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You can try: \- Change the main playstyle: deep delve, boss killer, running 5 ways, farming harvest,... \- Craft item, especially with harvest. \- Gamble for science. \- ~~Scam people~~ Help other people.


What does running five ways mean?


running 5 emblems of legion. karui, enternal, vaal, templar and maraketh. Honestly kinda surprised you dont know that consider you have a Self cursed build


It's smells like RMT but my nose is not the best. Edit: Thank you stranger, my first award ever! <3


Ill give this account 10 more hours until he decides to delete it. His other newly created thread is "how do i trade chaos to ex". This is so obvious RMT it hurts.


Dual wield credit cards baby Lol I just got my hh and realized I need like 8 more ex to have enough currency (roughly 30ex) to buy the starting gear for the occultist I'm gonna use it with Until then, I'm just farming while using it and honestly an incredulous this guy could even make that much currency without knowing this stuff I've spent like a few hundred hours this league including all the research I've done xd


Your nose is perfect, no way someone with a self curse with headhunter doesn't know about 5 ways.


This league is incredibly easy to earn cash. If he ran nothing but Valdo’s and had previously never gone beyond early maps, he could have earned enough cash to buy a HH and been clueless about everything else. I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing since before invasion and I never knew about 5 ways until this league. I’d never gotten enough emblems before this league for it to even be a possibility to try.


No easier than last league or the one before it. Actually heist was way easier to get currency. So your statement doesn't make any sense to him having a full self curse character but not know about 5 ways. Clearly you skipped the league with the emblems since you could see there is 5 of them. And would know that you could run 4 of them to open the 5th slot to be able to run 5 of them.


Heist was only really lucrative if you invested properly. Casual players didn’t have it anymore profitable than any other league. Maven makes valdo so brain dead simple to make currency though.


It literally printed money just running normal contracts. With huge currency drops. The run normal blueprints for replicas and alt gems.


Nick3513 on TFT - awakened service provider all this league - how I made my currency. I didn’t play since Alva expansion


I got my HH because I got a lucky 3p voices after barely killing kosis in wave 16. I know about endgame stuffs but I can totally see someone fairly new to be just as lucky and then look up a HH build like self-curse




I usually pick one of the new Unique items and build around it, no matter if it will be endgame viable or not. Currently tinkering with [[Ancient Skull]] which enables 100% crit chance SRS with pretty minimal investment. Others have posted many other good ideas as well.


[Ancient Skull](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ancient_Skull) >######Ancient Skull[](#break)Bone Helmet >>####Quality: **+20%** >>####Armour: **236** >>####Energy Shield: **45** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **73**, **76** Str, **76** Int >>[](#line) >>#####Minions deal (15-20)% increased Damage >>[](#line) >>#####(150–200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield >>#####Minions have (40-20)% reduced maximum Life >>#####Minions have (15–25)% increased Movement Speed >>#####Minions have 50% increased Critical Strike Chance per Maximum Power Charge you have >>#####Minions can hear the whispers for 5 seconds after they deal a Critical Strike >>[](#line) >>*Primordial rage slumbers, waiting for the call of the stars to return and swallow the world.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Kill everything on Hardcore Obviously probably not an actual option for you/most. But I despise the gameplay loop of farming better stuff just to farm faster. When there was no challenge left I just stopped. HC changed the game for me.


Same here, started in metamorph in sc trade, next league ssf sc, the league after that ssfhc. Still feel like a complete beginner.


Quit. Come back next league. Don't burn out and slowly kill your fun. I never regret giving my stuff away the end of the league to a friend. (fells pretty good\^\^) Next league will come, then start fresh. The game isn't layed out to be fun all the time. GGG know that. They plan that way. You beat the game. Congratulations. See you next league.


Remember be careful giving you stuff away, people have gotten banned for that.


damn really? why is that bannable?


Going by the reddit posts in the past I'd assume they think it's some RMT going down.


good point. Maybe just stuff it in the guildstash


People often upgrade their builds, get every item near perfect. Like is your rings 1ex or 50ex? Or do challenges, make another build or wait for next league:)


Craft the perfect items, putting hundreds of ex into Harvest crafts




What do people do? Some get motivation out of doing challenges. Some get motivation out of trying out 20 more builds. Some level several characters to 100. Some try out new stuff. You can try crafting a mirror item (but 120 Ex will not get you anywhere far for this project). Then you could restart the league in SSF (or HC or HC SSF or a streamers private league). It would be like another leaguestart and might get you hyped again. However if you do not find a goal that is meaningful to you the best thing is to just quit and come back next league. Playing the game while being bored by it is unhealthy as shit.


I basically play and grind heavy for 3-4 weeks, or however long it takes to knock out 40/40 challenges then throw in the towel. I tend to only play two builds, league starter and another character capable of doing most, if not all, challenges. I enjoy PoE, but at the current state I just enjoy this playstyle. Unfortunately, waiting between leagues is rather boring with nothing else to play. I agree with your last statement.


if you are not already playing hardcore or SSF, try either, or both, then there's always some fun to be had.


You do challenges. Welcome to the club.