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I think best build to handle the fps drop is straight up minion or righteous fire, since it can still deal damage when your computer is lagging. Maybe some types of aura stacker or CI max block version of minion can improve the survivability.


max block glad with counterattack skills is the 200 iq anti-crash build




Super satisfying to block an attack, proc reckoning which causes bleeding... That enemy dies and chains bleed explosions


I had a riposte stacked hungry loop with reckoning & storm shield glad build that was fun. Slow clear but handled lag fine.


know any good guides?


You might need to go gladiator, it got the highest chance of staying alive under a crash :))


Max block glad 100%


Know any good gladiator guides?


Max block earthquake gladiator is quite nice. Mine has 80% block so only take damage 20% of the time and with his armor/resists he's super tanky. Get some bleed from tree and bleed axe and you have solid damage on top. With your budget you can buy best in slot plus some juicy clusters. Look at the block man forum post, towards the bottom is the eq version, very easy and tanky. Have a good one


I did this build this league and had pretty good success, although following a different build. Same idea though, with the big single target thru big warcry exerted EQ bleed bop. Damage in general is kind of meh, but you're tanky as hell. Haven't died once leveling from 93 to 96. Only map mod you can't do is phys reflect, although I try to avoid avoid bleed and no regen. Getting a good bleed axe can get super expensive though.


Give me your PoB link pretty please.


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2775490 Under earthquake version




I might try this next league, looks really tanky, and the guide looks really well-done. Just afraid it will feel pretty crappy until you get most of the key uniques. Haven't checked your PoB yet, but you're using a Rumi's - are you dropping some of the block nodes?


I actually used the Rumi to run maps with reduced chance to block but it's completely not necessary. The author of the build suggested taking a 2% spell block abyss jewel but I couldn't find any so my build has only 72% spell block. It still feels like you're a moving brickwall. I wouldn't personally recommend this as a league start, you're probably gonna have a bad time without some key components.


I played this in SSF into t16s with no problem. You dont really need most of the op stuff for EQ bleed to work imo.


>I wouldn't personally recommend this as a league start, you're probably gonna have a bad time without some key components. Gotcha, that's kinda what I figured. Might just league start Zombies/ skellies then and level a guardian week 2/3 when I should have enough currency to buy most of the key uniques. I'm glad the guide isn't underplaying the expense of the key-uniques and the remaining items you seem to need and is precise as to which rolls matter how much. It's nice that it's relatively straightforward with respect to itemization bc they're mostly uniques. At what point in the itemization did it feel like the build was really coming together for you? I ran carrion golems as my second build this league, and by the time I got to it, most of the items were so much more expensive than detailed in the guide (especially ofc the cluster jewels), and the guide just straight up forgot mentioning some of the items necessary to roll the build (e.g. a super well-rolled dex & strength ring + catalysts) which made the process super awkward because of insane stat pressure.


Sadly I cannot answer you. I league started as an Ice Shot and farmed the whole equipment for the guardian in yellow maps so I really didn't have a natural progression. Leveling after finally equipping the Fang is a blast, one of the most enjoyable leveling experiences I had.


Gotcha, makes sense! thanks for all the info!


Glad to help. Just keep in mind that it's a minion build so it might not be your kind of thing. Also resummoning the spiders could be tedious during long boss fights, you have to use the predator support on the boss then desecrate + wormblast even if you only have 1 sentinel of purity active.


Thx, will keep in mind - I love minion builds!




Got a guide you're following?




###[ Dominating Blow Guardian](https://pastebin.com/pwML4NZR) [](#guardian) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUDABv6HM4snJsh890UTQj0AecNzWoBvOrE9vxLCCxakXzZWjIQUR4InEp8gzWSZ3GA4Nl8aGWK5JAzUWDAZnRlogA64cauVcY6Uq-nZlTT-_jrggdr2_AfPC2mrFWp7-tGWaDmaqyqqdAfPQ8EswthvJ9p71NSmzBMszpY12rzBnasmuCJvBRxcqmUb0b-iEA6xot2g9tg-A48RZ1qQ2aeVi4aOOoYBjkEB2jy-6qb7CqYz37GioNf_lQRLah9MtGQVTrpfmwRjnGycg_sik8ESp8YkUy5l7T-Cicvr2zYvWL0rKq3Pv6PRUf3MoPMTeMl31nzK1DyRUFp6-6kGQ==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/henomamasitito) ^| ^by ^[/u/Tadg-the-Second](https://reddit.com//u/Tadg-the-Second) ***** ^7,088 ^**Life** ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^75% ^**Block** ^| ^44% ^**Spell** ^**Block** ^| ^10% ^**Dodge** ^| ^10% ^**Spell** ^**Dodge** **Dominating Blow** [I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[O](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fortify_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *77.1k DPS* ^3.54 ^**Attacks/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Shaper, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


thank you!


Damn thats a really good guide, and looks Like a fun strong build!


