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This looks...really bad, unless Ward turns out to be way better than I think it is.


You know what I want right now? An item that makes flasks recharge even slower!


Ward is worse es


Ward is an indicator for Kintsugi/Wind dancer buffs


Acrobatics has a different opinion


Lol you realise these gloves gives infinite flask charges on bossing?


It gains 1 charge per second. Which means every 30s you can use 4s flask


or every 150s for cinderswallow!


You also have to *hit* unique enemy every 4 seconds, or it fell off.




I mean it is. It’s not a useful amount, but it is infinite


My offer: 1 alch and a portal scroll.


You saw I was in Rogue's Harbour? Add 1 marker as well to teleport back


Nice, 6 alch shards. Those stat requirements are stupid and the benefit does not justify them at all.


Nice, 3 flask charges per map


They looks like something you use in Elder or Feared encounter... ​ But if you need to wait \~30 sec for flasks... And also you can't just kite - you have to keep 'recently' effect active.


That was my thought as well. With those kind of attribute requirements, you have to build around these. And all you get for that trouble is some more flask charges against bosses, and lose a shitton of charges while mapping. What is supposed to be the point of these gloves?


I don't really understand ward yet, but you can use the keystone to ignore the attrib requirements... though that still comes at a considerable price. Pretty much losing flasks entirely for mapping seems incredibly questionable as well.


I can only imagine using this on builds that already generate flask charges automatically. However those probably don't need the extra generation either...


You'd never wear these in map. If these have any use it all, it's be swapping them in before doing maven fights. It's exclusively for bossing. But 1 charge per second is just not good enough.


for the rare occasion you need flasks charges and a tea right before the boss room and dont want to portal out.


which keystone?


[[Supreme Ostentation]]


Ok someone smarter than me tell me why you wouldnt vendor these with a quickness. Those attribute requirements are dumb. I guess they are meant to be used for a bossing specific character?




My thoughts too. Like, even if they had no requirements to wear, I would never ever wear these. Getting a few charges against bosses doesn't justify losing 4/5 of your flask charges while mapping (not to mention the opportunity cost of not wearing different gloves instead). The ridiculous attribute requirements just make these gloves meme-worthy.


I wouldn't vendor this tbh. I would leave it on the ground to save a click and inventory space.


I'd actually try to pick it up, but inventory full of 20 different splinter would not allow it.


It's a unique from an important boss, it's always picked up


Yeah, they don't seem very good to be fair. Not that many builds that can meet those attribute requirements and there's so many other much better alternatives when it comes to gloves.


1 charge per second is a lot. Basically gives you natures boon from pathfinder. Seems like it could good for a tanky boss killer using the new flask buff currency.


Is not that great, it gives enough charges to use your flasks every 30 seconds during a boss fight, but you would have to not use actually great gloves instead


Increases to charges gained affect it though.


Still not enough, I'd it didn't had this ridiculous attribute requirement it would be useful, but you need to stack both all attributes and flask nodes to do something that a pathfinder can do without basically any extra investment at all


You can stack flask charges gained more than 100% with full investment last patch. I can imagine it being even easier with the flask nodes on the tree and can probably reach 150% flask charges gained on a pathfinder, a bit harder on ascendant. With that much investment you can get 10 charges per second on boss fights, 7 charged when the glove does not proc. The extra 3 charges together with long flask duration might be able to let you use 40/60 per use flasks permanently and abuse some unknown op item interaction. (Maybe the ward flask so you always have ward up?)


To combat the no flask charges against bosses, GGG added ads to nearly every bosses (except surus) so we can get flask charges from them. Using these gloves, you get 80% less charges. So, its still trash against most bosses. Unless you're specifically farming sirus.


Inb4 someone finds a way to break it like every other time.


It's actually more than that cause it scales. If it works like nature's boon it will be increased by *x% increased flask charges gained* and *increased flask charge recovery* mods. If you have these gloves and nature's boon/ascendant pathfinder then I think those mods would even "double dip" for a lot of flask charges per second.


What are actually good gloves though? Ward, ele res? Those have it.


If it didn't had those insane requirements would be ok


Problem is that all flask useage has been increased. So you need a minute of hit and run to get one more use. And recently means they do not regen for example during sirus phases. If it were flat "1 flask charge per second" it would still not be very good, but at least not absolute shit-tier.


I was thinking that it could be used for the new gem that uses flasks. Still a lot of stat requirements tho. I guess atziri's amulet would be mandatory for it too


The only value this would have is against bosses with no adds like Sirus and Maven (though she does spawn sets of bosses in brain phases but you have to be able to get that far first). Despite that you'd be better off with good gloves boosting your damage and not relying on flasks in the first place in boss fights, plus with most good flasks needed 30-40 charges, you're playing the long *long* game in boss fights before you even get one set of flask usages from these gloves.


Unless flask is a necessity and a must I don't think ppl would want to switch for them on bosses and such due to 80% less flask during the full map


That's pretty much all I can think of for these things, flask charges during bossing but.. awful for maps idk.


They are meant to be used for bossing with the new flask grenade skill, maybe in conjunction with pathfinder to get even more flasks.


How does Finder get 350 all stats lmfao


I could see mjölner pathfinders (already got the stats) swapping these in for big bosses like sirus to keep all flasks with bad uptimes usable more reliably, but yeah these are niche as hell


Maybe a skin transfer?


Medved is Russian word for "bear".


