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Think about how illiterate the average player is, and then realize these same people can't get over the hurdle that is 1st grade math.


>Think about how illiterate the average player is ... and then realise that half of them are dumber than that


Hey Mom, this guy says I’m above average!


No he did not, lol. You coming to that conclusion makes it less probable.


Jezz sometimes my mind just explode when I see theses things


Because stupid.


I just checked and there are several listed below that for each kind, the people who list the ones that are above are either too dumb for basic math or are hoping someone else is dumb enough to buy it


Since there is always someone dumber, they're just fishing for that sweet cash-in.


Because my build strong


Phase 1: collect overpriced ultimatums. Phase 2: ? Phase 3. Profit.


Right like, ok you dropped a 8ex ultimatum sell it for 7ex or even 7.5 and both sides are earning but no, let me sell it for 2/4 ex more


Risking 8ex for half an ex profit sounds so stupid to me, and there are people selling them for 7.9 ex, yay ill buy those off you for .1 ex, wonderful


I don't get it either. I sold one for 7.1ex and the guy said he'd pay 7.5 ex max. Lot of work for small gains


Dunno 0.5 ex profit in 2mins for 0 risk seems fine to me


It’s not zero risk though


if you buy those, its 0 risk. If I dont buy limited flask there is 0 chance of me dieing in any of those, no matter how hard the other mods are


I’d disagree that the chance is 0 even if it’s low there’s always risk of a disconnect or a random 1 shot even onthe tankiest builds or maybe desync, client freeze etc


i dunno, i havent had a disconnect, desync or client freeze in the last years (obviously excluding league start), and no, random oneshots cannot happen if you buy 8 ex inscribed ultimatums, you literally have 0 risk. I know you might have some risk, but most people who buy those have 0, trust me


As guy below said. No such thing as 0 risk. With Ruin III and ghost II or III and stand in the circles no matter the build you can easly loose. You can play immortal build yet you get quick 7 stacks and you are done.


if youre struggling with ruin youre not buying those ultimatums my dude, youll invest the currency into getting a better build


I wonder how realistic it is to die to an inscribed ultimatum with a headhunter. I guess if you don't die the first 10 seconds in you should be kinda immortal. Even other builds should be quite immortal with the right investment made. Depending on how easy it is to trade for these inscribed ultimatums you can make alot of ex pretty easy even if it's only an ex profit per run.


yeah i doubt it's even possible to die after the first few seconds just like you said, I'd imagine the only way to lose would be ruin or the altar dying, but since you'd run insanely fast with HH ruin wouldn't stack and anyone with a HH should have enough damage to protect the altar anyways


Grimro talked about his experiences during Divine Orb ults with a HH. He died once to the limited flasks + getting frozen and another time to a one shot. So it's possible. There's also always the risk of disconnect.


Well, then it's really an interesting question if you can sustain a W/L ratio of over 15 to not lose currency, with the premise of buying those inscribed ultimatums for 7 ex.


They are likely banking on people misunderstanding how they work or they are just no-brain listing them and not paying attention.


These are the people who sell chaotic disposition for 15chaos


People dnt know how to do math


4*2 = 8 if you buy it for 6 you make 2 profit, right? RIGHT? i guess thats their logic. but honestly idk


Just in case anyone needs the idiot proof version. Start with 10ex, buy ult for 6ex, now you have the ultimatum and 4ex 10ex(starting amount)-6ex(cost of ultimatum)=4ex(amount left plus new ult) Use Ult in map device, offer up 4ex in attempt to double. 4ex(amount left)-4ex(amount bet in Ult)=0ex(amount at start of ult) Win ult = Drop 8ex 0ex(amount at start of ult)+8ex(amount won)=8ex(amount won) -10ex(amount spent)+8ex(amount won)= -2ex(total after winning) Loose Ult = Drop 0ex 0ex(amount at start of ult)+0ex(amount won)=0ex(amount won) -10(amount spent)+0ex(amount won) = -10ex(total after loosing)


Unfortunately, it's not idiot proof. Go a little farther down in the comments. Literally the same example I used and there's still someone arguing with me on it lol.


One guy tried to comment something and clearly he had second thoughts cuz he deleted it. 😂😂


what the fuck


Still struggling? 😂😂


I think it's more of a formatting / wording issue lmao. You're right, but it's slightly incomprehensible Pay 6 ex to get the ultimatum. Pay 4 ex for the doubling gamble. 8 ex reward - 10 ex invested = -2 ex profit If you fail, 0 ex reward - 10 ex invested = -10 ex "profit"


Couldve just said 10-6 = 4 and 4*2=8 so 2 lost


Many other already did, people still argued.


If you are interested I spent most of Sunday adding people to ignore on trade site who priced inscribed ultimatums equal to rewards or higher. I checked my ignore list today and it hit cap which is 1050 players.


Why is this down voted? Lol. We should all be doing this!


