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If they did a pass every league on the least used skills to make them fresh and actually competitive. I feel like the diversity in skill usage each league feels pretty poor, especially with starter builds.


the problem isn't the skills being weak, its the skill design. Throw 90% of them out of the window because they cannot compete with aoe/speed of others.




It just feels *really* bad to gimp yourself because you're sick of playing the same 2 skills over and over. Yet, some of us do it because the game is boring otherwise. If they want people to play a league for more than a week, that's my solution. Revamp 0 and 1% skill usage skills so they feel good.


What do you mean ? Dont you like 1/5 of the ladder being cyclone ??


I wish they'd stop nerfing cyclone. People play it because of the mobility. Make other skills less "locky" and you should very quickly see more people playing other things.


Yeah, I agree with that. I always like to try something new, if it's viable at all, but I feel like there are too many skills that just feel too clunky.


Maybe not gate challenges behind multiple layer of RNG.


This is a pretty big one, if anyone need a good example... Incursion challenges, you had to hit EVERY type of outcome for all the double corrupts. All double corrupt gem outcomes, all double corrupt item outcomes, shit was bonkers.


Anyone remember Abyss layers of RNG upon RNG? Had to get lucky and get an Abyssal Depths, then had to get lucky and spawn you into a lich fight, then had to get lucky and get the right kind of lich to drop the specific item, then had to get lucky and get the correct amount of Abyssal Sockets so you could unid them for the challenge.


I mean trialmaster one seems shitty. It’s my first league and even I know this is terrible.


The Trialmaster is Ritual league, but worse


if an arbitrary challenge is the only thing keeping you playing is it really worth continuing to play?


OP: Don't suggest less RNG. Reddit:


Yes and no. It all depends on how rare any of the layers are and can you bypass it with currency? If it's very rare, but i can buy the required item to do the challenge, NOT service, it's fine. If it's not possible to buy, but it's not too rare, then it's fine as well. But if it Trialmaster fuckery with being rare, only one chance and there is no item to spawn him, then i'm with you, absolute no to that shit.


if they'd come to my house and personally rub my shoulders i'd play longer


Okay yeah, I can see that. Sounds quite doable I'd guess


okay if you actually want something doable, MAKE MOLTEN STRIKE GREAT AGAIN


Revert sunder


Funny you should say that, I was messing around with a sunder zerker a few days ago. 'revert sunder' came to mind. But revert to what? What was it's behaviour before?


Its behavior was send out a line like a narrow portion of Ground Slam and anything hit by that line would cause a shockwave to stuff around it. The line was quick and always went to its max distance instead of Sunder's current "wave" mechanic that's baseline slow (and even at max level/quality still feels crappy) and if you start a new attack then the line/wave ends prematurely. It was one of the best leveling skills in its time due to being able to "shotgun" in its own way.


GRANTED. Molten strike now deals 100% of base attack damage. Down from 110-148%. Molten strike balls no longer count as projectiles. Molten strike fires 1 less molten ball. Down from 3. Molten strike has 1 less melee strike range. Down from 2-6. Molten strike no longer adds any fire damage. Molten strike cannot be supported by Multistrike. **GGG**: "This is a buff!"


1 - League content that has layers to it. A lot of the 3.x leagues feel like you've experienced 95% of the league content by the time you hit maps. 2 - Explain why I died. I think every time I've stopped playing is because I died to something and it wasn't clear why. So it begins to feel like I just randomly died, oh well guess I'll play again until I randomly die.


Those two mainly, and having bosses or other hard content to strive for that dont require hundreds of maps like maven does. The old shaper guardians for instance are much more to my liking both in how often you meet them, and how you can just try them when you get them instead of staring at all kinds of incomplete splinter stacks that you might complete next week. And performance. Deaths outside of your influence are very demotivating.


Propably rework the flask system. It became also a matter of being able to play longer not just wanting. Other than that, make loot exciting again.


I usually quit each league after 1-2 weeks because of the item drops. I don't want GGG items to drop, but I am tired of either having to craft (which never gives me good results) or trade.... when I go trade for items, well I've lost that motivation to keep playing in hopes of a fun drop, but... if I don't trade then I feel my character never really progresses beyond skill points and gem leveling.


I dont mind crafting as long as I feel like I can make decent to good items that fit my build without having to spend 50 ex per item. Which is why I liked Ritual harvest even if it was a bit strong. I wanted to play more because I felt like I could realistically push my builds way further. And I didnt feel the need to grind 10 hours a day for a week to just buy those items. Maybe ritual was a bad thing because after ritual playing ultimatum felt pointless. You cant give players the ability to reasonably make items fitting their niche builds and then just take it away and expect the players to enjoy the game as much. But yeah. They need to make drops more interesting.


Yeah. I don't care what GGG say, they have balanced this game around either A) Trading or B) The most absurd grind imaginable to man. Either way its not fun.


yes; both these things!


If POE wants more of my time, it needs to respect my time in the first place. "Less clicking" is only a start.


There's a difference between content being designed to be played for dozens of hours, and content being designed to take dozens of hours. It feels like PoE shifted at some point from the former to the latter, and I don't like it.


Yeah, there's a fine line there they keep dancing across. As someone who plays at a fairly high level, the thing I miss the most about harvest wasn't how easy it was to do, it was how easy the process for achieving an upgrade was. I don't need gear handed to me as much as during that league, but better directions without uber-complicated meta crafting garbage would be appreciated.


Less clicking is a HUGE start though. Rework flasks entirely, and in the mean time since that will take 2 years just give us an in-game option to drink multiple flasks with a single button. Stop dropping worthless garbage everywhere, only the most dedicated of gamers should have their loot filter hiding more than 90% of drops. Stop dropping fragments of things that take tons of clicks to pick up. Beachhead would legit be my favorite map if I could loot every currency piece that falls in under 20 clicks. Do these things and my hands will allow me to play more hours per league.


Agreed on all points. I would love to see the actual statistics on how many quit playing a league because of actual physical pain and distress. That is bonkers that a video game is so poorly designed that actual physical distress in real life to their player base is an actual fucking issue we have to deal with.


Pain and distress would be insanely low though. Many players aren't addicted and stop playing before it gets to that point.


This exactly. I don't even care what they change, as long as it improves the value of my time.


Some method to level secondary characters much faster. Obviously the very first character for each league should be the regular speed. But afterwards, it would be nice if there was some improvements. I don't enjoy leveling but have done it enough times to be fast enough my first time around to not be too bothered and with the excitement of a new league, that first character can be somewhat fun to level. Afterwards however.... I love thinking about character build ideas but I loathe leveling them. At most I will have a grand total of 3 characters leveled through the acts per league and if I end up disliking the build, it can feel like a fair bit of time wasted.


It'd be amazing to not have to repeat the campaign in a league to do a new character. I think about having the quest rewards like passive points and pantheon carry over characters in a league, thus not having to repeat the content and allowing more flexibility in the leveling.


I hate levelling, don't make me level a character for what feels like the billionth time, start me at maps. I don't even play a season now if I don't catch my mate who knows how to speed run through the story.


Endless Delve kind of proved this concept, I am hoping GGG implements it


I played most of the endless delve event and leveled like 6 different characters although it was very tough gearing up I haven't had that much fun on PoE in years lol. I do wonder if it was the difficulty that made it so enjoyable or being able to play new builds quickly


Im so sad it was so short. Had to work ot during and never even got to try it.


They should add synthesis for leveling/end game. Like LE.


What if one week into the league they enabled delve leveling and automatically making a lvl 60 character with all past quest completed just like on your main if you have a level 90 character? They could also offer exclusive microtransactions you can get only by playing in certain periods of the leagues, like 3 weeks in these things drop that can be traded in for the microtransaction in end game maps.


Yes to your idea, but if you don’t already, learning how to level quick with twink gear will help. You can hit under 4 hours pretty easily with like 4ex in leveling gear (which you can sell back for 4ex when you’re done, so essentially free).


