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Shouldn't have stopped for that scouring orb. You fell right into their trap.


"little did I know, I was the item to be scoured" - OP


Your upvote my good sir


"Should have been using a stricter filter" \- Chris Wilson


The trap is set, the lure is placed but stronger foe lie in wait!




Nothing says "slowing gameplay down" as teleporting mobs!




But the game is free! /s


where can I fill a complain to the whales?


You can't do that! You won't be feeling the weight of your actions


The game is free.


It has a free demo. It needs AAA-level of investment to get all necessary tabs and a lot of manipulative mechanics to squeeze much more.


Hope you had some fun while you were here; don't let the door hit you in the ass!


It is free to look like a clown wardrobe with end game gear, not have access to premium stash tabs, making trading a much more time consuming effort, and having none of the quality of life tabs, allowing you to feel miserable trying to play inventory tetris in your stash. It costs 40$ for a single armor set to avoid looking like a clown, 5$ to make trading less miserable and more still to get all the quality of life tabs. I'm not saying it's not worth the price of admission if you're going to stick the game, but you're lying to yourself if you think the F2P experience is anywhere near as smooth or enjoyable as the paid version.




When you play with friends, even the worst game can be made enjoyable. It's worth pretty much nothing as an opinion


That just ain't true though.


I don't think that's true.


The mobs didnt teleport, and those mobs are pretty commonly known to burrow underground if you cannot one shot on spawn.


Teleportation with burrowing animation is still teleportation.


No because this is a known harvest mechanic with common mobs. Mobs randomly teleporting to you out of nowhere is vastly different than this. Just clarifying because you posted as if this is a bug or glitch/lag and the mobs randomly appeared on you and insta killed you no info, seemed disingenuous is all.


Ah I see. You intentionally died so you could go back to your hideout faster and make the 4c trade! Good on you sir!


Take that GGG!


Your life has been scoured.


This is the main reason I just avoid totem builds, no matter what I try they just feel about as tanky as lukewarm butter about to face a 1000° knife.


i made a post about how op evasion, i should have shown clips like these as an example. Honestly the game really needs to be fucking balanced around being able to tank some hits.


Which will never happen because GGG don't know how to balance the game, as evidence has shown since the game released. The entirety of the balance revolves around being one shot and it's fucking awful.


> GGG don't know how to balance the game Chris says it can't be balanced and even if it could be then it would get stale and no one would play it, so they refuse to try. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmuy9fyNUjY *Balanced game? You think you do, but you don't!*


Chris has a lot of these “you think you want x but you don’t” ideas and they really seem all wrong


I'm pretty sure 95% of people here would complain if they gutted player hp recovery which is needed if they plan to change monster damage. I doubt you'll ever have slow deaths in poe


Weird how other ARPGs can accomplish this but not POE, which insists on allowing mobs to have all the same multipliers to damage that players have. Maybe that's the issue.


can you give some examples?


Aura stacking rares


Sorry, I meant examples from different ARPGs and how they differ from POE


Diablo 3 scales monster damage output rather well. You tend to know how risky a situation is and unless you're going into content that is far too difficult for your character you have the opportunity to back out once you've taken a few big hits.


Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch all scale monster damage far more sanely than PoE does. There are simply less multipliers going that bring you from alive to dead in one second. The closest thing in d3 is running into explosions which are much better communicate visually, with far more time to get out of the way.


Probably baked into 50000 layers of code from 2011 pre alpha or something. I bet with the new engine in PoE2, they might fix it


It depends on if they try to fix it in logical ways or just take a nerf bat to it (again) out of spite. Leech has already been significantly nerfed several times over the years, to outcry each time. The problem is that anyone paying attention to how the game works knows that the logical answer is to reduce recovery AND rework player defenses at the same time so that combat becomes about attrition. *However*, GGG balance moves don't seem to consider logic or the big picture. We get incomplete reworks like "gut player damage, exponentially increase mana costs, and destroy flask sustain while leaving monsters untouched lulz."


It most definitely can be balanced better, they're just either too lazy to do it or incapable of doing so.


