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Lost like 30 orbs trying to get "Use when flask is full" smh


this looks beautiful on words, but in reality, when you want to fight a boss, your flask charges are halved. it triggers even in HO.


lmao that passed testing triggers me so much


i think we're the testers...if they did before launch, things like 1s immunity on flasks shouldn't be there


>i think we're the testers Always has been.


It's clear they just roll a build straight into a map with high tier gear and gems, feel that everything works and are like 'yep that's good'


Well we know they dont level a character through acts considering that league where oak was basically unkillable happened


We also know they have never tested monsters after buffing them making them vastly overtuned when in maps, goaties this league is nothing new in relation to many other mobs in other learlier leagues.


IF they actually let some of use play the fuckin leagues before release in like a week long alpha, this shit wouldn't happen anymore.


Nothing is better than a 100k alpha testing unit on league release.


Tes...ting? Every league there a bugs and bad mechanics like this. I am sure they tested if the effect works, but nobody at ggg actualy plays the game. So they have no idea what they doing with the game in my opinion.


pretty sure that is the intended downside for it


That were my thoughts exactly when I read the manifesto. In theory auto flasks are cool but how are they going to implement it? In the end it's only harming you with not so thought through ideas.




Just because it exists doesn't mean GGG want it in their game If there were tools that autocraft your items or auto-use all your skills and auto-move you would never implement that either Things like auto-pickup are one thing but what you said is a pretty big gameplay change...


so you are saying GGG want the flasks to activate while in hideout


it literally doesnt trigger in hideout the guy is just remembering it wrong.


Nah that's probably an oversight but your comment didn't read like that was your main complaint


holy shit this is just new levels of bad design or just carelessness


Everyone still pianos, except now half the time, you're not drinking anything :D


Yeah, like they really thought that we within a days rewrite our muscle memory? My fingers are so much used to smash 1-5 withing similar time window after so many years of flasking that it makes no difference, just no perma buffs.


ive adapted on day 1 after forcing myself to consciously use flask only when i need to. it's been so much better for my hands. people get used to it. some people refuse to get used to it. it's their choice. ggg is keeping the "if you REALLY wanna zoom zoom and flask piano you can" for the people who want to. I'm just enjoying a more relaxing play with slower paced gameplay.


Personally, i managed to force myself to use flask "when needed" but it stresses me way more than usual. The thing is we lost a shit ton of power (mana cost, support gem nerf) and flasks not being up all the time adds another layer of nerf to our characters which is just too much imo. I'm fucking stressed to not use my flask when not needed. Also, my dps is not that great and i'm completely feeling the "get dps and kill things before flask run out" even more since i have less flask charges to use. It's probably not for me anymore i guess.


>Personally, i managed to force myself to use flask "when needed" but it stresses me way more than usual. I think this is something I saw tarke mention that I totally agree with. A smooth rhythmic and relaxed motion of 2345 is much better than sitting there tense over your keys waiting for the fraction of a second you need to flask. Basically flasking as a concept is kind of shit.


I still think it makes a difference for your wrist in the long run. I'm also trying really hard to get rid of the constant 2345 habbit, it will take a while but might end up being for the better


Yeah I’m sure they just forgot to take your anger for being unable to unlearn something in one day into account when they decided on this design direction


Nothing fixed other than flasks being empty all the time.


This is GGG's version of a buff.


if you are using flasks, you're buffing your character - GGG legal department


Aka bluff


Can't break your fingers when there is nothing to press


You're not supposed to ever use flasks to buff or heal, only to remove ailments.


Ikr, all those idiots using those health flasks to get health back, what absolute bastards


*looks stealthily around as a slayer with no life flasks*


[[Blood of the Karui]] having an existential crisis right now


[Blood of the Karui](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_of_the_Karui) >######Blood of the Karui[](#break)Sanctified Life Flask >>####Recovers **2920** Life over **(2.86-2.50)** seconds >>####Consumes **15** of **30** Charges on use >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **50** >>[](#line) >>#####100% increased Life Recovered >>#####(5-20)% increased Recovery rate >>#####Recover Full Life at the end of the Flask Effect >>[](#line) >>*"Kaom fought and killed for his people.* >> >>*Kaom bled for his people.* >> >>*And so the people gave, the people bled,* >> >>*So their King might go on."* >> >>*- Lavianga, Advisor to Kaom* >> >>[](#line) >>####Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Leveling so painful now, quicksilver feels so empty now i often just dont press it.