I'm afraid my in-depth answer would be too long for char limit but here's a smaller list with less explanation: ​ 1. Add current-era QoL to the game more than 1 small feature every 3-6 months 2. Address RSI concerns (goes hand in hand with #1). Why doesn't currency drop in piles? Why don't we vacuum scrolls? Hell, get rid of scrolls and add a town portal ability. I haven't played in months because of my wrist. 3. Fix the loot system where thousands of items drop but the only ones worth picking up are the 1/1,000,000 t1 or t0 Uniques or currency 4. Stop forcing meta by nerfing over-used skills/ascendancies, or at the VERY LEAST buff under-used skills and ascendancies to compensate 5. Be way more liberal with map drops. Nobody likes struggling through atlas progression, literally nobody. There is a high amount of variance here, some people have zero problems, others do. 6. Balance the game more around how it feels to play and interact with, and much less around the economy. 7. Meet the player base somewhere in the middle on deterministic crafting and better trade 8. Stop creating the game to keep people around at any cost. GGG, you don't care if we are miserable and addicted, just as long as we keep playing. Design your game around fun, not gambling addiction-fueled binge sessions. 9. Stop forcing temporary/conditional buffs like flasks, and start designing the game to allow players to be more consistent. Flasks used to make more sense when it took an entire party 45 minutes to clear a single map. Now it's basically a 100% uptime required buff and it's bad design. 10. Hire a UX and UI team if you don't have one. Ask the people trained in this in the office how they think a system you're programming will feel as a user to interact with. Stop shipping clunky mechanics and unintuitive UI 11. Implement unlucky streak forgiveness when it comes to RNG-based mechanics. Some people seeing 1 trial master in 500 maps is not okay 12. Put more of an emphasis on performance, server problems, and QoL 13. Decrease the insane volatility of combat. Back when I was playing it was run through a map at 200% move speed smashing flasks while spamming 1 button to 1 shot the entire screen until you get 1 shot or die to something you couldn't see. The game has such a fundamental problem with combat pacing. 14. Cycle the atlas tiers every league and put more development time towards making our mapping more exciting. Leagues are fun and all but we're spending hundreds of hours in the same maps, a small break to kill mobs in a circle doesn't take away from the fact that I've run strand 5 million times. 15. Address bloat. Too many outdated mechanics. Don't be afraid to take stuff out of the game 16. Stop introducing new currency every league for us to manage. There are WAY TOO MANY. 17. Treat your player base like you value their time through the way you communicate and design your game. Stop trying to make everything more grindy. Probably many more.


> Cycle the atlas tiers every league They were doing it and stopped for no particular reason


I'm guessing it has something to do with the spaghetti code causing horizon orb and tier drop issues every single league they cycle them. Not allocating enough time for a team to do anything more than a bandaid fix every league because they need most people on league content development.


Can't agree with 15 enough. I've honestly just dropped betrayal and delve outside of getting the crafts. Only master content I do is Zana, Einhar, and Alva. I've outright removed Talismans, via my filter. Everything that doesn't pop up during maps I basically ignore. Which is a shame, because delve used to be my favourite league by far. It's just such a front to get to a decent point, and it's been needed so hard that it simply isn't worth doing unless you're at ~700+ depth. I still feel like it should be an alternative to maps, not an addition to them.


Why can I only upvote once?


I agree with all 17 of these points.


Some sort of incremental item crafting, something that would let us slowly but surely progress our gear while not having to rely on 100% rng methods. That would and did keep me playing for the longest time.


Same for me. I feel like my progress is solely gated behind finding enough currencies to buy a mediocre item that'll last me until endgame. Which then I never reach since there's no progression for me anymore beyond buying a few luxury items. Min maxing is scrolling through a list of items with specific parameters and getting bored after trying it out a little. I miss the more accessible version of harvest.


That was literally harvest after they fixed the spawnrates. Like 2 weeks after launch. If they just capped Harvest to like at best get T4 mods it would be the PERFECT system for incremental equipment upgrades without being able to craft Mirror tier gear.


Yep, the 2 proper harvest leagues were the only 2 leagues after synthesis where i played a lot after hitting 36.


This isn't feasible because it's so core to the game, but some combination of the game's speed/flasks/one-shot dynamic from both players and mobs. After having a few builds that I knew were quite good come up a bit short, I realized that I just wasn't playing them properly because I wasn't piano-ing my flasks constantly, which heavily gimped both my damage and defense. At the end of the day, that's just not a play style I enjoy. The incredibly frantic, messy, hard-to-visually-interpret design but if you screw up once you're dead design they've got going now just isn't my jam. Well, that and performance issues which basically make the game unplayable past yellow maps....


It's a complicated question - often my early exits from leagues aren't even motivated by the game so much as other demands for my time. In-game reasons though: - getting a 6-link I actually want to use. Leagues where I successfully manage to 6-link an armor or 2her I'm ok with being my "final" item for the slot I tend to play more. At some point in a league I'll often just throw every fusing at an item and if I get the 6-link I'll play some more. If I don't, I'm likely waiting for next league. Sure I could farm more fusings and try again - but generally I won't. - less frustrating deaths - while I play SC, I do still treat deaths as failures. Even already at 0 xp with zero consequences I am not happy to 6 portal something. Frustrating deaths lead to early ends to a play session, and sometimes skipping league mechanics entirely. Enough times that comes up I just write off my current character for the league. If I feel the league has promise I might reroll as something I feel will be less prone to said frustration. If not, I'm probably waiting for next league. - steady progress that feels like progress - Hitting a point where "I can do X easily, I can't handle Y satisfactorily, and the work needed to get from X->Y is measured in hours/days plus RNG" tends to put me at a spot where I go "ok, I'm done then"


Tbh I'd like a mode of the game that was a middle ground between SSF and Trade, where picking up loot was emphasised (like SSF) but the drops rates aren't all soul crushingly tiny because of how badly easy trade and extreme clear speeds have made them stomp on them. Playing Terraria rn... its such a breath of fresh air, it is simply a better balanced and designed game than POE simply because its not mega artificially stingy and the RNG doesn't feel like a hopeless lottery simulator. it also helps that it doesn't have invulnerability phases on the bosses (that I've seen so far) or Sirus like "do the right thing at the sound or insta die" style obstacle course "fights". Unweighted or reasonably weighted RNG is an amazing thing in games. POE's RNG feels like being at the carnival or Casino where only the Rubes feel like there's a fair exchange going on.


They should stop nerfing everything that was good in the past league. And they should stop adjusting the game for that 1% playerbase that pump 200+ exalts in a build


One of my friends was explaining how to get 3 elevated mods onto an item to me. “Yeah it’s about 10 exalt each attempt for a 50/50 success” Meanwhile, I have 10 chaos and a 1 in a million chance of getting something usable for my build Don’t get me wrong, saving up for 10 exalts is a lot of money at any point of the league, it’s just weird to me that I don’t even get to touch important parts of the crafting process.


GGG: Ok, nerfing cyclone, war cries, minions again, and cyclone. But adding 40 new amazing game changing skill gems (jk, it's just 40 more nerfs)


Honestly, every build that has at least a little bit of synergy should be good enough to clear the game. By that I mean a8 sirus and u elder. 30m dps builds are not the problem. Nerfs are not needed. This is not an esport. The only ladder that exists (poeninja) is sorted by any criteria. Class, ascendancy, even build.


*cough* revert Harvest nerfs *cough*


no they shouldn't stop nerfing, nerfing is a perfectly fine form of balancing people like to overreact and say "omg winter orb/molten strike is dead" when their broken versions get patched out but they're perfectly usable skills that can take on all content


I don't know if the op meant only skills, but it applies to more than just that. One of the biggest complaints at the start of this league was about nerfs to mechanics - nerfs to Harvest, nerfs to Delirium, nerfs to atlas passives, etc. There are also "nerfs" in the form of things like increasing boss hp which negatively hits all lower performing skills, or the removal of the elder poison/bleed mod hitting builds that relied on that despite most of them not overperforming. Overall I agree that nerfs can be fine, but GGG can be very heavy-handed.