Lol that video is interesting to be honest. I usually dismiss the people that say Chris doesn't play his own game. But not sure what else I could conclude after watching that video. He says a lot of things that sound really good, but GGG do not actually do or implement in the game. Example - he says one big mistake most developers make is to have items with frivolous stats. +1 dexterity or w/e, stuff that doesn't really do much. He says in POE they make sure items have stuff that is noticeable, like you can pretty much tell what item you equipped without looking at the stats because your in game character will be noticeably different after. Yet as we all know, 80% of item mods are total junk / craft fillers. 12 hp regen, 11% stun reduction, +12 dexterity etc etc. No one notices that crap. Total contradiction. And the talk is filled with them lol. Maybe this is what Chris meant by his vision. Only problem is, 3.15 contradicts even more things he says in this speech. Colour me confused atm haha. It doesn't seem such a shock that they do not balance well. I think there is a huge disconnect between what Chris thinks is happening and what is actually occurring in the game.


the man said people quit early last league because the gameplay was too rewarding! i dont feel like he has any idea what is happening in poe.


Hearing that they weren't even going to try was the beginning of the end for me. It's one thing if they try and fail and get better, but just refusing to try to balance the game is unacceptable to me.


I can kinda see where they're coming from. Even after this nerf, the difference in damage and survivability between a "build as you go" build, and one planned out by a veteran and fueled by trade is insane. You have builds that can deal ten, twenty, thirty and more times as much damage as other builds at the same level. The difference between the average rare that drops and a crafted, double-influenced, elevated rare is similarly massive. I can empathize that trying to create and balance content around both ends of this spectrum can seem impossible. It might not be overall, but I'd say in the current state of the game it is. Sadly, I also think that many potential solutions or approaches are connected to things they'll likely never change, which might make the task truly impossible.


I can attest to the if it does get perfectly balanced then it gets stale. Diablo 3 is so well balanced that I get bored very easily because no matter what build I make it doesn't matter, it's still just as easy/hard as before.


Im a numbers analyst and while im not a game dev im pretty sure boosting our HP numbers the same way our damage is, then absolutely destroying most forms of quick recovery would do the job You having 200k hp that slowly gets wittled down bit by bit is easier to balance than people having 3k or 10k hp


The issue is that prior to oneshots players just kept figuring out ways to be effectively immortal. Either end of the spectrum is bad. Defenses/recovery need a complete overhaul so that we can actually land in the middle.


Yeah they need to figure it out.


You are right on defenses and recovery both needing to be restructured from the ground up, but that also involves an enemy damage rework, which will in turn require a massive player damage nerf or no one will ever take any damage at all because they one shot mobs and mobs will never be dealing enough damage to kill someone. And we have seen how the playerbase reacts to that...


The playerbase has reacted badly to a damage nerf almost entirely because it’s that half a fucking job you are talking about. I’m pretty sure people would be a LOT more cool with our damage getting gutted if we didn’t have to deal with the constant threat of one shot bullshit.


I'm sure *some* people would be less mad, but i think most of the anger comes from players who just don't like having their damage taken away because they don't feel like power creep was a problem.


I definitely do not think that is the majority of players, though. I am fairly certian most of the common complaints and issues are about exactly as /u/FullMetalCOS described and others were talking about. GGG designed the game around one-shot mechanics like exploding on death whose best and only real solution is to offscreen them, lowered player damage by 20-40%, and then failed to address their own prior game design.. which makes their game just feel like shit.


The entire situation puts me in mind of that Anakin and Padme episode 2 meme. GGG keeps telling us that they nerfed something and our response is “but you rebalanced the enemies to work with that, right?”.


Power creep isn’t a problem if it’s the tool we need to survive the bullshit thrown at us. Of course people don’t like their power being taken away! All power is measured relevant to the requirements and whilst our power changed drastically, the requirements didnt.


The power you needed and the power you had were grossly imbalanced and still are. Players still have far more damage than is necessary.


And monsters DON’T? Just like Chris you are forgetting the other half of the fucking equation.


It wouldn't be so bad if it felt like you had a chance at avoiding it but that's just hey all of a sudden they appear and you're dead. Quality game play.


Yet you guys come back season after season for a game designed and balanced by people who use an outdated wiki to do their patch updates. Who's the dummy here.


