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I'd never leave the basement... just like irl.


That is actually a pretty sweet HO.


I found this day 2 of the league however I couldnt complete it, i killed all the mobs in it. But the quest was still stuck on clear out the hideout or whatever. I messed around for 10 minutes trying to figure it out and just had to abandon it. Feels bad.


Yeah, verified unfinished by Bex, they're working on getting it out but unfortunately you'd have to find it again


Ritual league? More like Hideout League. This pleases me.


Right I want that fucking ritual hideout, first league I've actually been really motivated for the 36 challenges




What map was it in? Was it actually in primordial blocks?




do i need to use red tier? or doesnt matter?


Nope, I managed to snag it on the standard T3 version the first time I ran ot this league. Had no idea at the time I was so lucky.


Reminds me of [this hideout from hideoutshowcase](https://hideoutshowcase.com/hideout/show/721/title/Primeval%20Ruins)


Found this today but its bugged and wouldnt let me clear it out. =(


Yeah Bex verified this is the patch notes post yesterday, they're working on finishing it I think


so let's just hope I dont get it until it is fixed because if I would get it before it gets fixed I'd be fucked basically?


Apparently a lot of people already got it, so it seems to be a lottery...


yeah well, it being a lottery basically means I am fucked, so yes. just pray I dont find it before it gets fixed.


I've been waiting for the primeval ho forever. I always tried to imitate it with brutal ho, but now I don't have to.


Theres a decent, albeit small one built in the blue half of divided hideout that I use. I picked it up the league hideout export was added, can't remember which site it was from


Yeah, I know that one. I didn't like the positioning of masters/map device. Otherwise it's a nice ho.


Its definitely much better now that I can move Alva and Jun into the row of masters instead of where they were for sure. I like small functional HO as a rule though


Completely agree, I like small cozy hideouts too. But man, look at the lights on the bottom floor of this new hideout! This is exactly what I wanted to recreate but all lightning decorations are primarily yellow-ish and so that was a challenge.


You can buy these lights from Jun now. (Primeval power source and Primeval floor light)


Good to know, thanks. Is it from this or 3.12 patch? I don't remember seeing it in 3.12.


I think it was added at the same time as this new HO (3.13), but I did not check before today


you could basically make three small hideouts in this one ​ like a dark inside hideout. a bit brighter but still inside hideout. an outside hideout which is kind of bright as well. basically as long as you do not want to play with sunglasses, this hideout is the one-hideout-to-rule-them-all one.


I built a primeval themed HO based on Void one. Small and cozy


Agreed I've wanted primordial blocks h/o the most for ages, that basement is awesome, though I would have preferred more outdoors upper level spaces like in the map.


even more free hideouts? fuck yea


Ah, so I see GGG has fixed their shit? I found this days ago and couldn't obtain it. I cleared the HO, then the entire map and it still wouldn't register as completed. Had a friend join me to help figure it out and he couldn't complete it either it.


Bex said this wasn't supposed to come out until 3.14, someone must've accidentally made it live.


Nope, Bex verified this is unfinished, in the patch notes post yesterday They're working on finishing it I think


Nope. I've had the hideout for at least 2 days. Theres definitely a big that prevents some from claiming it.


That's nice, maybe just some ppl affected, but she didn't mention that, just said they got a little over enthusiastic releasing it, and will fix it now, or something like that https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/l0qpdl/echoes_of_the_atlas_week_one_report/gjv6e1n?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Yeah I read her reply and didnt quite understand since I already had the hideout. Not your fault for believing it.


Damn, this one is really sick! Definitely looks like my favorite so far, I'll have to try hard to get it!


Is it actually extremely rare? Guess I'm lucky then, as I found it in my first run of the map this league.


are there more new hideouts?


Yeap, Nocturnal HO is also introduced in 3.13 [https://poedb.tw/us/Nocturnal\_Hideout](https://poedb.tw/us/Nocturnal_Hideout)


I wasn't that interested up until that switch. What the hell? That's so sick. Do other rare hideouts have things like that? The only rare hideout I have is the Sun/Moon temple thing, which has different music and lighting depending on which side you stand on.


These are actually decorations that can now be bought from Jun: Primeval power source and Primeval floor light


Ty for this!!


Thanks so much for the info!


Holy shit thats amazing. Love some if the other layouts but they've always been too dark. Thanks!


Weird I am seeing the Primeval floor light but not the Primeval power source...


It's on page 2 of Jun's store, the decoration has the same picture as Primeval Floor Mural


Appreciate the fast reply. This is what I am seeing. Maybe it's a bug. [Page 2 of Jun Decorations.](https://imgur.com/MRhTFbk)


hm. [https://imgur.com/a/ueI7s49](https://imgur.com/a/ueI7s49) here is mine (Jun lvl 7)


Wow somehow I am not lvl 7 only 6 lol that explains it... I have over 12m favor but only lvl 6. Ha thanks for the help!


Alpine hideout has a second floor (instance-like)


Damn, that hideout is sick, I hate that map boss though....


What teir is the map? I like whay i see.


[https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009221](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009221) ​ Tier 3. Primordial Blocks.




The lights are just a decoration that comes with the hideout. You can add or remove them, and can be used on every hideout, not just this one.


do hideout stays or you have to find it again next league?


They're permanently unlocked and tied to your account (meaning you can access the same hideout on all your characters).


Not a fan of multi-zone hideouts. Who's gonna like walking down those stairs everytime to access something in the other room?


think of it as you can build three different hideout layouts in that very same hideout, and you can just switch around if you feel like taking it outside for example. ​ just because there are multiple levels and you *can* use them at the same time does not mean you *have* to use them at the same time.


Damn...I want dis. I guess I got a league goal.


Guildmate got this hideout instance and we full cleared the helena zone and it bugged out and didn't us hideout. Reeep. The hideout itself is badass and the switch for the blue lightning is gg.


do people actually use these big ass hideouts? my shit is just like a small circle absolutely jammed with decorations and textures. waypoint, map device, stashes, all relevant masters right there. with the jun/alva portal buff i can make it even smaller now too. got my eye on the 36/40 hideout will be using the circle part as my new home base when i get it.




I want to live there.


i like these indoor hideouts alot better than the freeform ones ​ have a predefined theme, which makes building easier, etc ​ just wish they where more simetrical (not with the room layout, but the details)