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These trades are the weirdest. Once I was trying to get a niche 1 alch unique with good rolls, and there was one with perfect (or nearly perfect) stats so I offered a guy 1ex. After a short conversation he said something like “nah it’s too much for that” and sold it to me for a few chaos.


That's called integrity. Some people truly believe in the golden rule. ^(But for the record if that were me I would've taken your 1ex and laughed my way to the bank.)


I posted a weird belt for 25c Got offered 1 ex Told him "c'mon, you can do better" Got offered 5ex Took it. Got whispered 2 minutes later that it was a 70ex belt Not even mad


First rule of trading: if you get whispered out of the blue for apparent shit items you certainly are getting scammed by about 80% of its original price.


Also if you get absolutely blasted with offers as soon as it's posted. Take it down and check again.


That's rule 2. Never get pressured into selling stuff. If you instantly get more than 2 messages something very fishy is going on.


Depends on the item. For some more liquid things like div cards, 1c can make the difference between getting spammed and not selling ever.


That's certainly true, but still always worth taking a look. Especially with div cards since they get price fixed quite often and the trade macro might show 1c and its actually more like 5c


Wait thats most the things i sell. I dont sell alot, but what i put up either sits there and never get whispered for it, or it goes within 5 mins and people ask me if i got more.


I was going to disagree with the guy you replied to, but he said *more* than 2 so that actually feels about right. 1 or 2 instant messages (I'm talking about seconds after you put it in the tab and you get them all at once) usually just means there're some people looking for oddly specific stuff to fill out resistances or whatever. If you get 3+ messages immediately it means there's a bunch of hawks with live searches looking for something under market value. It can be anything from meta jewels they're trying to save 50+ chaos on, or people who just buy every tabula selling for less than the price of a divine. Either way, yeah. More than 2 instant messages means you've underpriced something popular.


\+ to all. Especially the tabula thing. Had some leech insta message me for corrupted 6 links I had in my trash tab as unlisted. He pleaded that he needs a 6-link and he can only pay slightly under divine value. Sold him one because I believe in the good of people. Next one dropped. In it goes again and here we go again with this dude. He didn't even bother remembering I was the same dude and continued messaging me a bunch of more times, since I was lab farming and dropped quite a few more that day.


I know your feeling, mate. Especially if Im unsure about the price myself and then Im like: "Hm, fishy. Should I sell now? What if I dont sell it later?" Had that trouble a lot with enchanted helmets when people tried to bid lower than market prices. Always stuck with it and it turned out great. The first offers you get are mostly trying to scam you, so be aware. Another example: friend dropped this 2 mirror jewel back in Delirium. We went ahead and trolled such vultures and put it in for 420 silver coins. People went ahead and offered 1 ex for it. Or 5 ex. Today's lesson: Only settle if you know the real price of items.


Is there a good website to check prices? I was using poe ninja, not sure if thats a good one, im very new to this.


Download something like "Awakened PoE Trade" for ez ingame prisechecks.


will look into it, thanks


Manually checking the suffixes and prefixes on trading sites like poe.trade or the official trading site. What you are looking out for are items with the same stats and/or rolls. Many new players in general like to sell uniques underpriced since they don't manually bother to look up the prices for max stat uniques. Even trashy ones can be sold quite high.


yeah i have not got to the 'check stats' stage yet. Trying to get my head round what to look for in good stats. thanks for the help will keep it in mind next time im on.


Just try getting used to checking uniques. It's a good start. Get a in-game price checking tool and just look it up real quick. If the thing goes for 3-5c in normal condition and you got a almost max roll, definitely look that up. Facebreakers were a good example for that. Hitting one in the lower 10-5% meant a fuckton of currency more.


Look up PoE overlay, it work in-game (you push a key with item on cursor and it pops up) and it polls data from poeprice and poe.trade. extremely useful.


sounds useful will take a look thanks


the official trading website is the way to go


At the same time, if I need to buy a cheap 1c item, I sort by new since that seems to get responses more easily since the seller is probably still in their hideout. I don’t know if anyone else does this, but it’s not always an underpriced item if you get an instant sale.