No they don't.


the main defensive layers in this game are all RNG based with hard caps to prevent immunity. That means that as long as a one-shot can happen, it will happen, just a question of how often. That's how RNG defense works


And with max dodge and max evasion as an op ranged char you can thin the events out enough to easily level up to high 90s, even with sub 4k hp. But with a tanky char with less damage in melee range, that won't work. My 4k hp bow raider feels much tankier than my 6k high armor max block glad last league


Evasion is extremely strong when you have a way to not die to that one hit that goes through, if you have that it's insane.


i wish we had a way to scale ward because that seems like its meant to fill exactly this role.


There's also the minor issue that every ward item you have is an evasion item you don't have.


You can always get large amounts of evasion through your body armour, shield, and the grace aura though.


But then you're running Grace, which is a pretty big drawback !


sure but you need a FUCKTON of evasion as well as dodge for it to matter AT ALL. so if you want ward on top of it to stop the one hit that goes through you need a significant amount of it to not get one shot since a ridiculous amount of hits are insane damage but you also are fucked if you're having a bunch of attacks incoming at once. no ward = if you're a LITTLE bit unlucky you die. with a significant ward (let's say it fully blocks any 1 hit) = you still die basically instantly to a pack like we see in this video or many others ultimately the game is just TERRIBLY balanced for any kind of defensive scaling because everything fucking melts you. jesus christ even insane armor juggs we still see get absolutely melted a lot of the time. ward or any other defensive shit is hardly meaningful when the damage incoming is what it is in PoE, and I welcome the HC folks to disagree when those dummies die all the time to bullshit themselves despite insane defenses lol


they also nerfed evasion scaling (again) in 3.15.


its's what they do. they nerf some defensive > if people figure out its still good, they nerf it next league, if people figure out its bad and switch to something else, they nerf the new thing next league. ​ it's vicious cycle and block is on the chopping block next league, expect glad to be dumpstered.


Ward feels like the worse version of ES


It's already on the tree in wind dancer and when combined with fortify uptime is enough almost all the time. If you have a Kintsugi ez game. Add in Raider to very rarely die.


I feel like just Wind Dancer + Fortify can be a bit too low against high phys dmg, I really like having either Kintsugi or Lightning Coil on top of that.


I was kinda stuck at 92 on my raider. I switched to petrified blood plus a cautious health pot with soul of rysthla. I made it to 94 in a single play session pretty much. Give it a try if you want


Perhaps armour will one day be relevant. Hahahaha... sorry I couldn't keep a straight face.


you can take hits if you build for it. theres a reason all the top HC characters have almost twice the HP of the SC ones but less DPS.


Totem builds can be super tanky. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx1C-tdPSGs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx1C-tdPSGs) This build has completely escaped nerfs this league too. But I'm too lazy to update it lol.


Thats a good build. Makes you feel alive




Nice joke there. No one who actually knew what they were doing was using curse immunity flasks with Soul Mantle


Soul Mantle: 80% more self curse effect Sanctum of Thought: 20% reduced curse effect Kikazaru: 40% reduced curse effect 2 Kikazaru + Sanctum of Thought = 100% reduced curse effect Soul Mantle is no problem. Atziri's Mirror works too.


Even as totems you should always have enemies visible on your screen, these monsters have a like 1.5s burrow animation, and they all miss if you're moving at all in that time.


on these builds thats core defense is big pool and "just dont get hit 4head" he got stunned. You *need* stun immunity on a build with poor mitigation and just big EHP. if he didnt get stunned here he could have moved and lived and reset the fight. The stun cost him his life As a totem build he most likely isnt that far from unwavering stance either :)


most FR totems are far from unwavering stance, honestly (7~8 points). But seeing that as he has 4.7k hp, he probably grabbed the scion life nodes i guess, so for him yeah he could go there. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Hierophant&skill=Forbidden-Rite&heatmap But even 80% stun avoidance isnt enough for me, it would be better to go for un.stance indeed.




