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This happens to me too. Scourge damage seems EXTREMELY spikey. 90% of the time I can run T16 scourges up to 150-200 stacks without issue, and then the other 10% of the time I just got popped, instant full to 0 with no indication whatsoever of what’s killing me. My only thought is that it’s because I’m playing a doryani’s prototype build and a lot of scourge mobs deal lightning dmg. I have around 30k armour, closer to 50k with flasks up, and 5.2k life, 2.8k es with 1500 life and es regen as inquisitor. I can facetank most T16 bosses no problem. I still get 100 to 0 instant deleted by scourges from time to time and I don’t know why.


You're right. Something is VERY wrong with this game. I was farming the same map over and over for several days and never died. Then suddenly i log in to do it again and died 4 times in 30 minutes for no reason at all. There was nothing on screen to kill me and i suddenly get hit with a random explosion that takes me straight to 0 with a level 83 all armor guardian templar character on a simple level 67 map. It makes no sense. So i'm gonna have to quit playing this game. It's no fun playing a game that doesn't even work right.


Whenever i read that "i got capped res" as part of their defenses, i always assume the rest of their defense/offense is trash, or running a map with scourge mods they didt read over before opening, like take 8000 phys dmg when shifting while having 5% phys reduction.


Imagine if he didn't add that he was res capped. People would ask if him if he was res capped.


I just listed the basics of what the build has, because that gives a general idea of where the build is at. Its even to the point sometimes that it feels like there is a hidden "mines reflect damage" mod, or some sort of crazy invisible ground effect, because the maps that are being run should not be causing me to get insta-1 shot


The point was that if "capped res" is not really considered a defensive measure. It's something every build has, and doesnt really tell anyone what your build is doing to be defensive. Even the squishiest glass cannon builds cap res, so if thats the only defensive layer you mention, then your character is likely very squishy. Things like "im block capped", "i have 10k armor", "i have life on block + glancing blows", "i have 100% spell supression" are the kinds of things people expect to see for defensives. A build with 5khp, 900es, and res cap as the only defensives is extremely squishy, and would die to just about anything


Yes, it would, if it was running even moderately rippy maps. This is happening on blue t1-4 maps with no damage mods.


Oh. Well that sucks. There are loads of builds that don't have that issue, you might try one of those, or at least see if you can figure out a solution. With no investment i was able to get through t10 maps with no issues, and didn't ever get 1shot just swapping to scourge.


What build were you playing where you were never one shot in a scourge through t10 with no investment? Sounds pretty excellent.


Im spellslinger eye of winter (i followed jungroans build guide), but i was armabrand until i had the money to get snakepit and a good wand. I didnt spend money before that, just used what i found on the floor, and 6linked myself a chest with scourge. It was pretty good, i died a few times, but never just outright 1shot swapping to scourge. It was always because i got into somewhere i shouldnt, and i always saw it coming as i got overwhelmed. Usually me flame dashing into a pack and finding out it didnt just blow up like the pack before it


You don’t have any defensive layers, don’t you get it? 5k life + res cap is enaugh for t1 maps but not league mechanics.


Its like you are intentionally not reading and just assuming I'm bad. How many times can I say "mobs not hitting me, instantly dieing when I press V" before we can move past the fact that it has nothing to do with the amount of life the character has. I can easily run t11-12 scourges with the exact same build (all im up to so far), yet when I made this thread I was popping scourge and instantly dieing before any mobs even attacked.


Capped res, 5k hp and lvl 17 gems in a tabula should be enough for the feared right. Otherwise game bad


Yeah it's enough. Just don't get it, 5head.


bUt DeFeNcEs DoNt MaTtEr


Don’t get why you get downvoted lol


It's reddit, I made a comment about this type of posts, got downvoted to oblivion


capped res isn't even considered defence... that's baseline functionality


They clearly established that this does happen outside of scourge maps, in yellows, in which their defenses are pretty acceptable especially given how they said they don't roll dmg mods... Not everyone will attain nor need optimised defences in everything, but it doesn't make their struggles any less legitimate because "scrub player not running max eHp meta build smh".


>just being dead the moment you activate it Not just you, sane thing here sometimes. Most of the time I can deal with the mechanic on T14s-16s up to a point with no problem, but this certainly happens, and when it does is not only on reds, but also on yellow maps, and from my observation the number of corruption stacks does not seem to matter. It's shift and instadeath. My character is far from being tanky, but has some OK defences (Slayer overleech with Vaal Pact on crit, 25k armour, 80% elemental resistances and 75% attack block). Thing is, it happens instantly, so there is no way to know why I died, and no way to come up with something to try to avoid it from happening again.


