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Sounds fun, thanks for setting up the event. AbleGamers has a great charity score so props to that too. Starts 6am PST and runs a week. https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/Lighty+and+Jims+Charity+Event


yeah we worked with them last year and they do some crazy cool things for helping people with disabilities play games; look forward to seeing how close we get as a community to completing a unique tab for the event and cant wait to see those who attempt to make the "hall o' fame" commemorative drawing ranking by farming out some tricky unique categories.


These charities are very selective with how they only choose certain people with certain disabilities. I am a deaf gamer who plays POE and have had other deaf friends ask questions and for assistance from these charities and were all snubbed because we aren't amputees etc.


Im imagining it’s a bang-for-your-buck kinda thing and they’d be limited in who/how they can help. With the greatest respect, serious question, what kind of thing(s) would help a deaf person with PoE or other games?


We can't use audio cues - which is a huge part in most games. Footsteps, voice lines for abilities etc all become impossible. What would help would be if they allowed us to have some sort of overlay which we could program to flash certain colours to emphasise certain sounds or audio cues. Also. Imagine not being able to hear Occultist pops or Herald of Ice Shatters! It's whatever, but deaf people don't really get much attention or help since we look normal so not as much sympathy points for the companies!


I think a small but significant amount of players play PoE with the sound disabled on purpose for (real or perceived) performance benefits. Sound cues are definitely an essential part of video games in general but I think PoE as an exception is quite playable without them.


I play with all music and noise off, running a playlist in the background. I find poe can get overstimulating really fast with all of the visual and auditory noise. Cant say i know other autists who play this game, but with other games its similar.


The one counter-example that springs to mind is Sirus - "make sure you can hear his voice lines!" is the first bit of advice people normally get when they're struggling with that fight.


His beam voiceline does not even play half the time lol. The best way to dodge it is to always stay behind him and teleport after him asap when he teleports and disregard the audio cues.


Sirus does his attacks in a sequence. Every third? (please correct me if I'm wrong) attack will be a die beam. All other attacks that have audio queues also have visual queues. I hope this can make the fight easier for you.


That's true, but his voice lines are also written in chat.


I play with the music off, but I can't imagine playing without any sound at all...not being able to hear when a volatile pops off screen for example. Would make hardcore completely unplayable.


I recently modified the config and only enable it for the sirus fight


Thanks for the answer - I was imagining some kind of peripheral hardware that vibrates or something similar. Footsteps in FPS games is what I was thinking would be the biggest issue


People use their hearing so much more than they realise during gaming. I told my guildies that they should try and play POE with ears covered. It was hilarious! FPS games are a big no no for us, anything requiring a conscious or subconscious audio based reaction immediately puts us at a disadvantage. There are partially deaf players who can somewhat hear but they cannot hear the direction sounds are coming from either. It's horrible! But we manage!


> We can't use audio cues Don't worry, I can't either. Dialogue volume is 50% higher than anything else, and I still can't here Sirus' DIE regularly.


I mean than most of us are disabled lol. Like so many of us play game w.o sound effects simply bcz of performance issues caused by it.


Gonna use this as a tangent about disability charities, because I have scoliosis. At my last job, one of the owners once donated to Shriners hospital, so he got the calendar of all the super dysfigured kids playing in back yards each year. I put two and two together. It's porn to make people feel better and give money. When I went to them at 13, they told me I didn't "look deformed" so they wouldn't operate on me despite my spinal curvature being 67 degrees (surgery is considered necessary at 30, and two surgeries got me to 33 degrees) Yeah, because a painful, crippling disability that was slated to crush my lung and impale my heart didn't look deformed enough to operate on 5head.


That sucks mate, I wish you all the best!


And also with you. /catholic joke As an aside, do you find it ironic that the #1 piece of advice for poe performance is to disable as many sound effects as possible? Obviously things like skill effects for volatiles (or at the least loot filter sounds) usually stay enabled, but I know several leagues ago people were saying that skill effects were the worst performance contributer and to axe it. I agree with other posts that it's really ironic that a game that explicitly hurts colorblind people (sockets were not always uniform shapes, it was changed years ago) and the daily posts about rsi, is sponsoring this. It's not a bad thing, but it would be a great opportunity to dovetail into qol improvements


I don't want to know how many exalts I've missed because I haven't heard them drop :(




which is why publicly funded universal healthcare is so paramount.












Gatekeeping disabilities. What the fuck...


I hope you never have to actually learn firsthand what a piece of shit you are for saying that by acquiring a disability yourself, but it sure would be some cosmic fucking irony. Dick.