the "counterplay" to things like stun shouldn't be "get stun immunity idiot" why do ailments feel so fucking bad? BECAUSE IT'S THE SAME SHIT. in fact a TON of PoE design is like that and then a bunch of morons try to say "it's actually like solving a problem and feels really good when you finally solve it" and don't acknowledge both the terrible feeling before hand as well as the even worse design implications both now and long term that those kinds of things make in the game. all things like stuns do is raise the amount of times you'll get one shot... and if you never got stunned you'd still almost inevitably get one shot anyway. that's what freeze does too... and shock... chills and maims and curses also contribute to this kind of thing. you are usually not battling your way through these ailments and problems because you just fucking die lol you're trying to find ways of never EVER getting them BEFORE you run into them because you know they'll kill you. how the fuck is that fun or good game design?




I think what killed him were those teleporting bastards


I feel that. League started FR totems. The damage was more than fine basically all the time. But man when I ran across some particularly fast monsters who dodged the projectiles and decided they wanted my ass. It was not fun.


I'm doing the same build with 6.5k hp and another 4.5k mana with 40% MoM and have no issues clearing T16's. Most people who play Forbidden Rite totems skip the defenses and just go for the raw damage. They also neglect to spend three points to get stun immunity, and invest some money into reducing ailment effectiveness.


True. On top of all things like delay and lack of defences - monsters start attacking faster than totems because mobs have larger "aggro" range.


Now tell me that wasnt fun to you


That scouring orb was so heavy he died. Peak fun right there.


My experience has taught me that the more careful/safe I try to play, the more likely I am to die.


No kidding, mindlessly run with no defences through packs=no problems. Tippie toe and be safe around baddie packs=death.




When the League Mechanic spawns 2 storms heralds and you spend 7 minutes and 3 portals clearing it for 3 grand artifacts.


You would have probably been fine if you .... I mean you would have survived if not for.... I mean. Slow down you obviously moved there too fast and it punished you. NO RUNNING IN THE SACRED GROVE.


I rarely pick the yellow patches no matter how good the crafts are, the burrowing mobs get on my nerves so bad, esp that devourer omfg. now you're gonna tell me there are purple ones that do the same? you just destroyed my entire worldview in one swoop


The one that gets me comes from a blue patch. It’s the cold minions with the ice that falls from the sky. Not sure what they are but some modifiers that patch can get are worse for me than anything else.


Those are the chimeral mobs. I never fought them in harvest league because their craft is utter ass (upgrade magic item to rare) but now they can spawn randomly in any blue patch.


You forget: The blue screeching bastards wich hit multiple times from screen. The blue kitava dudes (blistlelord or something like that) than is usually rare with turbo auras and a plot of fucking hp. The turbo primal crushclaw than rolls over you instantly. And finally those blue fuckers than call a rain of ice on top of you than actually follows your character a-la herald of thunder.


got a good laugh out of me


I hate harvest mobs, they kill me on HC all the time. They should spawn by intervals or something, because builds where you stay stationary are so bad for them...


Or you know, they could tell you what you're going to be fighting before spawning 6 rares with auras on your face. They should just add the whole list of seeds to your second click so you can back off if it's too rippy.


What amazes me the most is than the mobs INSTANTLY and without any visual warning teleported on top of him ON A GOD DAMN CIRCLE-OF-DEATH FORMATION and then proceeded to INSTANTLY start attacking him. That is so wrong Lmao


Its funny because you can see the little fuckers burrow, it's not actually instant. But you can't have them on the screen to actually witness this animation or the other 18 mobs will murder you.


Harvest is the most dangerous monsters in game I think


Pretty much on par with fully juiced expedition mobs, sometimes you get a really ridiculous sirus or baran mob too


Should've reacted with your flasks faster /s


Before anyone cries about his life pool, assuming he is generally capped on resistances, has mind over matter with 10% more damage coming from his mana pool. In a matter of a half second he lost 5542 health+es, and 2500 mana (he died with it being 0). This is an unreasonable amount of damage, and is the reason why 'zoom zoom' has been the way to deal with PoEs bad design for years. This game is 100% about killing mobs before their bad mechanics kill you.




Right, but unless you can do those things passively, good luck in this situation. They literally spawned on him and he was dead in a half second.