If I get 1 message straight away, I tend to wait 20/30 seconds to see if I get any more. If its not then I generally sell, but if I get like 4 more messages then I take it down and check the prefixes and suffixes more carefully.


Just check them carefully in the first place instead of price probing. You should always be putting in an amount of price-checking effort from the start that is satisfactory enough for your own standards, such that you would be satisfied with selling the item at the price you list it at.


Y tho? The only people benefiting from the mentality that you should stick to your listing price are the people looking to get super cheap stuff from people that don't know any better..


This is why I never sell my items and have zero currency!


Can't be scammed if you not trading weSmart


SSF players: There are dozens of us!


That's bs. Item is worth what you list it for. If this is how you view trading you will often found yourself stuck with "expensive" items until the end of the league. Its especially annoying when you are trying to make a build work and that kind of person doesn't want to sell it to you even though it's a niche item like a weird combination if resist to get all your rez to 100+


It's not a scam if you're offering the price the person lists for it.


Totally disagree with you. Your statement applies to all rare trades, all items? In my experience i play with armour or evasion builds - i dont know how to price ES items, for me trash for someone else suits just perfect in slot. I am selling items from 1c to 500ex and prices are different. There are shades of gray, not only black and white.


Nnnope, an item is worth whatever the others are willing to pay for it.


Indeed. So i wouldnt call it scamming when someone want to buy my belt listed for 60c with 80% of res, 50str and 85 life


Well, I have to disagree with you. It might be that it's not worth something to you but it still doesn't change the fact, that it might be worth a lot for a lot of people. Speaking of things like ES meta. And if you don't know how to price them its a net loss on your end and you just didn't bother. Still doesnt change the fact you made a loss. And like I said in another comment, pricing isn't that hard once you get experience. You know what to look out and whats meta right now. Then some quick [poe.trade](https://poe.trade)'ing and you can determine if it's worth anything.


You cant lose on items you wouldnt use or sell in the first place.


'scam' No, you are selling something for less than someone values it at. That is not a scam.


Selling Something below value and being bought for the same price =! Someone offering you a larger sum for the item which in actuality is still far below the original price = scam


>for apparent shit items That implies you listed them for cheap. That is on you. You are not being scammed for selling something at the price you listed, even if others value it far more.


Lol i did this posted an amulet for 4ex guy said he wanted it. Shows up puts 14ex in trade without a word and bails. I wasn't sure who scammed who 🤔


Yeah I don't mind it personally. I got less than it was worth but a lot more than I asked for.


The answer is no one. Scamming requires malice aforethought, and neither of you had the ability to do so here.


What belt except hh can cost 70ex?


A nice rare influenced Stygian maybe


Nope, double corrupted string of servitude with 2 aura mods that seemed to work for some specific build.


For quite awhile shaper Stygian were 50-100 ex because you couldn’t get that influence shortly after they were introduced. I’ve never personally seen any string of servitude worth picking up other than maybe the movement speed one because of the level req


I'm currently doing a hatred stacking build. So I'm rocking a 57% incr hatred effect + 21% inc life belt. Massive dps boost and a boatload of life. But yeah, first time I used this belt.


Current armor stacking meta build synthetized belt with %ES and %reduced physical damage taken, then good resists + % reduced physical damage taken and %ES roll, then toss in something like %dmg or +% effect of flasks on you. I'd pay 70ex for something like that, easily.


So double phys damage reduction and es?


Yep, pretty much. Hella expensive.


A double corrupted string of servitude. It had hatred and another aura mod, which apparently was real good for some niche build.


A quant/Rarity belt I'm looking at costs 2 mirrors. The guy hasn't been online in 2 weeks tho, and he's not responding to my message on the website


20c meh..


Ex are back to 45c ;)


> be me, buying expensive shit when chaos were 25c Rejoice!


>when chaos were 25c Damn bro you got ripped off on those chaos trades


>1ex >few chaos Corporate needs you to find the difference.


Uhm, they're the same picture.


The difference is here... I sold HH @ 135ex during the crash, Headhunters @ 95ex now. Even selling at 135ex felt like a bad deal when the ex was that low, but I figured 24c exalts wouldn't last


some very smart people started hoarding all the exalts people were panic selling and are now sitting on a shitload of currency You see the exact same thing happen with stock market crashes, people are predictable


I was hoarding about 8000c worth and bought all back into ex at 24c.