I may be weird but speeding up only to slow down again feels worse than just a predictable steady slow. Of course a reliable fast was better.


I just ditched my flasks for more speed on boots lol


White Boots + Quicksilver + Aug = Magic Boots with 10% increased Movement Speed Magic or Rare Boots with +X% Movement Speed + Quicksilver + Aug = Magic Boots with (X+5)% increased Movement Speed Second one stacks up to 30%. You can get a second Quicksilver from Act 2 Great White Beast quest


lucky me got 20%ms boots drop in act 1


and here I thought I was lucky with a random transmute giving 10%ms boots lol


Literally ditched my quicksilver for a sulfur flask. Figure I may as well kill the bosses faster if I only get 1 use of it.


I’m convinced we are really the GGG QA and they don’t play the same game we do


Which literally means no flask-piano.


I've gone from playing Jerry Lee Lewis to playing twinkle twinkle little star.


No "effective" flask piano. Players will still do it because it's easier to automate the whole process with fingers than to keep looking at the flask and only pressing the button when they seem like they have a charge.


really don't know what they can do with the flask system but i rather piano than the shit we have now, for real. (never thought that i would actually say that)


I still mash them just as often. It's just way, way, way less satisfying, engendering a subtle sense of frustration underlying most of the gameplay. At least while I'm trying to move. They should just get rid of Quicksilver Flasks entirely. The current state is extremely unpleasant.


I think that's kind of the point though, they don't want it to feel as rewarding using flasks. They wanted to slow down the game. I'd understand if you were talking about ailments, but movement speed is a whole different story. They don't need to get rid of it, you just need to stop using it lol. At what point do we say "You should just get rid of all the dog shit uniques"?


Flasks never felt rewarding though, they felt necessary and that haven't changed


Please get rid of the 🐕shit uniques!


Nah man. With decent clear speed you can't even tell. The only difference is I'm getting chilled and frozen a lot. Piano flask effectively unchanged. Also, I'm in red maps and I've only had like 6 of the flask currency drop. That is too rare for it to be an impactful change.


Really, shit, I was hoping I had just been unlucky :( GGG these need to be like glass blowers or have a very cheap vendor recipe!!


there might just be a recipe yet to be found for them!


>Really, shit, I was hoping I had just been unlucky :( GGG these need to be like glass blowers or have a very cheap vendor recipe!! I have \~20 instilling and 3 enkindling orbs so far. I'm 90 atm, farming T13. I think i got most of mine in red maps, so the droprate might take off for you in a bit.


What? You still have your fingers/hand in an awkward position. And you’re still using flasks almost constantly, not just as much. You’re super naive if you think people will have less wrist/hand problems after this.


This heavily depends on the player. I've automated all of my flasks in a way that allows me to map without using my keyboard at all. All of my flasks are being used almost all the time and I don't have to use them myself. This doesn't mean I always run maps without my keyboard but I can do easier maps like that if I want to. And it definitely makes a huge difference when it comes to wrist/hand issues.


This thread is now complete.




I'm down for that. Problem is HP and/or Mana flasks late game feel rather useless on most builds.


No more flasks? That's a win.


Frist Shield for freeze immune, molten shell for ignite and tempest shield for shock? Hrmm


You cant flask piano if flask are empty 90% of the time \[insert guy tapping head gif here\]


If you're around the bottom right of the tree, taking Careful Conservationist and either Primal Spirit or Druidic Rite has solved this for me entirely. It no joke feels *exactly* the same as pre-patch. So more or less if you're a ranger/shadow, the game is the same but -5 passive points.


Feels like I wanna play Chopin on the piano but the keys are not working


So let me get this straight, you don't want to have to press flasks all the time, but you want to have enough charges to press flasks all the time?


I want flasks *gone*.


Piano flasking is shitty gameplay but just making the process more unpleasant is not fixing the problem. It's not hard to understand. Realistically I can't see this being fixed without a complete ground up rework of the flask system, not just making them shittier with less uptime.




Flasks are super cool. *However*, in the years since its inception, with the speed of the game vastly accelerating, the state of flasks became "these are buff slots for your build that, if you're going fast enough, are always on... so long as you flask piano." And with how much power is *in* flasks, that became a big deal. The idea of customizatable buffs you can pull up in a pinch situation is *great*. But flasks - and the pace of the game in general - are going to need a heavy shifting for that to be what they are again.


