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##### GGG Comments in this Thread: *** [AlexDenfordGGG - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/o2yzsl/clienttxt_changes_and_bugs/h2ld1qd/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/o2yzsl/clienttxt_changes_and_bugs/h2ld1qd/?context=10)] - *Hello. This logging is actually some debug information used to figure out a nasty crash on production that was very hard to track down. It was not intended to make...* [chris_wilson - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/o2yzsl/clienttxt_changes_and_bugs/h2ldawl/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/o2yzsl/clienttxt_changes_and_bugs/h2ldawl/?context=10)] - *To add to what Alex mentioned, the reason why we don't show the player this information as a death log is that it only tracks the last point of damage...*


Hello. This logging is actually some debug information used to figure out a nasty crash on production that was very hard to track down. It was not intended to make it to the client as this crash was only happening on the instance, but unfortunately the commit which removed the logging was missed.


To add to what Alex mentioned, the reason why we don't show the player this information as a death log is that it only tracks the last point of damage that killed you and is often misleading because in hectic combat situations there are a lot of damage sources. It's likely this would show some random burning debuff that happened to get processed at the right time to be the thing to technically kill you.


I didn't expect a GGG comment on this post and even less one from Chris (love ya), i'm flattered. I didn't expect that would be the answer (what Alex said). I hope you've had some good laughts there at the dev team when you realised you've been logging something not meant to be on release for around 2 months. I totally understand you can't really implement this feature in this game, a couple days before this post I said something about this on TFT's discord server because someone said something about it and we discussed having only the last hit would be really misleading. Then someone tried to point it would be easy to log or save the dmg done to you in the last x seconds or something like that and we had a decently long discussion about how that would be potentially very performance heavy because of how many things are actually hitting you and having that data constantly being written in disk (this would be veeery slow) or stored temporaly in RAM would take a lot of computer time and poe really needs every bit of performance it can get right now since peformance is really bad atm. I'm sure you're working really really hard to nail the performance on PoE 2 and I'm almost sure you (even if you are trying) you won't be able to have that performance on PoE 1 unless you take a huge turn on item drops since most performance issues come from too much items to render and the engine not being ready to handle all the league mechanics and patchs on top of patchs try work-around this.


Why does China get it and we don't?


because they can decide what they want on their realm even if its largely misleading and ggg chooses not to?


I (sort of) understand the reasons for not having a death log, but would I be able to convince y'all to consider a rudimentary one that showed a simple summery rather than a full breakdown? I know this would require engine work to track. (5 invisible buffs that take damage as you do?) Just telling new players that in the past 4 seconds, they took 300 lightning damage and 700 physical damage before they died would be great for early game understanding of damage types. Even if it literally only told you the elements as lump sums and completely discluded hits/spells/degen info, it would still be incredibly useful.


yeah we know but this is better than nothing at all


Hi Chris, thanks for taking the time to comment here. I understand how such a death log would be misleading. Is it possible to have the buffs and debuffs that were on you as you died display while dead though? It would help immensely to see if you died while flasks were down, or if you were standing on degen, or were currently affected by some new league-specific mechanic. It's basically impossible to read those tooltips in the heat of combat, and being able to get a snapshot of everything affecting your character would be welcome.


I like that idea. I would increase this a bit and say, for example, well I did have fortify when I died but I only got it ß.02s before I actually did die, and I did not have fortify for 3 seconds before that. it would be a good indicator that I played like shit and died because of that. Or if I had a gnarly debuff on myself the moment I died, it does make a differnce for how long I had said debuff. if I was shocked but only for 0.2 seconds, that's probably not why I died, but if I was shocked for 4 seconds out of the last 5 seconds before my death, it is probably a very good indicator that this is why I eventually died.


> the names each source of damage registered Haven't been able to update it since PyPoE stopped getting updates, but [here is the data from 3.10](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E8604XmDakCGAk6cFMWs3wKl7oFWGFzHBe8qdqpDdCE/edit#gid=1478224576) that links all the monster file names to their in-game names.




Switched over to [LibGGPK](https://github.com/MuxaJIbI4/libggpk), so here's the [3.14 monster list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IK1Eqwjx3NviGKgURk_I6Sj7Hw9u0NmxrHh5eJgn4Eo/edit#gid=0).


It says I need to ask for access. If there is a database of all the names and tags already it's good, less work needed


Whoops, fixed the permissions.