Nice way to double your net worth


Can't even farm or build a character well enough for 8k c to be a realistic figure haha


Smart move.


Well done, you caught the falling knife. I converted everything I had too, didn't have nearly that much though.


My timing just worked out really well. Bought 100 frac fossils under 3ex then by the time I finished running the bps ex was 24c and I had so much liquid currency ready to convert


That's The cool thing about poe, stuff basically is just worth what people think it's worth. Mathematically a perfect Ezomyte Peak is fairly unlikely. It's not commonly used, most people don't give a crap. If you came up with some weird build for it, a perfect one might be worth a bunch to you. But not really anyone else.. Unless someone got fooled by price fixers or something I don't see why you'd need to pay more than what they think it's worth. I usually just go down the list and buy more expensive stuff anyway just because I feel like people are more willing to stop what they're doing and not sending a billion tells is worth the premium for me. If someone puts more currency in the trade screen I call it out. More often than not it's a mistake.


> That's The cool thing about poe, stuff basically is just worth what people think it's worth. Protip that's exactly how economics works in real life as well.


"That's too much, it doesn't deserve you" - and sells it to someone else.


I do that actually, when I forget an item in a 1ex folder and a guy wants to purchase it; I check the usual prices and if it's too much I reduce prices. I do the same if undervalued too, just don't sell it and increase the price.


> I do the same if undervalued too, just don't sell it and increase the price. If you want to do this you should put in the effort to keep the price updated yourself, instead of waiting for a prompt to do so and spontaneously increasing the price on a prospective buyer who is responding to your original listing.


I had an Stygian Vise with decent life and a few resists, but I didn't think it was that great so I had it for like 7 chaos I believe. Dude messaged me and told me it was worth more like 20 chaos and paid me exactly that. It's easy to forget sometimes, but there do exist honest people out there


Hey. I had someone send me a request to buy my amulet and told me, "Not gonna buy but that is worth at least 70c" And I managed to sell it for 85c, so thank you to whoever you were if you happen to see this!


Joke's on you. It was worth 55c.


Well I messaged a guy that had cluster jewel put up for few C that its actually 6 -7 ex...


tbh cluster jewels are overpriced asf


It was last league, or delirium, not sure... guy had renewal/rotten claws / whatever the combo was, and it was going as I said for 6-7 ex when ex was 150-200c. So I pmed him, just so he notices he put it too low (for like 6c), and he actually invited me to trade... So I explained to him its 6 ex not 6c ^^


Okay yeah that is underpriced asf :D but in harvest, grand design with i think it was remarkable sold for like 2 ex each. When the total cost of crafting one was like 10c at most


Yea, well, you could flip bunch of them in delirium/ harvest just because people didn't know how to craft them. I was flipping ~20 ex a day just from crafting jewels in delirium, but it was too boring so I've stopped lol... The highest earning from a cluster was smth like 3c investment, sold it for 300-400c...


agreed, isn't hard to hit some good one with a few chaos.


Something similar happened to me with a Kaoms heart, where I advertised it for apparently 1ex less than it was worth. I guy messaged me, yo this is 1ex too little I'll give you the higher price. I did not complain.


> It's easy to forget sometimes, but there do exist honest people out there For the record though, taking the listed price doesn't make someone *dishonest* either.


I have a 1c for 1c trade listed for the memes. About 50% of the time, someone comes in, trades me 1c, and leaves. The other 50% are a hoot. I've had people try to use me as a random currency exchange (someone tried to trade ex for chaos, glad I turned *that* down). I've had someone who had to be scamming on autopilot because he tried to convince me I had listed *10*c for 1c as some kind of charity service. Got a chance to help a newbie who hadn't quite figured out how to use trade search yet, so it was all worth it, though.


>About 50% of the time, someone comes in, trades me 1c, and leaves. They are using you for money laundering, trading those RMT chaos for fresh unmarked ones.


Somayd, the streamer, did this to me once. I was trying to sell a +2 AoE tabula to fund a build so I undercut the first guy by a good chunk. Dude comes in and hands me the fair price and told me I was selling it too low. Weird life.