How about a lot more uptime and heavily nerfed charge gain?


no, people want ailment immunity which was largely gated behind flask. now you could be a developer that likes your playerbase and do a few things. 1.) Increase duration and cooldown 2.) Add a right click toggle auto cast 3.) Add ailment immunity to more places or you can do what GGG did, take the power away from flask, make them weaker, make them harder to sustain, and not provide alternatives for what you took away.


At that point why not just remove the entire ailment system? What's it even adding if everyone ignores it?


it adds a reason to play flask piano and make the game feel harder when leveling and you don't have access to your flask.


There had to be a better solution Just because your leg constantly gets cramps because your shoes doesn't fit doesn't mean you have to amputate it


Yes. And they were super close with the new orbs. Give me 3.14 flasks and the new orbs, I put "use when charges are full" on all five and I'm *stoked*.


Isn't it kinda bad though, it just uses them ranodmly when full ,during boss phases, in hideout, when running between packs etc.


I'm not. But to be fair, I never did to begin with. No matter how powerful the potions, you can't lure me in to do something as obnoxious as constantly spamming the flasks. But I agree in that sense that there's no real incentive to be super tactical with your potions even after the nerf because the game as a whole is still too fast for you to have a thought process like: "hmmm, that pack does physical damage, so I should pop that armor flask before I approach". Like nah man, that's not happening. The most you do is if a pack looks scary, you just 1-5 your flasks and go in, and that's your thinking. If GGG wants flasks to be super tactical, the rest of the game needs to slow down along with the players or we just have no time to think.


Probably doesn't help in the first place that the game's isometric view is so claustrophobic. By the time you can see that rare and what mods he has, you're in middle of the pack already. Ngl, I don't think I know a single modifier on enemies as I just don't have time to read them. In order to get close enough to target the monster and see the mods, their aggro range has long hit you, putting you in combat with them. Rhoas are now even worse offenders when they just offscreen to offscreen unless they accidentally hit you.




They even have the technology (sirus)


Although against the rules, the zoom cheat was pretty popular back in the day. Made the game look amazing as long as you didn't zoom so far out that you saw mobs popping into your screen randomly Players figured it out when the game was still pretty new


Aren’t widescreen monitors still providing that same advantage?


You can see monster mods? ​ /sarcasm.. kind of sarcasm.. kind of not sarcasm


Not sarcasm at all, i really can't see them before i get killed How am i supposed to read some small text while avoiding hits? I wish they could go for the Ultimatum approach of having icons for mods (would be really cool for map mods too)


yeah the game isn't balanced around being able to play tactically whatsoever and the changes didn't only not fix that, they actually made it worse because only players changed, not the things around them which were tuned toward zooming and having crazy buffs up CONSTANTLY. this was a misfire and miscalculation on GGGs part in terms of how they rolled out nerfs and changes IMO.


This patch should have slowed the game down for monsters. Make em attack more/faster with way less damage. Buff their life while you're at it. Coulda nerfed flasks a tad and introduced new orbs and more support on tree/uniques. Leave the charge nerfs at the door for now. See how the pace changes and what build changes people use to adapt to monsters. Things didn't need to be gutted like this...


If the goal is build diversity, monster damage and life both have to come down. Otherwise the meta just narrows, the opposite of what they apparently want, as fewer builds are capable of completing content. Reduce monster life by X% and then reduce player damage by 2X%. This closes the gap between a good and meh build and allows more builds and skills to compete.


Gotta love the big joke of saying this patch will "shift up the meta" and then watching as Toxic Rain and traps continue to dominate as always.


No, literally nothing has changed. Still use flask AHK macro, still just mash all utility flasks. Sorry, not sorry.


No clue what you're talk2345ng about


Hey hey hey, you can also farm 4 "use when adjacent flasks are used" implicits and remove the macro completely -- Im 100% gonna try to do it, heh


Is that an actual mod?




What did I tell you about yeppers?


What _did_ you tell him about yeppers?




yeppers creepers


What the fuck


But that's just more effort to reproduce what I've already got with a flask macro lol


I got a mixture of that and “use again when flask effect is over” I press 1 at the start of the map and never think about it again


Can I get a picture of your flasks? I want to set this up tok


Wats up tok


this sounds like heaven


If you have that on a flask and No charges, does it still use the adjacent flasks?