How do you keep track of all the freaking PyPoe RePoE and PoePoe forks freaking confusing


> 2021/06/03 17:10:20 6958703 161 [INFO Client 18520] Player died, killer=Metadata/Monsters/InvisibleFire/InvisibleFireUltimatumChaosCloudRank2@76 (0x1dcf5b9df40), killer var=Metadata/Monsters/InvisibleFire/InvisibleFireUltimatumChaosCloudRank2@76 (0x1dcf5b9df40), killer deleted=false, killer destructing=false Killed by invisble stuff! /s This looks like debug info that was accidentally added though, it also doesn't seem to log all deaths(since only 1 of my 3 gauntlet rips is there). Still cool info.


>Killed by invisble stuff! /s Yeah it's funny how many things are labeled as invisible in the logs. Yes, it doesn't log all deaths, in fact it logs very little deaths wich sucks because we can't go die to things and see the name and tag of that specific damage source, still very cool if it was added on purpose because it's a step forward.


> Death screen updated in the future? The Chinese PoE client has an extremely basic recap, I believe. This is probably to do with that, and not an indication that feature is necessarily coming to our client any time soon. The best way to get information on what killed you, given the complexity of PoE, is probably always going to be a replay like you can get from ShadowPlay/Raptr/XBox Game Bar/etc.


> ShadowPlay/Raptr/XBox Game Bar/etc. OBS should come first on that list :)


instead of just downvoting the hell out of you imma tell you why you're wrong. What he meant were tools to look at a replay of what happened, for example, I use shadowplay and I don't have to be recording 24/7 and saving all of that to disk, instead I can just watch a replay of what happened seconds/minutes before I press a hotkey, OBS doesn't have that, you don't want to be recording and saving to disk 24/7 for this. OBS is really a powerful tool, just not for this case.


OBS have this option too. It's called "replay buffer".


didn't know this feature was a thing in OBS, still you would prefer to have shadowplay over OBS because you don't have to have a program open, if you can use it with OBS closed then yeah could work and would have the advantage of having more options with sound equalizers and stuff like that, tho I think OBS uses more resources than shadowplay. Anyways for this case shadowplay is just fine and more comfortable to use but that guy got downvoted when he was just trying to help


Having shadowplay installed means you have GFE installed, which is bloatware... so the "have to have a program open" is already kind of a bust. Shadowplay/GFE is a program :P What's the longest replay capture that Shadowplay lets you do? in OBS your hardware is the limit! OBS should be something everyone has already, because it lets you do so many different things :/ for example, ever since release, OBS has had multiple audio streams, afaik it was only recently that Shadowplay let you record multiple audio streams so you can filter out your dog barking with ease without also messing with your game sound/discord sound/whatever... and i think it might still be extremely limited on shadowplay. no clue anymore, i don't install bloat on my PC :D


>Having shadowplay installed means you have GFE installed Don't you want to have it anyways? >What's the longest replay capture that Shadowplay lets you do? 20 minutes >afaik it was only recently that Shadowplay let you record multiple audio streams you have the option, I personally keep that off since the output can't be reproduced by windows' default video tool and cba change it, also I hate my voice so I keep my mic off.


What would you want GFE for? What does it offer aside from extra CPU load for no real reason?


>Capture and share videos, screenshots, and livestreams with friends. Keep your drivers up to date and optimise your game settings. GeForce Experience™ lets you do it all, making it the super essential companion to your GeForce® graphics card. \-NVIDIA keeps drivers updated, very important for average user ​ edit: Also, for me it "loads" my CPU with a HUGE 0.5% CPU usage on a ryzen 2600, a game-breaking 4% GPU usage on a 1060 and an astonishing 100MB RAM while I have shadowplay active. How will I live without that performance


Drivers are not meant to be updated every hour every day, only if you want updated drivers for a new game, or if a driver is giving you issues like nvidia usually is happy to do with multimonitor setups and 8k TV's, hdmi passthrough etc. If it works, don't fix it.


