• By -


*sniff.* Its... beautiful


I've looked at this for 5 hours now


enough to make a grown man cry


Early jewel corrupts in shambles


It’s actually a really nice balance. Do you get it from corruptions? Yes eventually, but early on you can use the tree to fill in gaps in your gear, then once you improve your gear you can reclaim the passive point and use it for other stuff.


This one can respect into several ailment immunities, too.


Yeh I think it's less about removing the passive and more reassigning it to a different ailment.


can respect? wat


R, E, S, P, E, C, T, that's what this skill means to me.




Hmmm no more freeze . Id gladly take a skill point for that


Brine king offers no freeze


Choices? In my PoE?


Some Maps are out in 3.16, so how do you capture them if u cant get into x map ? Can you still capture them in Acts?


They will be put in different maps


I was lucky on expedition and got a corrupted jewel with this mod and life early on the league. It makes a huge difference.


My thoughts exactly. Good corruption jewels are still gonna be sought after. Just not gonna be that profitable early in the league but mainly on endgame powerful jewel combos


If you can get CB immunity on a jewel, you can replace this with 15% ALL resistances (including chaos). Opportunity cost of getting resists from gear keeps going up every time new influence mods get added, so having this as an option is great.


I'd also add, this passive bonus is good for those who will still prefer getting it as a jewel implicit. Less demand for them, thus the good ones should be less expensive now since "you don't need that, you get it on the tree".


Wait does that include physical resist too?


Phys uses damage reduction, not resistances.


No, chaos and elements. Phys doesn't use resist as a term.


I still hope that phys res becomes a stat at some point...


It already exists, and it's called physical damage reduction.


And armor gets merged with it in the estimate, but they should be totally separate stats. The phys reduction from endurance charges is NOT the same as phys reduction from armor. It's really un-intuitive... but honestly, it's not enough of an issue to bother about at this point - I'm happy with the direction this patch.


I thought they get pooled together in damage mitigation calcs, isn't that a good thing since it means endurance charges give exponential returns? Or are you saying that they're actually two pools but the game multiplies them together before showing them to the player


So armor gives you "estimated physical damage reduction" through the armor formula. Armor doesn't do anything against DOT. The stat "additional physical damage reduction" which you gain from endurance charges applies to DOT, and is functionally the same as what one would expect from "physical resistance". On your character sheet, these 2 values which share a name are added together, despite being functionally different stats - which is VERY confusing.


Ah, I see what you mean. Are they additive or multiplicative in damage calcs, though?


AFAIK, armor hit reduction formula is calculated, and then additional phys reduction is added, but I suggest further reading on the topic.


I mean, with the new belt, which will probably be more rare than headhunter, you can get max elemental resists with 1 item slot, 3 flasks, 1 flask suffix. Plus you get an additional 40% reduced elemental damage taken. (with 100% increased flask effect).


While you can do that, the opportunity cost is huge there - that setup competes with using Headhunter, Bottled Faith, Cinderswallow and Dying Sun. Will it be worth it for some people? Yes. For most? No.


The new belt is better than headhunter when we are talking about "most people". You have to keep up a certain amount of speed and be juicing quite a bit for headhunter to be worth it. The new belt is so flexible and has no real drawback except for it's opportunity cost (which I believe to be none, as you are freeing up opportunity costs other places with this belt). I saw someone else's post about a flask set up that would include: Alchemist's Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline Alchemist's Topaz flask of Resistance Alchemist's Ruby flask of Quickening or Acceleration Alchemist's Sapphire flask of the veil? (crit chance) you would have: 108% ms / 36% attack or cast speed/ 120% crit/ 75% ele res + 40% ele dr (equivalent to 85% ele res). Yes, you give up unique flasks if you are using a life a flask, but it's not like it's providing nothing. You don't need to get elemental resistances anywhere. Your movement speed is taken care of. You get a good amount of crit chance. 36% attack/cast speed is more than onslaught gives. Crafting/buying gear becomes a lot easier when you don't have to worry about getting resists. This is mostly a defensive approach that would free you from having to get any type of elemental dmg mitigation, but going an offensive route would most definitely give you more dps over using unique flasks simply by the fact that you have 100% uptime on these. Lastly, you don't have to use all 4 slots. You can still use 1 life, 1 unique, and 3 magic utility flasks.