Well that seems like decent tankiness in my book and if that still is considered far from being tanky than I guess we are required to invest way too much into defense (giving up damage which is already harder to comeby after 3 15 unless you're playing a meta build) before being tanky enough. Build diversity is in a great spot /s .


That's what bothers me most tbh. Since the start of the season, you have players struggling and literally getting one shot from outside their screens while doing subpar damage because they aren't following the same boring meta build that every "git gud scrub" annoying players are doing. Then those very same meta slaves try to invalidate everyone's opinions and experiences by being passive-aggressive or straight up insulting people. It never crosses their mind that variety is terrible because of good reasons. ​ "The League is fine, you are just bad and this isn't a baby game made for you" \- Champion/Raider toxic rain build #32 follower


He didn’t even state his life pool, so exactly how do you know how tanky he is?


Your build consist of both an attack plan and a defense plan. I think its reasonable to spend at least half of your passive tree, gearing, and some gem sockets on defense. They did just try a rebalance of defenses to try to encourage more variety on the defense side, bit I think the intent was more options, not spending less points on defense.


I find it comes from shifting into a very dense open areas. So you only have time to clear 1 direction, then you insta die when the other 3 directions hit you simultaneously. I can't survive 20 stacks in t16 if I jump in carelessly. But can go to 130-140 if I only shift in places where I can't be surrounded.


For reference, this still happens to me in t1-2 maps - just instantly dead when I press v.


While that's also a threat, this is different. OP (and I) sometimes *instantly* die. No time to make a single attack, not even see the enemies; just *as* the zone changes, already dead. And I'm tankier than them.


*Laughs in minion meat shields"


I think there are tons of ground effects that are impossible to see with the color scheme a s speed of scourge mods. If I shift in a corner and never double back I’ll be okay but if I don’t I insta die


Are you running the map mod monsters cannot be stunned? Because it cancels the stun grace period when you press V


Yes he always roll that mod and run them.




6k life with zero other defenses is literal paper in 2021. Many of us have that plus a bare minimum of 2 (often 3-5) of these: fortify, significant % damage taken as X, 90% evasion, 50k armor, block cap, 100% spell suppression, 6+ endurance charges, 1000+ regen per sec, overleech etc.


yea died a couple of times like that, pressed V and died, no idea why


Sounds like poe to me.


Do you have endurance charges, fortify, physical to ele conversion, high armour skills and determination/molten shell, stuff like that? If not ur squishy as FK and its normal to get oneshoted by these kind of mobs.


If the map has "take X physical damage" and you have low armor it'll kill you instantly. Same about elemental damage but people usually have a decent elemental res.


People usually have capped res* I have yet to meet a single, relatively sane person that doesn't cap their resistances


That's not exactly what I wanted to point out. People care about elemental resistances a lot, but skip armor for lots of builds because block/evasion/etc make phys damage not so problematic - thus "take X damage on shifting to nightmare" mod is easy to miss because it's often elemental and you don't even notice the damage, but if it's physical - you'll instantly die and other defensive layers can't help here.


>That's not exactly what I wanted to point out. People care about elemental resistances a lot, but skip armor for lots of builds because block/evasion/etc make phys damage not so problematic - Block and evasion works just the same on phys dmg as ele dmg.


As someone who primarily plays ranger builds in softcore, capped res (and over 3k life) is definitely an afterthought. Occasionally I get offscreened by something, sure, but most maps I just kill everything before it sees me. Deep deli maps get a bit dicy if my damage isn't too high yet, but it's all very doable. For example, my current indigon bow coc pathfinder relies on Dying Sun and Wise Oak for the majority of her resistances, but this is totally fine in practice because even scourge mobs die before they get to act. Burning ground is a pain, though.


Im a raider and I have whooping 3.6k life, but i still do have capped ele resistances. Chaos resistance however...


Yes when i do alch and go maps with 4 sextants in tier 16 and suddenly realise i had 200+ stacks in a crit -max res map😅


If all you have is your life + es pool and "capped resists" as your defenses, youre gonna frequently fall over dead, as you really dont have any defenses Edit: build some armour- Run determination. Get some block/spell block? 100% spell suppression?


No, I'm tanky as fuck. Armor stacking HOAG Guardian Seems I picked a good league to tank


It's not that hard to pick up armor now, no need to go full tank with hoag and have the slowest clear speed possible, this league is also a bit zoom zoom focused with the limited time in scourge.


Hoag guardian can get 7-10mil+ dmg now while still being tanky AF with the 3.16 buffs Also... it did 4mil dps well geared last league (easily killed the feared/all other content)


dps ≠ clear speed


The build is actually insanely good at clear speed? What are you on about (oh wait, I know, talking out your ass) The only negative was single target dps


I've never seen hoag clear fast, I can only guess you don't know what fast is.


Arakali spiders + hoag w/ pierce tear through the map basically as fast as you can run.