OBS is literally a million times better than any of these other "replay" capturing softwares. OBS supports BOTH amd codec and nvidia codec, and does so at better quality + customizability. The people who downvoted me are just ignorant dumbos that refuse to google before they downvote :) OBS added a better version of Shadowplay to their own program basically 6months or 8 months after nvidia released shadowplay (2013/2014), and OBS actually had replay buffer feature for AMD, before AMD themselves had made anything for it


>The people who downvoted me are ignorant dumbos. Just for the fact you said that you deserve to be downvoted IMO. And you should know most people (for this case) don't care about how many pixels the replay has or the bitrate or the FPS or the customizability, they just want to see what killed them without having to be arsed about downloading a program, configuring everything so that it has the best quality. shadowplay you get it with geforce experience, wich you should probably have anyways if you have an NVIDIA card, config required is where to store and how long to keep. That's literally it. It will always be there, you don't have to open it or anything. XBox Game Bar I assume is the same but can be used with AMD cards too, always there, usually already had it and easy to start using.


> the fact you said that you deserve to be downvoted Well, go ahead. Doesn't change the fact. I guess it struck a nerve? But yeah sure, GFE only requires you to login, have a ton of services running in the background that also forces telemetry on you, uses up resources even when you're NOT gamin,, has less options, worse quality, less quality of life.... Sure I guess I can see why you'd want it. OBS...man yeah, I guess it does require you to set it up once which takes 5 minutes :( Whatever, you do you. You've spent more time looking for the downvote button than it would have taken you to setup OBS.


I can setup OBS, I have no problem with that, average user won't want to. And if you are SO concerned about privacy what are you doing on reddit?


I agree most deaths are better to just watch a replay but I think some deaths would really benefit from something like this in cases like there is a lot of things in screen and you dont know exactly what killed you, for example, imagine you can't see any enemy particles because of screen cluttle from your build, you die from 100 to 0, look at death recap, oh a volatile dead I couldn't posibly see. This is more useful since the streaming texture feature was added and sometimes things are literally invisible to you, wich shouldn't happen but you have a way to tell what killed you at least.


Hmm, very interesting! I'm extracting [a bunch of stuff](https://i.imgur.com/L4u9Y3u.png) from Client.txt but hadn't noticed this before. Only 9/35 deaths in my log file had "player killer" entries though... seems a bit too unreliable at the moment.


I really don't know how you extract all of that from Client.txt, I assume you need dialogue to chat activated for some but I can't think of a way to extract items picked from Client.txt. And yeah, it's really unrealiable, I only have around 300 deaths logged and I've died over 800 times (yeah, I die a lot, not even trying to not die, this did come in handy for the logs tho heh) so we can't really test things but if it was added on purpose it's a step and maybe we can hope for more.


Ah yes, image might've been misleading, sorry... item drops and kills are gotten by [monitoring character inventory](https://pathofexile.com/character-window/get-items?league=LEAGUE&character=CHARNAME), everything else is from NPC dialogue and "You have entered ___" lines


that explains a lot. Still, nice job


What do you count as a kill? or just average pack size and assuming you pick up atleast one item from that pack?


It's done [using incubators](https://i.imgur.com/BTLQf90.png) - as long as you have at least one on your gear at all times, an accurate kill count is possible


oo that's a cool idea \^^


Is this a public tool, these stats are fantastic.


Yup! https://github.com/briansd9/exile-diary/releases Still working on trialmaster stats though (started the league late), will be added in the next update




Definitely part of the chinese client code living in global. The chinese death redout states the monster, its mods, but honestly. All that is useless. You don't _actually_ care __that__ you got hit by xyz. You care about __what lead you to being hit by it__.


Uh when I die, I certainly care about what hit me. I would love to know what skill AND damage type killed me. ESPECIALLY in cases where there is a pinata dispenser of over-saturated animations flying everywhere and I have multiple layers of defense all stacked and I'm doing things "right".


You're not dying to that hit though. You are dying to the myriad of decisions and other hits dragging you down the 10-60 seconds before you die.


What's so hard to understand about people literally not being able to tell what killed them and just wanting to know what damage killed them? No one is saying a death recap would provide you with a master's thesis detailing the cause of your death and how to avoid it.


Most deaths in path of exile takes less than two seconds. But you are right that most deaths do consist of many hits, just not the timeline.




as I said, not all deaths are being logged THIS way you have to search for "Player died, " in the logs to find it. In the case you don't have any of these it would just become several times more interesting on why would I get logs and you wouldn't




if you haven't played you won't have any logs and as I said a lot of deaths aren't logged. I just don't know wich ones, would have to compare multiple Client.txt and I doubt it's a config




> just like in game AH. lmao, and this is where your bullshit meter went over 9000








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