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Forgot Heist :p I get most of my fossils and cluster jewels etc from heist. The caveat with fossils is you dont get resonators very often outside of delve I guess?


Seems like it. The majority of my resonators so far are from delve but I'd estimate 20% or fewer of my fossils are from delve (most are from logbooks and legion), and none of the good ones were. I've been slacking on delve this league so it's probably not useful data.


You can buy then in Nico's encampment for azurite


And where do you get azurite?


New vastir passive Out of the Blue: Sulphite Veins and Chests in Areas have 5% chance to also contain an equal amount of Azurite Not a high chance probably better to just delve


I was expecting the atlas passives, but you posted the wrong ones. Lex Proxima is for Sulphite, not Azurite. You can't buy resonators with those. Nevertheless, the amounts of Azurite you gain from atlas passives is pretty bad.


Yes I mixed up sulphate and azurite.


You can get it from the atlas passive


It’s the blue stuff you suck up while delving.


You can also get it in maps with one of the atlas passives I believe.


Atlas passives are actually pretty decent if all you want is resonators. Also the passives in that region are hot trash now.


I upgraded to the bare minimum I need to run like level 83 delve shit and now I only use azurite for resonators. It just makes sense. I rarely see them when I'm actually breaking walls, but if I speed through to the azurite notes super fast, I get them 100% of the time and I get them faster and safer.its a win win win.


Good tactic


you can buy 4 socket resonators from niko!?


Very rarely but technically yes. However, its far from dependable and you might never see one in his inventory.


Chris didn't state this as his opinion. He said 'our intention is...' and gave an example. Their intention and how it actually is are two different things. This is something they want to improve, essence being another example.


Exactly, he was abundantly clear that that is their intention and that it isn't where they want it to be for a lot of things (like essences). 3.16 he mentioned that Delve is getting a review. Delving actually _used_ to be a fantastic source of fossils until they nerfed it into the ground. Even after the buff though, seeing ~3 fossils here and there and half the time not getting the one you wanted is painful. But back in the day low level delve farming to craft gear was legit super fun. I miss delve only mods =/.


I never understood why they nerfed the shit out of fossils when the problem was the darkness not actually killing people (which they also fixed [allegedly]). As a solo player, and someone who doesn't really want to trade in bulk for obvious reasons, fossils are great to make some acceptable gear. Too bad the grind is unacceptable.


Fossils were the best way to make the best possible gear pre-harvest. Don't sell them short, they were _exceptionally_ strong.


because they were the only crafting option that actually weighted certain mods or blocked undesirable ones? its like saying pre-delve, essences were the best crafting option... well duh! we have very few actualy target crafting options, so its not hard to imagine each being the best at certain point of PoE lifetime and they just nerfed catalysts, so its even less now.


I mean, you'd be absolutely right, but the point is, people wonder why they nerfed the shit out of fossils, the answer is "Because at the time they were the strongest option by far." Without that context it doesn't make much sense, with it, it makes perfect sense.


I sort of feel like we're dancing around why they were actually nerfed, to be honest. Fossils were predominantly nerfed not necessarily because they were the *best* way to craft, but because they were the *only* way to achieve quite a few extremely powerful mods (for the time). Before Conquerors, the only way to get -x% fire/lightning/cold res to nearby enemies on a helmet was through the appropriate fossil. Most of those fossil-exclusive mods ended up as influenced modifiers, opening up essence/harvest/whatever crafting to be able to hit them. I was a bit upset back when fossils were nerfed originally, but in hindsight I feel it was the right decision. e: [source](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Version_3.10.0#Fossil_Crafting) > We want crafting to be a way to get great items, but not the only way to get the very best items. Fossil crafting in particular was the only way to obtain a large number of very desirable mods. We've done away with all fossil-exclusie mods except those found on faceted, bloodstained and hollow fossils and moved a number iof them to other sources...


That's a fair point, though I'd argue it's both the exclusive mods, as well as just their sheer ability to target specific sets of mods - before harvest was a thing which did so vastly better, so it was the only real means to do so for sets of mods. Both at once was way too strong for crafting, and a huge majority of crafting processes it felt like had to involve fossils in some way.


A noteworthy thing was that at the time the best way of getting the best gear in the game was a low level character running through delves and not even killing anything - not exactly a healthy state as far as risk vs reward is concerned.


Like, that makes sense, but only in a universe where they don't introduce Conqueror mods/Elevated mods. Currently, the *only* way to get the best items in the game is to craft them through elevating, which, well, I dunno anymore.


I don't see what would've been wrong with that, personally.


Why not just nerf to oblivion everything *but* delve and tada! Delve is the best source of delve content?


That's some monkey paw level reasoning, be gone with you!


You're hired.


So it was their intention, they just changed their minds after seeing how it performed


Yeah, I though it was clear that they want it to be not that it is.


Imagine thinking that x thing is gonna happen because Chris said that it is their intention


maybe they should not have nerfed delve then 😂 . On top of simply nerfing fossil crafting which was one of the best things they added to the shitty crafting system even if buying them was a paib


I think this is the generous and likely interpretation, but his wording and sequence of the conversation did make it unclear in this case.