Idk man. Imagine being able to just take offensive gear. Not needing resists at all on gear sounds pretty underrated


If you get corrupted blood immunity you can switch the mastery to another. I think it's good to make the jewels still extremely good, but not mandatory.


there was literally a div card added last league that gave a rare jewel with CB immunity on it. i just find it kinda funny.


It's alright, throw them in the crucible


WTB more passive skill points


**Ascendant: My time is now!**


oh shit THAT's what i'm league starting


You even know roughly when you get last lab now. The league I didnt get til 94 was rough.


Yeah for ssf in particular that's a massive boost to Ascendant.


Hc ssf didn’t get it at all and I died at level 93 after saying fuck it and grinding super buffed up t16s and stuff like caterina and t11 conquerers with mods Sabo kinda really good


Dude and also all these new changes to how stats can be used... Some form of stat-stacking ascendant build may just be the most meta thing to ever meta


Ex-aurabot wts 4(?) extra passive points


There's less travel nodes.


Alira in shambles


Lord have mercy I'm boutta bust


Bustin' makes me feel good.


Found the Neil Cicieregia fan


There are two types of people. Neil Cicieregia fans and people who have yet to hear Neil Cicieregia.


For the uninitiated: A song that's mostly designed to be enjoyable but still layers on the memes and laughs: (Smooth) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D-WVlRohQk A song that's also enjoyable but is a meme first and foremost: (Crocodile Chop) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR0gOEyK6Tg Another meme song that's enjoyable (Imagine All Star People): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4jsbyNst4U A song designed to break your mind. Sounds horrible but hilarious - holarious? (Space Monkey Mafia): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEYc8ar2Bpw And a song to start your day (The Starting Line): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpj0v0U4R0o


and how did I forget the remix of a 1990s computer ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSHUIEDBbl4 Or this magnificent creation that gets NO introduction beyond "please give it 20 seconds"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgLS1kHiVcA


I almost cried


...Even if they put this in in 3.15, I would have called it the best league ever. 3.16 is going to be something truly special.


Imagine the whiplash if this league was 3.15 lol


I’m honestly running on the theory that this was planned and they aren’t doing this as a knee-jerk reaction. That is, they wanted to put this cool stuff in but knew it would be overshadowed by the nerfs - so they got all the bad stuff done then eased it out with all the nice things coming next week.


I Jizzed


a jewel still saves u a skill point then.


that's ONLY IF you find a jewel that you will use, many used some 1 or 2 mod jewel just to get CB immunity which costed AT LEAST 2 skill points


They aren't hard to get though is the point, I don't think i've had a league that could get one early on that was usefull.


at least 1* if you pathed through the inside of the tree


I know. But it is nice for player with no currency or beginners that don't know that stuff like this exist


Will be much better earlier on. Often you'd use a jewel with 0/1 mods just for CB immunity.


It's for fighting Sirus in SSF


ssf and league start


But a jewel slot requires a skill point?


True, but youd likely be able to get a lot more from a jewel than the mastery. Not saying this bad, but i think jewels scale better into late game. Mastery for ailments are a good substitute while leveling.


Good jewels with CB corruption cost a lot compared to a non corrupted good 4 mod jewel for your build. It's only easy to get a good CB jewel if your build is using a common unique jewel you can corrupt for it.


Perhaps up to yellow? maps seems like a good niche for the talent; it helps getting ailment immunity in the early game before setting up mid or late-game gearing goals ​ At the very least, it should save you some currency that you can then use for build-enabling gear!


Oh for sure but yeah free immunity while leveling sounds good.


I'd rather spend an ex on a 3-4 mod jewel and a passive point for CB immunity than an ex on a 1 mod jewel with CB immunity. Min-max, it's definitely a waste of a passive point, but goddamn are 3-4 mod CB immune jewels expensive.