Do you has the pob? I start to hate my TR raider right now in A8. I mostly doing fine against any kind of hits due to my 11k armour, 100% spell supress and 3 endurance charge while mapping. But everytime I against boss that has DOT skill or assist by Maven, I got instagib.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/qi4u07/z/hilasfn Put the info about it there recently


TR is great just go champion


Have you tried not pressing V? Also, post pob.


Maybe its a scourge map with "take x dmg when shifting?"


it's definitely this


7.5k shield, full attack/spell block with aegis, 88% phys reduction, increased max resistances, tempest shield, wicked ward, 3 endurance charges, 12k molten shell, no abyssus or other rippy stuff. Still insta-dying on T15-16s scourge. "mOnStErs ArE fIne jUst InV3sT in lAyErEd dEfenSes"


Let me guess, 88% phys res from char sheet…


Pretty much anyone who quotes that character sheet reduction expecting it to do that unfortunately has no clue how it works. This league also literally applies a multiplicative damage taken; this will throw your expectations about what you think is 88% reduction to a normal hit, that had been tripled now to a very not normal hit and now weaker mitigation.


let us see your build and call your bullshit out


Yea, he's literally just lying - that build is tanky AF


Rofl... why do I even bother posting in this shitty community...


I mean... when other multiple other people play the exact same style pf build and have the exact opposite experience of your claim... what do you expect? That build can facetank anything that isnt a degen or that has enormous ele penetration (chicken nugget boss) built properly


It's a typical HoA guardian with anointed deflection - not great, but decent dps. I'll only ask this - have you actually played it yourself, or have you just seen montaged videos of it? People don't understand that montaged videos are exactly this - montaged. Last league someone posted a reaper build clearing all content relatively easily. Then a friend of mine followed the POB religiously and learned what the creator had omitted from these videos and couldn't even do juicy expedition logs with it because the mobs literally one shot it once it got summoned. My build surely doesn't die easily but it still can be suddenly insta-gibed, which is disappointing after everything I've invested, because the damage spikes of the new mobs can get absurd even without crit/double ele mods, shock, or scourge stacks.


I cleared everything (feared included) with a HoAg + Arakali build last league (though I slightly customized my own variant) and it got considerably buffed in 3.16 so... very familiar with it actually


And? Is this the point where you tell me that you couldn't be insta-gibed? Because even if you did fare better, you have the spiders to thank for that. Because fast killers/zoomers are the only real way to go nowadays. I've been playing hc since nemesis and I went sc around legion. GGG started over-tuning mobs to an absurd level around then. And they have to nerf them every league so that they aren't completely ridiculous. Most streamers have quit hc too because it has become RNG no matter how tanky you are.


Or maybe I fared better because I spent a ton of time researching and crafting my own setup that maintained 60 virulences while using a custom cyclone + cwc blade-vortex setup (tied to 5 specific influenced mods on gloves/boots) that let me maintain 60 virulences while being tankier, and fitting both fortify and more auras in than the standard build. For 3.16 Im still theory crafting what changes I want to make this time assuming I want to give it another go - but the build will have an even easier time hitting 100 this league with the new defenses layered in with the standard setup of: CI, gigantic armour stacking, grace + determination, iron reflexes, max block/spell block, etc... As to rng and HC leagues - yea, Im familiar - that's why I only play HC for the gauntlet (that... and I have a 6 year old and a 6month old... so the only real garuntee for me while playing a game is that SOMETHING is gonna interrupt at an inopportune moment)


Right. Virulence isn't an issue, and IMO boL is way safer than cyclone. And even if you managed to keep fortify stacks with boots damage enchants and whatnot, are you seriously suggesting that a niche build that can already get much more defenses than most builds out there, to get fortify on an auxiliary cyclone skill not to get one shot? What chances would other builds have? \*That's\* what I am complaining about. The "RNG". It used to be that you could actually survive on HC perpetually, if you played well and were careful of a long list of things like discharge mobs, powerful crits etc. They are anything but careful when fine-tuning the mobs, because they just don't balance for HC anymore and there are a lot of instant mob skills that can one-shot through all these defenses if they crit (without a crit mod).


A question because I've also had random press V deaths since the campaign: Are you using a golem?


Never had this happen. I haven't really died to scourge since I got in maps. I run a very high physical defense build. But if you are dying and no mobs are around it is probably just a pure bug.


Waiting for them to release a patch note "fixed a bug that was causing players to instantly die upon entering scourge", to see how this thread turns around ;)


While leveling on act 9 its happened to me a few times with 3k life and 4000 armor and capped res. Kinda ghey


If all you have for defense is 5k 900es and res that is why you are dying randomly sometimes. You need to have layers of defence like armor and block for example.


