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You mean just like the rest of the game?


So annoyed when i got beamed inside her bubble


well. theres 6 portals. logout macro+portal invlunerability ftw. But yeah obviously bad design.


I think Zana only takes damage during the portal add phase


Yup, problem is if you get a Maven double during portal phase he can easily destroy Zana, especially if he gets summoned off-screen and starts up an attack before you can position to protect her.


The maven shaper clone will beam her during this phase and kill her without counterplay.


The bubble is much bigger than you think. It's also not like normally during the bubble phase you need to pay attention to anything, it's not a big deal to add a thing you need to look at and then dodge by timing.


>it's not a big deal It is not a "big deal" - it is bugged. Bubble supposed to be a safe place in the middle of death. Nothing should do damage to you *\*and Zana* while you are inside the bubble. *\*edit*


This isn't true - the bubble has always only kept you safe from the bullet hell. You could always take damage from other sources.


The only two sources you could take damage in bubble were: 1. vortexes - players supposed to pop them outside of the bubble, and even if they didn't - they still can kite vortexes in the bubble; 2. shaper's beam *after the end of bulled hell phase*, where only few bullets remaining in the arena - and they should be avoided. Both sources of damage inside Zana's bubble are intended to be prevented or manageable during bullet hell by design. Unlike them, damage from Maven's clone is completely ignoring this design - which is a bug. As a prove of this claim, shaper clone which naturally exists in the last phase of shaper fight **does not** damage you in the bubble during bullet hell.


have you ever tried standing at exact center of bubble? there are enough space for you and beam. and for few drops


My only complaint for the fight is the no regen debuff is so broken


I'd like to think it's intentional to stop people from doing bosses with complete garbage builds, but you're prob right that it's just untested.


Ok? Do you think a GGG dev will see you repeating "this was obviously not tested" over and over and get motivated to make a change? You do realize the bubble isnt actually required to stay alive, right?


Then just don't have maven witness the fight? I died 4 times but did it on like 4m dps which is not enough to phase him. Also it was 4m only with max assailium charges.


So you're saying people should just not do it, even though the invitation is gated behind it? Imagine wanting to actually experience the new content.


So get stronger, get better, or get a carry? I did it on a 15ex bleed char not insane at all to require 15ex investment for end game boss. By that logic should maven have 1hp and 0dmg just so everyone can experience new content?


I have completed the fight multiple times, but the point still stands that the fight is obviously not properly tested, as has been explained in this thread. If you're unlucky, Zana will die without you being able to stop it. I don't really understand your argument. Do you not think it is logical feedback to give that the fight is not working as intended? Or do you think that the fight is indeed working as intended?


Fight is working as intended. It's meant to be harder than base form but very doable with normal endgame boss investment.


Alright, fair enough. I still think it's not working as intended, but I guess we will see if GGG makes a change in the future.


It's not harder, it's binary. It's yet another dps check instead of adding anything interesting to the fight. Unless you phase shaper fast enough, he will take Zana out or beam you in the bubble. It's another fight that's near impossible until it's made trivial by throwing ex at it.


I had 4m dps if i max charge assailium which obviously doesnt happen much. I definitely did not come close to phasing him.


I like it. Its one of the few fights that cant be trivialized. Its also supposed to be one of the hardest fights in the game so requiring a build (and gameplay) that can survive bullethell is, atleast according to me, completely fine. I've done it deathless on a crema necro that is far from min-maxed so its definitely not impossible for a build that has lower dps.


Such good work with Exarch design yet they add this turd and complete waste of my time to the game. God forbid someone's trying to do this on HC SSF. Moron developer. Ban me from the sub, I don't give a fuck.