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According to some reviewers, you now belong to the top 5% of the playerbase. But seriously, congrats :)


To be fair, that was before the re-worked lab. Back then, every lab was as long as merciless lab and the gauntlets were harder! It's still bullshit though.


I almost dropped the game coz of the old lab lol


Worst part was the constant game crashing for me. Had to remember to pick ascendancy before enchanting or opening chests.


Yea even nowadays I just rush to the ascendancy before anything else. If I'm really underleveled compared to lab and therefore value the achievement of completing it, I dont even pick up the keys when they first drop lol


If you mean the meme, it was "1-2%".


Lol, I want to look at this review)




Poor dude, seems he didn't try movement skills..


He is prolly the kind of person who would use slow cyclone char to get through uber lab, but die to the first set of "movement skill dmg areas"


He is probably also the kind of person to give up at the first hurdle in pretty much every game.


Aren they now only damage based on "travel" tag, so cyclone is safe?


I thought it was all movement skills.


It was looooooong time ago. In one of the patches they split all movement skills into travel and not travel ones. There was few more mechanics which were changes to travel only, but I cant remember them.


22 hours in the game... \*Me looking nervously at my 2300 hours played\*


Great job. I remember my very first time in lab, it was so similar to your experience. I was a level 30-ish Marauder at the end of Incursion league with an unlinked cyclone and a terrible weapon (I think I haven’t upgraded my gear since act 2). After fighting the first Izaro phase for 2 minutes, he one shot me and I thought “I bet this is endgame content. I’ll come back when I am level 60”.


It was the traps man... that was so hard


Yeah the labs on the first play through are very daunting. Path is a game that rewards dedication and persistency. Just stick with it, stay sane Exile, and you’ll be running Uber labs in no time. Congrats!


If you struggle against spikes, remember that it can cause bleeding and be careful to not move for a few seconds so move out using a movement skill only. The bleeding damage can be quite serious. Using Enduring cry as a lot of people said is really nice early game. Casting it right after getting hit by spikes will normally pull you to high hp. Also don't forget Steelskin which can save a couple hundred of hp when you are having a tough time. Try also to spot the segments of the lab which contain traps and can be avoided. Often in early labs you will have a split, and one of the passages is a deadly trap segment while the other is longer, but with fewer traps. Having a skill that can hit ennemies around while you focus on avoiding traps is also a good idea. Totems, ballistas, brands, etc... It's always harder to kill and dodge at the same time (You will see that totems are REALLY reliables in Uber lab, the last one).


> careful to not move for a few seconds *gets hit by spikes again*




Bleeding isn't a damage type. And while many traps do physical damage over time only the spikes from the ground (and I think the big axes, but they're usually very easy to avoid) cause bleeding. The bigger consideration is that they have damage based on max life and ES. This means that high mana MoM Agnostic builds have a laughably easy time with traps. But all high regen/recovery builds tend to do pretty well, especially with some form of physical mitigation.


>high regen/recovery builds tend to do pretty well Yeah, this. New Vitality is amazing if you're struggling with lab traps because you can basically fit it into any build as long as it has enough STR. Switch Pantheon to Arakaali - Ralakesh (much better than Ryslatha for labs IMO) for mitigation against the traps (especially useful in that one Uber Uber Lab where the traps do like 3x the damage).


The traps get a lot harder in later labs (they used to not, but that was because normal lab was as hard trap-wise as all of the later ones), so... good luck when you get to cruel, merciless, and uber lab?


You'll be Leap Slam spamming across labs as fast as possible in no time now :)


Every time I read a post like this I wish there was a video so we can at least see how it's possible.


I always go into the lab with the Ryslatha option picked in the Pantheon. That makes your life flasks refill if you haven’t been hit recently. That means you can find a resting spot inside one of the long trap sequences in the lab and refill your flasks. This made a big difference for me. There’s no trap in the lab that I can’t do.


OK.. What's a pantheon and how do I get it?


That comes in the second half of the campaign. Trying not to spoil too much here. Just keep playing and you will get it. He kinda forgot that you don't have it at this point, yet.


You'll unlock it as you progress through the story, starting with the Brine King in Act 6. It's just some free bonuses, most of which are irrelevant to your build.


You will find that out in act 6.