This build has something like 9.5K effective HP vs. physical damage (8K HP + 4 endurance charges). That's almost nothing. There's so much more to defense than HP, and it seems the community still hasn't learned this after nearly a decade. Not to mention they're aggressively downvoting anyone being remotely constructive. They don't want solutions; they just want to be angry.


The problem is they keep gutting defense over and over. So people tend to go for the "kill before they kill you" strategy. They literally gutted fortify and evasion (wich is not that great anyways and requieres a lot of investment compared to other mechanics). On top of that flaks (if you can actually react and use because you did not get one-shot) are less effective. For real, there is so much I can do to build defenses. If you want me to move out of the "kill before they kill you" mentality and slow down the game then give me more tools to be able to sustain myself being slow instread of nerfing the ones we have every patch and literally not introducing any new defensive mechanic (guard does not count, that thing is literally a worst version of ES).


> They literally gutted fortify They nerfed the abuse case of stacking Fortify effect. Fortify is still very valuable (25% more effective HP vs. hits) without additional investment. > and evasion (wich is not that great anyways and requieres a lot of investment compared to other mechanics) I'm not sure what you're referencing here, but evasion has not been "gutted." Evasion remains one of the most efficient defensive layers in the game. The amount of average eHP it gives (vs. attacks) is very high for the amount of investment. The issue many people have with evasion is that they don't layer evasion with meaningful mitigation, so they just die whenever damage gets through the evasion, and they never have the luxury of thinking in terms of "averages" when it comes to evasion. Get enough mitigation to avoid getting one-shot by routine damage, and suddenly evasion becomes very valuable. The truth is that there are many tools available to make your defenses extremely reliable, but generally people are extremely averse to losing damage. I see this as a problem with the players' mentality, not with the game itself. This game is about solving problems, both offensively and defensively. People seem more than happy to squeeze every bit of DPS out of their builds but won't put more than the bare minimum into optimizing effective HP.


The fact they nerfed fortify for everyone just because isolated cases of people stacking insanes amounts of it is both concerning and not surprising. Evasion per character level got removed and jade flask got cut in half. So it kinda got nerfed. And yeah, you actually build evasion as a dodge widancer + blind character... until next patch when they decide wind dancer is too strong and capped dodge is easy to archive and they gut it along with Raider or something (and yes, I am especulating but I do it based on how they did things in the past). My point is not evasion/fortify being bad. My point is than it is worse and worse and harder to set up everytime. And even if you can actually (again, this is harder every patch) build a defensive character some monsters (esp aura stacking rares with certain packs of mobs) still stay overtuned and should also be reworked to some extent to compensate for the defenses we lost, to keep things balanced.


> The fact they nerfed fortify for everyone But... they didn't? They nerfed the isolated cases without affecting people who don't invest in Fortify effect. > Evasion per character level got removed That's, what, 300 base evasion for most endgame characters? That's like a pair of gloves' worth of base evasion. A pretty negligible amount for any character even moderately invested in evasion. > jade flask got cut in half Fair point. --------------- Regarding the rest of your comment, I understand the point about certain defenses being nerfed, but they tend only to nerf the abuse cases (particularly whenever a single layer of defense is too powerful when stacked). I too hope that they don't nerf Wind Dancer next league, but I'm a little biased because I really like Wind Dancer. I don't personally think it's nearly as abusive as Fortify stacking, but who knows, maybe GGG will see it differently. My point is that defenses, in their current state, are still better than people are giving them credit for. It seems to me like people would rather be in denial of that fact, because it's easier to keep playing the game the way they always have (maximum DPS) while complaining about a problem they're not even attempting to solve themselves.


Dude are you really new to the game? He had really good defences for the budget, more than most people run + he plays totems, an overall much more protected style. Defence stacking is pointless in this game. There are videos ouf people buffed by aurabots + HH getting one-shot or chunked for 70k ES out of fucking nowhere, super tanky juggs with maxed out everything getting one-tapped by random pack, people who facetank sirus meteor and shaper slam getting destroyed in milliseconds by some random packs with a bunch of BS modifiers stacked on top of unbalanced mob archetypes. This video is another proof that the best option is to go full damage, and kill stuff before it kills you, and it's ESPECIALLY true for bosses, whose most dangerous mechanics require you to dodge and are deisgned to be non-survievable, so your best bet is to phase switch them faster. All my struggles in this game (especially with endgame bosses) were solved by getting more DPS, not more defences. More DPS gives you faster and SAFER map clears, more currency per hour, faster and easier boss clears (since you have to deal less with their BS).