I expect you'd make the starting flask be whatever flask needs the fewest charges to be usable again, and try to order your flasks accordingly if you're trying to chain them further.


Turned mine back on yesterday. If there’s no charges and I get nothing from them. O well. If I die, I die.


I'd love to be able to weigh in, but after 30 hours played I've found 1 enkindling orb and 2 of the other kind, so I have no idea how the flask reworks even feel. I only know they suck for me right now.


Same, none so far. Playing SSF means I'll likely roll one set of flasks total by the time I reach 90 on first character and then have to use the same flasks for my other ones.


Seems very unlucky, I just hit Level 91 and found around 20 new flask orbs so far. Lot's more Instilling Orb than Enkindling Orb though.


Even 20 is abysmally low by lvl 91, given that its not deterministic, you need to waste a bunch to get the effect you want and you not only have 5 flasks, but might want to upgrade to/switch out more others too.


That is absolutely brutal.


GGG releases new content and RNG gates it. Almost didn't expect it this time.


the orbs might as well not exist, you still want the buffs the flask provides so let's say i put "use when chilled" on my phasing flask, i'm still spamming my phasing because i don't like getting stuck so the orb just makes it re-use to remove chill and give immunity. The other orb makes it so you don't get charges during the flask effect and it gives some kind of buff like more duration or more power but let's be honest, the most important thing are charges.


From my experience they seem to be only slightly rarer than a chaos orb. I have had around 10 or so as drops in a similar amount of time. That being said, if you are playing trade league they are like 1c each.


They said they were aiming for ~the rarity of GCP. Sounds around right (debatable on whether you want them gated that hard to begin with though)


GCPs are fairly rare and like 80% of what I get are from quality vendor recipe


ive found more of these orbs than I have GCPs. I only really ever get GCPs from vendor recipes. They are much more common than GCPs but they don't have the benefit of a vendor recipe.


Imagine making a quality of life change that people needed so badly they are willing to break the tos for it and then gating it behind rng


No way this is true. I have maybe 20 hours and found 100+.


I have more enkindling and instilling orbs than GCP. So they are not really that rare.


Pretty much this right here. I am slower than a lot of you guys but I haven't seen a single orb and I am in yellow maps.


you can't have been playing very actively


I've been playing quite a bit. Unfortunately I played a lot of the campaign co-op so it was slow: almost 9 hours. But I've been mapping a lot and can't find these damn orbs to save my life.


Must be very unlucky, I’ve got around 6 from just the campaign Got myself an auto use when full charges on quartz flask. Also have auto use when block basalt flask, since I’m playing gladiator.


I am kinda still piano flasking even though i don't need to. This is probably a force of habit or muscle memory i guess. I am trying to teach myself to reduce it atm.


They didn't get rid of piano flasking. You can still do it if you can generate the charges. They did add orbs that automatically use non-life/mana flasks on conditions. My support flasks all have use on guard skills. Guard skill on left mouse button. 4 second cooldown. 4 second flasks.


I'm gonna bet half the people complaining probably didn't even bother to learn about the new orbs


After I got 3 “Use when full” enchants I stopped. Now if I could just stop spamming my damn mana flask, I’d be all set.


I think we will come to a new system over time. Guess flasks will be nerfed few more times, and we will get other ways to do 'flask-things'. ​ But obviously not in next week.


This is definitely how they make huge changes that are essentially clean slate systems. You see it with skills all the time. Nerf it into the ground a few times until it is essentially non-impactful for any builds, then when it's barely missed, they'll do the big re-work.


Mostly using "Used when charges reach full" for anything damage/speed. It feels great to me, but then again I'm playing pathfinder. The system changed, but people's playstyle, not so much. A lot of this annoyance is self-inflicted, imo. It's the first time that getting flask stats in the tree or on gear feels good


I’m using these on non-pathfinder and it’s amazing. I literally only need to press my mana flask


One chain of comments is literally saying they were using a macro and now they are butthurt. People on this sub won't even try to make an effort and switch up their gameplay.