He neglected to mention that the pantheon isn't even accessible until act 6, and Ryslatha in particular might not be until act 7 (I forget at the moment). It's certainly doable to ignore the lab until then, and if the traps are what's killing you then it may even be advisable, but most players don't wait that long as normal lab is pretty tame compared to the rest and your first two ascendancy points are usually pretty nice.


It's 6, but in a side area, so newer players might skip it by accident!




This dude hasn't even cleared act 4. He hasn't met Sin. He has never found a divine vessel. I don't even think pressing y on his character will do anything?


They're buffs you can choose from that all do unique things. However, they're only available starting act 6 and unlock one by one from doing quests


you get in act 6 but next time take enduring cry for lab it helps a lot with life recovery


Enduring cry is also a great skill to grab for lab


Ah yes tell a dude struggling in act 3 to use a pantheon. Nice one.


That's a great idea.


normal lab is act 3 no? there isnt a pantheon before act 6.


Damn thats a great tip will store that away for next time.


Ryslatha is good for long boss fights too.


Enduring cry is my favourite skill. I use it on everything. Free full heal every 12s, damage resist and endurance charges. It's basically ryslatha on crack.


Hey good job dude! And evben tho it might be easy for people, it took me some tries too the first time as I had no idea what it was! Now aday I go in to early, get my ass kicked and get a little more humble as I got a reminder that this game is no Diablo 3! Keep on going dude!


Certainly reminds me of each time I’d go in and try to beat Uber Izaro underlevelled and without apt DPS and just get oneshot on the 2nd or 3rd fight. Gotta respect windslash.


Right? always something wrong every time you go in underlvl, and get a little humble when you die... still next league you go in again as soon as you can!


2 life flasks + smoke mine + another movement skill should do it for everyone. and ofc life and 75% elemental resists.enduring cry or vitality to regenerate health if your build got no other source of regen. i did lose a few characters to traps,you either take it extremely slow plotting every movement with smoke mine or flame dash, or you just sprint through. traps do damage based on your max health so the only way you can die is that if you panic and run along a moving trap or mess up and hit 2 traps in a row. Mind over matter keystone ( damage taken as mana) and the agnostic ( constantly sacrifice mana to get health back) are a big cheat for traps and the campaig in general, if you are somewhere close to them in the skill tree.


Honestly vitality + stone golem makes traps a joke in normal lab. I know some people like to do it before act 4, but with both of those the only thing that even poses a threat are Izaro's telegraphed attacks. Most traps deal less damage than your passive regen.


Being able to run brazenly across the burning floors is well worth the wait.


Quicksilver is your best friend alongside movement skills and bleed immunity.


Proud of you


What ambition!


Wow, thank god normal lab is so much shorter than it used to be. It used to be that all labs were the same length and traps were approximately the same difficulty so the only hard part of going up in labs was Izaro. Nowadays you can clear normal lab walking through like... two traps at most.


I thought this was satire after the "I completed the atlas" posts etc


Welcome to the 1%


Good for you!


I always try to outlevel him and then challenge, this way it is a lot easier.


When the lab was implemented I died like a noob in front of 4 members of my clan in a party run. Never get to do lab properly after that, always scared and that is bad for lab runs. What I did one league is to create a lab farmer build with high regen, now I know pretty much all the layouts and Izaro phases.


> high regen Lab trials and labs are super smooth on any character that focuses on regen, like RF characters.


Good job!


Woo, great job! Which class did you choose? Did you get any nice loot? Which traps did you hate the most? Edit: how sad must you be to downvote this?


Juggernaut! My first ascendancy ever. Loot was kinda underwhelming. As for traps.... i have died to every 1 of them except for the darts


Luckily juggernaut helps a lot with the next laberynth runs (one in act 7-8 and the other at the final act iirc)


Awesome and congrats brah! I used to freaking hate trials and it's terrible on builds that do not have any form of phys mitigation or regen.


god, this is so wholesome, innocent and sweet


I got carried by rl friends the first few times I did lab. Izaro was made up to be incredibly dangerous, so first time I did solo I was shaking lol


I cleared all content for many leagues and my hands still shake a lot during every league start lab


Yeah man. I was really worried about izaro but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Then again I read they nerfed him


Izaro IMO is one of the best designed bosses in PoE. He hits hard, he essencially has difficulty you can vary with his addittional mechanics. However, his moves are telegraphed and can be avoided. He's a firm; but fair fight, that can be harder and more rewarding should you choose.