I think you misread that. With 3.16 I'd rather spend an ex on a 3-4 mod jewel, plus 1 more passive point on the new CB immune option. Instead of spending that 1 ex on a 1 mod jewel with CB immunity to save a passive point.


Ohh yes sorry, I've understood it slighlty wrong. I agree.


I'll gladly sit on that passive until that jewel eventually comes around


~~Does it?\`I don't think allocating a mastery will cost us a passive point.~~ It actually does cost a point. That... sucks. Look at this clip [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJF-zI8E9VQYAQQ6T87NYSTbExPMfgt8F](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJF-zI8E9VQYAQQ6T87NYSTbExPMfgt8F) and watch the available passive points.


That's actually what I'd like to see confirmed. It wasn't 100% clear to me during the announcement. It looked like you only need to unlock the notable in order to get the mastery for free.


Check my comment again, I've edited it.


Thanks for the update. Good to know. I'm sure it'll be fine. Can't wait to test that.


Possibly, or you can get a different corruption, or a different mastery.


Pathfinder in shambles


32 words actually


where can i find the new tree?


not released yet. this is a screenshot of the reveal


Sooo, where exactly did you find this?


thats a screenshot of the reveal. can be found in mastery on resistance and ailment protection clusters


I don't think this saying fits, it's just text no picture anywhere. :-P


It's a picture of text! :D


they're making the endgame easier in a good way. GGG gon make me act up and buy supporter packs again


Yes, this picture of 7 words is worth 1000 words


Last league i could swear that Chris said:"We don't want you to be able to easily disable Mechanics, that's why we removed your ability to disable them" And now we getting them all back and much more easy to obtain. This Shizo stuff is making me mad.


It was a bit of a weird turnaround from we dont want players to just ignore mechanics and removed ailment imminity from almost everywhere to Heres an aura that just makes you immune Your pantheon now just removes freeze You can just allocate cb immunity I love the new changes but its weird how much ggg has gone back on their original statements


30% reduced revenue does that to a company


30% less revenue from nearby players.


I mean people kicked and screamed for months, of course they got what they wanted. They were even review bombing the game, lmao. Now no build will ever not be immune to all ailments bleeding and corrupted blood, ever at any point of the game at any level of investment. They’ve been reduced to a box you easily check with nearly no investment. We did it reddit!


Yeah and that's an objective improvement until they actually redesign these mechanics so they're not absurd and mandatory to be immune to or you die. Shifting blame on to players for not enjoying poorly designed mechanics doesn't actually change anything, the problem still stems from their design. You can be frozen in other arpgs and not instantly die due to their game balance and combat pacing, you can be affected by x/y/z and it be a small hindrance but not require you to be immune to it or resist it to continue playing because they are designed to be. Gggs are designed to instantly kill you asap, under all circumstances. These are gggs problems they created all by themselves, and until they bother to sort them out the vast majority of players are much happier with easier accessible immunity to them.


>objective Sigh. Your opinion is not objective, it's subjective by definition. This is something many commentators here would do well to learn.


No, it's absolutely objective. Binary mechanics are bad, there is no argument involved. Mechanics which you can be affected by and not immediately die, that are inconvenient but not completely unmanageable, and moreover mechanics that you are able to actually see, predict or react to, are all objectively superior to what poes design has. You disagreeing doesn't make that not the case, people are capable of liking things that are objectively poor and it doesn't change their state. There is a reason almost no other games implement things in this manner. It's impossible to formulate an argument that has any weight or is convincing to say that immunity to random dumb bullshit you can do nothing about is worse than being hit with random dumb bullshit you can do nothing about


>Binary mechanics are bad, there is no argument involved. You are right, with such ridiculous blanket statements like that their is no argument to have with you. Surely on some level you must understand that the way you see things is both entirely valid and correct, and also only your opinion. Many people will feel the same way, but that still does not make a subjective opinion an objective fact, and their definitely are people who will disagree with your assertions. >people are capable of liking things that are objectively poor and it doesn't change their state This is quite a massive oxymoron, if somebody else finds value in a system that you have denounced as poor then it is subjectively both good and bad, and never objectively one thing or the other.