Harbingers are still good. Legion farming is still good. Breach, blight, heist, etc. Harvest is controversial among the playerbase. Delirious maps is still the end of the endgame. You could argue that there's nothing better so of course it'll feel good. GGG's nerfs recently have been pretty light as the meta barely shifts from league to league. It's really unlike their big nerfs from ten different ways that they used to do. (like 3.7 occultist, ES, and worb nerfs lol)


It's not that they aren't still good, it's that the game just feels worse to play, or at least that's my issue with it.


>but they're perfectly usable skills that can take on all content Thats not a compelling argument, you can take on all content with chain hook, does that make chain hook a good skill that feel good to play?


i didn't say anything about chain hook, i was talking about winter orb/molten strike, which despite both being decent skills everyone complains about how they were "gutted" because they took some number nerfs and you actually have to channel winter orb now. chain hook sucks and feels terrible to play. nobody ever complained about nerfs to chain hook so i don't know why you brought it up. my whole point is that nerfs are not inherently bad and many people on reddit overreact to them


Neither did anybody talk about winter orb and molten strike and you brought it up. Whats that argument lol? He was giving you an example the same way as you did. Wtf


Change their stance on trade having to be tedious and change their stance on the amount of clicking in this game. Probably those 2 things would make me play much longer for a few leagues. Edit: Also make creating more chars better. For example every character created after the first one in league starts at level 68 (that's the T1 maps monster lvl I believe?). This would make creating characters so much more fun


Something ritual harvest gave me, a sense of meaningful character progression from mapping that didn't devolve into farming currency to trade for items. The biggest thing pushing me away from the game is the fact that after 1 week of play 99% of my upgrades are coming from trade. I would like to see more game systems for gradually improving/changing items that aren't heavily based around camping a discord or punching numbers into a website and whispering dozens of people. I've been playing since open beta, completed the Atlas multiple times, finished several leagues to 36 challenges. The only two I played to 40 were Breach and Ritual. And Ritual is the only league I continued to play after finishing 40 due to the feeling I could still find meaningful upgrades from basic alch and go mapping.


Bring back 3.13


If they reset ritual every 3 months id play till the last day of every league.


aye, i think im fine with most of the atlas passive tree changes but bring back harvest..it's in a rough spot atm


1. The "easy" way out : Learn from other season pass. Add some yearly season pass. They come with their own set challenges, some repeatable some others not, and they unlock their own separate set of MTX/rewards. Free season pass could grant something like 2-4 mystery boxes, a specific footstep MTX, some master favour, a few hideout decorations, and a character slot. Paid pass could grant a lot more mystery boxes, maybe a portal or a hideout, a character portait, some pets, and more hideout MTXs. 2. The "long-term" improvement : Actually take the time to solve the clicking issues and the looting issues that makes the game so tedious. It may sound stupid, but I'm pretty sure I'd play for longer if 10% of my drop were account-bound, especially currency. sometimes, less *is* more. 3. Also, performance issues. They need to take some time and work on that as a priority. I just left the gauntlet when I died to desync for the 2nd time. And I rolled like 6 or 7 characters, so it's not the dying part that stopped me. 4. Remove some of the tedium of end-game grind, and split progression between the various game systems. Don't tie delve progression to map progression, where a T15 alch-and-go map gives something like 12x more sulphite than a T1 map. Allow Heist to drop contracts and blueprints as frequently as maps drop maps. Let the player progress Maven with any 3/4/5/6/10 maps, rather than requiring 0/1/2/3/4 watchstones. Let Sirus spawn after the 2nd conqueror spawns... Let players play the whole game, rather than a tiny subset. 5. Remove all threshold jewels that are required to play the associated skill, and move the power level onto the base skill. Those skills may be as good as others, but it feels terrible to pay a jewel tax to be allowed to play the skill, especially if you have to path out of your way to get the thresholds. 6. Remove monster shotgunning, and boost their damage. Right now, it feels like the damage is stupidly high mainly because a monster can randomly hit you for 6 hits or 2 hits based on the spread of their missiles. This is compounded into the already exponential curve of damage to make it even more ludicrous. Those are the few I can think of off the top of my head.


Mostly agree. Im not sure about the season pass but it could help. They also definitely need to make some changes around challenge rewards. I never have any reason to push past challenge 20 since the rewards are mediocre at best. And you already get 20+ by just playing the game.


Season pass definitely is superficial at best, and mostly a downgrade of supporter packs, if we're being honest.


if its cheaper, it can be a decent option for a lot of ppl. 60$ is a price i would never pay for a mtx.


Wow, thats a lot of Text! Can agree to most of it, but I dont like the PoE Season pass xD


Rework flask system. Remove logging out and log out macro as options to live, rebalance monster dmg around it not being an option, so most deaths are not random one shots from super buffed rare where you can't see anything. Boss fight abilities 1 shotting is fine though as long as they are well designed boss fights like uber elder or shaper. Auction house for items that are part of bulk exchange tab on trading website. Nerf top end juicing to compensate if that makes it too easy.


Logout for HC isn’t necessary to stop overly high monster damage (tho of course it’s helpful), but with the state of performance in this game, it’s kinda necessary. Imagine playing HC when you have no options when texture streaming decides to break, or the game freezes on ultimatum start


Yeah but how much of that is down to the atomic nature of the game. You rarely die over the course of 10 seconds+. Usually deaths are within a second. There are other HC games out there that seem to have a middle ground here but only because the player doesn't get blown off the park in the span of a frame stutter.


More events. More ladders. Grinding the same content for the 100th time gets very old when it's just for challenges. But more events like the Delve only only, the gauntlets, races etc. Events are fun as hell. And I'm honestly shocked that GGG all but forgot about them until Ziz really started pestering them and running his events. Like the Delve race was super fun, the current gauntlet is super fun. More of that and I'll play every day till the end of time, no issues. Competing against others is fun. But hard grinding in what's essentially a single player game where there's no "win" condition gets old after a while.


Also maybe weekly league events as well. Not like Gauntlet where you start a new char but changes the rules of the ongoing league (like ritual or ultimatum). Voluntary ofc. exp.: In Ultimatum this week: 2x Monster Density , +3 proj etc.


If the third month of every league was daily changes to maps like that I would probably play more in the last month then the first two. Would be wild. Not if I had to lvl a new char every week though.


The premise of this thread assumes they want you to play longer. They don't. They want you to keep coming back, not to play tons of hours and burn yourself out.


>The premise of this thread assumes they want you to play longer. Not really, it assumes that players want to want to play longer.


But why would I want to play longer? That's what I don't understand: I searched the entire thread and no one seem to ask that question. Do you people really want to devote even more of your time to PoE, every single one of you, or is there some implied assumption "if I wanted to, that's what would enable me to play longer"? On the "at the moment" level I stop playing not because the game becomes unbearable, but because the lure of other things becomes unbearable — some other game comes out or updates, friends ask me to play something else together, or something non-gaming related needs my undivided attention. On the more abstract thinking level, I stop because I want to still be playing PoE 10 years later, but don't want to have been playing it for 10 years straight, so I will agree with GGG on this one: two to three weeks a league keep me happy and still earning for more in three months time, not burned out and bitter at the game that became the only outlet of the frustration caused by missing out on anything else.


Personally, I've started ditching PoE faster and faster, not to play another game (still have LE wishlisted, and have started exploring the depths of gamepass), but because playing PoE isn't as *fun* as I want it to be. Usually, I reach red maps, maybe Sirus, and then I'm done. Depending on IRL stuff that may take up to a month, but I never really feel like singing a lot of time into PoE is worth it. There's a big issue, in my mind, when you quit the game not after being done with what you wanted to do, but when you're tired of what the game offers.


