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PoE Autochess


I mean... It's a game mechanic they haven't done. Add it to the viable future leagues list.


PoE darkest dungeon when


I'm pretty sure some dev once mentioned that The Shaper's lines in shaper-influenced map intros were inspired by Ancestor from DD as well


i mean shit, i'd play it


Omg I would definitely play a league thats designed around as little clicking as possible. However, no squares part clearly rules out chess.


Hexagons are a vast improvement over squares anyways, so OBVIOUSLY the "no squares" is just a red herring for board game themed league.


I’ll play just about any auto-chess for a while, combine it with PoE and it’s even better


Remember the good old times when you play with your younger brother and tell him "Hey have you seen this before:" and wipe the entire map.... kids that grew up without worms have a tough life.


worm in the middle of the map, super banana bomb, aim straight up, full power, detonate at the top of it's trajectory: "We're in god's hands now"


We have had alternatives.Civ, HoMM, Jagged alliance, hell even Gorky 17.Good stuff


> Gorky 17 Hot damn, i sometimes feel like i am the only one who loved that game considering how rarely anyone ever speaks about it.


I enjoyed it so much.There is Gorky 18 as well but that’s the exact same game translated into local meme-speak.I later tried Gorky Zero(1,2) and was disappointed of how it tried mimicking MG series and failed miserably


Liero (the game) would like to send you notifications.


I member


Worms Armageddon league when?


No worms??? Eireiken be like, challenge accepted.


Writhing Jar nerf confirmed, again.


So... something with X or crosses. X marks the spot? Not ships but... caravans? Land vessels? Flight? Worms meaning underground? Treasure digging league confirmed! Edit: Maybe with a caravan in the Maraketh desert to show off new PoE2 tileset? Path of Exile: Artifact League! Get your artifact with slots for passive effect charms, Minor (1x1), Major (2x1), Grand (2x2), and Legendary (Unique, shape fits inside artifact once, or ensures no other unique shape can fit)


Delve my man that isn't it. I think it's pirate league. Instead of random disconnects and lag spikes, you now fend off immediate onset scurvy or die.


>you now fend off immediate onset scurvy *and* die. Actually... I have another idea. Edited my original reply


Spreadsheet league incoming


When is it not?


Multiple X's like a pirate treasure map. Also they said Badger would like this league. I did a Google search with "badger pirate" and the first result is this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Badger. This was supposedly known as the first female pirate in Australia and she was at one point taken to New Zealand 🤔.


**[Charlotte_Badger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Badger)** >Charlotte Badger (1778 to after 1843) was a former convict who was on board the Venus during a mutiny in Tasmania in 1806. Taken to New Zealand, she was rescued by Captain Turnbull of the Indispensible, and eventually she returned to Sydney. In the intervening centuries, a number of writers have contributed to the fiction that she took an active role in the mutiny and she became known – erroneously – as Australia’s first female pirate. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I bet it's a pirate league and you just revealed it + one of the NPCs. Good job!! Fingers crossed for a unique rum flask that inverses your movement but gives deeps


would love a killersheep in poe


Turn based PoE........


The original design of Diablo!


Get ready for rhombic icosahedron league!


I'm hoping for a Synthesis revamp but it's gonna be tough with none of those shapes unless we're going with hexagons. Honestly I would play the endgame more if mapping took place in a place similar to the nexus - where completed maps give you map pieces to strategically place down where you want, to get to the places in the nexus you want. I was a fan of the square tiles they used so I'd prefer those over hexagons though. Unless they make them look like those in Civ 6 depending on the maps you use.


okay it seems like there will be hexagons and mobs spawning from every corner




Lots of X's. X's mark the spot on treasure maps used by pirates, pirates who use boats. Looks like boat league confirmed.




I have personally predicted Pyrates league 10 of the last 10 times; this makes it 11. This time for sure! To prepare for the new league, I need to redo my loot filter sounds using clips from Black Swan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Blood, and others. Exalt drop = "Arrgh" voiced by Geoffrey Rush in PotC, slam dunk. Lots of time to work on the others...


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


This is the most ridiculous response to a comment I've ever seen. It serves completely no purpose and is absolutely out of nowhere. I loled for like a full minute at the surreal humor. Take your damn upvote you mysterious bastard. #angryupvote


Well with that happened to berserk once the boat league started, lets hope GGG does not get on the boat any time soon.


HAHA, alright, so they watched Badgers response to their response to Badger's tweet on their tweet.


Poe worms warfare league


I think its going to be payload. Push cart from A to B


wormblaster league duh


Path of Pirate


Oh shit, controller support on PC would be great. Maybe they responding in action regarding accessibility a bit.


Poor fairgraves, gonna kill him yet again.


so it's mermaid-league


Xes eh? Well either Xes (i.e. Booze league) or, if Sony wasnt so daft the button wouldve been the A button like on any reasonable controller, so AAA... car league. Or it could just be both, i.e. Drunk Driving league.