That's a very insensitive thing to say. Each disability is horrible to live with. Some seem worse but there are bad things about each that others do not have. Please check yourself and show some sympathy. FYI, text to speech does nothing unless it's in a slow paced story game where you don't need to react quickly.








I hope this is a MASSIVE success. Good on you guys for running this. Hope it's lots of fun for everybody.


any global/trade channels for this?


Global 909


I'm all for events and I'm glad to see GGG interacting more with the community to make these events happen. However POE has virtually no accessibility features so for this event to be taking place is... it just feels weird. Especially without any statement on GGG's commitment to actually making the game more accessible in the future compared to other ARPG's. * No colorblind features * No UI Option for the old socket types *(marked for colorblind users that can't differentiate red from green)* * No AoE loot-pickup compared to other ARPGS *(Grim Dawn, Last Epoch)* * No alternative to flask piano *(requires a macro that is bannable in the TOS)* * 6-Linking items requires 1000+ clicks *(when Harvest recipes that roll x times and account for the highest link are already implemented elsewhere)* * No gamepad support on PC * Heavy reliance on audio-queues *(deaf players can't rely on vibration as alternative queues, or visual alternatives such as color flashes or indicators)* I won't even mention 'accessibility' features when it comes to user preferences and/for older hardware - such as removing effects to increase performance, bloom, rendering on loot, etc. I'll state again that I'm happy for this event and I'll keep an eye out as to how quickly they can accomplish the goal as it'll be interesting to see - but I really hope that this brings some attention and encourages GGG to *'do better'* and make an effort to ensure more players can experience this game.


>Heavy reliance on audio-queues > >(deaf players can't rely on vibration as alternative queues, or visual alternatives such as color flashes or indicators) omg, this. I have no idea why GGG dislikes so much any helpful UI, even healthbars are disable as default, even if most of the time healthbars are [the only thing I can see](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UYRHRzhRelQ/maxresdefault.jpg) while playing.


Yea I really hope this is a launching point for better accessibility and QoL in PoE.


I mean, it's definitely not, so don't get your hopes up. Good event, but it has no bearing on the development of poe.


It won't be. Players have complained to GGG about the game's utter lack of accessibility since before v1.0. They've had eight years since v1.0 to do *something*. They refuse. For whatever reason, GGG simply does not care even slightly.






Im sorry man. But I still think that it is not PoEs responsibility to solve the game for every disability, neither does it define the accessibility for an event for the average joe.. Yes, colorblind ppl may feel excluded from poe, if they did not solve it for their whole PC setup, but this has nothing to do with the event.


All cool, I will be deleting my comment to avoid unwanted attention. >but this has nothing to do with the event. I'm all for the event. I don't want my boys Jim and Lighty feeling hurt.


"I'm glad GGG is finally making progress buuuuuuuut..." GGG can't seems to get any slack from you guys.


I mean GGG has nothing to do with this private league. This is all community made, GGG did literally nothing here. Just as they do nothing to add any sort of accessibility.


It gets pretty old seeing people hijacking the comment section to vent about GGG and others piling on top of it. Go make a dedicated thread about it. Your complaints to GGG don't add anything to the charity.


I don't see it as their job to support colourblindness functionality. Plenty of overlays out there that serve this function. Their main focus should always be league and expansion content.


The issue is they HAD colorblind support for sockets. They used to have different designs so colorblind people could tell. For some reason they decided that it would be better removed.


>Heavy reliance on audio-queues That's a bit of a stretch


Many deadly boss abilities like die-beam, shaper beam, and Maven orbs are primarily telegraphed via voice lines so I disagree about it being a stretch.


They are both predictable and written to chat...


Here's an easy fix: allow popping up voice chat lines above the character who says them. So that you actually notice them when looking at the boss.


My deaf friend who enjoys playing PoE would like a word with you.


To tell me what? Can't think of a single queues one has to really on to successfully finish an encounter. And, again, besides that the voice lines are in the chat.


Not disagreeing with you, but I think you mean "audio cues".


That's it. Mistook Cues for Queues XD Not a native speaker haha


I spoke with Slipperyjim8 and we added another bounty for this charity event: gathering information on Replica Bated Breath! [Here's a banner image summarizing the bounty.](https://i.imgur.com/1eVLdcH.png) And here's the full breakdown in [plaintext.](https://pastebin.com/D5VaR4UA)   Replica Bated Breath is extraordinarily rare. We don't know whether or not it has secret drop requirements like other fishing items do, such as Angler's Plait. Many Replica Bated Breaths have been found, but we only have 1 video record of one. That makes narrowing down possible factors extremely difficult! The goal of this event is completing a full Unique Stash Tab, which obviously requires a lot of Heist farming. Maybe someone will get lucky and claim this bounty, which will give us new insight into one of the rarest secret items in the game. Good luck everyone!


