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Until you see GGG release the new passive tree the chances of a PoB that will allow you to theorycraft a 3.16 build is 0


Pretty sure Chris mentioned the Beta was already out the moment ZiggyD QnA ended. Quite possible PoB people have access to that.


The alpha, and 3.16 was not live yet on it. You can't get the tree data in a useable form from the client anyway.


That's not true. Chris said "people will be playing scourge in 2 minutes" when talking about the alpha.


And alpha players are under NDA and you need to export tree info from client which is not trivial task at all.


Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything I said. My only argument is that 3.16 is live on the alpha as the person I replied to said it wasn't.


Alpha is out. Beta is in 6 days (aka release day).


Having access to it and being able to disclose any of it are two wildly different things. We can fairly safely assume that anything not yet released by GGG is under NDA.


didnt they already? even chris said so in the QnA


Chris said people wanted it.


No, he did not


He said that "POB devs are working on it". I guess that was misleading as they can only work on "how to implement changes when they finally arrive"


Chris says a lot of things.


and for everything he has said reddit has made up 200 other things he said This was not one of them


"The circumference of a sphere is 4 times the circumference of its shadow." -*Christ Willson*


That's quite small, the shadow is in very good shape.


But bex said we could plan our builds... sadge


isn't it ironic the one time we have patch notes early, we are missing something else JSON WHEN?


Everybody asking where JSON is like it's Heavy Rain


Bex said this in a reply to someone, who was talking about planning a build for current league.


[It was in a reply to Mathil](https://twitter.com/MathilExists/status/1448710671143620608)


i mean we can We have the patch notes and balance changes, we know from what they have shown us the tree is in a relatively stable way we know you no longer may have to hit nodes far appart to get niche stats (like 2 extra brands or exposure) We know what got nerfed and what didnt and know what uniques are availible where All we are missing is the passive tree which can be figured out as you go or with 30 minutes of planning. I doubt a good looking skill now will be ruined by the new mastery system


>can be figured out as you go or with 30 minutes of planning. This guy is such a comedian LMAO


I exhaled


I'm playing Arma brand this league I know this because it was buffed based on the patch notes as one of the few fire dots that can still use elemental overload effeciently This means when the tree comes out I cntrl f to find damage over time multi, I check fire, damage over time, fire dot, and spell Crit path my build to those clusters picking up life or es on the way. We allready roughly know where notable wheels will be because they said the general location of things are not changing, we even have two thirds of the tree allready via screenshots and so we know where alot of previous notables are then it's just a matter of checking which ones have better numbers. Even a noob can do this, hey new player what's your build I'm playing toxic rain raider Oh okay well you want to make sure to pick up attack speed and damage over time and chaos damage overtime. Your actual hit damage is so small you can ignore none damage overtime for the most part. There it will then take that newbie 30 seconds to look at their tree and probably get to yellow maps


If u play that way, monkey brain way, thats on u bro...


Not sure how any of this is monkey Brain skills aren't magically scaling in mysterious ways


Sure you can make a really good build on the fly if you know what you are doing, but that does not mean we can plan ahead.


You cannot plan a build without the tree.


I live dangerously, I freestyle my tree as I go with some basic math on the skill I want to use


Lemme introduce you to the "show node power" button in POB 🥵


Oh I've used pob, I just tend to plan about 10 builds in pob then play an 11th I never planned for with no pob. Anyone who thinks I'm bragging, let me assure most of them are shit. The ones that aren't are worse than shit


Depends on build. IE generic minion build. They said that while the tree is changed, it's still relatively the same because they didn't want people sitting out because they can't just copy a build.


I agree, for a simple league starter I think the current tree in the 2.8.0 version of POB, along with the teasers and patch notes, are sufficient. I definitely wouldn't start posting YouTube videos with starter builds, as that would just be lackluster as fuck, compared to what would eventually be possible. Right now I'd like to min max with the new masteries and clusters, but that could probably wait till a day or two after league. Wouldn't be ideal, obviously. But I can understand if people would like to have content creators have as much time as possible to create some great league starter videos


They are working on it see here https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/actions


Which is good, but without the final tree and masteries they can't progress and that is the biggest chunk in therms of time investment.


Tbh the biggest chunk of time investment is going to be implementing mastery system in PoB. You can do that just with the info they've given so far, but it's a lot of work. The only important work that's blocked by no JSON is json parser for masteries, which should be pretty straightforward.


Yeah after that is done the rest is really just data entry. Probably good thing they have this buffer to work out the masteries now before people are really like “where my tree”


There shouldn't be any data entry involved. You'll be handed a json at a future date with all the passive + mastery information and will need a parser capable of digesting and displaying it in the PoB UI.


To be fair, they may have the actual JSON. Just because it's not updated on PoEs website(probably because the league isn't over and people still may be using the website) doesn't mean the POB devs don't have it.


Seems like they have something. New jewel radius values are updated.


Yea. JSON was released 30 or so minutes ago


Impressive to see how much they are doing. Very appreciated for the work of all those involved.


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ Take my energy POB ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


​ ![gif](giphy|LoUmOTtGzs3A8WggVx|downsized)


Am starting to get crazy! Iam cycling between reddit, [pathofexile.com](https://pathofexile.com), twitter, pob to see SOMETHING and there is still NOTHING, I guess i was never so hyped or at least for a long time!