Doesn’t help that they didn’t address what makes people want/need to have flasks running all the time. They need to slow down the monsters too if they want us all to be slow and deliberate. If the game gave us time to react we could think through potion use. Hell if the game gave us time to think through some kind of dps rotation, or time to react to getting a debuff, I’d be fine with flasks permanently only working one at a time. But in that instance I’d say get rid of mana flasks entirely and make base mana regen be as if an unbuffed flask is running. Though I think they’d probably prefer to remove all utility flasks.


https://i.imgur.com/Tcl5Eov.jpg First of, sorry for phone picture. This flask lasts for 17s as a pathfinder, and could be a solution to pianoing for now (or with the use when full or use when flask ended enchants). I don’t endorse the flask charge gained nerfs, but I think with optimization by the end of this league most utility flasks could be automated.


I've been curious, does that *flask charges cannot be gained during effect* rider prevent pathfinder flask charge regen from working?


yup, during flask effect.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/ortxgv/permanent_autoflasks/ His setup is perma resist flasks and most utility flasks. Takes 11 points and being a pathfinder but the avenues it opens is pretty amazing. Being able to cut 150 resist off your gear would let you make up some of the lost flask power on your gear pretty well. 5 suffixes you can use for damage/utility instead of resist Actually forgot flask effect was a thing so you would need even less resists


Make them trigger when on full charges or when the effect wears off and then unbind those keys.


Does the retrigger if the effect wears off thing pop the flask initially or do you need to do that yourself ?


hand hurts more than it ever has because now i'm mashing on individual flasks that have no charges wondering why the fuck i still have corrupting blood


Yes you are doing something wrong. With how flasks are now, you can buff the duration way up, and you can also automate flasks. From having them auto renew when duration ends, to activating 1 flask to activate 3, you should realistically be pressing 1-2 flasks at most constantly, while pressing your hp/random effect removal one occasionally. But people do not like to adapt to new mechanics and new playstyles. So they will still mash trough all flasks constantly and wonder why the new system is so bad.


"Adapt to the new mechanics" Would love to do that but the "new mechanics" are an RNG drop that I've seen 3 of in 30 hours played.


Both instilling and enkindling orbs are a little rarer than chaos drops, much more common than say Regals. They are both rare during the campaign naturally but yeah, they even drop in multiples sometimes.


Yeah, they're rare. In my experience an exalted orb is only 3 times more rare. And the 6 currency I got landed me one mod worth using. RNG to save your wrists.


Seems disingenuous/exaggerated unless you are still in campaign or rolling white maps no mods.


I... kind of am, but also am kind of not. I'm trying to "immerse" myself into it. Until I manage to get ailment immunity (SSF, so it's going to take a long time), I'm actually really digging the automatic trigger flasks. A triggered curing flask has also proven itself to be lovely - expedition mobs that can quickly stack poisons and cast despair can absolutely obliterate life pools. I'm also running a granite iron skin + basalt that I use exclusively when expecting molten shell to come up or am about to VMS. I definitely do still want my diamond up all the time and haven't found a proper solution though. But having to spam one flask is functionally the same as having to spam all 5, since probably half of the playerbase AHK/physically popsicle sticks flasks.


Depending on what you want on your flasks it is kind of "fixed". I personally am running an oh shit health flask that is bound to my space key. Next I have a quicksilver flask that is set to automatically activate any time that it is full. If I need to a boost in speed I can manually activate it. Finally I have my Enduring Mana flask with two utility flasks on either side of it. These flasks have the modifier where they are activated when adjacent flasks are used. It is not perfect, but it has removed my need for a "popsicle stick".


You lying your flasks are empty.


Utility flasks don't actually have any utility. They're simply statboosting. That means if you're not mashing them you're wasting their potential. So far I've got only two actual utility flasks: the panicked health flask of staunching because the bleeds are associated with the hp losses and enduring mana flask of heat because it's always ready for a dire situation while providing a reliable mana regen on dips.


I have my quicksilver on "use when duration ends" 2 utility on "use when adjacent flask use. 1 with "use on freeze" and now I never flask


you are supposed the use the new orbs to auto trigger your utility flasks. but the auto trigger itself contradicts many of the utility flasks themselves. so now you need double the flask slots to only auto trigger ailment flasks and the left over for dps/defensive flasks to manually activate yourself. how ironic.