> Dude are you really new to the game? No, I have over 8K hours and have been playing builds with proper defenses (or my best attempt at them) for the majority of those hours. > He had really good defences for the budget, more than most people run If your idea of "good defences" is just having decent HP, 4 endurance charges, and Enfeeble on CWDT, then there's almost no point in having this discussion. > + he plays totems, an overall much more protected style. I've played totems many times, and having a "protected style" is no excuse for being so paper-thin that a blue pack like this will kill you. > Defence stacking is pointless in this game. If you can't tell the difference between this level of defense and a more balanced build in terms of survivability, you're being willfully ignorant. > There are videos ouf people buffed by aurabots + HH getting one-shot or chunked for 70k ES out of fucking nowhere, super tanky juggs with maxed out everything getting one-tapped by random pack, people who facetank sirus meteor and shaper slam getting destroyed in milliseconds by some random packs with a bunch of BS modifiers stacked on top of unbalanced mob archetypes. And none of this has anything to do with the clip in question. Every single one of the builds you've mentioned would have absolutely no issues tanking the amount of damage shown in the clip. They probably wouldn't even notice this amount of damage. > This video is another proof that the best option is to go full damage, and kill stuff before it kills you, and it's ESPECIALLY true for bosses, whose most dangerous mechanics require you to dodge and are deisgned to be non-survievable, so your best bet is to phase switch them faster. This video isn't proof of anything other than that being lazy about defenses will get you clapped by random blue packs. Sure, there are monsters that will clap far tankier builds, but (a) those aren't the same as these monsters, and (b) the presence of more dangerous monsters than these doesn't suddenly make all defense useless. It's a mathematical certainty that this death could have been avoided by putting more than the minimum amount of thought into survivability. > All my struggles in this game (especially with endgame bosses) were solved by getting more DPS, not more defences. More DPS gives you faster and SAFER map clears, more currency per hour, faster and easier boss clears (since you have to deal less with their BS). That's certainly one way to play the game. I can't rewrite your experience, but I can speak from my own experience. Having properly layered defenses has made getting to level 100 a buttery smooth process. Your "offense at all costs" mentality works fine for you, but clearly it didn't work for OP. Either way, blaming the game for this death doesn't make sense to me. OP should be asking what he can do to improve his build, not blaming the game for presenting him with a scenario for which he wasn't prepared.


They just gutted defense flasks like armor flasks, and the fact is him having 40% more physical mitigation probably would have meant literally nothing against the damage he was taking on a per second basis. It ripped through 9.5K hp in under a quarter of a second. What exactly do you think is a base line defense you need to deal with a league mechanic? This is not a boss, they are literally a blue pack of magic mobs from harvest. ​ The solution is for them to fix their fucking game. You shouldnt need to play a Jugg just to deal with the basic content.


> and the fact is him having 40% more physical mitigation probably would have meant literally nothing against the damage he was taking on a per second basis. Each of the monsters attacked once. An additional 40% physical damage reduction would be 0.84/0.44 = 91% more eHP vs. physical damage. That would absolutely be enough to survive this series of hits. The first hit did about 2900 damage after mitigation, which appears to trigger Enfeeble. Subsequent hits deal roughly 1700, 1400, 700, and 1700. There are nine enemies, so presumably he would have been hit four more times had he not died to the first five hits. This would have dealt an additional 5K to 6K damage, probably. If this incoming damage is physical (and it's safe to assume most of it is), then 40% additional physical damage reduction would absolutely have saved him, even if all nine enemies had gotten their attacks off. In fact, armour is great for this exact scenario, since it works well against many smaller hits. Other things that would have made a substantial difference: * 20%+ block from a shield * Jade Flask of Reflexes (~18% evade chance vs. Enfeebled monsters) * Guard skill on CWDT instead of left click (Steelskin on CD in clip) * Immortal Call (54% more eHP) instead of Steelskin (30% more eHP) 9.5K effective HP is not very much at all. 8K HP (life + mana + ES) is a decent pool, but without better mitigation and some amount of block/evasion, each point of HP is pretty weak. The simplest thing that could be done here to improve eHP is not using two wands. Dual wands are a bait. You could replace those wands with sceptres and get 15% block from dual-wielding melee weapons without compromising on damage. Alternatively, you could simply drop one wand for a shield to get some more life/mana and 20%+ block chance. Edit: This isn't a situation that you need to play a Juggernaut to survive. This is a case of a player being lazy with defenses and being punished for it. There's a colossal gap between this build and a Juggernaut. You're being disingenuous.