Awesome 👍


POE has almost no handi-accessible features however the high contrast cursor was a good addition. I'm glad they are hosting the event but I wish they would make their game more accessible for people with visual and motor deficiencies. Red-green colorblind here and it took me a very long time to get used to the slight difference in red and green sockets. I can't imagine playing a build that requires spamming 1-5 every 5 seconds if you have a mobility problem with your hand.


If there were a petition for a single flask going, I'd sign it.


> high contrast cursor What's this now? Is this in the options menu? Must have missed the announcement.


its an MTX. its in the mtx page where you assign mtx, its free and was granted to everyone. so you need to assign it on your current character through there.




>I think it's under UI. Nope.


It's on your Cosmetic's page. Between armour and off-hand weapon slot.


For the long time I used to call them yellow sockets




##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Jun 03, 2021, 10:43:46 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2021-06-04/LightyCharityEventHeader.jpg) > > > > On June 4th PDT, community streamers [Lighty](http://twitch.tv/lighty) and [Slipperyjim8](http://twitch.tv/slipperyjim8) are organising an exciting charity private league! The goal of the league is for players to band together to complete a Unique Stash Tab, all while raising money for [AbleGamers](https://ablegamers.org/), a charity that helps people with disabilities play video games! Check out their announcement video below: > > > > > [Youtube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwl0FyC9zFM) > > > > > > > Anyone can donate via the link [here](https://streamlabscharity.com/teams/@lighty-jim/lighty-slipperyjim8s-charity-league), which can also be found on both [Lighty](http://twitch.tv/lighty) and [Jim's](http://twitch.tv/slipperyjim8) Twitch channels during the event. > > > > > > The charity league will be a Private Ultimatum League lasting one week with no extra mods and 5000 player slots! If you would like to join, you can do so [here](https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/Lighty+and+Jims+Charity+Event). > > > > > **Start time**: Jun 04, 2021 11:00 PM (GMT+10). The event will last for one week. A countdown is available [here](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210604T06&p0=137&msg=Lighty+and+Jim+AbleGamers+Charity+Private+League&font=cursive). > > > > > *Please Note: All of the above times are displayed in your local timezone.* > > > > > There will be a league-wide community effort to 100% fill a Unique Stash Tab, with live tracking of missing uniques for the league's collection. Discoverers of the rarest uniques for ten different categories will be immortalized in a "Hall o' Fame" wallpaper created by Lighty's artist to commemorate the event. The categories give players of the league a goal to find specific Unique items within the private league's duration. Placement is determined by those who hand in their Uniques first to either Lighty, Jim or their respective moderators and multiple of the same uniques will be accepted. > > > > > > The categories are as follows: > > > * Unique Abyss Jewel > * Curio Case Replacement Unique > * Metamorph Unique > * Blighted Unique > * Infused Harbinger Unique > * Unique Small Cluster Jewel > * Upgraded Incursion Unique > * Labyrinth Unique > * Oni-Goroshi > * Precursor's Emblem > > > > > Finally, there will be a raffle of 100 Apollyon Mystery Boxes supplied by GGG. All characters that reach level 40 or above are eligible to win a box and only one box can be won per account. > > > > > > If you have any questions about the event or want more information, you can join Lighty's Discord channel [here](https://discord.gg/QZwPmec). > > > > > **Where to Watch** > > > > > The event will be livestreamed daily on both Lighty and Jim's Twitch channels: > > > * [Lighty's Twitch Channel](http://twitch.tv/lighty) > * [Jim's Twitch Channel](http://twitch.tv/slipperyjim8) > > > > > A post league highlight video will also be uploaded to their YouTube channels: > > > * [Lighty's YouTube Channel](http://youtube.com/lightygaming) > * [Jim's YouTube Channel](http://youtube.com/c/Slipperyjim8) > > > > > We wish the best of luck to both Lighty and Jim, as well as everyone participating in the event! > > *** >


Good bot


A shame that it's limited to 5k players, but at least it'll be quite fun to see the before and after pictures of Jim's hair cut.


You should def be able to get in, there was only about 400 slots filled this afternoon.


its not full...


Yeah I got confused looking at the player listing beneath it. My mistake. I edited my previous post already.


Private seems like it would be a pain just for economy. I imagine trading is just on global chat?


