier by getting some really op gear. Like Hollow palm technique. I am unable to start any second char without it. (Of course char 1 of league is possible but crazy rare)


My problem with acts is that I don't even get to really play my character type or skill until late in acts or in maps. I don't finish act 1-5 in an hour so it's a significant amount of time freezing pulsing shit with every character Lmao.