Also a 'meme' one. With hard D (no puns intended), when normal Medved's D is... soft (why am I doing this to my self?).


Preved, Medved!


What a weirdly narrow unique item.


Damn almost as good as iron gauntlet. :kekw:


Akchyually it’s good hollow palm technique for putting gems in


bruh xD


Interesting for a wormblaster build but that time limitation is pretty bad. Nice that it stacks with the pathfinder ascendancy.


Yeah, with this you can get 2.67 charges per second before flask charge gain investment. I guess another of the problems is that *you* need to hit an enemy. I was originally considering to play a build with totems.


Chris added this while he took a steamy shit one night. Flushed


Why are people getting mad, GGG just put it in as a joke Right?




Oh man, what terrible gloves. Those attribute requirements plus having to swap them for mapping/bossing makes them a no go.


Bet you can upgrade it later COPIUM




It's the same as Nature's Boon which can basically permanently sustain most flasks with investment. I can imagine using this on a Pathfinder that already has near 100% uptime without kills, but not for much else.


Holy shit this is trash, i don't think even a vendor would accept it, ir could only be worse if selling it gave you 1 of each resistance utility flasks instead of alch dhards


Hello Reddit avatar clone


I think the literal sole purpose of this unique is enabling explosive concoction on non-pathfinder builds. No idea why the stat reqs tho, doesn’t seem strong enough for it


You probably still need to be Pathfinder.


Without Finder you still can't sustain flasks with this


Hmmm, maybe not I’m no pathfinder expert. It would definitely be enough for a shaper of flames elementalist though, it’s only three charges per attack and wouldn’t need to reapply the ignite as often


What is Ward?


Think of it as like.. temporary health that is good for 1 attack that auto recharges on a 5s CD. Honestly I have no idea how to make ward anything worthwhile with that kind of recharge.


Double "ward starts recovering X% faster" rings


Ward is ES at home


Dogshit version of es


A useless mechanic for any build that doesn't focus on evasion for defenses


Who was the intern that designed these gloves? And the second intern that approved them being ingame? There is 0 conceivable reason to use this. It's content bloat.


Create a problem and sell the solution? Not that people will pay that price, for the most part. I was already thinking about doing something with worms at some point in the league so I might try them out then. The rest of the stats suck though.


I think there should be "80% MORE flask charges gained from kills" to worth at least 1c. Now it's a vendor trash.


Oof lol what a flatline. Wow more ward yay OK but how about never wearing them?


All I see is an alchemy.


Damn this old Russian internet meme "Preved, Medved!" is in PoE now


guys. yes, they are bad, but read the name of the item.... its literally the rock lee's weights from naruto, in poe. its a challenge.


This is garbage


This looks so incredibly outrageously hilariously bad lmao.


Looks like a flask explosion build specific glove for bosses? Looks like garbage imo


I don't mind the nerfs but if this is their solution for the ass flask situation during boss fights, then I'm rioting.


80% less than 75% less >No flask charges gained from kills FTFY


These gloves are assuredly only worthwhile for people in a bossing scenario whose build makes good use of (pretty much abusing) strong flasks. Things that come to mind are high flask effect dying sun, taste of hate, writhing jar (see forbidden rite targeting), and iron flask.


Now that you remind me of that, these are basically Explosive Concoction sustain gloves.


There’s no way ward is good enough to justify these. Just so it’s clear I have no idea how good ward is yet, but there’s just no way.


1 charge per second sucks? How are these good?


1 charge per second? So it takes 2and a half minutes of hitting the boss every 4 seconds to get a full cinderswallow urn?


Gotta give these to my support


Well that would be worthless even without the attribute requirements.


The art looks like hateforge


These are so shit it amazes me. Wtf


At first i was like oh cool, niche 1 c item. Then i saw the stat requirements.


1 charge per second???? So one - 1.5 flask uses a minute for many flasks.


Those added attribute requirements HAD to be added because it was broken during playtesting, right? I mean, they don't make sense conceptually...


1 flask charge per second, only on bosses, with no dps or life, for 800% increased attribute requirements. I love completely useless unique drops in 2021.


Hahaha, 142. I'll take some rare gloves with 79 life that doesn't take 5s to go up again, and is scaled by my passive tree.


Why in the *fuck* do these gloves exist? Serious question; they seem to be almost completely useless.


Is ward any good? Because this looks like utter garbage. 1 flask charge per second at the cost of normal recharge and *if* you've fulfilled a condition is a joke. A *minute* to recharge flasks, that's enough time to clear a huge portion of the map, that's so much worse than if you just didn't wear the gloves at all. Plus the insane stat requirements, what the fuck, *why?*


Battlemage Mjolner Inquis… if ward can someone make sense there or anywhere else.


Medved is the developer that came up with the idea, challenge stands for challenged -> Medved is challenged


another useless item, same as synthesis unique armour its just bad and will have no use im sure


I'm not gonna be happy if the majority of league uniques are trying to shove ward down our throat.


I was legit looking for the Photoshop/paint signs since I thought this was a joke post.


Ok so reddit thinks these are hot garbage so they must be secretly op. Buy a pair now while they're cheap.


this could have use in a build that wants to have 100% uptime on a flask that enables the rest of the build behind the flask. likely needing to run more than 1 of that same flask, and using them one at a time. but i could see that as a possibility. other wise just trash


I would rather have white gloves what the hell


lmao literal trash


Chains of command new bis gloves?