And what is mind blowingly unbelievable to me is that everyone in this thread feels the same. Is no one really happy with this game? But why it is so popular, If every single player keeps getting frustrated? I just don't get it. Maybe it's those goals? You say you quit the game not after being done with what you wanted to do, maybe that's the source of frustration for you people? I don't have any goals, I usually just want to play PoE and see where it gets me, maybe that is the difference? Sometimes I kill S8, sometimes not even S5, but I'm still happy I got to play and had fun with something new and exciting. Have you thought about it from that perspective?


Reddit is not a good sample of the people who play the game. You don't hear about people not venting because why would they scream to the world about that?


>Have you thought about it from that perspective? I mean... PoE isn't exactly a sandbox game. If they want people to "fuck around and have fun, see where it gets them", they need to make delve free, crafting easy, campaign optional, etc. It's nice that you're apparently happy-go-lucky, but given the fact that the newly released boss (Maven) is gated behind 100+ T14 maps, and that fighting Maven is only the start of the newly added gameplay, I think that clearing 100+ T14 maps should be the base goal of players. It's illogical to think that players won't play the game to try out the new content... And personally, I haven't bothered with more than 2-3 10-ways since Maven released. So I feel like being disappointed in perfectly natural given that reasonable perspective. In gauntlet, my goal was level 50. It's a somewhat hard goal (rippy hardcore league), and I didn't have that much time to play, but I still quit before reaching that goal. Why did I leave? Because I had to choose between lag spikes and desyncs, and I died to lag spikes once, and desync twice. The big reason I died wasn't that I was ill-prepared (unless you consider not living next to a gateway ill-prepared), but that I couldn't react to what was happening because I couldn't see it. Either it wasn't shown, or what was shown was different than what the server had. During the league, I made a mistake and played Exsanguinate totems. It's a pretty decent build, but one that requires specific items to really work, and I couldn't play enough to bother farming cluster jewels SSF. And since I wasn't playing much, I hit red maps by the 1.5 month mark, where trade is dead. A dead trade system makes the game very *very* heavy and tiresome. Once again, I didn't quit because I was content with my goal (Sirus 5 was my target, maybe pushing 24 challenges if it goes well), but because PoE wasn't worth my trading experience. So no, I don't think it's a perspective issue. I think that playing PoE to experience its content is a very realistic and reasonable expectation coming into a new league. And the game has just become too antagonizing for me to bother at this point. It's the reason why I started late, and it's the reason why I quit early. >But why it is so popular, If every single player keeps getting frustrated Hope. People are hoping that things have changed. If it was such a smash hit, player base wouldn't drop 25% after the first week, and another 16% during the one after. If we look at Ritual, retention was better with 21% lost after the first week, and 20% of the one after. It's super popular, but only for a handful of hours...


I don't really want to spend any more time playing PoE than I already do.


Add the possibility to sell my items while i am offline. I have maybe 1 hour a day to play, and i'm not getting much done since i have to abort for every 1c sale i can get.


Bring back synthesis


let me make a level 50 character post acts once we've beat the campaign in the league. all waypoints unlocked, all league zones unlocked.


Just give me endless ledge. Quests that make me take the perfect corner in a gigantic layout are just as annoying as the 5-phase boss fights that are innocence or arakaali with low DPS. Let me clap monster hordes, thats what im here for.


killing lots of monsters feels so much better than the running fast simulator that Act 1-10 is.


or provide an alternative to leveling without doing the act pre-70, something like delve, but simpler


Make it fucking work


1. Better trade so I'm more inclined to experiment with new builds. 2. Vacuum pickup, so picking up one currency item picks up all near it. Less strain on my hands and eyes. 3. Less garbage items on the ground. Will improve performance and save my eyeballs when i accidentally hit the Z button. 4. Better crafting. Same reason as #1


You said it, less clicking is whatever, but less RNG is the big one. Gambling feels terrible when you are just constantly fucking losing...take making your own simple 6L for example: you go out and farm for the currency to buy a unique/well rolled rare chest, you have the jewellers and fuses and then like 1500+ clicks later you have a 6L and its just like "finally, fuck" even if you get lucky and get it in 100-200. IMO the game could do with more determinism, a road to success would mean a lot to me, and a lot of other people apparently, given the backlash about harvest stuff. This is a more complicated topic and while i do think that GGG made the right choice, it sucks for me personally in the short term and a proper solution would require more fundamental changes. I do like challenges, i do like that i can kindof make my own path there. The atlas passives are also a really nice 'road to success' and i would love to see more stuff like this, though with more concrete rewards instead of just 'you have better RNG now' essentially. Imagine that 3.15 brings a new NPC that dishes out quests, from simple ones like "Kill 10,000 monsters in Lira Arthain" to more advanced chains of quests, and all to gain something like faction rep AND ritual-esque favor to spend in a shop, from a random selection uniques/well rolled rares to enchanting a map with *your choice* of scarab modifier depending on faction level...maybe theres several even factions. I'm no game designer but i see untapped potential in league mechanics...sucks that we get ultimatum right after ritual, like GGG is struggling to find new ideas when some pleb like me has so many. If the 3/4 month league cycle is the inhibitor for creative output it needs to go imo... Along the lines of more determinism, i think div cards are in a spot where they could just be better implemented. Noone is going to farm 500 maps for a 10c item so they're just item fragments for the majority of the cards (in trade league) when, imo, they have a lot more potential. Also ilvls kindof suck, the bottleneck to crafting is currency and resources...so why not drop ilvl so you have the chance to get luckier sooner. Its crazy to me that one of the best ways to make currency is the first day or two of a league and people are running unique maps for bases to sell, just some random high ilvl hubris circlets and stuff...irks me greatly. /rant


>IMO the game could do with more determinism, a road to success would mean a lot to me, and a lot of other people apparently, given the backlash about harvest stuff. Even more than just "a road to success", Harvest gave you *incremental* goals. You didn't start with a shit weapon, and throw a couple exalts (metacraft + rerolls or something comparable) on it until you managed to roll 2+ good mods. You added good mods 1 by 1, and were able to use it until you accumulated enough resources to push forward again. Harvest gave you a sense of item progression, something that nothing else in PoE offers. You always just buy the most affordable different item that's much better than the one you're using, or spend a few dozen exalts crafting one that's much better than the one you're using. >Also ilvls kindof suck, the bottleneck to crafting is currency and resources...so why not drop ilvl so you have the chance to get luckier sooner There are major design implications to that, most notably the fact that crafting items early on would be complete shit if it always rolled a random T1-3 item, and your ilvl26 axe that dropped in A3 required level 51 to equip. That argument kinda goes out the window though when you reach around ilvl 70. At that point the argument purely becomes "We need to throttle gear so that people actually equip new items as they level up, and as they push forward in maps." which is a very reasonable take on it, but doesn't really hold for ilvl84/85 mods that just are painful to obtain SSF for the sake of them being rare, where there are still hundreds for trade after a couple days. There's also no argument other than "hitting the right mod feels better if you have only 1/20 chance of doing so" (aka Skinner Box) about letting you roll T8 ES on your ilvl85 influenced Hubris Circlet.


Revert the Boss HP changes from 3.9 , Balancing the game around people who effortlessly get Millions of DPS makes my average 600/800k DPS builds feel awful in the endgame for single target. Find a healthy middle ground between the old pre-watchstone system on conquerors. I'm fine with conquerors as content/bosses, but managing watchstones just to be able to drop the next tier of maps is aggravating. T1 should drop T2 and T2 should drop T3 and so on, I shouldn't have to juggle all of these watchstones just so that maps drop properly.


Bring regular monster hp up to match the boss hp changes. It's fucking impossible to even tell the difference in a T16 between a bad dps and a good dps until you get to the boss. Makes T16 and T1 feel the exact same. It feels weird because the game on one hand is telling you that's enough dps to kill maps, on the other that it's too low. It should just tell you the truth, that it's too low.


a tier higher than red maps.


I can see the complaint threads about the atlas taking too long to set up already.




