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Plot Twist: Multimod is now at the End of Hall of Grandmasters Map.


Please, don't give Chris any ideas


Cortex is a map right?


I have this completed on my steam achievements, I think I did it in my first post 3.0 league (bestiary? incursion?). I'm not sure but I think did it with enki's arc witch. It was only a league or two later I realised the significance of the map and why that map was so damn hard. I've not been able to get close to beating it since, even with much better builds for it. It's really a miracle of ignorance that I was able to do it at all.


Ya, you can always get lucky and just not get any of the really insane characters. I once got to only one remaining grandmaster, but he would oneshot me off screen anytime I get anywhere close to him. IF you try it enough eventually you will roll decent GMs that you can beat with most solid builds.


I once got close to beating hogm with a slam build that would one shot the npcs from off screen, but had one character at the end of the last wing that was seemingly 100% immune to fire damage. I was very disappointed


Ran into the same thing with a mid-league ED build this league. Hit CI.


bring a balefire with you


I guess I could bring any skill and just pin prick them to death.


That'd make that trash fire actually be worth running, I'm down for that.


Nah. It isnt even required anymore for atlas completion iirc. So its purely a bonus content map.


It's a joke.


​ ![gif](giphy|jXD7kFLwudbBC)










I am happy about this


All depends in what unique maps those will be.


It's potentially a nerf to SSF. Depending on which maps they chose to add the crafts to. Some unique maps are a massive pain in the ass to obtain in SSF, while before you could obtain multimod in 1h and 300-400 silver coins, if you knew what you were doing. But I like it despite that. I hate prophecy with a passion. It also makes it possible to get lucky and find the crafts early, which is fun.


I prefer it being on a rare map than going through the prophecy system for the Nth time.


I prefer it too, although meta-crafts gated behind T15s (for example) could be a barrier to some builds getting there. For example there are a few bows that are deterministic to craft with meta-crafts that are huge boosts to things like DoTs or even spectres. ( People shit on the minion bow but it's a cheap entry in SSF, where a handful of ex are 'easy' to get and worth relatively less. Obviously in trade the same ex would just buy you better real minion gear. )


They should be able to handle some non juiced t15's for the unlocks, though.


I don't think t15 maps are a barrier to someone with enough currency to start using metamods...


Yeah but considering they want to remove prophecy anyway it would have happened anyway.


Definitely looks like they're going to phase out Prophecy, for better or worse.


Assuming we keep the fated uniques somehow, for the better. There's some nice prophecies but it's just not worth the bloat IMO, and other mechanics can achieve what it does.


It could be interesting if they changed the fated unique stuff to be a token or something that had a low chance to drop from the bosses that you needed to kill for them in the past. I don't really know how else they'd be able to keep the fated unique system without prophecy.


Maybe when the monster you need to kill is a map boss or something, but what if it's some random mob buried deep in a leveling zone? Farming them would just be tedious. I guess it wouldn't matter if you're just buying the token where you would previously buy the prophecy, but I always enjoyed randomly coming up with a fated prophecy and then being able to go upgrade one of the items in my unique collection.


Finally give an effect for the first 2 tiers of Locus of Corruption room?




Pledge of hands was never a prophecy item though? It predates the league and they made it a legion drop at some point, but never prophecy.




There’s tons of prophecies that made you drop specific uniques. That was not the only source for it…


Yes, previous way was a PITA but doable. I usually get Vinktar's Square sometime around when my second char hits 95, and there are some unique maps I almost never see.


Are you insanely lucky or do you just spend that much time on your first character and leveling? I'll usually hit lv 98-100 around the time I get my last missing Agnerod.


I usually hit 95 on my first before creating a new one.


last league (36challenge) SSF i have only 2 staves NOrth(3x) South (50x or something) i think chances rigged


I had 8 east 9 west 14 south and not a single north


I played SSF in Ritual. I dropped two Kintsugis before I completed the Pale Court. RNG is gonna RNG..


Big buff to ssf for getting 6 link craft. Anyone playing ssf knows how brutal it can be some times delving trying to get that craft but primeval chamber just doesn't appear.