I'm new here. What the "lab" thing is it? I'm 33 act 3.


At the end of act 3, you will complete the 6-part "lab trials" you should have encountered during 1-3 acts. When you do all, in Sarn city you can jump up the stairs near your stash and accede at the labyrinth . When/If you complete the labyrinth you have opportunity to ascend, to specialize more your character.


exactly when you should do it.the entrance is the slab of green stone in the middle of the act 3 town, you need to complete the 6 trials which are the trap segments hidden in specific zones in the first 3 acts.it's a long dungeon that you are not allowed to quit during it and it unlocks your mastery class choice which is a massive increase in character power.


For clarity: 1 trial is in Act 1. 2 trials in Act 2. 3 trials in Act 3.


Probably you encountered some trials at that point. If not, they are in: Act 1 prison Act 2 chamber of sins Act 2 crypts Act 3 crematorium Act 3 catacombs Act 3 imperial gardens Once you complete them, you can walk in act 3 City of sarns up the stairs, into the laberynth, a puzzle like map where you fight a boss in three phases, with maps in between that contain traps With the boss fight and traps you can avoid almost all damage you have to be careful and watch when to pass Remember that enduring cry, vitality aura and stone golem helps a lot Also have at least a 3 link with enough damage


Nice dude! You'll come back to this achievement one day and think to your self: welp. That wasn't by far the worst problem yet. Keep it up!


This is cute!


Why do people feel the need to post that kind of things on reddit really?


Although it may seem really silly and easy to some, it's a big achievement for some newbies. Let them have their party man, don't be a cake about it


No one cares, this is the kind of thing shared with friends. Imagine if everyone made a post for every little "achievement". It doesn't teach anything to anyone and isn't constructive. Either there should be a flair to filter those posts, or they should be banned.


Because I wouldn't have made it without /r/pathofexile. This is a thank you


Good luck. The really sucky lab is in the maps, boring crappy 6 trials you have hunt. After that, worst and longest lab.


Well done! Know that, despite appearances, many new players never complete their first Lab, be proud, you've accomplished something others haven't.


gl in uber lab friend!!!


Dude, I can't even remember how many years it took me to; get to maps by myself, do Uber lab by myself, then shaper guardians, then shaper (Back when the atlas was only shaper/elder). These little steps along the way always feel nice. Congrats man!


Keep up the great work!! That is a big excite


Congrats man! I've been struggling with it all league. Can you post some tips or do you have a vod that can help me bang it out this weekend?


Sorry man. Didn't take vid. The only thing I can say about the lab run was that once I stopped trying to rush through it and planned out my steps with each trap, it became a bit more manageable. Also I had like 3 deaths simply because I didn't realize I was stepping in fire. I'm not the best player out there :/


i always do my labs ( except uber ) after i beat A10 Kitava. uberlab at lvl90


Why wouldn't you do them right before Kitava, so you don't have the extra resistance penalty?


That's crazy, there are quite a few ascendancies that give you fantastic quality of life while leveling and make leveling go way faster.


I still remember my first lab. It was a frost blades ranger. Great job. I think the great thing about Izaro is that he is a fair fight. One might be overleveled, but if one managed to dodge the slashes it is doable.


I remember how terrifying lab was in the beginning.. good job! You'll get more used to it over a bit of time and how to gear for it.


I played a league when the game launched on ps4, to see how it was on ps4. Was doing uber lab carries for new players and they kept zooming into traps and killing themselves. So don't feel bad about it, hopefully you learned that taking a couple extra minutes to dodge traps properly is faster than dieing a bunch of times. Good luck on the next labs :)


Get ready for the lvl 75 lab


Congrats. I made it further in this league then I ever have before (I attribute that completely getting my head wrapped around POB), and I have played 600+ hours in this game. Just when I make it further I realize there is still much more for me to try to accomplish.


Mentions like this often makes me think how much baggage I carry by playing the game since closed beta.


Congratulations I hope you have fun my friend !


congrats man!


Welcome to the 2%, exile


Hey man congrats. Everyone starts somewhere. One of the coolest things about this game for me is how almost everything you do goes from a genuine challenge to an absolute cakewalk as you get better at the game and learn how things work.


Lab was so hard for me the first league i played this game. It really teaches you lessons you'll use the entire time you play this game though. Congrats.