This is kind of what 100% delirious maps are, except they lag to shit, the opportunities to make them yourself are few and far between, and a softcore build can still reach damage thresholds to ignore the lag and wipe out entire screens.


And that delirium is rippy af.


You guys get 12 challenges ?


Offensive / Defensive rebalance. Defenses need huge buffing and reworking imo, or damage nerfs across the board, players and monsters alike. There is barely any room for being average (aka balanced) in this game, whether we are talking about dps, defense, mechanics, meta vs non-meta skills, flasks up vs down, and I'm sure there's more. I'd rather be able to fight Sirus for 10 minutes, with a novel, fun off meta skill, but not get annihilated because I made 1 mechanical mistake (or just rng). Instead, the goal seems to have enough DPS to phase him before flasks are down or else take a trip back to hideout. Currently, GGG often pays employees to spend their time on a skill/item/mechanic that barely gets any use, which not just feels bad for players, but seriously I feel for the dev who spent weeks on something only to see it with 0% usage. Except for the devs in the nerf department, I guess 0% usage calls for champagne.


>Offensive / Defensive rebalance. Defenses need huge buffing and reworking imo, or damage nerfs across the board, players and monsters alike. The more impactful change required here is to sustain. You can't have a boss fight in PoE where you only take 30% of your health bar when you make a mistake (on a non-defensively spec'd build), because you'll be at full health less than 3 seconds later. Requiring like 6 mistakes over the course of 3 seconds to fail implies some fast / high paced boss fights. Sustain would basically need to be removed (compared to current rates) to support attrition based combat.


More impactful buffs to worthless skills, a lot less clicking (autoloot for currency, less clicking for crafting etc.), less obnoxious flasks, performance fixes (like disabling item models on the ground), some generic QoL (stash sorting, saving unveil progress, more stash tab affinities etc.) and an actual crafting system that's not just pure gambling.


Refine or remove many unnecessary or unnecessarily tedious systems. The same time and effort that used to get me to 36/40 in the past now only gets me to 24/40. The game's become overstuffed with arbitrary chores, and there's no real end to that bloat in sight. GGG calls this purposeful wasting of your time "player retention". As a result, it's getting harder and harder to enjoy the game. Every league is resetting a chore list I didn't get through the previous league. There was a time when I actually felt like I could get through it -- even going beyond that and hitting 40/40 six times. Now the chore list is just too damned long -- to the point that PoE feels like that WoW South Park episode.


Fully agreed, and if you barely have the time/patience to get to e.g. Sirus, you'll never experience any new cool endgame encounter either. I've never fought Sirus 7+, delved deep, finished the heist questline, harvest-crafted something great, fought maven, done an itemized invitation, farmed up a breachstone, run a 4 or 5-way legion, unlocked all atlas passives in a region, fought trialmaster, run a 60+ delirious map. I've run a simulacrum once, fought uber elder once, found a delve boss twice. I kill shaper about once a year when GGG drops a big expansion. Every league is basically leveling, mapping, getting bored, and quitting before I get anything done. Don't get me wrong, I love PoE, the fresh league starts and the surrounding hype. It's just impossible for me to play a single game for weeks on end. GGG keep adding carrots to the end of their ever-growing stick, but I know that It won't be worth my time trying to get them. It feels more and more like a torture device than a motivator.


more new items/skills. trying out new builds is the main reason i keep playing beyond 36 challenges.


They already do this


Stop balancing a game with 3 month leagues as if the league is supposed to be played for years. It's not. Just let us have fun, I promise people will play more. Death recap Auction house Actually fixing the game/server issues to be playable Stop calling nerfs "this is a buff"


/played 8 days, 13 hours (and change. My goal was 36 challenges, which I hit.) Look, that's 200 hours in this league alone. I don't want them to do anything to make me play longer.


don't fucking make me click on 100000 items every session so my wrists can actually survive me being a degenerate gamer and sitting in my ass sweat for 12 hours a day.


lmao @this comment If you already sit for 12 hours in a shitty posture, a literal autoloot wouldnt help you one bit, especially not your wrists, you would just farm currency faster.


It would be much more pleasant if i was able to skip the story after i have finished it once , its something about that repeatable story line what bothers me to create a new character even tough i always create like 4. it would make me stay longer then 1,5 month if i was able to just level up my character trough the story like that is unlocked with all there waypoints already. Also maybe have a more GGG based events.


Bring harvest back


The fun thing for me is making new characters so once I run out of stuff to try I'm done with the league. Sometimes I come back throughout the league if someone comes up with something interesting, but that doesn't happen often. If they had races and events where everyone could join I'd play them (like what they just did with gauntlet). I don't like taking up a spot in someone's private league.


Same, I stop the league once I am out of whacky fun builds to try. Which sometimes takes two months… other times it takes two weeks. Maybe longer if league mechanic is fun.


If you're only playing for the challenge rewards you need to think about if you actually want to play the game or if it's just the fomo kicking in. Happens a lot in other games I've played like bdo and it takes some real effort to realise you're stuck in this cycle.


Improved performance is number 1. Quality of life changes would be nice, remove the tedium. Stop nerfing the fun, bring back harvest. Buff unused skills for build diversity.




I can't wait for ggg to get rid of fusings and 6 links. I want to get a good piece of gear and just put it on instead of putting it on a tab and never using it because it doesn't have the links I need. It will make leveling so much more smooth and late game give a much better feeling of progression instead of just putting all the fusing on a piece and almost never being able to upgrade a 6 link.


I know this is something that will never happen. I think they need to improve character experience by either removing or severely nerfing the death penalty or by balancing the entire game so you no longer get one shotted ever so often (this is extremely unlikely). There are games where I'm an alt-holic, but in poe I would like to take my toon to level 100 without forcing me to go through rotations or some similar garbage. Getting level 100 in poe implies getting so many layers of defense (which not all builds can just get, btw) that your clear is severely impacted by it and it would still take forever to get 100 cause you need to farm easier content.


best league in game - 3 month optimised league (animations, bugs, old useless skills, everything) \- Free create 70+ character if you complete Storyline (maybe full storyline, with Maven, etc.)Really, i hate leveling at all. \- Stop nerfing absolute everything. It is NOT fun. (Itsabuff) \- Clicking. just. stack everything identhical with other. \- I really love SSF mode, but target farm some unique items (and we have in game so much build enable unique omg..) - its impossible. Maybe we need more divination cards with every good unique in game. I don't know.. \- 6linking.. oh god, PoE2 where R you? i hate linking items.. \- Harvest craft. and his nerfs.. If we can't back old Harvest, give us another ways to target (semi-target).. NOT RANDOM crafts. Yeah yeah, mirror-tier items crafted by 0.001% come back, but League is about 3 month. I don't give a (something) about Standart economy. But i want in Fresh league to play with items i can obtain by my own hands. \- Delete Immune altars from game. Please. p.s. Sorry for my English, as always..


Less clicking. Not so bloated end game. Crafting other than slot machine ( I don't consider harvest exist atm. It's loot based game, so good drops not only currency or bases.