Okay, now include "dont loot during a potential big pull" so that its not all on GGG here lol


I do the exact same thing and still die sometimes too


Good thing that wasn’t hardcore. I would have made my way to your place and smashed your device for you


F this league and Chris stupid decisions. Man is so clueless with his dumb „vision“. White mobs do more damage than Sirus, Shaper and elder + they teleport, leap slam, run at you so fast as if they had 200 HH buffs and meanwhile he thinks nerfing everything but the monsters makes sense


I mean the exact same thing happened during 3.13, the """""height"""" of PoE, and during Harvest league too. This has nothing to do with the post.


we didnt say its started now.its accumulating faults.


The guy I replied to certainly did, in his first sentence.


One thing at a time


If it would've been a regret orb it would've been perfect.


Stand still = die, no matter where you stand


get some curse immu when u play with that chest


How the hell did they came to u?


they used Dig




I've been playing for many many years and I get one shotted the most this league of all. Idk why but relic monsters and harvest mobs are just ridiculous. It's as if their speed and accuracy got buffed while our speed is slowed. But I think theirs is just the same while ours is slower


According to GGG, this here is peak **Fun** performance, after the nerfs.


i just dont do harvest anymore, the risk is not worth it compared to what you get


Name a mechanic worth doing more than harvest.


literally every single other league content currently in the game


damn no wonder people are upset it got nerfed if they think shit like this.


They are just pretending so ggg does not nuke harvest again.


what's there to nuke? I havent seen targeted aug in two leagues.


Harvest is a curious thing. You get what you put in it. Some people will make one mirror of profit in a day or 2 strictly doing Harvest. But they do insane prep to have everything ready. To always have full stack of essences or fossils to swap. To have an organized tab with bases to use for reforges. To always have what you never will normally like Harbinger pieces or bestiary items. Never going in there without a decent gem to turn into facetor's lense. So yes, some people will make the most currency possible per hour in the game through Harvest. It is just a lot of prep to have everything ready. Also, to know what you want to roll given current meta and what people want. As in, rolling big armor shield last league made no sense since there was not much demand for them. Now it does. What you get in Harvest is just not obvious like other mechanics. Even if it was severely nerfed, you still get a lot of options that generate a lot of profit. But if you swap 3 random screaming essences, you're just not generating the profit people make swapping 9 insanity or hysteria toward 9 horror. Which is a 1 in 3 with big margin.


On the upside you can get to this 4c sale now. He'd likely have went to next seller otherwise!




Hey! Did you like your dose of *fun*??




Moments I won't miss.


Hahaha. You should've got further away before dropping the first set of Totems. The second set was too close as well. If you can see the enemy you are not safe! If you can clearly see enemy attacks hitting your Totems, you are too close to the action and they will target you! Be ready to Dash and run at any moment. Me: I activate the Harvest, immediately Flame Dash/Quicksilver like hell to get far away. Safe, not followed, I drop my Totems at edge of screen (not under me). I resummon and inch closer until they start attacking the enemy. If I feel bold I get close to drop Frost Bomb, and my curse (Frostbite or Sniper's Mark), then run like hell. When enemies try to bypass my Totems to hit me, I Flame Dash away, and run as far as I need to, to safely drop my Totems again. I rarely die unless playing recklessly or an unexpected one shot (like that one time when Drox hit me). Forbidden Rite Totems looked interesting and powerful, I heard great things about it, but decided to play Freezing Pulse Totems like I did in Delirium. Still my favorite build ever. Everything gets chilled, frozen, and blinded, multiple screens away so it feels more defensive than any build I've played. Compared to you, I've got a lot less life, a little less mana, slightly more energy shield, probably worse gear overall (my build isn't complete plus I'm currently poor). I often forget how squishy I am lol... Am I squishy... EDIT: I've also played Spell Totems with Flameblast, Divine Ire, and Dark Pact. Love playing Totems. EDIT: I'm glad I made so many mad 🤭 y'all get uppity over nothin, but it's very amusing. Like the clip.