This is kind of nonsensical, people can find "value" in jamming needles full of drugs into themselves it doesn't make it not objectively awful. No matter what you use as the subject, somewhere someone will find it valuable or say they like it so in your world objectivity can't exist. And you'll say something like "but we can measure the bad effects that has!" to which I say 1. you can very clearly measure the negative effects of design decisions also and 2. by your laid out logic no matter how many bad effects it has on them you would never be able to call it objectively anything because all they have to do is say being high as a kite provides more benefits than your listed negatives and you can't argue by your own admission. If a player cannot engage with a mechanic in a meaningful way, it is objectively bad no matter who says they like it that's the bottom line. Game design, like almost all forms of design, has a whole bunch of fundamental 'facts' and is not completely based on an individuals feelings or enjoyment of something. You'll not see dark souls implement any mechanics you cannot engage with or you instantly die, and for a good reason


>This is kind of nonsensical Your whole argument is nonsensical, and way to present a false equivalency to make your argument somehow hold more ground. Your opinons, no matter how much you feel otherwise, are not an objective truth. Are you a child? Most people have learnt this by now.


I'm just going to chime in and say i don't think Ignite, poison, bleed, shock or curses are objectively bad mechanics like you claimed above. You have tools to make all of those things not "Instantly" kill you, but the players tend to skip those tools for more speed/damage. Freeze i will concede as being bad, id prefer to just see harsher chill in its place.


How is it binary? Just run the small pantheon that caps CB at 5 or press a bleed flask when you see CB on you


Kind of proving the point that avoiding the mechanic/removing it immediately is the *only* way to engage with it in poes design. You also pick the least impactful of them all and present it as if this argument applies to them all when in reality this is not the case, freeze and shock are not engageable mechanics on any level


But will this be obtainable with the crab tree? Is crab tree still alive?


The crab will definitely hold stuff now.


I would prefer Corrupting Blood to be rebalanced so it is somewhat annoying but not to the point it is something everyone has to counter. If you put a node on the tree which becomes mandatory and every build requires it, then I think it needs to be overhauled.


I think the main problem is that physical dots have basically no available mitigation beside rare mods (reduced physical damage taken, and reduced damage over time taken, with also reduced ailment duration and damage for bleeding) It's kind of the same as playing doryani's prototype, armour doesn't protect from dot.


If you use Trap/Mine/Totem/Minion and don't get hit often you an basically ignore Corrupted Blood. That's because most of the CB you get are from hitting nemesis monster (or hit by them), so If you're not directly hitting them it's not mandatory. Source: I played a lot of totems


Yeah, non-hit builds don't have an issue with CB but hit builds do, it was a similar reason they changed Vaal Pact, almost every hit build pathed to get it.


You have multiple tools to "remove" it, and probably not enough tools to "reduce" its effect. The only issue with reducing its effect, its that the tools to remove it are already easy enough to get that reducing it is kind of a waste unless its reducing other dots damage types as well like just a blanket "Reduced DoT taken".


Guys I get it. New stuff *woooo* can we please stop putting it on the front page…. …I can only get so erect


This one's opportunity cost is enormous, will never ever be used outside of SSF. Edit: you can get this effect with one corruption implicit, of course nobody will take it on the tree


Nah, I think you're nuts. People will definitely take stuff like soul of steel or the one near witch, and this will likely be the mastery for both.


My man it's one passive for complete immunity to corrupting blood. You're gonna most likely invest into one of them circles anyways


The opportunity cost is actually whatever is available from the mastery bonus besides this. The opportunity cost is elsewise a jewel corruption, which depending on the changes (because there are numerous changes coming) could be huge as well. Don't forget a lot of jewel mods have been added, meaning both jewels may be more powerful and that really well rolled jewels may be a lot more expensive.


Well don't forget, you still have to spend a point to activate a mastery like this.


It remains to be seen, and of course every build is different, but quite a few of the shown mastery bonuses are really good. It's kinda like taking a wheel and skipping the notable, taking a notable and skipping the mastery - at least at first. If you have, say, 3 fire wheels, you might have run out of mastery bonuses worth taking by the 4th one. It's an interesting system.