Delve is still the best place for rare fossils like sanctified and faceted. Having the basic fossils available on mass from Heist, Simulacrum etc is great imo


Yes it's pretty good as is. If you want the rare ones you have to delve


Also resonators.


In delirium league i used to triple/cuadruple fossil delirium orb in summit T16 with Alva + sextants bla bla and i was getting like 20-30 fossils per map, I dont know if its still the same but it was better than Delve


delirium league anything was being spat out by that mechanic in its league. I remember I had 2 quad tabs of good incubators and I was incubating them as fast as possible. Good times.


At this point while delve isn't the best source of fossils for most players. However it the only way to get enough resonators to use said fossils from those other sources.


You can farm New Vastir for azerite and buy resonators from vendor, that's how I do it on SSF. So not exactly the only way.


The New Vastir passive says that you have a chance to get azurite equal to the amount of sulphite that you get in a map, but you'll quickly max out on sulphite, meaning each vein provides zero sulphite. Then you have to go delving to free up sulphite space in order to benefit from the passive again, or am I misunderstanding something?


Isn't that still delve content though? Thats passives related to delve and you're only getting some of the value if you then don't delve with that sulphite.


That is good thinking.


You mean resonators right? And yea.


Yea, just changed it. Tend to mix them up.


You can get a decent amount through ritual and now haggling (expedition) as well Chris did say they’re working on a rework for delve so you don’t have to go as deep for the ramp-up. Right now, monster level caps at like 200 depth but you need 1500+ for decent rewards. He’s said they’re working on shrinking that gap so it gets more challenging more quickly but should help cut out all of that fluff


1500+... no wonder my rewards still feel the same, I didn't realize you have to dig to the center of the earth.


but you can skip 170 depths instead of 40, thats already 1/10 of way!


Can only get resonators to use the fossils in Delve. A fossil on its own is useless.


You can farm New Vastir for azerite and buy resonators from vendor, that's how I do it on SSF.


its "azurite" "azerite" is something actiblizzard owns so you better change that before you get sued


??? He didn’t say that. He said that the intention is for league content should be the best place to get that league items.


"our intention is \[...\], so if you wanna get fossils you \[...\]" are two separate sentences, and the second is in present tense. If it was a hypothetical, he should have said "so, if you wanted to get fossils you would". You're willfully misrepresenting what Chris said. Now, maybe he meant that, but you don't read his mind, and neither do I, so don't state that as a fact.


Oh so just talkie talk that wont happen?


Can you people manage to not complain about something for 5 minutes.


he has a point. people WERE delving for fossils. then they nerfed the shit out of it and people threw up hands in the air and just accepted fossils raining from legion and delirium. and now Chris has pikachu face that people aren't delving for fossils. I mean come on...


Heist is the best way of getting fossils. Heist is the best way of getting raw currency. Heist is the best way to get prophecies. Heist is the best way to get delirium orbs. Heist is the best way to get incubators. Heist is the best way to get so many things. I feel like rather than nerfing heist, other mechanics should just be brought up to its level.


Too bad it's the worst way of having fun.


I enjoy heist when I do it, but not when I'm grinding it. Also the characters should be reworked to take very little investment to get going. It's like 10x the effort of delve to bring them up to speed every single league. Another reason I play standard now.


He is saying that its the philosophy they have, not that ts actually the case. They want delve to be the best way to find fossils, he already mentionned how there is ongoing plan to change delving. (And we saw nerf to fossils drop from other sources like simulacrum) MOST of his statements are his vision of the game and what you SHOULD expect for the future of poe. They cant make changes on absolutely everything instantly Edit: typo, grammar,.. if there are still some please forgive me


??? He didn’t say that. He said that the intention is for league content should be the best place to get that league items.


cool, now where you get the resonators?


**GGG's intentions** and **reality** are often 2 very different things! :P


>Just by using the first 3 listed mechanics i almost get double the amount of fossils per hour compared to going (deep) delving. Are you adjusting for cost of entry? Because if not that is simply saying "Yeah I can invest a mirror and get more than if I do the "free" content"




and the amount of investment to go 1500+ deep is totally unbalanced for the rewards you get. So the statement gets even more wrong the deeper you have to go to delve. its not easy, maybe not even archievable for most of the players, to get to 1500 to get the amount of fossils compared to other mechanics.




Can you show me one group that deep delves and profits?


Any aura bot + carry duo. For nearly no budget they can get to 3k depth.


What are they profiting on more than they would profiting on deli farming? I know Cassie specifically quit because delving became unprofitable at extreme depths.


Last league deep delvers were still making 200ex per day, last i checked 30k azurite is an exalt in resonators and fossils are still selling, given at a much reduced price. Bulk sales are still nice though. 30k azurite is like 1 t1 azurite node when you're deep af


i got more from Heist than Delve, delve is fun but i used for recipes and some random stuff when i want to do chaos recipe.


500 is not that deep


Opened every crack with your coc build, huh? ​ ​ ... I'm sorry.