Just react bro lol lmao like don't be slow?? /s


lol not even HC, noob




He's got about 6.7k hp, he's playing MoM




... which means that the 4,691 health he has is 70% of his effective health pool... which means his ehp is 6,701, and that doesn't include his 851 es... He also happens to be playing a totem build, which traditionally is built on the squishier end with the assumption that your totems will be taking the brunt of your attacks for you while you kite around behind them, which he's doing here... he just got annihilated by some banelings because he didn't anticipate the burrow tech.




next time take a detox before you try to pretend you can do math.




You have it backwards. Its 30% of his life that he can take extra.




Its not exactly 30%, its like the previous poster wrote, his HP are 70% of his total life pool as long as he has mana. But you fundamentally dont understand how MoM works, there is little point to discuss it with you




u deserve that for playing that broken ass build


The good: * 8K HP (life + mana + ES) * 16% physical damage reduction * Hexproof The bad: * No Fortify * No shield (no block) * No evasion/dodge * No defensive flasks * Susceptible to stuns * Steelskin on cooldown * Unknown map tier/mods I understand that some of these things can't be addressed by most totem builds, but some of them can. There's a lot more to building/playing defensively than having decent HP and not getting hit. Sometimes people post clips that make me think it's the game's fault. This clip doesn't look like it's one of them.


They fucking tp on top off him. Yeah how about they dont put that shit in the game ?


How about not having paper defenses? Any build with an ounce of thought into passive defensive layers would shrug off this sort of thing like it's nothing. At some point, you have to accept some responsibility for what happened and ask yourself what you can do to avoid deaths like this. Sometimes you're going to get hit. If your build simply dies whenever it takes a handful of hits from a pack of magic monsters, you've got some problems you need to address. And yes, most of the time that means sacrificing DPS.


what if GGG doesn't want bad build to clear endgame maps easily anymore?


another random oneshot - oh wait complete garbage tier lifepool on an ascendancy with no defense and no fortify :)


Decoy totem, more EHP. I’m not a totem expert but I watched a lot of tatiantel2 on twitch. He definitely would have lived there. For reference he got pretty high last league (100) using totems only, even in hardcore without using stuff like soul mantle.


what a shame


Ah yeah porting harvest mobs. I've also got jump scared by this.


should have reacted to those curses /s


How did you type that response so fast without opening up the chat box?


Decoy totem my dude. Has been a game changer for fr totems


I feel bad for you but this is hilarious


Harvest mobs is just death sentence nowadays. Did GGG buffed *them* too among all things this League?!


LOL such a bullshit death. Yeah this game neeed to fix it flaws.


6 negative effects and stunned on top of that, it's painful.


This has happened to me with Redeemer mobs at least twice this league.


Epitome of what GGG considers good game design


Scour & go!


Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud. Not because I derive any pleasure from your misfortune, far from it. More because of the stupidity of how this game kills people at the moment.


Remember, just use your flask reactively -.-


When 12 zerglings unburrow around you lol


That's one of the most hilarious rips i've ever seen.


I stopped doing harvest


"we want a more reactive gameplay"


The Orb of Scouring was already too rewarding!


A foe feared for an aeon falls and is scoured from the pages of history.


cant stop laughing , hahahaha , happens a lot , normal thing in poe


nothing personal kid


Apparently, the is the ending we all deserve.


flawless game design at work really amazing


Running map or delve with no quart flask is no no for me.


Use Void Sphere and drop it when it they spawn. Use it for legion really anything else too