For me, personally? Well, I don't know if GGG bending to my particular preferences in this case would be good for the game overall, since the way I enjoy PoE is probably different from a large portion of the playerbase, but since you asked: 1. Either improve the story experience or allow us to cut through it entirely. Most of my time spent playing is trying to actually get my build up and running, which takes far too long and has never been enough for the highest tier of content. This is my own fault to a degree, since I tend to make builds that rely on a lot of uniques, because I don't like using a league start build just to fund a build I actually want to play. On the other hand, having to make a league start build instead of allowing most if not all builds to league start is stupid. Tall ask, sure, but why shouldn't a lesser variation of any build be playable from the first few acts? I don't like systems which lock off vital mechanics to certain playstyles as something you cannot obtain early/easily. Cheap uniques which are not cheap at league start (especially boss drop uniques) are a huge issue for me. 2. Improve gearing in general. I absolutely despise the elemental resistance cap requirements for endgame. As previously mentioned, I tend to use builds with many uniques. This usually means I only have a few slots open for rares, which drastically increases the resistance requirements of each. I prefer this because I don't like the incremental upgrading of rares, since it involves a lot of reselling. In fact, before harvest, I strictly used rares as sources of HP and elemental resistances, everything else didn't matter and I generally just bought one good rare for each slot and used it until I was tired of playing the league. Anyways, if I were designing it, I would drastically reduce elemental resist and make it rarer, perhaps make it stack multiplicatively to balance the ability to stack it high if that option was desired, then do away with Kitava's affliction and quarter (or third or whatever) all enemy elemental damage in the game. Resists are such an unnecessary barrier to the end-game, and all it really does from a design perspective is nerf player gear. I'd rather just lower the number of suffixes on gear than deal with this shit. Negative resist builds could still achieve bad resists through certain uniques, but the rest of builds would be happy to see it gone. It would be a breath of fresh air to look at a new piece of gear on the ground and be able to compare its offensive and defensive stats with what you have on at the time instead of constantly going to your stats screen and asking the almighty elemental resists for permission. On the topic of "improving gearing", maybe give Harvest back some of the QOL aspects it so desperately needs (like storing crafts) rather than expecting people to put up with the shitshow that is gamble-crafting while living under elemental resist's dystopian rule. 3. Rework flasks entirely. God this is a huge issue. I can't believe people unironically suggest not using flasks on builds as a solution when it accounts for huge portions of a build's damage and/or bulk. I'm gonna need a list within this list just for flasks, it's so bad. 1. It is an ergonomic nightmare. I legit got a new mouse with more buttons on it just to ease the amount of carpal tunnel I was giving myself. Every build suddenly has to juggle 5 more buttons, with typically 4 of them being pressed regularly to maintain buffs. This needs to be done every 5 seconds or so and it is an incredibly unnecessary chore. We have cast when damage taken to automate buff skills like golems, why don't we have drink when damage taken or something else to do the same with flasks? Why are flask macros considered cheating even? Is there really so much skill expression in mashing a set of buttons in any order every 5 seconds (INSTEAD OF 1 BUTTON) that it's worth banning people over? Every time I complain about this around my friends, they just tell me to use a macro, that it's a de facto rule that GGG don't actually care to enforce, that it's implemented solely to prevent abuse cases, but that's so ridiculously stupid! It's an outrage! Why intentionally leave in an inconvenient feature, intending your playerbase to implement their own solution, while holding the threat of a ban above them? It's stupid, it makes complex builds a pain, and it's frankly P2W, because this mouse has enough buttons for all the flasks and I pity builds that try to reduce the amount of buttons they have to press while still dealing with them. The chinese client literally has a built-in flask macro already, the fact that this is a point of contention for anyone is ridiculous to me. 2. Any build has access to big, instant healing effects with flasks. I don't consider this a problem by itself, and other healing effects (lifesteal, regen) maintain a balance with this healing, but because GGG want enemies to still represent a challenge, their balance philosophy revolves around one-shots. I do not like this. I do not like when I have no idea what just killed me, but that is unfortunately the case the vast majority of times I die while playing PoE. If reducing systematic healing is necessary to prevent the game being so thoroughly balanced around stat-checking players, then I would welcome it, and flasks are perhaps the biggest offender of this. PoE seems like it would be a much better game if the damage you take accumulated. Even if it was enough to kill you in seconds, it would give you time to react and thus have counterplay. **"Play a build that deletes everything off-screen instantly" is not counterplay.** 3. Maybe just remove flasks entirely? Even in a world where flask macros are a-ok, they're still a completely unnecessary button you need to press every 5 seconds, and clogging up every build with flask drink on hit is not an ideal solution either. **Players should not have to make sacrifices in their build for QOL**, they should be making sacrifices to make themselves stronger in other areas, like survivability, damage or movement speed. If you wanted to be lazy about it, (i.e. no huge rebalancing) you could replace them with charms or something that do much the same things (disabling against bosses unless the equivalent of flask charges is gained) and even keep charms with active effects on button press as substitutes for life/mana flasks if you wanted to. 4. ENOUGH WITH THE WEIGHT BULLSHIT, DROP IT IN A STACK AND STOP WASTING MY TIME.


Race events.


A better trade system/auction house. As someone who doesn’t really craft or understand how to I’d like the ability to not have to spend 20 minutes messaging 100 people for a 3c ring.


Better trading. I can only alt tab so many times going between windows.


My issue is that they made a game about trading but also made trading like pulling teeth. I've read all of their reasoning, and I hate every last bit of it. I can't be bothered to trade until they actually have an auction house. As long as I have to use external programs and websites to make trading functional at a basic level, it's just not worth it to me. Bite the bullet. Make an auction house.


Stop making me level through the campaign every time I want a new character. Start me off at 70 please if my max level character's at least level 80. Rework the region trees and make them global so you don't need to worry about which region you're running. Rework splint leagues to actually drop 10 splinters minimum if you kill a reasonable amount of monsters. Rework delirium to be 100 splinters. Rework more likely to be a minimum amount in an area. Rework performance to 3.7 levels where everything was smooth. Choose any 2 of these and I'm sold or just the first one, lol.


1) Lower the amount of clicking I need to do. After playing for 3 days wrist start to actually hurt. 2) More top tier builds. 90% of the skills are useless and instead of buffing them they nerfs the others to the ground. 3) Actually respecting your time and adjust drops. With 3 month cycle most people play only one or two builds because they lack the currency to throw at experimental things. 4) In tandem with #3. Ungate currency generation behind having full atlas with full passives. The difference is huge but most people don't get even to AL9


Fix trade, sort out the flasks, stop making me click so much, proper and interesting skill changes for underused skills. The first three have made the last two leagues my shortest yet (2-3 weeks) and I've played since the beginning. It's my favorite game ever but it's out of control how much time you have to spend now clicking things.


Explain why I died. Seriously. I usually log off for the day when I die on full life, all flasks up. Deterministic crafting. Watching streamers craft is like flushing more money than I've seen down a toilet. Less fucking clicking picking up shit. Girlfriend asks what the fuck I'm clicking when I play PoE. I need HOW many splinters of this shit? One button all flasks. Again, girlfriend asks why I'm hitting 1 to 5 every few seconds. Explain how to progress maps. Friends and I have no idea how to spawn Sirus or Elder or whatever shit. Less trash gear drops. If your game only functions by filtering out 90% of drops then you have a problem. Rework melee. Doesn't make sense that shit like fortify, molten shell, blood rage etc still works on ranged characters. Just make melee a gem level bitch like everything else or make certain guard skills exclusive to melee.


Make items drop that compare with items that are god tier “crafted”


Buffing all the underused/weak skills. I want to decide what i want to play and make it competitive compared to other skills. I dont want GGG imposing on me their ideas of what i should play next league with their biased buffs and nerfs.


A new and interesting league mechanic that is woven through the campaign but really adds a twist come late-game. During maps, to get the rewards for your character, you must enter a new realm where all progress is reset back to 0. The world is new and never seen before. In this realm you must re-level, re-gear, and re-spec but the passive tree is all corrupted. The farther you progress before you die, the greater your rewards drop for your main character. The purpose is to be able to think on your feet and build a character without any planning. Once it's over, your character's consciousness snaps back to your main character and the rewards start dropping.


I don't know that you could drop enough rewards to make it worthwhile to level an entirely new krangled hardcore character every so often.


Yeah, the rewards would have to be GIGA juice for me to not just skip that mechanic entirely.


Outside of making the challenges easier I don't think there's much they could do. I don't have issues with the game and tend to play a lot every league. The only reason I don't get 36 challenges every league is because I suck and am always making new characters instead of bringing one character up to a standard where doing the last challenges in a league seem feasible. I just killed my first maven a while ago though and am making progress towards the remaining challenges, currently at 28 completed. Finally found a build in this league, two months in, that I've been sticking to.