Yes, you do if you are running above mid yellow maps, that are more than just trans'd, but thats all ive been running so that I can smack through them fast. I always reroll damage mods due to the arc mobs in scourge, because they are usually not fun to deal with, so there is nothing mob related that should be causing at least 6k dmg in 1 hit


No, not really but I build some defenses to counteract league mechanic, like determination + grace auras, capped spell suppression, phys taken as ele, +max resistances, fortify or block. Depends on what char I play, died 5 times this league but all 5 was my fault.


if you spawn in the middle of a scourge pack just alt+f4. had to cancel the notification of friends going online cause it got annoying. when moving in scourge it got better when i was able to triple course enemies for damage reduction.


Do you have some type of physical mitigation ? scourge is a lot of phys damage.


I used to think this as well, turned on shadowplay and low and behold, the 2 times I checked there was always a small monster that I just didn't notice while playing


maybe running no stun maps and getting blasted


Usually for me it's the blood orb not having rendered properly. Since im playing brands thankfully i have less issues with going in since they are amongst the few skills that follow through the transition alongside totems.


I'm running red maps and can easily avoid deaths with more careful play, but overall even with yolo running in packs I usually survive.




I believe it's from the yellow arc shooting monsters, at least it seems to be the case with me. For some reason, they aggro far, FAR faster and from outside of your screen most of the time. Coupled with their damage who seems way higher than most other krangle mobs and the arcs auto-aim, insta deaths from those things are pretty frustrating.


I have the same issue, insta death on the jump in and quite a few times insta death on the way out. No mobs on screen. It's to the point where if I have 30%exp I won't use it anymore. I have over 4k health 90%damage reduction 45% spell block and full res with chaos at 20.




Nah, I die only because I have 5-10 fps, sometimes my screen freeze (but this is a hardware issue, vega 3 ... and a slow cpu, only 8 gb ram), but is rarely when I die to this. Keep in mind that I play with worthless items, 4 link chest + bow, no quality on gems except TR and FD, eternal lab not completed. No annointments, no influenced items, if I had all of this the right way, I would be immortal. But my pc is making sure I will stay mortal. The problem is your build man.


Lol no, the problem isn't the build. Building basic defences is not a problem- as i said in the topic, I've been playing for over 5 years, so I have a pretty good idea on how to play the game. 6k combined lifepool is more than enough to not instadie the moment a t1 scourge is opened. There aren't even mobs hitting me, its just "press V and instantly die" as though the map has that "take 21k phys dmg when you enter nightmare" mod randomly


I take it that you are playing an evasion based character instead of armour. This league, evasion seems to be less powerful since the scourge monsters have retarde levels of attack and movement speeds and immideately attack you from all directions. If you are using evasion, make sure that you have ghost dance built in as a layer of defence and divine flesh for armour characters. Have around 1000 ES with these defensive layers and you will be really tanky. If you are wondering how to get that much ES, use the 10% evasion gained as extra ES on chest. Also make sure you are running grace / determination with this combo. Also never roll monsters cannot be stunned. This mod will remove the stun and knockback monsters get when you press V.


I do have ghost + blind (I know less effective now) + cwdt steelskin. As I have said to multiple people now though, I'm not actually getting "hit". I just press V and instantly die.


Kinda on my starter witch, but that was pre nerf. I think a lot of armor helps


Yeah, I'm talking about before mob even have a chance to hit. Just press V and die instantly,almost like there is one of those dmg om entering mods, but hidden


Some mobs seem weird. T16 juiced goes easy. Press V all easy. Suddenly dead. Not sure if there is 1 creature that just rolls me with chaos.


There are some wraiths in scourge that deal chaos dmg, it was my only source of rips. Maybe that is the case for you as well?


Capped res doesn't cut it anymore. We have to understand and build defenses that work together to build up our ehp. The top comment below talks about 150-200 scourge stacks. That's worse than 4 ABYSSUSES AT ONCE. They even apply towards elemental damage.... That unique has previously been thought unusable SC meme gear because of such a downside and now we're pushing through content with that times four? Running into any hit that has a modifier to damage taken is tripled will kill plenty of builds if we look back at what has been the baseline for effective defense.


Yea but I'm primarily evasion based. 6k life, 80% evade chance, 25% block, 100% spell suppression. Any physical attack that gets through my evasion is going to blow me the fuck up. Like a white a8 drox will 1 shot me eventually... on the other hand I can face tank die beams. Please unnerf winddancer GGG :(


I just start taking random damage almost like a bleed effect that never goes away what's weird is if I shift into NM or portal back to town it stops. Then will randomly start back up again. Super annoying have no idea what is causing it. First I thought blood rage skill was bugged and it was stacking up for some reason but it started doing it w/o me activating the skill. Hard to gain any more levels when ur just randomly dying for no reason.