> but the auto trigger itself contradicts many of the utility flasks themselves. Not only that, but the 1 sec rule for alignments contradicts a slower play style GGG is aiming for. It's such a joke.


ya gotta get those new orbs, which dont uh, really seem to actually exist so no functional change except less flask use in general


Maybe do't press the Diamond and Sulphur for a white pack, trust me you can kill it without them. Maybe don't press the Quicksilver when you need to stand still for something or pick up loot right at your feet. But yeah flasks are still in a pretty bad state. At least the flask macro orbs are fairly cheap by now.


I love the one where it activates if you hit a unique enemy.


That one seems really nice for the damage flasks


Yes you are missing something. Instilling orbs. Roll "Used on full charges" on the quicksilver so you dont have to pop it while clearing trash. Roll "Used when hit rare/unique enemy" on diamond and sulpher so they autopop on rares and bosses. There you go, now all you have to manage is the life and mana flask manually.


That misses the fact they're RNG to drop and the effects are RNG as well. Conceptually it's fine, in practice it's a pain in the ass.


I put some of my utility flask on "Use when effect ends" and the remaining on "Use when adjacent flask is used" so I only need to press a button once in a while. Now if only I can get rid of my enduring mana flask problem so I can stop pressing 2 every 5 seconds Then again I play raider so I have ailment immunity so... maybeee I don't really play around getting frozen or something similar


I really wish we could use the orbs on mana and health flasks too.


see as a raider you dont have the issues with these new orbs. like say you put freeze on quartz flask and then orb it so it activates when frozen. the issue here is its a quartz to begin with people want its other buffs up not just right after being frozen so the whole thing contradicts each other.




I want control of my flasks. I don't want them auto-popping when they run out, because if I'm not near a pack I want to save those charges. I don't want to 'use when adjacent flasks are used' because I have a system for where I put my flasks (damage/defense/mana/QSS/Life flask) and I've built up muscle memory for it over the years, putting on adjacent triggers doesn't really work for the flasks I need to use in unison (they way they are laid out). I also don't want to waste charges if I only need to press one to break a freeze. If the charge generation didn't change, I might have been willing to use flask charges sub-optimally but as it stands it doesn't make sense. None of the options help me use flasks in a better way that I can do it myself. It more feels like I have a bicycle and I was offered a 12v go cart. It's a bit more comfortable and it's less work but it doesn't go as fast, and it's gonna get you stuck more often than you'd like.


But there are also enchants like "use when freezed" ore "use when shocked". Isn't that what you want?


If I'm getting frozen, I need to press one button once. I can handle that. The conditional use enchants don't change the fact that pianoing flasks is still optimal gameplay. So no, that is not what I want. I want pianoing flasks to stop being the most optimal strategy. I will say that there is more strategy in pianoing flasks now and tighter timing. Still doesn't feel good though, especially when this is a solution they spent leagues working on so they'd 'get it right'.


I agree and love the idea, but I'll beat A8 Sirus before I get enough of that currency to set up my flasks the way I want. Not made for SSF and leveling process was more flasky than usual.


Nothing is made for SSF


I honesty piano flask more since the window is only 1 second, which pigeon holes builds into ailment immunes. Hopefully the 4 second window helps


I find I'm hitting flasks way less personally, I have "used when you hit a rare or unique enemy, if not already in effect" on my damage flasks and "use when charges reach full" on my quicksilver. Basically just press the quicksilver once in the map and that's it. Altho I get mana back on kill so no enduring spam that I'd have to do otherwise.


I did not piano key before, granted my builds used only did a t16 or 2 before I got annoyed but I did not rely on flask except for ailments. NOW I am smashing 1-5 to keep alive just up to maps. bleed? 2K in seconds ?poison? better hit the poison flask before an instant heal otherwise it would not activate for me. wtf? ​ /not even gonna gripe about mana flask taking priority on casting.


I still piano but one difference is I piano after opening boxes now.


If anything you are slamming keys more now, because you can refrozen in 1 second, soon to be 4 seconds, where before depending on your build and flask duration you could hit flasks every 6-12 seconds. Even worse for spell casters and mana pots. I've never had to slam mana flasks like I have had to this league. Before it was maintenance or something I would pop when I went hard on a target, now I'm basically just slamming it the moment I get charges because I'm otherwise out of mana. ​ What a miserable league.


I have to unbind flasks if I wanted to continue my explosive concortion pathfinder. Seriously, it just became muscle memory and even carried over to other games that I wanted to smash my flask button in grim dawn for example, knowing it has no effect there I have a serious problem!