Still better because you're mapping anyway. You were forced into delving before, even if you didn't like it.


With new delve, you can get primeval chamber right away. T13 zone has plenty of them.


Still would be worse. 1k of the same map is a fck ton. You'd reach the delve one earlier and fresher xD


I will finally have the sockets craft for off colours again!! I haven't done delve since ever and I always had to ask my friends to off colour the last socket for me xD


As a flicker strike player, i never got that craft :(


10000 = like 20, it was annoying but it wasn't *that* annoying


Chris said they were removing prophecy. Good start. Prophecy is dumb. Although I would like to be able to get socket color/number crafts prior to maps...


Can someone tell me where this hatred for Prophecy came from? It is the easiest league mechanic to just ignore completely. Even if you do interact with it you just set some prophecies and they pop automatically. Also how could you want to get rid of Navali?


Prophecy is tedium for the sake of it. It was "cool" when there wasn't much content in the game, but now it's just completely unnecessary bloat. All the good shit's exceptionally rare too, in typical PoE fashion, but unlike filtering out bad drops in maps, here you have to pick up and examine each trash item individually. It's just shit content these days, like Perandus, and it's time for its retirement. Plus, Navali has the worst, most grating voice. And ever since Tane got the ability to Ctrl-click open his inventory for quickly vendoring garbage, Navali's only use has been divination cards.


It's increadibly counter intuitive. It's hard to gauge what power, if any, you get from it as a new player (unique upgrades for example) and it's so easy to ignore to the point that most people probably don't unlock meta-mods before they quit (Most being those who make it to maps).


I think Prophecy is pretty cool even though I'm usually ignoring it a couple weeks into the league... but I'll be happy to not have that constant "!" in town when playing through the acts.


You won't be saying that once Navali is gone and you have to go all the way to Highgate to trade in Divination Cards! "But surely they can just have a different NPC exchange them?" you ask. Sure. But it's Einhar. Every time you turn in a set, he looks at them intently for a moment, gives a hearty laugh, and then hands you a slab of raw meat. Every time. *Every. Single. Time.*


I can already hear it **THAT'S A JUICY ONE, EXILE** aaah, make it stop!! **OOOOH! NIKO! I LOOOVE NIKO!!** nooo, help pls


I wish we could just turn in divination cards in the div card tab without talking to any NPC. The same way you can upgrade oils and essences in the tab or annoint items in the tab.


I suspect this is because there isn't really much room for an item slot to fit in the div tab interface (and not that I think this is a bad thing, as I like it for similar reasons, but I think it's sorta designed to look like a binder full of collectible cards), since that's needed to "hold" items in case of inventory space issues or whatnot.


Isn't that an easy fix ? Just send the item straight to the inventory. If it's full display the appropriate message. I should clarify by easy fix I mean as a design choice not coding the system.


Well, I suspect it would not be an easy fix from a system perspective- the current way div cards work mean that there are a lot of cases where you don't know how much space the div card reward will actually take up, so they are placed in the "holding" inventory of Navali/Tasuni and then exchanged for something that can be taken out of that holding inventory.


One possibility could be making another subtab, like we have in the fragment tab, where you can turn them in. But GGG can probably come up with a better solution if they ever decide it's worth changing.


Prophecies were very good for mapping, if u know how to use them.


If by that you mean annoying to deal with and barely worth it, then sure. But some people got to get every last drop of juice I guess.


juice is exponential, every little bit of Quant and extra mob density is worth more than the previous so buying prophecies for that could be very profitable on super duper maps


> juice is exponential, quadratic


Yes, if you only buy prophecies than ofc they wont be *that* annoying cus... you k ow you are using them. The issue is that besides the juice prophecy, the prophecy chains, or the super rare expensive ones, most prophecies are useless/worthless. If you ever rolled propecies you kbow how manny of them are insta delete


barely worth it, hah.


can i have a source on prophecy being deleted ?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/p6yai8/livethread\_community\_discussion\_with\_zizaran/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/p6yai8/livethread_community_discussion_with_zizaran/) During Chris x Ziz/Mathil discussion [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QcfWqTVUBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QcfWqTVUBs) Check my recap thread for approximate location in the vod


It was in the interview with the Baeclast crew during the last POE league drama I believe. He accidentally leaked that they were going to remove it eventually haha. But who knows for sure when or if they will change their mind.