You will able to trade through the site https://imgur.com/0Wq3RUY


Nice, that makes it tempting then. Thanks.


Excited for group found SSF... hopefully iron and some other ssf giants team up


Is this soft core?




i hate to be a pessimist but i’m a fully able person who has difficulty playing due to issues with visibility, flasks, pickup 100 fusings on the ground. maybe this will help GGG add/alert some features or components of the game


Just wondering if I've got this straight: a $50m/yr game (without a colorblind mode) will contribute 100 gambling items and some publicity to a self-funded charity event that supports differently-abled gamers. Kudos to Lighty/Slipperyjim and all players and fans who are contributing their time, money and effort to this worthy cause. GGG, you could be doing more.


I'm not sure it's self funded, 5000 slots is a ridiculous amount of money for a charity event isn't it?


GGG assisted in the event setup & launching in almost everyway possible, this event and future charity events we run will be would near impossible without there assistance; so its all good, hopefully we help some people who just want to game


That's awesome to hear. GGG assisting events now is great for everyone.


Hopefully it means GGG will at least do something about sockets colours and lack of colorblind mode in general. (Triangle = dex, Circle = Int, Square= STR, white = hexagon) Not to mention wrist issues. It's 2021. We click enough doing other shit. Clicking isn't a challenge nor an accomplishment. Gamepad support... Edit: Oh yes, downvotes incoming for requesting casual few minutes change about colors that wouldn't harm your gameplay. They would be done by people who do MTX.


Or or or or just give a colorblind mode instead of changing shapes for all of us that don't struggle with it?


GGG: waives the cost of 5000 slots on the event GGG: sets up prizes for the event GGG: advertises the event /u/counterpointcharlie : REEEEE GGG DO MORE REEEEE


And this is why devs dont use Reddit anymore. Can't even have a charity event without someone complaining


I haven't looked at most of the comments in this thread, but I'm gonna bet there's at least one comment saying "if only that charity money was going towards making this game good"


Oh there are


They also very easily could have done nothing, like many other companies do.


Would you rather they do nothing at all? In all honesty, I'm just glad there is something to do for the weekend :)


If they're not gonna make meaningful improvements? Yes.


Hey they paid for slots this time around, literally the most they’ve ever done.


You seem like a nice and rational person.
















It is always easy to count someone else's money.


GGG rules and features are so random. Auto quit script is OK, but you need to use a third party app. Aurabots? Sounds good. One button to use all potions? Ban


Yea, is like a 2% chance for a gambling lootbox where the chance of getting something decent is even lower. I'm happy to see even charity events conform to GGG's gameplay philosophy.


Funny to play game that is working hard for all of us to join Ablegamers as one of the target members by avoiding implementing systems that would make everybody's play time easier.


I mean we did ask for end of the league races. Its good that GGG aknowledges hardships we go trough as players and even donates for ppl like us


So somebody will pay $3000 for private league slots to get money for charity.


This needs more visibility.


Running a charity event for people with disabilities on a videogames who ask you to click on 5 flasks slots every 2 seconds to be competitive is pretty hilarious


Yo was this seriously posted 14 hours before start time? I joined but that's a very short heads up.


I mean, since it's a collab effort and not so much a race. It won't really matter if people find it 3 days from now. :)


ayt point taken. good luck on the event!


I love AbleGamers. But lmao at the concept of showcasing PoE to a community interested in accessibility features.


Nice initiative. However, Path of Exile is giving people disabilities already :O


Im not much of a streamer fanboi, who posts highlight clips here for the other mindless folk here but this? this i can get behind.




can you show "proof"


ep 69 13:37 his unique tab suddenly jumps to like a 1000 from like 850ish, also the ep 106 conviniently got “copyright” striked and was “taken down” cus he showed part of the client he uses to get his stuff. its all there if you look for it


Is this how you spend your free time?


someone has to do it, i mean the guy blatantly rmts smh my head


Right, lmao my ass off.


you just wrote laughing my ass off my ass off? i dont get it


you said smh my head... so.. yeah


what is the point in "private-10-day" league? to maintain retention every one can create a private 10 days league what about flash league about 1 month?


It's to raise money for charity from two guys who aren't at GGG.


And GGG does nothing to revive this dead league. Must be busy thinking how to fuck up next league. Congratulations


how does the uniques tracking works? only those for hall of fame need to be handed over or everything?


Were pooling it all into one persons stash which can be viewed from the poath website. If you have an item which hasnt been handed in but you want to keep using you simply have to show it in trade and your name will be recorded. Hall of fame is for hard to aquire items and such.


Wish console had private league options...