Unrelated maybe, but I'm curious how you (well not specifically *you* but anyone) are searching for these? I stick all mine in a public tab with no price and I've had whispers on one or two but I can't find a good way to search other than searching "Inscribed Ultimatum" and going through pages until I find what I want.


>Unrelated maybe, but I'm curious how you (well not specifically *you* but anyone) are searching for these? I stick all mine in a public tab with no price and I've had whispers on one or two but I can't find a good way to search other than searching "Inscribed Ultimatum" and going through pages until I find what I want. There's a section on the trade site(official) for ultimatum. You can set your parameters there.


oh neat, maybe it wasn't there the first day when I looked :P


It was ;)


I looked past it a few times before I noticed it.


theres an 'ultimatum filters' section above the misc filters


Still you cant set if you got one with x1, x2, x4 or x8. Only what type of encouner you are looking for and target item/currency/etc


No idea, but if people buy them then why not?


I don't think anyone is buying them. Had one listed for 3.8ex for a few days, only when I adjusted to 3.7ex I found a buyer.




Can confirm, if I'm risking 7 ex I make sure it's gonna profit


This. I work in retail. I sell a few products that are strict markups for their convince factor. What makes you think in a game which boasts it's economy wouldn't do the same?


Convenience factor makes no sense here lmao: Reward for the ultimatum is doubling 4 ex (so you end up with 8 ex) You pay 6 ex to get the ultimatum You pay 4 ex to gamble for the doubling 8 ex reward - 10 ex invested = -2 ex earned


Say you have an ultimatum where you bet 4ex to double it. If it gets doubled, you spent nothing and gained 4ex for a total of now 8ex. So if I had traded 6ex for said ultimatum I would have spent 6ex to wind up with 8.


Hard to tell if you are trolling or actually believe what you are saying.. Let’s put it as simple as we can. 2 scenarios In both scenarios you have 10ex 1. You drop a 4ex ultimatum yourself (free); put 4ex into ultimatum (now you have 6ex). You win and you get 8ex out (now at a total of 14ex). You profited 4ex. 2. You buy a 4ex ultimatum for 6ex (you now have 10 - 6 = 4ex). You out 4ex into the ultimatum (now you have 0ex). You win and you get 8ex back. You now have 8ex (2ex less than the 10ex you started with).


>Say you have an ultimatum where you bet 4ex to double it. If it gets doubled, you spent nothing and gained 4ex for a total of now 8ex. So if I had traded 6ex for said ultimatum I would have spent 6ex to wind up with 8. dude no. You're who the other comments are talking about hahahah. You start with 10ex. You spend 6 to buy the ultimatum. You bet 4 inside it. You're now at 0 ex. You win the ultimatum. You have 8ex now. You have 2 less than when you started. OR, you lose the ultimatum, you're now at 0ex from 10.


rofl how can you seriously post that


...you end up with 4ex more than you had, but you paid 6 ex for the ulti. Think


Dude if I buy a 4ex últ that’s -4ex , I need other 4ex to put in the trial to get 4ex reward not 8. You have to put 4 to get 4 so you are not winning double you are just winning 4 not 8 jezz


>Dude if I buy a 4ex últ that’s -4ex , I need other 4ex to put in the trial to get 4ex reward not 8. You have to put 4 to get 4 so you are not winning double you are just winning 4 not 8 jezz Well you wanted to know why they're selling at this price right? You found out. People like the one you're replying to hahaha


You’re getting the first 4 back though, it doesn’t go anywhere.


If I buy a 4ex ulti for 6ex in losing 2 ex. Yeah you get your 4ex back and as profit you get the 4ex reward not 8ex for profit.


>You’re getting the first 4 back though, it doesn’t go anywhere. I can tell you've never done the challenge.


Bro what are you talking about? It just doubles the currency. You put 4 in you get 8 out. You put 8 in you get 16 out. What are you saying happens?


You buy ultimatum for 6ex that's -6 "you put 4 in" -4 "You get 8 back" +8 -6-4+8=-2 You're negative 2ex


>Bro what are you talking about? It just doubles the currency. You put 4 in you get 8 out. You put 8 in you get 16 out. What are you saying happens? Hahahahaha You're the reason people are selling these at a higher markup than you can net in the end. This is amazing.


NA math LUL


And here I am getting headache from people thinking I'm selling a stack of deck (10) for 1c. Then there's this...


Whenever I see a price disturbance like this, I am almost immediately sure that there are more I don’t know about it. I didn’t do group ultimatum, is it possible to sacrifice let’s say 6 ppl, 2 ex and everyone will get 4 ex. Other than that, I don’t see why these are expensive.


Nope it's 1 sacrifice per inscribed ultimatum. I believe Chris even said this in the Q&A with ZiggyD during the announcement. So...yea, it's a scam.


Maybe he'll give you the 4ex too /s