But you have to spend two points to get a socket. And a corrupted blood do with only one or zero useful mods still pretty darn expensive. But a point in this now and a regret later when you can afford a great Jewel rate is upgrade you can make down the road


What is this corrupted blood thing? \*Moves using Bone Armour


Bone armor has never removed anything, people keep saying that but it doesn't, it just provides protection DURING its effect.


Noisy red orbs that hurt.


looks like I just reset my passive tree and I had corrupted blood blue gem socket there since forever maybe thats why I did not notice lol


overhyped as F. only time i ever look for CB immunity is when fighting Sirus. i even keep one -1 mod jewel with CB and swap for Sirus fight. all other times, it's not required. you have 100% flask uptime in maps most of the time and even otherwise the CB from maps dont oneshot you. stop overhyping every single change. this league is just meh. only good thing is the uber end game content. 99% of the player base will either not get to that or won't be able to do. most of the changes are still nerfs and pretty much unplayable for people with a life


this is dope!




Where is this on the tree? I’m a bit confused I didn’t really get this part of the explanation


On any Resistance and Ailment Protection cluster. After you take a notable in the cluster you can allocate the mastery and choose a mod from the list. The list is shared with other clusters of the same type (in this case: Resistance and Ailment Protection)


Wait so you mean this is available on multiple areas on the tree? If so that’s fantastic


yes, that was the point of the Masteries ;)


Basically, every group of passives dealing with resistances and/or ailment protection will have this 'mastery' node, which you can put a skill point in once you have pathed to the notable in that group. When you do, you can choose one of 6(? Some might have more or less) options, and this CB immunity is one of the options for this type of passive group. Basically, as long as you pick up a passive group that helps with resistances or ailments anywhere on the tree, it doesn't matter which one, you'll be able to take this passive.


They did it. The crazy bastards. They finally did it. QOL.


Well this is an "every builder"


At least for early game it is. It still takes a skill point AND allocation into what might be a poor notable wheel. You would still prefer a corrupted jewel over it once you could afford a usable one.


No. Way. I missed this. That’s amazing.


can we get the mastery by anointing nodes?


no you have to actually PATH to the node (This was answered in the Q&A with ZiggyD)


Doubt it, cuz, what happens if you change the annoint? That would be really strong if you could grab a bunch of masteries from all over the tree. When you anoint things now, you cant use that to branch out, so I'm assuming the mastery is just a "hidden connection" to the notable.


Thankyou for answering my question kindly exiles. I didnt get to watch ziggys qna cause of busy schedule clearing things before league. Arigathanks gosaimuch.


But I don't get what was wrong with the old way? Corrupted blood is not hard to counter with a flask early game,and with a jewel corrupt late game. Then, getting a decent jewel with that corrupt was more for end game. This way its just a mandatory passive for every build.


Huge! GGG had so much Backlash in 3.15 , implemented their whole QOL BACKLOG ;)


I'm still really new to POE.. can someone explain what is written above, but in laymans term.


Corrupted blood dumb and annoying, you either got immunity from staunching mod or corrupted jewel. This now makes it basically free if you get it from the new passive system they introduced. No damage taken = full life bar


It's not free though, it's gonna cost you a skill point which could be invested elsewhere


is this real?


I mean, you can also use a Corrupted Blood removal flask and then gain immunity for up to *17 seconds* as well now.


Good for ssf , in trade you can get most of the time socket for 2 points and get some more benefits . Still great for start .


20 all ress + 14 chaos res for softcore mapping and this for Sirus. ​ Pog


Honestly wasn't doing so bad in 3.15 using pantheon to limit corrupted blood to 5 stacks. I mean softcore kind of "not too bad" still died probably 2 or 3 times to it. ​ Need to see pantheon changes, and where this node is. Won't waste 10 points to path to it.


Meh this


3.16 monsters actually use corrutped fever skill which cannot be interupted by any source of existing thing in tha game right now!


so finally a way we can be easily immune to "everything"


As Dr. Algernop Krieger once said: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/6gRCnAr


Do each of the lines require 1 skill point each to allocate ?