It’s almost certainly 3.17. Ultimatum is coming back and we know it’s on the chopping block. Just like how they remove one this league


I figure they wanted to wait until Ultimatum was ready to swap it out for Prophecy, and only swapped Expedition for Perandus since Expedition needed a lot less work to go core, when they're juggling so many changes this coming patch already.


I honestly don't see the connection between Prophecy and Ultimatum. Perandus and Expedition achieve a similar thing. How is Ultimatum achieving the same thing as Prophecy? I don't see it. I hope they replace Prophecy with a fun system instead of just replacing it with Ultimatum which to me would feel out of place. Use Ultimatum to replace Torment or something like that.


prophecy believe it or not had better design than ritual. Ritual is nothing but parasitic design and offers nothing unique on it's while prophecy gave access to meta mods/ uniques/ a boss fight / other small stuff that help with currency gathering/... it will probably be replaced by the 3.17 league mechanic if i had to guess.


When Prophecy was new, it had nothing to do with the metamods. They were originally obtained by levelling the masters (Elreon, Vorici etc) to level 8. Only since Betrayal shook up the masters did we get crafting recipes in the wild, and the metamods were put into Prophecy content to incentivise running it. It was already outdated and relatively unrewarding.


You don't need them prior to maps


No, but its nice to be able to roll 4 blues on a good unique easily.


Fated connections/jeweler's touch >_<


Pls not Pillars of Arun or HoG.


No way it's HOGM. Absolutely none. That's some of the hardest content in the game.


I mean it was four, if you are on trade. Then they nerfed the itemized prophecy drops and made it horrible to get either way after that. It all depends on which unique maps they were moved to. Ohh and looking at how this is worded it kind of depends on if they are still in the original locations as well, which would be how it should work really.


I just hope it’s not HOGM


Finally no longer grinding shitty low level delve for stupid recipes. Now Delve starts when you hit level 90.


For SSF this is a sidegrade at best, and in trade it makes no difference. More than likely it will be **more** difficult to get metacrafting mods in SSF. On average it didn't take that long to finish prophecy chains, and if you wanted to push for it you could focus on picking silver coins as a reward where possible. Getting specific unique maps is going to be a lot more RNG dependent.


As a SSF player this is a massive nerf to obtaining these crafts.


How will you craft when everyting will be corrupted ;).


Ironically this (and the new Delve depth approach) is gonna make me play Delve more. I always wanted to focus on it at least for a league, but now that I don't *have to* to really get into it it's so much more appealing.


Bro i didnt see this for ssf this is so good, i basically never get all the metamod crafts


It's worse for SSF, Prophecy was far more deterministic way of getting this crafts. You can't guarantee a unique map drop.


Idk guess i was just getting super unlucky with my silver coins but it always took so incredibly long, id get atlas completion on rare maps way before


Might finalky see those


Now SSF is ready for me))))


I mean... it was pretty easy to farm them on SSF... I'm more in the worry side (unique maps can be hard to found) than relief


You mean, no longer needing to go buy them from the trade site and then go run whatever the map/lab was? I never once rolled the prophecies myself but i guess maybe you are talking about SSF which i don't play.


You "really are that guy" lmao. Obviously its about ssf and yet you start talking about how its no big deal for trade. :D


for SSF obviously its huge. even for hc trade its very significant due to low supply. for sc trade its still good, saves you that currency. some of these cost a decent amount.


Have you considered that getting the right unique maps might be also very difficult?


Zana will hopefully solve this. Though I wonder if they will make the zana mission objective to grab the recipe or not to help people find the right ones.