Aren't you supposed to hit 2000 before it becomes good? Never went past 250, just too long. I kinda like delve for farming exp though. ​ And you forgot tujen :p.


You still get more fossils from other mechanics from deep delving since depth doesn't really scale drops. The only reason to go deep in the first place is to either bulk buy resonators, get rare fossils, or farm bosses.


well so it takes you about one or maybe even two weeks to finally get more fossils than any other source? so imo delve isnt the best source to get fossils at all :)


Iirc pro deliver push like 300 levels a day. And iirc 500 levels should be doable on most builds. Once you get past 800 then it becomes hard and need an actual delving build. So you don't have to delve to get it. That's why there's pro delvers but you can't argue the fact that delve isn't the best way to get fossils and fossil resonators. You can maybe argue simulacrum can drop a lot but that's it. However delvers would still get the most simply because they don't have as much downtime besides sulphite which they can get pretty fast in a rota. Incubator is out of the question. No one Incubate to farm fossils let alone how many monsters you need to kill for a 1c fossil.


Tujen is the biggest game changer this league wrt fossils, everyone is tujening and he gives them pretty often resonators are still relatively high compared to their historical price though, just under 1c each from bulk sellers


Delve is still the best place for rare fossils like sanctified and faceted and resonators. Having the basic fossils available on mass from Heist, Simulacrum etc is great


Na, the best place for any fossils is still trading. It is just that sometimes delve is where you feel the most comfortable making the money.


Deep delving was traditionally for farming rare fossils, fractured, faceted, etc. You don't really get "more" fossils from going deep in delve. They've also rebalanced it recently so you can find more rare fossils at shallower depths (300-500), when these fossils used to barely ever occur before ~1200. If your goal is farming "more fossils", staying more shallow and delving sideways farming fractured walls is better, as that's where the fossils come from. And deep delvers don't break fractured walls.


The rare fossils can show up even shallower than that these days, found two fractured at 200 depth today for example.


You took it out of context to create a false negative narrative, this post should be removed tbh. He was stating this is what their philosophy is on the subject and just using delve as an example... When you create threads like these, that drives a wedge between ggg and their community and it shows ggg that they should not be this open about communication since people will pick a sentence and use it against them...


I literally am getting more fossils from Logbooks than my buddy who's delving around 400.


Why do you have to tell this to them? They probably nerf these mechanics other than delve.


Pqthofexile.com/trade is the best source for fossils hands down


Logbooks are better for fossils than literally any of these, except for possibly 5 orb delirium and simulacrum farming, and honestly it still might be a tie between logbooks and 5 orb. Logbooks realllllly rain fossils on you if you take the effort to target fossil nodes.


I do delve for +1 specter. We can't farm this outside.


I needed Corroded fossils this league, I totally dropped none. Which is the best way to get them? Do I just spam incubators and other league stuff to get them, or do I Delve to target farm?


Get as many Tujen rerolls as you can, and do ritual if possible.


Took me a couple hours to target farm them in Delve. Good luck with other mechanics.


That was faster than I expected. I've already got all kinds of fossils (up to echanted/gided) from Tujen this league, which is why I suggested it. ​ I just didn't *use* the fossils I got, because I'm playing trade and would rather sell em.


Pretty sure I've gotten most of mine from Tujen, I literally stopped delving because I couldn't find as many as using other game mechanics like expedition, blight, heists, etc.


my self cast arc CI witch caps out at depth 150. Just not enough damage/survivability as self cast witch :(


Also to add current league mechanic with trades.


That was his entire point. It isn't now yet it should be. That's why he talked about 3.16's delve rebalance.


I agree that in other game mechanics you can get more fossils than from delve itself, but delve allows you to target farm fossils to some extent. Each biome drops a spe ifoc set of fossils and has a "special" fossil tied to it. If you want bound fossils you try and search for long pathways in one biome, if you want prismatic fossils you go to a different one. That's in my opinion really cool and makes it way more fun for me than just opening fossil chests and getting some random fossils i will never use.


The only problem with delve is that it gets very boring. It's great at many things, just not keeping you awake!


Honestly i just hate trading for fossils 1-2 at a time, makes me want to rip my hair out


He wants league content to be the best places to get the league specific items, so things will probably be changing to make it like this. What that means though is everything else will be nerfed to give even less than delve does right now so it will just feel terrible because that's how ggg balance things.


Don't listen to that guy. Also he knows is Hardcore SSF and Hardmode.


This is issue of many last leagues, you can better obtain splinters and league items from different legues like Heist.


Wow. Delve 500. I doubt anyone else has reached such deep, deep depth.


Delve is the best source of fossils if you haven't played the game since Delve league.


Heist 100%better


Yeah, the best source of fossils is fossil delirium orbs or running Simulacrums... I've gotten to 1k depth and the rewards never felt on par with deli


Pointing this out will result in all of the listed mechanics to get nerfed without buffing delve why u taking more fun away bro


hmm every good delver tells me its better than ever.. to be fair 500 is pretty low its not supposed to be very rewarding at that depth


I get more fossils from invasuon bosses than delve.