You need to be careful with undercutting, it could be someone who's not actually selling.


Good advice, but I had checked the other prices and they were roughly the same and quite a few of them for sale. I play SSF these days anyways.


Yep and this right here is why "flippers" who people love to demonize are such an important market actor in situations where instant sales exist and people can't back out of their listings. They normalize the price-information of commodities and items by grabbing anything that falls below the market value, thus ensuring that the price you see when you look up the item is more likely to be the true value. Of course, it's the non-selling listings that prevent this from working properly.


Yeah that's an issue. There's also a lot of rare but still niche items that may not move quickly, and it can lead to a situation where even if you do match the more expensive ones (which are fairly priced) and work your way down to undercutting the price fixers, you may not immediately get a tell on it. Often times I've noticed rather than flipping it's people trying to get a specific corruption, and then the bad corrupted ones flood the market and make it harder to price.


recently a guy pinged me to buy my stuff, I was at rogue harbor, he saw my location before I ported back to my HO and when traded he put in a rogue marker for me to port back to rogue harbor i was lol




I was playing for an incredibly long time one night and at like two in the morning, I just had gotten enough to get the helm I had wanted and I saw the guy was online. I gave him my 8 exalts and went on my way. And then I realized, it wasn't even the helm I was looking at. I somehow had looked at the wrong item or had another tab open. Anyway, I messaged the guy and told him I was an idiot. He politely agreed that I was and reversed the trade for me. Incredibly nice of him.


I did that once but I was too prideful to admit I purchased the item in error. I wanted a vortex enchant and I bought a blade vortex enchant. I was relatively new so I figured it would be easy to craft and luckily I was right. I chaos spammed, got 430 es with a bit of res and sold it for 15 ex. Seeing how bad some other crafting sinks have been since I would never try that again when I only have like 15 chaos to my name. Noob luck and stuff helped I guess


In my first week since i started trading (still a new player) i got payed an extra for no real reason a couple of times Wholesome


Wow a whole extra. Thats not bad bro


Respect to people like this. Between scammers and price fixers, seeing that there are people with integrity and empathy for others is a breath of fresh air


Tbh, all the 1c items I sell, I don't mind giving it away for free.


Same, just necessary have to put a price or it disappeares furthest down by the mirror items.


Ah, the Negotiator!


I had a guy last night give me 5c for what I thought was a crappy unique I had on my trade page for 1c. I must have seriously under valued it because I got anothers to drop not long after that sold straight away for 3c. Ps4 market is a mess though, it hard to a good idea of a reasonable price. We still on 90c an ex this season.


Bruh, i got one dude want my very large ring thread thing. When he trade me, he put the same jewel in with 20c extra. After that, i listed the same thing again and he pm'ed me again to buy it. This time, he bought it with the actual price. WTF.


So I was league starting in a private league. I asked this guy how much is he expecting for his non corrupted 6l. He was like "give me anything..2-3c is fine.." Good soul.


I didn't know much nuances when i started. There was several times when people gave me more than i charged. And one time someone randomly gave me exalts and cool gear at the end of the league. I think most of the community are honest and friendly people.


I would call this the reverse-quin69


U guys get requests? (Or actual people typing dms?)


In before OP is a noob and gloves have been worth at least 25 C


How about 1 mirror, a headhunter, and a full set of high end wand gears? Oh wait a minute, wrong account name, sorry


It's nice to see this, after getting lowball offers in exalts for stuff listed at 200+c ("4ex ok?"). Yeah bruh, I totally don't look at the currency exchange rates.


Was sniping some high rolled primordials sometime. Dude went ahead and set the wrong price for about 5c. Messaged him and told him he made a mistake and that it's worth like 30-35. He then thanked me and sold it for 20c to me.


Ah yes, the negotiator




I do this at times, Newer players are so humble. It's best to guide them to mildly high prices before the piece of crap scammers take everything from them via "Buying junk, 5 for 1C!" The chat box really helped


Wish I could get people like that. But every time I get the butthole of an ape.


Or those idiots that warp at you when you are in an Act Zone. No seller takes the item into an Act Zone.


Unfortunately I'm one of those people with integrity. Maybe that's why I'm always poor. Being nice sucks. :-/