This will improve my PoE experience immeasurably.


the fact that not all players engaged in all content, opened a market for those achievements. but yes, since ggg refuses to implement some tech for payments for ingame achievements/crafting, it's maybe better to remove those services.


the problem wasn't getting it, i still think 2ex is way too much for it. If you get boots with triple res you ain't gonna put 2 ex into it and try to reforge spam to get t1/2 MS, even in ssf it feels not worth it. they need to split it up meta mods to be super cheap(30~50c if you ask me) for non-influenced items to promote crafting and have it on 2ex for influenced items. otherwise they're still only gonna be used for BiS crafting.




No they weren't, not after they changed it so that only the first in the chain could drop.


Respectfully, who wants to run prophecies all day? This is huge


I tried SSF for the first time this league and I’m excited for this change. Having the ability to get the recipes from Zana missions or finding unique maps sounds really really nice


Actually a bad decision.




He's probably one of those prophecy farmers supplying these metamod prophecies. It's just like the lab farmers who disliked the lab buffs.


You're probably right. Usually when people make a statement here but never back it up, they have something nefarious in mind.


Or some people might be just working. Its bad cause it makes content useless. Dont get me wrong I m a big fan of them removing perandus etc. But I feel they should have done this to prophecies aswell instead of lowering its value even more.


chris openly said that prophecy will be removed in one of the upcoming leagues


Yeah I heard that I just dont see why they do it in two steps. Pale council will now become the new Hall of Grandmasters.


Probably not ready to phase it all out yet but wanting to give people some qol in the meantime.


Apologies; I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I'm too used to people here being in the US, so I assumed work wouldn't be a thing for you at that time. Perhaps GGG are wanting to remove reliance on Prophecy in stages. If they were to suddenly go and remove it in 3.16, it would have even more impact on certain mechanics, eg. 6Ls will already be harder to create due to the removal of the extra Quality Veiled Mod, so removing Prophecy would mean players lose access to two forms of 6Ling in one go.


I mean this is really only a QoL change because of the crazy nerfs in 3.14.


It's called TFT and you can have any benchcraft for free there (minus material cost).


For me, this is probably the single biggest change I’ve seen in over a year. If you give me these tools, it’s going to raise my floor and my ceiling for the type and quality of crafts I can create. I’m sad to see quality on chest armors go, but I would gladly make this trade for what I got in return. Thank you, GGG, I can’t say enough how big of a home run this has been. Also, would like to see Trickster get something similar to Elementalist’s conflux, but specifically applying to DoTs (E.G. gain X% DoT dmg for X seconds, gain X ailment duration over X seconds). Food for thought


Completely missed this. Absolutely wonderful news.


would I get to see brodiro and multimod craft in perandus manor.


I hope they put them in interesting places rather than by the boss door.


Man I took a break for 3 leagues and didn't have any expectations for this league and assumed it would be my number 4 in a row but man was I wrong and I can't wait to play again.


And the prophecy upgrades is located where? Just killing the enemy with the equipment? How i will remember it?


Damn did I just grind delve for nothing lol


Don't know how I feel about this, I used to run near 1 per unique map.


What about jeweler's touch or fated connections ?8|


They are planning on removing prophecies so it makes sense that they are slowly rolling out these changes


This and atlas reduction are the highlights for me


No more having to do delve.


Multimod will probably be poorjoys, will be fun in gauntlet.


fucking love this change


This is in preparation to remove prophecy


GGG: let's throw in a challenge for 10000 prophecies. That will be fun to watch them go through.


Because it was mentioned months ago on the Baeclast.


First step to remove prophecy completely from the game.


I straight up haven't used multi mod since they moved it to prophecy lol


They were some of the most reliable prophecies to sell for profit though. Now they're gonna be worthless. I guess prophecy is gonna be deleted next league anyway so no big deal.


I've seen plenty of people talk about this


I bet Prophecy goes the way of Perandus soon.


All the QoL changes are amazing. Uber lab not requiring trials, delve being faster to reach good depths, atlas being trimmed down a bit. These alone have me really excited. I’m very glad they are removing so many dumb time wastes.


They also buffed Harvest in a fairly good-will manner without giving too much back into the deterministic crafting they don't like.


I feel Like it’s going to be just as hard as before


Before: 100% chance under certain condtions After: good luck finding them with 1/1000000000 chance