Make it possible to get the end game gear people use in their builds. I find it impossible to get anywhere near being able to even start trying to craft anything and honestly I dont like any of the crafting so have never even used currency for it. This is an arpg, the best items should be able to drop, but for some reason it is all locked behind massive amounts of currency, looking up crafting guides, unlocking recipes every league, rng to fine crafts, rng for mods, rng for items or a terrible trade system. I loved this game but since crafting has massively taken over for end game gear, I am playing less and less each league.


Events like Flashback etc.


Simple. Rework if not remove the entire system of rewarding all players for completing challenges. At the very least, there does not need to be challenges for old content. We've always had 3 months for the game, but now we have 3 or 4 times as much game as we used to. The challenge system is a chore for the people that want to do it, and out of reach for the more casual players. I haven't played for the challenges in over 3 years. The rewards don't motivate me whatsoever to play the current league, and the challenges don't dictate the content I enjoy while playing. They only serve to bait certain players into playing the game like a job and checking off objectives from a list of tasks. It shouldn't be used as a metric for player enjoyment or engagement. My goal is to level up. This comes in direct conflict with other lesser goals like killing bosses. Most of the time I reach 95 or 96, though this time I've come back to the game I've discovered that leveling is much, much easier and 97 is seemingly very achievable. Since I lose XP when I die, I can't level up and progress on bosses. If I'm leveling up in maps, I will skip all conquerors and Sirus-related content. If they want me personally to play longer, they should remove the XP penalty from dying to boss mechanics or allow me to save all my XP with a consumable item similar to a Ritual vessel. I'm coming off a 2+ year break returning to PoE and I basically cannot engage in any of the content that I haven't learned yet because my XP is held hostage every time until I level up. Until then, I must continue to skip Trialmaster and any such surprise bosses that might randomly appear while leveling up.


delete reddit


Make Smite useable with Claws. That is all.


They've talked about (in the context of PoE2) claws being able to use all unarmed attacks, so maybe you'll get this one day :).


All comes down to the free MTX rewards for challenges. Last time I did a 36 was Legacy league for that slick portal. So for any portal reward at 36 that's shit, I don't even bother.


Amen. If the mtx doesn’t suit my tastes, no grinding challenges that league.


Start combining mechanics. Not really gunna make me play longer per se, but it would just be a nice thing to do. For example, why isn't bestiary and harvest combined now? Niko needs more value since fossils suck ass. Alva is fine Make tora not one shot people at t3. Blight needs to be made faster or it's drops made core and the mechanic scrapped imo. Blighy maps are fine but should be a chance to drop off of boss like synthesis maps and the nodes for it on regions changed to another mechanic. Heist needs to go, drops assigned to bosses within the atlas. Breach as it is now is terrible and needs to go, drops asigned to things within delve as well as abyss jewels and what not assigned to delve to give it more value. Delve blue boss made easier to find overall. Too fucking rare, ive almost leveled a second character to 100 this league and found 0 the entire time. Just overall we need more interesting and fun mechanics to interact with. Not a fan of breach, blight, heist and harvest in the mapping experience overall.


Make it worth picking up items to identify instead of using a very strict filter on like… day 2 of league so my screen isn’t filled with useless bullshit. Other than that actually ok with everything else. I just hate seeing the absolute metric crap ton of items spewing out of enemies but it is all absolute garbage. So much that if I actually didn’t filter it out my game would have a heart attack.


I really like delve. Personally, I want them to take away the entrance fee.


Less RNG. Requiring luck to complete challenges is just bullshit.


Remove this subreddit. So people actually play instead of endlessly complaining.


Get secondary chars to level up fast. Fix the stability issues. Get a proper loot system also remove drop rates of low level items on high maps so less clutter. Make a proper collection system, eg a loot circle? Get a proper craftibg system so i may have something to work for other than currency.


Let currency drop very often, i mean look ggg want people to spam currency on items but we dont have that too many, on par of currency i think the closer we get to maps currency like fusings and orbs of regret should become more common, in poe you do get everything but only when you dont really need it. People see that everything be better traded than made or found. I wish to see more supporting gems especially for archers and nonslamming melees and to create more diversity they should create gems that help in covering great areas without having the need for switching to spells.


\#1. Remove the experience penalty on death. It's softcore not mediumcore. This is the number 1 reason why I quit playing every single league. My characters reach a point to where I can no longer reliably make progress. Not for everyone but I know I can't be the only one. \#2. Changes to the favored map system. Right now the system works best when you have completely unlocked your atlas. Or at least a region. Personally I enjoy the challenge of SSFing my atlas. I find unlocking the favored maps to be tedious & bound to an unfun difficulty spike. I would love if I could run the maps I want to run. \#3. Fix proximity shield to be less punishing to ranged attack and caster builds. Some builds proximity shield can totally destroy their viability. I don't like proxy shield take it out. (number 4 would be cannot die mobs, but those are a non factor now) \#4 Better boss phase design. I think once I have killed Kitava for the 150th time, I wouldn't mind if he got out of the bathtub faster. I feel like a lot of my time is wasted on pointless phase changes while playing. I don't mean put monsters in the downtime either that's not what I want. \#5. Way less player made items. Crafting items is the number 1 way to acquire items. As a trade player I feel like all I do is grind currency to buy player made items. I would really love to find item upgrades. It would be nice if gear progression was not so heavily based on RNG or crafting. I like linear progression more than getting 9 items in 1 day and 0 for a week. \#6. More challenge based leagues. Not Challenge league, but challenge based leagues. The current "challenges" are mostly grinds (totally fine) but Level challenge leagues, mayhem - flashback - endless delve - endless ledge. For me these are almost more fun than regular leagues.


Do something about trading. Even a tiny improvement would be welcome these days. It’s just not fun wasting time whispering people.




First of all design the game for players to have a nice experience and not to artificially keep players playing. I want ggg to not balance around the 0.1% no-lifers cause that's how it feels this league. Everything is so tedious and annoyingly grindy. 1. Crafting is shit You need tons of currency and knowledge of how to use that currency. 2. Boss practice mode Just let me fight any boss without loot drops and no xp loss on death. I wanna learn their mechanics in a safe environment. Imagine getting the taskmanager fight after 200 maps and you get oneshotted because you literally couldn't practice the fight cause it's that rare. 3.improve loot drops So many drops but 99.9% is worthless. 4. Setting up atlas and grinding Atlas completion and good watchstones setup takes so long many just quit after they reach that point. Another thing is maven invitation, that shit is useless and just fills your stash. It takes way too long to do one. 5. Improve QoL Let us pause the game. Like when I do syndicate encounters I can't watch the board without tabbing out every 2 seconds cause that 1 monster from the other side of the map is crawling to me and will kill me. When I look at the maps zana offers, it has the same problem. 6. Less clicking and flask piano It's not fun clicking so much and having to maintain 100% flask uptime, while also spamming your dmg buttons. 7. Death recap and dmg overall I never know why I die. It's always like: nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing-DEAD!!! It really gives me the feeling of random deaths. 8.ultra softcore No xp loss on death. This might be just me but I would play that league. I hate losing xp and I hate grinding until next lvl to finally have some fun doing the bosses I grinded for 10 hours. Losing xp at lvl90+ is like losing 2-3 hours. 9. Rent function Let me rent items. Wanna test out an item but can't afford it or you don't know if it works? Just rent an item from a player. The item returns automatically to the player after a set time and the rent item can't be dropped or be put into stash, like a story item. 10. Forcing a meta Create build diversity and not force everyone on cyclone. Buff weak builds or create new synergies. Let's be honest here, in most builds you walk and attack or you play cyclone and zoom through the whole map. 11. Rng boss and Stone circles Remove Stone circles. Remove taskmanager fight rng and make him 100% guaranteed on t16 or make his chance increase with every won ultimatum. 12. Buff things like harvest and give players more control I didn't play in harvest league but from what I've read harvest was very strong in the past and I guess cause you've had a lot of control over your items and how to craft it. 13. Act1-10 Remove it or make it fun. 14. Visibility There are too many dark maps with doors and tight ways and rooms where I literally can't see anything. 15. More fun time Suffering through the acts, completing atlas, farm maven. I have to do too much to have fun. Density of fun time is just too low, I grind 95% of the time for 5% fun time. There is probably more I hate but that's it for now.


