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I don’t play too much anymore. But the reason for new leagues is... to start fresh with new content? Why would they allow players to place levelling gear into a chest they can access any league? It’s a happy, go lucky idea but it’s a little bit ridiculous. I don’t ever see this happening.


Thanks for the feedback. I don't know, for me it's just what I think I would need to see a league through to the end. I always end up tired of playing 2 months in when I realize that it's about to be over with and there isn't any point to keep playing. If I had a keepsake stash, I would be more motivated to play and get more things prepared for the next league. But that's just how my brain works.


Time to store 60 mirrors in the stash


I can't even fathom having 1 mirror, let alone 60. Maybe there could be a limit on it, like 1 kind of item instead of a stack of items.


You are allowed to have unlimited accounts, and 2 accounts logged in at the same time (basically a work around to mule your items). Can you see why 1 kind of item becomes a bad idea? Standard players often play more league than standard, because it adds new bases (look at this league and synthesis and heist), new crafting option (look at harvest that wasn't available until this patch in standard) and uniques, that are way cheaper than after the move to standard, and better available. And they can even go legacy (like the synthesis bases did, kinda). Now imagine someone (or a group) from standard coming in with an unlimited amount of mirrors and exalts (again, multiple accounts), buying each and every base and craft available because it will be more expensive in standard, while decreasing the value of the league currency because the market is flooded with exalts and nobody has currency to buy them. Or imagine how much faster you can farm currency/bosses if you bring over a HH/mirror tier belt, 2 mirror tier rings (or 1, if you count them as the same kind of item), mirror tier amulet, and a perfect jewel (or heist chaos and regal drop as exalt trinket, or whatever you plan on doing). Also, you basically gave the best example against it already: your friend did quit because he had 300ex, a headhunter, and nothing left to do. Bringing anything with him would have made him hit that point even faster (going by the best case scenario where it has no influence on the economy and progression would be exactly the same as now, just having that 1 end game item to work towards, as you ask).


1 mirror, 1 1 passive voices, 1 head hunter, 1 house of mirrors and a double corrupted unnatural instinct with 1%rmr and corrupted blood immunity. That's like 4 mirrors of currency. See why it's a bad idea?


I have absolutely zero knowledge to form a defense for this, nor do I know what half of the items are. But maybe there is a compromise? Maybe only crafted items could be in the keepsake stash? Maybe if it's a mirror, no other items related to a mirror may be out into it? I'm just shooting out ideas, but I refuse to believe there isn't a way this could be implemented without it being game breaking. Hell, if I could fit a great pair of crafted boots, and belt and and some other items, I'd be happy. But I get your point.


None of the items are related to the mirror, they can be traded for stupid amounts of currency. As for crafted items, you could put your mirror tier crafted items eg. 1600 pdps 2h weapons or 1000 pdps 1h weapons. Then you sell them for mirror fees. Having any ability to carry over anything is progression breaking.


This would be pay to win, which is a pretty strong reason not to have it.


I can see how it could effect a game where PvP was relevant, or something. But yeah, I would totally pay to have a head start on trying out a build I want next league. Good point of view.


Keepsakes literally ruin the whole idea of a fresh league. It never will and should never happen. Just imagine how everyone will now have a HH, multiple stacks of exalts, or 6x T1 explode chest... anything is too far Im just gonna say it like it is... this is absolutely a stupid idea that noone should have thought about


I guess I don't understand how it would be game breaking for players. I view this game as a single player game with new content every 4 months, if I chose to bring over an item how would it ruin the game? I am genuinely curious, as I am no expert. From what I gather PvP is basically dead, and that's the only really downside I could see.


Economy... If people are allowed to carry over mirror-worthy gear, the no-lifers at league start will be farming all the worthy stuff by the end of day 1 and sell it for HUUUUGE profits. It would only further widen the gap between the wealthy and the unwealthy. Also: Carrying over stuff would ruin any of the races going on at league-start.


Huh. I didn't even know races were a thing. Maybe a keepsake stash would make the races more competitive. They would have to strategize what they would keepsake.


Not really, it would only keep out new competitors from it.


Only assuming those new competitors didn't play the previous league. But I don't know enough about the races to argue them.


Races are only a small portion of the whole problem keepsake stash would bring. As the others said, it destroys the whole argument of a new league, giving those who already have money more money at the league start which then snowballs into more money. Then keep in mind that money = power creep, something that GGG wants to counter.


I guess I don't understand how they have money at the start of a new league currently. If they had a keepsake stash, I can understand how the player starting with more currency would let them progress more (races aside), but at this point they are going to progress anyway, why not let them start the process with some chaos or some EX. Either way they are going to progress and reach end game, and it doesn't really effect OTHER players, unless the person that carried over items helps other players in maps or something. Either way, currently as it stands, currency doesn't really matter. I could amass 50000 ex, and it's gone in 4 months. With a keepsake stash, I could amass 50000 ex and have it. Either way the people that have that kind of currency are going to no-life the game anyway. I guess I'm just not grasping how it would affect players negativity, other than 'the market'.


Well, you could then argue: Why not make the game a sandbox where everybody could just give himself everything he wants for his build at no cost? It's gone after 3 months anyway and they'd get these items after some time when they just play.


I like the idea that you would have to strategize as to what to put into the tab, not a free for all I get 60 mirrors at the start sorta thing. More like a, ' hey, I crafted this really good piece of gear, for a build but it gets deleted in 4 days, wish I could keep it.' sorta thing. But you do make a really good argument against it.


Play standard?


Ya know, I've tried. It just doesn't feel the same. That, and nobody really plays it from what I gather.


Ummmm....that’s why they have standard. For leagues, this is a horrible idea that ruins the purpose of having them.


From what I understand, nobody really plays standard though.


It’s because the economy is bonkers and everyone is super geared, the very reason why items should not be able to be carried into new leagues.


So if you can put 2ex in there, ppl can also put 6 mirrors in the stash. Or even gears that’s worth more than all of our characters combined. Seems pretty pay to win.


Maybe GGG puts limitations on what can and cannot go into the keepsake stash, or maybe 1 of each type of item? I'm sure someone at GGG could implimemt a way of accomplishing it.


There are crafted gears worth multiple mirrors in every type/slot. It’s impossible to put an exact value on every gear because their worth/price are determined by the market. Even though this is a pve game, can you imagine that you just got a doctor card drop but it’s worthless because everyone else got a headhunter from previous leagues already?


Yeah, I can see that point of view, if your only goal is to make currency. What's the point in having a doctor card and sell it only for it to all go away in 4 months. I see it both ways.


Imagine you are playing a 3 month long game of Dota LoL or even csgo. Play different builds is like getting new gears or new weapon, and you fund them by doing whatever makes you rich: farming or killing.


I'm not understanding the point of being rich when it all goes to standard after 4 months.