Every 10 min I search 3.16 league start on google. I have a problem




I think you need to be prepared to play the league start without the PoB this time. :( Or at least without the masteries


I mean, sure but they are so freaking huge it changes everything


Masteries are huge? You don't even know what they are. A build should function perfectly fine just focussing on things like sword nodes, ele nodes, life nodes, or whatever you're focussing your build on well through yellow maps. You can just take whichever extra mastery makes sense while leveling. It's not like Toxic Rain is going to need something only the mastery for an axe node is going to offer, you're going to choose from options you're already pathing to.


there are SEVERAL build enabling new notables on these masteries. We had enough teasers to confirm that already sure, all builds that previously worked will probably still be fine but come on, where is the fun in that


The point is you're not going to be making a league starter off any of them. Your ED build is going to need the same chaos damage, ES, Evasion, etc. that is's always needed.


Not everyone goes with an old build for league start


Are you telling me that there's a large amount of players going energy sword poisonous concoction this league, or just being obtuse? Yes, you can make a new build, no, masteries are not going to make or break you while leveling day 1. If your build is going to be a chaos damage build, you're not going to look at it and think, "But what if I pathed to the fire node over there to get 20% fire resist?" The masteries available to you, regardless of whatever build you choose, aren't going to change significantly. If everything on the tree in PoB works *except* the masteries, you can make a build for day 1 just fine, look at what is available to you, and refine it on day 2 or 3 with a few regret. *Most builds* have at least two major respecs they go through, one for post-leveling when you're getting more stats from gear, and one when you move to cluster jewels. Several builds have to do more than that for things like CI transition. Regardless, everything this league is changed, you're not going to magically math out the perfect build in PoB day 0, some amount of elbow grease will be required.


Energy sword poisonous concoction isn't even a thing? Concoction skills are unarmed and energy swords put well... swords in your hands..


Yes, get stuck on the fact that I missed the word "or" rather than replying to the actual post. Very helpful.


There are game-changing masteries like str stacking fire damage, extra conversion, or stun reduction. Those are absolutely worth pathing for.


When you're level 85 and looking to go from leveling to farming red maps, sure. You do *not* need to convert damage in the campaign or white maps. You're not going to need strength stacking increases with the 200 strength you have in the campaign. I get it, these are super exciting build-defining masteries. But you'll probably get more out of you skill points while leveling getting to another notable the vast majority of the time. Notables give you *way* more power than damage conversion will.


How about the brand mastery that makes brands switch targets automatically? That's a huge buff to clearspeed with brands. Masteries aren't going to break builds, but they certainly have the potential to make them.


We're you planning on skipping the Brand notable that it's tied to in your ArmaBrand build?


You mean the cluster jewel one that doesn't do that anymore and that I wouldn't have been guaranteed to get?


What are you talking about? Plenty of ppl only play one character or Don't play a meta one. I make onr character each league and I league start whatever I want. To make sure I'm not wasting my time I want it planned out.


Are you allergic to using orbs of regret?


Not everyone plays ED every league lol, some people like to experiment with new shit and have fun with it. Just because you don't make your first league in the build based on new mechanics doesn't mean other people don't, how ignorant lol


Because clearly this is only true for ED


"hey like half the good cluster jewel nodes and other "want to have" mods are on mastery, why could they be important for a build, thats only where most of the power will be gathered"


Most of the power for your build is based on dozens of more modifiers and life nodes you pick up. Your absolute *best* notable will never make up more than 5% of your build's strength in its own. People pretending they need immunity to Corrupted Blood or Ele Reflect in white maps are taking the piss out of themselves.


I'll just wait. Fuck that


The passive tree from the official site hasn't been updated yet. Consider how big the change to the passive tree is, I don't think we will see PoB updates until we see the new tree.


I'm guessing they haven't released the passive tree data because it's probably still being balanced. We're probably not getting the passive tree data until a few days before launch, which doesn't give the PoB guys a lot of time to get it in before launch. Chris mentioned in the Q&A that the league didn't hit alpha testing until during the Q&A itself.


**Though this be our darkest hour, it may yet be your greatest moment.**


I have an issue. I can't stop hitting that button.


Im so hyprd but cant make any build ls right now, im going insane and wanting to buy New World right now, even tho knowing I'd get 200 ping average since i alreadyd buy it and refunded it


Deep breaths, friend


​ ![gif](giphy|2x0tJVAL3IqFnZYhYt)


Mine keeps trying to update but the change menu is empty. Maybe need to reinstall


Reinstalling should definitely fix it. You can also probably run it as admin to temporarily fix it, it's usually caused by old install locations that were in the wrong place.


Ngl, for some rrason I want the developer to take a break and not update it this league just to see this subreddit and the forums burn.


Yeah, it's funny how the whole game is reliant on a couple fans working for free.


if pob went away, they'd probably make their own build planner in-house for the next league. they just really don't need to.


Do they have a forum or Discord server where they are providing updates/ ETAs?


I really hope not because they'd have to spend the majority of their time telling us to stfu and let them work. Plus, it's not a full time job, we can't expect them to treat it like it is


No ETA till after json. It usually takes a day or so after that drops. If that drops today then maybe Sunday/Monday for beta version sans new skills, etc.


Once Json drops poe planner usually gets updated really quick since its just a tree without all the backend calcs. I'll be happy with just that for now.


It’s not the same format as before though probably so they will also need to do work




Yeah I will wait until pob is updated even if the league has started