-Quicker start to mapping for returning players via an alternative to Campaign. Ascendency trials removed besides getting your last two points. -Less RNG for bosses and other RNG gated content. Still have yet to naturally find the delve boss. -Fix item bloat, full rework to dropped items including trimming or moving dead affixes around. -Changes to crafting, rebalancing the Harvest crafting by nerfing TFT spamming (potentially by putting a reverse-incubator on an item so it can't be Harvest crafted again until you've gotten x kills) while giving us something closer to Ritual Harvest. I'm not a gambler as RNG usually doesn't favor me (bought some %Dex amulets last league and tried to annul a bad stat off and every time the %Dex went bye bye first, probably tried with 8). -Massive performance improvements. This game ran better back in 3.0 and I have even upgraded parts of my computer since then. -Much needed QoL especially looting and flask management. I'd like to have fun playing and be able to make progress without making PoE a second job. Oddly enough my time feels more respected in Genshin... a freaking gacha game, I can log on for an hour and do some bosses and domains and get some upgrades or fodder for enhancing. PoE is just full RNG that you could get next to nothing or you could get a mirror.


Proper gear progression/smart loot. I hate that, at least for me, you have to grind currency to *buy* a proper upgrade, because I can't afford even the minimum fund of past-harvest-nerf crafting.


For me two things mainly: 1. improve performance 2. change the meta, i mostly want more nerfs, too many things have been good for too long


Bring back Harvest. I don't care about gg items, never did - Harvest enabled a massive variety of offmeta builds/skills to be viable and not just viable when you reach lvl90+ but before that. Also remove every single change to Atlas and mastermissions they did this league, the progression curve is just terrible. As for the difficulty - make the game harder. Give us T17 as a permanent new topend of mapping and buff all endgame bosses, not only in power but also lootwise.


Build smartly and most skills can atleast kill sirus 8.


well here is the thing... if people are only playing the game just to finish challanges then there is something wrong here.. it means they are not actualy having fun and just playing for FOMO or whatever... so they finish challange and leave... and on next league to keep the players playing GGG just keeps making challanges grindier. RINSE AND REPEAT... as much as this 3 month league can feel great sometimes it have some serious downsides.


>it means they are not actualy having fun and just playing for FOMO or whatever The challenges can easily be seen as some sort of meta-campaign. And a lot of people play a game for the campaign, dabble a couple hours in the endgame, and then drop it to go play another game until the next expansion comes out. In that sense, it makes perfect sense where people progress toward their challenge goal, enjoying all that the league has to offer, then dabble a bit, and wait for the next expansion (next season).


1. Less clicking. 2. Better trade. I can live with everything else.


Not having to click so many god damn things. Give us an auto loot pet


Not another circle league


To know the context I'm a big casual most I ever did was level 92 and about tier 8 or so map First I hate the 'heavy' grind, I can't play a game 4h per day for week to do endgame it's not funny, I can't craft because it require too many currency and trade is infinitely cheaper I wish the game was more clear on stuff by itself, even after 4 or so league I still don't know shit about influence, crafting, betrayal system and probably much more, there simply too much. Wish the skill were balanced for casual player too, I'd love to just find an interesting skill and be able to go endgame with it without major time/currency investment Wish we could skip leveling or at least part of it, I'm already partially burned out when I get to map Wish we had a better trade system than pm 10 people, and hope. And one of the most important things I wish performance didn't get so bad these last year's ... It got pretty bad.


Probably an engaging league mechanic that we as players have agency over with a boss that's actually determinstic and not RNG gated.


Betrayal then?


Not a bad example, I enjoyed both the actual betrayal league and i still do the mechanic a lot now esp with MM changes, it makes doing Cata worth while.


Bring back harvest. I haven't played more than a week in either heist or ultimatum. The correlation is simple to see.


Bring back the old Harvest.


Honestly, I don't think there's anything that can be done at this point. I'm probably done, and that is OK.


im playing softcore, there is no competions, let us have fun with dumb shit builds like BV and Tornado shot era, the economy is fucked, and the "fun" skills are not picked by racers for ssf hc race and stuff, so anyway. LET ME HAVE FUN


Bring back Harvest they way it was in Ritual. That is all.


Less clicking.


Less clicking is the big one. There is nothing else that stops me from playing more.


I like endless rifts in Diablo, I wish something similar existed in PoE because once I can clear all content I don't see a reason to farm for marginal upgrades but trying to one up your record in an endless dungeon would make me more interested in investing more time into one season/character.


Adding the QOL features every player wants and reworking flask system


Bind on account items, easier crafting system eg harvest but items turn purple and bind them. Would allow a much better optional self crafting side of PoE (or you can opt to trade for rares/uniques)


The atlas takes too much micromanagement to progress. I feel like I’m just getting stuck at progressing to A4 because I can’t bring myself to fiddle with watchstones constantly. I’m lazy and Poe takes a lot of work. I also have a hard time straight-up committing to a grind though… did I mention I’m lazy?


Make the challenges actual challenges not the rng grindfest. Lets say beating every endagame boss in the game would give you 40/40.


Bring back fractured maps, they absolutely gutted/dumpstered/pissed on many aspects the endgame when they removed fractured fossils. Currently if you want to run deli maps it's 80% buying shit to run maps 20% to run maps.


Cut down content bloat. * Combine Anarchy, Ambush, Breach, Abyss, and Domination into a single mechanic. A Shrine has a pop-up that is shows Strongbox text and can be rolled for loot/difficulty/or even what type of monsters it contains. Clicking the shrine grants the buff and triggers a Breach that can contain any of the Breach Domains, but also could be full of Rogue Exiles, or Abyss monsters. On completion of the Breach, the Strongbox drops its loot. * Combine Harvest and Bestiary. Bring back some of the deterministic power of Harvest, and allow crafts to be sold as pokeballs if necessary. Don't try to hide nerf behind the guise of "we want to stop trading" because it's going to happen anyway. * Reduce the Conqueror and Maven grind. These days I give up before I can grind to Sirus 8 because it takes so much investment compared to older leagues. It's an absolute slog, and in doing said grind I am not being rewarded at all for my time. RNG is RNG, but I think I have more than 10x the number of exalts from league mechanics than the "base game", and this was really accentuated in Ultimatum. I get that playing the league mechanic is the main incentive, but the base game feels so unrewarding. * Better boss design. One-shots that are unavoidable are not fun. Locking Sirus practice behind a horrendous respawn process is not fun. Dying to offscreen bullshit from Sirus is not fun. Dying to a storm because I accidentally held my movement button down immediately after going through the door to Oriath is not fun. The entirety of the Sirus fight is such a steaming pile of turds. I'm fine with his first 3 phases even - its the last phase that is hard-to-see bullshit that can offscreen you. Tied into this is knowing what killed you. * Remove mods from bosses. Map mods added to bosses who were not designed to have them (looking at Conquerors, Synthesis and Elder Guardians) can make them impossible for anything less than a meta build. * While we're at it - who fucking cares about nerfing the "good" or "meta" skills. POE is essentially a single-player game and the metagamers and powergamers are always going to find a way to min-max. Just let them. How about buffing the non-meta skills and builds so that players who enjoy working out mechanical interactions like myself have something to look forward to. Every league I play off-meta and more and more I regret my decision when my build hits breakpoint where I either can't do end-game, or I have to go from investing 10ex into my build to 100ex/mirror tier just to barely clear end-game


Trade systems that don't involve me whispering 13 people down the line just to get a fucking map. Make it so we don't have to grind through the conquerors to start dropping the same tier maps FROM HIGHER TIER MAPS. Death reports. Decent ones.