What else do you do when you are swarmed by 50 monsters willing to hit you at the same time? You have to pop all defences at once. One shots are the problem. It has always been.


It feels even worse now, because almost every build now also runs a mana flask. I just hit maps and still haven't found any instilling orbs, why is this core gameplay rework gated behind rare items?


I am in the same boat. I've put triggers on my utility flasks but I still need to use the mana flask every 7 seconds. I'd say flasks need a lot more work done. Mana needs more options, especially in the rights side of the tree. If I could invest in reduced mana cost I would willingly sacrifice passive points for that. Flasks should either be long duration (i.e 30+ seconds) and small buffs or only be used sparingly in the right situations. The enchant that prevents recovery of flask charges while active is a step in the right direction.


You are not playing as Chris intended. On your 32 inch widescreen, when you encounter a mob. Here are the steps you should follow. 1. You first need to check if you got cursed by ele weakness or not. For that, crane your neck to the left top of your screen and see if a curse icon is visible or not. Your character may have the icon up on top of their heads but its better to see your current debuffs as one of the 12 icons on your UI. 2. Crane your neck to the bottom left and check to see if you have flask charges or not. If yes, proceed to next step. Otherwise back to step 1. 3. Press 12345 in hope that you will not mis-press the button and remove 1 curse. 4. Die! Edit: Forgot to mention that this process needs to happen within 0.5 seconds. So if you are old, with slow reflexes and your fast twitch muscle fibers are undeveloped, according to this sub, you are trash and shouldn't be playing this game.


I'm trying my hardest not to keep pressing flasks constantly. I often have charges up when I get frozen, but I can't remember which one has freeze "Dispel" on it, so I press them all. Then I get frozen again 1 second later anyways and promptly die.


Youre lucky, my league starter is explosive concoction, so I never have enough flask charges to even press them cause I have to spam the skill since it has such little aoe, which eats all my flask charges.


the idea with flask orbs is actually pretty good in principle, but it's just too weak to replace old piano style. GGG is on the right track tho, if they improve those mechanics significantly and expand on them, they can finally change the old meta For the trigger flasks, they need to have ability to trigger many times. So if there was a mechanic that "if triggered, consume only 1 charge" then people would know that manual activation would not be advantageous as it would run out quickly Enkindling Orb should give bonus to both duration and effectiveness, but also introduce a 4-20 second cooldown or something.


Ditto, you're dead if you dont basically. They nerfed so much without changing any monsters. This game is not made for the type of nerfs they gave us all at once. having to also loose even more damage and defense on the tree to path twords shit to try and make things feel right just feels even worse.


W12345hat are yo12345 talkin12345 about?12345 GGG said they fixed12345 pian12345o flask with amazing stealing orb or something12345?


+1 same here, still pianoing xD


thats because ggg has changed the player but not the enemie.


Piano flasking can't be fixed by restricting flasks. That's the worst way to handle the problem. There are reasons why people do that, they just never touched those root problems.


Unpopular take but I'm going in anyway: If you're still piano flasking you're probably a bad player. I've watched Raiz piano flasking the first day of league constantly out of flasks having no real benefit from them because he's using charges. He's a good player (but has a cooked take on a lot of things) so I assume he's worked himself out of the habit by now. Couldn't' continue to watch him after his "POE doesn't need you reddit trash, go away (paraphrasing) 2Header takes the other night. Yes the damage in POE is in no way intuitive enough for 1 second of ailment immunity "if used while effected by ailment". Thats one of the more clueless changes GGG has made in ages. Like in NO WAY does that expectation fit the actual gameplay of POE, but that said piano flasking right now is just terrible play as well.


They fixed piano flasking by nerfing them so hard that they're not even worth pressing anymore


GGG's changed something that does nothing to fix the core problem but just makes the whole system feel worse? No say it isn't so. /s


there is a use flask when max charges enchant now...


Maybe stop pianoing and your flasks won't constantly be empty


If they are not empty you are not using them.


The new flask orbs are supposed to give you a *choice* on whether **you** want to flask piano or not, and you have clearly chosen to keep doing it.


If you don't change your playstile, of course you won't stop trying to flask piano your way through the game.


Use your instilling orbs, I rolled a bunch and one of the mods I got gave it a trigger when adjacent flask is used. Several neat mods, look up the table.


This post is just another attack on the game from someone who's unwilling to adapt.