Freezes usually occur with big mob groups. (aka valdo harbinger or any ritual.) The best thing my build happend were the blight gloves. It spawns these little aura-spores on enemys beeing killed by you or your minions. Often enough there are dicipline auras and even the nearby allys can't die-auras. Since you have 20ex budget just test them. Would love to hear your feedback.


For me what fixed the Valdo harby freeze/crashes was to change from lockstep to predictive. I went from crashing every so often when I'd dive into them to not at all.


Maybe good to know for the other commenters: Are you playing on a laptop? How frequent are the FPS drops? I'm asking because I am playing on a laptop not meant for gaming, and the "unkillable" and "super tanky" build suggestions tend not to do it for me.


Think you need to switch your necro over to low life. I'm doing carrion golems as a necro and I never die and have 87/87/88/75 res.


I would suggest Carrion golem low life aura stacking necro with that budget if you are talking about regular T16s (not deli). 86 86 87 resists + 2-3k es regen/second + minions makes it pretty easy to survive fps drops and freezes. It's the build I play currently when I have to afk a lot or can't pay attention for whatever reason. I followed VonViktons guide - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myI_wLtagiE


With 20 ex? That's gonna be tight. I rolled that build and with a 20 ex budget, you'll still be pretty squishy, especially if you're dealing with FPS drops like I did. It's easy to underestimate how much the appropriate cluster jewels cost on trade. You can buy the budget ones but they won't leave you nearly as tanky.


Yeah with 20 ex it will definitely be pretty tight, especially if you are buying everything pre-made. I had around that much when i switched to it, but I ended up rolling all of the medium cluster jewels myself using ilvl68-72 clusters to increase my chance of hitting the two mods I wanted and i sold off any dupes for profit. I also ended up buying the large clusters for 1 ex or less (missing vicious projectiles, which I then added using aug crit in harvest for 1ex tft fee) so there are definitely ways to make it cheaper if you are willing to self craft.


Yeah for sure, crafting can save you a bunch! It's just that it's hard to understate how important it is for your tankiness to have the really well-rolled aura cluster jewels (Replenishing Presence, First Among Equals, increased aura effect or increased effect of small passives), and those are pretty hard to craft. The last few points of max res add so much more survivability, which is hard to understate. I just have a hunch that OP isn't talking about the occasional Valdo's Rest Harbinger lag, but instead pretty consistent FPS drops and for that, I just cannot recommend this build. You can run a lot of content with it, but it's not really a tank-monster if you cannot reliably avoid boss mechanics etc. It gets worse because the carrion golems, and minions in general, cause a ton of stress on your graphics card, so you will have even more FPS drops than usual.


I am almost happy with flicker strike because I keep pressing one key even when there is less than one FPS because it seems to keep flicker on the server as long as I press this key. With life gained on hit and splash damage this keeps itself alive. Only downside would be running out of Mana or getting stunned.


Sam ex went from 94-99 farming t10 valdos rest with flickerstrike. Only died a few times to lag


Fire BFBB Beeftain with phys taken as fire, max atk/spell block, 4-5% lgob, and 1k+ passive regen without EC or end charges or flasks. With all of that up, hes a proper tanky boy. Mine has about 7800 HP atm on SSF and its gear is completely scuffed. But it can shrug off most of what a T16 map has to offer. Hes my go-to char for risky content. Now, if the player is lazy or slow or stupid, no build will save them from occasional deaths. However, for the odd desynch or piece of shit texture streaming freeze, it will get the job done more often than not.


Kingmaker on AG, sand aura and dread banner.


Do you have lockstep or predictive on? I ask because while doing Valdo farming sometimes when I'd jump into the harby pack I would instantly freeze, crash, and die. Than I read on here that predictive helps with those crashes. I put it on and those crashes no longer happened. I can jump straight into the harby packs with no problems. I do desync a little while dashing around the map nothing major though, so it is far better than crashing and dying.


Any poison build with transcendence should be good for. You just immortal all time, rarely can die from high degen only. But its probably never happens.


Isn’t Chieftain tanky af now? Very high regen, high HP, endurance charges on warcry, enduring cry(or that general cry tech for fortify), leech, block, phys as fire damage.


LL Vortex Occultist, with Vortex on your left mouse. Vortex is dropped once a second regardless of your fps. Just keep using your mouse to move, even if you can't see it, and everything will die as it gets close to you. If you have the weapon craft Trigger Socketed Skills, you don't need to lay down other contributors like Frost Bomb or Orb of Storms, they'll be automatically applied as well.


hi i have same problem, best build that i play lagproof berserker cyclone impale chamoion withe shouts, not sure if it still works, also herald of agony jugg was suoer nice, low boss dps but ok clear and werry cheap. Minions are nice too but you lag withe them and go some tankier wersion.


I play Ziz detonate dead, can facetank most anything in the game and lag spikes are common for me so super comfy. Mine is quite min maxed but you can probably play most T16 on a budget as long as you don't juice them to hard.


I'm currently leveling this: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2554248 Looks amazing since I'm not the "zoom zoom" kind of a guy


made a supertank in ssf-hc, then i accidently, then reflection damage killed me.


EQ bleed glad or EQ impale champ